morning prayer ecumenical centre, monday, 24 march 2014 water …€¦ · morning prayer ecumenical...

1 Morning Prayer Ecumenical Centre, Monday, 24 th March 2014 WATER JUSTICE Introduction: Dear Friends, The Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) of the WCC is in the midst of its Lenten campaign – the Seven Weeks for Water. One of the objectives of this campaign is to raise awareness among the churches on issues of injustice related to water and sanitation around the World Water Day, which we just celebrated on the 22 nd March. The prayers this morning are dedicated to those millions of people who are deprived of enjoying the wonderful gift of God and the cradle of life - water. For more information about EWN’s work please visit our website This week we also remember in our prayers China, Hong Kong and Macau according to the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle Call to Worship: Leader: Dear brothers and sisters, as many rivers merge together into the sea, we have come together to worship our God the fountain of living water. As we worship God in spirit and in truth, let our hearts overflow with praise, let us be cleanse by the waters of God’s grace and forgiveness. Let us be refreshed and restored by Jesus Christ who promises us the waters of life through his resurrection. (Stand) Song: A água Simei Monteiro, Brazil

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Morning Prayer

Ecumenical Centre, Monday, 24th March 2014



Dear Friends,

The Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) of the WCC is in the midst of its Lenten campaign – the Seven

Weeks for Water. One of the objectives of this campaign is to raise awareness among the churches on

issues of injustice related to water and sanitation around the World Water Day, which we just

celebrated on the 22nd March. The prayers this morning are dedicated to those millions of people who

are deprived of enjoying the wonderful gift of God and the cradle of life - water.

For more information about EWN’s work please visit our website

This week we also remember in our prayers China, Hong Kong and Macau according to the Ecumenical

Prayer Cycle

Call to Worship:

Leader: Dear brothers and sisters, as many rivers merge together into the sea, we have come together

to worship our God the fountain of living water. As we worship God in spirit and in truth, let our hearts

overflow with praise, let us be cleanse by the waters of God’s grace and forgiveness. Let us be refreshed

and restored by Jesus Christ who promises us the waters of life through his resurrection.


Song: A água Simei Monteiro, Brazil



Prayer of Adoration and Thanksgiving

Leader: God of the tiny brook and the deep ocean,

We adore you.

God of the spring shower and the tropical torrent,

We praise you.

O God, you are the fountain of all goodness. Your gift of water sustains all life.

We thank you.

Leader: We remember the waters of Masah and Meribah.

You are the God of gracious provision.


We remember the healing waters of the pool of Siloam.

You are a God of ceaseless compassion.

We remember the water Baptism of the river Jordan.

You are a God of transformation

We worship and adore you, God of Provision, compassion and transformation.

May we be responsible “earthkeepers” of your creation, channels of your compassion and agents of

your transformation. Amen.

Psalm 63


O God, you are my God, I seek you, My soul thirsts for you;

My flesh faints for you As in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, Beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, My lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name


My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, And my mouth praises you with joyful lips

when I think of you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night;

for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to you; Your right hand upholds me.


Prayer of Confession: Leader: Creator God, your spirit hovered over waters at the time of creation; God our Redeemer, you came bringing living waters to quench the thirsty; God the Holy Spirit, you pour out your gifts on old and young, women and men, so that we bring forth the fruits of justice. We confess our insatiable greed and our exploitation of your creation. We few, enjoy easy access to all the water we could ever want, and yet millions of people do not have access to safe drinking water and billions of poor and marginalized do not have adequate sanitation facilities.

Leader: We have made water a commodity, privatized and profitable. We have denied access to water in the name of progress. Our development projects have drained and polluted water, and put people, animals and the environment at risk. We have been silent, when we should have spoken. We have hoarded and profited, when we should generously share. Leader: We see people in many communities walk many kilometres, carrying empty containers, only to find dry springs or contaminated pools. We have been spectators, when we should have acted. We remain indifferent, when we should be angry. Leader: We do not experience the daily struggle of our fellow human beings, and so we allow the status quo to continue unchallenged. We acknowledge our band-aid solutions, our ineffective action, our insincerity and our silence.


Leader: God who brought waters out of the rocks, who quenched the thirst of many dying in wilderness, God who in Jesus gave the living waters so that those that taste them would never thirst, grant us forgiveness and strengthen our will to do your will. Let justice roll down like rivers, and let rivers roll out in justice God in Christ, who died thirsty, with no one to quench His thirst, who listens to all that truly confess, grant us forgiveness, and strengthen our will to change. Let justice roll down like rivers, and let rivers roll out in justice. God the Holy Spirit, you shower your gifts on all, so that we bring forth fruits of justice, strengthen our will to act. Let justice roll down like rivers, and let rivers roll out in justice. Amen. (Stand, remain standing for the Reading)

Refrain: Let justice flow down Douglas Romanow, Canada


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:1 ; Revelation 22:17



Reflection and Sharing: By Dinesh Suna, Coordinator, Ecumenical Water Network, WCC

Intercessory Prayer: (A glass of clean water, a glass of salted water, a bottle of coke and an empty glass

are used. Soft Music played in the background.)

Leader: (Holding the glass of clean water) Lord let this glass of clean water reminds us of the available

sources of fresh drinking water. Help us to protect this gift. May our lives be so balanced that greed

makes way for need and our wastefulness makes way for a commitment to preserve and share.

All: Fountain of life, wash us clean from greed and sin.

Leader: (Holding the glass of salted water) Let this glass of salted water remind us of the tears of those

whose lives have been threatened by the scarcity of water, compounded by the stigma and

discrimination they face. Let those who contribute to exploitative systems and mechanisms, shed tears

of repentance and learn to lead simple lives so that others can simply live.

All: Creator of new life, transform us so that we have welling within us, springs of eternal life.

Leader: (Holding a bottle of coke) God of justice, we pray for all those who are resisting those who

plunder and pillage our natural resources and threaten the livelihood of indigenous communities. We

remember the Plachimada Resistance Committee in Kerala, Tribal, Dalits and Indigenous people and all

those engaged in preservation and sharing of water, your gift of life. Strengthen these resisting

communities, guide them and sustain them in their endeavors.

All: God of justice strengthen these “earthkeepers”


Leader: (Holding the empty glass) Lord we pray for all the communities who are involved in the issue of

water justice. Sensitize us, to walk with all the people who lack the water of life. Help us to empty

ourselves of all the prejudices and fill us with a vision of solidarity and fellowship so that we can liaise

and work with other likeminded people in conserving the gift water.

God of justice, give us your vision.

Leader: Lord, we pray for the universal church and its mission and vision. Transform our lifestyles so

that, not only in words but in deeds we may be channels of your justice. Let your churches be role

models within our communities in conserving water and preserving life in all its fullness. Make your

churches work together so that justice will prevail and water will be available for all in our generation

and beyond.

God of resurrection, make us channels of your living water.

The Lord’s Prayer (In the many languages we have learnt) (Stand)


The Order of Worship is prepared by the Ecumenical Water Network, inspired by the worship

resources contributed to the EWN by the Student Christian Movement of India for the Seven Weeks

for Water Lenten campaign.

The Benediction: Leader: May God who watered the whole face of the earth before creating Eve & Adam, shower down justice upon us. May Jesus Christ who spoke to a woman from Samaria at a community well, fill us with living water springing up to eternal life. May the Holy Spirit, who gives water to the thirsty as a gift from the spring of the water of life, disturb us and challenge us to become channels of life-giving grace. Amen.