montana post (virginia city, mont.) 1868-08-07 [p...

The Iiutaia Oss FRIDAY 1tUSUNfIle AVJQ!iW?.~ OCr AGUWIrS. H tw "% & MIzt, New Yct 1rm Uk fldlut, 41 Park ho~w are the ole 090 2 IN OXTAh I'(IST. for tbe Eastern 6ta w. T. I AMUtto!, Fort Benton. Mlr. A. J. ENmI. Danmekt. 3. M. FlslI. Sterliar. Hot Spring Distriet. IL W.Nl..ER 4; ALLYI1. 8&lver Bow. JAM};; SI UAlIT, Deer L~dge. Wv.Rl'1~? & Co.. Hell Gate. IV. 1'. PARSONtS, Gallatin City. 'r \N liO S (erttia ulch. .Lo.. I'EtKY, Lincoln (inlcb. .;v:l. ILtAl-l , iladersburg. k. It. HIAMIL.TON. Son River Crossing. Li. II. IIATHAAnWT. Higbhlsnd DistriaL. :'..' 1 l l, Summit City. t;. (' J~,1~hcISlnlr kf.rtt. Vt . t t NV. J., Nia. Reynolds' City, E'k. Creek. ,;. ~ IIl.lIAMS. St. Louis. Mo. I.. 1'. t`I' Sam Francisco. Cal. Ill \t.r Iltfr.ItI'a , Argeat.. i. '~ & ('9.,t " & "bnrgh, Saoma.U irer Mines 'A. 1'.t Y.%rOtT, (fr redrate nolet. i }t `.- .lErIt, Meulder Valley. M' ,. I 4..'Yi kFl, 13-r Gulch and adiceut mimes. 'I. C. Vi i motl.l', Butte City. ;,1 ~. . )3 r. K, Beartown Y. T. i).+- In W ll'I-. Bozernrin City. V rur. Tiht•'.lav'p I)aily. trritaIl and d part•uest y Wells Fa•.ro & Cuos (d•achas. AiI: Iii VL I.A , - i ,. Myers If l i'.\ l.I i . C arrE. It 1 keeti Meit \hr l-'t k C tiretwn ... ,. .:- au I .; Iarb ur ' ' Ittewti V *<retI L.tltand 4 . .rrr.-- Iaj. 1Y. -1. ('u.- . .. :.O I -. 'ton ultday aigLZ, .. . . .0 •, himself. tLotw'it- -, .• ... ' Iy to large bandt .., , ,r ,, :"•rI ., +• ,' tat e. o•L. - thr tr-b, - t Indians, t,: , - ,, Lw,. 0 s. W ith the * .. '- . I.I' '1m . Io- 11a 1n the 4th of J!'y, e. .. .• , .u''r, ab ut tlw a- th of last . : been abit to meet tihe - ;:" -h tby have bsea S, i. •-,.- .. r. b1r littledaiubt . .. ... y: t-at..ait-r b• c nuaLnmated will .. . : rr1d "*. '-arty is next month. .. .'u. .'4 rt-h w.':- bie4 prepa"r " " . c" ,l.:l . . r.' tl t) r .• ir.r . became a:, . - . " '' a I'ta C >.. lied beer -, ; , :de, "' the Ind;,r .a , t-. . t li'inrg t}heii fahrl-,out' S:.' t bu.r. ate.. l'r::icipal anriaz t. : tit. governmet -:. '- r;i :n :i " habit ox introducing dL - .- ,.-'r. ;r L',if4 g o rich they irt-e , ., " .. u~ -t.. .Le holm to exti r- ,, . r .. ' :. - - djep ru..t hal n -th• aI e ., .," . :." .ataagts. t•at nearly cIie ,. " " " :I, ! .. o tit' cC lu .iItiobrer S . ; u ' :.'i hLni to ke•t'cie- .- ", .,!,iet of the cirou'a- , .... L-•, u m Hay e'ompry, .. "..... " .e a .t rna--mbered that'be I .- r eivt-e Ir•on our gove-t- -- !- w. i. them. Yaj. t . " : n.- a •;eera• rule ' ry .. uily. an• he Ts-tu `..r hald " ch lees tronbie .':, l~'l'+ien w nt the "white- nwear thel. rhe iner eflrus. 'r that. aAe +i various , a :., tn ad. t.-a'ie. have bees and are to be .,,'. " , L v tet " ',ace.! upon rsereations. and . li'i" :,t" i4ae :tinter ,it'ae laws are st•itly -, r i :, jl, , -- tL-.rg-er froni Indian diftirul- -r t+" b'e at'pls, anden. .L il:iA.Aiefreai a ~'w Lt" i ir t:..,. _ relw'lun otret, reiulting in l .-c. u.. astam, t.e elective peeeee off t 'rav'.' kwi! out uis pendid .!s bkae !t nta: tray- ' iLand ted teeunerring Sfer Sol Star, WiV ttali3 turean oUw: a . f ue team with a band &k ir hruw .tir t!a? -opposition. The eote .. far a-. Lt irtl froa. Lu.been very liht. 1a Mel- . ia ].:'1l A .tes W.2' -cant ai.ojainst 24 -cast lest ettr. vs i nc ude thev. v- of Last Caases Pre. uct. chi, a "ar deslomatisrd. and the seeotew of crhickh su ea at the 2L.!saa Ieod ysaP Trye I em.eS at= claia haeW elected al theiroas- :wiates. be: ip to the Iwour ii going S. pram the ,u-tuotong uC u? e v'ote bai'.ret .tbee cane'i :, du ";-r atre tbei re. unaie- to . vTis dL`,t manna "-.u the crr-;s in the vicinit" we have impefeot -enirrmn and ye t ihre as we-eceive them- In the vai ey t w te-'p 'tX vales were cast aaaia .72 .ast year. The- Lk ocmtsetmmZ~ of thw *5 vocr.. R: ue( iin~i l J3-e I c..aiw a nwajorisj of abaft ad "r, and a -nmjuriry Lr the entire Un ioniLahet. 1t G Ienhqreta-tarion, 26 votes were east asS a _" . s-natictne'.rity of E obtained. At Clazk's. i,.lyo'cZc' lth !tlacklg* read. 3L ve6.a wme 2:,v utwtwreeo au leave further jefinile> l'C-'. I .. mi'd cutes hed boen cast w to & c1, i j the aeurnuoo. ad i t'wae tU e Iew c.ra:ic ti!ket was a!t That ftm/ out 2S u. A.I. ' ' were .a ;. hoaure, mach scraehiag of .ke:-. sa I t1:;:e.. the Republiosan seeaaI noa e !ectji A r .'clock p. in. the D aeems .. s a t T1"ri~: - caud jsmbady kept as. At .J tnoz:.! C *v the -n*tnbined veto o the upper and r -. tecn 'was Zf3 tbe De-wrg claiming the ~' t." fir the repular ticket. Although the t '. n' . uci t!kieit)ia eetabli1eg' a Iar peeu at t cr\.::.. tL putL. Were not opeed there At t'" _..' \ t tolit. s sait the Rtdi g road, ere 6--r-. mrjudo s ofthe leoiea to be bed. .. II . :tic:, n, voting took plae. Ak.- ," " 1.:: ion was aes sit bet lihCI hetsa s :_ t r:.t lr.-'rheae mew dclgsp t: Ar.-trhea e sew dimg~ip u. ier ` xi.ey ar prs v i L a"e tesslee * .. t t.r.r suppaed. bosidas.bdo as rash :i iLa.-t sanguine expected. Aafar peachaii a . dlac o ret. tbe graad. is !mil 5er?. en vrP; lire s c >r Ab e PW.L :a.a -.4 " 4els.ev.nry. nice f.- uf Vrawsl jays fum " . t~ .:.u cents tw the pea. The olaLm below di.- 'rvf. .:dau n.. ic uundi abet, ws 1l4 orne ai. fl.r iC4M. It is r. 1 orted that tee dol- -... bOn.o i4 3O tri sae y.n of it Lake i. J- !w jek e o Ieini *u I is tie le s d1is a a Mr L. L. Lewisfires us he fellew6 t guss: M.--r- 1V i!:rtw" s Cu or" working m a didvaa- 'a- e tit , r:5*U. taut are) )et mak: as bP eleven -11&re per day to ilhe toa. Lewis d Ce .- e so- n.:ar in rugiiii-et drain ditch owl obtaalsn cx- IF '::e..; I r.'ct.. ia is tbuss;ht that. tIr a dismaag fr..w turee tJ ire ,Isue. he grdsd is S:..'r ai at.d t:t of Last Cbacae gpleh be- I- lie , is evenly dIrtalbMd eed .:. "Ile. C;:sizinare e i jinj ge aely 0 4rpmo c r . "C'J-! T,-: twrcs hare bete staled, ae d:vi~etary and use abart a wile booe iL i:e-.e i ts~.inaI euamtain between .eebeabed sad an. : sT,, Londredl ues. and bet tw. staris. u.v 4e1A*tIE, t U b:.Cksu: ith shta sad uoa Ie i x T'ows .-- Wea had the plespr. Jast * %,in I f IwmsI.5g Is :be mesenpollo 8 AIeCren.r, the eb e ent ShabwWstf, eat tC , Lsrae " avidea!y appeeslais tb pd1 t in and is aatlelpeesl~ of as eirlul4 next ywr Is over ban with a wdttl 1;;I F the allha UqsFlaas. W I , ! Raom Mo X, .- , W letter was reede by .*'X 1hyear Sasreet , Ar4 6 ., Fres X =*e--er eq was _ham.We is ses tie. r ah hneb g p l s .msed swm a*s_ Youar nee•r ntsM a ee mem q " mre leekeA - 0as t lmu t mh mm beau we" hari I bea yeur wNems wai on the Tee*. Haveoo as - eviMse of a d tik it is ttra. aTag * * * The explasret of th is: " 1," es De~apy U. >. Marshal, a.ased as a wisess CeMte Wil. Hams, to appear i the U. & COeat i e em a oertal cawe. X gave him s hbm saddle st. rifle and serted him from ertms at 1tem the eve- ning of July 2S8. X bolfewed b the emeek feur hourns aer. He heard-of Willtmats botg passe Jack lana's, ve mies out, all right. The met beard of him is that be was hang witlt three mles of Bentou within the next frrty-Ight bourn. Bes- t oa and vclaity has been an usually free from at- frays the pweest 'season, and It Is mteforttate that a witnes saumm med beore. tme U. J. Court should be one of the .rt vietims. We expet to ihave definite lator•dwion by next maid. ( TR•Ia s )O THE RsAu.RIAD.-The rail- road has now approached so asar us, that a mm- ber of trains are on their way to the preseat termi- nus of the l•on track, for the purpose of bringing freight to4eleena. The trait of Mr. J. A. Brown, consatilq f twenty-four w ,goes. left here sm l time %inee, for the town of Benton, Dakota, for the purpose lo bringing goods from there, and wiU reach there about the .24 inst. On last Friday toe :; trat df M sets. Btrret & Bamey. consisting of thirteen waegus, startel. for the same place, for the 1 per.pee of procuring a*tock of liqua• and genei t "1 merchandise for this a•arket. The time oecapied i Itv freight teams in going from here to the termi-, i~ about six weeks. The usual price charged f,,r freighting is ten rents per pound. \Ite may I.era'on incidentlt!y, that the Po-r is to r.eive a Iargte quantity of erC material over the rolte men- ti,ordl, upon the eto rilt yf which our •atrons may t 'iek for still turther i•nmpro eu•ents in ,u-r ;Iap,-r. t. wire are being stretched, which will eveutuai'y g'v-. Mflontana ta ur abundant Ieaa of t"eiE e ralphic m,- utwlunicatirm wiab the East. The Weateru I •mon r liegtraph C->. is 'tow putteg up a rew- set of lgeles, a,:lt runniug twi. new wires along the hlue. Iu tlhe tUnion I'acidc Ie..nred. T'he iuhairnld Cunr;any .tielt is pettinrtc up a line of rire over the same ;round,awd in a.ivance to the track. l'his line is alres.ty e•impleter as far as Greeta Kiver. ant will reach Salt lake by the mitdle or latter part tf next a.ooth. It wi'l thus be seen that this fall theep will b",. from 4al!t Irike to Otnaba, three lines of .t ire where there •rv formerly but rem. Thbe Territo- rial l',-as will then be Iess annty~d by tie mno- s*yllabic seneu e-e wires d..n,' anti our bankers and butene.e tsr.n wi' be greatly benefited by the inCreaaed we'.