monrh@moi (english)


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Post on 14-Jul-2015



Recruiting & HR

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What is the origin of the concept?➔ Our idea goes back to 2003, when I was at the garage having my car serviced.

➔ As we chatted, the garage owner told be about a problem he was having with one of his employees; he was thinking about sacking him for serious misconduct.

➔ I asked him a few questions and soon realised, as a professional in the field of personnel and human relations management, that he was making a bad decision.

➔ And the decision was going to constitute a serious risk for his small business!

After 22 years in operational posts in SMBs, including ten years as HR Manager and three as entrepreneur, Rodolphe Schroetter launched his innovative concept based on his experience and observations in the field.

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

✖ Risk• Dismissal on the grounds of serious misconduct is a disciplinary matter• The case was one of professional inadequacy (a personnel matter under

the French Labour Law)• There was a high risk of referral to an industrial tribunal because the

wrong grounds were being put forward• There was a high risk of demotivating the entire workforce

✓ My advice• Take appropriate steps: ‘lecture’ the employee in the proper legal form,

with a warning, then train him, to improve his skills• This approach worked perfectly

✚ Benefit for the company• This avoided the drama of dismissal, the risk of referral to an

industrial tribunal, and the cost of replacing the employee (equal to as much as one year’s salary, according to studies)

• The employee is better trained (and has understood and learned the lesson)

• And above all ALL the employees are still motivated and committed, thanks to the way the entrepreneur handled the situation

Dismissal is a last-ditch solution.

There are many other ways of avoiding such a situation.

Make sure the workforce stays competent, motivated, and committed!

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

As I left the company, I had a deep-down feeling:

“The bosses of small businesses are really on their own in dealing with the complexity of both the legal and human sides of management.

It would be great to have an all-inclusive service, handled by an expert, so that entrepreneur don’t have to deal with it and can focus on their core business – developing and looking after the company’s clientele, leading the company’s team, managing its business from day to day.”

The seed of monRH@moi had been planted…

… and since then it has started to grow!

Use the right toolsTrain and supportAccompany

Generate real, measurable results and profits

Have more time to spend with your clients!

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

The concept of management of personnel and human relations is often difficult to grasp.

“The most difficult thing with development and managing my company is the human side of it, and the legislation. It’s complicated, I haven’t got the time, and I don’t understand any of it,” is what I hear most frequently from entrepreneurs in the field.

In most cases, managers feels alone facing decisions and risks, do not have enough time to take a dispassionate view, and do not always know who to turn to.

What they have told me they want:

To take care of their clients

To manage their teams

To earn money

To enjoy their work

To have peace of mind

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

They can rely on their accountant, either external or in-house:➔ no overall vision or preventive approach to personnel management➔ limited field of action, ad-hoc tasks➔ unable to attend disciplinary interviews with employees (they are not entitled to if they are external to the company, and lack the legal competence if they are inside the company)➔ entrepreneurs often feel helpless when faced with the law

They can call in a lawyer:➔ purely legal approach (which can hardly be held against the lawyer, since that is his/her job)➔ reduced field of action, ad-hoc tasks➔ not active in personnel management as a whole➔ curative action most of the time (the harm has already been done)

What entrepreneurs have told me:I already have people I trust, BUT…There isn’t always the money…

Ad-hoc tasks to patch things up rather than a long-term solution

Fear of the next time, not knowing where the blow will strike

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Entrepreneurs should be able to concentrate on:● their job, their passion, ● earning money, ● enjoying their work, ● feeling more comfortable.

The management of personnel and human relations should become a driving force for the development of the company, generating real, measurable results; it should cease to be a source of anxiety, or a disincentive.● Change the status of personnel management from that of a

constraint to an opportunity, for your company and for you● In the field, alongside you, in the management of your personnel● Accompanying you, in your human and financial interests● Outsource your social risks (investigation by social security

authorities / labour inspectorate, industrial tribunal, statutory obligations, legal fees, etc)

Operational calmness

Legal security ++

Peace of mind

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

An HR Expert will visit your company regularly and deal with everything connected with the management of your staff and human relations.

Between once a month and one and a half days a week (depending on the number of your employees).

Advantages of monRH@moi:

Your HR Expert is there with you for interviews prior to sanctions, when the social security authorities carry out an investigation, when an inspection is carried out, etc.

The Expert carries out “HR” things for you, but always with your agreement.

Personnel management• Recruitment and contracts• Personnel files• Health and safety in the workplace• Staff representation

Administrative supervision• Inspections: accompaniment, follow-through, negotiation

and contestation if necessary.• Compulsory notices, registers, documents

Disputes involving employees• Disciplinary management (sanctions, dismissals)• Management of disputes before labour tribunals

Supervision of payroll services• Management of monthly variables• Working time, leave and absences

Company development & performance• Performance of entrepreneur• Financial support: research, management, monitoring• Advice, analysis and optimisation of HR management• Assistance with recruitment• Integration and building up loyalty• Performance of employees

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Disputes involving employees• What to do / say during an interview prior to dismissal• What to do if an employee doesn’t want to retire• What to do if an employee doesn’t turn up for work• What to do if an employee is stealing products• What to do if an employee works while on sick leave• What to do if an employee has a number of part-time jobs• What to do if an employee is on long-term sick leave• What to do about employees’ “minor” cases of lateness, “minor” mistakes,

etc• What to do about an employee who is ruining the atmosphere

• You will be accompanied by an HR Expert during the interview prior to a sanction. You will never be on your own again!

