monmoatii trust - digifind-it · anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by sditon’8...

.: Only^apex1 ip Mfc&ncuth. Gouaty racftiving regular dally Tfclt’-graph Service, ■ ' \ t: A Daily Ifccorcl^of the Local Happenings in the Shore bis? trict from Deal to Manasquan. FIFTEENTH YEAR. NO. 127. ■ ASBURY PA'EEV'NEW^-%&EY»r TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1901, PRICE ONE GENT Y A N T E D ,, \ -■ A SMALL P^OPERTYIN the vicmrrYbPSEW- ALL OR MUNROE AVE* titjfes TO EXCHANGE FOR A GOOD PAYING PROPERTY ; IN PHILA- > D E L P H I A . Dv^COV^RT 208 Bond'SiidBti ASBURY PARK and* OCEAN 3K0VE ' ' :: HotelBnmswick,' Offices; Railroad Depot and , 1214’Bangs Avenue. Principal Office, V , j/ip MATT1&ON AVE Goods stored at reasonable rates. Telephone connection! P. 0. Box 66" , Aslmry Park CHOICE LIST OP. . KBflSB® amm v All sizes and prices at ASBURY PARK ALLENHURST DEAL OCEAN. SHOVE-.. . - - BRADLEY BEACH and AVON For particulars,: apply to T. FRANK APPLEBY Comer Main St, and Mattison Ave. .' . Asbury Park. Big A, little A, you bob ....... — Tho bigoho at; twenty, feet. A t half tt-'fobt^thn wee." ; If not you; must need GLASSES tbtkt’s a certainty : ' Big A, little A, can you seef Near sighted people can seo clearly close by and often decide to got along without glasses,. thereby entailing end- less# inisery, and sometimes blindness. Willard C. Wiseman, . GRADUATEOPTICIAN - linn mu turnnm 603 Coofanaa A-renne Cor. EMORY S t ! Tel. 138 LOAN $ 325 400 600. 700 1,000 1 ^ 500 ./. 2 ^ 0 0 0 At 5 per cent. 3 , 000 ; *4,000 GEO: W . PITTENGER ,y Mortgage Loans . Room 14; Appleby Building, Asbury Park. 1 1 «< Astaiy Pari mi Ocean Crave B A N K Corner Mattison Ave. gnd Main St.- ASBURY PARK, N. J. Corner Main Ave. afad Pilgrim Pathway, OCEAN GROVE. : . Capital vSurplus * ... . $s9$00 . ... . ,50,000 Undivided, Profits tf.OOO Total Resources, $750,000 ! HEHBZ O. WltfSOR, Prealdcnt.. 0< O. CLAYTON, Vice-Prealdent. EDMUND £. DAYTON, Cashier. JE68E MINOT,-Aaalstant CaaKlor. DIRECTORS' T. Frank Apploby, N. E. Buchanon', U. 0. Clayton, Goo, W . BTana, J. 8. I’ergUBon, Henry 0.‘ Winsor. Dr. J. A. W. Hotrlck, John IlubbaW, I jgwIb Ratnear, • • Geo. W. Treat, Amos Tilton, . Account!! Respectfully Solicited. Safe Depot!t Boxes to Beat. Wa LiKSa Foreign Drafts »ad Letters .•*£<*&.- . ’V ’ For One Year Asbury Park %rees?!o:fay $800 far the, Luxury of Freetransit. A ROUNDABOUT TRANSFER But It Makes Little Difference; as the rpeiult-if' the Sajfte^L&nglBranch Hos- 1 pltal as :ai< Intermediary—It Is Now' Bp'.tp-^otmder.Bradlej’ ' Again—DiBcus- : sionin Council. Barring accidents and the refusal of Pounder Bradley to consider the proposi- tion tnade by the city council last night, the Wesley lake bridges will be free to the public thi^ season. !j' . -After consiilemblc.discussion i t 1 wits voted to lease the,bridges for a fixed sum of; .$500 for one year, with thaprivilege of rcne\ra,l. Mr. Bradley .’being ai coun- cilman, the; lease, if it is Anally executed, wjll .be made by tlio Long Branch Me- morial hospital,-to whom assignment for this purpose will bo made. Mr. Bradley ’u statement of the ex- penses for maintaining tlio bridges, pub- lished in the Pressiyesterday, is regarded as capable- of. much sailing. It is be lievtd the'city caii get along without the $200 worth of light, and tlmt the present police force ill be adequate to deal with the situation mi the lake after the toll- men go. . ' • - , City Solicitor, John P. Hawkins sub- mitted an .opinion stating that tlie city has. power to lease the two bridges, but tlmt an his judgment the- municipality did not possess the authority to agree to clean the lake, repair the flume, repair the brick walk, etc., because there is no power delegated in law by which the council could obligate the city to do the Work. Por this ,reiison, and'in com- pliance with his advice, ti fixed sum of $500, ns rental, was agreed on. Councilman Wilbur and Ivirkbride nr^ued against saddling the-eity with an expense of over $ 1,000 for the luxury of free bridges. But when' it was finally agreed that the expense should not ex- ceed $300 a year, both councilmen voted for 'the proposition. Toll taking bn the Wesley lake bridges has sometimes begun on «Tuhe X and sometimoR later. In view of tho action oi council last; night, and the report of Councilmen-Treat and 'Appleby that the Ocean Grove association stood .ready to join with Asbury, Park in,, freeing the. bridges, no attc'tript to open the toll houses will. probably be • made pending negotiations fo r'a settlement of this long drawn out controversy^ LAW SCHOOL CELEBRATION Counselor Carton to Attend Semi-Centen- nial of School From Which He Was Graduated. Counselor .Tames D. Cartoii will tomor- row rittend the semi-centennial celebra- tion of tho Albany Law, school, of which he ,1s a graduate. The exercises aro Of an elaborate character and will extend through tho entire day. Or; the honorary eommitteo r»re the names of Hon, William McKinley, a graduate of the school in 1807 ; dusticc David .5, Brower, of the U. S. supreme Court;, of tlie class of ’58; Minister to Chins Edwin H.’Conger, class of '00, and many other names of those: famous on tho bench, nnd at the bar. The general eommitteo is made up of otic member from ^ach class-, aiid for the class.of .72 Judge J. Pninklin Fort’s name appears. Counselor Carton gradu- ated in ’04 with the degree of L. L. B. KEYS AHD BOWLES FINED They Were Arrested Sunday^in Raid oil Alleged Disorderly House in Neptune Township. fieorge Keys, whose liojise on Avenue A, West Park, was' raided on Sunday as being an alleged gainWing resort, Was given a hearing, bofore Justice Dodd' last night, lie was found guilty anil Sued $10 and'costs. James Bowles,.one af the inmates, pleaded guilty : to: being disor- derly, and was fined $2 iind costs. , Jubilee Convention, Y. M. C. A. , ... Tho jubilee .convention of tho Young Mcnls Christian Association of the United ^ a ti» and Canada will be' held in Mechanics’, hall,-Boston, Mass., J'-vr - 11 to 10, 1001. This convention will celebrate the'fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the firat Young Mcn.’s Christian assbeiatiohs^bn tlie American Continent in Montreal and Boston in IdOl. ' ' Better Sprinkling Facilities Needed. For another year. Founder Bradley's auxiliary water plant on the beaeH will beriaxed, to qupply tho needs of the city. M^vKirkb'rldp has been added specially 16 the fire and water committee, which wiil consider the street sprinkling prob- lem with yiew io increase the facilities.' EnJoj- Xoar Summer Oti'Jnir. :. A reminder tor'ettauseT visitorsYoa booh stores. BWiOgs) astlifi 1ST. Coleman ;,Hoc» bowling.alley nnd .bil- liard room wilt opah’ Thursday, May SO, Decoration pay. ■ FrankB. Oonoveb.’' '"' ..-' f „■ , 37-130 Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon ’8 stables and -■wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a < k , ?stf. WILL TRY AGAIfi FOI? ; SUNDAY TRAIN SERVICE CbUiicil’s SpScial Committee to Interview ,tie,Railroad Officials and Present Request; . - Harry J. Rocitnfellbr and Ors. M. JJ. I’rost. appeared before the eity council last night ori behalf outlie Hotel Meii’p, nfesoeiatibn arid urged the passago of ircsoiiitions ^requesting tho railroad com- panies' to stop Sunday trains at the Nbrfcli'Asbury. station, and also to re- quest' Founder .Bradley to consummate tHo>alo’of.yie beach. t it, transpired that- the resolutions aa asked for iud already been passed, by council. ^ . Dr, Wilbur stated in regard to the bcach that a resolution was passed last ;winter asking ,Mr. Bradley to resign from couneir ftnd transfer, the beack,di- rect-'to til* city, To this resolution, which was read,by ClCrk,Burroughs, tho committee.had nevei-ljeeri honored, with a reply. It thus appeared, that tlie beach, pureltana call was up to Mr, Bruillcj in regard tc> Sunday trains, the same situation was disclosed. The railroad had been aiikted last June to grant this privilege, but" tlio request had been re- fused on the ground that the summer schedule iiad already been made up and tliat if was too late for a change to be made. '. : ’’ It .was ssiggcsted that perhaps the same objection vould not apply this year and'Prcsidciif 'Appleby accordingly con- tinued tlie committee^—Dr. Wilbur, Mr. Bradley and 'Mr. Tattle—and another effort to secure tt Sunday service will he made at once. Bankrupt May Not Avoid the Kinmonth Judgment— Argu- m e n t Before Chancellor. The much litigated ease of Dr. IL S. Kinmonth against Frederick C. Braeuti- gam was again before Vice Chancellor Heed at Trenton today* , The case is a peculiar one and in- volves a delicate interpretation of the bankruptcy,laws; In January, 1808, Dr; Kinmohtii filed a bill in the court' of diancery to set aside a conveyance made by Braeutigam to liis wife, claiming that the sanic .was nntde fraudulently and with intent- to clieat^him. Kinpionth wai on lirn eut ighm’s notcs>moda- tiosi eiidower for about $3,000. Proceedings were taken in the case, but in. October-of the same year Braeutigam. filed ft petition in bankruptcy. The doc- t»r did not file his claim under the bank- ruptcy act, claiming tlmt-tl; dcbt was one contracted in fraud and not dis- dmrgeahle in bankruptcy under the' United States statute. The proceedings in bankruptcy were fought, but iinaliy resulted, on May 14 last, In Braeutigara’s discharge, leaving the question of fraudulently contracted ciebti; to bo determined by the state courts. . • , On Thursday last Dr. Kinmonth took an appeal from the United States dis- trict court at Trenton to tho United States' Court of appeals, and the case was set le bo heard nt tiia public buildings in Philadelphia tho third Tuesday in Sep- tember. . Brncutigam’s counsel gave notice that lie would apply at -Trenton to have Dr. Kinlnonth’s bill in Chancery dismissed. Edwin H. Murphy appeared for Braeutigam and R. TcnBroeck Stout for Dr. Khnnonthc Tire case was argued at great length. Mr. Murphy claimed that the bankruptcy proceedings dis- charged Braeutigam from all obligations. It was also claimed- that all actions taken ogainst Braeutigam. within four, months o£ his being discharged as a bankrupt were originally void. Mr. Stout, in opposition, claimed that tliiE rule applied to actions taken four months bafoHs tho adjudication in bankruptcy, arid did not apply to Dr. K'mmonth’s case because his fiction was taken after the adjudication and that therefore his judg- ment liolds gfaod and that it being one: in fraud, Braeutiguni’s property is liable. Vice Chancellor Reed, after listening attentively to’ the nrjAiuents on both sidcB, reserved.his,decision. Grancl Fraternity at Long Branch Long Braii.cli'CiiinPi CJraml Fratci-nity, luiH been instituted with the following officers; Cbmiiiander, J. Ii. W ertsj vice commander, F. St. Van Dervecr; re- corder, P. A. Hull; treasurer, L. G. Bliss, D r.,B, II. Garrison was chosen niediciU examiner. ,,,. - ^ Awaits Mayor’s Signature. { The city‘contract: with the Atlantic Coast Electric Light company for 70 arc light, to burn all night, was last night ordered sent to the mayor for his Bigna- tute. . r . , ,Qcn; James F. Rusling of Trenton will bo the Memorial day orator at Beverly^ Btclnbaeh's for Valaei. Dress coods, underwec-. liosloiy, shoes ‘ind olothliiR, prioe marked lowtr than over whlio the ancivorssry. sals at tha Stolnbach Btorea.contluues. 1S7-, ~ : Notire of Bemoval. ■ -- Dr. George U. Herbert has MniQyed his dental p&rfow from thf. Asbury fork aijd Ocean drove B&cfc building to larger nud snore c oUimodloua rooms In till hew Parker building at C00 Cookman avej nu6.—Ady. 42 tf.; . SanfotdlsnBCiit for thb Mathrwbck & Sens Plano, Ifri Malnratroot. Adv,117tf. Councilman Foster Says Records of the-Bradley Beach Coun- cil .Are Abridged. HAYTER STILL CLAIMS SEAT His 'Three F<illoWers in Councilmanic . Board Say They .Received No Notice of Special Meeting Though Clerk Earle Says _He MisleS notifications—Thdr Protests are Cut .Short. For the first'.tiine in several weeks thero was a complete board present nt the Bradley'Bcachtcoiilioil meeting last night. Kev, H, J. illayter was present, but had nothing ’^iiutever to say from the time lie tsxsfc his Heat to the adjourn- ment. His name,:.however, Vas not called in the roll, nor on the yea and ;nay votes taker., nor did tlie minutes ofj the previous mcctiiigs make any reference to him. ’■ Councilman Fester made objection to the" minutes of a previous meeting which read that Mr. Htirney had moved the renewal of Coiiector Bradner’s bond. “I made th&t motion,” said Mr. Foster, “and, besides thfttjfthere is a good bit of the minutes left out.” “If you made the motion, I’ll oliange the name,” interposed Ulerk Bftrle. “I’d likej Ur know what Mr. Foster means by Baying tlie minutes are left out,” said Mr. Burnfy. “X deny every word you say,; Mr;.- poster.” •There was a tie yea uni! nay vote on Mr. Benner's sssotion to accept the minutes, nnd Mayor Rogers voted in the affirmative. - Mr. Foster asked of Mayor Rogers that the bylaws-of .the council be read; that there were two- new membcrB present and that ail would be benefited. The mayor, however, said he did'hot see any necessity for intsmipting the meeting nnd refused the request. The question oli’advertising for pro- posals for tlie removal of garbage was laid over until the ]1 next meeting, which will be held nekt Monday night. On motion of M r.:Beansr the election, of William Mui^ihy as;lire chief was con- iirmed. A tank; belonging to the bor- ough was ordered ' removed from the property of Mrs. Baton. Then arose a :controversy whether Councilmen Foster,^ Stewart and Gifford lmd been notified ofcthe adjourned meet- ing. held Sfonday rijght, May 20. ) May I read tlio fiMt parngrapli of the bylaws, Mr, Mayor?” asked Mr. Poster. Receiving permission he read the„section which provides that all members ivho are not present at a regular meeting shall bo notified of any adjourned meeting. “I was not notili(‘ii,’!: sitid-Goiincilmi\i» Foster. “Nor'I,” chimed in Stewart. “1 was not; either,” interposed Gifford; j Clerk Earle said that he had sent pos- ts! notices to the three, but all positively denied the receipt of the notifications. ' “The borough linv states that we shall be notified in person or at bur place of residence,” said Sir. Foster, “and I don’t why wc lmve not been notified.” “I move We adjourn,” said Mr. Benner, and the oiotion went through with a rush, cutting off further •protests frbm the three members. VETERANS TO VISIT SCHOOLS. Meinoriai Day Exercises in City and j ,, Township Buildings Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning exercises commem- orative of those who yielded their lives in the Rebellion, that their country might live, will be held, in the local schools. Commander John A. Borden arid the following1 detail from C. K. Hall Post will attend: Major f. C. Patterson, Rev. W. T. Abbott, Capt. Charles A. Young, Thomas Rawclilfe, C. V. French and Poinsett Cross. The veterans will as- semble in the officcs of Commander Bor- den at 10.30 o’clock and will then pro- ceed to the Asbury Park school, where the exercises will be held in the morning. ; In tho'afternoon tho. same detail will visit tlie schools of tlie township. RAN RUSTY NAIL IN CHIN. George Smith Fell Fror- Haymow and ; . Sustained-Painful Injury. , George .Smith, colored, falling down from a lmy niow in West Park yester; day, ran a large rusty 'nail into, the point of tho chin. The wound ran diagonally through and pierced tho en- tire lip. Dr. Wilbur was called and sewed up tlie wound. Misconduct- Alleged. Lorenzo Murray tiiul Mary Doc, alias Mary ,Murray, colored,, liave been arrested for alleged misconduct by the township po'lice, on complaint of Speaknmn C. Mil- ler. Murray receives a pension of $90 a month from the government, for a pecul- iar form of blindness resulting from an accident. As -Murray expresses it, his eyes aro “in eclipse” after tfark and he can see nothing. « •' Heirrelr Will Follow'»«iay. There is to bis just yne moro week of phenomenal -merchandlsr* selling at tho Btelnbaelii stores. Now Xin'rg&\! daily— theifrsjateali values ovor offered In Asbury Patfi. ...; 137 , . ' ^'lObadwlok’s Pltarnmc.y • Has been wmavod to 004 Cookman ave- nuo, new store In the handsome new Bur- ton building, and is ready to . doolve cus- tomers.—Adv, 72if. ■ 1 Heia-Jt-lhe utures IndlSonplon.—Adv. S 8U FOURTH AVE RESIDENTS WANT STREET GRAVELED Probable Cost of Work Will be iecfer^' tained Before City Council' Takes Action. Nearly every property holder on Fourth ayenuo signed the petition pre Hented by Councilman Kirkbridc in the council last night, asking that a; fresh layer of gravel from three to four inches deep lit* laid on the avenue. ' It was stated in the petition that Un- less the neccBSary repairs were made at once the avenue would rapidly deter- iorate. Mr. Kirkbride stated that the street committee, of whicii lie was chairman, was heartily in favor; of the improve- ment, but that if it was ordered, his department Would require a further ap- propriation. ... __ Mrs. M. N. Frost urged that something be done to keep this beautiful street in condition. Councilman Meeks thought that $3,500 for Fourth avenue wns a large sum io take from the city treasury. It was claimed that tho improvement wqutd coat nothing like that amount, and it waa finally voted that Chief Smith and the :‘j t y engineer be requested to submit estimates at the next meeting. ELECTION TOMORROW To Vote on the Proposed Bond Issue of $ 18,000- to .Purchase the PutiHc.-. . - ; Library Property. By a resolution of the common council there will be a special election in thiB city .tomorrow, nt which the people may vote oil tlie proposed bonding for the new free libmry. The irfn’ount for which bonds will bcSfl- sucd if the proposition .is carried, is $18,- 000, nnd the. money will be used in se- curing the library property at Grand and First avenue, a property worth several times the amount necessary for its pur- chase. The bonda are to r.un from 10 to 30 years, and. will be of the, denomina- tion of $500 each. The polls will be open from 0 a. m. to 7 p. m. In the first ward the polling place will be at.UlU Mattison avenue, Keator block. In the second ward the votes will be cast at Educational hall. MARKET SITE ACCEPTED Lot'Formerly Occupied by Buchanon Si Smock to be Occupied With Mr. t Bradley’s Consent. Tha city, through its representatives in council, last night agreed to accept the site formerly' -occupied by Buchanon, & Snibck, on Main stredt,'which, iii donated by Mr. Bradley.for ii,«ew marluitJitahd, Th'e' stnnd' in tlie Vicinity *of Main street and Lake avenue, heretofore Used for that -purpose \v*U , thei'efore. be abandoned. ; REVISION NOT SETTLED Whole Subject Reopened in Presbyterian General Assembly Today and An- other Committee Appointed. Philadelphia, Tuesday.—The whole subject of revision was reopened by the PreBbytcrian General Assembly this morning and another warm discussion was precipitated soon after the meeting, was called to order. A motion to dis- charge the coimnittee to consider changes in the creed was carried. It wns also de- cided to have the moderator appoint a riew committee with himself as chairman. THAT EUROPEAN LEAGUE. First , Gun Fired in Vienna House bf Deputies and Resolution Moved.. Vienna, Tuesday.—Deputy- Lecher, at the instance of u delegation representing various interests, moved a resolution in the House of Deputies today urging <^ount -Goluchowski, minister of foreign affairs,to an initiative movement to take ollicial action to form a European league against American competition. FRENCH VICTORY IN AFRICA King Dodekabe and Many Followers Killed and Heir to Throne Captured. Paris, Tuesday.—Fifteen hundred French . troops sent against King Doder knba, in Southern Senegal, Africa, were most successful. King Dodckaba and most of his followers were killed. The heir to the throne, as well ns the reni- liant of the army-were captured after a two days’ .struggle. .PRESIDENT GOMPERS IN OHIO,- Will Try to „ Settle Pending Labor Troubles at Dayton. Dayton, Tuesday.—President Qompers of the American Federation of Labor,und C. I. Kidd, president of the International Union of Amalgamated Woodworkers, arrived early .this morning, frbm Chicago. They will lend assistance to bring about a settlement of the pending labor trou- bles here. ■- Shamrock II to’Leave for Clyde Southampton, Tuesday.—Shamrock II will leave-far Clyde Thursday. She will' carry a wooden mast. Buffalo and Souvenir. SooMilebytfce ladles of the Golden Eagle will be held Wednesday evening, May Both Mnslo by Coggeshall and Parker. Admis- sion 85. oentB,. Including" refreshments. Winckler Hall. 180-187 > Ride a pierce and you will not bo olsang- iag your lount every year. Some aw now in as. that were -eolrt by me'four years ago. G. l'i Sanford, 161 Main stress.-- Adv. 124 tf.. ■ Umo. ■ Ogden Crane 'focal instrjlotion aud s.he art of singing, Stndio, Asbajy Park postOfflce butldln«. Monday 10,80 J a. -Ji; to 0 p. m.—Adv. 108 tf, Says Insular Possessions Ate on Same Footing as District of Columbia, IAN TO RELEASE INSANE Paddy Geagham Chief Conspirator iiT a esperate Plot to Kill keepers and Re- lease Criminals—Who Will Succeed Waldersee?—Zionists Petition Sultan to Colonize in Palestine. Washington, Tuesday.—Because of the contrary interpretations placed upon the supreme coiirt decisions in tlie insular, cases, the Publishers Press this morning engaged the services of (Sen. Charles H, Grosvenor to give it rlegal opinion on the subject. ’ • He was proHont yesterdny during the delivery of the uiaiiy opinions. He says: “The court holds by a majority of one, that by tlie ratification of the treaty of Paris the insular'possessions became part of thc^ United States for every purpose, with limit alone that congress hUs com- plete and ample power to legislate inde- pendent, of the tarifT limitations of the constitution, in regard to those islands, and tlie same result necessarily follows iis .to questions of citizenship ftnd every other question, the court putting those islands on the exact footing of the Dis- trict of Columbia; The effect of the decision will be to compel the refunding of duties collected durihg. the brief period between the rati- Ucation of tlie treaty and the passage of the legislation by congress, on imports comiiig from or going to Porto Rico; the same result will necessarily follow as to the diitie's paid on * imports from tlie Philippines. The court decides, however, tha^.uhder the Spooner bill, passed in the last cbVigress, thp president is authorized to make a tariff schedule both going to and coining from the Philippines, and that it is to be constitutional and valid undier'. this decision.” A MAD HOUSE PLOT Plan to' Release Insane Criminals in Dan- nemora Prison, New York, Checked Timely Information. Danfle'mora, N .. Y., Tuesday.—-A plot has.been discovered here which involved wholeBalo delivery of tlio insane convicts ill .the Darinoriibra State Hospital for the Criininal InBdiie/ the jnnrder of -two br more' attendants, as circumstances re- quired, a^d other deeds of violence neces- sary for the consummation Of the shrewdly laid, plans. The chief eonspira- to» is the . famous “Paddy” Geagham, who planned .tlic memorable outbreak at the Matteawan State hospital last year, ZIONISTS PETITION SULTAN Doctor Herz and Hebrew Bankets Ask Authority for Palestine Coloniza- tion for Four Years. Constantinople, Tuesday:— Doctor Herz, leader of the Zionist . movement, with two representatives of the Bleich- roder bank bf Berlin and of the lioths- cliilds, is licit seeking the aultan’s authority foi- Palestine colonizatidn for four years. The sultan has declined to negotiate at present, but. the financial Isis in Turljey luts raised the Zionists’ hopes of success in the near future. SULTAN PRODS CHEKIB BEY. Bashful Minister Jc Washington Given , Gold and Honor to'Accept Post. Constantinople, Tuesday.—111 order to induce Chekib Bey, the new Turkish minister to Washington tolenve for his post, the sultan has given*tiins\a gratuity of $ 1 ) 20, and has also conferred on him the grand cordon of the Osinanic order. SOCIETY FOLK TO GIVE CIRCBS. Will Imitate Freaks to Secure Scholar- -, ships for Wellesley. Fitchburg, Tuesday.—In order to se- cure. scholarships for Wellesley college the Wellesley club of this city has de- cided to give an amateur circus. There will be a side show in which society young men and women will appear. SUCCESSOR TO WALDERSEE. Powers Negotiate Which Shall Name Commander for Allied Forces. Berlin, Tuesday.—The powers are now negotiating whicii shall nominate a eom- liiander for the allied forces remaining in the province of Pc-Cliili, China, after Count Von Walderscc’s return to Europe. Dorotha.on the St. Lawrence., ■' Ogdensburg, ■ Tuesday.—The United States training ship Dorothu, bound tvoin the League Island navy yard to Chicago, passed up the St. Lawrence this morning with the Illinois Isfayal reserves alboard- Yo.ur l a s t Cliaueq, The great anniversary sale at the Stsin- aoh stores closes this week, so harry up If you would procure your share of the nn- der-prlced good things provided for eco- nomical buyers. 127 Botnbww Festival. 1 (Tuesday evening' May 28, ladles of the First M .-. E ohuroh will, hold' a rainbow festival in amusement hall of Grand ave- nue hotel. Strawberries, Ice creora und cake osi sale. Entr^nco Bammorfleld avn nue: Admission fmo.—Adv, 8M.-7 Money to Loan We have to loan on first mort» gage on Improved R«al Estate the foUpwing sasDs: ; !' j'- \y. k $ 1,000 1,200 1,500 2,000 3.000 4.000 MILAM ROSS AGENCY 208 m Aim street . Monmoatii Trust —AND— Hoomoatb BnlMlng:, Asbury CAPITAL..... ,.-.-.$100,000 SURPLUS....... . .. !-• . ,l--i 000 Eserutes nil trnsts known to the Jaw. Loana raonoy on l)ond ond mortgage. RernlTea depofllts fliibjoct to cbeek and allow* tntercHt on daily holnncea. ( Acto ns Truatee, Reglstrnr ond Trabifer-Agtfnty I’aj'H COUJHHIH . • Maken demand and ilm e loans on ^approrMX collaloral. . < Safe depoBlt vaulta, • ' l; .,---...,-4 A. C. TWINING, PrefddAit. O. B. M. HARVFA’. Vlce-Prealdent. R. A. TUSTING, Secretary. * D. C. CORNELL* Treasurer. DIRECTORS: ' ^ R. A. Ttintlng, ’ , Henry Mitchell, M. D. John P. 0 ?Brlen, Perry R. Smith, • , . S. A. Patterson, . A. C. Twining,'. O. IT. Brown, J. II. Buchanon, I). C, Cornell \V. J. Ilhrrlflon, Col. G. B. M.. Harrey, (Jeorgr- i\ Kroehl, ... ........ Bruce S. Keator, M. D. U. H. Vreelabd, G. D, W. Vroom. WHY NOT BUY A LOT FOR feeo.-- AT BRADLEY PARE Build a moderate priced JioiMe. Which ta* vestment ’"ill cost less thais paying $ji} per month rent. Sea ; 6 - H .c. w m sq i or T F .A m m r. ' Why suffer from Indigestion f Bennefr- lno will care you.—Adv. iffitl. THERE’S l lP i IT that when-you want absolutely the best article produced In the Jline STATIONERY that there is no other way quite so satisfactory as coming to siee us. That's because our entire plan of doing business is based ob selling ^ only the best goods at the. lowest prices. ' - •" ajt _■-*> - HARRY I. BORDEN, Stationer Newsdealer Cor. Bond St. and Mattisoii Ave. WHEN ............ you drop a PENNY into a BLEND man's hat, do you consider how much care you should give your own eyes ? Take no chances with them, stiles ”& CO. Philadelphia Bye Specialists At aaa Main street, Asbury Park every Friday. Hours, 10 to 5. Free examination and all work guaranteed. OF ASBURY PARK Mattison Avenue aad Bond Street, Betweea Ppatofficls s b S ’ Depot ' ORGANIZED FEBRUARY, iSStf. OFFICERS! GEORGE F. KROEHL, President DR. SAMUEL JOHKSOK, Vlce-Pre*. M. H. SCOTT, Cashier. J. E. DAVIS, A sst Cashier. Patrons’ valuables received, for m£« keeping free oi charge. Foreign Exchange bought and (sold. Collections' promptly acknowledged. yous business *avo*s ees max- . ruttT soucnsDr - -v .

