moodle calculated quiz question

Calculated questions are like numerical questions but with the numbers used selected randomly from a set when the quiz is taken. Calculated questions enable individual numerical questions to be created using wildcards in curly brackets that are substituted with individual values when the quiz is taken. For example, the question "What is the area of a rectangle of length {l} and width {w}?" would have correct answer formula "{l}*{w}" (where * denotes multiplication). Calculated Question Quiz Question Types

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Page 1: Moodle calculated quiz question

Calculated questions are like numerical questions but with the numbers used selected randomly from a

set when the quiz is taken. Calculated questions enable individual numerical questions to be created using wildcards in curly brackets that are substituted

with individual values when the quiz is taken. For example, the question "What is the area of a

rectangle of length {l} and width {w}?" would have correct answer formula "{l}*{w}" (where * denotes


Calculated Question

Quiz Question Types

Page 2: Moodle calculated quiz question

Step1: Enter question name

The question name will not be visible on the quiz. This is for your purposes, to help keep your question bank organized. You are required to put something in this box.

Page 3: Moodle calculated quiz question

Step 2: Enter question text

Put your question in the question text box. This is the question that students will see on their quiz.

Page 4: Moodle calculated quiz question

Step 3: Grade / Penalty Factor

Enter a default question grade. This assigns a point value to this question. Also enter a penalty factor. If you have enabled adaptive mode, the penalty factor shows how much will be subtracted from the question total for each incorrect answer. You are required to enter something in both of these boxes.

Page 5: Moodle calculated quiz question

Step 4: General feedback

Enter general feedback. This is feedback that will be shown to the student after the question is attempted, no matter what answer was given.

Page 6: Moodle calculated quiz question

Step 5: Fill in answer info

Enter information, including the correct answer formula. You can enter response-specific feedback by selecting the grade percentage and entering appropriate feedback. To give feedback or partial credit for more than one response possibility, click on Blanks for 1 more choice. Visit this website if you have more questions.

Page 7: Moodle calculated quiz question

Step 6: Fill in unit info

Enter unit information. Visit this website if you have more questions.

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Step 7: Fill in tags

You may fill in tags to help keep your question bank organized. Once completed, click on Next Page.

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Enter wildcard properties information. Visit this website if you have more questions. Once completed, click Next Page.

Step 8: Fill in wildcard properties

Page 10: Moodle calculated quiz question

You may be prompted to edit wildcard datasets. Visit this website if you have more questions. Once completed, click Update the datasets parameters.

Step 9: Edit wildcard properties

Page 11: Moodle calculated quiz question

Your question should now be added to your question bank. It should be visible in the right column. To include this question in your quiz, check the box next to question and click Add to Quiz.

Step 10: Add from bank to quiz

Page 12: Moodle calculated quiz question

If you have further questions about this quiz question type, please visit this website. If you have further questions, please email [email protected]

The End: Calculated Question

Quiz Question Types