morocco summit program 11.12

19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco Gateway to Unlimited Opportunities MOROCCO S u m m i t The

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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

Gateway to Unlimited Opportunities

MOROCCOS u m m i tThe

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Dear Participant,

On behalf of the Fleming Gulf, we would like to welcome you to the The Morocco Summit. We at Fleming Gulf have carefully selected top industry experts to speak at this event, giving you the opportunity to hear first-hand experience from industry leaders and share solutions for overcoming the latest challenges in the field and to emerge as a winner.

Through case study presentations, problem solving sessions, interactive panel discussions and workshops, Fleming Gulf conferences aim at bringing together business with intelligence to provide your organization with a competitive advantage.

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Thank you for participating and hope to see you again.

Danish ShaikhProduction ManagerFleming Gulf Conferences

Basheer Al SalabiEvent CoordinatorFleming Gulf Conferences

19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit

Page 3: Morocco Summit Program 11.12

Listed below are some administrative details for your information.

1. There are a few changes to the conference program. You may find the updated version in your Documentation folder or have a look at the board next to the registration desk.

2. The Coffee Breaks and Lunch will be held at the La Royale 2. If you have any special dietary requirements please inform our Registration desk during the first coffee break. The Networking Cocktail Reception taking place on Day 1 (19th November) at the Foyer will commence at 17:30.

3. Nametags have been provided to help you identify fellow delegates. Easy identification also helps the conference staff when delivering messages.

4. Please do not be late after breaks as we have a very intensive program and our chairman will do his best not to delay the beginning of each session.

5. If you have questions - please wait until the end of the presentation, the Chairman will give you an opportunity to ask your question and please don’t forget to introduce yourself by name and company.

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7. Please do not forget to fill in the Conference Evaluation Form and return it at the Registration Desk. It will be a great help in enhancing our upcoming events.

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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit

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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit

DAY I NOVEMBER 19TH 2013 M A G H R E B F O C U S D A Y 8:30 Registration and Coffee

8:45 Opening remarks from Fleming Gulf

8:55 Opening remarks from the chair Leila Hanafi, ARPA President and Chief Counsel

9:00 The Morocco Summit Inaugural Keynote: Her Excellency Minister Soumia BenkhaldounMinister Delegate to the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Moroccan CompetenciesKingdom of Morocco

9:20 Global and Regional Trade and Investment Climate• Understandingtheglobalinvestmenttrends• EvaluationofinvestmentsinMENA• TheroadaheadDr Raed Safadi, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECDDeputyDirector-TradeandAgricultureDirectorate

10:00 The Financial Sector and Sustainable Development• RoleofIFIsindevelopingastrong,sustainableandtransparent

bankingsector• Strong,SustainableandBalancedGrowthandFinancingfor

InvestmentK. Aftab AhmedInternational Finance Corp.WorldBankGroupDirectorFinancialMarkets&PEFundsEurope,CentralAsia&MENA

10:40 Morning Coffee and Networking

11:10 Traveling the Path of Economic Integration in the MENA region• Economicintegrationthroughgreatertradeandinvestmentisa


Jean-Pierre Chauffour, World Bank Lead Country Economist – Morocco and Regional Trade Coordinator-MENA

11:50 Effect Of The Global Financial Crisis and The Arab Spring on Investments in the region• Understandingofglobalaspectsoftherecentfinancialcrisis• EffectsoftheArabspringoninvestmentsandeconomicgrowth• ImplicationsofDisputeSettlementforForeignDirectInvestments

underinvestmentprotectionagreementsHesham Hamdy, Arab International BankChief Risk Officer

12:30 Cooperation Aid and Reform Programes in North Africa• Dialogue,UnderstandingandCooperation• Development&Cooperation• ProjectsaimedatpromotingreformspoliciesReda Bajoudi, Royal Danish EmbassyInchargeofCooperationandstrategiccommunication

13:10 Luncheon

14:10 Supporting FDI in North Africa• Keyfactorsforstableinvestment• Thetaxandinvestmenttreatynetworks• Legalandpracticalaspectsofinvestmentprotection• Soundinvestment:checkingriskandbalancingoptionsDr. Gerard P.H. Kreijen, Loyens & LoeffAttorneyatlaw

14:50 PANEL DISCUSSION Attracting Investments - A legal Perspective• Impactoflegislationreform• Internationalarbitration• DisputeResolutionMODERATOR: Hisham Elkoustaf, Bilateral US-ARAB Chamber of Commerce - USA, SeniorLegalAdviserPANELISTS:Leila Hanafi, ARPAPresident and Chief CounselSaber Ammar, Arab Lawyers UnionAssistantSecretaryGeneralCourt of Cassation - EgyptLawyerDr. Gerard P.H. Kreijen, Loyens & LoeffAttorneyatlaw

15:30 Afternoon Tea and Networking

16:20 The Potential of Exploring the Unexplored Avenues• ExploringtheprospectofPartneringwithNordic/Scandinavian

Businesses • ScandinavianBusinesscultureandinvestmentinterests• Theupsideofshiftingfocusfromthetraditionalmarketing

channelstoBusinessinaworldruledbySocialMediaSarah Ouakim, Nordic Moroccan Advisory CouncilChairman

17:00 The Morocco Summit Closing KeynoteHassan Maaouni, Kingdom of MoroccoFormerMinisterofWaterandForests

17:20 Closing remarks from the Chair Leila Hanafi, ARPA President and Chief Counsel

17:30 Networking reception

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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit

DAY II NOVEMBER 20TH 2013 M O R O C C O F O C U S D A Y 8:30 Registration and Coffee

8:50 Opening remarks from the chair Leila Hanafi, ARPA President and Chief Counsel

9:00 OPENING PANEL DISCUSSION The Initiatives for Moroccan Competencies Residing Abroad• SupportingtheInvestmentsofMRE• LegalandJudicialOrientationandPromotionofServicestothe

benefitoftheMRE‘sinMoroccoandHostCountries• Settingupanattractiveinvestmentincentivesystemdedicatedto

MRE‘sProjetcsMODERATOR: Leila Hanafi, ARPA, President and Chief CounselPANELISTS:Abdelfattah Sahibi, Ministry of Moroccans Residing AbroadSecretaryGeneralNezha El Ouafi, Member of the Parliament KingdomofMoroccoOmar Agodim, Maroc EntrepreneursVice-PresidentJean R. AbiNader, Moroccan American Trade and Investment CenterExecutiveDirector

