monday the 26th of · pdf filemonday the 26th of october ... prof. daniel cassuto:...

2009 Generation Regeneration Monday the 26th of October United Nations Office Geneva (UNOG) Palais des Nations - Assembly Hall Conseil d’Etat de la Republique et Canton de Genève High Patronage

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Page 1: Monday the 26th of  · PDF fileMonday the 26th of October ... Prof. Daniel Cassuto: Introduction, ... Ospedale Niguarda, Milano, Italy Dr Ronald Virag:


Generation Regeneration Monday the 26th of October

United Nations Office Geneva (UNOG) Palais des Nations - Assembly Hall

Conseil d’Etat de la Republique et Canton de Genève High Patronage

Page 2: Monday the 26th of  · PDF fileMonday the 26th of October ... Prof. Daniel Cassuto: Introduction, ... Ospedale Niguarda, Milano, Italy Dr Ronald Virag:




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Conference Program

Welcome from H.E.Sergei Ordzhonikidze Director General to the United Nations Organization Geneva

Introduction, Prof. Luc Montagnier: « Fighting for Life: Prevention is Better Than Cure » Nobel Prize of Medicine 2008, France 08:30

1. Focus on Stem Cells for Advanced Therapies: State of the Art Moderator Prof. Bashir A. Zikria, USA 09:00-10:30

Prof. Alexej Ivanov: Regenerative medicine and cell technologies in Russia Research Institute of Molecular Medicine at Moscow Medical Academy, Russia

Prof. Zikria Bashir: Creative research in private & public environment, from Leonardo da Vinci to the XXIsrt Century Professor Emeritus Of Surgery -Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, USA

Prof. Bernat Soria: New hopes in diabetes mellitus treatments with stem cells developments Catedrático Extraordinario de Medicina Regenerativa y Director del CABIMER

Prof. Pietro Formisano: Molecular bases of platelet-derived factors in adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation University Federico II, Napoli, Italy

2. Stem Cells in Orthopaedic, Articulations, Cardiovascular: Matrix and Signals! Moderator Prof. Enrico Castellacci, ITALY and Dr Alexandre Jaquinet, Switzerland 11:00-13:00

Prof. Enrico Castellacci: Introduction, update of the Italian experiences in cartilage, articulations and tendons treatments Director of Sport Medicine, Research Institute for Tissue Engineering, Lucca, Italy

Dr Patrick O.L. Goh: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection in chondromalacia patellae and early osteoarthritis of the knee SportsMed Central, Gleneagels Hospital, Singapore

Prof. Massimo Innocenti: Tissue engineering in bone reconstruction Professor of Othopedics, University of Florence, Italy

Dr Alberto Gobbi: Mesenchymal stem cells and PRP for articular cartilage defect treatment OASI Institute, Milan, Italy

Prof. Hideaki Kagami: Efficacy of alveolar bone tissue engineering using autologous bone marrow stromal cells and possible factors affecting in vivo osteogenic abilities Divison of Molecular Therapy, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Gustav Steinhoff: Stem cell therapy for cardiac disease - experimental bias and clinical experience University of Rostock, founding member of IRMED (Institut für Regenerative Medizin und Stammzelltherapie), Germany

Prof. Beat H. Walpoth: Cell based vascular tissue engineering MD, FAHA, Director of Cardiovascular Research, HUG, Switzerland

Prof. Raphael Gorodetsky: Fibrin microbeads for isolation and implantation of adult stem cells to overcome the difficulties associated with 3D bulk implants Hadassah Hebrew-University Medical center, Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Claudio Migliaresi: Silk fibroin for tissue engineering scaffolds: processing and properties University of Trento Italy

Prof. Guy Fortier: New polymers from animal and human albumin origin Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), Canada

Page 3: Monday the 26th of  · PDF fileMonday the 26th of October ... Prof. Daniel Cassuto: Introduction, ... Ospedale Niguarda, Milano, Italy Dr Ronald Virag:




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3. Developments in Ophthalmology and improvement in Plastic Distrophies, Chronic Wounds and Anti Aging Moderator Dr Ruben Oddenino, ITALY and Dr Victor Garcia, SPAIN 14:00-16:00

Prof. Daniel Cassuto: Introduction, adipose stem cells niche and growth factors University Catania, Italy

Prof. Joan Fontdevila, Dr Pierre Fournier: New combination model of adipocyte and growth factors for volume dystro- phies in aesthetic and therapeutics Chief of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Barcelona, Spain and Surgeon, Paris, France

Prof. Marco Klinger, Prof. Mario Marazzi: Adipose stem cells and surgery, applications in scar treatment Università degli Studi di Miilano and Responsabile Struttura Semplice di Terapia Tessutale, Ospedale Niguarda, Italy

Dr Enzo Marinoni, Use of fibrin/jaluronic acid scaffold in cartilage regeneration Ospedale Niguarda, Milano, Italy

Dr Ronald Virag: Erectile dysfonction and efficacy of lipofilling in combination with Regen PRP Paris, France

Prof. Odile Damour: Autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell-sheet for corneal epithelial reconstruction Responsable de la Banque de Tissus et Cellules HCL, G. Hospitalier Edouard Herriot Lyon, France

Prof. Gerd Geerling: Epithelial wound healing modulation at the ocular surface with lubricants - from artificial to natural tear substitutes Wuerzburg University, Germany

Dssa Marta Abad Collado: Autologous growth factors applications in ophthalmology Directora de Laboratorio de Terapia Celular e Ingeniería de Tejidos Grupo PolYanguas, Alicante, Spain

Dr Alessio Redaelli, Dr Ercin Ozonturk: PRP in rejuvenation of face and body and its integration with other techniques Visconti Di Modrone Medical Center, Italy and Turkey

Dr Claude Dalle: Growth factors and hormones cooperation Président de la société française d’Anti-Aging, France

4. Looking to the Future: the Science of Stem Cells for Novel Therapies Moderator Dr Marisa Jaconi and Prof Bernat Soria, SPAIN 16:30-18:00

Dr Teneille Ludwig: iPS cells, working to fulfill the promise – the WISC bank experience University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Dr Marisa Jaconi and Prof. Ezio Giacobini: Is there a stem cell route in neurosciences? HUG Geneva, Switzerland

Prof. Jacques Bernier: Cancer stem cells through the lens of radiation Radio oncologue, Clinique Genolier, Switzerland

Prof. Camillo Ricordi: New cellular therapies for treatment of diabetes Medicine Scientific Director, Diabetes Research Institute, Miami, USA

Prof. Benoît Dubuis: Regnerative medicine in Swiss environment President, BioAlps Association, Switzerland

Prof. Francis Bellido: Regenerative medicine: the business perspective Chair of Biotechnology, UQAM and Executive Chairman and COO at Alternatives Technologies Pharma, Canada,

Prof. Augusto Silva Gonzalez and Prof. Bernat Soria: Stem cells and public healthcare challenges General Director for Advanced Therapies of the Ministry of Health and Social Policies and Director del CABIMER (Spain)

Conclusion Prof. Pierre-François Unger Minister of Economy and Public Health, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland 18:00