moment equations entropy for carrier transport semiconductor … · 2019. 8. 1. · for carrier...

VLSI DESIGN 2000, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 335-354 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only (C) 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint. Printed in Malaysia. Moment Equations with Maximum Entropy Closure for Carrier Transport in Semiconductor Devices: Validation in Bulk Silicon A. M. ANILEa, O. MUSCATO a’ * and V. ROMANO b aDipartimento di Matematica, Universita’ di Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6 95125 Catania, Italy; bDipartimento Interuniversitario di Matematica, Politecnico di Bari, Via E. Orabona 4- 70125 Bari, Italy (Received 16 December 1998," In finalform 14 December 1999) Balance equations based on the moment method for the transport of electrons in silicon semiconductors are presented. The energy band is assumed to be described by the Kane dispersion relation. The closure relations have been obtained by employing the maxi- mum entropy principle. The validity of the constitutive equations for fluxes and production terms of the balance equations has been checked with a comparison to detailed Monte Carlo simulations in the case of bulk silicon. Keywords." TCAD, VLSI, BTE, transport theory, fluid mechanics, electronic devices 1. INTRODUCTION Modeling modern submicron electron devices requires an accurate description of energy trans- port in order to cope with high-field phenomena such as hot electron propagation, impact ioniza- tion and heat generation in the bulk material. Also, for many applications in optoelectronics one needs to describe the transient interaction of electromagnetic radiation with carriers in complex semiconductor materials and since the characteris- tic times are of order of the electron momentum or energy flux relaxation times, some higher moments *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 335 of the distribution function are necessarily in- volved. These phenomena cannot be described satisfactorily within the framework of the drift- diffusion equations (which do not comprise energy as a dynamical variable and also are valid only in the quasi-stationary limit). Therefore generaliza- tions of the drift-diffusion equations have been sought which would incorporate energy as a dyna- mical variable and also would not be restricted to quasi-stationary situations. These models are loosely speaking called hydrodynamic models. Hydrodynamic models are obtained from the infinite hierarchy of the moment equations of the

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Page 1: Moment Equations Entropy for Carrier Transport Semiconductor … · 2019. 8. 1. · for Carrier Transport in Semiconductor Devices: Validation in Bulk Silicon ... port in order to

VLSI DESIGN2000, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 335-354Reprints available directly from the publisherPhotocopying permitted by license only

(C) 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V.Published by license under

the Gordon and Breach SciencePublishers imprint.

Printed in Malaysia.

Moment Equations with Maximum Entropy Closurefor Carrier Transport in Semiconductor Devices:

Validation in Bulk Silicon


aDipartimento di Matematica, Universita’ di Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6 95125 Catania, Italy;bDipartimento Interuniversitario di Matematica, Politecnico di Bari, Via E. Orabona 4- 70125 Bari, Italy

(Received 16 December 1998," In finalform 14 December 1999)

Balance equations based on the moment method for the transport of electrons in siliconsemiconductors are presented. The energy band is assumed to be described by the Kanedispersion relation. The closure relations have been obtained by employing the maxi-mum entropy principle.The validity of the constitutive equations for fluxes and production terms of the

balance equations has been checked with a comparison to detailed Monte Carlosimulations in the case of bulk silicon.

Keywords." TCAD, VLSI, BTE, transport theory, fluid mechanics, electronic devices


Modeling modern submicron electron devicesrequires an accurate description of energy trans-port in order to cope with high-field phenomenasuch as hot electron propagation, impact ioniza-tion and heat generation in the bulk material.

Also, for many applications in optoelectronicsone needs to describe the transient interaction ofelectromagnetic radiation with carriers in complexsemiconductor materials and since the characteris-tic times are of order of the electron momentum orenergy flux relaxation times, some higher moments

*Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]


of the distribution function are necessarily in-volved. These phenomena cannot be describedsatisfactorily within the framework of the drift-diffusion equations (which do not comprise energyas a dynamical variable and also are valid only inthe quasi-stationary limit). Therefore generaliza-tions of the drift-diffusion equations have beensought which would incorporate energy as a dyna-mical variable and also would not be restrictedto quasi-stationary situations. These models areloosely speaking called hydrodynamic models.Hydrodynamic models are obtained from the

infinite hierarchy of the moment equations of the

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Boltzmann transport equation by a suitable trun-cation procedure. This requires making suitableassumptions on: (i) closing the hierarchy by find-ing appropriate expressions for the N+ ordermoment in terms of the previous ones; (ii)modeling the production terms on the right handside of the moment equations which arise from themoments of the collision terms in the Boltzmanntransport equation.One of the earliest hydrodynamic models cur-