10:00 Focus on MRE ( Moroccan Living Abroad) Investors and the Support Plans• SupportOfferedtoMREInvestors• StrengtheningPartnershipstoencourageMREtocontributetothe

development• SpecialincentivesystemsOmar Agodim, Maroc EntrepreneursVice-President

10:40 Determining The Key Opportunities For Investment• Factorswhichimpacttheregion‘sclassification• Challengesandopportunitiesforinvestors• EmergingMarketgrowthJean R. AbiNader, Moroccan American Trade and Investment CenterExecutiveDirector

11:20 Morning Coffee and Networking

11:50 The Effects and Impact of Corruption on Investments• ThenegativeimpactontheinvestmentsintheCountry• TheinitiativestakenbytheCentralAuthorityforCurroption

Prevention• HowtocreateahealthyandtransparentinvestmentclimateAmallah Nezha, Central Authority for Corruption Prevention – Morocco Director Legal Entity Watch

12:30 Court-Connected Mediation Program• Enhancingtheefficiencyofthelegalsystem• AlternativeDisputeResolution(ADR)• Howtoestablishasuccessfulcourtconnectedmediationprogram

withinthejudicialsystemMohammed Adli Al Nasser, Jordanian Judicial Council & Ministry of JusticeJudge

13:10 Luncheon

14:10 THE LEADERS PANEL DISCUSSION Creating the Future Asset - Qualified and Competitive Human Resources • Creatingopportunitiesforthemodern,youngandeducatedhuman

resouces• Assessmentoftheavailabilityofthequalifiedresources• CompetitivestrategyandhumanresourcepracticesMODERATOR: Leila Hanafi, ARPA, President and Chief CounselPANELISTS:Khalid Oudrhiri, UnileverHumanResourcesDirector-NorthAfricaNabil Sebti, The British CouncilEmployabilityAmbassadorKhalil Zakari, Ministry of Education – Morocco TeacherDevelopmentSpecialistJean R. AbiNader, Moroccan American Trade and Investment CenterExecutiveDirector

14:50 Impact of Cultural Tourism on the Regional Economy• Savingourglobalheritageforfuturegenerations• Focusonthedevelopingworld• SolvingculturaltourismcrisisPrincess Alia Al-Senussi, Libyan Heritage Trust, Global Heritage FundArtPatronGeneration Three Family PartnersExecutive

15:30 Afternoon Tea and Networking

16:00 PANEL DISCUSSION Understanding the Legal System in the Region and in Morocco• RecentlegalreformsthatrenderMoroccoanattractiveinvestment

destination• Conflictresolution,ADR,andabilityofjudicialsectortorenderfair

andtransparentadjudications• LaborandenvironmentallawsandhumanrightsMODERATOR: Hisham Elkoustaf, Bilateral US-ARAB Chamber of Commerce - USA, SeniorLegalAdviserPANELISTS:Khalid Berjaoui, Mohamed V – SouissiDean-FacultyofLegalSciences,EconomicandSocialLeila Hanafi, ARPAPresident and Chief CounselMohammed Adli Al Nasser, Jordanian Judicial Council & Ministry of JusticeJudgeM Chemseddine ABDATI, Cosa - CimarDirecteurFarid EL Bacha, Moroccan Legal StudiesPresident-FounderoftheCenterRibat Al Fath Association, President-Delegate

17:00 Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster – “Co-Creating Sustainable Environmental Solutions”• CopenhagenCleantechClusterasafacilitatorofinternational

collaborationwithinenergyefficientandenvironmentalsolutions• Addressingurbanizationwithcleantechsolutions=>outcomesfrom

theGlobalCleantechReport2012• DanishcompetencieswithinwaterandwastemanagementNeelabh Singh, Copenhagen Cleantech ClusterHeadofStrategicProjects

17:30 Closing Remarks from the Chair Leila Hanafi, ARPA President and Chief Counsel

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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit


8:50 Opening remarks from the chair Leila Hanafi, ARPA President and Chief Counsel

9:00 OPENING PANEL DISCUSSION The Role of the Chamber of Commerce in Supporting and Attracting Investments in Morocco• Resources,ProjectsandOpportunities• ExploringthePotentialofMorocco• RegionalOpportunitiesinMoroccoMODERATOR: Leila Hanafi, ARPA, President and Chief CounselPANELISTLarbi Ait Slimane,Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services - Rabat PresidentM Chemseddine ABDATI, Cosa - CimarDirecteurH.E Omar Derraji, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services - RabatHonorary PresidentSami Houerbi, International Chamber of CommerceDirector

10:00 Boosting the Tourism Sector – The Tourism Vision 2020• Internationalcooperationstosupportthedevelopmentofthe

tourism sector• InternationalTieup‘s• Roleofforeigninvestments

Ali Ghannam, Fédération Nationale du TourismePrésident

10:40 Morning Coffee and Networking

11:10 Developing the Moroccan Aviation Sector• EssaouiraAirportCase• DevelopingMohammedV,AOCCandCrisisManagementRoom

Majd Radi, Moroccan National Airports authority -ONDAInternationalAirportDirector

11:50 The Wayforward for the Telecom and ICT industry• Transformationthroughinformationtechnology(IT)• DevelopingthenationalITandtelecomindustry• Whatarethelessonslearnedfromothermarkets

Mohamed SAAD, Casablanca Stock ExchangeChiefInformationOfficer

12:30 The importance of Telecom Applications in Emerging Markets’ Development• Satellitecommunicationsinemergingmarkets:ahistoricalview• Thenewgenerationoftelecominfrastructureasaresponsetoa


• Trendsandtelecompotentialdevelopmentintheregion• Ourmotto:nomore-i-discriminationinAfrica

Abdellah Ben Malek, Wissat GroupCEO

13:10 Luncheon

14:10 How Pension & Sovereign Investors are Reshaping Infrastructure InvestmentM. Nicolas J. Firzli, IAOS Secretary, World Pensions Council (WPC)Cofounder&Director-General

14:50 The Economic Impact of Private Equity Methodologies/Tools/concepts on the Moroccan Economy• BoosttheEconomy/growth/Exports/GDPofMoroccoEconomy• BeasignificantdriveroftheMoroccoeconomyanditsglobal

competitiveness• Createjobsataconsiderablyfasterratethanotherprivatesector


Osama A. Abu-Baha, Founder and CEOAl-OulaPrivateEquityConsultingCo.W.L.L

15:30 PANEL DISCUSSION English, Enterprise and Employability in MoroccoMODERATOR: Leila Hanafi, ARPA, President and Chief CounselPANELISTMartin Rose, The British CouncilCountry DirectorNick Cherkas, The British CouncilEnglishProjectManagerRoland Singer-Kingsmith, The British CouncilSkillsforEmployabilityProjectManager

