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  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11


    A m o r m i n i s t r i e s Q u A r t e r ly n e w s l e t

    in this issue:


    Page 2

    GpladCSpiritual Preparation

    Page 4

    o hzGood Stewardship

    Page 5

    Bd FBringing hom

    to the Missio

    Page 6

    Mattersof theHeartS p r i n g 2 0 1 1 E d i t i o n

  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11


    In Ephesians 5, Christ uses his relationship with the Church as an

    example o how a marriage relationship should workshowing

    the importance o this relationship. The emphasis on this proves

    that the marriage relationship is one that requires an extreme

    amount o sacrice and love.

    However, the amount o sacrice and love needed to make a

    marriage last can sometimes be too much or couples. Perhaps

    this is why the U.S. has one o the highest divorce rates in

    the world with a rate o 3.4 divorces per 1000 people in 2010,

    according to the Hungton Post.

    As sociologist Andrew J. Cherlin observes in a landmark new

    book called The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage

    and the Family in America Today, what is signicant about

    contemporary American amilies, compared with those o

    other nations, is their combination o requent marriage,

    requent divorce and the high number o short-term

    co-habiting relationships. Taken together, these orces create

    a great turbulence in American amily lie, a amily fux, a comingand going o partners on a scale seen nowhere else. There are

    more partners in the personal lives o Americans than in the

    lives o people o any other Western country. (Time Magazine

    Article, Is There Hope or the American Marriage by Caitlin


    According to the July 2009 Time Magazine article there is no

    other single orce causing as much measurable hardship and

    human misery in this country as the collapse o marriage. It hurts

    children, reduces mothers nancial security, and has landed

    with particular devastation on those who can bear it least: the

    nations underclass.

    In areas that can be measured or long and short-term well being

    such as drug abuse, criminal behavior, school perormance and

    teen pregnancy, children rom one-parent households perorm

    worse than children rom low-confict two-parent households in

    every area.

    The past three presidents understood this as demonstrated

    by President Bill Clintons welare-to-work program which

    encouraged marriage, President George W. Bushs work to

    promote marriage, and President Barack Obamas remarks on

    the need or men to stay with their children.

    The requency and problems caused by broken marriages

    should bring about a desire to change and ollow the presidents


    While some marriages may be broken and irreparable, there are

    things that can be done to glue a marriage back together andpossibly make it even stronger.

    The rst step to a healthy marriage is commitment. The vows

    that are made at the altar sometimes lose their value 10 years

    later when lie gets more complicated and the airytale wedding

    seems like a lietime ago. Remembering that commitment and

    recognizing that you will keep that pledge or the rest o your lie

    will be the jumping point to xing a marriage. Understanding

    that you have embarked upon a lielong vow may help one

    understand the importance o working to make the marriage

    Matters of the Heart Spring 2011


    How Amor MinistriesSupports MarriageOne o Amors primary goals is to help

    keep amilies together. A frst step in

    keeping amilies together is helping

    promote strong marriages.

    Marriages can be strengthened through

    volunteering together. Amor encouragesyou to spend time volunteering with your

    spouse, whether it is on an Amor Mission

    Trip with your church, Amor Family Camp

    or one o our individual opportunities, such

    as an Amor X Project.

    For more inormation on participating in

    an Amor Mission Trip with your spouse


  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11


    Dear Friends o Amor,

    My amily moved a lot asI was growing up. As the

    child o a naval ocer wehad to pack up all our things

    and depart or a new home,oten in a new land, every

    two or three years. Once, just ater we had movedto France, my mom broke

    down and shared how hardthis was on her. As an 8 year old and the oldest boy

    in the amily I elt responsible. But it was too hard orme to bear. I responded, Im not a dad!! What she

    and I both needed was my dad to be there or her.

    This reminded me o the importance o marriageand amily, especially or children. The picture on

    my parents wall o their wedding day was a constantimage and memory o how much they loved and

    cared or each other. It was also a reminder, in someway, that their marriage was a signicant bond; owhich I was a real and integral part.

    In Mexico, one o the unique parts o a traditionalwedding ceremony is called the lasso, called a lazo

    in Spanish. It is when the bride and the groom are bothwrapped in a long rope in a gure eight. It is symbol o

    armation that their union and their commitment toalways be together side-by-side.

    It is very similar as to why Amor continues to becommitted to building homes or the poor. It helpskeep amilies together. We are committed to working

    side-by-side with the Church worldwide. We arecommitted to serve until death do us part and we

    hope you join us in that commitment.

    In Christ,

    Scott Congdon

    Founder and CEO

    Would you like to hear more from the Founders?

    Visit to receive Amors monthly

    eNews from Gayla or the Simply Scott blog to

    hear from Scott.