rently used in applications was originally putforward by Blotekjaer [1] and subsequently inves-tigated by Baccarani and Wordeman [2] and byother authors (see references in [3]). This model isimplemented in simulation codes currently used inthe microelectronics industry. It consists of a setof balance equations for carrier density, momen-tum and energy obtained from the Boltzmanntransport equation in the parabolic band approxi-mation, closed by a postulated Fourier law asconstitutive equation for the heat flux. The pro-duction terms for momentum and energy areassumed to be of the relaxation type and the rela-xation times are obtained by phenomenologicalarguments. Other models have also been investi-gated, some including also non parabolic effects[4-7, 9-14].Most implemented hydrodynamic models suffer

from serious theoretical drawbacks due to thead hoc treatment of the closure problem (lackinga physically convincing motivation) and the mod-eling of the production terms (usually assumed tobe of the relaxation type and this, as we shall see,leads to serious inconsistencies with the Onsagerreciprocity relations).

In this paper we present a recently introducedmoment approach in which the closure for thefluxes and also for the production terms is basedon the maximum entropy principle (both forparabolic bands and also for non parabolic onesdescribed by the Kane dispersion relation) [13, 14]and check the validity of the constitutive relationsby Monte Carlo simulations in bulk silicon.

In Section 2 we introduce the semiclassicalBoltzmann Transport Equation and the collision

operator comprising the main scattering mecha-nisms occurring in silicon; in Section 3 we reviewthe general framework in which the macroscopicalmodels of charge transport in semiconductorsare set.

In Sections 4 and 5 extended hydrodynamicmodels based on moment equations closed withthe maximum entropy principle are treated in thecase of parabolic band and in the case of theKane dispersion relation and explicit closures areobtained both for high order fluxes and for theproduction terms. Also the consistency with theOnsager Reciprocity Principle of linear irreversiblethermodynamics is shown.

In Section 6 the validity of the closure relationsis checked with Monte Carlo simulations in bulksilicon and conclusions are drawn.


We start with the semiclassical Boltzmann Trans-port Equation (hereafter BTE) describing chargecarrier transport in semiconductor devices [4, 15,16]. In the case of electrons in a single band mod-el (the motion of holes will be not considered inthe following) it reads


Of eEl Of0- + (k) OX j Ok C[f ], (1)

where f(x,t,k) is the one particle distributionfunction giving the probability of finding an elec-tron, in the position x and at time t, with a statebelonging to a small volume of the first Brillouinzone /3 centered at the state of wave vector k.

C[f] describes the effects due to scattering withphonons, impurities and with other electrons.E represents the self-consistent electric field whichis related to the electron distribution functionthrough Poisson’s equation

E -Vxq5 (2)

eAq5 -l(No NA n)

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where 4 is the electric potential, Nz and NA arerespectively the donor and acceptor densities, e

the dielectric constant and n the particle density,defined as


The electron group velocity v is given by

V Vkw-’

where e(k) is the energy of the considered con-duction band structure of the crystal measuredfrom the band minimum.

In a neighborhood of a band minimum someanalytical approximation can be used for theband energy. In the parabolic approximation oneassumes

encountered in electron devices. Therefore it willnot be taken into account. The scattering, withimpurities, imperfections and vacancies will notbe considered as well.

In general the collision operator can be sche-matically written as

C[f] f[P(k’, k)f(k’) P(k, k’)f(k)]d3k (6)

with P(k,k’) the transition probability per unittime from a state k to a state k’. The first term in

(6) represents the gain and the second one the loss.In silicon electron-phonon scatterings are of

elastic and inelastic types [18]. In the case of elasticscattering the transition probability writes:

P(k, k’) 4 rZhpv2 U) (7)

h2lkl 22m*’ (4)

with m* the effective electron mass (for sili-con m*=O.32me, with me the electron mass invacuum), hk the crystal momentum, which is as-sumed to vary for consistency in all 73, and hthe Planck constant h divided by 2r.

In the approximation of the Kane dispersionrelation, which takes into account the non-para-bolicity at high energy, still depends only on k,the modulus of k, but

h2k2’(k)[1 + ce(k)] 2m*’

k g3, (5)

where c is the non parabolicity parameter (forSilicon c 0.5 eV- 1).