- 'r citeD . (to leK ahic erorrunnui- cation. Yoirt:'-, Jiitui.--"I)oan londersto•, etiturand p-tqtietr of the Alotwun Jo•wrnal. tme it the ... etLably condtcteuld Xepuilib'an papers in Michairan, aes by :I. way, a brsther 'coul." in ,tlher ltmet, will accept our tL•u•s for the very I udhdeal,,c tir•lhpliment beetowed ulon td I'• sr, in a eeoentI sue. "Okl G(kory- is houam! to ware tr:umphsaa:., ny dear "Di) , " wherever is Amerisan soil (o r.'wa fdag-staff to throw its fhldL to the brease-tiC "lbars' are fast bheia "let down" [i Mv:ana " f'ome out to the mosataias ~f you en- joy a sna~ of fresh air "tromn Iest.haud." A ('r.LIl'r,(;.-From mthe Milwaukee .'•&,,S,'l we clip the folloring, concerning anu old anid esttee•r•i friend: "C'ol. 8. hlutie., formerly of (;ie I'sp.A staff. called at ourultice yesterday., cn his ay t.Lowisville. ki islands wi be glad i0 kaw tias: he has on hi best ap• ar~e ce." Iou had.settsr bring -our •orees sp p "e. - ' p--id," and by ith aid 1e your bueiaees tack. speedily realize a fortune. (oUnR AT DIAMOND.--Judge Munsca left for Dihnnond City yesterday morning, for the psarpse ctfholding Cost these. It Is tought that the sessiaot will be a very shortene. asthe attorneys of 'Helema, who have eases to be tried there, have utlted ina request to have them coatinued until the 1ab 6f September, oa ccoset of the excessively bet weather. bet weath-e. Bxo Bnrt('.-A large gold bstik,weigh- lg W62 ounces, and worth 4O 551.7J , .1 ooui, wra amelted.l Mr. F. Bev yewday. &A shipped east oa Wells, Fure A (do'e oeueh. by Masers Bahm & ,ib., B.akes.. PEsReS AL.C-OOl W Aur P. .ganders, the "war r'orse," started for Tkainam on Saturday last, ln ecwtpany with Capt. Nick Wall and Charley Lhler ..... BLo. I. Diem., Ea•g returned from .a •ery s •*esseful esavarli toot far the toer, oq Su•day,...-..Our frMed eSntb-ry, . of b e Orn Campbell .kde, left fer Beaten and the States, c• •anday an•ernig. Ie aw not psopoe reurnieg. From Wedo•sasyl daUly. LAst' CHAn cu Mrxws.--" "TI. ditanee ends eeweantment.,, an he sa tt is that ar aei- ese are seestantly seeking tor-iateVli mes concern lIg otber.cmpe, to tbs •er disregard of the rleh mimes wrbik they have at home. The g•l•k upon w-bisb "lessa Is situtes, is by .o. mesas worked out. ot only are MassY . Taylor, Tompeon & Cs. making enormoms roes, but other parties ar doing weU Messrs. Baker & Rrisbee, with some thirty4ve men employed, am .elestrug tip about one'kandrasounces per week. C. B. Huat's claim eitamed below the one meeiesed above, took out t~irt--eight einces of gold ar the week ending on attuas•y njkt last. They had tea m at work duaring the weak. One half the Unias Cosmpey's alch elaim, oonsisting of seven handied feet, ad s-uated one. mile below the guisad of Mens. Tay. let. Thompson .& Co., was sold to Oilnames lst week hr ._8a6). The pjest for puLttie a bed- raeek ome In Lest Chanoe gulde wil be revived as oonoas CaL Trsett relates. The Coeisels .en- pected dhme Is a few dase. Mew Tayler, Thompspo •LCo. will pat In a &ame t•esghont the whbee leagth of the guleh, if the water omapey a do set do so. As a an of this eteqrprse, it, s theeght that the Last Chelbe mines will yield on ameant of gold equal to that which has a•ltd, been•s-tke ou t. Tng "ooa MAN'S JOY."-Feat, are ntertaimsAdatthe e tsi saticipted rek this exceedigly rlohlen ealoot this season be real- i.ed. A elo esakantion of the ore shows that it cotaolas sm ve o~t.n per esnt. of led,41ids a laqpe qasaity of o•pper, arseale aid atlemy, I and t is thsouht that the presence of the bate met- als is seek prasportins may so lter•fre with the poeses amalgamation, that it may beeeme aecemry to mad to the States for the lateg tm- proved d es p~ ve meebt.ary. This may prob- ably es a dlay of a year the active wrleimt of tbe oae. VrartoxA ITZ•e.-The folloiwiag fro~c the LmeA r The Water mlpamy Is awelved is debt sa eqests that pers s wi e tt te Npay op wh the Colsetor lem vI mawteesinder oeem'. iwas compelled to ma", weaur....O.A _e4le ebsk be6* i )his bimes. lew Me we -s - sd-d -- WI. ek almae fsom So- eSi mwser, ,s m .at th see Ia Vw 9 rl . SK. Bee, E iq., ae whe is as a W et ast le besaf e atn ueto mgresa m ,m lmi M emada y ight. He iLdam as amNis ~ll Ia la MualbUeS •imi.g Compa/ aemesd up o000 is bslUes -m Friday lst, athe remtkds r poe thirty toes o reek fem the Hope lead. hree hudred toes of a simlar quality is aready ee the posed, mad will e be ersshed. Week upes the Remley & Begr her ledge is being ativelly prseested, sad rich retarn from it are expoeted as soon as the crashing of its rook shall be oommeooed. AcCDENTS.--On Monday last Bobby ZEwIg. aged tee or twelve year, was thrown from the rear boot of the Overland stage near this city, and had hisjaw brokee. Two an4 a half m•eths -ge Mattle Bullard. about eighleen years of age, had his right thigh broken, but had so nearly re- oow•red that be was walking our streets by the aid of a es, dervig the latter part of kest week. On Sauday l bhe was to be baptised by Professor Campbell, but while walking into the water, his Sfoot slipped, and his thigh was again broken in the old place. Messrs. CGlick. & Maupin are at tending both oftTe above parties. and they are doing well. PBLVTR Bow.-Much activity is being exhibited in the vicinity of Silver Bow with refrr- enceto the bringing in of ditches. fOne is abeet being brought in from Basin creek a distance of about twenty miles, which will supply t'10 iuctes of water to Rocker iill. one and a half mi ,. above S•ilver Hbow Another ditch eleven and a ihalf Sites in length. finr and a half miles of which has been c.mpleted, is being brought from Brownu' "gulch and will supply 7?0 inches of water to Or, Stino gulch, three miles south cf Silver Bow. O-N Il•I 'ItA\R\Vl..-Mr. Savage re- turned, on Monday. frout ltouider ialley w•th asne Leaud.ul views of .eff-ra,n Crs<ing It,ul- der Il)i ide and other scner;'. IIH ib.ljnarte ,l .% o- terday for the north in company wi'h: ;,)ov. Pollin- ti IRASo IoPP'ERit,--.r. \ ille., the "iibht ir striker'" iufor.rtn us tlaa: duriug the lat. ter part of Li., w e.ek the gr,.lshap,,'ers zia.ild. a raid on alt and vih;ityv an I did miwiii .jiry t,, iheerap~. It is re;'"p t.i th It th1 ,r.v cr.l, i. al- mlost totally destroye-d. B1i: NUG(;ET.-(il Fricay last there ,was landl in Zimmllnrl:nn's e-linl .,n ('anyol creek a nagget weighing .ix and on-. r,:.tsrtr i!i'ees andi valor dat $' 12.51. t). K.--We learn that ('lay Thtnml.son is, iu c,:n. ct:i n vU :th t!lher parti--i. i-ngraged ii. is,,rking P. large oil i,.;n"g situiatrd in the ! we.t- water c,,ntr), thirty fiv, mles hn- rtl .f" the .: road between Larikme and a.!' It is sal a continual tlrealt. Hi ]Tlrge a a it'I l N . is '-"l onesiating of .,il aid aa:tr. ni ,. 1d, ,. - ft. u, tlii. sprizg. From Thbt*A.i - I)&i'y. TIlE EIECTI"iN.-T'Jae returt cOtue in ilowly. In Jefftersu s(Hlinty in) Rlepublican ti.-ket was run, and the e:t:in;i wal therefore ce- void of interest save as•'ed th.- ,luestio.l of i tle loceation of the Coni.v teat. The last legir!la. ture authirized the vute•- .d .Jeffer I. county t,i c~angie their conoty seat at the election jO-It hew aot tbe subjet ofsaid zave some little i•ie :o the camlpairg. Th'le' .onltei t ait+ fotr tlt, iins• w-er Raldersbarg, Prickly I'ear and Fpjrinlrinti . sOfthe ;l5 vote seast atlt iadersbn rg :i7t were ior Rsdershsurg. Lower Ilsu!l-ler ca.t i4, votes auli *-uper Imlian t0 votes tfor thbe ame Ilar-. makung T1 votes iu all. plringvwil,east Iti ,it her 171 v.tes for heself. IUpper Ilo'lder 'est .•) votes ansi t pper Indina 17 vI:es for Prtskly Pear, and :he aspirant of course voted for itselt. but not to a sutlicient extent probably to , natls the votef for Rederabsra. Ii as, therefore, pritmle. that after. forty dtays persons havion business to with the ofeials tf Jetlers.r county will have fu prtrnel e Rl~ieerts rg for the perps•se r-atend- •ng to it. Dtamoed its eported to behe given a majority for the straiglt Democratic teiaket, *iuo .iacoln. Ie Washington gulch ont of 150U vslee •mly eight were R.pbhl'cau. At ieartown, on an average vote of 10), the )emooratio majority was forty-five. Oeo. . W. Brock, {epublicaa, receiving 127 votes fbr the Cotncil against sixty-fire votes for Walter B. Dane Democrat At Reyneods City lu5 votes were east, aegiest I1PC last year. the Republian toicket havingan average ta•j•ri- of tbree Weely W. Jeoes, aedide for the House was ahead of his ticket, having sixty-three v-les to fourty-oe votes received by H. ficks his uipo- neat. neat. INDIAN DI)KPRDATIONS.