16:10 Closing Remarks from the Chair Leila Hanafi, ARPA President and Chief Counsel

Iwouldliketothankeveryonewhohashelpedwiththeresearchandorganizationofthisevent,especiallythespeakersfortheirsupportandcommitment.Danish [email protected]


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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit


Princess Alia Al-Senussi, Libyan Heritage Trust, Global Heritage Fund ArtPatron Generation Three Family Partners ExecutivePrincess Alia Idris Al-Senussi graduated Brown University Magna Cum Laude in 2003 with a double major in International Relations (honors) and Middle East Studies. Alia holds an MA in Political Science from Brown University (2004) and an MSc in Law, Anthropology and Society from the London School of Economics (2005). Alia devotes a great deal of her time to various patron groups in London and the Middle East. Alia is co-chair of the Parasol Future Unit, a group ambassador for the Tate Museum’s Young Patrons Group since 2008, Alia has been appointed the Chair of the group beginning in September 2012, and is a long-time committee member of the Serpentine Gallery Future Contemporaries. Alia is the Young Patrons representative on the overall Patrons Board for the Tate Gallery. Alia is also a founding member of the Tate Committee for Middle Eastern and North African Acquisitions and is on the Board of Patrons of Art Dubai as well as advisory board for Edge of Arabia. She has served in the past as Chairman of the Board of Trustees-UK for Aiglon College while continuing to work with the Brown University alumni association interviewing potential candidates in London. Alia applies the majority of her professional time to work as an advisor and marketing executive with the wealth management firm, GenerationThree Family Partners. Alia is also the VIP Relations Manager Middle East for Art Basel and Art Basel Miami Beach and a contributing editor at Tank Magazine for their interviews series. Alia is currently involved in setting up the Libyan Heritage Trust with Global Heritage Fund, of which she will serve as Chairman.

Dr Raed Safadi, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD DeputyDirector-TradeandAgricultureDirectorateDr. Raed Safadi is currently the Deputy Director of the Trade and Agriculture Directorate at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Prior to assuming his current position in mid 2009, Dr. Safadi served as Chief Economist for the Government of Dubai. There, he led the team entrusted with redefining the economic pillar in Dubai‘s Strategic Plan 2015 and with shielding the Emirate from the 2009 global economic crisis. Raed specializes in the empirical and policy analysis of international trade. He has published an extensive array of books and articles covering such areas as trade and development, regional trading arrangements, tariffs and non-tariff barriers, special and differential treatment, trade and environment, and the world trading system. His current research interests include globalisation and labour market issues. Raed has previously worked for the World Bank and has been a consultant for a number of governments, regional developent banks and a number of UN agencies.

Leila Hanafi, ARPA President and Chief CounselLeila Hanafi is a Moroccan-American international qualified lawyer, and international policy expert from Washington DC is the Founder and Chief Lawyer of international law firm and think-tank Institution ARPA Dispute Resolution (ADR). Leila has been selected to serve in leadership positions at a very young age which equipped her to join an exhilarating hub of young leaders. As the staff attorney and programs manager of the World Justice Project to becoming one of the World Bank’s youngest professionals and focal point for the International Criminal Court Middle East and North Africa Coalition work. Leila’s experience consists of work in international law, rule of law, and international organizations. Leila was also the winner of the highly competitive World Bank Middle East and North Africa Innovation Fund through which she led a legal empowerment initiative for young women lawyers in Morocco. Leila serves on the Board of several organizations, including the United Nations Association YP, the Moroccan-American Legal Network, and the International Center of Mediation and Arbitration. In 2013, Leila has been selected by the Moroccan Government as an international law expert to the National Inter-Governmental Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution. Leila is Lecturer in Law and is profiled in several media outlets for her academic and professional accomplishments, including her selection as Young Moroccan American Law Personality & one of MENA’s Leaders impacting Change. Leila is a graduate of American University Georgetown University, & George Washington University Law School Washington DC, currently doctoral researcher in law. Leila was also selected to serve as Legal Researcher at the United Nations

Khwaja Aftab Ahmed, International Finance Corporation – World Bank group DirectorFinancialMarkets&PEFunds,Europe,CentralAsia&MENAKhawaja Aftab Ahmed is a development banker and posses a solid 24 years career in the development banking industry. He succeeded in putting IFC on the map of MENA financial sector. IFC financial market commitment volumes in MENA, increased from US$ 50-60 million per annum in FY 04 to US$ 1.0 billion in FY 10. Similarly, IFC financial market portfolio in MENA has increased many folds from about US$ 150 million to over US$ 1.5 billion during the period. As Director he is managing a large financial market and PE team in various country offices. Mr. Ahmed manages annual new business of about US$ 3.5 billion and a portfolio of over US$ 6.0 billion spread over 45 countries. Mr. Ahmed was also instrumental in promoting Islamic Finance transaction in IFC and developed a significant portfolio and pipeline of Sharia Compliant projects in Housing Finance, Sukuk, and Modaraba etc. Prior to joining IFC, Aftab spent 10 years in the development banking sector. He has degrees in Mechanical Engineering, MBA and LLB.

Hesham Hamdy, Arab International Bank Chief Risk Officer Egyptian Iron and Steel Company MemberoftheBoardofDirectors Suez Canal Bank, Egypt MemberoftheBoardofDirectors Egyptian Banks’ Credit Bureau MemberoftheBoardofDirectorsBasel II Diploma, the American Bankers Association Instructor in the Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF) of The American University in Cairo (AUC) Part time Trainer in Training Centers such as The Egyptian Banking Institute of the Central Bank of Egypt, and the Union of Arab Banks. Hesham is the Chief Risk Officer of Arab International Bank since beginning of 2011. Before that, Hesham, Joined Bank of Alexandria in 2004 as member of the new senior management team that was responsible for reengineering, modernizing and privatizing the bank, with the task of bringing together the strands of risk management. He is leading a team of experts in the fields of credit, operational and market risk. He was responsible for Risk Management, Central Credit Administration and, Central Investigation.Hesham is also a member of the Board of Directors in three distinguished companies:• EgyptianBanks’CreditBureau• EgyptianIronandSteelCompany• SuezCanalBank,EgyptHesham has 30 years experience in Internal Audit, Credit Examination, Compliance and Risk Management gained in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. He has held senior positions in esteemed banks, such as Bahrain Islamic Bank as the Manager of Inspection and Internal Audit Department where he designed Inspectors’ Manual as a book of reference to assist all members of the Inspection Department staff to carry out their duties as efficiently as possible. He was managing the credit examination in Riyad Bank as Head of Credit Inspectors undertaking a large number of audit assignments to review the bank’s overall lending activities to ensure that they are being conducted in a safe & desirable manner, through reviews and quality assessments of credit facilities at all branches of the bank including international branches. He worked as the Work-Out & Recovery Officer at the American Express Bank responsible for monitoring all criticized and classified problem credits. He was a member of the Quality Assurance Team at the Egyptian American Bank. He joined National Bank of Abu-Dhabi as Credit Officer, with main responsibility of managing borrowing relationships with corporate customers. Before specializing in the banking field, Hesham gained internal and external audit experience in both Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco) as In-Charge Internal Auditor, and Price Waterhouse & company as External Auditor.