Concerning the collision term, the main scatter-ing mechanisms in a silicon semiconductor are theelectron-phonon interaction, the interaction withimpurities, electron-electron scatterings and in-teraction with stationary imperfections of thecrystal as vacancies, external and internal crystalboundaries. The electron-electron scattering isimportant only at densities higher than those

where 5 is the Dirac delta function, Ed is theacoustic-phonon deformation potential, p themass density of the material and vs the sound velo-city of the longitudinal acoustic mode and TL isthe lattice temperature which will be taken as

constant in the following. In the case of inelasticscattering the transition probability is:


where DrK is the deformation potential for opti-cal phonons, Zf is the number of final equivalentvalleys for the considered intervalley scattering(see Section 6), hw is the longitudinal opticalphonon energy and n is the phonon equilib-rium distribution according to the Bose-Einsteinstatistics


The double choice of sign refers to absorption andemission processes which means that we mustconsider the sum of the two cases.

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We observe that. the nonparabolicity enters inthe calculation of the moments of the collisionterms only through the elementary volume in theintegrals.





The direct attempts to solve the system of theBTE coupled to Poisson equation, meet dauntingcomputational difficulties and indeed, in general,solutions are available only in a stochastic senseby Monte Carlo simulations. For CAD purposescontinuum models, easier to tackle from a nu-merical point of view, are warranted.The macroscopic balance equations are deduced

as moment equations of the Boltzmann transportequation like in gasdynamics. By multiplyingEq. (1) by a function (k) and integrating over/3,one finds the generic moment equation


of+ (k)v (k) xTx d3k

l @(k) fd3k JfB (k)C[f]d3k’(9)


M fB (k)f d3k,

the moment relative to the weight functionSince

(k)- k b(k)fndcr

ff Ob(k)o/d d3k’with n outward unit normal field on the bound-ary OB of the domain B and &r surface elementof OB, Eq. (9) becomes

The term


vanishes either when B is expanded to 3 (becausein order to guarantee the integrability condition

f must tend to zero sufficiently fast as kH oc) orwhen /3 is compact and (k) is periodic andcontinuous on OB. This latter condition is a con-sequence of the periodicity off on B and the sym-metry of/3 with respect to the origin.

In the applications several choices of the weightfunction can be made and they lead to differentbalance equations for macroscopic quantities. Ifone considers as weight functions the quantities 1,hk, and g V, one obtains the continuity equation(indeed a term due to the generation-recombina-tion mechanism should appear in the right handside, but this effect is relevant for times of order10-9 second and in most applications can be neg-lected because the characteristic times are of orderof a fraction of picosecond), the balance equa-tion for the crystal momentum, the balanceequation for the electron energy, and the balanceequation for the electron energy flux.When the Kane dispersion relation or the para-

bolic approximation is considered, the explicitform of the macroscopic balance equations readsfor a single valley model

On O(nVi)=0, (11)Ot Ox

O(nPi)Ot Ox---- + neEi nCi’ (12)

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o(,w)o-t--+ OxJ + neVkEk nCw, (13)

O(nSi) O(nFij) + neEjGij nCiw, (14)Ot OxJ


n- f3fd3k is the electron density,vi-(1/n)fzc3fvid3k is the average electron

velocity,W (l/n)f3 g(k)fd3k is the average electron

energy,si= (l/n)f3fvig(k)d3k is the energy flux,pi (l/n) f3fhkid3k is the average crystal

momentum,UO-(1/n) f3fvihUd3k is the flux of crystal

momentum,Gij (1 In) frd (1/])f(O/Okj)(vi)d3k,Fij (1 In) f3fvivJ(k)d3k is the flux of energy

flux,C (1 In) fre3 C[f ]hkidk is the production of the

crystal momentum balance equation,Cw (1 In) fre3 C,[f ]g(k)dk is the production of

the energy balance equation,

Cv (1/n) fre3 g[f ]vig(k)dk is the production ofthe energy flux balance equation.

Analogous equations can be written for holesif a two component charge carrier model isemployed.


4.1. The Maximum Entropy Principle

The moment equations do not constitute a set ofclosed relations because of the fluxes and pro-duction terms. Therefore constitutive assumptionsmust be prescribed.

If we assume as fundamental variables n, V i, Wand Si, which have a direct physical interpretation,the closure problem consists in expressing p i, U j,Fi and Gij and the moments of the collision termCi, Cw and Cv as functions of n, V i, W and Si.

