month of march

From Your Pastor: Patrick Blackmon He is risen! Hallelujah on the third day Jesus rose victorious from the grave. Mahew 28:6 says, He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come see the place where he lay.” In December 2016, I had the privilege of traveling to Israel and on the last day of our trip we made our way to Jesus tomb. Of course, this was the highlight of our trip. I can remember walking into that tomb and experiencing the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. I didnt have to walk into that tomb to know he is alive, I know He lives because He lives in me. I cannot put into words the joy I experienced as I walked into that tomb. However, I can tell you that because the tomb was empty that Easter Sunday morning we can live in victory. Whatever you are facing in this season of your life know that we have victory because Jesus is alive. This month we have some excing news to share with you. First, this coming Friday we will host our glow in the dark Easter egg hunt. We will begin with registraon at 6:30 pm followed by a meal, sharing the resurrecon story, and then finding Easter eggs. We need your help! There are plenty of areas you can serve in. If you can help please be at the church by 5:30 pm. Most importantly I am encouraging you to pray for the ones who will be a part of this outreach. Secondly, starng April 25th during our Sunday night adult worship we will begin small groups for 5 weeks. God has commanded us to make disciples and we are intenonally implemenng this strategy to fulfill Gods command. Four of our deacons will be leading the different groups. Starng this Sunday I am asking you to sign up to be a part of this intenonal discipleship. Our leaders are Rex Knight, Richard Deese, Jamie Sims, and Doug Robertson. The groups will be limited to 15 people, so sign up early. Each week we will begin our me in the sanctuary by watching a short video and then dividing into our groups. Church family I am looking forward to this me together and how the Lord will use this in each of our lives. Will you consider being a part of this me with us? I love each of you and I am excited about the work the Lord is doing in our congregaon. Last of all this coming Sunday we will be bapzing two people. God is so good and God is on the move in our congregaon. Happy Easter to you all, Pastor Patrick From Your Youth Pastor: Zach Byrd Church family it is Spring once again! As the redeemed of the Lord we cannot help but to look around and see God as we behold His creaon. Spring is one of my favorite mes of the year because we get to witness nature coming back to life aſter a me of hibernaon and inacvity. I believe the changing of the seasons can give us an excellent representaon of the cross. Fall and winter represents the sacrificial death of Jesus because that is a me many plants die and many trees lose their leaves. Spring and summer on the other hand represents the resurrecon of Jesus because that is a me many plants begin to grow, bud and put on leaves once again. Seasons change, but our Lord Jesus Christ never changes. Since Jesus has died and rose again we too can experience the abundant and eternal life that never passes away. I hope you will ponder on these things as you observe flowers blooming and trees budding this spring. The life, death and resurrecon of Jesus is the reason we have hope for tomorrow. I am pleased to inform you of one upcoming event in the month of April. On the 16th through the 17th of this month our students are invited to be apart of a local camping trip. Connued…... Volume 21 Issue 4 April, 2021 Bethlehem Baptist Church 1841 N. Rocky River Rd. Lancaster, SC 29720 Pastor: Patrick Blackmon Youth Pastor: Zach Byrd Music Director: April Branham Church Office: 803-286-8567 Phone E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: Month of March

From Your Pastor: Patrick Blackmon He is risen! Hallelujah on the third day Jesus rose victorious from the grave. Matthew 28:6 says, “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come see the place where he lay.” In December 2016, I had the privilege of traveling to Israel and on the last day of our trip we made our way to Jesus tomb. Of course, this was the highlight of our trip. I can remember walking into that tomb and experiencing the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. I didn’t have to walk into that tomb to know he is alive, I know He lives because He lives in me. I cannot put into words the joy I experienced as I walked into that tomb. However, I can tell you that because the tomb was empty that Easter Sunday morning we can live in victory. Whatever you are facing in this season of your life know that we have victory because Jesus is alive. This month we have some exciting news to share with you. First, this coming Friday we will host our glow in the dark Easter egg hunt. We will begin with registration at 6:30 pm followed by a meal, sharing the resurrection story, and then finding Easter eggs. We need your help! There are plenty of areas you can serve in. If you can help please be at the church by 5:30 pm. Most importantly I am encouraging you to pray for the ones who will be a part of this outreach. Secondly, starting April 25th during our Sunday night adult worship we will begin small groups for 5 weeks. God has commanded us to make disciples and we are intentionally implementing this strategy to fulfill God’s command. Four of our deacons will be leading the different groups. Starting this Sunday I am asking you to sign up to be a part of this intentional discipleship. Our leaders are Rex Knight, Richard Deese, Jamie Sims, and Doug Robertson. The groups will be limited to 15 people, so sign up early. Each week we will begin our time in the sanctuary by watching a short video and then dividing into our groups. Church family I am looking forward to this time together and how the Lord will use this in each of our lives. Will you consider being a part of this time with us? I love each of you and I am excited about the work the Lord is doing in our congregation. Last of all this coming Sunday we will be baptizing two people. God is so good and God is on the move in our congregation. Happy Easter to you all, Pastor Patrick

