most common auto security mistakes

O ften Ignored Most Common Auto Security Mistakes

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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It is often experienced that the car owners forget the security of their vehicle and the business and residential estates are major priority in security.


Page 1: Most Common Auto Security Mistakes

Often Ignored

Most Common Auto Security Mistakes

Page 2: Most Common Auto Security Mistakes

There are many differences between consumer-grade and industrial-grade security equipment.

For locks, commercial sites need oversized, hardened equipment that will be a hindrance to cutting or sawing.

Also, inexpensive residential security systems often rely on a phone line for alarm notification with no backup method for transmitting an alarm.

Finally, apart from these essentials it is often experienced that the car owners forget the security of their vehicle and the business and residential estates are major priority in security.

However, there are measures that could be taken to prevent the basic vehicle theft, but most of the people are either unaware of the security features in their vehicle or does not care taking some basic security steps. We have listed the such common ahead.

Page 3: Most Common Auto Security Mistakes

1. Leaving car windows open:

This gives a very easy excess to the main control of the vehicle and the items placed inside it. Leaving a window open damages the security of your car and even the individual parts of it. It is often reported that compared to car theft, the ratio of part theft is much higher.

Listing the Most Common Mistakes:

2. Leaving valuable/attractive items in the vehicle (in sight):

Even if the windows are closed and the vehicle is properly locked, there are major chances that if there are any valuable items or visually appealing items in sight through the windows or even the windshield then it can and most probably will attract trouble.

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3. Falling for misleading advertisements:

Choosing a security system or a remote starter, as well as a company to install it for you isn’t easy. Why? Because you’re bombarded with misleading advertising, confusing claims and simply bad information. This, in turn, makes you install a system that is not much helpful for your vehicle protection, This can also be the case while selecting a security system for home or business.

4. Installing the security systems/remote starters by yourself:

Maybe not. If you have extensive knowledge of automotive electronics or computer software showing detailed 12-volt diagrams of your vehicle like we have in house, the answer is yes. Attaching any aftermarket electronics product to your vehicle without the proper knowledge can be extremely risky; the worst case scenario could be damaging the electronic control module (the computer) or detonating the air bag, resulting in expensive repairs.

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5. Choosing inexperienced company for security installation:

The product you purchase is only as good as the person that installs it and the company that backs it up. Some companies come and go and may have been in business less than a year or two. Their customers are stuck with an off brand, low quality product and a worthless "lifetime warranty" that’s not worth the paper it’s written on and may also had poor installations resulting from inexperienced technicians.

6. Park in ghetto/isolated or remote locations:

This should not require any explanation. It is obvious that if you are parking your vehicle in a remote location away from your place and which is not even sight from the place, there are highly evident possibilities of getting it stolen.

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7. Keys being locked inside your vehicle:

It's a fact - drivers in the US tend to lock their car keys inside the cars rather often. This is a stressful situation that requires the fastest response possible and it's not recommended to use any improvised tools, because car door locks nowadays are much more secure than they used to be in the past, so it's hard to unlock them without professional tools.

8. Unnecessary ignition replacement:

Such parts as an ignition module or a car key don't always need to be replaced. In many cases, ignition issues can be repaired by professional locksmiths, so unless your ignition is damaged beyond repair - installation of a brand new ignition would mean nothing but extra money paid for no reason.

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9. Not installing a kill switch:

With 10 minutes and some basic tools, you can place a switch in a discreet, yet easily reachable area and have thieves wondering why the car won't start.

10. Not considering the environmental conditions:

The holiday cheer may be over and done with, but there’s still plenty of winter left to go. Which means icy roads, reduced visibility and probably more than one near-miss. Or worse. But there’s no cause for concern if you have four-wheel drive, right? Wrong. That won’t bail you out of a dangerous situation on a slick road. In fact, almost all of the worst hazards of winter driving have more to do with the driver than the car.

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11. Security from Yourself:

That’s right. You can be a threat to yourself if you are not experienced and aware enough of the safety measures to be consider during driving a regular vehicle or any other. You should be practicing all possible methods of safety before taking on to a vehicle.

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