First of all we stress that the role of the meanvelocity V here is radically different from thatplayed in gas dynamics. In fact, for a simple gasthe explicit dependence of fluxes on the velocitycan be predicted by requiring galilean invarianceof the constitutive functions. Instead Eqs. (11)-(14) are not valid in an arbitrary galilean refer-ence frame, but they hold only in a frame wherethe crystal is at rest (in the applications it can beconsidered as inertial and it is possible to neglectthe inertial forces). Therefore V is the velocityrelative to the crystal and the dependence on itin the constitutive functions cannot be removedby a galilean transformation.The Maximum Entropy Principle (hereafter

MEP) leads to a systematic way for obtainingconstitutive relations on the basis of informationtheory (see [19-23] for a review).According to the MEP if a given number of mo-

ments MA are known, the distribution function

ftE which can be used to evaluate the unknownmoments off, corresponds to the extremal of theentropy functional under the constraints that ityields exactly the known moments MA

)A fMEd3k MA. (15)

Since the electrons interact with the phonons de-scribing the thermal vibrations of the ions placedat the points of the crystal lattice, in principlewe should deal with a two component system(electrons and phonons). However, if one consid-er the phonon gas as a thermal bath at constanttemperature TL, only the electron componentof the entropy must be maximized. Moreover,by considering the electron gas a.s sufficientlydilute, one can take for the electron gas the ex-pression of the entropy obtained as limiting caseof that arising in the Fermi statistics

S -kB3 (f log f f )d3k. (16)

If we introduce the lagrangian multipliers AA,the problem to maximize s under the constraints

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(15) is equivalent to maximize

s’ IAMA S,

the Legendre transform of s, without constraints,

6J 0.

This gives

AACA ]logf+kB f=0

Since the latter relation must hold for arbitraryf, it follows

AA@ (17)fM, exp

If n, Vi, W and S are assumed as fundamentalvariables, then

cA (1,v,N,v)


AA (A, kBi, kB/W, kB/V)with A lagrangian multiplier relative to the densityn, Aw lagrangian multiplier relative to the energyW /i lagrangian multiplier relative to the velocityVJ and Aiw lagrangian multiplier relative to theenergy flux Sj. Therefore the maximum entropydistribution function reads

fME exp + )w,


with AA functions of the moments MA.In order to get the dependence of the AA’s from

the MA, one has to invert the constraints (15).We will show as to get a suitable solution to thisinversion problem in an asymptotic sense.At equilibrium the distribution function is


+ kBTL(19)

that is at equilibrium

Monte Carlo simulations for electron transport insilicon show that the anisotropy off is small [6, 7,17] even far from equilibrium.Upon such a consideration we make the ansatz

of small anisotropy for fMF. Formally we intro-duce a small anisotropy parameter 6, assume thatthe multipliers are analytic in g and expand themaround g=0 up to second order by taking intoaccount the representation theorems for isotropicfunctions,

A A(0) -[- 52 A(2) (20)

Aw Aw(0) q- 52 Aw(2), (21)

i (5/I 1) (22)

,/W //W(1). (23)

Therefore fME can be written as

A(o) )fve exp k---Aw()g

SX + 52( x2 /(2) )2 kB,W(2)g (24)

with x Al)v + Awi ()vig.We remark that (o and w(0 are not the

equilibrium part of A and rv, but the part arisingwhen fMF is isotropic.

In order to get the expressions of the A’s interms of the Ma we have to invert the followingequations:

n df3fM d3k, (25)

nW f.3 ,fME d3k, (26)

FIvi 3 vTME d3k’ (27)

nSi f3 vi’fME d3k" (28)

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By retaining only the terms up to second orderin , from the constraints (25)-(28), we get thefollowing algebraic system (V; and Si are consis-tently considered as terms of order )


1A())lJ’3gexp[-(,kw()g)]d3k,W-expl- (-(30)

0 ./3 exp(AW()g)

A() + Aw()g

0 fra3 exp (w(o))

A(2) + 5- (32)

nVi-= f3 Vi exp(’kw()g’) xd3k’ (33)

nSi /73 vi g exp (,kw()g.) x d3k. (34)

Since is a isotropic function of k, in order tosolve the system for the multipliers it is computa-tionally convenient to express d3k in terms ofand the elementary volume of solid angle df,

d3k k2 dk dFt

h :2m* + c)(1 + 2cg)d df.

W f g’V/g (1 + ag)(1 + 2ag)exp(-Aw()g)dg

f V/g(1 + cg)(1 + 2c) exp(-Aw()g)dg(36)

Relation (36) shows that w(0) depends only onW, The analytical inversion of Eq. (36) is ratherinvolved and we have resorted to a numericalinversion.The knowledge of Aw() allows us to get the

constitutive functions for the other lagrangianmultipliers.