-On Tuee day Ave men, who were encamped on Deep Creek Olayon, eighteen miles from Diamond City, were suddenly attackee by thirteen India.s, one of their number killed, the rest put to flight, and early all of their property stoles. Four of the party bad gene to the place mentioned for the pnrpose of fishing. and were there Joined by Frank Camemon, who was lmplioated In the murder at Ileynold's City last spring, and who is sapposed to have bese "aehod" is the vieiulty of Deep Creek ein his flight fom jusMee and summary peaish- aseut. On the moraiag mentioned while strolling down the creek, about daylight, he saw an Indian sad Immediately reported to his companions. All the whites new commeaced packing up, but before they could complete the task, were fired upon by Iadiaas from the bash, one of the shots taking efeet in the body of (Oameron . Abaedoeing horses and bmagage the whites eta rted fur the hills, but Cameron after running about fifty yards fell upon has.fsoe, telling 6i complalons that he was shot and that they should not wait for him. Besides Ave horses and cooking utensils of the whites the Indians obtained one aun. A party of some thirteen whites left Diamond yesterday morning fur the purpose of pursuiag and attacking the In- diane. FATAL AccIDEnIT.-Considerabld et. ;itereau was occasioned Ia town yesterday fore- aoor by the sudden disappearance c Ls young suo of Mm. G. J. Germain. amaed Frederick Uldbcse. and various rumors were afoat as to the oco•eaon ofit- feveal mea were dispatched in search of him.. ut were ueasuees•al in their efforts until, at about one oeclock in the afternoon. •beriff Roberts and Mr. J. M. Sweeney ,ban4 the little fellow in a shafteituated diseetly north of Payne's bleek- smith shop. on Clore St. The ehild was attendilg school at Miss Eheehan's ner the place where his death occurred, and was seen playing with the oth- er children in the vicinity of the prospect hole at abot half past eight o'elook in the morning. But whea his class was esaled, after the openaig of the school, he iled to answer to his name. iss Shehan immnedltaly peneured the assistaene of some mtiers who searched for him in the very same shaft whose e was subsequently found, but o tidlags atf hm rewarded their e.utt. Notiee of his abseee was now given to his mother. Feel play, perhaps kidnapping were suspested, and three or foer depety sheriffs were sent out in as many dilbreut dieetions. While I the vicinity of the sohesl bhese, Mr. Roberts cooaelded to make a thorough seaMh of the shaft sad ished up the bey's hat with a pole, subsequently obtaining the bedy by wading. The corpse was taken to the Toung Amerlea and afterwards to the St. Louis HoteL where e*rumer Brooh held s laquest. The jury ss-ted of Messrs Mile Ceertwsight, T. MZKela, R. Hesrefurd, Oe.. itayeld, J. II Bertwistl. sad W. H. Pmasa A verdlet was returs•d l asee. es wlhk thets shea gIven. The fusemal ws e tp ml e assing We o'eleh. frn the IL LooU Tue . viQas, 3V.UUt, - m I- rr~wlcb3*e ia eef . : 5`a R D BUIo -OmUr old aalunaitaue Mn,, A. 3L. arrm0 en., Mob * i te term a.d. esg Ast evemn.. Ahssheog the plees ber whieb he omes ls delw still it Is showing some laprovement ovet state of alhh• which ehtsted there a he wrso h adee. Namy of the stmapedems are nesariag e Wm Wi. so's ereek, and Basin and O lema Glees, sand moror work is being done than for some time be- Afre. The opening of otlams on Badger Bar and Day Horse lill to actively progressing. Mesrs. McBride & Cc.. about ten days ago, cleaned up $1560 from the frst mentioned mines, after a nm of ten days with one hydraulic. Charity Gulch is paying well. A new bar was struck a few days sioce in Blacker's Gulch which is paying better than any mine yet discovered, at the Radersbarg camp. The gold is generally coarse and nuggets weighing two and a half dollars are found. The crops are very fine throughout the Crow Creek coantry. couantry. MININ< ITEMS.-The right hand fork of Dry Gulch is being energetically worked throughout its entire length and good pay is being obtained..... O Big Indian Gulch the anmber of claims worked is limited, but the few which are being inued are yieldlng well. Quartz mniuiug at the head of the gulch is beiug actively prosecuted. ........ Tucker nich is pa ) iug well so tfar as work- ed.........In Ciarksa Gulch a 'ang of Chinamen ar*. making good wages with rockers. Parties work. ing near them are obtaining from four to six dollars per lay by the same method of working. PA.lYM.t.rTElt AtiI I.IVED.-Major V. ( Ilan•n. l'..vrna-ter. in crpany with Maj. N. NV. Os)borne, 'oting Asiistant Itapector (;:cteral of Montana, with an escort of one s;ergeant. one Cor- p<,ral aod 4 tsx uietn. art ived in [lele.a 3 e.terd l? atterunl o. 'The.- are on their uay to l-t rt I1::. and nHil leav-e tfi that plai.. to-dla,. thrt,er,, t ,(la den the htearts of the sildier.,, by th. de.-':it hvit. of a large amotunt grt-,nttmcks. Ths dity p t " f',riue . the ; will iniu u ledti-*a l r.e-urn .", Fort ,loaw. triin n snc. they (a411. NoT s I' lI+Kl IN ; -. se \ 're l't t,t lll ,e"- ,taiing ea--t . -ti L.Atke J it.; ti r•*. " . ytester, lay prev++nt-- t t: +.'rl.tulm -- : n ,, :. It •tt• ai ). K. la.: .veni-~, but t :. - s me-- ge- toolk preede:er.. ht h. tie. ,- report at, t er,.- i. ti e r'elre nto I-e ,,rt 4 . .. t. I ' ,,t |w !t (tit.'. " ila .t~tt ., to-t. ,. I ll.- I- ... l I•' Tl - "l: -. ,N T---t ., attinirl at thi Ni * v t. v 4t , re. it .a M. 1, kh'- ps co(, mlltty on hans i i"lt lor • deer *,reeLt- t.w k. l t '.r. it :r,; " -ittl u•" " 1:, . ti et.q , la• c," g e is. Mi•etl'i l It -trun t ts. N ',. 1 s ic u , ]Jtl s ' " ,'it;rit o;tp l: :i.bter i'. ":'- , t* t;t wt'~t"er -. '• It - - t" , . ('rittit, n: " , ",o--:1,,- he !..'.,, F l l .. . . -. . .. . 'Aur T i": e . , : + -!.:a, , '.,r . .:U :(: the f,.+ 1r h.', tT h. : .I :!L,. ,+,.C;.- ,I . , 'ar I Ii'.'t: t, !.t-t . . _ - lit .. . ly i. .o . trt' :. i ., .. . ,'hc l %lTU:,.-It is rel,.rtt"d t.ltorarltI dea.d. The- -anwr luecessnar was hoIrly exlect'e t, arrite when the last eaach de".artwt. -la. pa•.i tle. ooal tla! ,L on Mlonday. i . .\:, Irrw Ackley took de, n at :.rid .f pa .acngeis :,, tfl.. let,' le.+ ii. tn1 wat. v I. l t , . . t IPew a 11 l -: I t nikht. A :.tre nttun er . .' ; .ron' or arn ti .- n olppllrtunity to take psa..-e to Aneria'i ,,n th*e boat.. BILar. Si, ATE.--lv rtrferrece to tie re.,rJs at the Rtc,•rder'a utlie. wt liidl ;hlt CiL .e. P. St.-.rr hL.s d:s;: te.t of L:s unm I .1e halo .r. e ftr. thN'atioal Hotel at Slli Rlver. , . C. A. 'Bull, for 82,OA0. C'OTomy C'OMMItli M•i•,iEtiS.--''h ev lid not tairly eoummeace their semtion until yesteelay. They will be in iession to-day. and probably to- morrow. No buiness, beritles that included in the general routine, is to come hefor-" thrt. PERsoNAL.-liis Eicellencv, actinig, Gov. Tufts, returned from Bieton oll yesterday' ooeh........ Gent. Mlartn Beem, formerly of Vir+ ginia City, is not expected t return to the Terri tory at present, being detaiaed by business at Al toe, Illinois, for some months. INDIAN MATTERS.-Major Cullen and His Excellency Aeting Governor Tufts, start fur the Flat Head Reservation to-day, on business connected with the Indian dipartment. SMELTED.-At the assay otlice ot MIr. F. Bo&hm there was smelted yesterday gold dilust of the value of S:IKUI), coin. The largest bar had a colo value of •000. INSTALATroN oF OFFICEItL.-The Offi, ears ofGem of the Mountain Ledge No. t. J. V. G. S. for the esreing quarter will be installed this. (Thnrsday,) evening, is the Hall. in Hancock's building, atd o'oloek. Citizens of Helena, friends of the cause, are respectfully invited to be present. Every accommodation will be provided for ladies who may honor the occasuon with their presence. The meetinr will be addressed en the object of the order, by some of the newly elected oflioers, and by other competent members. DELAYED.--"A word to the blue coats"' although dated July 2•l, did not reach this office until Aug. 4th. The writer will appreciate the catne of its non-appeatrnce, which we exceedingly regret. regret. NOT Mucu.-One of our poetical (?) contributors felt hurt at our decliation of "'poems' and addressed a reply in prose. We did not think it possible but he writes worse prise than poetry. Instead of troubling himself with writing a sequel, we meoommend he get his head shaved and eat more vegetables. 7 DIED. At Helena, no tMe 5th inst., Frederick I'Idchse onu oft Mr. G. J. Oesmain. Deceased was born at St. Joseph, Missourl, March I0th, +iil. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock this morning fiom the St. Louis Hotel. NOTICE TO SETTLERS. UNITED BTATE- LA U OFFInE, MoNrANiA D armair, Helee, V1. T., July mhrd. 1&-. NOTICE is hereby gives that the following des- Soribed Township Plats have been filed with the Reiiter of this Distriot. TowNatsIp 10 NorTH, RANGE 2. WIwr. Towxamiz 10 NORTH, RAtUWa 3. WnST. Prineipal Bess and Meeldia. Settl•s upon lands in the above described Town- ships, are hereby aoilae that ( and afer Sater- day, July :th. 16, the aume will be opey for entry. O. B. O'BANNON, Reister. GEO. McLEAN, 11- rtf Recever. WARRA NTS. Teraerhal mad Registered Warrants wea•si, fr which the bL smarket pries will be pai by L. -nnl FItLD & C0 'o leane•bdy aC . m T i, wi .. A, LaSTd LIST. Tb. friIg is Wuist of letytes remainibiz ;e lb. Poet Omce, Helena. N.. T., AIgIIt 31ah 180' . A Audrews Ed Andrew@ D Arnold II C Aultia C N Allen Peruelia s Bandt Robo Brown L flray h;as Browm Y S Bradley P S Browna Willia= Brigham H I Brett W B Broow Wm Brwm E J IBery P Berlina Phil Baaem N G Bernett L Barnard L Baraard Andrew Brink W 'r Buckland&Tuoy Bosh D Buckler E Bruu A K Rowley 8 Iflay Wm llumen U 8ixtell A 11 Bouler t IY'lirr Beyer* 8 B Beyers S B & stnpletuon Billingtun $ II BIlrd Jno lloyd N A Bateneant J Barton It Banrtlett L Bartie T A Bertbelete L Bassett C 3I Basaett 1. \h Barrett Lilli Ifauae.s & Fare ager Bassett & Morison Blill & BoIrt.' Barron E II C Carrand F Cary Chas Carlett S Cary Joo Carnrld N Carroll a1 Clapper I1 Chase Jos Clark :6I J ChIarles T J Chase 31 S Crane 31 (raw jja l A ('er.auaWna 12.. tnbat A Car ion S N C'oemian 1{obt Cobert 4 Con 11er .1 A (7,n le- A V (,ry A V D lDelany II A l.avi. 11 l~avi. J lDixoan Chas I )avis J A lanlap & Bull I )iiwrir~( .'t4 I ),wil .:. luuytale-zv Ja Sivis hi.ieta l)au,.itbv .1... E Ea tS u. Ei:auli..rt C Eging 1 I Llt...t A 1"ll, ,tt JaS Lilt* J .1 :arii-t t' 1) 1I, .r J., l>v.... I) \v I':aau.rtii I' I 'rit n . 1'" te I'd!t it "'. J I tazzteauix 11 Sai " I lr l" 'I' J IYolk WIt F e1la L,,zral~i Jd. I i.kill S1 I .- ri' I *, Fi.~i~o.i UI~a Ftrecuag J 1. I it .\ Ki'-- l'ra it. 1) F.ter J A r ~.r t\v.- It . ti, nrI A I, (.rh.f' .1 i ' iii iit.. f.. 4 liaiit.r 'I V. li rt 4 B 'V. 11 t 1 . : , . .1 I I Ihi V I H :1 'iV:. 1 11; .n! I n , I h . " . \ II., : I' 'e tii ... i.'". a.2 ' I i "t . 1 Ot.ld ) Nr rI .% 1 , : l " .. . ' t , }}.,. I. .r:" Ur 1 t . 1"~! J .1; J rr~i .. L 1 K . r eh n - 1" \ I" I..._.t* \\ I." ~... . t . 1' I I I I j h' ,I I . I~.~ tanarI A Matk'i I N M. rIi- C .It.~l I.I 1a,>, : K h. 1.4!.4 4.e, \'.. " 1 . .1 ~ll li L) U \ vi hNlabt t'u A tleH lip ki khtai NaI-h',. 11 N Il" i'~ V Nortrn ) A PhillA'1er Jr , PviI!en (1 G h'j. VI" P'rist V T I'erkizn Yulah I'arker .J H 1'.\ I,-It .a.."' Rutl n.r ,Y R(Mllgerv ('has Riiaurl '1' 0 Ruberts .i Sr gan ~ I, \V II i'iilerts D IHssv C Richards-op W K R B l'ece 13Reeves Iijlclen MI' t atfe Ja t"!I \ I~ee.1 C 11 S Smith V A SLtlaler MaIx Steadman 1' $trar'gi Jag .Stever;g li C .:eteff A S~tegadmnan C R.jftar.p W B Stone H II rtargeuu Win Somers MI Spes. Jno Snyder J 8iasun J P hipton J no s Simus 8$ M Sharp Allen Sienrnten 1' Skapinack Wiii Sharl; Jn., Seward S (i Scbofer J Senmen P SIni'h A Swith , Snuith .J .1 Smith J WV r Welch J F Ware I (. Webster J Watbes S A Whaleormb 1i White Elizabeth Wright Thos Wye Wm Wilsrn A Woolf II S R "Oti .1 1) Vouiel E P Will;..s A F Wagner C Walker D Waker Jno Waltzer Mi Waldron D V Walker Tboe Wa'ker A \\ JOHN POTTER. P. U. Helena Market Report. (Corrected Daily for the MONTANA POST. by Sparks & McPherson, WHOLESALE GROCERS. NO. 69 MAINLSTREET. Quotations represent jobbing prices in clean gold duIst t R $~P per ounce. Retail prices range from ten to twenty-five per cent higher. IIELENA, August t;, lcfE. FIT !:;R. St. Louis 4 Sac............................. 812 00 Western Spring Extras ................. $9 00 Salt Lake, extra, ........................ 9 00 *10 00 Other brands........................... 00 & 9 0 tallatin Mill ............................. 00 9 00 States, ........................... 10 00 Hall's Self Riiing........................... 11 00• ]:12 00 Cannon's Slf Rising....................... 11 (N2b l12 00 Madison Mills ....... 00..............0 Bo ckwheat lb ................................ 25 Shurts 9 lb.... 5c i Bran......................... CitACKEItS. Cannon's Helena, oda.............................. utter............ 25c l'icie .................. 5e Hard Bread ...... 20 Pilot Bread...............20 WaterCrackers... 20 BHoton............... .. Sugar do 40 (Ginger snaps........... 46 BACON. Heavy side 00 s.................. ............ 20e Melium Sides ' 100 Its .......................... Ie IIAMS. Prime anvassed l........................... al3 Country.................................... .............. 2 tates............ ................... ............... 30 it32 LARD. Larg ea s........ 2 I Small cans....... 30e C'AN I LFa. Candles, Werks Cin. 12 oz..............................30 1:13 o ........................ 31e 14 r .z.................... ....... Behueider's Chicago..........................'I. Tallow............ ..................... 30e TEAS. Imperal b...................................... 1 0 Young Hyson tb.............................. 1 50 Japae,. in papers, P lb..................... 35 CAN FrLlr •ibes $ 130 l4 00 Peas......... $13 50 Pi. Apples....... 14 00 Peach Marm.alade 15 14 310 Corn ................ 15 o mat m..... 1350 Blaokbesries........ I3 C mb• es..................................... 16 - lhe _ .......................... Is .I as P.e -. B........................ 15. i *,-*.- ,. -...... 0..., * i tm ........ eN 6** eo -- - uil "a I, Java;td. "--.oosst. "- 0r01u. 3I ab do :b::.......... Ordinary do .. Boston, H... Iaaround, vertwe.. oTWT .KS. Field'. steamed * ca.... -. Other Brands . ______ _______.._--.. i Dean 1 sise boxes ...... .... ~'E) + boxes........ _-,....,~~ Be oer's n leo 10 al kn...... gal k ... r k:, i 80ormQ mtl gal .. ............... ,......-.... Double tape ft fic C IRflI. lIb.................... * , Cast rti WOOD. cord " ... : - .!,...... LUM5VW-R. Merchantable $' t... 5c +:uo. ....... Sbeetimg......._............. ... I'",HA('(-1 " Lewin & Br&.s Etai. Extra { P tr do d". I'r' mlnua............ . Natural Leaf ............ ............. Ordi"uy (IradeB. .. 17 Navy, extra BRIOOMS, f dozen ................. ..... Mateh.a T'ltegrnp h. N " .... WRAP PI. '. 1'.!.it 111,.... .............. .................. Co ICV MI %L. t Q 100 lb .ask. F'1: m e .-. I LinsLe . d......... 4 . ..- Coal ' xal'1 u . I..4 1.., lrinslri ............. A) \ .' 1Jx14.. ......... ...... i CLTTY hr..' . \., .si .e .. I1FA)I TAIl 41) .' o ' l..... ..... . . .. 'r Jamanica 24:.l hi. x RKoot {31b.....; cc~iu. 4 l'0111. ...... Cal; f1' l~i.A ....... '%r t t .rcr . . . .. . . 11, th y:, h r*~~ ~ Ir -`~ ail 2..... .. (;i n... - - C . t . 1 i.A.\. 1'I( k 11A% i ( .. z........ .. .. . . 4 . \ tIttciind . 4 -l 1 t\t. fu.4iu . Salt Lake 9 ft...4-.iii Ij ii.'l, 1 n HELENA o Mail and Express Lines. FOR THE EAST. Well, Fargo & C•'- es leave every alternate day irt 2 I. :. .tr Virginia, Salt Lake nod CL.henuie, ut.t ing connections fcr all puItO.[.I . Mail. FOR BENTON. Wells, Fargo & Co'- ca.icle leave every alternate day at 7 a. In. U. Mail. FOR DIAMOND. Stateler & Beveril4- cach- es leave every day at 8 a. i.. runnirt vi'. Canyon and Upper Missiuri F..rrie . -. S. Mail.* FOR NEW YORK Gulch and Eldorado Bar. Beveridge & Mott's coaches leave every alternate day at 8 a. in.' FOR CAVE CITY and French Bar. Ladl's coaches leave every alternate day at 5 a. m.* FOR RADERSBURGH. Donahue & LP:ache's coaches leave every day at ah. m. U. b. Mail.* FOR DEER LODGE, Beartown arn(t nt. rn•..i'- ate puints, liuntley'e coach'-y leave e'er) al- ternate day at 6 a. in , uonntct at !;.c6K' t, with Kennedy's Exprens Sfr M,('l'lla' .," terson and Linccln Gulch; cozue.d at I.r Lodge with Sovereign's Elpr. e.- -r 1('ii, City gad Phillipburg. U. S. Mail. FOR REYNOLDS CITY. Montgoin.-ry'- Pn} Express leaves John Ming's Stor' "r-\ Friday morning. FOR BOZEMAN.Stmith's Puuy Expre-s Il 't Sparks & McPherson's store every 1'u,--- day morning. FOR LINCOLN GULCH. Negu-' c,,:ich'' leave Mansfield's liquor .- tore ev-ry aitr- nate day at 8 a. m. * Office on Main Street, between Wool a ll Bridge streets. S. L. llolzman, Agent. Mails Close at Helena Post Office: For Chicago, Utah, Sacramento ant th" , 1Pa cific Coast, 1 p. m. For Fort Shaw, eunton and Catm , (',, k,-. l p. m. For Diamond City and New York Gulch l a. m. For Blackfoot, Cottonwood, IIll (;:,rt :al: Walla Walla, I p. IL. Tri-weekly service on the ab,ove rut-, JOHN POTTER, I'. .l. _ l~Masonic. HELENA COUNCIL, oIR & S.%, JiLo I't+''er II T I G M.. meet first antd third 'I'.;p. .. d.. each mouth. HELENA R. A. CIIAI'TER Win 1'",r % P. Meet rfirt nod third M..rnd.3y t't r.."ll Ii-l'.' HZELENI A LODGE No. I A F &A % I' L..tL~awrfrd, W M. jeelt tirst arnd t irdi day of each month. M ORNING STAK L.ODGIE N... 5 A F & .S . JJo Porter. W ~I. meet tecitnd ,.tI1' Satrday of eacb month. I7GO SOLOMON LODIIE N,,. !.% F & K W Sut Sar. W mert firt anti t;.1i V day of each onotb. 0. O. F. W J Bower. N (I. Gen MeAMr. 1 i, Deputy Ot S for Montana, meet every TI :t NA ONIC BLANKS s"y vaeiay sad ty.le. "5$. executed a' loffir oftbe Montana Post.