Jean-Pierre Chauffour, World Bank Lead Country Economist – Morocco and Regional Trade Coordinator - MENASince joining the World Bank in 2007, Mr. Chauffour has held various assignments, including Advisor in the International Trade Department and Lead Economist in the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, specializing on issues related to economic competitiveness, regionalism, and economic integration. Prior to joining the World Bank, Mr. Chauffour worked for 15 years at the International Monetary Fund, where he held various positions, including mission chief in the African Department and Head of Office and Representative to the World Trade Organization and United Nations in Geneva. He also spent two years as a Senior Economist in the Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission. Over his career, Mr. Chauffour has worked and provided economic policy advice in many emerging countries, most extensively in the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe. His main centers of interest are economic development, macroeconomic management, and economic freedom. He started his career as a macroeconomist with the Paris-based Centre d‘Etudes Prospectives et d‘Informations Internationales. Mr. Chauffour holds master degrees in Economics and Money, Banking, and Finance from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris. He is the author of The Power of Freedom: Uniting Human Rights and Development (Cato Institute, 2009) and co-editor of Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development: a Handbook (World Bank, 2011) and Trade Finance during the Great Trade Collapse (World Bank, 2011). His most recent book on the aftermath of the Arab Spring is entitled From Political to Economic Awakening in the Arab World: the Path of Economic Integration (World Bank, 2013).

Reda Bajoudi, Royal Danish Embassy InchargeofCooperationandstrategiccommunicationReda Bajoudi Programme Manager at the Danish Embassy in Rabat, country gender focal point and Political Analyst. Has worked in the Aid and Development sector for the past 13 years in the MENA region with a focus in North Africa. Witnessing and contributing to the reforms process in Morocco in the fields of women rights, rule of law, civil society capacity building and youth political participation. With an open personality aimed at working with an inclusive approach has anticipated the new changes in the region by promoting the work with secular and non-secular partners at times where inclusiveness was hard to assume. Working at strategic and grassroots levels, Reda has developed a large knowledge of the main strengths and weaknesses in implementing reforms. With a curriculum more based on field experience, Reda is a self-made professional with extensive contacts with reforms targeted beneficiaries and stakeholders. After a 7 years’ work with the British Embassy in Rabat, where he had implemented projects in Algeria and Mauritania, mainly on women rights and prison reforms, Reda had made a presentation at the FCO on the programmers’ achievements in presence of senior UK officials, Jack Straw, then UK Foreign Minister, included. He then joined the newly established Danish Embassy in Rabat to help implement the Danish Arab Initiative programme that aims at supporting dialogue and reforms in the MENA region.

Page 9: Morocco Summit Program 11.12

19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit

Sami Houerbi, International Chamber of Commerce DirectorMr Sami Houerbi is the Director of the ICC Eastern Mediterranean, Middle-East and Africa International Chamber of Commerce, where he is in charge of raising awareness about Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms throughout the region and promoting ICC Arbitration and ADR Rules Prior to that, he was member of the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration in Paris, where he was directly involved in the administration and managing ICC arbitration proceedings. In addition to his current position, Mr Houerbi is a lawyer admitted to Tunis Bar. He is the Head of the Arbitration Department at Boussayene Knani Houerbi law firm, a general practice law firm, which areas of practice include mainly: Corporate Law, Arbitration and Litigation. Mr Houerbi frequently acts as arbitrator and party counsel in domestic and international arbitration His working languages are Arabic, English, French and German.

Mohamed SAAD, Casablanca Stock Exchange ChiefInformationOfficerMohamed SAAD is an IT specialist since 1991; A former CIO of SEVAM (glass packaging company ), Moroccan Arab Bank branch (, ranked first among all Arab bank sites, the challenge was to implement the state of the art of IT standards (CoBIT, ITIL, PMBoK, ISO 27002); the mix was assembled in a set of policies and procedures and projected on HW/SW/N&T infrastructure. He started his professional career as a Project Manager in the Wafabank IT Company called Wafa systems where he was in charge of the 90s Wafa Assurance IT systems implementation, then with Wafabank capital market 90s reform. Currently he is the Casablanca Stock Exchange CIO; he hold an IT engineering bachelor from INSEA, and also an MBA, CISA, ITIL, ISO 27 001 LA, PMP and CRISC certified. President of MIT-Gov: Moroccan IT Governance Association (Moroccan ISACA Chapter under construction); PMI and ISACA member, and also a board member of AUSIM (Association des Utilisateurs des Systèmes d’Information au Maroc). He published many papers related to IT topics; IT projects Return on investments, IT Governance, IT best practices, CIO role… Mohamed SAAD is also a guest speaker with national and International IT Universities (ENSIAS, INSEA, EMI, UIR, Université du Québec à CHICOUTIMI, Université du Québec à Trois Rivières).