From Your Youth Pastor: Zach Byrd Church family it is Spring once again! As the redeemed of the Lord we cannot help but to look around and see God as we behold His creation. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year because we get to witness nature coming back to life after a time of hibernation and inactivity. I believe the changing of the seasons can give us an excellent representation of the cross. Fall and winter represents the sacrificial death of Jesus because that is a time many plants die and many trees lose their leaves. Spring and summer on the other hand represents the resurrection of Jesus because that is a time many plants begin to grow, bud and put on leaves once again. Seasons change, but our Lord Jesus Christ never changes. Since Jesus has died and rose again we too can experience the abundant and eternal life that never passes away. I hope you will ponder on these things as you observe flowers blooming and trees budding this spring. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus is the reason we have hope for tomorrow. I am pleased to inform you of one upcoming event in the month of April. On the 16th through the 17th of this month our students are invited to be apart of a local camping trip. Continued…...

Volume 21 Issue 4 April, 2021

Bethlehem Baptist Church

1841 N. Rocky River Rd.

Lancaster, SC 29720

Pastor: Patrick Blackmon

Youth Pastor: Zach Byrd

Music Director: April Branham

Church Office: 803-286-8567 Phone

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Month of March

Hope current needs include 2 lb bags of

rice, oatmeal, dry cereal, tuna and jelly. A

bin is located at the side entrance for

your items.


4—Chris Hudson, Jeff Funderburk

11—Todd Wallace, Rob Bradburn

18— Jamie Sims, J.R. Baker

25—Rex Knight, Doug Robertson

SERVING for the month of April

Sound Video FB Live Announcements Wed Night Sound/FB Live

4-Greyson Knight Gracie Segee Melissa Wallace Zach Byrd 7—No Service

11-Adam Nguyen Joni Catoe Ronnie Williams Greyson Knight 14—Ronnie Williams

18-Jake Workman Caeden Deese Adam Nguyen Cameron Benton 21—Adam Nguyen

25-Todd Wallace Susan Montgomery Gracie Segee Blake Bailey 28—Gracie Segee

Nursery AM/PM

4—Janet Segee, Tucker Wallace

11—Kelsey Faile

18—Lisa Smith

25—Joe & Melissa Wright

Monday – April 12

Judy Whitaker & Don White

Tuesday – April 13

Judy Whitaker & Don White

Wednesday – April 14

Larry & Hollis Deason

Thursday – April 15

Judy Whitaker & Don White

Friday – April 16

Ruth Mahaffey & Jane Catoe

Greeter—Team A

Anna Jordan

April collections for Operation Christmas

Child are washcloths.

A bin is located in the foyer for

your items.

Children’s Worship (2 Year Olds—Preschool) Children’s Worship (K—5th Grade)

4—Susan Montgomery, Dawn Vespe, Kayla Adams Both groups together

11—Cheryl Morgan, Nancy Nguyen Jake & Hailie Workman

18—Tiffany Nguyen, Gracie Segee Charity Deese, Brittany Blackmon

25—Kimberly Funderburk, Ashley Funderburk No Children’s Church

Sunday 6:00 pm—Children’s Choir each week

4—No Service

11—April Branham

18—April Branham

25—April Branham

Page 3: Month of March

1—Brenda Hudson, Linda Killough, Kimberly Funderburk

3—Emilie Benton

4—Natalie Hammond

5—Rex Knight

7—Barbara Blackmon

8—Greyson Knight, Emily Devinney

9— Matthew Coppedge

10—Sylvia Hough, Chris Hudson

13—Melissa Wallace

14—Tim Coppedge, Jennifer Sanders

15—Ryan Watts

17—Keplar Hurley

21—Trudy Carnes, April Knight

22—Ken Simpson

24—Wayne Boone

25—Kendra Watts

29—Abby Hinson, Ashley Watts

30—Jeffrey Carnes

14—Ralph & Teresa Moseley

27—Donovan & Amy Small




Levi Small

Joe & Melissa Wright



Alice Reynolds

Rex & Melinda Knight

Ladies 3 SS Class

Will meet Sunday,

April 11 at 3:30 pm

Month of March

Tithes CIF

March 7 $ 9,172.00 $ 0.00

March 14 $ 9,070.00 $ 25.00

March 21 $ 7,089.00 $ 0.00

March 28 $ 10,088.00 $ 60.00

Totals $ 35,419.00 $ 85.00

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Our goal is $2,800

BBC has collected $2,500.30

Please prayerfully consider giving

if you haven’t already.