    Letterfrom the Foundehealthy and happywhich will eed into a happier and

    healthier lie.

    Showing appreciation or a spouse will help him or her not

    only eel happier in the commitment, but will also help the

    spouse appreciate you as well. This joint appreciation can

    assist a couple to work towards keeping the commitment

    o marriage. Everyone has dierent ways o expressing and

    eeling appreciated or loved. Many couples use the Five

    Love Languages quiz at to help

    determine the best way to express their love.

    Learning to communicate is not only key to showing love

    and appreciation, but it is also imperative to expressing

    concerns, expectations, and to resolving confict within a


    Yet none o these proposed steps can happen without

    spending time together. Dates together without kids or nights

    in without the TV can help a couple bond, communicate and

    express their love. Investing in each other on a regular basis

    will help the marriage grow and last.

    An activity that helps you not only spend time together,

    but work as a couple or a common goal is participating

    in volunteer work. Volunteering helps you recognize each

    others strengths and helps you support each other through

    weaknesses. It also helps put lie situations in perspective,

    realizing that the problems you have may not be as big as

    you realize.

    Finally, what may be the most important aspects o a strong

    marriage is sharing similar belies and goals. These two

    things help give a marriage strong roots as well as help acouple prioritize time, money, and talents.

    In a world that has become so used to accessing inormation

    and entertainment with the fip o a nger, the idea o

    prioritizing a lie-long commitment can seem daunting.

    However, a society that shies away rom commitment is one

    that never learns how to ollow through or endure rough

    times or the rewards that may be waiting. This is a society

    in which amilies begin to all apart and the relationships

    that are meant to be the most secure become the most

    unpredictable and heart-breaking, damaging both the

    adults in the marriage and the amilies that surround them.

    When it is realized that a marriage can have such a strongeect on a amilywhich eeds into its community, nation,

    and the worldit makes sense that Jesus put such an

    emphasis on this relationship. He knew that a strong

    example would be needed to illustrate how much sacrice

    and love should be put into it. Spouses are to each other as

    Christ is to the Church. When all else ails, that relationship

    is the most important relationship that humans can have on

    this earth.

  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11

    4/8Matters of the Heart Spring 2011

    Spiritual PreparationWhile the goal o an Amor Mission Trip is to spiritually impact

    both those building and receiving homes, the preparation

    needed to do that can all away when the logistical details begin

    to get complicated. A good way to ensure that your group is

    not only physically prepared, but also spiritually prepared or

    your Amor Mission Trip is to set aside a weekend or spiritualpreparation. Bruce Jones, a group leader rom Oregon, has

    been bringing groups o approximately 300 on Amor Mission

    Trips since 1995. With that many participants, Bruce is an

    expert logistician. To help make sure spiritual preparation

    remains the priority, Bruce takes his group on a work and

    spiritual enrichment retreat every year a ew months beore

    their Amor Mission Trip. He says it is a very good midway

    point to get people excited about the trip. For Bruces

    group, the trip gets everyone trained and makes sure all those

    participating are aware o what is going on. On the retrea

    they work hard at building community and ocus on spiritua

    disciplines such as quiet times and prayer. Bruce eels that the

    preparation time is so important that all o his more than 300

    participants attend it! He says that he would encourage evergroup to set aside time or something similar. So while the res

    o the year may seem taken over by trip planning, that spiritua

    retreat is a time to make the important spiritual preparations

    a priority.

    P.S. For more help with curriculum

    during retreats or throughout the

    year visit

    Group LeaderCorner

    Dont have a group to go on a trip with? Join X Project, a mission trip or

    individuals! Dont worry about coming on your own, the X Project will pair youup with ellow participants to serve.

    1-Day Trip: July 16, 20113-Day Trips: August 5-7, 2011 November 11-13, 2011

    To register, visit Call Mission Services at 619.662.1200 ext. 143.


  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11


    Good StewardshipOn the Horizon

    With greater attention being paid to the accountability

    practices o charities and non-prots alike, Amor Ministrieswould like to inorm you about our philosophy o good

    stewardship. Did you know, or example, that Amor

    Ministries is a member o the Evangelical Council or

    Financial Accountability (ECFA)?

    Founded in 1979 by evangelical leaders such as the

    Reverend Billy Graham, the ECFA is an accreditation

    agency dedicated to helping Christian ministries earn the

    publics trust through adherence to seven standards that

    convey God-honoring ethical practices.1 ECFA Members

    must adhere to the seven aorementioned standards

    along with an accompanyingannual review as well as

    submit to a nancial audit

    by an independent Certied

    Public Accountant. When

    completed, members are

    approved by the ECFAs

    Board o Directors, given the ocial seal o approval and are

    consequently considered trustworthy and accountable.

