more autonomy and co-operation, less structures and controls

A new approach to improve impact and speed of organisations

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: More autonomy and co-operation, less structures and controls

A new approach to improve impact and speed of organisations

Page 2: More autonomy and co-operation, less structures and controls

© 2015 Pactify Software. All rights reserved.

Executive summary Pactify: objective of our approach (what we deliver)

A “reorganization” that delivers more speed & effectiveness, without increasing structures & controls


…to repeatedly set more (relevant) goals …

… and drive more actions & decisions to achieve themMobilise a larger group …

Trigger more autonomy & co-operation in the group (instead of structures& controls)• So individuals take more initiative themselves (instead of relying on what management expects)

• So teams drive achievements beyond what silo’s & direct incentives would lead them to

Gradually, where and when the organisation is ready and capable

Sustainably, so the organisation autonomously can pursue this new way of working

Page 3: More autonomy and co-operation, less structures and controls

© 2015 Pactify Software. All rights reserved.

Executive summary Pactify: our approach


Moderate and support teams so progress develops transparently and gradually, allowing the organisation to optimally learn and sustain it

Make people dependent on each other

Use concrete projects to create autonomy and co-operation (scopeable and scalable approach)

Create the conditions that make people co-operate in projects:

Platform that makes them produce 1 common objective and required mutual engagements for action, together

A platform that makes all individual contributions to common result transparent, endorsed by the sponsors

Remove hurdle that co-operation will not be noticed

Create the right drive to make people want to co-operate: from extrinsic (structures, controls) to intrinsic/“appetite” for results and action

1. Owners shape goals they find meaningful

2. People can control how to achieve goals

3. Teams experience making progress

Create and moderate “group problem solving sessions”

Web platform letting the group communicate progress and plan themselves (not the manager, PMO or consultant)

Web platform tracking progress transparently plus a moderation approach to facilitate progress

Grow “appetite” by putting the 3 drivers for it at work, continuously and systematically:

Connect everyone to a dedicated co-operation platform, away from the structures that can prevent co-operation

Focus on the real source of appetite: goals, actions& decisions

Page 4: More autonomy and co-operation, less structures and controls

Pactify’s purpose (its strong beliefs)

Highest performance and satisfaction at work comes from intrinsic motivation, less from extrinsic motivation

• Intrinsic: motivation coming from your goals and actions themselves, not the “outside”• Extrinsic: motivation coming from the “outside” – carrot & stick, structures, roles, procedures, …• “People move for their reasons (purpose, autonomy, mastery), not their bosses’ (carrot& stick)”

Organisations tend to focus too much on motivating from the “outside” only (structures, incentives, …)

• Which doesn’t trigger action enough in itself• Which even creates more and more internal complexity

Organisations can become much more responsive, when they consistently trigger and guide intrinsic motivation for results in the group

• Leading to more autonomy and co-operation, “beyond” structures and incentives• Aimed at the right problems/ opportunities at the right time

• More and more “fluidly” (less stop and go, top down control& bottlenecks, escalations, …)

-4-© 2015 Pactify Software. All rights reserved.