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Page 1: Montana post (Virginia City, Mont.) 1868-08-07 [p 8] · Mlr. A. J. ENmI. Danmekt. 3. M. ... vs i nc ude thev. v-

The Iiutaia OssFRIDAY 1tUSUNfIle AVJQ!iW?.~

OCr AGUWIrS.H tw "% & MIzt, New Yct 1rm Uk fldlut,

41 Park ho~w are the ole 090 2 IN OXTAh

I'(IST. for tbe Eastern 6taw. T. I AMUtto!, Fort Benton.Mlr. A. J. ENmI. Danmekt.3. M. FlslI. Sterliar. Hot Spring Distriet.IL W.Nl..ER 4; ALLYI1. 8&lver Bow.JAM};; SI UAlIT, Deer L~dge.Wv.Rl'1~? & Co.. Hell Gate.

IV. 1'. PARSONtS, Gallatin City.'r \N liO S (erttia ulch.

.Lo.. I'EtKY, Lincoln (inlcb..;v:l. ILtAl-l , iladersburg.k. It. HIAMIL.TON. Son River Crossing.Li. II. IIATHAAnWT. Higbhlsnd DistriaL.

:'..' 1 l l, Summit City.t;. (' J~,1~hcISlnlr kf.rtt.

Vt . t t NV. J., Nia. Reynolds' City, E'k. Creek.,;. ~ IIl.lIAMS. St. Louis. Mo.

I.. 1'. t`I' Sam Francisco. Cal.Ill \t.r Iltfr.ItI'a , Argeat..i. '~ & ('9.,t " & "bnrgh, Saoma.U irer Mines'A. 1'.t Y.%rOtT, (fr redrate nolet.i }t ̀ .- .lErIt, Meulder Valley.M' ,. I 4..'Yi kFl, 13-r Gulch and adiceut mimes.'I. C. Vi i motl.l', Butte City.;,1 ~. . )3 r. K, Beartown Y. T.i).+- In W ll'I-. Bozernrin City.

V rur. Tiht•'.lav'p I)aily.

trritaIl and d part•uest y WellsFa•.ro & Cuos (d•achas.

AiI: Iii VL I.A

, - i ,. Myers If

l i'.\ l.I i .

C arrE. It 1 keeti Meit\hr l-'t k C tiretwn

. . . ,. .:- au I .; Iarb ur ' 'Ittewti V

*<retI L.tltand 4

. .rrr.-- Iaj. 1Y. -1. ('u.-. .. :.O I -.'ton ultday aigLZ,

.. . . .0 •, • himself. tLotw'it-

-, .• ... ' Iy to large bandt

.., , ,r ,, :"•r I ., +• ,' tat e. o•L.

- thr tr-b, - t Indians, t,:

, -,, Lw,. 0 s. W ith the* .. '- . I.I' '1m . Io- 11a 1n the 4th of J!'y,

e. .. .• , .u''r, ab ut tlw a- th of last

. : been abit to meet tihe

- ;:" -h tby have bsea

S, i. •-,.- ..r. b1r littledaiubt

. .. ... y: t-at..ait-r b• c nuaLnmated will

.. . : rr1d "*. '-arty is next month.

.. .'u. .'4 rt-h w.':- bie4 prepa"r

" " . c" ,l.:l . .r.' tl t) r .• ir.r . became a:,

. -. " '' a I'ta C >.. lied beer

- , ; , :de, "' the Ind;,r

.a , t-. . t li'inrg t}heii fahrl-,out'

S:.' t bu.r. ate.. l'r::icipal anriazt. : tit. governmet

-:. '- r;i :n :i " habit ox introducing dL -.- ,.-'r. ;r L',if4 g o rich they irt-e

, . , " . . u~ -t.. .Le holm to exti r-

,, . r .. ' :. - -djep ru..t hal n -th• aI • e

., .," . :." .ataagts. t•at nearly cIie,. " " " :I, ! ..o tit' cC lu .iItiobrer

S .; u ' :.'i hLni to ke•t'cie-

. - ", .,!,iet of the cirou'a-

, .... L-•, u m Hay e'ompry,

.. "..... " .e a .t rna--mbered that'be

I .- r eivt-e Ir•on our gove-t-

-- !- w. i. them. Yaj.

t . " : n.- a •;eera• rule ' ry

..uily. an• he Ts-tu `..r hald " ch lees tronbie

.':, l~'l'+ien w nt the "white- nwear thel. rhe

iner eflrus. 'r that. aAe +i various, a :., tn ad. t.-a'ie. have bees and are to be

.,,'. " , L v tet " ',ace.! upon rsereations. and

. li'i" :,t" i4ae :t inter ,it'ae laws are st•itly-, r i :, jl, • , -- tL-.rg-er froni Indian diftirul-

-r t+" b'e at'pls, anden.

.L il:iA.Aiefreai a ~'wLt" i ir t:..,. _ relw'lun otret, reiulting in

l .-c. u.. astam, t.e elective peeeee off

t 'rav'.' kwi! out uis pendid .!s bkae!t nta: tray- ' iLand ted teeunerring Sfer Sol Star,WiV ttali3 turean oUw: a .f ue team with a &k ir hruw .tir t!a? -opposition. The eote

.. far a-. Lt irtl froa. Lu.been very liht. 1a Mel-

. ia ].:'1l A .tes W.2' -cant ai.ojainst 24 -cast lest

ettr. vs i nc ude thev. v- of Last Caases Pre.uct. chi, a "ar deslomatisrd. and the seeotew of

crhickh su ea at the 2L.!saa Ieod ysaP Trye I em.eS at= claia haeW elected al theiroas-

:wiates. be: ip to the Iwour ii going S. pram the

,u-tuotong uC u? e v'ote bai'.ret .tbee cane'i :, du";-r atre tbei re. unaie- to . vTis dL`,t manna"-.u the crr-;s in the vicinit" we have impefeot

-enirrmn and ye t ihre as we-eceive them- In the

vai ey t w te-'p 'tX vales were cast aaaia .72 .ast

year. The- Lk ocmtsetmmZ~ of thw *5 vocr..R: ue( iin~i l J3-e I c..aiw a nwajorisj of abaft

ad "r, and a -nmjuriry Lr the entire Un ioniLahet.1t G Ienhqreta-tarion, 26 votes were east asS a

_" . s-natictne'.rity of E obtained. At Clazk's.i,.lyo'cZc' lth !tlacklg* read. 3L ve6.a wme

2:,v utwtwreeo au leave further jefinile>l'C-'. I .. mi'd cutes hed boen cast w to &c1, i j the aeurnuoo. ad i t'wae tU

e Iew c.ra:ic ti!ket was a!t That ftm/ out 2Su. A.I. ' ' were .a ;. hoaure, mach scraehiag sa I t1:;:e.. the Republiosan seeaaI noa

e !ectji A r .'clock p. in. the D aeems

.. s a t T1"ri~: -caud jsmbady kept as. At.J tnoz:.! C *v the -n*tnbined veto o the upper and

r -. tecn 'was Zf3 tbe De-wrg claiming the~' t." fir the repular ticket. Although the

t '. n' . uci t!kieit)ia eetabli1eg' a Iar peeu att cr\.::.. tL putL. Were not opeed there At

t'" _..' \ t tolit. s sait the Rtdi g road, ere6--r-. mrjudo s ofthe leoiea to be bed.

..II .:tic:, n, voting took plae. Ak.-," " 1.:: ion was aes sit bet lihCI hetsa

s :_ t r:.t lr.-'rheae mew dclgspt: Ar.-trhea e sew dimg~ipu. ier ` xi.ey ar prs v i L a"e tesslee

* .. t t.r.r suppaed. bosidas.bdo as rash:i iLa.-t sanguine expected. Aafar peachaiia .dlac o ret. tbe graad. is !mil 5er?. en

vrP; lire s c >r Ab e PW.L :a.a -.4" 4els.ev.nry. nice f.- uf Vrawsl jays fum

" . t~ .:.u cents tw the pea. The olaLm below di.-'rvf. .:dau n.. ic uundi abet, ws 1l4 orne

ai. fl.r iC4M. It is r. 1 orted that tee dol--... bOn.o i4 3O tri sae y.n of it Lakei. J- !w jek e o Ieini *u I is tie le s d1is a a

Mr L. L. Lewisfires us he fellew6 t guss:

M.--r- 1V i!:rtw" s Cu or" working m a didvaa-'a- e tit , r:5*U. taut are) )et mak: as bP eleven

-11&re per day to ilhe toa. Lewis d Ce .- e so-n.:ar in rugiiii-et drain ditch owl obtaalsn cx-IF '::e..; I r. 'ct.. ia is tbuss;ht that. tIr a dismaag

fr..w turee tJ ire ,Isue. he grdsd is

S:..'r ai at.d t:t of Last Cbacae gpleh be-I- lie , is evenly dIrtalbMd eed

.:. "Ile. C;:sizinare e i jinj ge aely 0 4rpmoc r . "C'J-! T,-: twrcs hare bete staled, ae

d:vi~etary and use abart a wile booe iLi:e-.e i ts~.inaI euamtain between .eebeabed sad

an. : sT,, Londredl ues. and bet tw. staris.u.v 4e1A*tIE, t U b:.Cksu: ith shta sad uoa Ie

i x T'ows .-- Wea had the plespr. Jast* %,in I f IwmsI.5g Is :be mesenpollo 8AIeCren.r, the eb e ent ShabwWstf, eat tC ,

Lsrae " avidea!y appeeslais tb pd1t in and is aatlelpeesl~ of as eirlul4

next ywr Is over ban with a wdttl 1;;I Fthe allha UqsFlaas. W I , !

Raom Mo X, .- , Wletter was reede by .*'X 1hyear

Sasreet , Ar4 6 .,Fres X =*e--er eq was _ham.We is ses

tie. r ah hneb g p l s .msed swma*s_ Youar nee•r ntsM a ee mem q "

mre leekeA - 0as t lmu t mh mm beau we"hari I bea yeur wNems wai on the Tee*.Haveoo as - eviMse of a d tik it isttra. aTag * * *

The explasret of th is: " 1," es De~apy U.>. Marshal, a.ased as a wisess CeMte Wil.Hams, to appear i the U. & COeat i e em aoertal cawe. X gave him s hbm saddle st.rifle and serted him from ertms at 1tem the eve-ning of July 2S8. X bolfewed b the emeek feurhourns aer. He heard-of Willtmats botg passeJack lana's, ve mies out, all right. The metbeard of him is that be was hang witlt three mlesof Bentou within the next frrty-Ight bourn. Bes-toa and vclaity has been an usually free from at-

frays the pweest 'season, and It Is mteforttate thata witnes saumm med beore. tme U. J. Court shouldbe one of the .rt vietims. We expet to ihavedefinite lator•dwion by next maid.