Saber Ammar, Arab Lawyers Union AssistantSecretaryGeneral Court of Cassation - Egypt LawyerMr Saber Mohamed Ammar is a Bachelor of Law and Economics Faculty of Law from University of Ain Shams and Graduate in business and banking from Brounel University, London, United Kingdom. He has worked as a Legal Advisor investment bank (joint capital) untill 2003. He is a specialist in International law and legal advice - disputes banks and exchange companies, commercial and civil cases, editing engineering and construction contracts, editing major hotel management contracts and management problems and workers, established businesses and companies money, assessment of legal disputes of banks and companies, tasks liquidator of the companies, to deal with the computer programs in the field of legal programs and legal follow-up legislation, arbitrator before international bodies and local. His work experience includes Member of the Board of Directors Upper Pharmaceutical Industries. 1991/1994, Member of the Board of Directors Fayoum Egypt for tourism development. 1995/1997, Board Member company for the development of commercial exports 1999/2005, Member of the Board of Directors Delta gas filling. Of 1998, Member of the Board of Directors Module Consulting and Commercial Agencies (SAE) 2008, Member of the Board of Directors of Giza Industrial Services. His trade union experience includes Assistant Secretary General of the Union of Arab Lawyers 1999, Member the Permanent Bureau of the Arab Lawyers Union 1992/1999, Member of the Bar Council General in Egypt 1989/1992, Assistant Secretary of the Fund / Bar Egypt 1991/1992, a member of the Egyptian Organization and the Arab Human Rights, a member of the Legal Committee / Arab Organization for Human Rights, member of the International Union of Lawyers IBA, Expert organization for global intellectual property (WIPO), Decision Institute attorneys formerly of the Egyptian Bar Association, Rapporteur of the Committee on professional activities formerly the Federation of Arab Lawyers, Editor-in-chief (right magazine) issued by the Arab Lawyers Union. Mr Saber Ammar‘s legal research includes pre-trial detention and imprisonment absolute (magazine publication law - issued by the Egyptian Bar Association) (1975), union work restrictions in banking legislation (the Coordinating Committee between the trade unions) 1996, reading problems check (IOB - CBE) 1997, bank guarantees and the adequacy of safeguards Real Estate (1998), explain the provisions of Law No. 8 of 1998 on investment guarantees (1998), check under Law No. 17 for the year 1997 (1999), bank securities as collateral (1999) bargaining contracts Commerce Alaketronnebh 2002 (WIPO), conditions of the judiciary in Egypt (report at the request of UNDB)) 2003, rights and guarantees Lawyers 2005 (Bar), arbitration agreement 2006 (Bar), judiciary in Egypt 2006 (Arab Center for Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession), experience before the courts of civil and commercial 2007 (Bar), judicial authority in the new Egyptian draft constitution (the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights 2010, The right to defend before the International Criminal Court. Mr Saber Ammar participated as a lecturer or participant in many international conferences scientific legal organized by several international organizations such as the International Union of Lawyers / LAS / Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) / alu and the International Union of Lawyers in addition to many Almatmrt local and Atahalty organized by community Civil Egyptian, Arab and international. He also oversaw the organization of dozens of legal conferences in Egypt and the Arab countries in cooperation with pool Accountants in England and Wales and the participation of EU

Farid EL Bacha, Moroccan Legal Studies, President-Founderofthe Center, Ribat Al Fath Association, President-Delegate, Rabat Agdal, ProfessorofHigherEducation,FacultyofLawFarid EL Bacha is Professor of Higher Education at the University Mohammed V Agdal (Rabat, Morocco) where he teaches business law professor since 1984.Professor EL Bacha is founding president of the Moroccan Centre for Legal Studies and the Institute Moroccan Jurists Francophones.He is Head of department of Private law and Director of the Laboratory of private Law, Faculty of Law Rabat Agdal.He provides consulting and legal assistance from government departments and private sector.He is author of numerous articles on business law in Morocco regularly published in the platform of the Economist. Prof. EL Bacha was legal adviser to the General Secretariat of the national youth Council from 1991 to 2000.He is a contributor in the report the fiftieth anniversary of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Khalid Oudrhiri, Unilever HumanResourcesDirector-NorthAfricaKhalid is currently the HR Director for Maghreb. Prior to joining Unilever, he had been an HRD for Shell North Africa for 6.5 year where he led the Transformation of the organization at Shell North Africa. He also had vast experience from P&G for 8.5 years where he started as Finance Analyst Management Trainee, then Operations Manager in Supply Chain and then Sales & Operations Manager. He is a qualified Civil Engineer and had earned his degree from Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in France. Khalid is married to Khadija who is Dentist professor in the University, and has a daughter Khawla.

Ali Ghannam, Fédération Nationale du Tourisme PrésidentMr Ghannam is currently the Président of the Fédération Nationale du Tourisme of Morocco, he completed his Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economics Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences University Hassan II – Casablanca he has also recieved several training courses in Morocco and abroad in the areas of his expertise which included Investment & Project Financing, Finance & Taxation Business, Development of tourism projects and Hotel Management. His professional experience includes Director of the Tourist Pole Moroccan-Kuwaiti group Development Consortium (CMKD) in 1989 and Administrator and a member of several boards of companies & tourist investment fund, Lecturer and Host Conference in Morocco & Abroad in Areas of Expertise. 1985-1988: Head of Service & authorized officer in a large bank - Casablanca, Morocco. His additional protfolio is as follows,Member of the Economic, Environmental and Social Committee (EESC). Category associationsPresident of the National Federation of Tourism (FNT)Former Vice-President General of the National Tourism Federation (FNT) (2008-2010)Ex-President of the National Federation of the Hotel Industry (FNIH) (2008-2010)Ex-Vice President of the National Federation of the Hotel Industry (FNIH) (2 terms 2002-2004 and 2005-2007)Vice-President of the Inter Mediterranean Tourism Association (IMTA) in ItalyMember of the Arab Union of Hotel and Tourism (UAHT) in SyriaMember of the Board of Directors of the Moroccan National Office of Tourism (ONMT)Member of the Board of Directors of the General Confederation of Enterprises of Morocco (CGEM)Member of the Board of Directors of the Office of Training and Promotion (OFPPT)Member of the Board of Directors of the National Foreign Trade Council (NCCC)Member of the Management and Studies of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF)Member, Founder and Treasurer of the Council for Development and Solidarity (CDS)Member of the Board of Directors of the Moroccan Association of Competitive Intelligence (AMIE)Founder member of the Rotary Club of Casablanca – LightsEx-member of the National Commission of Fiscal Remedies (NWRC) (appointed by the Minister 1)