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Page 1: Monmoatii Trust - DigiFind-It · Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon’8 stables and- wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a

.: Only^apex1 ip Mfc&ncuth. Gouaty racftiving regular dally Tfclt’-graph Service, ■' \ t:

A Daily Ifccorcl of the Local Happenings in the Shore bis? trict from Deal to Manasquan.


Y A N T E D , ,\

-■ A S M A L L P ^ O P E R T Y I N

t h e v i c m r r Y b P S E W -

A L L O R M U N R O E A V E*

t i t j f e s T O E X C H A N G E


P R O P E R T Y ; IN P H IL A -

> D E L P H I A . •

D v ^ C O V ^ R T

208 Bond'SiidBti

ASBURY PARK and* OCEAN 3K0VE' ' :: HotelBnm swick,'Offices; Railroad Depot and ,

1214’Bangs Avenue. Principal Office, V , j/ip MATT1&ON AVE

Goods stored a t reasonable rates. Telephone connection!

P. 0. Box 66 " , Aslmry Park


K B flSB ® a m mv All sizes and prices at




For particulars,: apply to

T . F R A N K A P P L E B Y

Comer Main St, and Mattison Ave. . ' . Asbury Park.

Big A, little A, you bob....... — Tho bigoho at; twenty, feet.

At half tt-'fobt^thn wee."■ ; I f not you; must need

GLASSES tbtkt’s a certainty : ' Big A, little A, can you seef

Near sighted people can seo clearly close by and often decide to got along without glasses,. thereby entailing end­less# inisery, and sometimes blindness. ■

Willard C. Wiseman,.. GRADUATEOPTICIAN -

linn mu turn nm603 Coofanaa A-renne

Cor. EMORY S t ! Tel. 138

LOAN$ 3 2 5

4 0 0

6 0 0 .

7 0 0

1 , 0 0 0

1 ^ 5 0 0 . / .

2 ^ 0 0 0 At 5 per cent.

3 , 0 0 0 ;

* 4 , 0 0 0

G E O : W . P I T T E N G E R, y Mortgage Loans .

Room 14; Appleby Building, Asbury Park.

1 1


Astaiy Pari mi Ocean Crave

B A N KCorner Mattison Ave. gnd Main St.-

ASBURY PARK, N. J.Corner Main Ave. afad Pilgrim Pathway,


Capital v Surplus

* ... . $ s 9 $ 0 0 . ... . ,50,000

U ndiv ided , P ro f its tf.OOO

Total Resources, $ 7 5 0 ,0 0 0! H E H B Z O. W ltfSO R , P re a ld c n t..

0< O. CLAYTON, V ice-Prealdent. EDMUND £ . DAYTON, Cashier.

J E 6 8 E M IN O T ,-A aalstan t CaaKlor. D IRECTO RS'

T . F ran k Apploby, N. E. Buchanon', U. 0 . C layton,Goo, W . BTana,J . 8 . I ’ergUBon,

H en ry 0 .‘ W insor.

Dr. J . A. W . H otrlck , John IlubbaW ,I jgwIb R a tn ear, • • Geo. W . T rea t,Amos T ilton ,

. Account!! Respectfully Solicited.Safe Depot!t Boxes to Beat.Wa LiKSa Foreign Drafts »ad Letters

.•*£<*&.- . ’V’

For One Year Asbury Park %rees?!o:fay $800 far the,

Luxury of Free transit.


But It Makes Little Difference; as the rpeiult-if' the Sajfte^L&nglBranch Hos-

1 pltal as :ai< Intermediary—It Is Now'Bp'.tp-^otmder.Bradlej’' Again—DiBcus-

: sionin Council.

Barring accidents and the refusal of Pounder Bradley to consider the proposi­tion tnade by the city council last night, the Wesley lake bridges will be free to the public th i^ season. !j' ...

-A fter consiilemblc.discussion i t 1 wits voted to lease the,bridges for a fixed sum of; .$500 for one year, with thaprivilege of rcne\ra,l. Mr. Bradley .’being ai coun­cilman, the; lease, if i t is Anally executed, wjll .be made by tlio Long Branch Me­morial hospital,-to whom assignment for this purpose will bo made.

Mr. Bradley ’u statem ent of the ex­penses for maintaining tlio bridges, pub­lished in the Pressiyesterday, is regarded as capable- of. much sailing. I t is be lievtd the'city caii get along without the $200 worth of light, and tlm t the present police force ill be adequate to deal with the situation mi the lake after the toll­men go. . ' • ■ - • ,

City Solicitor, John P. Hawkins sub­m itted an .opinion stating th a t tlie city has. power to lease the two bridges, but tlm t an his judgment the- municipality did not possess the authority to agree to clean the lake, repair the flume, repair the brick walk, etc., because there is no power delegated in law by which the council could obligate the city to do the Work. P o r this ,reiison, an d 'in com­pliance with his advice, ti fixed sum of $500, ns rental, was agreed on.

Councilman Wilbur and Ivirkbride nr^ued against saddling the-eity with an expense of over $1,000 for the luxury of free bridges. But when' i t was finally agreed th a t the expense should not ex­ceed $300 a year, both councilmen voted for 'the proposition.

Toll taking bn the Wesley lake bridges has sometimes begun on «Tuhe X and sometimoR later. In view of tho action oi council last; night, and the report of Councilmen-Treat and 'Appleby th a t the Ocean Grove association stood .ready to join with Asbury, Park in,, freeing the. bridges, no attc'tript to open the toll houses w ill. probably be • made pending negotiations f o r 'a settlement of this long drawn out controversy^

LAW SCHOOL CELEBRATIONCounselor Carton to Attend Semi-Centen­

nial of School From Which He Was Graduated.

Counselor .Tames D. Cartoii will tomor­row rittend the semi-centennial celebra­tion of tho Albany Law, school, of which he ,1s a graduate. The exercises aro Of an elaborate character and will extend through tho entire day.

Or; the honorary eommitteo r»re the names of Hon, William McKinley, a graduate of the school in 1807 ; dusticc David .5, Brower, of the U. S. supreme Court;, of tlie class of ’58; Minister to Chins Edwin H .’Conger, class of '00, and many other names of those: famous on tho bench, nnd a t the bar.

The general eommitteo is made up of otic member from ^ach class-, aiid for the class.of .72 Judge J. Pninklin Fort’s name appears. Counselor Carton gradu­ated in ’04 with the degree of L. L. B.

KEYS AHD BOWLES FINEDThey Were Arrested Sunday^in Raid oil

Alleged Disorderly House in Neptune Township.

fieorge Keys, whose liojise on Avenue A, West Park, was' raided on Sunday as being an alleged gainWing resort, Was given a hearing, bofore Justice Dodd' last night, lie was found guilty anil Sued $10 and'costs. James Bowles,.one af the inmates, pleaded guilty : to: being disor­derly, and was fined $2 iind costs. ,

Jubilee Convention, Y. M. C. A. , ...Tho jubilee .convention of tho Young

Mcnls Christian Association of the United ^ a t i» and Canada will be' heldin M e c h a n ic s ’, h a l l , - B o s t o n , M a s s . , J '-v r -

11 to 10, 1001. This convention will celebrate the'fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the firat Young Mcn.’s Christian assbeiatiohs^bn tlie American Continent in Montreal and Boston in IdOl. '

' Better Sprinkling Facilities Needed.For another year. Founder Bradley's

auxiliary water plant on the beaeH will beriaxed, to qupply tho needs of the city. M^vKirkb'rldp has been added specially 16 the fire and water committee, which wiil consider the street sprinkling prob­lem with yiew io increase the facilities.'

EnJoj- Xoar Summer Oti'Jnir. :.A reminder tor'e ttauseT v isito rsY oa

booh stores.BWiOgs) astlifi


Coleman ;,H oc» bow ling. alley nnd .bil­liard room wilt opah’ Thursday, May SO, Decorationpay. ■ F ra n k B . Oonoveb.’ ''" ' ..-' f „■ , 37-130

Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon ’8 stables and-■wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a <k , ?stf.


CbUiicil’s SpScial Committee to Interview ,tie ,R ailroad Officials and Present

Request; . - Harry J . Rocitnfellbr and Ors. M. JJ.

I ’rost. appeared before the eity council last night ori behalf o u tlie Hotel Meii’p, nfesoeiatibn arid urged the passago of ircsoiiitions ^requesting tho railroad com- panies' to stop Sunday trains a t the Nbrfcli'Asbury. station, and also to re­quest' Founder .Bradley to consummate tH o>alo’o f.y ie beach. t i t , transpired that- the resolutions aa asked for iu d already been passed, by council. .

Dr, Wilbur stated in regard to the bcach th a t a resolution was passed last ;winter asking ,Mr. Bradley to resign from couneir ftnd transfer, the beack,di­rect-'to til* city, To th is resolution, which was read,by ClCrk,Burroughs, tho committee.had nevei-ljeeri honored, with a reply. I t thus appeared, th a t tlie beach, pureltana call was up to Mr, Bruillcj

in regard tc> Sunday trains, the same situation was disclosed. The railroad had been aiikted last June to grant this privilege, but" tlio request had been re­fused on the ground th a t the summer schedule iiad already been m ade up and tliat i f was too late for a change to be made. '. : ’’

I t .was ssiggcsted th a t perhaps the same objection vould not apply this year and'Prcsidciif 'Appleby accordingly con­tinued tlie committee^—Dr. Wilbur, Mr. Bradley and 'Mr. T attle—and another effort to secure tt Sunday service will he made a t once.

Bankrupt May Not Avoid the Kinmonth Judgment— Argu­m en t Before Chancellor.

The much litigated ease of Dr. IL S. Kinmonth against Frederick C. Braeuti- gam was again before Vice Chancellor Heed a t Trenton today*, The case is a peculiar one and in­

volves a delicate interpretation of the bankruptcy,laws; In January, 1808, Dr; Kinmohtii filed a bill in the court' of diancery to set aside a conveyance made by Braeutigam to liis wife, claiming that the sanic .was nntde fraudulently and with intent- to clieat^him. Kinpionth wai on lirn eut ighm’s notcs ns. ae(X>moda- tiosi eiidower for about $3,000.

Proceedings were taken in the case, but in. October-of the same year Braeutigam. filed ft petition in bankruptcy. The doc- t»r did not file his claim under the bank­ruptcy act, claiming tlm t-tl; dcbt was one contracted in fraud and not dis- dmrgeahle in bankruptcy under the' United States statute.

The proceedings in bankruptcy were fought, but iinaliy resulted, on May 14 last, In Braeutigara’s discharge, leaving the question of fraudulently contracted ciebti; to bo determined by the state courts. . • ,

On Thursday last Dr. Kinmonth took an appeal from the United States dis­trict court a t Trenton to tho United States' Court of appeals, and the case was set le bo heard nt tiia public buildings in Philadelphia tho third Tuesday in Sep­tember. .

Brncutigam’s counsel gave notice that lie would apply a t -Trenton to have Dr. Kinlnonth’s bill in Chancery dismissed.

Edwin H. Murphy appeared for Braeutigam and R. TcnBroeck Stout for Dr. Khnnonthc Tire case was argued a t great length. Mr. Murphy claimed th a t the bankruptcy proceedings dis­charged Braeutigam from all obligations. It was also claimed- th a t all actions taken ogainst Braeutigam. within four, months o£ his being discharged as a bankrupt were originally void. Mr. Stout, in opposition, claimed th a t tliiE rule applied to actions taken four months bafoHs tho adjudication in bankruptcy, arid did not apply to Dr. K'mmonth’s case because his fiction was taken afte r the adjudication and th a t therefore his judg­ment liolds gfaod and th a t i t being one: in fraud, Braeutiguni’s property is liable.

Vice Chancellor Reed, after listening attentively to ’ the nrjAiuents on both sidcB, reserved.his,decision.

Grancl F raternity a t Long BranchLong Braii.cli'CiiinPi CJraml Fratci-nity,

luiH been instituted with the following officers; Cbmiiiander, J . Ii. W ertsj vice commander, F. St. Van Dervecr; re­corder, P. A. Hull; treasurer, L. G. Bliss, D r., B, II. Garrison was chosen niediciU examiner. ,,,. - ^

Awaits Mayor’s Signature.{ The c i ty ‘contract: with the A tlantic Coast Electric Light company for 70 arc light, to burn all night, was last night ordered sent to the mayor for his Bigna- tute. . r .

, ,Qcn; James F. Rusling of Trenton will bo the Memorial day orator a t Beverly^

Btclnbaeh's for Valaei.Dress coods, underwec-. liosloiy, shoes

‘ind olothliiR, prioe marked lowtr than over whlio the ancivorssry. sals a t tha Stolnbach Btorea.contluues. 1S7-,

~ : N otire o f Bemoval. ■ --Dr. George U. Herbert has MniQyed

his dental p&rfow from thf. Asbury fo rk aijd Ocean drove B&cfc building to larger nud snore coUimodloua rooms In till hew Parker building at C00 Cookman avej nu6.—Ady. 42 tf.; • . ■

SanfotdlsnBCiit for thb Mathrwbck & Sens Plano, Ifri Malnratroot. Adv,117tf.

Councilman Foster Says Records of the-Bradley Beach Coun-

cil .Are Abridged.HAYTER STILL CLAIMS SEATHis 'Three F<illoWers in Councilmanic

. Board Say They .Received No Notice of Special Meeting Though Clerk Earle Says _He MisleS notifications—T h d r Protests are Cut .Short.

For the first'.tiine in several weeks thero was a complete board present nt the Bradley'Bcachtcoiilioil meeting last night. Kev, H, J. illay ter was present, but had nothing ’ iiutever to say from the time lie tsxsfc his Heat to the adjourn­ment. His name,:.however, Vas not called in the roll, nor on the yea and ;nay votes taker., nor did tlie minutes ofj the previous mcctiiigs make any reference to him. ’ ’■

Councilman Fester made objection to the" minutes of a previous meeting which read th a t Mr. Htirney had moved the renewal of Coiiector Bradner’s bond.

“I made th&t motion,” said Mr. Foster, “and, besides thfttjfthere is a good b it of the minutes left out.”

“If you made the motion, I ’ll oliange the name,” interposed Ulerk Bftrle.

“I’d likej Ur know what Mr. Foster means by Baying tlie minutes are left out,” said Mr. Burnfy. “X deny every word you sa y ,; Mr;.- poster.”• There was a tie yea uni! nay vote on

Mr. Benner's sssotion to accept the minutes, nnd Mayor Rogers voted in the affirmative. - •

Mr. Foster asked of Mayor Rogers th a t the bylaws-of .the council be read; that there were two- new membcrB present and th a t ail would be benefited. The mayor, however, said he did'hot see any necessity for intsm ipting the meeting nnd refused the request.

The question oli’advertising for pro­posals for tlie removal of garbage was laid over un til the]1 next meeting, which will be held nekt Monday night. On motion of M r.: Beansr the election, of William Mui^ihy as;lire chief was con- iirmed. A tank; belonging to the bor­ough was ordered ' removed from the property of Mrs. Baton.

Then arose a : controversy whether Councilmen Foster,^ Stewart and Gifford lmd been notified ofcthe adjourned meet- ing. held Sfonday rijght, May 20.) May I read tlio fiMt parngrapli of the bylaws, Mr, Mayor?” asked Mr. Poster. Receiving permission he read the„section which provides th a t all members ivho are not present a t a regular meeting shall bo notified of any adjourned meeting.

“I was not notili(‘ii,’!: sitid-Goiincilmi\i» Foster. “N or'I,” chimed in Stewart. “1 was not; either,” interposed Gifford; j Clerk Earle said that he had sent pos­

ts! notices to the three, but all positively denied the receipt of the notifications.' “The borough linv states th a t we shall

be notified in person or a t bur place of residence,” said Sir. Foster, “and I don’t

why wc lmve not been notified.”“I move We adjourn,” said Mr. Benner,

and the oiotion went through with a rush, cutting off further • protests frbm the three members.


Meinoriai Day Exercises in City and j ,, Township Buildings Tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning exercises commem­orative of those who yielded their lives in the Rebellion, th a t their country might live, will be held, in the local schools.