Relation (35) gives A(), which essentially playsthe role of a normalization factor


A(o) h3n-10g


do v/g(1 + cg)(1 + 2cg) exp(-Aw()g) dg.

Explicit expressions for the second order cor-rections to A and Aw, are found in [13] and havethe form:


Aw(2) 04 V. V -- 25 S. V + oz6 S. S.



The lagrangian multiplier Ai and Av have insteadthe form

(/t) (bll 612b12 b22)( ViSi)" (39)

The values of the cds and those of bo. are givenin [131.

Equations (29), (30) decouple from the otherequations and explicitly read

n 4-gexp kB Jexp(-Aw()g)

m* v/Zm*g(l + cg) x (1 + 2cg )dg, (35)

4.2. The Constitutive Equations for Fluxes

Once the lagrangian multipliers are expressed asfunctions of the fundamental variables, the con-stitutive equations for fluxes can be obtainedby using the distribution function given by the

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maximum entropy principle. First we observe thatby the definition of pi, it follows

pi m* (V + 2cesi), (40)

while for the other tensorial quantities up tosecond order terms the constitutive equations areof the form

U/j U/(j) + 62 U/(j2), (41)

F/j F/(j0) + 2F.2), (42)

Gi2 G{9) + 52G!.2) (43)tJ tJ

Concerning the tensor U at the zero order wehave

Uij() U() 6ij, (44)


2[g(1 + Oz)] 3/2 exp(-)w()g)dg.U()


For Uij(2) we get

Uj(2) ((51 V. V -]- 252 S. V + 53 S. S)5ij

-]’- (54 viw -1" 255 v(isj) + (56 sisj. (45)

The coefficients ak are given in [13].Similar calculation can be performed for Fo. and

Gij [141.

4.3. Parabolic Band Approximation

In this section we shall consider the limiting casea H 0. The aim is twofold. On one hand we willbe able to get explicit formulas for the coefficientsappearing in the constitutive equations, on theother hand it will be possible to have a comparisonwith previous hydrodynamic models. Moreover,since the difference of the results between the para-bolic and Kane’s dispersion relation should besmall, at least at low energies, the results presented

here can be useful to check the numerical eva-luation of the previously obtained constitutiveequations.

Concerning the lagrangian multipliers one has



9m* 27m*+ -V. S

20W3S. S, (46)

Aw 3 21m* 9m* 81m*2--- + 8W2 V’V--xV’S+ 40W4S’S




-(21m*/4W) (9m*/4W2) ) (49)B(9m*/4W2) (27m*/20W3)

The distribution function given by the maxi-mum entropy principle in this case reads

n exp(-,w()g)(4/3)rrm* W)3/2

(1-( 21m* 9m* )4----Vi -]---Si v

9m* 27m*-Vi 20W3 Si gift

(9m* 27rn* ) ]2

"-}- - gi20W3 Si gv

9m* 27m*a-ffvv, s- 2ow3S. s

2lm* 9m*8W2 V V W-V S

+ 40W4S’S g (5o)

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and the constitutive equations become Since the scattering is elastic one gets

(7Wdio. + --m*V.V7m* 27m*

.+.___S. V 50W2S. S ij

7 21m* 81m*-t--m vigj-

5Wv(isJ).qt_ 50w2SiSj, (51)

P:.I0w2 ( m*m FO. ij + WV. V


9lm* V(S])

357m*+ 50W

SiSj’ (52)

Gij--l uij + W6ijm*



Concerning the production terms of crystal mo-mentum and energy flux, we can write

C ..(ac) .(ac)Cll (W)Vi + c12 (W)Si,


1721 (W)Vi + ’22 (W)Si.



The production matrix

(ac) .(ac) )C(ac)-- llac)12ac)’21 22

is given by

C(ac) A(aC)B

where the matrix A (ac) is given in [14].


Now the fMe is employed to get the closurerelations for the production terms by taking intoaccount the scattering of electrons with theacoustic phonons, the non-polar optical phononsand with impurities.

5.1. Elastic Phonon Scattering

If we set

5.2. Inelastic Phonon Scattering

For inelastic phonon scattering the collision termbecomes

C[f ,. C[fMF.] CG[fMF.] Ct[fMF.].

If we set

the gain part can be written as

Kac 47r:ZhpvZsthe collision term for elastic phonon scatteringreads

C[f ,- C[fMF.]nKac + + 2 /exp(

47rKacx/(m* 3/2

hV/g(1 + o)(1 + 2og)fME.