His Excellency Omar Derraji, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services - Rabat Honarary PresidentHis Excellency Omar Derraji completed his Technical Baccalaureate „Electrotechnical Option.“ in 1970 after which he persued his Bachelor Option Modern Literature in 1977. 1980 License‘re Juridical Sciences, Faculty of Law in Rabat and 1988: Diploma III Cycle specializes in Diplomatic Studies and Contemporary International Relations.His professional experience includes,1968.1990: Journalist (sports section) to the RTM. 1980.1983: Administrator Moroccan Cinema Complex. 1974.1978: Head of Office of the Director General of RTM (Radio, Television Marocaine) and 1990 to date: Head of BusinessHis Excellency Omar Derraji is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Mediation and Arbitration in Rabat. He served as Vice-President of the Regional Council of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer for Cooperation and Communication information from 1997 to 2009. He was aslo the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Rabat from 2000 to 2012 and Member of the Regional Academy of Education and Training in Rabat-Salé-Zemmour. From 2003-2012 he served as Member of the Board of Directors of the University Mohamed V, Agdal, Rabat and Member of the Board of Directors of the University Mohamed V Souissi, Rabat. 2005-2012 he served as Member of the Board of Directors of the Agency for The Development of the Bouregreg Valley and 2013: - President of the Industrial Zone Ain Zohra, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company „Mixed Economy“ and President of the International Relations Committee of the Regional Council of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer. His parallel activities include 2003 to 2009: - Vice - Chairman of the Standing Conference Room African consular and Francophones, President of the North Africa region. July 2004: - Deputy Secretary General of the Union of Arab Arbitration International and November 2009 to 2012: - President of the Standing Conference Room African consular and Francophones. He is also a member of several Cultural and Charitable Associations.


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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit

M Chemseddine ABDATI, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Services and Rabat., Deputy Director, International Center for Mediation and Arbitration in Rabat, Director Mr ABDATI serves as a Director of International Center for Mediation and Arbitration in Rabat. Deputy Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Head of Animation Department at CCISR. He completed his Bachelors from the Royal Institute of Professional Training 3rd cycle doctoral school National Administration He has served as a Editor Central, Delegate of the newspaper “Business Communal Rabat“ (newspaper Arab and international local authorities); Editor of the journal “flap of Commerce, Industry and Services“; Editor of the Journal Moroccan Commercial Arbitration “; Deputy President of the Moroccan Association of Communication for Development; Member of the Moroccan Association of Press Officers and Journalists Institution; Deputy President of the Moroccan Children‘s Aid Victims of Traffic Accident Association; Founder of the Association of Moroccan Book Forum Member; Founder of the Environment and Heritage. He has also published various papers including 80 years of the life of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Rabat (Rabat review Commerce and Industry 1993), The Businesses (Rabat review of Commerce and Industry 1993), The National and International Impact of Foreign Trade (review of Rabat Commerce and Industry 1993), Partnership between the Chambers of Commerce and Local Government (Review Rabat Commerce and Industry 1993), Problems of small traders in Rabat (Rabat review of Commerce and Industry 1993), Economic Regions in Rabat (Rabat review of Commerce and Industry 1994), Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Region (log Doukkala 1996) , participation in International Fairs (Al Haraka April 1997) Domestic Trade and Economic Development (Professional (review Rabat Commerce and Industry 2000), The law of competition and price (review Rabat 2000), The press law No. 77.00 (magazine Al Kasr 2002/2) and The arbitration court of the future (review Moroccan Commercial Arbitration 2003)

Amallah Nezha, Central Authority for Corruption Prevention – Morocco Director Legal Entity WatchAmallah Nezha is the Head of the Legal Entity watch within the Central Authority for the Prevention of Corruption (ICPC) since 2009 before which she was she served as the Head of Department of Research and External Relations Constitutional Council, at the Ministry of Higher Education from 2004 to 2009. She worked as Project Manager at Department of Education and External Relations Constitutional Council from 2001 to 2004. She has also worked as a vacataire Professor of Private Law at the instruction of Social Services of the Royal Armed Forces Centre: training of cadets in Private International Law to obtain a degree in private law, Curator of the Library of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Rabat-Souissi, Head of Department of Periodicals Library of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Rabat-Agdal, Assistant to the Head of Department of Periodicals Library of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Rabat-Agdal, Part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences legal Rabat-Agdal (subjects taught: Private International Law and Legal Terminology). She has also attended various traning which include Training for Human Rights at the International Institute of Strasbourg and training to the Sub-Committee on Human Rights at the United Nations in Geneva, Training French Constitutional Council, Participation in various periodic seminars ACCPUF as an observer, Training on Corruption, law enforcement at the National School of Magistrates – Paris. Amallah Nezha completed her Bachelor of Bordeaux Academy, Series A5-Foreign languages in 1977 post which she completed a degree in Private Law from the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Rabat-Agdal in 1983. She also holds 1st and 2nd Certificate of Advanced Studies in Business Law obtained at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Rabat-Agdal.

Majd Radi, Moroccan National Airports authority - ONDA InternationalAirportDirectorMr Radi is a results-driven senior civil aviation management manager with 10 years of versatile management experiences of witch 7 years in aviation related industry. He has a proven strategic leadership, team building capabilities with strong communication skills.When complex problem arises creativity helps him shape an optimal solution. Working in an airport makes people work with different entities, different organisations, different cultures and thus combining with multiple priorities and heterogeneous Management challenges. Having acquired experience in planning, initiating, managing and monitoring local and national it projects, He participated in delivering strategic orientations and actions in aviation security, business development and airports operations and quality management. With strong capabilities to engage with management colleagues, customers, suppliers, public and private partners Internationally and locally. Finding & developing and monitoring business opportunities challenging environment‘s constraints. His specialties include Airport operations, IT deployment, Airport business development. He started his career as a Project Manager at the Development Durable International after which he worked as a Strategy & Marketing Deputy Manager and Airport Operation Control Center Manager at ONDA. He has also worked as a Quality, Security & IT Manager at the Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport and Airport Deputy Manager at the Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport ONDA and currently serves as a Airport Director

Sarah Ouakim, Nordic Moroccan Advisory Council ChairmanSarah Ouakim is the Norwegian Country Manager of the global internet career forum Monster Worldwide Inc. (NYSE: MWW), She has an academic background in Cultural Science, Economics and Humanities from Sweden, USA and France. Sarah has lived and worked in several countries on 3 continents since early childhood which provides her with a rare characteristic: that of having four “maternal” languages and cultures. Sarah specializes in Global Business Development, International recruitment, Global Talent Management and International Business. She is a frequent speaker in the field of international careers and recruitment as well as global mobility and has held consultancy assignments in Cross-Cultural Management, Diversity Management and International Business Strategy.

