monday - lt scotland

Monday Welcome to Zoo week! We have some suggested activities to build excitement and interest for our whole school trip! We hope that families enjoy working on these challenges together. 1) We need to start preparing for our trip to the zoo. In order to get in to the zoo, we will need tickets. Design your own ticket for the zoo. Include date, time, a picture and of course the zoo name. Below is an example. 2) Name your 3 favourite animal films. Share recommendations with a friend.

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Page 1: Monday - LT Scotland


Welcome to Zoo week! We have some suggested activities to build

excitement and interest for our whole school trip! We hope that

families enjoy working on these challenges


1) We need to start preparing for our trip to the


In order to get in to the zoo, we will need tickets.

Design your own ticket for the zoo.

Include date, time, a picture and of course the

zoo name.

Below is an example.

2) Name your 3 favourite animal films.

Share recommendations with a friend.

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3) Each day we will be researching an animal to find out facts. You

will need these facts for Friday.

Today's animal is a **Panda**

Research pandas and find out interesting facts.

Create a sketch note, poster or PowerPoint about Pandas.

These are Sketch notes – a

mixture of drawing and notes to

help you remember the facts in

a fun and visual way.


will be a chance to share these facts with classmates on Friday on


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4) Run your own “Joe Wicks workout” for a friend or family member

on a video call. Give them instructions of which animal action to do

next! Then swap over and they tell you which animal to be!

You can add in exercises that are not animals too. The important

thing is that you are moving and getting out of breath!

5) Make an animal video describing the similarities and differences

between a panda and a family pet.

You could do this in the style of

David Attenborough or your

favourite animal presenter or in

your own unique style!

Speak slowly

Speak clearly

Have a plan for a beginning, middle and end

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Keep it engaging for the audience

Watch it back. Think of 3 things

you did really well and one thing

to work on.


1)The monkeys are looking bored!

Design a new enclosure for them.

Research other monkey enclosures and what makes monkeys happy.

Build a model or sketch one.

Please send in some pictures, we love to see them!

Can you design an

innovative feeding

method to keep them


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2) Sing while you are washing your hands. Remember to wash your

thumbs – they are one part people often forget to do properly.

Enjoy this classic, featured in the film Madagascar!

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3) Each day we will be researching an animal to find out facts.

Today's animal is a **Penguin**

Research penguins and find out

interesting facts.

- Where do they live in the world?

- How many species are there?

- What do they eat?

- Which is the biggest and smallest species?

There will be a chance to share these facts with classmates on

Friday on Teams.

4) Do Edinburgh Zoo have your favourite animal? Why not?

Today you are going to be designing a poster to persuade Edinburgh

Zoo to bring in a new animal of your choice.

Posters should include:

Name of animal

Description of animal

Why should the zoo get it?

Pros of having the animal


Make sure you check they don't already have this animal.

Come on! Hop to it!!

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5) It’s over to you! You be the teacher.

Create a game to teach children about ONE way of grouping


There are lots of ways of grouping (classifying) animals including:

What they eat - carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.

Whether they have a backbone - vertebrate, invertebrate.

Which animal group (see picture below) they belong to and why

Need help?

You could make a pairs game with hand drawn cards


An active game where you set up areas to run to like “bird”, “fish”,

“reptile” then you find out the names of lots of types of birds, fish

and reptiles. When you call out a type of animal your game player

needs to run to whether they think it is a “bird” “fish” or “reptile.”


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1) We won’t be able to visit the gift shop, so we are going to

make our own souvenir from the day! Make an animal mask to

wear on the trip on Friday. There will be a chance to show your

classmates pictures of your masks on Friday.

Below are a few pictures and links to get your imagination going!

Here are a few You Tube links to help you draw animal heads step by


Lion face -

Tiger face -

Penguin Mask -

Koala Mask

2) Each day you are researching an animal to find

out interesting facts.

Today's animal is a **Tiger or Lion**

Chester Zoo website has lots of animal fact files

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3) A N I M A L E X E R C I S E S TO B O O S T F I T N E S S

Improve strength, flexibility, and mobility.

Persuade your whole household to join in!