Commander John A. Borden arid the following1 detail from C. K. Hall Post will attend: Major f. C. Patterson, Rev. W. T. Abbott, Capt. Charles A. Young, Thomas Rawclilfe, C. V. French and Poinsett Cross. The veterans will as­semble in the officcs of Commander Bor­den a t 10.30 o’clock and will then pro­ceed to the Asbury Park school, where th e exercises will be held in the morning. ; In tho'afternoon tho. same detail will

visit tlie schools of tlie township.


George Smith Fell Fror- Haymow and ; . Sustained-Painful Injury., George .Smith, colored, falling down from a lmy niow in W est Park yester; day, ran a large rusty 'nail into, the point of tho chin. The wound ran diagonally through and pierced tho en­tire lip. Dr. Wilbur was called and sewed up tlie wound.

Misconduct- Alleged.Lorenzo Murray tiiul Mary Doc, alias

Mary ,Murray, colored,, liave been arrested for alleged misconduct by the township po'lice, on complaint of Speaknmn C. Mil­ler. M urray receives a pension of $90 a month from the government, for a pecul­iar form of blindness resulting from an accident. As -Murray expresses it, his eyes aro “in eclipse” after tfark and he can see nothing. « •'

Heirrelr W ill Follow'»«iay.There is to bis just yne moro week of

phenomenal -merchandlsr* selling a t tho Btelnbaelii stores. Now Xin'rg&\! daily— theifrsjateali values ovor offered In Asbury Patfi. ...; 137, . ' ^'lObadwlok’s Pltarnmc.y• Has been wmavod to 004 Cookman ave­nuo, new store In the handsome new Bur­ton building, and is ready to . doolve cus­tomers.—Adv, 72if. ■ 1

Heia-Jt-lhe utures IndlSonplon.—Adv. S8U


Probable Cost of Work Will be iecfer^' tained Before City Council'

Takes Action.Nearly every property holder on

Fourth ayenuo signed the petition pre Hented by Councilman Kirkbridc in the council last night, asking th a t a; fresh layer of gravel from three to four inches deep lit* laid on the avenue. '

I t was sta ted in the petition th a t U n ­less the neccBSary repairs were made a t once th e avenue would rapidly d e te r ­iorate.

Mr. Kirkbride stated th a t the street committee, of whicii lie was chairman, was heartily in favor; of the improve­ment, bu t th a t if it was ordered, his department Would require a further ap­propriation. ...__

Mrs. M. N. Frost urged th a t something be done to keep this beautiful street in condition. Councilman Meeks thought th a t $3,500 for Fourth avenue wns a large sum io take from the city treasury. I t was claimed that tho improvement wqutd coat nothing like th a t amount, and it waa finally voted th a t Chief Smith and the :‘jty engineer be requested to submit estimates a t the next meeting.

ELECTION TOMORROWTo Vote on the Proposed Bond Issue of

$18,000- to .Purchase the PutiHc.-. .- ; Library Property.

By a resolution of the common council there will be a special election in thiB city .tomorrow, n t which the people may vote oil tlie proposed bonding for the new free libmry.

The irfn’ount for which bonds will bcSfl- sucd if the proposition .is carried, is $18,- 000, nnd the. money will be used in se­curing the library property a t Grand and First avenue, a property worth several times the amount necessary for its pur­chase. The bonda are to r.un from 10 to 30 years, and. will be of the, denomina­tion of $500 each.

The polls will be open from 0 a. m. to 7 p. m. In the first ward the polling place will be at.UlU Mattison avenue, Keator block. In the second ward the votes will be cast a t Educational hall.

MARKET SITE ACCEPTEDLot'Form erly Occupied by Buchanon Si

Smock to be Occupied W ith Mr. t Bradley’s Consent.

Tha city, through its representatives in council, last night agreed to accept the site formerly' - occupied by Buchanon, & Snibck, on Main stredt,'which, iii donated by Mr. Bradley.for ii,«ew marluitJitahd,

Th'e' stnnd ' in tlie Vicinity *of Main street and Lake avenue, heretofore Used for th a t -purpose \v*U , thei'efore. be abandoned. ;

REVISION NOT SETTLEDWhole Subject Reopened in Presbyterian

General Assembly Today and An­other Committee Appointed.

Philadelphia, Tuesday.—The whole subject of revision was reopened by the PreBbytcrian General Assembly this morning and another warm discussion was precipitated soon after the meeting, was called to order. A motion to dis­charge the coimnittee to consider changes in the creed w as carried. I t wns also de­cided to have the moderator appoint a riew committee with himself as chairman.


First , Gun Fired in Vienna House bf Deputies and Resolution Moved..

Vienna, Tuesday.—Deputy- Lecher, a t the instance of u delegation representing various interests, moved a resolution in the House of Deputies today urging <^ount - Goluchowski, minister of foreign affairs,to an initiative movement to take ollicial action to form a European league against American competition.


King Dodekabe and Many Followers Killed and Heir to Throne Captured.

Paris, Tuesday.—Fifteen hundred French . troops sent against King Doder knba, in Southern Senegal, Africa, were most successful. King Dodckaba and most of his followers were killed. The heir to the throne, as well ns the reni- liant of the army-were captured after a two days’ .struggle. ■


Will Try to „ Settle Pending Labor Troubles a t Dayton.

Dayton, Tuesday.—President Qompers of the American Federation of Labor,und C. I. Kidd, president of the International Union of Amalgamated Woodworkers, arrived early .this morning, frbm Chicago. They will lend assistance to bring about a settlement of the pending labor trou­bles here. ■ -

Shamrock II to’Leave for Clyde Southampton, Tuesday.—Shamrock II

will leave-far Clyde Thursday. She will' carry a wooden mast.

Buffalo and Souvenir.SooMilebytfce ladles of the Golden Eagle

will be held Wednesday e vening, May Both Mnslo by Coggeshall and Parker. Admis­sion 85. oentB,. Including" refreshments. Winckler Hall. 180-187 >

Ride a pierce and you will not bo olsang- iag your lount every year. Some aw now in as. that were -eolrt by me'four years ago. G. l 'i Sanford, 161 Main stress.-- Adv. 124 tf.. ■

Umo. ■ Ogden Crane 'focal instrjlotion aud s.he a r t of singing, Stndio, Asbajy Park postOfflce butldln«. Monday 10,80

J a. -Ji; to 0 p. m.—Adv. 108 tf,

Says Insular Possessions Ate on Same Footing as District


Paddy Geagham Chief Conspirator iiT a esperate Plot to Kill keepers and Re­

lease Criminals—Who Will Succeed Waldersee?—Zionists Petition Sultan to Colonize in Palestine.Washington, Tuesday.—Because of the

contrary interpretations placed upon the supreme coiirt decisions in tlie insular, cases, the Publishers Press this morning engaged the services of (Sen. Charles H, Grosvenor to give it rlegal opinion on the subject. ’ •

He was proHont yesterdny during the delivery of the uiaiiy opinions. He says: “The court holds by a m ajority of one, th a t by tlie ratification of the treaty of Paris the insular'possessions became part of thc^ United States for every purpose, with limit alone that congress hUs com­plete and ample power to legislate inde­pendent, of the tarifT limitations of the constitution, in regard to those islands, and tlie same result necessarily follows iis .to questions of citizenship ftnd every other question, the court putting those islands on the exact footing of the Dis­trict of Columbia;

The effect of the decision will be to compel the refunding of duties collected durihg. the brief period between the rati- Ucation of tlie treaty and the passage of the legislation by congress, on imports comiiig from or going to Porto Rico; the same result will necessarily follow as to the diitie's paid on * imports from tlie Philippines. The court decides, however, tha^.uhder the Spooner bill, passed in the last cbVigress, thp president is authorized to make a tariff schedule both going to and coining from the Philippines, and that it is to be constitutional and valid undier'. th is decision.”

A MAD HOUSE PLOTPlan to' Release Insane Criminals in Dan-

nemora Prison, New York, Checked Timely Information.

Danfle'mora, N . . Y., Tuesday.—-A plot has.been discovered here which involved wholeBalo delivery of tlio insane convicts ill . the Darinoriibra State Hospital for the Criininal InBdiie/ the jnnrder of -two br more' attendants, as circumstances re­quired, a^d other deeds of violence neces­sary for the consummation Of the shrewdly laid, plans. The chief eonspira- to» is the . famous “Paddy” Geagham, who planned .tlic memorable outbreak a t the Matteawan State hospital last year,

ZIONISTS PETITION SULTANDoctor Herz and Hebrew Bankets Ask

Authority for Palestine Coloniza­tion for Four Years.

Constantinople, T uesday:— Doctor Herz, leader of the Zionist . movement, with two representatives of the Bleich- roder bank bf Berlin and of the lioths- cliilds, is licit seeking the aultan’s authority foi- Palestine colonizatidn for four years. The sultan has declined to negotiate a t present, b u t . the financial

Isis in Turljey luts raised the Zionists’ hopes of success in the near future.


Bashful Minister J c Washington Given , Gold and Honor to'Accept Post.

Constantinople, Tuesday.—111 order to induce Chekib Bey, the new Turkish minister to Washington to lenve for his post, the sultan has given*tiins\a gratuity of $1)20, and has also conferred on him the grand cordon of the Osinanic order.


Will Im itate Freaks to Secure Scholar- -, ships for Wellesley.

Fitchburg, Tuesday.—In order to se­cure. scholarships for Wellesley college the Wellesley club of this city has de­cided to give an amateur circus. There will be a side show in which society young men and women will appear.


Powers Negotiate Which Shall Name Commander for Allied Forces.

Berlin, Tuesday.—The powers are now negotiating whicii shall nominate a eom- liiander for the allied forces remaining in the province of Pc-Cliili, China, after Count Von Walderscc’s return to Europe.

Dorotha.on the St. Lawrence., ■' Ogdensburg, ■ Tuesday.—The United

States training ship Dorothu, bound tvoin the League Island navy yard to Chicago, passed up the St. Lawrence this morning with the Illinois Isfayal reserves alboard-

Yo.ur la s t Cliaueq,The great anniversary sale at the Stsin-

aoh stores closes this week, so harry up If you would procure your share of the nn- der-prlced good things provided for eco­nomical buyers. 127

Botnbww Festival. 1 ■(Tuesday evening' May 28, ladles of the

First M.-. E ohuroh will, hold' a rainbow festival in amusement hall of Grand ave­nue hotel. Strawberries, Ice creora und cake osi sale. Entr^nco Bammorfleld avn nue: Admission fmo.—Adv, ■ 8M.-7

Money to LoanWe have to loan on first mort»

gage on Improved R«al Estate the foUpwing sasDs: ; !' j'- \y. k

$ 1 , 0 0 0

1 , 2 0 0

1 ,5 0 0 2 , 0 0 0

3 . 0 0 04 . 0 0 0


208 m Aim s t r e e t .

Monmoatii Trust—AND—

Hoomoatb BnlMlng:, Asbury

CAPITAL.. . . . ,.-.-.$100,000SURPLUS. . . . . . . . ..

— !-• . ,l--i 0 0 0 E se ru te s nil t rn s ts known to the Jaw.Loana raonoy on l)ond ond m ortgage.RernlTea depofllts fliibjoct to cbeek and allow*

tntercHt on daily holnncea. (Acto ns Truatee, Reglstrnr ond Trabifer-AgtfntyI’aj'H COUJHHIH. •Maken dem and and ilm e loans o n ^approrMX

colla loral. . <S afe depoBlt vaulta, • ' l; • .,---...,-4

A. C. TWINING, PrefddAit.O. B. M. HARVFA’. V lce-Prealdent.

R. A. TUSTING, Secretary.* D. C. CORNELL* T reasu rer.

DIRECTO RS: ' ^R . A. T tintlng, ’ ,H enry M itchell, M. D. John P . 0 ?Brlen,Perry R. Smith, • , . S. A. Patterson, .A. C. Twining,'.

O. IT. Brown,J. II. Buchanon,I). C, Cornell \V. J. Ilhrrlflon,Col. G. B. M.. Harrey,(Jeorgr- i\ Kroehl, ... ........Bruce S. Keator, M. D. U. H. Vreelabd,

G. D, W. Vroom.


Build a moderate priced JioiMe. Which ta* vestment ’"ill cost less thais paying $ji} per month rent. Sea ; 6 -

H .c . w m s q i o r T F . A m m r .

' Why suffer from Indigestion f Bennefr- lno will care you.—Adv. iffitl.

THERE’S l l P i

ITthat when-you want absolutely the best article produced In the Jline a£

S T A T I O N E R Ythat there is no other way quite so satisfactory as coming to siee us. That's because our entire plan of doing business is based ob selling only the best goods at the. lowest prices. ■ ' - •" ajt _■-*> -

HARRY I. BORDEN,S ta tio n e r N ew sd ea le r

Cor. Bond St. and Mattisoii Ave. drop a P E N N Y into a BLEND man's hat, do you consider how much care you should give your own eyes ? Take no chances with them,

stiles”& CO.Philadelphia Bye Specialists

At aaa Main street, Asbury Park every Friday.

Hours, 10 to 5. Free examination and all work guaranteed.


Mattison Avenue aad Bond Street, Betweea Ppatofficls sbS ’ Depot '



DR. SAMUEL JOHKSOK, Vlce-Pre*. M. H. SCOTT, Cashier.

J. E. DAVIS, A sst Cashier.

Patrons’ valuables received, for m£« keeping free oi charge.

Foreign Exchange bought and (sold. Collections' promptly acknowledged.

y o u s b u s in e s s * a v o * s e e s m a x - . r u t t T s o u c n s D r - - v .

Page 2: Monmoatii Trust - DigiFind-It · Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon’8 stables and- wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a


F A M IL Y r e s o r t .


Y E A R .

A b iiljR f ^ARK IMTLy^yitESS, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1901,

Carpets, Furniture, Bedding*

T h e e n t ir e c o n te n t s o f t h e H o t e l M a d i s o n , , O c e a n G r p y e , f r i l l b e s o l d a t p r iv a t e s a le a t W a s h in g t o n W h i t e ’ s. B r ic k B u i l d i n g , ;1 4 5 M a in s tr e e t , A s h u r y P a r k , c o m m e n c in g M a y 1 8 t h . G o m e , a n d y o u : w i l l s e e a n a s s o r tm e n t n o t f o u n d in a n y s to r e . I t i n c l u d e s

Bed Room Suits in Oak, Walnut, Cherry and Painted, Hair Mattresses and Springs, Geese Feather Pillows, Blankets, Sheets/ Pillow Cases, i

Towels, Spreads, Quilts, Table Cloths andA ll c le a n a n d in g o o d o r d e r / A l s o a f u l l l i n e o f R o g e r s ' B r o s .

T a b l e S i lv e r .- ’ S o m e f in e p i e c e s in m a h o g a n y a n d a n o l d C o lo n ia l c h e s t . T h is is a c h a n c e to b u y g o o d c le a n g o o d s c h e a p .

At the [large sale of Hotel Furniture now going on at 145 Main Street can be found is good order 1 STEAM TABLE, 1 COMPLETE BARBER OUTFIT, INCLUDING CHAIR, LOOKING GLASSES and CLIPPERS. ' ’

C S. S T A F F O R D

A deliciovsly cocl- in. distressingly hoi weather! Sounds like a n anom aly, but it’s true. You have it with a gas stove. \

Jso n eed of ad d in g coal-lieat; v»*ood-hc:it, a n d \vork~hea£ to su m m er-heat. .A stove? cooks iood to p c rfcc tio n , b u t floes n o t cook th e cook.

c.nnsfllidated Gas Co., Mattison 4ve. ••• ra n g es m


Mado of tlio best material and workmanship at lowest prices.


. i ; '

617 Cookman, 618 Mattison Avenues, Asbury Park

l|/.E still have some most desirable houses for

rent by the year. Let us give you particulars.MONMOUTH REaLTY CO.

RO O M S 12-13

M o n m o u t h B u il d in g

I N S U R A N C E , .Low Rates,

Fire, Liffe, Accident, Plate G lass... .


M o n m o u t h B u il d in g


Sealed proposals for tho construction of Ja .-gravel road in tho.township of Howell, county of Monmouth,’ leading Southwesterly from Lower Kqiumktmi bridge to the* county line road near Lakewood j 4 71-100 miles long, will be re- iuiivodby tlio Ixiard of chosen freeholders of said cotuity at the Court House in Freehold, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE mil, 1001, at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon, and then and thoro publicly Opened. The said road is to be built under the provisions of the state aid rotid laws of Now Jersey, and plnnw and specifications for its con* struction may be procured upon application to the county collector’s office at the Court House in Ifreohold. or to Peter Forman, engineer, Manalapan, Now Jersey. Each proposal mustr bo accompanied with the bidder’s Rond, with sureties. satisfactory to tlio board of chosen freeholders and mado payable to their order in the sum of one thousand dollars, and con­ditioned that'if tho-contract is awarded to him, he will wlujn thereto required -by tho board, oxccutc lm agreement-In writing,to faithfully perform tho work according .to theElans ana speeir cations,, and execute and de-

vor such fur tlit r l>ond nud guarantees as mixy be required by the terms of tho specifications.

Tho right to reject any and all bids is horoby reserved. t

JOHN GUI RE, Director.Doted May 8th, 1901 12£38

NOTICE i* hereby Riven to the lepul voters of Asbury Park tlmt a special

election will bo bold in Asbury Park oi the TWKNTV-MXTH I)AV OF-MAY 1SH»1, for the purpose of voting for tin adoption or rejection of tho following resolution, ipiinoly:

“ Ho it resolved, That the Gonnnoi- Council of Asbury Park bo authorized t< issiiH, in the mime of the city, its corporate 1 bonds, for the sum of eighteen thousand dollars, for the acquiring .of lands, the ac- qiiirinp aiid. erection aiul imf.rovemMiit^ of buildings and appliances for library purposes, for the city of Asbury Park, under a ml by virtue of nn Act. of tlie Legis­lature of the State of New Jersey, entitled ‘An act to authorize the establishment of free public 'libraries in the cities of this state,* approved‘April 1,1*884, and the vari­ous /i mend i nones and supplements thereto, which said bonds shall be of the denomi­nation of tivo hundred dollars o»ch, and to beat* interest a t tho rate of 4 percent., per dnrium, and payable semi annually, .and shall become due and payable a t not less than, tori'years or more than thirty ^va'rsfr6mthivdat(*tht!reo{,a6~thedption uf tlio Common Council of Asbury Park."

Tho polls will be opened afcO o'clock in tiie morning, and continue open until 7 o’clock in the-evening, except an inter­mission of ono hour between 1 and 53 o'clock, when thoy will bo closed.

Tho polls will lie a t 010 Mattison ave­nue, in tlio First district, and in thoHec- ond district in Educational Hull.

WM. C..BURROUGHS,*. City Clerk.

Dated May. l!l,JfN)l.

Press ttdvs, pay, the people say.

James Forsyth • Jocjjs. BoypeNow is the tim e to improve, your.

. . p l u m b i n g :.By having

to do, it. .All orders promptly attended to.

320 BOND STREETWhile Frederick Dieterle of Jersey

City wns practicing Hii'owing -tlio 12- |ionmi‘ ••]i«miner iii Kaldft'in pink. li« h(rude Willium1 Farrell. 11 Veins old, in Hie buck. The boy was .seriously in­jured. ; , ‘ •


New York—Jacob Land.Xcw llnvoii-r-fi.' W. Sanford and wife,

ill's. Curtis Nickels, Mrs.'Alfred Todil, MANHATTAN.

Xcw York—C. \V. Jloore nnd t jfe , Q ]l. ifolcliam and wife,

liavounc—W. -H.; S. Crane and wife’ GRAND AVEHUE.

' -Xe«r York—Jlnudo I. Collins, Dr. H. W. Burns; James C. Field.

Brooklyn—James YanDyk nud wife, 11. Gilbert.

Newark—William Holmes.Cincinnati—.lames Holmes.Astillrv Park—John i l , Brady and

family. Miss A. B. Evans, ;A'. W. Dey, MINOT HOUSE. '

. Philadelphia—.Jos. Keene, jr. and wife. Harold Perot Keene, Emil Gunther, John A. Boger.

Asbury Park—A. S, Burton innd familv. •

COMMERCIAL.New York—Jack Bilker, J. J, Tarlton

and wife., ‘ ' ; .Philadelphia—J, E. W illits. .

MARLBOROUGH.New- York—Tj. A. Sullivan, E. D. Har­

rington; C. II, DeFord... GRAND CENTRAL.

'IVenton—T. \V. Johnson.EBBITT. . ' '•

New York—Doc Hunter.

HOLIDAY RACES AT FREEHOLDThree Horses From This Vicinity In ­

cluded in E ntry List—Special Train and Reduced Fares.

The trotting meeting of the Freehold Driving olub a t th a t place on Thursday ' Memorial day) will be a leatling event, t will lie a regular gala day in the staid

old county seat.A special train leaving Long Branch'

at 111.."!!! will be run to Freehold. The train will leave this city a t 11.15. The fare from Aslmry Park will he 88 cents, tickets good returning bn regular trains.

All the best horses in this section of tlie county have been entered in tlie various events. 31. E. Sexton’s spetdy "Mm'ri« " will be. among the trotters, as will also K, Halsey Wilcox’s “Maud V,” trad Coombs Brothers’ "Lottie M,” for­merly owned by \i. K. Sexton. The grounds \vill be especially policed and it is expected th a t many ladies Will enjoy the sport.1 -

A 11 .(.‘o u n t e r f e l t e r N A r r e s t e d .

New York, Muy 28.—Four muu who were ehargeil with hulking and yaas- ing counterfeit coins -lmve been a r­raigned before United States Commis­sioner Shields by W illiam 'J . Flynn, agent lu i-harge of the. secret service bureau of this city. The prisoners said they were John Spceiiil.e and H erbert Hubbard, both of whom lived lu lodging houses on the Bowery, and Fm uk Given ami l’aul Sunders, who occupied furnished rooms in a house a t Bergen street . iini.1 Third a veil ue, Brooklyn. All of the men wjiived exam ination ex­cept -Sanders, who demanded n bearing on the elmrge. which was set for Weiluesday morning next.

M em ory Hentort-ti I,}- 1* >-£>!) o f 1* m ,.Buffalo. May 28.—A .remarkable, case

of loss of memory and restoration by hypnotism has developed here. John ,T. Kelly of. Providence appealed to the police to linil out if possible ^vlio he was. Dr. Fow ler,-the police surgeon, after satisfying himself th a t Kelly was not a fraud, called iu three eminent specialists, Kelly1 w as hypnotized. Under the hypnotic spell lie rationally answered ul! questions' put to'.' him. After being brought tfr afte r the ex­periment Kelly was in a rational con­dition. He says lie has no recollection

•of anything tlmt has happened since hist Friday.