Omar Agodim, Maroc Entrepreneurs Vice-President Vice-President of the « Maroc Entrepreneurs » NGO, Omar Agodim accompanies « MRE » entrepreneurship project in Morocco. Over the past five years, he has seen dozens of promoters penetrate the Moroccan market in various sectors of the economy.Consultant in Innovation Financing for six years, he was confronted with several management and financing challenges of SMEs and large French groups.

Nabil Sebti, The British Council EmployabilityAmbassadorNabil is a young passionate Moroccan entrepreneur. After leading two startups in France, he came back to Morocco to join Mydeal a leading web company in order to develop it and make it more successful. Nabil is fully engaged in economic and social issues of his country and is willing to involve in Morocco‘s development. Besides, Nabil is the ambassador of #employability project in Morocco lead by The British Council. Nabil graduated from HEC Paris

Hisham Elkoustaf, US-ARAB Bilateral Chamber of Commerce - USA SeniorLegalAdviserHisham H. Elkoustaf is a Moroccan-American attorney with over a decade of experience at the intersection of law, foreign policy and economic development. As the founder and principal of D&H Consulting, Hisham currently advises governments, business and NGOs on diverse legal and policy matters. A member of the New York Bar, Hisham began his legal career in 2002 as an associate with Morrison Cohen Singer & Weinstein LLP. He worked with the firm’s litigation and transactional departments on major projects involving securities, banking and insurance, intellectual property, bankruptcy and real estate. He later joined the litigation group at NBC Universal before transitioning to Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. In 2005, Hisham left the private sector to join the Office of the General Counsel of the US Department of Commerce. As a Senior Counsel with the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP), Hisham traveled across the Middle East and North Africa to advise ministers, legislators, judges and members of the private sector on implementing commercial law reform strategies to create a legal environment conducive to economic growth and to attracting greater foreign investment. He organized and led workshops on various legal topics, including contract formation, negotiation of joint venture agreements, formation of SMEs, privatization, technology transfer, electronic commerce and intellectual property. Hisham also advised governments on international trade issues such as WTO accession and compliance with bilateral and multi-lateral trade agreements (including the USA-Morocco FTA). In his first year at CLDP, Hisham was awarded the “Attorney of the Year” award for his excellent contributions to the work of the office of the General Counsel. In addition to his legal work, Hisham has also held senior management positions with the National Endowment of Democracy, the Ford Foundation and the Council on Foreign Relations. Hisham received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School where he was Staff Editor of Hybrid: The Journal of Law & Social Change. He spent his first summer of law school as a law clerk with the US Department of Justice. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Law and Development from Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy. During his first summer at the Fletcher School, Hisham worked with the US-Morocco Council on Trade and Investment in Casablanca. Hisham earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, Cum Laude, in Political Science from Columbia University. In his second year at Columbia, Hisham was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to study advanced modern Arabic at Yarmook University in Jordan. Born and raised in Casablanca, Morocco, Hisham moved to New York City in 1984. He is fluent in Arabic and French and has worked in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, South Africa, Spain, France, Belgium, England, and Switzerland.

Neelabh Singh, Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster HeadofStrategicProjectsNeelabh is the Head of Strategic Projects and as part of the Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster is responsible for providing solutions to help ‘Smart Cities’ and ‘Municipalities’ around the world achieve optimum levels of environmental efficiency. Neelabh brings together the various Danish technologies in the cleantech sector on a common platform and leads the process of co-creating integrated solutions applicable to overseas conditions. In doing so he is persistently developing relationships with domestic and international stakeholders and creating innovative platforms for collaboration with foreign cities and regions. Neelabh’s diverse professional journey includes multi sector experience including energy efficiency, oil and gas and financial services in emerging markets such as those of the Middle East and South Asia. He has helped organizations develop their strategy and implemented both organic and inorganic initiatives. Prior to joining the corporate sector, Neelabh served in the Indian Navy assigned to challenging operational and staff billets. Neelabh is a graduate in Science from the Naval Academy and is an MBA from INSEAD. Besides education degrees he is also a qualified naval diver and paratrooper. He is keen to learn about global Mergers and Acquisition activity and the strategic rationale driving these transactions.

Dr. Gerard P.H. Kreijen, Loyens & Loeff, AttorneyatlawDr. Kreijen has been practising law with a focus on investment stability and sovereign risk management since 1995. In this context he advises clients on issues of international law, the law of foreign direct investment, contract stability in investor- state relations and international dispute resolution. Mr. Kreijen is a member of the Loyens & Loeff dispute resolution team which operates from various locations, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg, Paris and New York. He is also a member of the Africa team of Loyens & Loeff which serves its clients from Dubai, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg and Paris. Mr. Kreijen holds a PhD (cum laude) in public international law from Leiden University, the Netherlands. His publications include two treatises on international law, notably State, Sovereignty and International Governance (Oxford University Press, 2002) and State Failure, Sovereignty and Effectiveness – Legal Lessons from the Decolonization of Sub-Saharan Africa (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004).


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19 – 21 November 2013, Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco

The Morocco Summit

M. Nicolas J. Firzli, IAOSSecretary,Cofounder&Director-GeneralWorld Pensions Council (WPC)M. Nicolas J. Firzli is the cofounder and Director-General of the World Pensions Council (WPC), the inter-national association of Chairmen and CIOs of public and private retirement schemes/pension funds and social security institutions. He is a graduate of Canada’s McGill University (Statistics & Financial Economics), an alumnus of the HEC School of Management (MBA), the University of Paris Law School (J.D. Civil & Financial Law, summa cum laude) and conducted research at the University of Louvain (UCL) Doctoral School of Economics and Management. Mr. Firzli is Head of Social Security & Retirement Research at the French National Association of Financial Analysts (SFAF), Co-Chair of the World Pensions & Investments Forum (WPI) hosted jointly with a supranational organisation in Paris, and Secretary of the Asia Pacific International Asset Owners Summit (AP-IAO) Steering Committee, overseeing the organisation of this international gathering in collaboration with government agencies and leading research centers from across Asia, Australia, the European Union and the Americas. He is also a frequent contributor to various media outlets and think-tanks, including Dow Jones Financial News, the Reuters newswire, Morningstar TV, RTÉ (Ireland’s National TV), TRT (Turkey’s Channel 1), the Adam Smith Institute, the Milken Institute, Pension Plan Sponsor, Euromoney magazine and Euromoney Country Risk (ECR), Asset International’s Chief Investment Officer journal (ai-CIO), Revue Analyse Financière (Paris), Le Parisien/Aujourd‘hui en France, Al-Hayat (London/Riyadh), Al-Nahar (Beirut) and various academic journals. Mr. Firzli has advised pension funds, governments (at both federal and state/municipal levels), central banks and asset management companies in the past 15 years in more than 30 different jurisdictions.

