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In the beginning there was The Great Moose and the infinite emptiness. The Great Moose became aware and thus the Great Moose’s first creation came into existence (his thoughts) He then formed of the concept of existence and realized there was nothing but him and upon realizing this emotions were born in the Great Moose’s mind and thus his second creation (emotion) came into being but still within and a part of The Great Moose.

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The Great Moose then grew wary of the emptiness and longed for something outside of his self but he knew only of himself as thoughts and emotions were created by The Great Moose but still a part of him. So he took the idea of self and from that created beings in his image. He called these beings Moose and they were his children, as they were not the original being and physically separate The Great Moose’s children were imperfect but despite this he was pleased with what he had created.

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However his children were also displeased with the sea of the emptiness and demanded of their father, The Great Moose, something more. So the Great Moose took the emotion of love for his children and from it created Time and Space. From Anger he created the Sun and the stars. From Joy he created the planets. From Sadness he created the great bodies of water found on Earth and Canada. And from the waters of both planets arose life not in the image of The Great Moose.

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From these life sprang many forms of life and the two planets were eventually filled with these creatures. Great Moose’s children then descended onto the two planets and inhabited them. On the planet Canada no beasts ever evolved beyond small creatures similar to salamanders and frogs found on Earth. Plant-like lifeforms also grew and became abundant on the planet Canada and grow to enormous size.

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On Earth however the beasts grew large and fierce. Some of these beasts began hunting the Moose and so The Great Moose created a beast to rule over all the other creatures of Earth and gave them a set of rules by which they should live. These rules are referred to as the Moose Commandments.

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The Moose Commandments

• Thou shall protect the Moose.

• Praise The Great Moose in everything you do.

• Thou shall not lay with a Moose as you would a human.

• Watch over the beasts and plants as their guardians.

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Aside from the Moose Commandments we were also given some minor rules and rituals for daily life.

• Upon the death of a Moose you are not to lay a hand on the corpse. It must return back into the land in the way nature intended.

• Upon the death of a human they are to be placed in a box made of cedar face down and that box put in the ground 7 feet below the surface and then covered back with the soil dug out.

• Disputes between humans are to be decided by way of syrup chugging contests.

• When a child is born be it Moose or man an offering of maple syrup is to be burned at the Alter of Antlers (A small alter found in the home of every Moosalum.)

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The Moosalums lived by these rules for many generations until the teachings of Leroy Jenkins which taught us that there are now more commandments put forth by the Great Moose after witnessing the acts of Cling Clang.

• Love and protect your fellow man.

• Thou shall not cut down maple trees.

• 20 gallons of Maple syrup are to be collected and burned as an offering to The Great Moose every day at the Great Alter of Cage by the Head Moose Priest.

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If we remain faithful to our duties to the Moose and abide by the rules set forth by The Great Moose we will be reborn as Moose on the Planet Canada and live in harmony with nature alongside The Great Moose’s children.

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Daily Ritual

Every day followers of Moosianity are to go out into the forest and collect sap from a maple tree and bring it back to their home where it is burned on a Moose alter as an offering to The Great Moose. Besides this there are no specific daily rituals and followers are to simply do what is best for the herd of Moose they watch over and do it to the best of their ability.

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Weekly Ritual

Once a week on Friday Moosalums go to the local Moose Temple and report to the Keeper of Records on the status of their herd. After everyone has reported their status they come together for a feast of Maple Syrup and Salad.

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Bi-yearly Ritual

Twice a year, once on April 20th and once on August 20th all the Moosalums gather at their regional temple and take part in the Festival of Antlers and drink fermented Maple Syrup and dance naked around a large mound of beaver pelts which they then light on fire and burn as an offering to The Great Moose.

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Positions in Moosianity

Mother: This position is appointed by the Grand Mother of the region and is responsible for helping and advising new and/or troubled parents, helping with moose births if there are complications and overseeing Coming of Age rituals. This position is held with high regard.

Grand Mother: This is a position appointed by the Head Priest of the regional temples. She is assigned to care for and raise orphaned Moosalums. She lives in the temple and acts as a Mother for the orphans who are raised there. This position is held with very high regard and is usually held by a fairly old woman who has raised many children of her own who have grown to be model Moosalums though it is not unheard of for younger women who have had no children of their own to be selected if they are deemed fit to take the position.

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Positions in Moosianity

Temple Head: This person acts as the head priest of temples and is elected by the members of that temple once every two years. They advise followers who are troubled or have questions and give sermons once a week before the feast.

Keeper of Records: A young Moosalum, after their coming of age, is appointed as Keeper’s Apprentice by the current Keeper. When they are appointed they act as an apprentice to the current Keeper until he dies at which they take over as The Keeper of Records until their own death and are responsible for the appointing of their apprentice, Keeping records for the local temples, assigning herds, keeping a record of the weekly reports and advising the Temple Head.

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Positions in Moosianity

Overseer: This position is appointed by the head priest at the

Regional temple and includes duties such as planning and orchestrating large regional events such as the bi-yearly ritual.

Counsel of Moose: This is a group of 20 men and women who

are comprised of the leaders of the 20 largest temples. This group acts as a sort of court and their duty is to determine the guilt of individuals and groups and to determine what action should be taken. Other duties include advising the Rack Master.

Rack Master: Title held by the head priest of the Temple of Racks which is the largest Moosianity temple. He can overturn decisions made by the Counsel of Moose but mostly functions as a figurehead.

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Local: Usually comprising of no more than 200 people these temples normally comprise of a simple building with a large room for worship and the feast and several smaller rooms which acts as offices.

Regional: A large temple which is comprised of a large building with a huge room used for various gatherings, various small rooms used for offices, a big room used as the Records Library which acts as a the storage house for all the region’s Keepers of Records and a big field where the bi-yearly ceremonies are held and a mansion which houses the Mother and the children which she cares for.

Temple of Racks: The international temple and largest temple. It is where the Rack Master lives, the Counsel of Moose meet and holds a similar function to that of the Vatican in Catholicism.

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