N+ V/(S +/- hnp)[1 + ce(S +

[1 + 2C(S +


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and v+ is the velocity evaluated for energy4-hwnp. The loss term can be expressed as

CL[fME]47rx/(m* 3/2Knp


n + - T- - N’+fMe.

One finds up to the first order in 6

Cw=2 do nB+Thnp (57)


H(I+I)N’+v/(1 +

+ 2cg) exp Aw()g) d g,

8rrx/(m* /2Knp

and H is the Heviside function.Here we do not report the quadratic correction

(the interested reader is referred to [14]) becausewe shall employ only the linear expansion. In factthe quadratic correction is practically negligibleand this justifies the well-known opinion thatthe energy relaxation time can be considered asfunction of the energy alone [8, 24].At thermal equilibrium Aw(0)= 1/kBTL and the

zeroth order term for energy production vanishes,while the second order correction can be neglect-ed because for low energy the parabolic bandapproximation is valid.The production terms of crystal momentum and

energy flux have again the form

Ci--. c17 (W)Y -- c17 (W)Si,

Ciw cnlp) (W)Y + cn2p) (W)Si.



The production matrix


is given by

C(np) A(np)B

and the components of the matrix A (p) are givenin [14].

5.3. Parabolic Band Limit

The parabolic band limit of the closures for theproduction terms is recovered from the resultsobtained in the case of the Kane dispersion rela-tion as H O.For the acoustic phonon scattering one finds

a(aC) 3__j2x/-Kac (2)11 3 (m*)3/2 W3/2

a(aC) x/Kac (m,)3/2 ( 2 ) 5/2

1 32h3 W



,,(ac),,(ac) "12 (62)"21 m*

,.(ac) 128 W (63)’22 3 "Concerning the inelastic phonon scattering it is

also possible to get an analytical expression forthe production in terms of the Bessel functions ofsecond kind

x/-(z/2)K p(. + (/2))

cosh t)sinh2 dt,exp(-z

with F the Gamma function.

z,u>O, (64)

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After some algebra one obtains the followingexpressions, up to the first order:

5.4. Consistency with the Onsager ReciprocityPrinciple in the Parabolic Band Limit

2 )-1/2 2x/(m,)3/z(hcOnp)2Cw - W h3

Kp n +- 7:- e+/-


alqp _(42 W) -1/2 x/(m*)3/2h (hco,p)2

(11)Knp n, + - q: - e+



The problem of the closure of the productionterms is a delicate task: in fact in every hydro-dynamic model, the physics of the material enterthrough these terms.The most popular closure is that of relaxation-

like approximation [2], i.e.,

Cw (70)TW

ci._ Vi (71)"ru

CV_ Si (72)7"s



ap =4(2-W) 3/2 V/27rm*(]conp)2]}3Knp n +- q:- e+/-

9 + 4-+- K1 (if) (3ff :q: 4ff2)], (69)


Unfortunately analytical expressions are notavailable for the scattering with impurities. In thiscase one has to resort to a numerical evaluation ofthe coefficient of the production matrix.

where Wo =(3/2)kBTz, and "rw, -u, 7s are the re-laxation times for energy, momentum and energyflux which must extracted by MC simulations.In principle they are functions of the energy W,of the electron density n and of the dopingdensity. However this functional dependence isnot always good because:

it has been shown in [24] that in the inhomoge-neous case (i.e., in a n+-n- n + silicon diode),the relaxation times for momentum -u andenergy flux "rs versus the energy W show a

hysteresis loop. That does not happen for energyrelaxation time leads also to a serious inconsistency with oneof the fundamental principles of Linear Irrever-sible Thermodynamics, the Onsager ReciprocityPrinciple [25] (hereafter ORP) which is not ful-filled for high electric fields [10].

It is well known that the Onsager reciprocityPrinciple is a manifestation of microscopic rever-sibility for any statistical system near thermalequilibrium: therefore any properly formulated sta-tistical physic model should satisfy this principle.

Following the prescription of the Linear Irre-versible Thermodynamics the constitutive equa-tions between thermodynamic fluxes and forces

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are linear: the Onsager principle states that theassociated matrix must be symmetric.