• Your HR Expert may also represent you at a conciliation hearing before an industrial tribunal. Save time, and peace of mind!

Some examples of issues your HR Expert will deal with for you:

Disputes involving employees

• Disciplinary management (sanctions, breaking contracts)

• Management of disputes before industrial tribunals

• Payment of legal fees

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Some examples of issues your HR Expert will deal with for you:

Administrative inspection• Accompaniment, follow-

through, negotiation and contestation if necessary

• Compulsory notices, registers, documents

• Compliance with social legislation

Administrative inspections• Points involving pay covered during an inspection by the social security

authorities• Points covered during an inspection by the labour inspectorate• Points covered during a visit/inspection by the labour doctor• What is the ‘single document’? How do I avoid a fine?• ‘C3P / Pénibilité’ for arduous work – does that concern me, or not?• Do I have to have a gender equality plan, or not?

• Your are accompanied by an HR Expert while inspections are carried out (social security authorities, labour inspectorate or doctor, etc). You will never be on your own again!

• Your HR Expert can also represent you during these inspections, and defend your interests. Your clients are more important !

And so is your peace of mind!

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Development and performance of the company• What financial support for recruitment can my company obtain?• How can I motivate my employees without spending any more money?• Knowing how to listen to and motivate employees (without overdoing the

friendliness aspect)• Paying your employees more, without extra social charges• Making your employees your ambassadors, all members of your sales

force!• Reducing absenteeism and occasional days off work• Reducing the number of accidents in the workplace (and reducing your

employer contributions)• Should I include tasks and duties in the employment contract (or not)?• How to test an employee with no risk before recruiting him/her• Who do ideas, creations and innovations belong to – the company, or the

employee?• How to define a job description properly and avoid recruitment mistakes• What to do with personnel if the company’s activity declines

Some examples of issues your HR Expert will deal with for you:

Company development and performance

• Advice for the entrepreneur• Financial support: looking for it,

managing it, and following it up• Advice, analysis and

optimisation of working methods• Assistance with recruitment• Employee integration and

loyalty• Performance of employees

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Personnel management• Understanding the rights of a pregnant employee• Understanding the rights of a father-to-be• Paid leave – can I refuse it, or not?• I have 15 employees in summer, and 5 in winter; do I have to organise

elections?• Understanding the different types of family leave, and their conditions• Understanding the different types of unpaid leave, and their conditions

• Your HR Expert manages and optimises your personnel files, under your guidance.

• Your legal security and your peace of mind are well and truly assured!

Some examples of issues your HR Expert will deal with for you:

Personnel management

• Recruitment and contracts• Personnel files• Health and safety in the

workplace• Staff representation

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Advantages of monRH@moi: we pay any penalty charges incurred as a result of our management

Guarantee of document compliance (contracts, posters, etc)

All-inclusive (contracts, pay, codicils, inspections, etc)

(Average figures noted. Sources: Social security authorities, order of accountants, discussions with managers)

Personnel managementEmployment contract: between €70 and €400Codicil to contract: between €40 and €200Termination of contract : between €70 and €400

Administrative inspectionsAdjustment claimed by the social security authorities (2012 average): €14 333Nearly 7 in 10 inspections result in an adjustment paymentHow much of your time do you think would be wasted?How much stress do you think there would be beforehand?

Disputes involving employeesHow much time would you spend dealing with a dispute?How much motivation would your other employees lose?Did you know that the industrial tribunals in France deal with one thousand cases every day?

Development and performance of the companyHow much of your time is not spent with your clients?How much of your time is spent on paperwork?How much do you think a bad recruitment costs? (It costs a year’s salary, if not more…)How much is your peace of mind worth?

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Advantages of monRH@moi:

Security for the company

Outsourced social risk

A dedicated HR Expert, present on your premises

Are you prepared to take the risk?Example of an industrial tribunal decision (cancelling dismissal on the grounds of ordinary fault)• Damages for dismissal for no real serious cause: €45 000.00• Back pay for overtime not remunerated (over five years): €5 717.59• Paid leave in connection with salary-type amounts paid: €571.76• Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure (fees of the employee’s counsel): €2 000.00• Costs (own legal and procedural fees): €3 500.00• Interest accruing at the statutory rate• Issue of a ‘Pôle Emploi’ attestation and a rectified employment certificate on pain of payment of €50.00 per

day of failure to comply

With monRH@moi at your side, it is very unlikely that this situation would arise, because we have both the necessary legal expertise & substantial experience in staff management

If it were to happen nevertheless, as a result of our management, we would cover:➔ Legal fees and costs (except first €500€ and expenses, for an average amount of €3 – 5 000)➔ Damages and payment under Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure: €47 000 in the example above, plus interest➔ Penalty for not issuing an updated attestation: €50 per day in the example above

➔ In the example above, and in general, you would only be liable for any amounts counted as salary, i.e. €5 717.59 + €571.76 = €6 289.35, out of a total of nearly €57 000.

➔ Your cash-flow is not affected, you have peace of mind, the results are real and measurable.

Our idea Our aim How it worksOur observation

Feel free to call us! +33-685-568-444