Beware "of .* Cough A cbugU is. so t a disease but B; symp­

tom. Consumption and bronchitis, whicli are the-r/ioat dangerous and fatal diseases, have fos- their first” indication a persistent cough, and if . "properly treated us soon as this, cough appeara are easily cured. Chamberlain’s CougSt' Behiedy lias proven .wonderfully. success: ful, and gained its wide, reputation arid extensive sale by its success in -curing the diseases which cause coughing. -*1* it. is not beneficial it w ill not cost yon a cent. For sale by Stewart’s , drng store, Cookman avenue and Bond street.

National X^ngfssion Has Also fixed Vtfay foi Spell There, i

V Thj& Rufes Applied. (W hat is in a rioiin ,A good bit, if it

is'spelled wrong, s o 'i t least thinka the United States" gpyefriment, and particu­larly the. Rational couuiiission for. :'tiic: fixing o f proper sinmei of plnces^ii coiji.-'' mission^—\vijifil .consists of .reprminifi-: tives (from tlie Ndtionnl geological , de^ partm W t; the land ofliec, liydrographic office, war corps of enginecrs^iiiid kindred d epartm ental'^-; •

Tha-mrfpoae1 of this commission : t-.; fix the ilanie o f . the., placcj dnd Ut Jin^ made some very important- ejianges 5 - ly .by the traditional name and spelling, the sta te of Ne\v .lerflcy. Its decision is final, and those who want to stand firm-, anil against' the npw order of thing* mUst -understand they are pursuing an illegal practice. ■ . v-f'

New Jersey has many places with, mixed and 'uncertain names, duet to tlie attem pt to adopt Indian names or prto- vinciitiism. Many places go by tho cur­rent nickname given by the residents, and others go' by a .nniption--o; ,i pro­per name, but the greatest trouble in the ,levseV names is the use of the.possessive' case and the final ‘-s.” -The . prevailing rule of the national commission oil names is to drop the timil “h” in burgh, abbreviate “borough”, to '‘boro,” to spell “center” one way . to . drop “court.. Iiouse” from the itamcs of county seats, to di-op the linal “city.” or "town” and to 'con- dense all hyphenixed words.

Take, for 'instance, Unit funny- little place in Burlington; county called , Ong’s Hat. Nobody could "tell why. but i t is a tradition that, conics down jfrom In ­dian times. Noboily would have taken much notice'of this roadsiile settlement cailcd Ong’s H a t if, it was not-' a neat neighbor■' of M ary’ Ami’s ' Fttfiiiice and Mount Jfisery.- Tiie new list of names says thn t y ie place is now legally Ong, and not Ong’s-Hut. . , M: ■

The humorous -parHgraphcr 'vlio. thinks the most important place in New, Jersey is Squunkum can ^continue his, jibes, knowing that Squankiini has been pre­served in New Jersey, nnd all the com­mission did wnh" to establish the spell­ing. Sqtmnkum is in Monmouth county,' and it is illegal aridiunlearned to spell it .Stpinncnm. '' 1

Even Cheescquakc,, the litle creek ib Middlesex' county’;'.that stirred congrcBs with spasms of abnormal virtue, is pre­served, and. the 'spelling stands Chceso- ijuakc, and no t pldih Cheese; Creek - o r Chesquake. , -,i • • ;. ' .Take Finley^ Run. In Cumberland coun­

ty. I t ' lias scvcral;iiTcknames^ such ' .as Casper’s Shimps,,Stretch and Stretch’s ltuu,.but it is now plain'Finlcy.;.'"Great Meadow of-jlVirrren' county, fa

moii.-i for its ouioa':tiii(t cclcry, is lost to the new generation,i:anci. is now to be called Danville, while Ogiien Mine, up in Sussex, bears the mjjiie of Edison, ■ be­cause-" of the great inventor’s new mag­netic ore works that.,(he has Ipcatcd there. ... .;.

Pitman Grove, ihe, famp-meeting town below Camden, loses the “Grove” and is plain Pitman.

Germania, in Atlantic county, has be­come' Cologne, which' is a decided, im­provement, so far as sweet-smelling names go. Folsom, another nice sounding name,has been given 'to Germany, in At­lantic county. . . ...

There has • been nnd continnes to be considerable diversity of opinion as to the spelling of tlie liajpeS; of those places th a t . have Indian nanics. Tulipchockcn Creek and village,in.,Burlington county, is fixed ns stilted, and it is not to be . called Tulipeiienkin iior Tuiepehonken. Waachaach, in Monmouth county, is not Wtiy .Cake or. Bay Cakf£ ’Tiint muclily discussed place, Allamiichy of Warren county is not. spelled r--.!r: lulit- orAlliiw- niulchy, and this a relief, because it has been getting the benefit recently of a generous license in tlie "spelling of thc old Iiuliuu nanic. It is fixed.that Normahig- gan, iii Union county, is hereafter to be spelled w ith.a llnal “i” 'anA not “a.” Pe- quanoc of Morris county is no longer to be spelled Pccpiamioc or Pe(|uannock', as is now the running custom.

There are a number of places where the mimes are condensed. Belle Plain-is now Belleplain; New-Bold, in Burlington county, is plain Newbold; i'ciinsgrove, in Salem county, is .noSv abbreviated to Penngrove; Willow Grove, ill Gloucester county, • is now Willowgrove; P itts drove, in Salem county, is now Pitt- grovc; Flaggtown, in Somerset county, loses a SupiafluQiis., “g ” and ( is plain Flagtown; Ewan’i Mills, in 'B urlington county, is reduced to the brief name .of ®S6ftni^.Egg. Uiirlipr ;city,^celebrated for its jolly country "fair and red wiiies, drops ihe ‘‘city” and is just’ Egg Harbor.

Criinbury, ill Middlcscx. eounty, has no relation whatever with the berry th a t goes with the Thanksgiving turkey. I t is a “bury” and not a “berry,” so says the official board. There are perhaps a dozen ways of spelling Pluckaniin, in Sqmes'set county; the only novelty «s the different combinations, o t the letter, nut ,the name is fixed, and Somerset county breathes caster, for its fight for many years was just.w liat .was the prop­er name. I t i» PluoKemin. - . .

.Some, sanies are .abb'reviatcd. Little Egg,. Harbor Inlet liecomcs ju s t L ittle Egg. [I ts other name. whs Tucker’s Cove.' Upper Allowaj’ Crcblj township, in Sa­lem, is now plain Atloway. 3^)\vcr Alio-: y,-j.y Creek township i s ’ nmv Lpwcr 'Al- lowav. f t is Nava sink beach arid river, not Nevcrsink. I t ip5 j'lataw an, in Mon- lhoutl{ county, and liot Mattaw-an, Matn-, yan nor iliddlctown. ''^lillburu, in Esses county, has only one"1,"nnd Montclair is not divided. Keyport .i* no longer di­v ided....'’ .,

Absecon, famous 'Sor a brand- of oys­ters, iias '> a ..filial ,*!n” . and not- “m.” Some of the; other chnngcH are.j.'F in n s Point, DelaWiVc river, Salem

county, - not- Finn’sV. VFortcseuc,'.. lleacli Creek Landing, near Cumberland county.

not Forfcacjuc; I raiiklin P irpiJce,?! Sus-' sex county, no . Frnnklinj GSerivlew, in Monis comity, not Whitehall uor Wliito: hall . Statiqn’; . Guttcnbcrgi I li> Hudson county, not Guttenburg; , HoWell" Cove, Delaware river, about-orie miie eaat-b^ League Island, Gloucester county, not Howell’s . Jacobs Creek, Cumberland county not Jacob or Jacob's; Jcnklnsl Burlington county, not Hnrriayi.lle' aor Jenkin. Neck; Lamirigtoii, post" pfBce arid river, Somerset c-otinty, not oLsmnington; Ijinedowne, Hunterdon county, riot Lansdown. . ' ' .

■McAfee, in Sussex cbunty, is not Mc- A'fce \ raUey'j Major-Run,’'Salem 'couhtjr, not Major’s; Nesco, Atlnntic county, not New • Columbia;,- Nesochaque .Gfcelj,' . At- ^.iyitii : county,’ nbt.W est. Mill Stream; Oceanie; vi!lnge; Mdnmbutli couni-y, .not Occania nQr.Port .Washington-' Oldman’s' Creek,.Point.arid townahip/Salem.’eoun-- ty , . noir Oldman. Creel?,' nor 'Oldman's Point; Oriinoken. .Creek; : (Jiiniuerlarid county, .not, Oranoaken i Oxford, - Warren county,, .not Oxford Fiiniacij.'Pasca?k ^!rec!j,,-village, Bergen "cquiity, .iiot ■ .Pas- cMClT^St^ritolc^Kill, Sussex 'coufBjj PiiujHi nop P i^ fn s ^ - l^ n ^ ll , 'm Warren «funty, not Pentiell, Penrnvfitt' iior Pen-, ville; Fine Creek;. A tlantic county, pot Newton; " Point Comfort, .bca'coln,.' New York lower bay, N. J , .ao l Ijay Side; Pottcrsville-falls, Morris', county,' not Al - ninatoria 'nor.; Bottera;’ Rari^.cas'. Crebit, Burlington county, not, Hancpcus; Kich- w’oodl Gfoueester county, , n o t , Five Points; Sandyston .township, in Sussex county, riot Saridis nor Sanciistpn; See­ley,, , Cumberland' county, , not ’ Cedar Grove; Sbnue, Burlington county, not Shane’s ; Bicklcrvilie' Uninden cciunty, not Sicklcrtown; Soutli Bpnpd Broolc, Somerset county, not, Bloomington;, South Plainfield, Village, Middlesex, coun­ty, not New Brooklyn; Stirling, Morris county, not Sterling;. Tabor, , Morris county, .not Mount Tabor; Svhcaiori Hun, Ciimberiitiid County, not Molly Wheaton nor Whcnton’H; Whiglnne, Salem county, not Whig Lane. -t.


Prominent Speakera to Attend a t Sea Girt Next Saturday.

An excellent program for the stfyto meeting of the Daughters of the Ameri- cau ltevolntioii has been prepared by the ■ttato regent,' Miss E. Ellen Bhtehellcr, and her coimiiittee.. -

The meeting will,.occur nt Sea Girt next Saturday, June 1, and a reception will be held n t 12 o’clock, followed ’ by luncheon a t 12.30. Miss Batchclicr will reccivc the guests, assisted by prominent women of the D. A. l!.-j whose mimes ap­pear _on the following program to re­spond to toasts:

Invocation; 'm usic; address of .wel­come, Sirs. J . II. Oglesby, regent of Tempe-Wickt* chapter; response, E. Ellen Batehellcr; state regent;'roll call nnd re-" ports' bf chttptci-s; Mrs. Charles W. Fair­banks, president general, "Mission of the Daughters;” Mrs. Ilenry Eliot Mott,. “Pan-American Exposition;" the Rev. Phoebe A. Hannford, “A Message • of Love;” Mrs. Stewart Hartshorn,, presi­dent of tlie New Jersey Fcdcratjpn of ClUbit, “Sisterly Greeting; ” Miss . Fischer, Knickerbocker, cjiaptcr, New York; Mrs. S.. P. Weed, Norwalk chapter, Connecti­cut; tvMrs'. Charles \ H. Tcrrcy, • .Fort Greene chapter, New York; . Mrs... Fer­dinand I‘. Suarle, Washington Heights chapter. 1

BR A N C H O F P p E L S T O R E

To be Opened^in Ocean Grove Saturday in Building Formerly Occupied

by Grocer Dodge.A branch of the well known Wcdel

store, on Cookman , avenue, will be opened in Ocean Grove on Saturday, It will be. located in the store formerly occupied by- Dodge, the grocer, extending through-the block from Pitman avenue to Olin street. ,

The new venture will be under the liianngement of Miss Applegate' und B. Frank Wainright, Miss Applegate has been connected with W edelV AsbUry for a number of years nnd is thoroughly conversant with the mani­fold details incident to the management' of a big variety store. Mr. Wninriglit has also liad much experience. •• ^I’hc new store will - he thoroughly stocked with new gooils exclusively and of every variety, from clothes pins t<> pens nnd ink. I t will doubtless prove pf much convenience to the residents bf Ocean Grove.

The first mm’der .trial in Hunterdon county in years will occur in September, when Isaac Mitchell will he tried for tlie, murder of Edward Kane.

VsralnlJ 81 Dovoe » Varnt»l> 'Floof FSSntoost. 6c, more a quart; mskoa It look brighter and wear fully twice ns - ap as -chnaner floor paints. -Sold' by B-.iohoncn & Smook, H y ,

U N I T E D S T A T E SHas ThorougiilyyTested and Approved


! And tho N Y. Herald wlU establish a Wire­less Telegraph Station on Nantucket Shoala, reporting incoming vessels 18 hours In'advance. Am erican W irele«« T d ephonft& Tele­

graph Co; (P a re n t C om pany.)WILL PAY ON MAY S5TH ,

ANOTHER 25 PE R CENT Dl IOENOI t luis licensed the following operating Sai>

Companies:New England W ire less T . & T* Co:y (To opoi^te In the six Now JSnglan<ii Btatea.^

Federal W ire less Tw & T . Co. ^ *(To operate in Peiinai.Ohio and Pelaware.) • BtooUnolders in tho Parent Company wiu re­

ceive a 26 per cent, scrip dividend in oach. of the above Sub-Companies, and also m .other Bub*Corapanles b*Jng formed; Parent Com­pany also receives 15 per cent, cash from ssIch of stock, etc. A 25 per cent., scrip dividend .will bo paid May 28th.

VOUR LAST TO OETS h a r e s a t $ 2 .5 0 ( p a r V a lu e $10.)‘ Pull paid and N on-A ss/fssable., •

Price positively will bo.advanced t o \5 5 . 0 0 P E R S H ? R E

< Oa May 28th. Send ^ubecripttons for fpll amount, by chock, draft, okp^css o r money order to £he ordor of tho President, O. P. Qehring, o^-the Company.' ' . .A m erican W ire le s s T r if &. T e l.

1 !8tB AHOH ST., Pblladolphto, Pa.

ooocK X T O oocK X Joooooooobcxraog

1 0 ,0 0 0 VjdS. Neck Ribbons, a t P er. Yard; m “

j J j AS our 15, 20 and 2S^. Ribbon^ in this Sale.

-1 5 0 0 0 ', W ihddwe,§liiides, -. Complete with SPRING ROLLERS. .. j ;

1,000 Y d s F l o o f O il C lo t h , S . . . 30 c .


" f i e 0 r . © a i ' T u t t l © S t o r eQOQ<xx>ooooooc^tkKK30ckk>;Ka(X^

Hsburv Park RotcUOPEH ALL ypE.YEAR,Vj;'.';

Sun^^Pfirlora and fltcam . heated. ’ • Special ^ t e a ; t o ^ in ter. ^ '

M A . R Z , B s & H O t J G H

Corner Grarid ana ^, Munroe Avenue _ '

A S B C R F V’J S J tK , i l , j .

New House Handsoriiely Furnished

A. M. SEXTON.r ' * ■ , •Has All Modem Improvement*

< The Victoria ;"‘'J ' ■ thiril-and Ocean.Avenues - .’ NOW OPEN Twenty-first Season.

- ' MISS S. KEMPE, Proprietor

lA P E fc HflBSE, Open Jnno IC ■ • ' . . v-., ._.

Fec6nd Av'tstia ana . .KiiosaUjf Street " r'

Vrtlfer same zaanagenien*

HQ I PL TOURAING,s N. A. JOLY, Proprietor. ;. *•- . .

O P E N A L L T H E Y E A R , ^ T * C r a n d a n d F i f t h A v « s .' Now monag^mqnt^ ..All improvement s.-, Kloctrio Lights V Bxcellento onidne

Tclcphorio 123 B. Spccial rates for Spring, JWI and W in te r.^ •. '

The Minot House„ ' ^ Ccrnt*r Third Avmuo and Heck Btreet . *'Knlaryid crd reluinit-htd Ehctiic lights Path Elevator Bnn parlors Selectsernc© ~-

: <■ CAPT. J . MINOT. Proprietor'Cl2 F i r s t a v e n u o Open all the y«ar

V v f l r r f All modern improvements. Fptclal lates for firin g an d /a ll months, 4 tn»roo blocks/ron:octcn rnd<cnvf r.hnt to l VFintis t a r t of city. Bouse for wheels. *' .l;

1 1 ./■ . » • ^ . J. w. m elick.,

A G r a n d aad^Wonroeavenue^ © jw ilT tb * jeAr." Jtinr I I r 1 3 n I f I ) hduae; new furniture; modem improvement*. bpecUl terms f f ; ’ ” •* M v for the wlo tor ^npn^hi MBS. D* Y.

Grand Avenue Hotela J — i ; Cornel First aveaav and fcnory street. All modtro (mprovemenU.A f l f l f l f | Open < all tha fm t. Special terms fo*. the spriog and Call

r i U I iC * V mcptba. ’ i- .• .- J.8.ADRIAh,---:— •——------------------------T ------ - —— ------------------------------—---------------- ---tc1- . .

^ . a (Fottner^Bt. James). Corner Oookmto a»i c o m m e r c i a l I ^ I O t e l nue and Webb street. Open aU th ey par. Com v v i l i i i i v i v i m i « m&ndlng fuJJ view of tba sea. Brvad po*efa0<orga, airy, oomfortable rooms. Steam heated throoghouts * Service and cnfslne excellent,

' el v a n a k e n .

Ocean irove Pstsu 0«an Grove IjoieB.1 and 5 Pttmnn *Tenoe, 4 and 6 McClintock street. Thia hotel ta

T L* I ^ w °P®n Snnparlors and weh heated rt*oma for the ooldI H P A l H S K f l month*; The only hotel In Ocean Orore supplied wltii aea water ■ i i v r i i u f v n u baths. The location Is ihe best, 100 feet from boardwalk and

; ; ? : * . cjnae to andltorium a»»d postofllo* N. H KlliMBH. Proprietor


o ; w sx M O J srso jta, D IS T R IC T A G E N T F O R .,

Batlanti ne’SexporrandlAqeit BeerB o t t le d b y S t e a m P r o c o e s a n d G u a r a n t e e d t o K e e p in A n y C t lm a to

Wiiies, Liquors and Foreign and; Domestic Alee and Porter*O o o d s d e l iv e r a d o n ly o n o r d e r —f r e e o f c h a r g e . .

T e l e p h o n e C a ll I7& S P R IN G L A K E , N . J .

look Ool For Palm

If we put ifc on, i t is ,pnre whito / load and liiisecd oil, tho honest,

old-fashioned puint that lasts. ,1 W care practical mechanics, mix f oar own paints, know what goes, fi into them^nd si*o willing to guaH / i ,

,nntoe our work. May wo glvo ;roti i an e s t i m a t e ? ' * ' 5

E. J. SIR Olio ; • JThe Painter ’ MAIN ST. \

M O N E Y M O 1 : 0 A N<N SUMS uP AWV AftOUNT. r«N


i AT


WILLIAM GIFFARD; Real Sstate and Insurance

i.' • -• >• A , ' ■■. ,■m. Mala Street Aabury Park


F . F I N K E L S T E I N \; t Licensed Pawnbroker, , , ;

105 Broadway, X »ng Brajirir.i'N i'i/'o AU baisltiaav atrlotir ebbSdentlai.

Insurance written in the beat,companies. Lowest rotes.\Good Forme, / ‘

It pays to advertise in tbo I)al>j‘- IVcaa.

A- ^ ;. , - l ii: : s'

Page 3: Monmoatii Trust - DigiFind-It · Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon’8 stables and- wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a

V c- v ‘; • ; „ n


* W( ^.' 4,'t'A ' ,;u#

DD1« ho.., xi-M* | DECORATION DAY=

Oni: Swell Front, Maple Bureau, Bevelfifd French Plate Glass., : vt ' Marked to seH for \ _

On0 Swell Front, Mable Washstand’, targe Stz.e, polished, .!.;■ ' - Marked' to \ sell

On# Brass and Enamei Bed^Bow foot with best woven wire spring,

• MarkeiJ t,o-6ell for ....

tv . for three

Tlie Allenhurst, postofficf is boing con- |jt sidornhly: enlarged. <6

W hist a t tho Minot tomorrow'afternoon.

.WilliaiSi Strept is visiting. liis sister, • Sj wlloj is ..vibry.iiil1'rat, her home in New jl, Brunswick, - ; . / «> -iT. J'j. .Taritbn, ,a wholesale 'grocer-;.toS.VL. ^ewi;.Vork, and liis wife, is staying a t ' | tlie (jjommorcidL j » '• • • 'vHb'

’0 1

A irtumber of iilpnillcrs of Cotnpariy. H ' p ’-siLVBt^AKBRV iV iJ*, ill iattchd,tlio- inspection .of tho :Long!;<6...» r .. <#> \m*. .


b AfterWednesday, May 29th, above attjeks ipiU positively, be soiHlltm ^ ^ tfj^ £ ^ ^ ^ se llin g price. Our bargains are honest.

e-of any of them ? t f - r M

WILLIAM H.Grand and Cookman Avenues. ; Open until

• Furniture of All Kinds; 1 rs\ ■/ JSSufeS,' Mating, Beddifl^,' China aridBHc-i-Brac.

99 P. M.

H. C. PARRELS, Proprietor. J. t . BLACK, Manager.

-WWWft .of ,MOWERS in town a t rook bottom prices, 83.50 up. Pennsylvania, Continental, Now Departure, Westfleldr and ' cheapor grades. „ Steol. and . .wire rakea, hoes, shovels, spades, hand plows, garden bor­row!?,iseod- .'drills, PuHWators^ plows, Held and garden seeds,timothy, olover and lawn seeds, garden fertilizer, etc. "Wood pumps (3.00. Iron pitohor pumps 11,50.

2-ply heavy weight Tar Paper . 75 cents per roll.

v ' /. \ 'Poultry wire, collar window' wire, gri and galvanized'wire cloth, a t reduced prices, window .screens, soreen doors, nrlok hods 11.25, rubber garden hoso So. up to 17o. ft., butcher and hotel scalos, coffoo mills, oto. Hotel truoks with , rubber tire wheels. -' . ;<

. UNION BICYCLE TIRES * *$1.50;/Ba:c l t / . .

F u ll lino of carriage whips from lOo.-np.uiiciguuv'isuica; ucuuics, minnow tjnnuea, pa in ts In pOUndB,-,quarts,Rangoa,Heaters. Desks, Bookcases Showcases, half-gallon a n d -" g a llo n c a n s .1 P a in tLatmdry Supplies, Oharalxir Crockery. Sto. brttsnos le .' lap ' td t3.B0 an d ' m any o ther

Goods taken back a t halt prico a t end of Boa- goods. ■ S;. - i . j ; ■son. Goods sold ori cotomiKrtoiit - ■<.■■■■• .'t\Highest price paid for second hand goods.

