monday, january 28, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013 Who discovered the “New World”? When? What is the “New” World? What is the “Old” World? Can you think of anything from the last 3 chapters (12, 13, 14, Middle Ages through Renaissance & Reformation) that would have led the Europeans to want to go to new places? 1. Open text books to chapter 15 2. Complete Terms to Know using all 3 sections – turn in 3. PRE-THINKING the next 2 chapters on Exploration… [these are not in the book & you haven’t read yet anyway… what do you know?]:

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Open text books to chapter 15 Complete Terms to Know using all 3 sections – turn in PRE-THINKING the next 2 chapters on Exploration… [these are not in the book & you haven’t read yet anyway… what do you know?]:. Monday, January 28, 2013. Who discovered the “New World”? When? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Monday, January 28, 2013

• Who discovered the “New World”? When?• What is the “New” World?• What is the “Old” World?• Can you think of anything from the last 3

chapters (12, 13, 14, Middle Ages through Renaissance & Reformation) that would have led the Europeans to want to go to new places?

1. Open text books to chapter 152. Complete Terms to Know using all 3 sections – turn in3. PRE-THINKING the next 2 chapters on Exploration…

[these are not in the book & you haven’t read yet anyway… what do you know?]:

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15 Exploration & Trade1200 - 1700

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European Exploration (chapter 15) Causes & Effects


hoped to find riches in distant countries and to discover new sea routes to Asia.

2. RELIGIOUS GOALS – Europeans hoped to spread Christianity (their form) and to drive Muslims out of other lands.

3. RENAISSANCE SPIRIT – European adventurers wanted to test the limits of human ability (humanism) and to explore the unknown.

4. IMPROVEMENTS IN TECHNOLOGY – Europeans began to build stronger, faster sailing ships. They developed better navigation and more accurate maps.

God – Glory – Gold!

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15.1 Europe Looks Outward

• ambassador• Marco Polo• Eastern goods• Ottoman Turks• missionaries• Vasco da Gama• magnetic


• astrolabe• portolan charts• navigation• long ship• round ship• caravel

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

• Name the book that inspire European merchants.

• What were spices used for?• When did the Ottoman Empire gain control of

Constantinople? • What was an astrolabe used for?• Name the small, light ship that carried heavy

weapons on its side.

1. Take out 15.1 Notes you finished for homework2. Can you answer the following with JUST YOUR NOTES


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“Baby steps”… why?

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15.2 Portuguese Influence on Trade in the 1400’s

• 1419 – land on the island of Madeira, expeditions encouraged by Prince Henry The Navigator

• 1419 – set up schools for navigation at Sagres to search for a sea route to India – caravel developed

• 1434 – Gil Eanes sails around Cape Bojador• 1441 – Henry built fort on Arguin Island for

slave trade• 1445 – Dinís Dias explored Senegal River• 1446 – Nuño Tristão sighted Gambia River• 1455 & 1456 – Alvise Cã da Mosto and

Diogo Gomes found Cape Verde Island’s

1. Turn in homework 15.12. Write this down!

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Timeline or Time Table• Portuguese Exploration 15.2– First, use book to find (and destroy!) as

many dates as you can– Then, decide what are connected to important events (not all dates/events will be used)

– Once you have a good list, then your group will put it IN ORDER on paper

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

• What was created on Arguin Island?• When did Bartolomeu Dias sail around southern

Africa?• When did da Gama sail to India?

1. Turn in 15.2 FIB2. Answer these questions from 5.2!

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Portuguese Influence on Trade in the 1400’s

• 1460 –reached as far south as Sierra Leone• 1471 – Fernão Gomes reached the Gold Coast and the

Kingdom of Benin by 1475• 1470’s reach the Guinea Coast where a fort was built by

King John II to protect trade• 1482 – Diogo Cão found the Congo River• 1487 – Bartolomeu Dias sails down West coast of Africa

reaching the southern tip of Africa later renamed Cape of Good Hope

• 1497 – Vasco da Gama set sail with goal to reach Calicut, India reaching it in 1498

• 1499 – returned with Indian pepper, cinnamon, and other spices officially opening up India to trade with Europe by sea


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15.2 Portugal Leads the Way• Prince Henry

the Navigator • the Azores• commodities• Portuguese

Explorers• Bartolommeu


• Cape of Good Hope

• Vasco da Gama• Calicut, India• Treaty of

Tordesillas• trading

company• shareholders

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European Exploration Causes & Effects

IMMEDIATE EFFECTS:• Sailors learned more about geography and improved

navigation• The Portuguese discovered a sea route to India• Columbus was the first European to reach the Americas

(the West Indies)• Magellan's crew sailed around the world

(circumnavigate)• The LINE OF DEMARCATION decided by the

pope to prevent disputes over newly discovered lands. Spain was given possession of lands west of Europe while Portugal claimed lands to the east of the line.