If one writes the balance equation for momen-tum (11) and for energy flux (14) in the stationarylimit, by assuming that the distribution function isalmost isotropic (which is borne by MC simula-tions [10]) and that the corresponding productionterms have the form (as suggested in Sec. 4):

Cip aV + bS (73)

Cv tkBTLV -k- 3S (74)

the Onsager Reciprocity Principles states that, thefollowing relation holds [10]"

gt +-kBTL[9 -knT a +-kTb (75)

Now we want to check whether the productionclosure equations, obtained with the MaximumEntropy Principle, satisfy the ORP. We limitourselves to the parabolic band case because theORP is justified near thermal equilibrium, wherethe non parabolic effects are negligible. The co-efficients a, b, , b, are given by

(ac) (np)a Cll -I-Cllb ,12 -+-

(a) c]p)C21 +

where the coefficients c0. are given by Eqs. (60)-(63), (65)-(69). It is a simple exercise to show thatthe ORP given by Eq. (75) is fulfilled exactly.


The Monte Carlo solution of the BTE consists of asimulation of the motion of one or more electrons(and holes) inside the crystal, subject to the actionof external and self consistent electric field and of

given scattering mechanisms. The simulation startsby considering one or more electrons with suit-able assigned initial conditions for momentum andpositions. During the free flight (i.e., the time be-tween two collisions) the external forces are madeto act according to the relations:

dk qr.dt h

Then the scattering mechanism is chosen as re-

sponsible for the end of the free flight, accordingto the relative probabilities of all possible scat-tering mechanisms. From the differential crosssection of this mechanism a new k state after scat-tering is randomly chosen as initial state of thenew free flight. The Poisson equation is solved inorder to obtain the new electric field and the en-tire process is iteratively repeated. In this way astochastic solution to the BTE is obtained [18, 26].By running this procedure the history of eachparticle is recorded and one obtains informationon some desidered quantity (e.g., the distributionfunction, the drift velocity, the mean energy, thestress tensor, etc.) by taking the average over thecarrier histories in a time interval.When the purpose of the analysis is the in-

vestigation of a steady-state, homogeneous case(e.g., the bulk case, with a uniform doping profile),it is sufficient in general to simulate the motion ofone single electron; by assuming that the ergodi-city hypothesis holds, a sufficiently long path ofthis sample electron will give the required in-formation on the behaviour of the entire electrongas. When, on the contrary, the transport processunder investigation is not homogeneous or is notstationary, then it is necessary to simulate a largenumber of electrons and follow them in theirdynamic histories in order to obtain the desiredinformation on the process of interest.

In silicon electrons which contribute mainly tothe charge transport, even at high electric fields,are those of the band [18] with the lower energy:

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in the Brillouin zone this corresponds to sixequivalent ellipsoidal valleys along the axis of theframe of reference centered at about 0.85% fromthe center of the first Brilloiun zone. The effectof non parabolicity is important at high electricfields, when electrons can reach energies far fromthe bottom of the conduction band.

After a collision the electron can remain in thesame valley (intravalley scattering) or be drawn inanother equivalent valley (intervalley scattering).In silicon the allowed electron-phonon scatteringcan be summarized as follows:

scattering with intravalley acoustic phonon(elastic);scattering with intervalley acoustic phonons(inelastic);scattering with non polar optical phonons(inelastic).

For inelastic collision the values of the phononenergy (h), the deformation potential (DtK) andthe number of equivalent valleys Zf are given inTable I according to [18]. In Table II the otherphysical parameters for bulk silicon are reported.We have tested the constitutive equations forfluxes and production terms both for Kane dis-persion relation and parabolic band limit with ourMC code. Silicon was at room temperature

TABLE Phonon energies deformation potentials and num-ber of equivalent valleys used for silicon

hw(meV) (DtK) (108 eV/cm) Zf12 0.518.5 0.819.0 0.3 447.4 2.0 461.2 1159.0 2.0 4

TABLE II Values of the physical parameters of silicon

me electron rest mass 9.109510-28 gm* effective mass 0.32 meTL lattice temperature 300 Kt90 density 2.33 g/cmv longitudinal sound speed 9.18 105 cm/secEd acoustic-phonon deformation 9 eV


(TL=300K) and a homogeneous electric fieldwas frozen in the material along the x direction(Ex 5,000 + 80,000 V/cm): we gather statisticsafter the transient regime, i.e., our simulation re-suits are valid for the stationary regime.For each electric field we evaluate W, V, S,

Uij, Fi, G.ij, Cw, C i, Ciw Since the electric field isalong the x axis, the tensorial variables involvedhave non vanishing components along this axis.