Page 4: Month of March

Tuesday, April 13 at 6:30 pm in the Parquet Room.

All ladies are encouraged to attend an evening of

food, fun, and fellowship. We will be collecting baby

items for the Women’s Enrichment Center. A meal will be provided.

JAM every Wednesday at 6:30 pm

April 7—No Jam (Spring Break)

April 14—Store Night

April 21—Color Night—Red

April 28—Toothbrushes

Every Wednesday night at

7:00 pm

Every Sunday night at 6:00 pm

Friday, April 16 —Camping


HOPE night—All youth—

Wednesday, April 28

ALL Middle and High school girls are invited to meet

each Sunday afternoon at 4:30 pm in the FLC Youth

Room. We will enjoy a time of bible study and

relationship building. Please come be a part of this

exciting group. We will not meet April 4th.

Continued from Youth Pastor……….

Youth ladies will enjoy a night of fun and fellowship at the

Williams’ residence while youth guys will enjoy a night of fun and

fellowship at the Byrd’s residence. Our evening will begin at

6:00 pm where we will all have a meal together in the FLC before

departing to each location. Feel free to contact me with any

additional questions you may have.

I look forward to all that lies ahead in the month of April. I also

hope that you and your family will continue to be apart of the

work and ministry that God is continuing to do in this


Youth Pastor Zach

Friday April 2nd

Easter Egg Hunt


Graduate Recognition

Service is currently set for

Sunday, June 6. If you

have a child or grandchild

that will be graduating

from high school or

college, please provide the

full name, the name of the

school from which they are graduating and what their

future plans will be to the church office. We will also

need one baby photo and one current photo for a slide


Page 5: Month of March

Thursday, April 15 at 7:00 pm.

A sign up sheet is available in the


Make plans to join the men for a retreat at Camp Pinehill in

Bennettsville, SC on May 14-15. Deadline to register is

April 25 and the cost is $20. A sign up sheet is in the foyer.

VBS: July 18—July 22

Kickoff is Saturday, July 17

Volunteers are needed and a meeting will be scheduled soon. Please be praying how God can use

you to minister to our children during this exciting week!

Trip to Hamrick’s on Tuesday, April 20.

We will leave the church at 8:00 am

and stop for breakfast and lunch. A

sign up sheet is on the table in the foyer to reserve your spot

or you may call the church office.

The Busy Bee’s will meet at 6:30 pm on

Tuesday, April 27th at Janice Mathis’

home. All current members and those

interested are encouraged to attend.

Sunday, April 4th

Sunrise Service begins at 7:30 am followed by breakfast at 8:00 am

Sunday School 9:00 am and Worship at 10:00 am

The Pillowcase Ministry will meet

Monday, April 12 from 9:00 am—

1:00 pm in the Parquet Room. All

current members and those interested

are encouraged to attend.

Easter Sunday will be a special day as we will be lead in worship

by both the Adult and Children’s Choir. I look forward to this

upcoming season as the children prepare for their Mother’s

Day program “Faith News Network” and the adult choir

prepares to lead us in worship on Sunday mornings. Come and

join us as we practice every Sunday afternoon at 4:30 pm in the

sanctuary. We will not meet April 4th.

A baby/child dedication will

be Sunday, May 9th. Please

let Pastor Patrick know if

you are interested in

dedicating your child by

April 25th or by contacting

the church office.

Page 6: Month of March

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




Easter Egg Hunt

6:30-8:30 pm



Easter Service

7:30 am Sunrise

8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am SS

10:00 am Worship




No Services





Vote on





3:30 pm





9:30 am FLC

Meals on



Meals on




6:30 pm


Meals on


JAM 6:30 pm

Youth & Adult

Bible Study 7 pm


Meals on Wheels

Men’s Ministry 7:00 pm


Meals on Wheels

Youth Camping Trip 4:00 pm



9 am—3 pm



King’s Cause in

Concert 6:00 pm




Stars to


8:00 am


JAM 6:30 pm

Youth & Adult

Bible Study 7 pm





26 27

Busy Bee’s

6:30 pm


Youth to HOPE

6:15 pm

JAM 6:30 pm

Adult Bible

Study 7:00 pm

29 30