OAITT BB BEAT—noithrr can tho bargains?rou can boy of ns be beaten. Oomo and exam- n-------------• • --------Inn onr now stock of goods and prices, especial-, ly tho following:

Extension Tobies, Sideboards, Choirs, Book- ors, Bedroom Bolts, Iron Beds, Springs, Mat­tresses. Mattings,'Carpets, Ruga,* Linoloum,

' Oilcloths, Tables; Coaches, Window . Shades,


willllrnitfeli military' company ,tonight;(.‘Mrs. A. Cary Srinth and daughtfcr ,of Bayoiino''htive-, returned after a. wdek’a Vi8it;Svitlr frieiidB 'dn Third avenue.

Mrs. Tf. S. Clas'coyne and daughter, of J VinqaiitQwn are spending.a pleasant v is it- with"friends’a t Belmar and Ham ilton:. ' >

, Tfiil family bf William H. Becgie re­moved today from Ocean Grove, .to tako i!ip their residence a t WardencIyiTe, L. I.- , ; The j ladies of the F irst M. E. ohurch. •iyllf field a rainbow festival tills evening in the new.amusement room of the Grand Avenue hotel. 1 •

Both stores of the Steinbach company iWill lid closed bh' Tliursd^im- ’tMcmoriiii day) in order th a t the employees may enjoy a Holiday. - \ 1 1, ;Mra. James Whitehead akd-daughter, .Giadyt of Jersey City Heights are domi­ciled a t the Hels'don cottage,. Third ave­nue, for the (summer.' ' . •

Tiie Luther League of tho Lutheran church held a mubicat and literary enter­tainment fust feveliing a t thS Iioibo of L. van Gilluwe, Ocean Grove. \I Miss ,Ruby W. Magie..and- A rthur f. Richey of Roselle; N. J., and Arthur R. Kelley of Aslilcy,'Pa., were tlie guests of Miss Frances V. DeCou over Sunday.

Dr. Bruce, 8 . K eator'and wife left this m oving for Germantown, Philadelphia, where, thoy will' attend an evening recep­tion a t'th c honie'of the doctor's brothbr, Hon. John I'\ Keator.

Jolin Voelkl, Winckler’a genial candy maker, was just; 31' years old yesterday, and in honor of .'the event a party , .of friends gathered a t liis home on Cook­man avenue last night. A; j(\yous ccle- brationiwas held. i


JO S . D . N E W L IN ..:iitt/ i u’iiX . ji « j t >, y_:. :i? rf. I

173 Main Street .. . Asbury Park.u - b i W i - y - ■1

Moaarcli PatsHave rOore real shoe 'irfei and are surer, s^ ^ v 'lieather,

, Shoes than any qther •you ’can- find. , Thev are-made of

I I B >

Process Patent, We own it; and'control it j and guaranteet that it.}

won’t break throiugh from natural service during reasonable trial., ‘

* Modo dnd‘ Contkjllod by •

MONARCH SHOE CO.For sale only at

O c e a n P a i a c e .S t e in b a c b C o .

Punctures Repaired FreeON OUR INSURED T IR E

Thia tlroiapot.cixly^jiMvraiitcck but is InBured. against punokurcs daring this ebason. No tin dr emery la tho trend to caudo tho tiro to^bo como poroua, bo,t an xtta quality ot rubber

" and fabrics'tlia£ will any ordinary punc;; turea. Aft pttnctnrraropairod frco otjjhargo on this tiro during this season. ’ *" .* "

: J . E D G A R S O O Y -Reliable Repair Shop "•

5 i2 1-2 Cookmaojwe.

; never

Opp. Pttrtridgo .& ioy's. ,, ,i i i


159 MAIN STREET, ASBURY PARK: V - . . / r . : ; . ; .:%,f . '

Tlio finest and best equipped funeral par- 'Y .i lofa in-the state. :

w; 4Branch' Offices—fielmar, Spring lak e .

i j b h n N , . ; j 3 l i r t i s 1U N D E R T A K E R

64541IATT1S6» AVENW ’• Cofflins and'Surinl Caskets on hand or

fiirhisiied to order. ' . 'Vv '■ v

l*tcss “SpCcial'’-iidvs; .biin^ t i g resulls.

time :;; when loftkfog forward will so ;; well - serve -gdod- teetli, good I! health, and good looks, as • I whfffl ti e, teeth are young. The < • r^ulairs: cai^ of.- baby’s .teeth.

should begin from the time *; the first Set makes its appear- JI • y * Z.?\ ■ ►

ance, as accay comes rapidly. * feature of giving

to the little folks. ! .' , . ,

I i m a^e.xa careful1 attention

| j Richard F. Doran, D. D. S., : I 715 M attbon Avenue. -

Of Interest to You......J f you want to feav'e money. o,-

. Kjrrow mpney and repay in monthly pay­ments, apply tp, ‘ the Citizens’; • Mutual Banking and Building Society, ltoom 12, Appleby building./ W e,have nearly GOO -members in this vicinity and,have placed !on Wiortgage nearly, $50,000 sinco Dccem ber le t., AVc ask your cd-opcration.

: IV H . R C T ^ L E Y , ;^;,.v. Manager Mpnmooth Distritt,

iP3iLogW for thr O^p. f i r s t National Batik ■

■ I | S ' ^ A L | | 3 N ;.;. ' ’H is oponodftUrstdlate , ,

- : ' ^ 6 6 T :. 'A N p - ^ H Q E ^K i'ta ^ r^ o p nt 014';BOND HTREET, . Only, fltstclass workjnon ompWyod. gorvroo iiroinpty f to ^ac tlo n gnaron-

r o u o m n ) , '^ j

r' . " ! '■ • Proposals fpf. fjamlshlng 50,003 feot of JrU-!

low pule plank; siioatio. of good merehanta bio qtinlitT, to jbe delivered -airpark, avenue

e, Deal lake,' Aarnry P a tlt N . J . Bias___ lorecolvedby.ftSffionilfteO. of tho Soardof Chosen Frcoholdarrol Monmouth county at Sunset Hall, Asburyr?ark,piv;M sy a)th, a t 2

Ji.m ., The committee reserves tho right to ro- ect any or nllbldfl. 'T a ^ tY , .• ;

Tlio peopled say .'thatvTresaVa^va..' pay.

(*.; L I S T . .O F E N T R I E S . . . , , , : I^k':- ; F R B E F O R A L L . , I

DAISY 8TEGLP, JJ 1-4 ’ ' 0. R. Forman. I ’reoholdor Mark Hendrix O. D. Emson, Colliers Mills <i>

i O. Wi Hondricksont Lakewood <i>•' • / . M. W- Murphy* Red Bank <h :

• . Ohartes Mcuuo, Bfed Bright <}>*.;t(> L l i l t t t QtiM* 15.1-4 *“ WOOSTER BOY LaIJOA'C; «>:■ .. ..- -

L o iT in m *.



S . b p . C L A S S .

2 . 2 0 C L A S S -

Alfred Warren, Matawan W. H. Hoyurs, New Boltord W. M, Sidnnor, Deal Beach <j>

’ • ’ ’ ’ ■. ■ .9>Qeo. W. Kramons, Matawan , .8. R. Forman .Freehold ?!?

John L. Reid) Lakewood O. X>. Emsont Oolliers Mills F. T^Hblman, Whitesville Dr. W. E. Truex, Freehold

r J,. P, Matthews, Princeton & ... 1 L. Vfi Qrover, Rrincoton >}r S. H. Grover, Lakewood rh

Benj. F. B. Brown, Matawan $ Al. Dennis, Tin ton Falls


: COUNTESS V;.; haCEDun ,

R U N N I N G R A C E D .

. W. H. Hpyers, Bolford O. D. Emson, Colliers Mills

M. B^fiexton, Asbury Park 1 Jofteph B. Hoff, Lakewood

Theodoro Pope, Freehold E. H. Wilcox, AHbury Park

, -A. Dennis, Tinton.Falls W. M. Bklnner. peal Beach

I ;Wm. Gall, Matawan jft;

J» H. Tomlinson, Lincroft G. V^Vunck; Asbury Park

-H iW -iW .Freehold ^ ).-W. Colemanf Asbury Parjc

There w ill lie ii special train leaving I/ong Ilraneli a t l i o’clock, Asbury- & m P a rJc ll.ltf A.JHC.»V6n;tlie Pennsylvania railroad. I t w ill m ake a ll stops be-

tw eenX ^n^ lfl^ubfr iiird F reehold a t reduced rate#. . . -d>p - "r 'vvf r'!- ^Baclng comniericcH a t 1 P . M. sharp . ' ''{. •■ I f <p| A^aOOP BAND OF MUSIC V f i t t BE IN ATTENDANCE. g | | TH Os/E. MORRIS, President. V W . H, ‘CARSONl Secrefary. jji

CAN’T ERECT FLAG POLECouncil Decides Not to Grant Dr. Kin

month’s Request—Afraid Of Estab­lishing a Precedent.

Dr. II. S. Kinmonth mado another characteristic appeal to tho councilmanic fathers last night. Tiie doctor lias a l it­tle triangular grass plot a t the corner of Asbury avenue and Grand on which lie desires to erect an ornamental flag pole. j.“f feel it is neccssai-y,” lie said, “to

<j6[fic here and. ask somebody if one wants to improvo' one’s, property. I am feeling v iry patriotic lately, and my re­gard for the flag is somewhat-heightened by.j the decision of the'suprem o court in {he l ’orto Rico icascy nnd. 'I want to fly this- flag^h'eie’ it' mjay»bfe-' flc'eA.’’,.‘ ; V •', ,',rf£ move the request bo granted;’’ Baid Councilman Wilbur.

“Yes, blit doctor, don’t yoU-see lie has violated ’the ordinance. Ho comes out over the streot line. ' I t ’s just like this,” arid Mr. Kirkbrido drew a map of the triangle for tlio doctor’s benefit. - ■

"W hile l'-am anxious to. grant tho doc-; tor a favor,” said. Councilman Treat, “J don’t think we ought to establish a pro cedent; The triangle is to o , fa r out in the street and some1 people with too much patriotism on board might lose their equilibrium and stumble over it.” i ; “We never lose our equilibrium up tlmt way,” said "Dr. Kinmontln: “And I am going to put a nice waik around it and have a handsome gilded ball n t the top and make it look' a great deal nicer than thd poles you have on the triangle a t Black’s drug store.”

“1 movo the re q u ^ t l c granted,” re­iterated Pr. .Wilbur, and Councilman Tuttle seconded-tlio motion.

I t was put to a vote and lost by onff majority. ■ V .

“Why that-flag polo would have been the pride of thd wheelmen1 and a distinct ornament to tho town,-”: Baid--Dr. Kin- montli . this morning. . ^ Ju s t look, a t tiioso poles over a t Blacjc’s, corner,' and they aro way oift in tlio s treo t.; But, oh my,-a councilman is a councilman,” and the rest-was left; to inforenceii {j>, , ?ii -'

AdvcrllscHu .Umtp&tly'/tlicitB.:

S ta te Champion Challenged.1E. I. Vanderveer of Freehold has chal­

lenged O. W . Ficgenspan of Ne^yarisfthc- ]irC8ont'holder of the stato cam pion-; ship fo r d a y target shootinpj/u> engage in a ;matcli to defend his honors upon the GarQeld Gun club grounds.. Mr. Ficgonf Span has-accepted the challenge, and the, match will be shot there a t some,..dhte in the, near fu ture., Mr.. Flegijnspan at' present-holds 'tfee E.'.G: Silver cUp, cm blcmatic, of , tho championship of the state. Each man will shoot, n t fiO clay targets. . In ctinnecUnnl with-.thisleveiit5 th'o" Freehold Gun club will also' hold pi> ail day^hpot. 1 . '

ilam m oth Hotel; to Open, v ■:Tlie JTotel Register says th a t‘“W: Iry-;

ing.Davhiii AviU ppoil his mammoth.Oceatl' lloiiso, a t ,. JiOng i Bmiieiij i fpK.ttio, .sea’sfin Juiie , 27.%. Tho , Ocean rtoU^j iB t^hifoirt- nijly equipped, has an; upexcplliir culslno and 'sei-vicq, is'.plensantly' located, and under, tiio perBotial suporvision o f .' .Mr; DavfdB, whoso name 'to: syqoK^taitas with eiicell^nj and BUceesBf ul manngciii’kht:’’. , .-■

i' Camden maciiiiiistB Held a secret meet-. ji^ iS u n d ay arid -dqcidcd not, ip. call out: tho men now at-jvdHc/until the strike^ Shall havo Jbeen won-in the, eliops noxvl idle. I. . . ' :

Miss Florence Newman, who hoB bfeott a great sufferer from muscular rheuina,- tfsiti, 'oAyW Chaintiorlain’S'1 Paid: Balm is! the only, remedy th a t affords lier relief.)

rto 'a mucli mpeeUd':it«||l-j dcnt . of the, vlllage^ot ’Grayi N, iEi',', and, maites: this statement for the benefit «f: others similarly aflltotcd. Thitf iluinierit is fqr Billo by Stowart’a' drug store,Tcqr*. ner..Cookman avenuo aiid Bond 'fitrcot.

JACKSONVILLE BENEFITProfessional and tb c i l Talent to Assist

a t Thursday KigM Entettainment in Educational Hall.

In line with her sister- towns, Asbury IJark will aid th e unfortunate sufTcrers a t Jacksonville,''Fift.^'f^ho lost their all recently. A bcriqfiV:wi)l*.l)c given in Edu­cational, hull ' thc levirtiing, of Memorial day (Thursday, May 30), tlie proceeds of which wiU be, forwarded'to aid the needy sufferers. •; ••.' 'Professional ‘as- well.las the best local .talent have contributed- their services and tiie sani.e spirit -s^einH to prevail among a^l who have been approaclicd to aiil in this wortliy caliae: ;

The leading hotels aiid stores, as jvell as''professibmil men, have subscribed liberally, for tickets and from all'indications j Asbury. Park will not J>e found wanting in this'move to aid those in distress. -Tlie ;rirrayl'’)of talent that will appear will insure, ailjill to suit, all claBaes. Among 'tlie artists wild have volui\teei-ed' Ure 'MiKa' M<tf['ftret E.' Asay.i MisS / I d a ' t ;1 Co^ge&hali;1 Missi ': Eleanor Lance; lilrs.'.W: IiVing-Mmtoiv Te-Wan- K’n, Ifan-y' Yertger, Messrs. Goldstein, &Borden and Ardis, Sanfdrd’s band adn othera. . . 1 - ■' • ■

Aniong thbso most instrumental in the management of this benefit is Miss Cog- gcsimll, who reCBiltlj("iirriV^d from the stricken c ity ..; ' • -

' . J _ ... / I ,;: wjdstans c o t t a g e s o l d . ~ .



C. C. Clayton df Ocean Grove. Bays Fine. Ajbary Park Property.

C. Clayton of Ocean Grove has pur­chased the Wihana cottage;. On, Asbury avenue, one of the finest residences In As­bury Park. .While .doflnltoly known of'M r. Oliyton’s intention in pon-! neotlon wlthitbe mansion, It is said that it wUi be occupied by Dr. and Mrs/ L. E. Hetriok; Mr. Clayton’s daughter and son-; ln-law. : ' ' j - ■ ' ' . ■


Mqrrlsania. Xacht, Club Members Leufle - >.,;.ABbary Fark Cottage.- . ‘

Mrs. W. Irving Minton has leased. hor Itako ayenuo cottage,,which ’wtU bo occu­pied during the season by six young men, members of' the Morrlsania ,Yaoht club., •The.youiig men have a yathti a t Sharhi river, and they will live on the oopperotlvo plan, which is somothing uniquoin Asbury ■Park.- y- • :

, [ c o u n t y An d s t a t e -The board of trade of Glassbpro ivill

shortly issue ' a pamphlet advertising tliat town. ; ;

(Ncw.iind,improved lights have replaced tlio oil; lamps in the Ely .Methodist Epis- ic'opal, church.

:W ard; fiopp, 10 yehrs old, .o ti,Vineland, Wos;^iayitig \Vitli a revolver, wlicn it cx- plodedv'and'.kilied him; . j ;

Tho jjijd hundrpdth nnnivcraary of tiie establishment ’o f ‘.'tho First' Baptist clLUrch -.Of .. Buflingtbu was.! celebrated: Sunday. 1 • ' . • . . p '; ' -

Ivy Peterson ,kilicd a blacksnakc a t Smitlibprg.|0 :fc’et 2 inches ln ;length a few days agd. .Ho says a larger- snake of tho samd ipcciea escaped.,; The Rogers locomotive works a t Fat'cr? son,) which resuiiidd Operations yesterday Witli a force of; 050-mbn, has receivpd aii; order from the Union l’ucific Railroad company for 40 locomotives.

Hottl Goods a t Private Sale.:Tho entire stock of tiie Hotel Madison,

Ocean Grove, is being Bold a t private sale a t til'd Washington W hite brick building; 146- Main , street, this city..; Many. bar-, gains pro being offered in oak, cherry and1

.Walnut, bed .rooin suits, mattresses, bed nnd :tat)lo lirten, .siiverwaro, e tc ., One steam, table, and ^pmpletc barjier'outfit, ihciuaingV'cimir, ,i6oking glassi.andVelip-: liei-s,'are amongiiib'liaigains. v-r

.V .-.. Spedal/Sljoo Sale Continues. :.Many, pairs of indies’• patent; leather

Qxfor4s ijieajnjj: Sox,, St^,ihha(!h’(<p$aLi93lpe’ saio.atrived too ja t e for tliat'^Jiig. ercnt. A ll: - will; 1)6 placed ' on snle tomorrow morningVat the1; Mammoth a]:pair,; despitu thiilr, Uglier vulUes, ' 1.r‘-'

Dr. A. G. Bale Will’ Assist in Ser- . yice3 a t Manasquan . Tonight.

The Mlzpah.Local Onion, Christian E n­deavor, will hold a pntrlotio rally and bander, meeting In tho Manasquan Bap. tlst ohuroh this evening a t 7.46 o’clock.

Rey. A. W. ppoonor, D.D. of Camden, president of the Stato O, E. Union, will bo prosent, and, i dellvor the address of the evening. Tho program of tho evening will bo as follows: ; i -••- - < ''

Praise service,'Rev., J . Shapley; invoca tlon,;Rev. Dr. Charles Everett; Scripture reading, Rev.' Dr. Bale; addross, Rev. Dr. Spooner; hymn, reports of societies and oOlcers; offering; elcotlon and introduc­tion bf officers; consecration, Rbv. Thoo. Darnell. ,: '■ 'I.' ' 1 ' ’ ■,', Woman Files Bankruptcy Petition. ;.. M ary W. T ru itt of Atlantic City, ht\s, (lied in the United-States d istrict1 court, a t Trenton a petition in bankruptcy. She. places her liabilities a t $29,000, not ineluding the Hotel Yiild,'iwlucii she owns, and upon which there is ii mqrt-, gage of $72,000. The-’tissctg -arc placed a t $5,000.

Sudday Sports Not Nuisance. <1.- '.., A t.a largely :attonded meeting held by

the Citiiens’ -Assbciation of Ynilsburgh there was, (in. informal discussion on Sun-, day sports and 'tlio,so present-endorsed tho position taken by Sheriff Virtue in tho matter. I t wns declared tlia t' the holding^ of1 -tlio1 Sport's was in no way a', nuisance'to tlie b'drough. ,

Removing jStafele Ruins. .Councilman Ivirkbtidc reported in

foui\<jii, lfia t...night, t)mt the piisightly ruins- of the Morford .'stables, oil Sewall ayenuc;\verp,being, removed.


Perplexing Q uestions.How to buy the best and

spend the least money.?; We can solve the problem for you if you will call and see us. '


Hats, Caps and

G EO R G E W . P A T T E R S O N ,622 C O O K M A N A V E ,


S '



Has moved his .place of business from 158. Main Street to

6 4 1 , M A T T IS O N A V E N U E , ,

where the finest piano' rooms in Monmouth County have been fitted up. You are invited to call and inspect the large stock of new* and second-hand PIANOS always in stock for sale or rent.


ASBURY PARK, N. J.647 Mattison Avenue,



Ideal f — V E R Y is n o w o n s a l e a t o u r

| f i g s w e l l . r ;For Street Wear Every thlng 'Nisw In Shoes for $


J. Harjd Welt.• • Heavy Sole.• ■ Extension Edge. 1 * Low Heel.

Mon,. Woman or Cblld.

for women JS positively a work of ■.tbad? ;< mark a rt. They como in a variety of ma- «•IS branded torials and we have an assortment !!EVERY ” ■ ' "... -

SHOE. of slz08 surely includes tho one ■ ] |to fit your foot. ; . . : ■ v

The Bhoes we sell aro serviceable "j*and reliable.



Allies Preparing; t o Turn Over - . th .e C ity .

Pelting, May 28.—Arrangem ents nre being made for the gradual transfer of,the adm inistration of Peking to tim Chinese.; There is no rinitunl agreement" lietweeii the powers about this, except on th^generlil purpose to proceed with: the evacuation, and Sach eoiuuiander is acting' independently. :

The Japanese will transfer their sec­tions firat. Then the French and Ital­ians ..will follow. The Japanese have already! trained , and drilled a number, of Cbinose who will act as police.

The affairs of the' Chinese city ' will be administered-by. Chinese nnd those of the Tartar- city by Slautchoos. I’i'in'ce O iling-w iirbe the chief acting m ilitary governor.

i t Is feared that, ita the future there will be'no' unnniiiiit>w in 'tlie ridiiilnistra- tion of aifairs and th a t .the condition of things will be ns iiii'd hero in regard to government ns they havo been ,in tiie,

jpnst. /JfaujtC liiucse. stllt.fear th a e premaftire witlidrawal of tlie foreign troops.w liihnvu a tendency to encour­age tliioVcVi and rUUiansV The presence of the foreign troops1 lias had a re­straining feiteet up.Oii tills class of per-' sons,! altlidhgh.. dally 'reports ;df .i'dbber- ies ard already'cdii\iug;ln?!' M ‘

; ..':,lt,;.te|bpi,8/..nt^lj(ib'ie 'h a t , pn>at. JJrit-. !nln’Biird]Vdsltldn ilmiting the Indemnity to bd dduiandfed fi-p'rq |China to $1123,- Oo6,p0Q"win.b'e agrqed .to by the end of ■the week. w; Trnlte^ -Stetds. Sp^cijii, Commissioner

Rockhili thlniis this may be considered an- Americin' .victory. Although his prppojsltlonl linilting t h e . indemnity to 310,000,000 W js wns not accepted, stlli' i t ; was the t-n^ise o f 'the other powers eoh8iderlng tiie\laea of limitation.