( TR•Ia s )O THE RsAu.RIAD.-The rail-road has now approached so asar us, that a mm-ber of trains are on their way to the preseat termi-nus of the l•on track, for the purpose of bringingfreight to4eleena. The trait of Mr. J. A. Brown,consatilq f twenty-four w ,goes. left here sm ltime %inee, for the town of Benton, Dakota, for thepurpose lo bringing goods from there, and wiUreach there about the .24 inst. On last Friday toe : ;trat df M sets. Btrret & Bamey. consisting ofthirteen waegus, startel. for the same place, for the 1per.pee of procuring a*tock of liqua• and genei t "1merchandise for this a•arket. The time oecapied iItv freight teams in going from here to the, i~ about six weeks. The usual price chargedf,,r freighting is ten rents per pound. \Ite mayI.era'on incidentlt!y, that the Po-r is to r.eive aIargte quantity of erC material over the rolte men-ti,ordl, upon the eto rilt yf which our •atrons may t'iek for still turther i•nmpro eu•ents in ,u-r ;Iap,-r.

t. wire are being stretched, which will eveutuai'yg'v-. Mflontana ta ur abundant Ieaa of t"eiE e ralphic

m,- utwlunicatirm wiab the East. The Weateru I •monr liegtraph C->. is 'tow putteg up a rew- set of lgeles,a,:lt runniug twi. new wires along the hlue. Iu tlhe

tUnion I'acidc Ie..nred. T'he iuhairnld Cunr;any

.tielt is pettinrtc up a line of rire over the same;round, awd in a.ivance to the track. l'his line isalres.ty e•impleter as far as Greeta Kiver. ant willreach Salt lake by the mitdle or latter part tf nexta.ooth. It wi'l thus be seen that this fall theep willb",. from 4al!t Irike to Otnaba, three lines of .t irewhere there •rv formerly but rem. Thbe Territo-rial l',-as will then be Iess annty~d by tie mno-s*yllabic seneu e-e wires d..n,' anti our bankersand butene.e tsr.n wi' be greatly benefited by theinCreaaed we'.- 'r citeD . (to leK ahic erorrunnui-


Yoirt:'-, Jiitui.--"I)oan londersto•,

etiturand p-tqtietr of the Alotwun Jo•wrnal. tmeit the ... etLably condtcteuld Xepuilib'an papers inMichairan, aes by :I. way, a brsther 'coul." in,tlher ltmet, will accept our tL•u•s for the very

I udhdeal,,c tir•lhpliment beetowed ulon td I'• sr,in a eeoentI sue. "Okl G(kory- is houam! to waretr:umphsaa:., ny dear "Di) , " wherever is Amerisansoil (o r.'wa fdag-staff to throw its fhldL to thebrease-tiC "lbars' are fast bheia "let down" [iMv:ana " f'ome out to the mosataias ~f you en-joy a sna~ of fresh air "tromn Iest.haud."

A ('r.LIl'r,(;.-From mthe Milwaukee.'•&,,S,'l we clip the folloring, concerning anu oldanid esttee•r•i friend: "C'ol. 8. hlutie., formerly of(;ie I'sp.A staff. called at ourultice yesterday., cnhis ay t.Lowisville. ki islands wi be glad i0kaw tias: he has on hi best ap• ar~e ce." Iouhad.settsr bring -our •orees sp p "e. -' p--id,"and by ith aid 1e your bueiaees tack. speedilyrealize a fortune.

(oUnR AT DIAMOND.--Judge Munscaleft for Dihnnond City yesterday morning, for thepsarpse ctfholding Cost these. It Is tought thatthe sessiaot will be a very shortene. asthe attorneysof 'Helema, who have eases to be tried there, haveutlted ina request to have them coatinued untilthe 1ab 6f September, oa ccoset of the excessivelybet weath-e.

Bxo Bnrt('.-A large gold bstik,weigh-lg W62 ounces, and worth 4O 551.7J , .1 ooui, wraamelted.l Mr. F. Bev yewday. &A shipped

east oa Wells, Fure A (do'e oeueh. by MasersBahm & ,ib., B.akes..

PEsReS AL.C-OOl W Aur P. .ganders,the "war r'orse," started for Tkainam on Saturdaylast, ln ecwtpany with Capt. Nick Wall and CharleyLhler ..... BLo. I. Diem., Ea•g returned from .a•ery s •*esseful esavarli toot far the toer, oqSu•day,...-..Our frMed eSntb-ry, .of b e OrnCampbell .kde, left fer Beaten and the States, c••anday an•ernig. Ie aw not psopoe reurnieg.

From Wedo•sasyl daUly.LAst' CHAn cu Mrxws.--" "TI. ditanee

ends eeweantment.,, an he sa tt is that ar aei-ese are seestantly seeking tor-iateVli mes concern

lIg otber.cmpe, to tbs •er disregard of the rlehmimes wrbik they have at home. The g•l•k uponw-bisb "lessa Is situtes, is by .o. mesas workedout. ot only are MassY . Taylor, Tompeon &Cs. making enormoms roes, but other parties ardoing weU Messrs. Baker & Rrisbee, with somethirty4ve men employed, am .elestrug tip aboutone'kandrasounces per week. C. B. Huat's claimeitamed below the one meeiesed above, took outt~irt--eight einces of gold ar the week ending onattuas•y njkt last. They had tea m at workduaring the weak. One half the Unias Cosmpey'salch elaim, oonsisting of seven handied feet, ad

s-uated one. mile below the guisad of Mens. Tay.let. Thompson .& Co., was sold to Oilnames lstweek hr ._8a6). The pjest for puLttie a bed-raeek ome In Lest Chanoe gulde wil be revivedas oonoas CaL Trsett relates. The Coeisels .en-pected dhme Is a few dase. Mew Tayler,Thompspo •LCo. will pat In a &ame t•esghontthe whbee leagth of the guleh, if the wateromapey a do set do so. As a an of this

eteqrprse, it, s theeght that the Last Chelbe mineswill yield on ameant of gold equal to that which

has a•ltd, been•s-tke ou t.

Tng "ooa MAN'S JOY."-Feat, arentertaimsAdatthe e tsi saticipted rek this

exceedigly rlohlen ealoot this season be real-i.ed. A elo esakantion of the ore shows that itcotaolas sm ve o~t.n per esnt. of led,41ids alaqpe qasaity of o•pper, arseale aid atlemy, Iand t is thsouht that the presence of the bate met-als is seek prasportins may so lter•fre withthe poeses amalgamation, that it may beeeme

aecemry to mad to the States for the lateg tm-proved d es p~ ve meebt.ary. This may prob-ably es a dlay of a year the active wrleimtof tbe oae.

VrartoxA ITZ•e.-The folloiwiag fro~cthe LmeA r The Water mlpamy Is awelved is

debt sa eqests that pers s wi e tt te

Npay op wh the Colsetor lem vI mawteesinderoeem'. iwas compelled to ma", weaur....O.A_e4le ebsk be6* i )his bimes. lew Mewe -s - sd-d -- WI. ek almae fsom So-eSi mwser, ,s m .at th

see Ia

Vw 9 rl . SK. Bee, E iq., aewhe is as a W et ast le besaf e atn ueto

mgresa m ,m lmi M emada y ight. HeiLdam as amNis ~ll Ia la MualbUeS•imi.g Compa/ aemesd up o000 is bslUes -m

Friday lst, athe remtkds r poe thirty toes oreek fem the Hope lead. hree hudred toes of

a simlar quality is aready ee the posed, mad will

e be ersshed. Week upes the Remley & Begrher ledge is being ativelly prseested, sad rich

retarn from it are expoeted as soon as the crashing

of its rook shall be oommeooed.

AcCDENTS.--On Monday last BobbyZEwIg. aged tee or twelve year, was thrown from

the rear boot of the Overland stage near this city,

and had hisjaw brokee. Two an4 a half m•eths

-ge Mattle Bullard. about eighleen years of age,had his right thigh broken, but had so nearly re-

oow•red that be was walking our streets by the aid

of a es, dervig the latter part of kest week. On

Sauday l bhe was to be baptised by Professor

Campbell, but while walking into the water, hisSfoot slipped, and his thigh was again broken in theold place. Messrs. CGlick. & Maupin are at tending

both oftTe above parties. and they are doing well.

PBLVTR Bow.-Much activity is beingexhibited in the vicinity of Silver Bow with refrr-enceto the bringing in of ditches. fOne is abeet

being brought in from Basin creek a distance ofabout twenty miles, which will supply t'10 iuctes

of water to Rocker iill. one and a half mi ,. above

S•ilver Hbow Another ditch eleven and a ihalfSites in length. finr and a half miles of which has

been c.mpleted, is being brought from Brownu'"gulch and will supply 7?0 inches of water to Or,

Stino gulch, three miles south cf Silver Bow.

O-N Il•I 'ItA\R\Vl..-Mr. Savage re-turned, on Monday. frout ltouider ialley w•thasne Leaud.ul views of .eff-ra,n Crs<ing It,ul-der Il)i ide and other scner;'. IIH ib.ljnarte ,l .% o-

terday for the north in company wi'h: ;,)ov. Pollin-

ti IRASo IoPP'ERit,--.r. \ ille., the"iibht ir striker'" iufor.rtn us tlaa: duriug the lat.ter part of Li., w e.ek the gr,.lshap,,'ers zia.ild. a raidon alt and vih;ityv an I did miwiii .jiry t,,

iheerap~. It is re;'"p t.i th It th1 ,r.v cr.l, i. al-mlost totally destroye-d.

B1i: NUG(;ET.-(il Fricay last there,was landl in Zimmllnrl:nn's e-linl .,n ('anyol creek

a nagget weighing .ix and on-. r,:.tsrtr i!i'ees andi

valor dat $' 12.51.

t). K.--We learn that ('lay Thtnml.son

is, iu c,:n. ct:i n vU :th t!lher parti--i. i-ngraged ii.

is,,rking P. large oil i,.;n"g situiatrd in the ! we.t-

water c,,ntr), thirty fiv, mles hn- rtl .f" the .:

road between Larikme and a.!' It is sal a

continual tlrealt. Hi ]Tlrge a a it'I l N .is '-"l

onesiating of .,il aid aa:tr. ni ,. 1d, ,. - ft. u,

tlii. sprizg.From Thbt*A.i - I)&i'y.