Put all of the following exercises in a hat and pick three animals to imitate every

day. Do each exercise for 30 seconds, rest and then repeat the circuit three


See animal walks demonstrated here:

BEAR CRAWL Start on your hands and knees. Gently lift your knees 1 to 2 inches off the

ground. Travel by crawling like a bear, keeping your back flat with your knees

bent and close to the ground. Move forward, backward and laterally.

Challenge 1: Put something on your back—textbook, can of beans, etc.—

to throw off your balance.

Challenge 2: If you’re feeling extra strong, eliminate one leg or arm.

CRAB WALK Start on your bottom with your hands behind your back and legs bent

at the knees. Lift your bottom off the ground. Keep your belly as parallel to the

ground as possible. Move forward, backward and laterally like a crab.

Challenge 1: Put something on your belly—textbook, shoe, and can of

beans—to balance.

Challenge 2: Add toe touches. Keeping your bottom off ground reach a

hand across to the opposite foot, repeat on other side.

GORILLA WALK Start in a deep squat with your hands between your legs on the ground like a

gorilla. Stay in deep squat as you travel in any direction to build strength

and flexibility. Swing your arms while you travel.

BUNNY HOP Keep two feet together and hop across the room like a bunny. This exercise will

get your heart rate up.


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Start in deep squat with your hands on the ground (like the gorilla exercise).

Jump up as high as you can with your hands and feet leaving ground at the same

time. Land and return to starting position. This builds strength and endurance.

INCHWORM Build strength by walking like an inchworm. Start in a standing position. Bend

forward, lower your hands to ground, and keep your feet still as you walk out to

a plank. From the plank, keep your hands still as you walk your feet in toward

your hands.

ALLIGATOR CRAWL (ARMY CRAWL) Start on your belly, staying as low to the ground as possible. Alternate using

your right arm and left leg and left arm and right leg to move forward. This

builds total-body strength.

SEAL CRAWL Start in cobra position—legs on the ground, belly and chest off the ground with

hands on the ground at your sides. Crawl using only your hands, dragging legs

behind to build strength.

DUCK Get your heart rate up by waddling like a duck around the house.

When you have finished all those celebrate with a boogie!

You deserve it!

4) Write down as many Zoo animals as you can for each letter of the

alphabet! Here’s a start : A- antelope

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5) How to make paper out of

Elephant Poo!

Maddie Moate, from BBC ‘s Do

You Know? talks us through

this fascinating process in 8


You may never look at paper or

elephants in quite the same

way again!


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Only one sleep left until our whole school trip! We hope you are


Here are some answers for yesterday’s challenge if you didn’t get

some letters!

1) We need a clear plan of action for our day tomorrow!

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We will enter the zoo where it says Zoo Entrance. Where should we

go first? What animals would you like to go and see? Please zoom in

if you need to make the map bigger.

Either draw a plan on the map, or list the animals from first visited

to last.

2) Each day we will be researching an animal to find out facts.

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Today's animal is a **Koala**

There will be a chance to share

these facts with classmates

tomorrow on Teams.

3) Animal Origami

What animal will you make? Please post pictures of your animals and

we will have our own class Zoo by the end of

the day!

Here is a link to a clear step by step how to

guide for making an origami dolphin.

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4) Measuring the length and height of animals. Before we take our zoo trip

tomorrow it is good to be awed by the sheer scale of the animals we will see on

our screens.

You will have lots of innovative ideas of how to show this. Some ideas are:

- using a looooooooooong measuring tape. They are fun! Watch your fingers

when they spring back.

- Measure it out in string.

- chalk it on the pavement, label it for passers by!

- You could compare lengths to the size of your bed or kitchen table.

Please send pictures for your classmates.

Male Lion

Head to body length 175cm Height 1.2m

Male elephant

Head to body length 750cm Height 4m

Male giraffe


Head to body length 470cm

Height 6m

Head to tail 5 metres

Height 50 centimetres

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We are really looking forward to our Zoo trip

tomorrow – see you on Teams at 9am for a

virtual bus trip to Edinburgh Zoo. All Aboard!