The only point likely to caupe’further delay,, ,In a ; decision^is-'that. regardliigth e 1raising dJ' th'e'.'jfotil^n customs 0.per cent: Mft-Roclcblll told the miiils- tei-s a t a i-eeerity-meeting thaj: rather than .take this'.step America would re-; lmquiBh n ll' eiiUinsrtb indemnity and liven (liaiseas , American '',>onim'e('eiai, - inftrests, would suffer, fa r ftioro thereby thi\n tliose ofitftiy o ther pWwiSr, % lth possibly one eSceptlou. - :





P o sto ffice B ox 9 0 5 , ASBURY PARK, N. J.

CAKD AND GRAVEL, both allko, only ,54J littlo bits of Btone, ono larger than 3 tho other, most unofui for. road 'htiilcl-infe, but when lodged between tho rim ?,

. ana tire of your bicycle tlioy aro Huro to 7,rira-cut tho latter imd iuay ruin it. . ?j

Bettor lot me examine it. Nearly all 3• tires aro cemented on in such a manner a tliat danger exists. I havo a process nilmy own that unites rim nnd tiro a« one, 3

far better and cheaper.

C. Ji. ZACHARIAS 1725 Mattison Ave., Asbury Park. £

Quality High

Prices Low

S e a s i d e P h a r m a c y

BloomfleW H ulick , Ph.G ., P ro p .

Cor. 8th and P S t.. BELMAR, N. J.

• • • •

ProfessionalH. S. KINMONTH, M. D.

.JO G rand uvonue nnd n t K inm onth Sc. C o.'s nruB ^gtore, 721 Cookman avenue, Aabury P a r t ,

DR. ELLA PRENTISS UPHAM.:mr» T hlrtl nvenue, ABljurj* .t»ark , N. j . . OlUco

hours u n til 11 u. n i„ 1 to 2.30 p . ill., 0 to>. p. iu. .Telephoni* coimcotlon. .

X>R. MARGARET D. CURRIE. .120 M ain avonuo, Ocoun Grove, N. J . Office

bouru: 7 to 10 a ’. m .r 2 to 5 p . m ., 7 to 10 p m.

BURTON BROTHERS.D en tis ts , 020 . Cookqipn avenue,. Asbury Pnrk,

Bn tulonlno • buUdlmrr” Si . W.7 Cor;- Bro« dw ay and £8tb street,'N ew * York. New York -dUice closed, from May, un.tll Octobor.

DR. H. S. TAYLOR.D e n tis t . , Cooknmn avenue, opposite postofUcii,

Awbury P n rk , N. J. KhUnnee on Emory a trc b t. H ours: 1) n . m. to 5 p . m .’ * -

GEO. L. D. TOMPKINS/D. D. S ^ 'D entist. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, PostoffleelmUdlnff

A sbury P u rk . T ee th e x trac ted palnleiw ly . w ltli- 1,1111 rendering tlio p a tie n t unconscious. G a s •ad­m in istered . Office h o u rs ;’ 0 a.: m . to 5 .p . m . :,

DR. G. B. HERBERT. 1D ental Surgeon, -000 Cookm an avenue, o v e r"

Chudwlck’a drug s to re . .. O llice .boars: tt a , . iu. to 5 p. m . Gus udm tulstered . T elephone c a ll Ul*a.

*' .‘V A ^ F a ta l D rop . »Rockland, Me., 1 May . 28.—By the

breaking of a coal utage. a t Sprucn, •Head live mcu fell.25 feet to the deck of .the schooner Ned IV Walker.; Jam es I). Qaven-w as killed, Fred Cook and W illis Adams v probably.‘fatally hurt and W illis Bradbury and Orlando, AU ien. v(?ry-badiy liui-t. Four of tlie-men \vere dislJfiirgilite'coiU from tho seliooif7 er,- and :Wl!il9T.Aihu:ts. superintendent,• happeucst.du the st:ipti4o by chance. .

R. F. DORAN, D. D. S.D e n tis t .;S u c c e s s o r to tho D o sto n ' Dentists',,

715 M attison a v e a u e /W iu c k le r bhHUing.

. w a l t e r ”t a y l o r . :: ^A ttonic.v-at.l4i\v , Room 7, M oumouth building,

Aabury P a rk .

CLAUDE Vv GUERIN.Law Ojllcife. T rannairta .general lopnl busIurM ,

A fkuow h'dgm ents tak en for a l l s ta te s . Bodtoii 0-10 Appleby building. > • .

WILLIAM C. BYRAM.Attoriiey-at-Ln\vV M aster In C hancery ,, 23. Ap-

pletiy buttdlpg. Jj»bury P a r k, <Nf:)J . ; .'r. ; . . •

SAMUEL A ; '. BROU8K. EH N E S T A. ABEND.tvV < BROUSE & AREICD. •v ' :. ’ A rcb ltec ta ,. 0 3 1 cH eatnut 's tr e e t , PhU adelphlai. F irs t N atlouo l D in k Bulldlug, T rcuto ji,.'K . J# Appleby: building, Aabury Park,- N. /# .'

Page 4: Monmoatii Trust - DigiFind-It · Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon’8 stables and- wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a

s ire d , a s m i l a s c learness a n d tin t . " yC pSexiott BriisKes^are o f :two kinds, Qoejfby -dry :uSe,

tn s n n rK* rfAniiJna M m o l i 't i a i i*.’1 iMnr' 1 CnU Aa'

its : iirp le s if 'it ’s


A S B U R Y V A R K P A l L Y - P H E S S , T j f R S D A Y , M A Y . 2 8 9 0 1 :


■ rDBLIOATION,O F F IC E > j : S l a t t i s o u As-onS®* A aliiu rjr F a r i t , I f . ' J ,

■ * * u w h o h * o i lu T : " JRoom* ..................................

B ^ bcu OfflO*...................................... .'.I.-.

it! ' nCBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION *Evening: Edition.

J year (Btrictly In advance) ft week,

ooopfeata ra ln g . Edition (June ftp September), j weeja *...»•»...... »«iV

5 qoptm-.


? v W eekly Edition (The Shor.e Pres*)O&S year.. . . . . . . * • ••••*•• •• .£>*•••• •• • - •••?1.00b i M m o n t h f l . , . . . .50B i n g l o c o p y , . ...02^•A dvertis ing Kates on1 Application.

PersanB leaving*'the city can have the iy ^ rtY PRESS m ailed to them a t any ad­dress, post paid, .’ n t tlie regu lar subscrip­tion ra te /w ith o u t extra charge. Tho ad di’fets may be changed as desired.

Tuesday May 28, 1901

TjijE. CONSTITUTION AND THE FLAG.' There aecnia to be a yood (leal o f .dif­

ference of opinion as to What tlie su- liroine, courLV decision in the insular ctiaes really is, but when it i» all sim- niered dowjl, jmrugrnjili 2 of section 3 of artfcle 4 of the constitution states the

* inatter. , the - way the • administration wajfis^ it stated and ua^the .small .hoy say|. “th a t goes- every /time.? - The para*

referred to is as follows: . ‘‘The coijpress shall, have power to dispose of, and; inalce ull needf til rules und regula* tifiijs respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; aijd-nothing in this constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of. the United States or of any particular HtHte.” Arid it m ight have added “or the parj.y in power.” •

SUNDAY TRAINS. .......We .want-Sunday .trains. Now is the

tiiiie’ to inake th a t want known. Lust year we were told that our request' came in too late;, that the timetables were made up. Our request ought certainly toHje^bn file and- c*onsidered when the ^qhedul^is again. revised, but since the rlvjties^\VaV overlooked wlieii the winter aittj .spring hehedules were made -iipj* it is Very, likelj’ it will be overlooked when tfih summer .schedule is .prepared unless ^lijething yigorous is done to jog the of­ficials^-memories. 1 ' ;

r^ep bridges over Wesley lake are now wiihin' the ‘ range of probability. I t retiHy looks as though Asbury Park arid a^e^n^Cjrpve.were about tooutgrow"soine of Orations which have been han-<ll^kp[)iiig both ;places for, Several years. Let tlie good’ work’ go, on.

. .Fourth'4 avenue; certainty ’ needs th a t eo^t of/gravel. I t hliould be put oii iiii-mcrimteiy.;-.; , * ■

• Don’t forget to vote for the purchase of*th<5 public library building tomorrow.

EDITORIAL COMMENTHas Faith in Mr. Bradley. .

: According to the Anbury. Park IYess, It. now all depends upon Janies A. Bradley whether that resort ~ shall have free bridges, control of its oeean front, and

/Sunday trains; All«of these; are regarded by .' the people of Asbury Park' as neces­sary for its development and prosperity and Mr. Bradley lias on former occasions expressed himself in favor of them a|j. If the Press is right in declaring that it is now within the power of the Founder to secure their accomplishment, i t—is hardly to be believed that, he will disap­point expectations.—Newark News.

A New Social Problem.When a clergyman forsakes the pul­

pit for tlie editorial, tripod,- om* must look for the stirring "up of some new so* eirtl problems. Take the following, for instance, • clipped from the Trenton Times: “ ft • is- because men conduct ijeuapapcrn, rule the state, and write historvf-that we heldfim-hear, about-the ljnderpaid and overworked housewives ? They .organize no trusts and never o iilo n a strike. Have they no griev- aiiees A..'vivid recollection of tlie days of his innocent and obstreperous childhood nmy recall to the Times man fchalHhe hoilsewife does-strike oecasion- ly„but beyond this his statement forms all- impregnable foundation for the con

■i’,1 (idiii^r inquiry. a nsw^r^ I . to : whicli .wij 1 fjoiibtless soon be fortlicomiifg.-—Newjirk

. News/ .' •-

THE WEATHER-Hain- .tonight,Washington; .Tuesday,

jjrobably Wednesday*-

This Date la History—May 23 ,,'1600—Q^prge I of England born, a-comparatively,

obscure, Oermah princeling, bon of the elector of Hanover, at Osnaburg; died near there 1727; king of England 1714. - ,. ■]•<*?.

3807—Louis John Rudolph Agassiz, natumlffl^yi$ geologist, bom in Motier, Switzerland; died

•1873. ' • •. •. ' :•1W8—Noah Webster, American lexicographer, <H*d

in New Haven; bom at West Hertfor , Cog**; ,1753. Webster went through Yale apd semd^ as captain of the militia In a campaign befurc he was 21. In the course of his Bccontf 'to years he taught school, edited papers-and-a* magaKlne and prepared the famous spelling

,,bpQ}c . which fprmed tho basis of a compian, 's'ch^l education the first half of the ceijtbry.'

- Ithe ripe age of GO hS began the .equally'’ fimona dictionary and devoted ten ..years to

Inquiry; into the origin of’our language/ was 70 when the first edition; appealed froti the press, yet he lived on 15 years to labor’for its perfection. ‘ '

1SD2—Great suffering in the Bouthwcst from floods Arkansas City inundated and tens of thou­sands of acres of land In Arkansas,* I ouislan*

• hnd Mississippi.submerged.1838—Madeline Vinton Dahlgren, well kno\yn.

writer, widow of Admiral John A, Dahlgren,. died in Washington,

lOOOr-Total eclip?« of the sun. ,

C. V. Guerin Advanced to Firs Lieutenant and Sergt. Hubbard

to Second Lieutenancy.

■ Party for .Lewis' Tilton. . - 1 A surprise party was held a t the home

>of> Mrs.-'ft. A. Bastedo, 1011 Heek avchucy 0 £efrn't»rove, last ni^ht, in honor of ]>juis T ilton., A feature of the gatlier- ihg wa-s a cakewalk by 1 au r a T i I ton and Lizzie Meeks. Those present Verc Elsie Brpisfoixl, Mildred .Cooper, Addie Sleeks, Lizzie flecks, • Jetiiiie Brels ford, Edna Seger, Laura Seger., 'Laura Tilton, Willie tiWpt’r;-*\lplm Fliteroft, Umi^ TUtom

_ ;fev Got to' Keep It Up.tbuf ntep won’t take you very far ; -You’ve got to keep on'.walking.' i* ' t'J®*'*-*'' • • - * * ■Ontf^S’ord won’t toll- folk^-who you uvc;

'" V o iiy i 'g o t to kocp on' talking. <Oiiu’.;|n<;Ii'.won’t make yon very Lull; •'

'Yt)"u'v.fc |!(}t to ket'|i;bn i t all;

i §o t to 'k eep them going . .. 1 Joilet (Ills.) ll<!|mj)liEun.'

S ?.>'• ; ,-V: ■. Taint Your Buggy lo r 750.

Ifith B oros’* Qlofci d»rrl«igo- Pain^, ready fot' usoj lO colorfl Qlvi** a • high .elowi oqnnl to ri»w. So!>l l>y Ilnnhnr.on & Sjnwfe.—-Adv. tf.

COMING POLITICAL. FIGHTOnly Four Candidates Will be Voted for

Next Fall in Monmouth Co.—Pros­pective, Assemblymen. /

The only candidates to be voted;for ill this county nexjt fall will be governor and three assemblymen. Franklin Mur- pliy is conceded: to h^ve the best chance for the Hep^ibln^iiiQioinination for gov­ernor and there are several Deniocratie aspirants f o r^ tlie \ nt)tn in iition; chief' among thom-.bemg -Ma^-or Scymovu* iand Judge Childs, both^of Newark.

Judge H. M.^Neviiisjof Red Bank is the only Republican of * prominence who jwiU go o u t .o i ' office . durii^ the term of the nextjj^xve.nj^iapd Ins :fricnds .feel poh- i i d c i i t r e a p p o i n t e d , 'even, if the next governor 'Sjmuld .be/a Democrat.J udge-ijeisley aiid kl^ccu tor Foster hold over during i t® ttirlp f the next gover­nor and aro^ipP.^’6 ri^vlng much over, the result of the:'&inmig gubernatorial con­test. • ‘ ’ ■ ' ■

There is feomc talk 'of renondnating-the three present niembei’s of assembly as Kepublican candidates, b u t’ the m atter of third terms has been stamped with disapproval by the voters, and almost in- .variably ihen nominated for third terms in the assembly have been defeated.

A nice local assembly light, promises to come from Freehold township. R. V. Lawrence’s : friends are jmshing him = for the -nomination on: the Democratic ticket, and .Andrew J. C. Stokes is said to be listed for a similar, nomination on the Republican ballot. These two young, men liave already met upon the gory po­litical arena, as will be readily remem­bered, the sm’oke of battle having only, recently cleared away. • : ■ ;

In 'th is connection the Red Bank Reg­ister says: “Shrewsbury of course wants an assemblyman arid Mortimer, V.;.Pach and W illiam H ouston are both candi­dates for- the Republican side, «|ohn S. Applegate lias, refused to run, jOn the J)emocEnU<i side . J|im es. K ., Pegnuii.,has- been liientioned/ but lie dock not want- th e n o mi nation. W. H. Hendrickson is’ the only Red Bank Democrat, who ap­pears to be eligible. ' *. - '

In the rest of tha county not so much interest* has been takch in .the .assembly nominations as in Shrewsbury. , Shrews­bury is more of a political nest than any. other, township in tlie county, not even excepting'Freehold, and the political pot is boiling in Shrewsbury all the time. It is generally understood th a t none of the candidates for county ollices next year will come from Shrewsbury, and this leaves the statesmen of the rest of the county free to calculate oh their chances of getting the prizes.” -.1 * . .

The Democratic slate for county of­fices next year, comprises David S. Crater for. surrogate of course; Ilenry S. Ter? hune is the man the Democrats'want to run for senator if he .will take the nom­ination ;and for sherilT the choice seems to lay between dobn Ouire and William K. .foline, both of whom live a t Long Branch. The Republican slate has - the names of Oliver H. Brown for senator, Charles Asa Francis for sherijT, and any­body who will take it for surrogJite. John W. Herbert will be the Republi­can candidate for congress in case B. T\ Howell,.does not Want it again, and i\s Mr. Herbert is practically a Monmouth^ county man this would add to the inter­est of the light. The -Democrats are pro­ceeding with their, of organizing tlie county and have called primaries for the election of.,.the township executive committees. '.These' primaries will be held Tuesday; June 4, a t 4 o’clock.

Within a week or so after the town­ship committees are elected the- commit­teemen., will be elected and the various election district leaders appointed. Then will begin the work of lay ing o u t ; each district in |>recincts and the appointment of precinct captains. Township, meetings of tin ' captains and the leaders are to lie held every two weeks and the.' Democrat-

eonnty 1 eaders . l»elidj'e _ th a tb y i the tiiiie the campaign opeiiH tlie piVrty av/iH be in the linest condition • possible and will be prepared to.put up an amazing strong ti'dit. "

. By tliCs election held in the Winckler. building last night Company }i wits given * a new captain ,in /th e person .of former Lieutenant . George E .’, White, whostv elevation to the command was the unanimous choice of the company. - .

Captain* ;WUite, has- served .18 years in ;th e .N ational guard. Shoulder to slioul der ' With foniier Captain John H. Ryno Jte. rose from- • private .to corporal and thenee - throug^i every graded no^ri-cbm- m issioned'and commissioh^d/. -His popu la r ity 'is unbounded and is based on qua 1 ities thdtAhave endeared him to the men and. to a ll the ollicers of the N a­tion a I j guard.; • y ,; <. -, •>.

Scrgcant> J^ G.. ...Coyte; the veteran marksman of the stUte guard,* was aC corded - tiie honor of nominating Captainw h i t e . r v ^ i , i ’-;

Lieut. Claude V: Guerin stepped easilj' into the place m ade-vacant by Capt. White’s elevation.

Tlie /ight of;the'eveiiing was between Sergeant .Walter T; Ifubbaixl and Private Byron Rliome for the second, lieutenancy, ^ t .w a s a d,cspcrato battle -from s ta rt to finish. Botli men-aro extremely popular jintl Piily a ;narrow.margin' of two voices finally, elected Hubbard. .The vote stood, for Hubbard, 21); for Rhome, 27.The election, was conducted by Adjutant

George S. '.West L of Camden. The two winners were heartily cheered when the result wus announced. .

The company inspection, conducted ’iii- Central liall by Col. L. T. Bryant, assist­an t inspector general of New Jersey, was eminently satisfactory.* I t was stated that there was only one dirty gun found in; the. - entire.couipany - aiid even this lpnely. exception is doubted.! No olli- cial report of the result, however, will Je made for nearly a year... , ..

Lieutenant Hubbard must pass a pre­liminary examination a t Trenton before the sta te board of ollicers. ' " ■

•; v.v. / ; . r* B r a 8 8 C a p • t.LOST—Brtisa : Chp bolongmg to h^b of dt>

livery.wagon.. Reward if retnraed to W. a . Bannard, oorrier Oookninn and Qrand aytmuca.

; , 127‘29...

TO INVITE MEDICAL MENEfforts Will be Made to Secure igoi" Cop-'

vention of American Association. ! ' For Asbury Pqrk.

In « motion to ostcnil iin invitntiori to tlie America!) JlcdU-al aasoeiiitioir to iioid their 1002 eorivention in Asbury Park, whicli Ur. George I1’. Wiibur made last night in tbe t-oum.'Sl, the way was jiaved for tlie great boom that will follow the Jttrcliuse of tlie'tioardwalk. the biiildi,ng

of a palace hotel next .winter ami oilier progressive steps expected to be taken b.V' th'e city of Asbury Park/ within tlie next tweh’e months.

Tlie American MediCal • <is80ci»tipn is the largest national body in :Oic country. Its followni'g a t eon1veiitidn8, : the] doctor ’sliidv "was as Wgli as 10,000 persons^ and tbe habit of the''association hart-been’ t°. nieet alterniitelj-'cast niul west^' first .in- St.- Ixiuis" and then alt, Atlantic City,

This year the eonv'erilion will meet (it St .ljoniH on .7une 5, and the doctor was of. the opinibn th a t a forma! nivitation, bucked up ijiy some oiHcieht coinmiitee, work,. would land the plum for Asbury Park next year.

President Appleby .appointed as the ■om'mittcc to draft the invitation Dr.

Wilbur, and Couneilmcn Tutiie aiid Kirk- •bride. - , .

Local rChapters Will be Hepresented at ■ Manasquan..Meblirig. 1A -n illyo f (lie Epworth League Cliap-

terHt • comprising Group 10, will be held tonight a t Mumi»(|Uan. Hev. W. 11. Wed- dcrspoim, Ph. IX, of this city, is scheduled for' it» address on “Loyally,” ami Kev. .JosL'ph Nelson Brown of Hamilton is to speak 'oa . ‘‘Leadership.’’ Ten minutes will be for tesfimoninjs-' and fcl; . lowship. The t»nseerati6n-.iservice «JU lid conducted by’.Ilev.v j . WiaK! '-Gamble, m whose cliurcli-.the meeting wills bo held. The local chapters will;'go to Jlaiii^siiuan in stages. ; . ’ -.. -

The tiiial group rally will ;bj! lield at [Iamiitoii, Tuesday night,. June 25.

——— - .. - The Pitnian Grove iissoeiation has is­

sued the limiiinT code of..rules for the government, of cottagers’during the camp meeting acasom The code is said to, lie even more strict than last year. . .

Brown Bankrupt Case Appealed.An appeal has been taken in the United

States district cojirt a t Trenton, carry­ing to the United States circuit court of appeals the miH-h-litigated ease of An drew -Brown’ of Kast. Orange, the “mil- lio^vire bankrupt.” ; The nioyers in* the action are the People's 'batik (if Jiutfalo; .folm ll. f.iisceik', receiver of the Ameri e»n Exchange bank of BnlTiilo; W. A Ensign- & Son, Henry M. Parsons aiid John A. Hazel, receivers of the Bank of. Commerce of Bulfalo., . -,

Suggestions Approved.All the improvements suggested by

SupL'fintender.t .lolin li. Cortin last week, in connection witlr -the water depart­ment, were approved by the council last •night,

— ■ ■ . ■ 1 \ i \ Try, the new remedy for costtyeneaa,

Chamberlain’s Stomach and- I.iver-Tnb- lets. Every box guaranteed -(friec -25. stint?.' For'snlo by Stewnii’s ;<ln)g store, corner Cookman .avenue and Bond street.