TIlE EIECTI"iN.-T'Jae returt cOtue

in ilowly. In Jefftersu s(Hlinty in) Rlepublicanti.-ket was run, and the e:t:in;i wal therefore ce-void of interest save as•'ed th.- ,luestio.l of itle loceation of the Coni.v teat. The last legir!la.

ture authirized the vute•- .d .Jeffer I. county t,ic~angie their conoty seat at the election jO-It hew

aot tbe subjet ofsaid zave some little i•ie

:o the camlpairg. Th'le' .onlteitait+ fotr tlt, iins•

w-er Raldersbarg, Prickly I'ear and Fpjrinlrinti .sOfthe ;l5 vote seast atlt iadersbn rg :i7t were iorRsdershsurg. Lower Ilsu!l-ler ca.t i4, votes auli

*-uper Imlian t0 votes tfor thbe ame Ilar-. makung

T1 votes iu all. plringvwil, east Iti ,it her 171v.tes for heself. IUpper Ilo'lder 'est .•) votes ansit pper Indina 17 vI:es for Prtskly Pear, and :heaspirant of course voted for itselt. but not to asutlicient extent probably to , natls the votef forRederabsra. Ii as, therefore, pritmle. that after.forty dtays persons havion business to tran.atwith the ofeials tf Jetlers.r county will have fuprtrnel e Rl~ieerts rg for the perps•se r-atend-•ng to it. Dtamoed its eported to behe given amajority for the straiglt Democratic teiaket, *iuo.iacoln. Ie Washington gulch ont of 150U vslee

•mly eight were R.pbhl'cau. At ieartown, on anaverage vote of 10), the )emooratio majority wasforty-five. Oeo. . W. Brock, {epublicaa, receiving127 votes fbr the Cotncil against sixty-fire votesfor Walter B. Dane Democrat At ReyneodsCity lu5 votes were east, aegiest I1PC last year.the Republian toicket havingan average ta•j•ri-of tbree Weely W. Jeoes, aedide for the Housewas ahead of his ticket, having sixty-three v-lesto fourty-oe votes received by H. ficks his uipo-neat.neat.

INDIAN DI)KPRDATIONS.-On Tuee dayAve men, who were encamped on Deep CreekOlayon, eighteen miles from Diamond City,were suddenly attackee by thirteen India.s, oneof their number killed, the rest put to flight, and

early all of their property stoles. Four of theparty bad gene to the place mentioned for the

pnrpose of fishing. and were there Joined by FrankCamemon, who was lmplioated In the murder atIleynold's City last spring, and who is sapposedto have bese "aehod" is the vieiulty of Deep Creekein his flight fom jusMee and summary peaish-

aseut. On the moraiag mentioned while strollingdown the creek, about daylight, he saw an Indiansad Immediately reported to his companions. Allthe whites new commeaced packing up, but before

they could complete the task, were fired upon byIadiaas from the bash, one of the shots takingefeet in the body of (Oameron . Abaedoeing horsesand bmagage the whites eta rted fur the hills, butCameron after running about fifty yards fell uponhas.fsoe, telling 6i complalons that he was shotand that they should not wait for him. BesidesAve horses and cooking utensils of the whitesthe Indians obtained one aun. A party of somethirteen whites left Diamond yesterday morningfur the purpose of pursuiag and attacking the In-diane.

FATAL AccIDEnIT.-Considerabld et.;itereau was occasioned Ia town yesterday fore-

aoor by the sudden disappearance c Ls young suoof Mm. G. J. Germain. amaed Frederick Uldbcse.and various rumors were afoat as to the oco•eaonofit- feveal mea were dispatched in search of

him.. ut were ueasuees•al in their efforts until, atabout one oeclock in the afternoon. •beriff Robertsand Mr. J. M. Sweeney ,ban4 the little fellow

in a shafteituated diseetly north of Payne's bleek-smith shop. on Clore St. The ehild was attendilgschool at Miss Eheehan's ner the place where hisdeath occurred, and was seen playing with the oth-er children in the vicinity of the prospect hole atabot half past eight o'elook in the morning. But

whea his class was esaled, after the openaig of theschool, he iled to answer to his name. issShehan immnedltaly peneured the assistaene ofsome mtiers who searched for him in the verysame shaft whose e was subsequently found, but

o tidlags atf hm rewarded their e.utt. Notiee ofhis abseee was now given to his mother. Feelplay, perhaps kidnapping were suspested, andthree or foer depety sheriffs were sent out in asmany dilbreut dieetions. While I the vicinity ofthe sohesl bhese, Mr. Roberts cooaelded to make athorough seaMh of the shaft sad ished up the bey'shat with a pole, subsequently obtaining the bedyby wading. The corpse was taken to the Toung

Amerlea and afterwards to the St. Louis HoteL

where e*rumer Brooh held s laquest. The juryss-ted of Messrs Mile Ceertwsight, T. MZKela,

R. Hesrefurd, Oe.. itayeld, J. II Bertwistl. sadW. H. Pmasa A verdlet was returs•d l asee.

es wlhk thets shea gIven. The fusemalws e tp • ml e assing We o'eleh. frn the

IL LooUTue . viQas, 3V.UUt, -m I-

rr~wlcb3*e ia eef



R D BUIo -OmUr old aalunaitaueMn,, A. 3L. arrm0 en., Mob * i teterm a.d. esg Ast evemn.. Ahssheog the

plees ber whieb he omes ls delw stillit Is showing some laprovement ovet state ofalhh• which ehtsted there a he wrso h adee.

Namy of the stmapedems are nesariag e Wm Wi.

so's ereek, and Basin and O lema Glees, sandmoror work is being done than for some time be-Afre. The opening of otlams on Badger Bar andDay Horse lill to actively progressing. Mesrs.McBride & Cc.. about ten days ago, cleaned up

$1560 from the frst mentioned mines, after a nm

of ten days with one hydraulic. Charity Gulch

is paying well. A new bar was struck a few dayssioce in Blacker's Gulch which is paying better

than any mine yet discovered, at the Radersbarg

camp. The gold is generally coarse and nuggets

weighing two and a half dollars are found. The

crops are very fine throughout the Crow Creek


MININ< ITEMS.-The right hand forkof Dry Gulch is being energetically worked

throughout its entire length and good pay is beingobtained..... O Big Indian Gulch the anmber of

claims worked is limited, but the few which arebeing inued are yieldlng well. Quartz mniuiug atthe head of the gulch is beiug actively prosecuted......... Tucker nich is pa)

iug well so tfar as work-

ed.........In Ciarksa Gulch a 'ang of Chinamen ar*.making good wages with rockers. Parties near them are obtaining from four to six dollars

per lay by the same method of working.PA.lYM.t.rTElt AtiI I.IVED.-Major V. (

Ilan•n. l'..vrna-ter. in crpany with Maj. N. NV.Os)borne, 'oting Asiistant Itapector (;:cteral ofMontana, with an escort of one s;ergeant. one Cor-

p<,ral aod 4 tsx uietn. art ived in [lele.a 3 e.terd l?atterunl o. 'The.- are on their uay to l-t rt I1::.and nHil leav-e tfi that plai.. to-dla,. thrt,er,, t ,(la

den the htearts of the sildier.,, by th. de.-':it hvit.

of a large amotunt grt-,nttmcks. Ths dity pt"

f',riue . the ; will iniu u ledti-*a l r.e-urn .", Fort ,loaw.

triin n snc. they (a411.

NoT s I' lI+Kl IN ; -. se \'re l't t,t lll ,e"-

,taiing ea--t .-ti L.Atke J it.; ti r•*. " .

ytester, lay prev++nt-- t t: +.'rl.tulm -- : n ,, :.It •tt• ai ). K. la.: .veni-~, but t :. - s me--

ge- toolk preede:er.. ht h. tie. ,- report at, t er,.-i. ti e r'elre nto I-e ,,rt 4 • . .. t. I ' ,,t |w !t

(tit.'. " ila .t~tt ., to-t. ,.

I ll.- I- ... l I•' Tl - "l: -. ,N T---t .,attinirl at thi Ni * v t. v 4t , re. it .a M. 1,

kh'- ps co(, mlltty on hans i i"lt lor • deer *,reeLt-t.w k. l t '.r. it :r,; " -ittl u•" " 1:, . ti

et.q , la• c," g e is. Mi•etl'i l It -trun t ts. N ',.1 s ic u

, ]Jtl s ' " ,'it;rit o;tp l: :i.bter i'. ":'- , t* t;t

wt'~t"er -. '• It - - t" , . ('rittit, n: " , ",o--:1,,-

he !..'.,, F l l .. . .-. .. .. .'Aur T i": e . , : + -!.:a, , '.,r . .:U :(: the f,.+ 1r h.', t T h. : .I :!L,. ,+,.C;.- ,I . , 'ar

I Ii'.'t: t, !.t-t . ._ - lit .. . ly i. .o . trt' :. i ., .. . ,'hc

l %lTU:,.-It is rel,.rtt"d t.ltorarltI

dea.d. The- -anwr luecessnar was hoIrly exlect'e

t, arrite when the last eaach de".artwt.•.i tle. ooal tla! ,L on Mlonday. i . .\:, IrrwAckley took de, n at :.rid .f pa .acngeis :,, tfl.. let,'le.+ ii. tn1 wat. v I. l t , . . t IPew a 11 l -: I t

nikht. A :.tre nttun er . .' ; .ron' or arn ti .- n

olppllrtunity to take psa..-e to Aneria'i ,,n th*eboat..

BILar. • Si, ATE.--lv rtrferrece to tiere.,rJs at the Rtc,•rder'a utlie. wt liidl ;hlt CiL .e.

P. St.-.rr hL.s d:s;: te.t of L:s unm I .1e halo .r.

e ftr. thN'atioal Hotel at Slli Rlver. , . C. A.

'Bull, for 82,OA0.

C'OTomy C'OMMItli M•i•,iEtiS.--''h ev lidnot tairly eoummeace their semtion until yesteelay.They will be in iession to-day. and probably to-morrow. No buiness, beritles that included inthe general routine, is to come hefor-" thrt.

PERsoNAL.-liis Eicellencv, actinig,Gov. Tufts, returned from Bieton oll yesterday'ooeh........ Gent. Mlartn Beem, formerly of Vir+ginia City, is not expected t return to the Terri

tory at present, being detaiaed by business at Altoe, Illinois, for some months.

INDIAN MATTERS.-Major Cullen andHis Excellency Aeting Governor Tufts, start furthe Flat Head Reservation to-day, on businessconnected with the Indian dipartment.

SMELTED.-At the assay otlice ot MIr.F. Bo&hm there was smelted yesterday gold dilustof the value of S:IKUI), coin. The largest barhad a colo value of •000.

INSTALATroN oF OFFICEItL.-The Offi,ears ofGem of the Mountain Ledge No. t. J. V. G.S. for the esreing quarter will be installed this.(Thnrsday,) evening, is the Hall. in Hancock'sbuilding, atd o'oloek. Citizens of Helena, friendsof the cause, are respectfully invited to be present.Every accommodation will be provided for ladieswho may honor the occasuon with their presence.The meetinr will be addressed en the object of theorder, by some of the newly elected oflioers, and byother competent members.

DELAYED.--"A word to the blue coats"'although dated July 2•l, did not reach this officeuntil Aug. 4th. The writer will appreciate thecatne of its non-appeatrnce, which we exceedinglyregret.regret.