In Figure we plot the percent error for U 11

both for linear and non linear closure in the para-bolic band case Eq. (51); in Figure 2 we plot thesame quantity in the non parabolic case. Wenotice that the quadratic closure is more accuratethan the linear one. The comparisons for the ten-sor F are shown in Figures 3 and 4" the beha-viour of the error is similar 1o that found for U 11.Significant difference in the accuracy is notfound for the fluxes between parabolic and nonparabolic cases. In Figure 5 we plot the percenterror for G 11 in the case of Kane dispersionrelation: again the agreement is good and in par-ticular for the non linear closure.At last we have also checked with our MC code

the production closure relations obtained withmaximum entropy principle. For the productiononly the linear closure is used. In the hydrody-namic model the six X-valleys are consideredas equivalent to a single valley. All the intravalleyand intervalley scatterings have been taking intoaccount, according to above collision mechanismsused in our MC code. The error in energy, mo-mentum and energy-flux productions are shownrespectively in Figures 6-11. The percent errorfor the production term Cw of the energy ba-lance equation is below 15% and the agreementwith MC data is better in the parabolic case (seeFigs. 6 and 7). For the production C of themoment balance equation the error is roughly thesame (see Figs. 8 and 9). The deviation of the errorwith respect to the average for small values of theenergy is probabily due to noise in the MCstatistics for low electric fields. The percent errorfor the production term clw of the energy fluxbalance equation is shown in Figures 10 and 11"

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oooo linear closure quadratic closure

01 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7Energy (eV)

FIGURE Percent error for the component U 11 of the flux of crystal momentum versus energy, in the parabolic band case.




0000 00 00 0










oooo linear closure quadratic closure

0.050 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3energy(eV)

FIGURE 2 Percent error for the component U1 of the flux of crystal momentum versus energy, in the case of the Kane dispersionrelation.

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oooo linear closure quadratic closure

0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7Energy (eV)

Percent error for the component F11 of the flux of energy flux versus energy, in the parabolic band case.



oooo linear closure quadratic closure




oOo oo

00 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

Energy (eV)

FIGURE 4 Percent error for the component F1 of the flux of energy flux versus energy, in the case of the Kane dispersion relation.

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000 0000











0.05 0.1

oooo linear closure quadratic closure

00 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Energy (eV)

FIGURE 5 Percent error for the component G 11 versus energy, in the case of the Kane dispersion relation.










oo o

110 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Energy (eV)

FIGURE 6 Percent error for the energy production term Cr versus energy, in the parabolic band case.

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o oo oo o o

o100 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

energy (eV)

FIGURE 7 Percent error for the energy production term C versus energy, in the case of the Kane dispersion relation.









oooooo o o o o o

o150 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

energy (eV)

FIGURE 8 Percent error for the momentum production term C versus energy, in the parabolic band case.

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o oo o

o o o o160 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

energy (eV)

FIGURE 9 Percent error for the momentum production term C versus energy, in the case of the Kane dispersion relation.



._o 18-





o o


o o



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7energy (eV)

FIGURE 10 Percent error for the energy flux production term Cv versus energy, in the parabolic band case.

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((OO000 0 0 0






0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3energy (eV)

Percent error for the energy flux production term Cv versus energy, in the case of the Kane dispersion relation.

we notice again that we have a better accuracyin the parabolic case.


In this paper we have checked the consistencyof a hydrodynamic model for electron transport insilicon which takes into account the non para-bolicity of the energy band via the Kane dispersionrelation. The closure relations are based on theMaximum Entropy Principle and the constitutiveequations for the production terms are in agree-ment with the Onsager Reciprocity Principle. Acomparison with detailed MC simulations forbulk silicon has been used to test the accuracy ofthe model. The average error in the constitutiveequations for fluxes is less then 10%, whereasthe average error for the production terms is lessthen 20%. Moreover the agreement with the MCdata is better in the parabolic case.

According to these results the proposed hydro-dynamic model represents a viable and promisingtool for simulating submicron electron devices.


This work has been supported by MURST 40%and 60%, by the TMR-Network project No.ERBFRCT970157 Asympotic Methods in KineticTheory, by CNR project Modelli matematici persemiconduttori. Progetto speciale: modelli matema-tici in fluidodinamica e dinamica molecolare grant# 96.03855.CT01.


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Authors’ Biographies

A. Marcello Anile is full Professor of TheoreticalMechanics at Catania University. His researchinterests include mathematical models for semi-conductors, wave propagation.Orazio Muscato is Assistant Professor of Theore-tical Mechanics at Catania University. His re-search interests include mathematical models forsemiconductors, Monte Carlo simulations.Vittorio Romano is Assistant Professor of Theore-tical Mechanics at Politecnico di Bari. His researchinterests include radiation hydrodynamics, relati-vistic fluids, wave propagation, numerical meth-ods for hyperbolic systems and hydrodynamicalmodels for semiconductors.

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