Beauty' B R U . S H E 5

' ^ y ^ T q ' i e t m e th e v ia ^ 'b e s t resu lts in beaub’fyfijg: th e com -: ■ p lex ip n o£ th e face a w om an sh o u ld use a, C om plexioji £ ru sh -

rtie ceThe dther, of shorter and stiffer haiF/tor use

w iterii'or. - soap, costs ,^601 :cea^'^-)'Tkey.' am^ Valuabje^.'■ dccesBbries, and -both are' almost a. n e c & si^ o , j

't**-1' • " ' We sS-je now showipgfan esppcially.jva^i-,.;.: *T...- .-sblelbe 6£ Jiair;Brskhes .for.ivomeh'siuse.j. r-"Thn bnstles ia the^e. brusHes - ar© long a ■ well :s.eia^fcd\ta .. make,hair brushing an easy id' ■ ‘ k , -Th®'bacl«j0{

; - solid wood in various shapes and'colors;- M cesj $ i tq^$3i 00i ’ ;. . r - V ' •• ■■■ . 'yff; -: j f " ‘v '■>

M A T T I S O N - A V B ^ P H A R M A C Y " ) !7 & ‘ 7 3 i y M a t t i f o n A v e n u e Mr‘ '

V " J t s h u r y P a r k , N . j ? ,


. ' K c ili t M a n t l e . ' :l i o s ^ - i r a n todjewS® tlio w rong Bain

M antlo' th o -eni-it a t tlc .-Q riggs-lectn ro i L ibrary Hall- in A pril, will communtcat6,vritli■Mr. ' - Yf.t.i a t ThoBelv^ere,Oc*anaiid Third aventfes, Asbury F ar« , w cap flnsj h e r mantlo. ■ . . . 126-187*'

WANTEDv^V ’M o itU iy . " -

WANTBlt-Kfteen hnndred (8i',SS«) dollars on first bond anct mortgage. No agents. Box .............. P ark , N. J .2062, Asbury ] 127*

WANTED-rOirl as Balcala^y in <5rockory d o partmenfi; Oceaji'lj’alaco. Steinboch Company.

*’• .-.i- tii. vc — *i 127

t a r uW iN T K 0 - ~ A V g lr f f o r g e n e r a l \ w o r k ' i n

fa m ily o l t w p : ff|f i i s t .c o m o fw o l | re c q m m e n d e d i M rs . 0 Ia rK 8 o n k« l i e n h u r s t , c o r n e r o f - C o n ie s n n d L a k c ^ a v c n ^ e 7 , " '• 127-28

■ • .O .V ' ^ V o m a n . ;.W A T E D —-Av*wbit f. woman for goheral house­

work fo ra family,©f two. Apply, lB5'Prost>qct avenue, Wcat Pare. “ , l! ' : !» •

^ i a MPf.-c' - - * ■A.NTE!> r Xwiid iiki; to rent for. tho sum­

mer, upright plarKJ, from private partj-^ ®&toJearo#it™ »hiiten.of‘i t ■ Afldrcss Locli Box 6 « ,’Asbnry JPark. , ■ - 12-4tf

. . . : iK o o u ia .WjUSrettD“ *ife *tnnrfshed rooms- for1?

adults ana.lnlijo'lpr, the..»easop, .^Apply^Bo*' 160, grcs^.omde..v.„ „ 1»28*.

TORRENTB o u s e . !■ ’

FOB RENT—By^'the year, unfurnished; liOB West Fifth avenue, eleven rooms, all impr‘“- mcnte, low rentaLor.w ill .sell on easy fe thynor, 606 Secon^ayeiiufe.J to<7.

irove- . enns. 127-82*

MISCELLANEOUS■ Adrcrtfwhiciits•' _______

tAyeuty-llvcj. words -.inoertWl •'containing', not *nior« • t&n # liw ertw l ’a o rt ic 'thls^•* liokttfO^.for twtaityrflv|j coutu Urat Innertlon nnd llftofii <M»nts cavil HnbaiMiuont .Ingcftlmi. monoy fc- - funded , uudi!r uny condllluna..» Errort' Will rande good by yddlU6iml(lij8qrtlyus.. y - , : .

■■■-.• J . ' A l b e r t H c n i i t t 'e e * ', ' *«>BNMAN' AND - n ^ l O N l ^ B ^ o t l o f c &■

innrlnlH und .Ti'HtlmolihilH . Kngro«6W]; - -*Alhftin work, a Bpeclalty. Coiuuim-lnl -Htathmcry, t <fc. aJguod. '-loo $1 iiume a n ln u l i u ry- Ydrk 1 >-v

. v H a r n e s s . -H A R N E S S -T .- s . K ing, B cim ar,

talilisbcd 1810-1001. Flno hnhd-niodo 'bnrnqB wnya on- hand.' j Ordered work .our siteclalty, eludltiff the'followlug grndcB: '• tan* *ind Shb’rt Tug tonch, CouiH', Surn*yr*hud Light IliindUlJr- iiobh. l>onblo or elngh*, u»*iy(iu dt'Hlre. Yroiii .puVo Onk Tim Leathl'r muile by 'Bklllml workmen. One imndfpd net* to aeleet from. Hlgli* grade: mn- ehlnc. wurk hi «iork tii.exniylne.i* furnishing goodrt nnd. stnbla BUjipllen it H|M’elnf(y. lteiialrlng , attended to irlth Oeatiiefla.. ■urom tt- tude and . despatch. No^trvublo to'Bbew-; goodtt. 'Trtuika and, vallsea repalru^- . Ladles’ belta'mode to order.- •

B m p l o y m c n t B u r e a u * • ,J.Thero ia an Increasing ,demand' fo r reliable help at M2 Cookman uvenUe, ’Asburyr Park. Hotels and ’ private familiea served. W e-en­deavor to givo s a t i a f o c t i o n . - .; >•.; 126 Miss A»*R. aTAtTORp.;

I M P, I n v i s i b l e S a s p ^ i d e r J f a d e T h a t ’s P r a c t i c a l a n d E a j i yi > . ■ ... .-•v r jr . ' . ' J , . ' i


t h e T r o i i ^ e r k.Lll‘ ' V V.

■ ,>:;' -•.' * yr-’-rr y ^;'Uy T.^;-v.yX-;».V'::;vVV --■ ■■ :.,:..V : 0 - .

T4* , W i i Z' ' . ____- i ' o?

j . i / : ' ■

! ■■.' • W it li the;-' Oui-of:Sighf” Suspender a man.’ ■ \ * - '■. ‘ ' 3;,6an; go w ith ^ t coat or Vest, or . both, Vv.

.weli dressed and' i s 9f>. ' &e ordi ary sus

’ T h e r e i s n ’fe^o n e m a n i n a h u n d r e d w l i o c a n 'V . k e e p h i s t r o u s e r s m p l a c e w i t b . a b e l t ; ' - t

' r f c j r - n o ' m a t t e r . h o w - t i g h t ; ' t h e b ^ l t , ; t h e ■,;’ ’ .trousei’s w il li gli p- '4b,wn and the sh ir t '

. - ^ i y ^ r k - n p ^ .LTlie “ Out Of-Sight” Suspender overcomes -'

ra ll tliis—it hol4$-.the;'.trousers,^^up jihd '. ljeeps,t^fe shirt, from working u p ^u t

V"-.- of the trouserk M M I V >No holes in the shist^uo strain o tti^ e i

shirt, strain is; a ll on the suspenderis-k r i no tight uncomfortable belt. A belt "r:

ca^ ;be (wornj!i f :desired, to give the ' :- • : : v,j! troifeers a finished appearance. ^

* y - J ' . »*• ‘V- ' > ( fifiu(r


S l d e W a i k H .• SIDEWALKS—We are catching un V ith aAr

■work now, ond are ready for moro*1o'rdere. I Don’t Jeave your w ark run til tbe crowds, are here. I>. M. Taylor, con^rtjictor. • ; UT-1%!

MONEY—If you have* money'¥<vV»^n^r' 4il- veqt or wish to Ijorr w*. nooie: i«**>ii8nUj Albert lipU* bins, 220 Main'street, AaUbry |VrV.’ . ** .♦—1. .tou-H'Mi-.r v; .

A c c o r d i o n P l a i t i t i i e ,«;PMlTlNd-^boiic at- short* Uottfo. J W.l -Mnttf-

B«ui at*mie. .y . V •;

) P n r u l « l i e d R o o m s .FOK BBNTr-^iQolyfttrnishcdcoomavceritral

ocationj olectric.'liKiit., city wat«r, 617 Bangs avehuo,'corner Bbnd'Btrcet. Vs * 127-28*

m X i e e l m e n ’s R e s t .‘ -FOR RENT—A tt^M dealon stone roJid Ihv tweeii Aabury Parkland Long, Branch, includ­ing soda fountain and 'till fixtures. Party has other business.- Apply on the premises. 125-27*

C ■ - & V W i l l i r i e r y * ; * V - ; i MISS pORA' irAKTPKNCE—t\.rui»*rlr rir-xt to M*atoflk’e, ImtuUiiieiKHl inllUuijry.-pnrU»rM .at WM. ooknian aveiiue---CtH)liniuh avenue'l)lo<’k. Ultf

MFOR RENT—Three .or four rooms partly furnished, for summer, adults only. Y.'Press Office. ' : . : - 123-25-27*

I c e C r e j ^ M i . G n r d e n .FOR RPNT — The. Arlington Ico cream

garden: fully furm snm ; 100electric lights; 18 syrup fountain; .capacity 200; doing a good business. Apply to qwtier. O. H. Millar, Arling- ton Hotel, Ocean GlkViVid;. «. 125-27

. - M a i io n W o r k * ; • r*> -.PLASTERING, bricklaying, cement'walkw.

[eaters and pipoe coverea ^vith-asbeetos, hereby Baving heat that fo wasted Ip cellar,

and: also coal.. Work guaranteed and reliable: Joseph L. Durrah, 507 Third avenu.^,‘Asbnrv park, Nv J . :: v.'; ' ( ; ; V \ 1 fr*-lB5


terms reasonably fop;, ♦furnished; now open. Ap] avenuo, near depo^L-

Tiie people say tlmt Press udvsv payr

Subject for Next Sunday Morning

f.' Ghristiaiiity and the Boardwalk. ’ ’ Congregational Church,

ISmory, street, and -First dvejsue.

MISCELLANEOUSS t o r e s W i l l - C lo s e . V

BOTH-.STORES of She.Steinbach ftompany will be closed all day Thursday. (Momorial Day.) • ■- v - ’ 1Z7

': C a r p e t s C l j iV u td . .CARPETS—Have your carpets cleaned by

the-tum bling process; cheapest and best method; satisfaction guaranteed. Leave orders with Charles. J . Black, or .'address P. O. Box!«/>"■ ■ ■- . ••■■ ■■ • 107f# '1002. 127tf

FOR RENT—Bv-; t|iQ1 year, fl, room house. Nowark avenue, two doort'east of Hammond avenue, Bradley Beewh.' For particulars ad­dress P. 0;,Box 9£^Bradley; Beach, 1128-128*

'• R e s t a u r a n t * ' ■ -,;FOR RENT—Fine restaurant, good location,

.to jT oy .J; .fnily

AHONSTOM— ijidloB’' " and ;-gentl^tnen*n UHtom tn ito r, 712 M uttinon nvenue, opposite

tu r’« bitkery. C’leanlug , Kw uripg, 'altering.'- rein ilrlng and pre-SHlug n ea tly and p rom ptly done' b t.'o v e ry low -price. . All w ork g u a ran teed . I0 2 tf

[y at 810 Cookman lOpfcf.

F w r M « u r c . TFUnNITDRE—In fitting .op your bouse- ,fok

rental the offect produced by the. fiiralture wllr' IdetennliH; -tbe'rent .you can , demand;. 'Beforo

lacing your. onlc^ look over .the‘stock of, -Wll- llimi II. Banuiird, (Iraiid and*CookmhU'iiverim*a.

•**t ^ -07:tf A—..... ..... ..... ■■

• : 0 t 6 r e . ' ••k' - ; ; {- FOR REN T-Startv Mattison aVenue, 1175;:

Georgo W. Pittenger, 14 Appleby building.[02tf

FOR SALEF d r . : ^ i n c L a n d s ,

FOR BALE—Best in tho world a t ground floorSrices in tho new* zinc flolds now opening in

forth Arkansas.,- Addrasa W.- A. Webber, Maryhaltianu, Marion county, Arkansas. 127*

FOR 8ALE^8od^"water founita;(h ;ind ehow cases, in. good cqriftmony'for sale^ohoap. In­quire a t“j .^ n ii te , i I7 ^® ir^ aveijUo. ,125*B0*

, v - ■-.L .iP haei SALE—Tv?o oatoi put under phaeton •- now; loatbfer top;.;cheapi] nlso ;1 sot

A rl|igtpn HgeL

FOR S A L ^O M oak ijicicboard, fl oak dining chafes,.ono: oaWjfthiiigjtable. Call on W. H. Upham nt the Woolworth store, Gobkman avo;


-'■> H o r s ^ a n dFOR SALE—A^osihGss rig ebmpSsed of^a

horse,*wngon and harness, for less thab ‘$100. Apply Hbwoll’s BlacksmitJt shop; Corlies avo*. nue. . /■ w ; • . v it.-V '•~ 123-128*

; -■"'■S. I r f a i rv in , S a f t ;^BX>K BALIMk'SStBe- M arflh Sa^c ohiMP. a t

The B<irwlok, AVibn:W'the dea. ’ . vj llOtf.

T a r *P i a n o P r i ^ c n .

" CIA NO- I'UICKH-i-CoiitraHt tlieHe tw o w ays o f b tiy liig-n l 'lan o ; FlrHt. o f the\di*ali*r. H e him bjg,^*ntH . nalartoH miuI othi‘r a to re . e*i>f:iice!^ Jail n f W hich jire-'added to th e prif.b o f piuiuft, and wliieli- you" lim at h e lp pn.v,; 1

.Secondi o f th e p iano Milner, who goe« to tint niak«i»jMel(,‘eUi a.’Plantj \Vlth a ttin^rlH knovvledgu o f •iVlstruniohtfl,' and b u y H '* a t' Hairie p r ic e , *an deulor, and> vho baa ho rcu ta , Halarlt-B, o r 'o th e r a to re expenaeH. f

The d en lo fV ’ price la-n o ‘c riterion of? value. F o r liiBtanctv y/m pa)-^f2p<A to |WW» fo r up rig h t planoa. tlib' a c tu a ll valuea o f whtch a re $17l» to

Kd!un»re— lone, touch and d u rab ility — the v ita l rejp ilren jw rt*of-,a plan<>r-:can be tuild ln tb e h ighest degree o f jierfectlon for. ,"|:'00. -

tlH 4ovv5hh $150. 1 -.' .; .../W ould you JJki* n llat o f f if ty people who have

non tV H T K im iT ?PIA N O S r o i l ItIJNT. H ave y«»nr tu n in g done

now. If «i tin fac to ry , pay d u rin g th e season. ..121 t f . ' W . C. DOlIM.

KOIt S A L E -C o a l ta r , any quau lH y . \ Ileasona- bio prices, ( .'m i^ lldn ted ilna Cimjpany. o f . Now, Jersey . L*mg iiruncb , or OlO.-Mattlaon .avenue, AHtiiiry, P ark . .‘-i1. 0 2 tr /

Cegn-fcS'ery l . p t s .FOK hA LE—Dots for gale. .’M ount Pm/u>ect

Cem etery. P lot# g*<nlcd. aerulod-and carod fo r liy tbe year. U eorite. \V. P i t t eager, Becrotary. H Appleby, build ing , . i ; .• ••

T h e N e w ^ E o g l a a d H o m e .■ KOIt HAI.B—-riio well klloWAp><nwrty,.: 80

PK'BSSM AKINO— Evening*} g y n u s , * aftehtiH ju eoatumiv*. ta ilo r /u«de s u its , r a lo y dA y; . akTr/^ nade a t . renso ttab le . ra te a .. Iteui.odcllue onl!

Skirts n.dNmiiil.vVAct’fjrilloir ] ,'plultfitg' - dono ' n t diort n o tlc e .- M rs .'fl l. M . Jo rd an , ,003 Mat(ltu)ii ttenue.,';; - . \ ; ' v- ; . V v *’ % ' \

C u s t o m T a i l o r

' m a t t . -■Contracting.B«dnt*r-ma.B8ccmtoJ .; 0. Box 1064-, ;ASBUItYvPA8 K

• .-. JAMK.STKOUD;..*, v- -. - ' : 'Atehitect, - ; :< , r

66g Mafa SOreet; -- ASBtntY PARK

CtAREHCE D. WILSOIf.: . Architect. ' ' , .


. I t ’ N o t o Bit Too E ariy to i;.O rder ,Your ; •-

SPRING GARMENTi 7 *• , "V ’* ‘ ' ’ r r ; -' * *' - *115 -> r ' 1

styles arcall in ; ;hayc.tjcen;'in fact for -^eelf- or 'mote-. 'A 'more cornpletQ .line it

' would .. be harjcT: to find. 1 Shiiill ^tic'cks and narrow strijp«j£ will be tbe prevailing'styles this sp^tig.- . ; ' '

Ch a r l e s k r a in z ,LEADINQ MJBRCH^NT TAILOR,

315,BOND StliBET.,w

I OUR STOCK‘bK - ■■‘I !).*■* ;

Os not thb iiJost complpto' ln 11 country, ho t | It is as complofoai! tbo besf. We can ill! onlors 4 tor whatever lu iy bo \yui\J«l In.... - , - .ij B lgin, W altbasut'-ahd 'N ew 'l^gti'nd .W atches ;I Also tho leadlnK rtmkoft of SoJ14-Qolil, oftsT'Oolcl j Filed Caws.... wo are .not itMilnd tho times i«s y m r Jowolry Hti>ob..,.Ifc iHtip-to-dute and confaina Sail the now thlnps l n . ’-nobbfi’.’.stylUh artlclos i that a ll iirogresalvd donlors should havo....A

feature our blirtincRi la to do iiigl. cless J e « r I eliy apU,-Watch ltepalrlns ijalyliiy tsistS'-pliespiy.

f A. W; CORNELIUS.-624 Coofcmian A w . R 6sa

W H I S K E Y• ,',.,.D iRECTira)Srt'-i=H H-;; - •-

:. f. ;.».o; s . b ond house ....‘ Pennsylvania Poarlityo; made. In 1893, perftnt., «3.0«i bo ttte .'W " f?f-

-Mount Vernon Bys Whiqkey. per -gal. m u m bottle, ibo.j ., Elkwbod Hyd,' Dqaaey'-lh'-il’SBB; yin gal. • 2.BO) bottle, 75c.i -Mo»oniraSi»fe, a pew Bys.t’Jfhlskey, per gal., * 2.0 0 ! bottlo, 00c.‘ ; ' ' s

Soreka 431ub I*cnu?ylTOnlt JSy» per- gal., SS.OO) bottle, Sl.OO, . - ■ ' .!“ Monogram, Bello of Nelson, bottls,. ,8be»ys P srt and M l m n r ^ M : ' gal., •1.85; bottle, 3Bc. ;

Puritan Oiaret, a flno .’.’..Ufc-r:»ia Claret, perdoz.’; 92.40; bottlo, 30o. - . • • ■ ' :

Jianbonholm^r,- a type' of California BUbt. W|no,jperdoz.,i3.00i bottle, Me..

Koehler&do.’8 l^ e ro f td > , Ales and Porter. Orders delivered freo.

185 Broadway

S . M IC H E L S O N , ^.P. O. Box 128. BBLAIAR, N. J.

,.H SireH,' par. t«tb 'AvfDWbf1. . ^

I !•- :brXnd now mnb <# '


Brashes,Palat,VarQis!i, Etc.n io ^ A N

ROOM M0ftl)|KGS'Cell and oinmlne b n r : stocflc: “hnd prloes. Estimates ohoorfnlly prlven for p a p b b DANGIMO ilOUBE rAINXIKO, KAM O- MININO.Eto. - , '

V iP toprirtor,

6 1 6 : C p a k a im .' A v e ., P ark .

: ■ ‘ ^ ' Yo« ^ ^ r t . to 's p e n d -y o u r sunfmcr at the shore and \viil Wj “. :.W e'W oU d;ital£e.jjSart''ia«sni*

s T E a a - m ntin&you^aa .iastrament for this purpQse. We always Wsa n t i^ you^an ias^ainent for this ptu^pose. We always try j ’Hwi-tgcb^liitst jf reotal Instrumeats, but-this y m io r p-faoog are the fiBies|, a,ie! had. .Last fell we disposed ' pf ntarl^all7our, old;aic^ and have-, purchased.a I ^ e -number of b«^ ;pS»os '-WeStfot5 only have a fine; stpek, but a great' ' ___£ _-II < Tm

pianoselect one


I Sting. Building;- |j , • haittlima ''Ayeniii»;iind Boj^jijStreet, j R. A. tU S T lN Q ,

v i s : . . ^ ‘:V r - - ? '*. • >• * ^ . • ' / v : f ■ -lb W '■'flio ,nconlo gnj th a t .'•Press, ndvt pay. • ; • X- C K ' '' C '■ “ -«, - '.-a ' ' ;V' S * V S ■

l ~ 1. 1 v. y V. r. \ ‘ .. t- -i; 'i.v : ‘ \ ‘ :Vii.-;-<V ;:5 . - . • ‘ j .

Page 5: Monmoatii Trust - DigiFind-It · Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon’8 stables and- wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a

ASBtJR Y P ^ R K DA J LY PR ESS, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 100 JI I « I I I II II I I tur—" mm (j i'i ■ n n—— ' n •-..... tin ■....... . - .......wMclr 'congress haH'$iiaet<ifl;leEl»)ritioii

' fixing 'the s ta tu s b f' tte' lShhbitnnts; pipyldlnn u sovernm im t fov them nnd ttrovldtiijt also for, t iic , noCeHitnry rove-

1 mips to support tfto same. ^Between the ' ratification of the treaty of pence-anti ; th is legislation of April 12 .1000, It whs

territory of the United .States w ith,re­spect to which congress lmd not exer­cised any power wlinfever by legisla­tion or otherwise.

“W hat the court decideil was tliat while we w ere . oecftpyIng I’orto Iltco prior to the ratification of the treaty of peace It was foreign territory, and our occupation and government were mili­tary, and all tlm t wilH done w ns1 lu tlie nature of a military necessity nnd vnild on th a t account; that from nnd riftier tlie ratification of the tt'eaty of pence It was no longer foreign, but domestic territory, within ..the meaning of our tariff law, according to which tariff du­ties can.lie collected only ou Importa­tions.from foreign countries,'nnd tlmt consequently the duties .collected on

. imports from Porto Itieo a f te r the ra ti­fication of the treaty of peace anil prior to April. 12, 11100, when congress ilrsl legislated, were Illegally collected—lllc-

. .gaily collected, however, not because, congress was w ithout constitutional power to Impose such duties on Impor­tations. front Porto Klco, but because during th a t period congress had not so leglslnted.

P len ary Pow er of ConKreK*.“The third proposition the

court,’ nnd the one of supreme Impor­tance, wns th a t Porto Rico, being n ter-, rltory of the United States, J s not n part of the United States, but only ter­ritory belonging to the .United States, nnd th a t It Is therefore wi thin the con- stltutlonai power of congress to so leg­islate with respect to It(. including the Imposition of tarlfT duties, as It may see lit, and : th a t congress, having, so legislated on April 12, 1000,- the provi­sions of that law are valid and to be upheld and enforced. In other words,- the effect of the decision Is th a t the constitution does not follow the flag and th a t • congress has plenary power under the. constitution to govern our Insular acquisitions according to' their respective necessities.