NOT Mucu.-One of our poetical (?)contributors felt hurt at our decliation of "'poems'and addressed a reply in prose. We did not thinkit possible but he writes worse prise than poetry.Instead of troubling himself with writing a sequel,we meoommend he get his head shaved and eat morevegetables.

7 DIED.At Helena, no tMe 5th inst., Frederick I'Idchse

onu oft Mr. G. J. Oesmain. Deceased was born atSt. Joseph, Missourl, March I0th, +iil. Thefuneral will take place at 9 o'clock this morningfiom the St. Louis Hotel.



Helee, V1. T., July mhrd. 1&-.

NOTICE is hereby gives that the following des-Soribed Township Plats have been filed with

the Reiiter of this Distriot.TowNatsIp 10 NorTH, RANGE 2. WIwr.Towxamiz 10 NORTH, RAtUWa 3. WnST.Prineipal Bess and Meeldia.Settl•s upon lands in the above described Town-

ships, are hereby aoilae that ( and afer Sater-day, July :th. 16, the aume will be opey forentry. O. B. O'BANNON,

Reister.GEO. McLEAN,

11- rtf Recever.

WARRA NTS.Teraerhal mad Registered Warrants

wea•si, fr which the bL smarket pries will bepai by L. -nnl FItLD & C0

'o leane•bdy aC .m T i, wi ..A,


Tb. friIg is Wuist of letytes remainibiz ;e lb.Poet Omce, Helena. N.. T., AIgIIt 31ah180' .

AAudrews Ed Andrew@ D Arnold II CAultia C N Allen Peruelia

sBandt Robo Brown L flray h;asBrowm Y S Bradley P S Browna Willia=Brigham H I Brett W B Broow WmBrwm E J IBery P Berlina PhilBaaem N G Bernett L Barnard LBaraard Andrew Brink W 'r Buckland&TuoyBosh D Buckler E Bruu A KRowley 8 Iflay Wm llumen U8ixtell A 11 Bouler t IY'lirr Beyer* 8 BBeyers S B & stnpletuon Billingtun $ IIBIlrd Jno lloyd N A Bateneant JBarton It Banrtlett L Bartie T ABertbelete L Bassett C 3I Basaett 1. \hBarrett Lilli Ifauae.s & Fare agerBassett & Morison Blill & BoIrt.'Barron E II


Carrand F Cary Chas Carlett SCary Joo Carnrld N Carroll a1Clapper I1 Chase Jos Clark :6I JChIarles T J Chase 31 S Crane 31(raw jja l A ('er.auaWna 12.. tnbat ACar ion S N C'oemian 1{obt Cobert 4

Con 11er .1 A (7,n le- A V (,ry A VD

lDelany II A l.avi. 11 l~avi. JlDixoan Chas I )avis J A lanlap & BullI )iiwrir~( .'t4 I ),wil .:. luuytale-zv JaSivis hi.ieta l)au,.itbv .1...

EEa tS u. Ei:auli..rt C Eging 1 I

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P'rist V T I'erkizn Yulah I'arker .J H

1'.\ I,-It .a.."'

Rutl n.r ,Y R(Mllgerv ('has Riiaurl '1' 0Ruberts .i Sr gan ~ I, \V IIi'iilerts D IHssv C Richards-op W KR B l'ece 13Reeves Iijlclen MI't atfe Ja t"!I \ I~ee.1 C 11

SSmith V A SLtlaler MaIx Steadman 1'$trar'gi Jag .Stever;g li C .:eteff AS~tegadmnan C R.jftar.p W B Stone H IIrtargeuu Win Somers MI Spes. JnoSnyder J 8iasun J P hipton J no

s Simus 8$ M Sharp Allen Sienrnten 1'Skapinack Wiii Sharl; Jn., Seward S (iScbofer J Senmen P SIni'h ASwith , Snuith .J .1 Smith J WV

r Welch J F Ware I (. Webster J

Watbes S A Whaleormb 1i White ElizabethWright Thos Wye Wm Wilsrn AWoolf II S R "Oti .1 1) Vouiel E PWill;..s A F Wagner C Walker DWaker Jno Waltzer Mi Waldron D VWalker Tboe Wa'ker A \\


Helena Market Report.(Corrected Daily for the MONTANA POST. by


Quotations represent jobbing prices in clean goldduIst t R $~P per ounce. Retail prices rangefrom ten to twenty-five per cent higher.

IIELENA, August t;, lcfE.FIT !:;R.

St. Louis 4 Sac............................. 812 00Western Spring Extras ................. $9 00Salt Lake, extra, ........................ 9 00 *10 00Other brands........................... 00 & 9 0tallatin Mill ............................. 00 9 00States, ........................... 10 00Hall's Self Riiing........................... 11 00• ]:12 00Cannon's Slf Rising....................... 11 (N2b l12 00Madison Mills ....... 00..............0Bo ckwheat lb ................................ 25Shurts 9 lb.... 5c i Bran.........................

CitACKEItS.Cannon's Helena, oda..............................utter............ 25c l'icie .................. 5e

Hard Bread ...... 20 Pilot Bread...............20WaterCrackers... 20 BHoton............... ..Sugar do 40 (Ginger snaps........... 46

BACON.Heavy side 00 s.................. ............ 20eMelium Sides ' 100 Its .......................... Ie

IIAMS.Prime anvassed l........................... al3Country.................................... .............. 2tates............ ................... ............... 30 it32

LARD.Larg ea s........ 2 I Small cans....... 30e

C'AN I LFa.Candles, Werks Cin. 12 oz..............................30

1:13 o ........................ 31e14 r .z.................... .......Behueider's Chicago..........................'I.

Tallow............ ..................... 30e

TEAS.Imperal b...................................... 1 0Young Hyson tb.............................. 1 50Japae,. in papers, P lb..................... 35

CAN FrLlr• •ibes $ 130 l4 00 Peas......... $13 50Pi. Apples....... 14 00 Peach Marm.alade 14 310 Corn ................ 15

o mat m..... 1350 Blaokbesries........ I3C mb• es..................................... 16

- lhe _ .......................... Is.I as P. e -. B........................ 15.

i *,-*.- ,. -......0..., * itm ........ eN 6** eo-- -uil "a


Java;td. "--.oosst. "-0r01u.3I ab do :b::..........Ordinary do ..Boston, H... Iaaround, vertwe.. oTWT .KS.

Field'. steamed * ca.... -.

Other Brands . ______ _______.._--..

i Dean 1 sise boxes ...... .... ~'E)+ boxes........ _-,....,~~

Be oer's n leo 10 al k ... r k:, i80ormQ mtl gal .. ...............,......-....

Double tape ft fic CIRflI.

lIb.................... * , Cast rtiWOOD.

cord " ... : - .!,......LUM5VW-R.Merchantable $' t... 5c +:uo. .......

Sbeetimg......._............. ...

I'",HA('(-1 "Lewin & Br&.s Etai. Extra { P tr

do d". I'r' mlnua............ .Natural Leaf ............ .............Ordi"uy (IradeB. . . 17Navy, extra


f dozen ................. .....

Mateh.a T'ltegrnp h. N " ....

WRAP PI. '. 1'.!.it111,.... .............. ..................

Co ICV MI % L.

t Q 100 lb .ask.

F'1: m e .-.

I LinsLe . d......... 4 . ..-Coal ' xal'1 u . I..4 1..,lrinslri ............. A) \ .'

1Jx14.. ......... ...... iCLTTY

hr..' . \., .si .e ..

I1FA)I TAIl 41) .'

o ' l..... ..... . . .. 'r

Jamanica 24:.l hi. x

RKoot {31b.....; cc~iu.

4 l'0111. ......

Cal; f1' l~i.A .......

'%r t t .rcr . . . .. . .

11, th y:, h

r*~~ ~ Ir -`~

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(;i n... --C

. t .1 i.A.\.1'I( k 11A% i

( ..z........ .. .. . . 4 .

\ tIttciind . 4 -l 1 t\t. fu.4iu .

Salt Lake 9 ft...4-.iii Ij ii.'l, 1

n HELENA oMail and Express Lines.

FOR THE EAST. Well, Fargo & C•'- leave every alternate day irt 2 I. :. .trVirginia, Salt Lake nod CL.henuie, ut.ting connections fcr all puItO.[.I .Mail.

FOR BENTON. Wells, Fargo & Co'- ca.icleleave every alternate day at 7 a. In. U.Mail.

FOR DIAMOND. Stateler & Beveril4- cach-es leave every day at 8 a. i.. runnirt vi'.Canyon and Upper Missiuri F..rrie . -.S. Mail.*

FOR NEW YORK Gulch and Eldorado Bar.Beveridge & Mott's coaches leave everyalternate day at 8 a. in.'

FOR CAVE CITY and French Bar. Ladl'scoaches leave every alternate day at 5 a.m.*

FOR RADERSBURGH. Donahue & LP:ache'scoaches leave every day at ah. m. U. b.Mail.*

FOR DEER LODGE, Beartown arn(t nt. rn•..i'-ate puints, liuntley'e coach'-y leave e'er) al-ternate day at 6 a. in , uonntct at !;.c6K' t,with Kennedy's Exprens Sfr M,('l'lla' .,"terson and Linccln Gulch; cozue.d at I.rLodge with Sovereign's Elpr. e.- -r 1('ii,City gad Phillipburg. U. S. Mail.

FOR REYNOLDS CITY. Montgoin.-ry'- Pn}Express leaves John Ming's Stor' "r-\Friday morning.

FOR BOZEMAN.Stmith's Puuy Expre-s Il 'tSparks & McPherson's store every 1'u,---day morning.

FOR LINCOLN GULCH. Negu-' c,,:ich''leave Mansfield's liquor .-tore ev-ry aitr-nate day at 8 a. m.

* Office on Main Street, between Wool a llBridge streets. S. L. llolzman, Agent.

Mails Close at Helena Post Office:For Chicago, Utah, Sacramento ant th"

, 1Pa

cific Coast, 1 p. m.For Fort Shaw, eunton and Catm, (',, k,-. l

p. m.For Diamond City and New York Gulch l

a. m.For Blackfoot, Cottonwood, IIll (;:,rt :al:

Walla Walla, I p. IL.Tri-weekly service on the ab,ove rut-,


_ l~Masonic.HELENA COUNCIL, oIR & S.%, JiLo I't+''er

II T I G M.. meet first antd third 'I'.;p. .. d..each mouth.

HELENA R. A. CIIAI'TER Win 1'",r %P. Meet rfirt nod third M..rnd.3y t't r.."ll Ii-l'.'

HZELENI A LODGE No. I A F &A % I'L..tL~awrfrd, W M. jeelt tirst arnd t irdi

day of each month.


. JJo Porter. W ~I. meet tecitnd ,.tI1 '

Satrday of eacb month.


K W Sut Sar. W mert firt anti t;.1i Vday of each onotb.

0. O. F. W J Bower. N (I. Gen MeAMr. 1 i,

Deputy Ot S for Montana, meet every TI :t


s"y vaeiay sad ty.le. "5$. executed a'

loffir oftbe Montana Post.