Jean AbiNader, Moroccan-American Trade & Investment Center ExecutiveDirectorJean AbiNader, Executive Director of the Moroccan-American Trade & Investment Center (MATIC) is a skilled communications and marketing professional who has worked for public and private sector clients in diverse sectors in the Middle East and North Africa. In addition to promoting trade and investment through a range of modalities from trade shows and delegations to World’s Fair exhibitions and targeted research, he has advised policy makers and analysts on themes and topics related to the intersection of international business and policy. His weekly blogs, at, and his work in advocacy and strategic communications, at, demonstrate the expertise and insights he applies on behalf of his clients. A practitioner of delivering soft skills training programs and training strategies for closing the gap between education and employment, Jean has a long track record of managing intercultural communications projects.

Osama A. Abu-Baha, Al-Oula Private Equity Consulting Co. W.L.L FounderandCEOOsama is the Founder & CEO of Al-Oula Private Equity Consulting, Osama is principally engaged in evaluating investment opportunities, enhancing business value, managing the M&A of firms and providing value added services to portfolio companies. Prior to establishing Al-Oula Private Equity Consulting, Osama served as Chief Investment Officer, General Manager and senior management consultant with prominent organizations in consulting, logistics and manufacturing sectors. He held senior positions and appointed to manage mega projects in telecom, energy, engineering industries, logistics and governmental sectors. With more than 16 years of experience in strategy consulting, Private Equity, and corporate turnarounds, he has built up substantial expertise across a myriad of industries and geographies. Osama holds a Bachelor degree in electrical engineering; certified as Project Director (CPD) and Certified Project Manager (CPM) from the US, with pragmatic experience in Private Equity, strategy, BSC, business excellence and business development.

Dr. Saif AlJaibeji, MD PhD, Aetna International Vice PresidentDr Saif AlJaibeji is a healthcare expert; Chairman of Iraq Health- nongovernmental, nonprofit, think tank specializes on Health Public Private Partnership. He is the President of the Center of Research and Strategic Studies. Saif retains an advisory role for regional governments and has work experience with the Federal Government in Iraq, Kurdistan Regional Government, Emirates, Yemen, Qatar, Turkey and recently Libya. He represents health care in MENA as a chairman, speaker, panellist and organizer at international events. Saif is a physician and holds a PhD in health insurance & funding, Masters in Health Administration, Masters in HealthCare Management, Masters in Business Administration, and pursuing a Masters in General Management at Harvard University.

Khalil Zakari, Ministry of Education – Morocco TeacherDevelopmentSpecialistMr Zakari is EFL Teacher Trainer/Supervisor at the Moroccan Ministry of National Education and ICT Trainer and E-Learning Facilitator. He is responsible for Coordination of the English Inspectorate at the Regional Academy of Education and Training Alhoucima-Taza-Taounate. He is also the Director of the Centre Culturel Michel Jobert in Meknès and is the Founder of Ed-Links-Morocco and is Continuing Professional Development Researcher.

Mohammed Adli Al Nasser, Jordanian Judicial Council & Ministry of Justice, JudgeMr. Al Nasser is a District Court Judge from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He is Seconded by the Jordanian Judiciary, and government as a Legal Consultant, The General Secretariat of the Executive Council, Abu Dhabi, UAE from May of 2012 till November 2013. He was previously the Head of Litigation, Ali Al Aidarous Law Firm, International Legal Practice, UAE. Head of Legal Department and State Attorney Directorate, Ministry of Justice, Jordan. International Legal Consultant at Kirton & McConkie Law Firm, Salt Lake City, Utah. He has extensive trial experience as a general jurisdiction trial judge for 8 years handling every type of trial including complex civil and commercial litigation, criminal cases, labor and insurance cases. Seconded by the Jordanian Judicial Council to the Jordanian Ministry of Justice to serve for two years as a director of the ADR & Case Management Department at the Jordanian Ministry of Justice and as a legal consultant for the Jordanian Minister of Justice.

Abdellah Ben Malek, Wissat Group, CEOMr MALEK is the CEO & founder of Wissat, a new Operator in IP Broadband VPN via Satellite & Internet ValueAdded Services Provider, operating in Morocco, West & Central Africa regions. Prior to Wissat he was the Director at Vivendi Universal•DirectoratCapGemini-Ernst&Young-TelecomMedia&Networks,inchargeofInternationalBusiness Development for EMEA & South America regions•HeisaGraduatefromFrenchTelecommunicationSchoolofEngineering(SupTelecomParis)•HehasavastexperienceintheTelecombusinessformorethan30years,withdeepknowledgeof Telecommunication Industry, Technologies (wire & wireless), Marketing & Business and has International experience in several countries such as France, Sweden, Greece, Hungary, Benelux, Morocco, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil & Middle-East.His operational expertise includes Operational Program Management expertise in Telco’s Information System (OSS, BSS, ISS),Internet/Intranet/Extranet Portals (B2B, B2C & B2E) & Infrastructure (Mobile, Satellite, WiMax/WiFi).Business expertise in Banking, Aerospace & Telecom industries•ConsultinginStrategicplanningandchangemanagement•InternationalBusinessDevelopment•ProgramManagerExpert.

Martin Rose, The British Council Country DirectorMartin Rose was born in London in 1954. He was educated at Magdalen College Oxford (Modern History) and St Antony‘s College Oxford (M Phil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies). He has been Director of the British Council in Morocco since 2010. After working in academic publishing and international banking, in the Middle East and Africa, Martin joined the British Council in 1988. He has served in Baghdad (1989-90), Rome (1991-96), Brussels (1999-2004) and Ottawa (2006-10), as well as postings in London, most recently as founding director of the British Council‘s cultural relations think-tank, Counterpoint (2002-6). He was the founding Director of the Pontignano and Belgo-British Conferences; and took a student expedition to Greenland and the Canadian Arctic in 2008. He was also the founding Director of Our Shared Europe, the British Council’s flagship project addressing Muslim communities in Europe and beyond. Martin‘s publications include Trust, Mutuality and Cultural Relations (with Nick Wadham-Smith, 2004) and British Public Diplomacy in an Age of Schisms (with Mark Leonard, 2005). He was the 2009 Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecturer (A Shared Past for a Shared Future: European Muslims and History-making), and is a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society.


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