• Arguments further settled by TREATY OF TORDESILLAS (1494)

Write this down!

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European Exploration Causes & Effects

LONG TERM EFFECTS:• European nations competed to establish colonies in the

Americas &greatly expanded their wealth & power.• Europe established sea trade with India.• The slave trade expanded.

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1. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!!! Do not just copy the map from the book – go step-by-step

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Friday, February 1, 20131. SIT QUIETLY until class starts2. 15.3 officially due Monday 3. Grade sheets may be passed out at the end of the

period4. SEVERAL PEOPLE have tests to take in the library –

look at your Test grades5. Chapter 14 quiz is graded but you are not getting it

back until absentees have taken it6. Take out your notes you have taken this week & read

them over7. CHAPTER 15 QUIZ on TUESDAY!!!

By the time you have read all 7 your notebook should be out!

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Recognizing patterns:sequences and cause/effect

Venetian merchants charge high prices for eastern goods.{So} Europeans merchants wanted to find new trade routes to the east {to avoid those high prices}

Many European countries trade in the East through special companies.

The Portuguese trade empire in the East broke up.

Prince Henry supports exploration.

Prince Henry wanted to use contact with other people to oppose the power of the Muslims along trade routes.

Vasco da Gama sets sail to India.Vasco da Gama arrives in Calicut, India.

Portuguese control spice trade.

Portuguese destroy Arab hold on trade in the Indian Ocean.

keep it or flip it?

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15.3 China, Japan, & Foreign Trade

• monopoly• Tokagawa Shoguns• Japanese Christians• “Dutch trade with Japan”

• Hong Wu• fleet• Zheng He• Macao, China• Manchus/Qing Dynasty

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Monday, February 4, 20131. 15.3 FIB turn in today! Any unfinished FIBs need to be

turned in with tomorrow's quiz2. SEVERAL PEOPLE have still have tests to take in the

library3. Open text book to chapter 15 (p.350) and open

notebook to a new page:15.3 China and Japan’s Reaction to Europeans

4. CHAPTER 15 QUIZ on TUESDAY, tomorrow!!!


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Chapter 15 “Part C” Help• Option a.:The Portuguese greatly influences exploration and trade in the 1400s. It all began when ___ decided he wanted to find a sea route to ____. In 1419 he… {go on to describe the various explorers from PORTUGAL in the 1400s – included how far they got & when – KEEP THE SEQUENCE!} Once the Portuguese arrived in ____ this opened the door to sea trade with Asia which impacted exploration and trade for many year to come.

[do not go into the 1500s; use Portuguese explorers only, included dates to PROVE you are staying in the correct time period]

• Option b.:China and Japan responded in similar ways to European influence. When the Europeans first arrived in China… Then, under the new Qing dynasty, things changed. The Chinese reacted by… In Japan, European traders first arrived in 1571. At first… Soon, the Tokugawa Shogunate changed the way they handled the Europeans. They reacted by… In the end, both countries _______ in reaction to the arrival of the Europeans.

[stay with the sequence – explain the actions & reactions – make a judgment at the end]

Page 25: Monday, January 28, 2013

Chapter 15 “Part C” Help• Option a.:The Portuguese greatly influences exploration and trade in the 1400s. It all began when ___ decided he wanted to find a sea route to ____. In 1419 he… {go on to describe the various explorers from PORTUGAL in the 1400s – included how far they got & when – KEEP THE SEQUENCE!} Once the Portuguese arrived in ____ this opened the door to sea trade with Asia which impacted exploration and trade for many year to come.

[do not go into the 1500s; use Portuguese explorers only, included dates to PROVE you are staying in the correct time period]

• Option b.:China and Japan responded in similar ways to European influence. When the Europeans first arrived in China… Then, under the new Qing dynasty, things changed. The Chinese reacted by… In Japan, European traders first arrived in 1571. At first… Soon, the Tokugawa Shogunate changed the way they handled the Europeans. They reacted by… In the end, both countries _______ in reaction to the arrival of the Europeans.

[stay with the sequence – explain the actions & reactions – make a judgment at the end]