“The supreme court goes even further and Bays that If there;w ere no consti­tutional provision Investing congress w ith this power it would nevertheless, ex necessitate, have tills power, since the states, acting In their sta ta l capaci­ty, could not provide the necessary leg-. Islntion, nnd political sovereignty can be exercised only b y 'th e political de­partm ent of the government.

"The decision la a complete, vindica­tion of, the position held by the Repub­lican pnrty with respect, to the power, of congress to legislate for Porto Rico and t]ie Philippines null settles it once for a ll 't lm t the United States Is the equal In sovereign power of nny other Independent government,” .



A few reasons why you (should insure with tiie NEW YORK LIFE INfeUlM cM COMPANY.;;


Is t h e w a y t o d e s c r i b e .o u r n e w lin e o f B u g g ie s , P h a e to n s ; S u r ­r e y s , R u n a b o u ts , .R o a d W a g o n s

S p r in g W a g o n s a n d o t h e r 1901 V e h ic le s t o b e s e e n a t o y r r e ­p o s i t o r y .1 W e w a r r a n t a l l o u r , V e h ic le s t p b e a s n e a r p e r f e c ­t io n a s lo n g e x p e r i e n c e , p ic k e d m a t e r i a l a n d f a u l t l e s s d e s ig n c a n m a k e th e m . !H a r n e s s , H o r s e G o o d s , S o lid R u b b e r T i r e s , B ic y c le S u n d r ie s a n d R e p a i r in g . -. <


time ;a&iet

The Standard Railrpad of America.

On and otter Moy 18, ltOl, 'Trains Leave Asbury F o rk —W eek Day*. For Now York and Newark, 7 20, 7 46, 8 20. 9 20

um , 2 25, a 85 and 5 IB pm.For Elizabeth, 7 45,0 20 a m, 225, 885 and 683 pm .For Rahway, 0 20 a m, and 6 83 p m.R>r Matawatf, 9 20 a m, 2 26 and 5 83 p ni.For Long Brimcll, 7 20, 7 45,8 20,0 20,10 23.10 48

1! 45 am , 2 25, 252,885,633.640 ond7W pm . For Red BankJ 7 20, 7 46,8,20,10 20 a m, 2 28,'i| 85 an d 588p m . -• - -FcrPhiladelphia.Broad St.and Trenton. 7 25.

7 55 a m, 1 82, 4 07 and 5 27 p ra; , , .* or Camden, via Trenton nnd Borden town, 7 25

nnd 7 55 am , and 4 07 p m.For Cam don. and Philadelphia, via Toma Rivor,2 37 P m. j For Toma River, Island Heights and lntor- ^mixliate stations, 10 56 o m, if87 and 615 p m. F «rm 0,1?LPIeI181S1, intermediate stations,0 00,18 60 a m, 2 D7, 2 68, 4 23i 6 16, a 00, and 0 ii#or Nev^ruM triek v-ta Monmouth Junction,

7 » a m^ 4 OT/ind 5 27 p nj. V -d ra ins Leave1 New York fo r , Asbury P ark . From West Twenty-third Street Station, 8 55 a'- 12 40,2 25,'8 25j- 4 10 and 55 p Sundays,.• U 6 a m, and 4 55 p m . ’ \ r F r o m D ^ W ,^ Street Station at 880,0 00 a m,

12 W, 280, 340, 4 20 and 510 p (m. Sunday a, 9 45 am , and 515 pm .

yrom Oortlundt Street Station a t 8 80, 0 00a m. « 90,-8 40,-420 and 5 1 0 p m. Sundays,

515 n m. On Sunday will stop at Interlaken and Avon in p lace of Notth Anbury Park and Asbury Park to let off pas- sengers. v :‘ V- 'r ...a :C .! .

T rains Leave Ph iladelph ia(B road St.) for -V"*- - '* * ■ A a b * i r y r i * o r k . ' ; . ’ '•

days, Market Street Wharf, via Camden and• Trenton, Q 08,7 08,10 80 a m/2 80 and 8 20 p m. Leavo Market Street Wharf, .via •.Jamesburtf, 7 08 a in, J (JO p m, week-days. ■

WABHINOTOS W D t H E SO M H ,• . - March 18,1001,’ .

Leave S road Street, Philadelphia. j " 1,*?®?*?. S?d Washington, 8 60,7 20, 8 32,

}? »'•} 9 aJ?' *lz Limited, Dining C“r), 118 (Dining Car),8 18.0 2) 4 48,b25, 0 06, S ' ( l i n i n g ° “rj . " 01 ipining’CarJ p m,

X u} , , “ .O'Kht week-days. Sundays, 8 SI), 7 20, <! 12.11 23,1183 0 m, 118 [Dining Carl, U18,3 20, 4 48. 6 25,0 06,0 65 [Dining Car], 7 81 [Din- njg Curl u m, and 12 2(fnight.Time-tables of all other trains of tho system

may be obtained a t the ticket offices or stations.J. B. H I I T O m N s b N .G ^ t tV r , ' '” - ABt'

626 COOKT1AN AVENUEForty-two years' oxperienco in Selecting,

Bdylng, Roasting, Cooling, Blending, and Improved machinory, enables ns to furnish onr oustonietjp with Coffee and Tea that are, acknowledged by .all to be perfect. A ll our Coffees aro rousted nnd sold In their natural state. No Ingredients, what­ever, being used to rnuko them o)o:sy and .woigh heavy.Special ra te s to Hotel! aod Boarding Houses.

E lg in Creamery Buttor 82 cents a pound.



. H a c k e n a a c k . M eadow * C o m p a n y ,,Trenton, May 28.—Thu Hackensack

Meadows company, capital $3,000,000, has been incorporated, here to.dcw^lpp renl estate. Iii' New Jersey. It Is under­stood tlm t,the .company: Intends iilllng in and building up n part, of the.jidcU- ensnck meadows. The incorporafors of the .company are Henry L. Sprague; Jo h n ; R. Simmons and ' Ofcarles U. Jo h uson .a llo f-.le rsey tJity .^ ;- '—

Stortl*. E x ecu tio n Postponed. ..Washington, Mny 28.—The United

States supreme court lias announced th a t the hearing iu the case of I;ulgl Stortl, under sentence of electrocution In M assachusetts, would be postponed until the .28tli day of October next. T ills decision will have tlie effect of prolonging Storti’s life until a fte r that date.



DESSERTS CANDIESAnthracite Coal Used Exclusively, insur­

ing: Cleanliness and Comfort.

FRESH EVERY DAY;Delivered a t your door at'any hour. W ith our natrons Baking days no I ngcr aunt the housewife's dreams—Saturday is no longer a day of drudgery. Our products I o o k and taste like home-made/


•W ed'dings’. a n d F u n era ls. a Flratclass Ertibllshment

: , In Every Respect. ;

i V M . E . S E X T O N , p r o p r i e t o rHain Street, Near Ocean GroVe Main Street /Gates. ^ ‘v-;

11; ■- • ■ — - . gj , , i i\ ’ i i mi \ ■ ....... ;



i; $ i o b , o b o ; Ii

PERjCENT.. Awnl; for the we!|-kuo<vn k e y s t o n e 'w a g o n CO. Pnenm atlo Boadj » • WhwmW and Cark-latfen /nf ;%e>.fluealTqual!ty afad latest tie • >' (-.>S ; sl ii. iiou't tUlrik of buying before you aoe me. - i*

C a r r i a g e r e p a i r i n g a n d b m i l d i n g“■ i ' " :. P A IN T IN G A N D T R f M M I N O A SPEO IA L T Y . „ V-C


Factory and RepositorF...,Cor. Mala Street and First Aveuuej R o 8 l d e n o o l 0 2 0 W .8 u m m e r f l a l d A v e n u e , A SB U R Y PA R K . •‘•VV

We have the abovo sum to place In lerge or small amounts ou llrst mortgage. Loans on Asbucy Park,- Iibch Arbour, Allenhurst and Deal business or dwelling property. ATLANTIC COAST

ELEC T R IC R.R.COg J . W . H E T R I C K & S O N |!S MATTISON AVE, j|ci K e a to r B lo c k . .................. -i]


Wet*u d a y a . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,7 .20 ». in .. :W 0 p. m.

. ltETURNlNO -LEAVE .NBW* YORK.Foot. Wt*Ht L i t t le ' 12th S t . O.ftO n. m .. 2.10 p. m. B u tte ry l»ark ...............; . , .n.:nv a . in ., n.10 p. in.

■. '<r:.v SUXDAYS. . ; V- •= V ; ; ■ ' ’ r ^ a v e Pl f t tRurf t iRay, . . . . ; ni 40 p . ro.Lot}ye N. Yi. foo t W , L ittle . 12tli a t . . . 0.00 n. m. Louve b u t te ry ! Pn r k . . . . . . . m. BuggaRO corrli'tl with pnwiehffpra.

T uUp en r w hich ten vex Akbery, l*ark n o t 'l a te r th a n 0.20 a . ip. for 7.2«> a . iu. Iioat. For nfter^ itiHiu tm at. tnlit* e a r uot lu tc r tltAu 2.40 p . nj. flundtiys the* Banae;

W A N. EM M ONS; ; - -— Mo uracturor and Dealer inRunabouts, Buggies, Traps,

Surreys and Business\or Pleasure Vehicles \

Wo do all kinds of REPAIR WORK FAINTING lin'il'TRIMMING..'

Wo can put on yonr RWHHIJr t i r e s • . a t our shop: . . .,Wo mnko a specialty of h o h s e s h o e in g ; ' ' , In the latest styles.'


B h lp m o n ta a S p e o l& l ty '722 Mattison Avenue

Branch office, 408-500 Orange Street, Newark Telephono connection. 1 ’ ;


. v’ ^ O T E L FLAT WORK...! • :\'V ...-in.We'drt]b6:liaest^4oidry.:w)c!c:m th? City; J. N. W ti(rE, Maaig.-r;'1

> : v p u z z l e :A catridn'crow 'sat. o n ,ait oak,Vbl do riddlo, lol lle rifldle, he ding dol,

\yateliin^ vi'itallor sliapihR liia coat; ,fjiinc he, sing.hpi the olli carrion; crowy- Fol do riddle; riddle, lie ding'dot

. - r - ’ "FIND :TH E TAtLOR. '


Ooaoheeand cliairs furnlahed for all. . , . . . . . occaslona. . ‘ WEST ASBURY PARKOno Block West of Railroad.

Page 6: Monmoatii Trust - DigiFind-It · Anyone wantlcis a good horec will not go wronp by Sditon’8 stables and- wetcWSB Isii priToteaitb. VWntch for tho ^aaBSi^nrthowse to o.—a

C o o k m a n A v e . a n d E m o r y St.

S p e c ia l V a lu e in N e w T o rc h o n L a c e sThe best value ever offered at 5c, a yard.

A ls o a la rg e a sso rtm en t o f L a c e C u rta in s a n d C u r ta in G o o d s .

By the Yard at Special Prices,

M a y M a n to n P a tte rn s o n S a le 10 Cents Each,

E p p i U S a E & 3 3 3 P p p P P f P ElKSfJa IjiKlid EiRa iiel Eft'/ala Eik2s^.EiKaajal E T ^ia

: The' anniversary sale has broken all records for lively: selling, arid |a£ heretofore anndtinbed, w ill con­tinue at; Both stores for the remainder of.1 the month,

?erhaf)S you failed t o ; attend the great sale at its inception , If so; com e in this w eek. Fresh bargains in

> Goods, Clothing,Shoes, Hosiery, Furniture,

A r e b e in g a d d e d d a i ly , so i t 's y e t t im e to s e c u re so m e o f th e u n d e r- p r ic e d s e a s o n a b ly g o o d s b o u g h t fo r th is p h e n o m e n a l t r a d e e v e n t .

Providers for Home and Wardrobe,

v' ■■«§t*ury- park’s Modern Stores.

i6o Market St., Newark, N. J. , 170Bt-oadway; Ldng Branch, Nf J


. ■ ■Vi.

$ l t0 0 0 w o r th of L A D I E S ' S K I R T S ju s t re ­c e iv e d ; A m o n g th e m o u r

A r e t h e B e s t .S e e v^ hat w e h a v e .

T r im m e d

P la in fro m

f r o m .

$3.98 to 7.98.

$2.98 to 8.50-

Fancy. TAFFETAS Rahge from $10.98 to 25.00.

T h e n w e h a v e 8 0 0 o th e r S k ir t s th a t w e w i l l s e ll fro m 9 8 c , u p .

W W f l f WWWW f f .

COOK’S BEE HiVE,C o r . M a in S t . a n d C o o k m a n A v e .

...WE A R E IN W A N T OF.,.


Llea’s Night Shirts and Women’s Gowns

Those having, no" experience will Ise taught how to operate, Here is the opportunity to have steady work and good wages can be earned, APPLY AT ONCEJ

S T E I N E R & S O N


. — F I N E H A T S F O R $ 5 .0 0 :

I707 BANGS AVENUE,Bet. Bond and Main Sts. Arthur T. Purchase, Prqp’r.

The Finest of Meats, Poultry ahd Provisions Always on

SCOREOFHEBS KILLEETwenty-one Lose Lives In an



T h l r i y - f q a ^ M c n W e r e i n t h e U n d e t f -K rountl W o r ic ^ M W h e i t l ie Ga>W a« Jtsu ited —Oi'i* 1 'o u r E scap e

. W ith o u t S e rio u s

Dayton, T«nn., May 28.—At the Rich­land mine of the Dayton Coal and Iron company, tw o mSIes from Dayton, yes­terday afternoon ft terrific explosion of gas resulted in the death of 21 men, nil while ahd most of them married aud witli families. The explosion w as caused by w hat is Jmown ntjipng min­ers as a -"blown blast;” I t is. the cafe tom of the miners- to place b lasts and lire tiiem oft a t quitting tline each a f t­ernoon, leaving the coal thus thrown down to be loaded anti hauled from .the mine tho next m orning., The Xtichlaud. mine is destitute of water, and hence a great volume of fine particles of coal dust, invisible to the naked eye, ac­cumulates a t the roof-of the mine, form ­ing a highly inflammable gas.

Yesterday afternoon a t 4:30 o’clock a dynam ite cartridge was placed In position in one of the rooms for a blast. The miners had ju s t started for the mouth of the mine. The b last did not explode as intended, bu t instead a Ion] flame shot out of tho blast hole and ignited the accumulation of dust. In ­stantly a terrific explosion occurred, and a seething mass of flume shot to tin* moutlf o f the mine and extended 300 feet into the open air, scorching tlie leaves from the nearby trees. There were 34 m*en in the mine a t the time. Four of these escaped with slight in­juries. Twenty-one -were killed, and nine were terribly burned, most of them fatally. • .

U n n n l m o n s A c t i o n o f , t h e P r e . « b y t i - r l s n !A aM em l* ly .

Philadelphia, May 28.—By a unani­mous vote the Presbyterian general as­sembly yesterday adopted the report of the special committee on "the revision of th e confession of faith. The debate on this im portant question had extend­ed into; tlie fourth day, and to RevV Dr. .Tames p . M oitatt is due the credit of having brought the commissioners to such a harmonious conclusion.. W hen recommendation B w as on Saturday adopted by a comparatively small ina-. jority, Dr. Moffatt announced th a t in

' Ntco lino of CHILDREN’S HATS, and ui; tho latest styles l i SAILORS, and OUTING HATsS. ..

MRS. E DILTS 612 Cookman Av


ies’ Patent - Leather • ■' , OXFORDS.... V

Me&nt for our $2,00 Shoe j Sale, which have arrived one

week latej [will place on. sale Wednesdaij, morning for

A Pair 'Values 3, 4 'and $5



* 1 V. . <-

Many Important Changes Will Be Brought About by Heeerit

Act of Legislature

Under tli<> provisions of the new food net tiie New Jersey department ;of the

iry commission i a to lie abolished nnd the work of gimraiitecmg pure food nml pure drink will fall upon the sta te board of health. • . ,

Tlie department of the sta te dairy commissioner lias been a thorn in the sid<; of miihy Republicans for several years. I t is the last of the distinctive­ly Democratic departments. The. present commissioner ca«sed-n bill to be drafted two years ago which’ changed tiie venue of the department and made it a sub­division of .the s ta te hoard of >health, which was then a Dem ocrat^ board. The former Republican legislature did not prolie deeply in to the bill or the scheme back of itj M t refused to pass it. This year the same bill came np again.

Tiie act repealed tiie doubtful old laws and substituted new'Saws th a t will en­able the' sta te boar&'VSf health to select the working force to 'look after watered milk and bad butter; The dairy commis­sioner dissolves into "tlie chief' inspector. The governor signed' the bill willingly, because conditions in the dairy commis­sioner’s department KHd long since been unsatisfactory to him.'" .

Those connected'witli Wo dairy commis­sion, it is said, are already pulling wires for their own "personal" safety, nnd spineview of the divergency of "opinion lie

would on Monday offer an am endm ent! °? them assert *k>ntidtehtinlly th a t they which he- Sloped would meet with the j have assurances. The ..Republicans Jo approval of th e entire assembly. W h e n ; not suspect th a t th ere to much polities he presented th is am endm ent y e s te r-jin the state board of'health. I t lifts nl~ dny, It wns instantly accepted by th o , wavs been a close corporation. The commissioners, and the adoption of tho members arc disposed to fall back on the report ns ft whole followed w ith bu t I position th a t the board has no political little delay. |affiliation nnd will attem pt is know

A viva voec- vote was taken, and none when i t comes to secure a force to when lUO yeas responded to the ques- j execute the £ood laws. ' I t is on this tion the commissioners arose and sang position th a t the present incumbents ox- • Praise God From Whom All Blessings ;pect to secure retention.

Flow," which was followed by n prayer I A t; a rccent conference ol those who of thanksgiving by Moderator Minton.

The momentous question of creed re­vision having been disposed of, the as­sembly-proceeded to the consideration of unfinished business. The report of tlie special committee on judicial com­missions, w as first in order nnd was adopted n f te i 'a brief discussion. This report recommends the establishm ent of a perm anent judicial committee to which shall be referred all judicial cases which the general assembly does not elect to try before the whole body.There will be no appeal from the de clsions of this committee.

During the afternoon session reports of various special com mil tees were coil siilered and adopted, among them r supplemental report of the committcc on theological seminaries which recom mended the 'consolidation of the Lou­isville iind Danville .seminaries.

New York .was selected as the meet ing plaee for the next general assem bly. . .

w m

nJr..Tjl5i : - .5 |H

K l g l i t V P u t r l i m i n i S l t b t h y D n r g l o r . ,W ebster, Mass., May 28.—A" daring

ittem pt to blow up tiie safe in the ear barn of the W orcester and W ebster Street Iialhvny company took place here, and Night Watchman" Frank Bal- com—who "interrupted the robbers 'at' their work, was shot nnd, feared, fatally wounded.' The safe cobbers, four in njnnlier, escaped.

assisted in tlie passage" of tlie act i t dc- dcvclopcd th a t there arc many candi­dates for the places," even for chief in­spector. The belief prevails th a t George Maguire will be appointed, because he is familiar witli the work.

The biggest plum in the department is tlm t of state .chemist, now held by Ship- pen Wallace, of Rurlingto!! a Democrat. The position is w orth: about $3,000 a year. I t is now proposed tlm t the work of nnnlyzing butter, milk and food sam­ples should be assigned to the state ex­periment station a t New Brunswick.

Another result of thefconference wns th a t tlie net directs the food inspectors of. the future to attack sill kinds of food The net specifies they shall look for food which has been rendered poisonous or injurious to health by reduction of strength, adulteration^ "'food with substi­tu te substances, infected or tainted foods. Tliis would force an inspection of canned, meats, fish and vegetables. Un­der this act the sta te Can cause analysis to be made of beer, m alt and liquors.

This lias never b<:eu;done because tlie expense of analysis was regarded too heavy, hut i t is argued-how th a t w ith.a complete sta te laboratory , nt the com­mand of tho inspectors "the fdod, inspec­tion can lake a much, wider range and can "cmhrace "drmk/^'S^iich the M rp a r^ tieularly specifies.

W E D N E S D A Y .

•* Ju s tice .an d tru th arc two points bo f in e .* ' tlia t our Instrum ent! are too b lu n t to touch ‘ ‘ them tx ac tly .—Pascal.

’ DBEAKFAST.. SIice<l Pineapple, *

Cereal with Cream,Codflah in 'E gg Cups.

Saratoga Chips.Buttered Muffins. Coffee.

DINNER. • * • * > r,:! Cream Asparapug Soup.• Chicken Saute. Potato Balls.

Green Peaa und New Carrots.Lettuce.

- Strnw berry'Shortcake.'E d am Clieqse. Crackers.

Black Coffee.

• • SUPPER. ’Soft Shell Craha.

* * ,.Span!ih Om elet. M ilk T o a s t,.* * ' Germa Pancake* Tea,

CODFISH IN EOO CUPS.-*Lot salt cod- flsli, oicked in h its (no t ehredded), Btand

g h t * in egld. w ater, then drain and , , o u t i l l tfie^water. To cach quarter of . ,

iui of flsh add Ijalf a cupful of cream o r . , wlilte Bauce and a beaten egg. T urn ; , i b u tte red cup o r egg poacher and cook , ; rig in boiling w ater until nearly .Q rm , , ,

' ' The w ater ihouhl not boil.. Serve in t h * , , , c u p i Qr. t | i r n ;from them , as desired.

Mr. and Mrs. Jpsliua . Primmer of drover, near Flemington, celebrated tin sixty-ifourth anniversary of their wed­ding a few days ago. ’ lioth are in excel­lent health. Mr. ;?rimmer’t father fought in the Revolution.

I t is w ith a good deal of pleasure and satisfaction tlia t I recommend Chamberltiin’B Colic. Cholera and Diar­rhoea Remedy,” says Druggist A. W. Sa%vtelle, .of Hnrtfor4f Conn. "A lady customer, seeing the fejnodv exposed for sale oii my show case, .said to me: . ‘I really believe th a t s.. lieinc- aayed my life the past summer while': a t the shore, and she:became aso .enthusiastic over its merits th a t 1 a t once iii'ddo up; my jn^nd to recommend it in the future. Recent- ■ly a gentleman came into my store so overcome with colid pains th a t lie sank, a t once to the floor. 3 gave h im 'a dose e l this remedy wliieh-hciped.him. I re­peated the dose and in fifteen minutes l^e left my store smilingly, informing me th a t he fe lt as w c l(& :eycr.V, Sold b? Stewart’s drug utfoAi Cootciflan avenue and-Bond street. . .■'!