    Because Amor values the importance o transparency,

    Amor Ministries has been an approved ECFA member or

    the past 18 years. In act, nancial data about our Ministrysuch as Amors annual expenses and revenue can be

    ound directly on the ECFA Web site at and

    is updated each year.

    Add to all this, Amors general philosophy and desire to

    help the greatest number o amilies move towards

    greater sel-reliance. As such, Amor Ministries is

    continually seeking to honor each donors generosity anduse donations in the most eective way possible. Thats

    why donations support the entire Amor Mission and the

    mission o Amors Pastors serving on the Ministry Planning

    Boards or each region and country. Although Amor does

    not always use its limited resources to ully track individual

    items rom donation-to-distribution-to-specic amilies,

    you can be sure that the Ministry will use contributions

    where they can do the most good by combining gits within

    that git category to help transorm entire communities.

    In unding programs like Project Hope, or example,

    each Pastor receives apre-determined allotment o

    the program items such as

    bibles, based on the needs

    o his or her community. This

    model o ministry encourages

    the local Pastors to remain

    vigilant about the unique and varied circumstances o the

    peoples within their communities. In the coming months,

    Amor will be sharing more inormation on the various ways

    donors can give and more specically, how contributions

    to programs are allotted.For more inormation about a specic program or to make

    a donation, please contact Melissa Salazar, director o

    Ministry Relations at 619.662.1200 x.129.

    1Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship, Evangelical Council

    for Financial Accountability,

    Amor is hosting a 5K Fun Run/Walk in San Diego on September 24th to raise unds and awareness or our Ministry inMexico, South Arica, and the United States.

    The day will start with a un run/walk and end with a Padres Baseball game. More details will be on our website soon, butuntil then, invite all o your riends and amily to join in on the un run/walk and baseball game on September 24, 2011!Visit or more inormation.

    Because Amor values the

    importance of transparency, Amor

    Ministries has been an approved

    ECFA member for the past 18 years.

  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11


    Bringing Hometo the Mission FieldAmor hopes that each participant that

    comes on an Amor Mission Trip will beso impacted by their trip that they let

    the mission experience permeate their

    lie back home. What sometimes isnt

    seen, however, is how much lie back

    home eects the experience in the eld.

    A structural engineer, like Mark Sarkisian

    o San Anselmo, Caliornia would likely

    bring a large piece o lie at home to an

    Amor Mission Trip.

    Mark P. Sarkisian is the Director o Seismic

    and Structural Engineering or Skidmore,

    Owings & Merrill LLP in San Francisco.His career has ocused on innovative

    structural engineering solutions or

    building projects. He has worked on

    more than 75 major building projects

    around the world including: the United

    States Embassy in Beijing; the NBC

    Tower in Chicago; The Cathedral o Christ

    the Light in Oakland; Jin Mao Tower in

    Shanghai (the seventh tallest building

    in the world); and the Al-Hamra Tower

    in Kuwait, according to

    On top o all this work, Mark works with a

    group o leaders to plan an Amor MissionTrip to Baja Caliornia, Mexico every

    summer or more than 60 participants

    rom Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church

    in San Anselmo.

    Mark became a member o Sleepy

    Hollow Presbyterian Church in 2001, a

    church that has been participating in

    Amor Mission Trips since 1997. He was

    intrigued by the trip because o what

    he had heard o the experience and

    then was pushed to participate when his

    oldest daughter decided to go. Ater

    a ew years, he ended up planning and

    leading the trips.

    Considering their knowledge o building,

    many engineers may nd it dicult to

    come to Mexico and build a simple

    11 x 22 structure with a bunch o high

    school kids, but Mark says he welcomes

    the experience. He explains that the

    principles o building are the same in

    that no matter how simple the build

    is, through discussion you can show

    people how to take a drawing and createsomething tangible. You use the same

    avenue o communication to move an

    idea to a structure.

    Mark has had to come up with some

    complicated ideas to create such

    incredible structures. One particularly

    noteworthy idea came when he was part o

    a team that had to engineer a building to

    replace the St. Francis de Sales Cathedra

    in Oakland which was destroyed by the

    Loma Prieta Earthquake that shook the

    San Francisco Bay area in 1989. Markhelped build the Cathedral o Christ the

    Light, which would replace the St. Francis

    de Sales Cathedral, made out o wood

    and glass and near both the San Andreas

    and Hayward ault lines. Mark knew tha

    this would be an incredibly complicated

    building due to its location in Caliornia

    Using his education in engineering, Mark

    was able to build a seemingly delicate

    but sturdy building that would be able to

    withstand an earthquake largely because

    Matters of the Heart Spring 2011

    Beyond the Field

    Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church on their most recent Amor Mission Trip

  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11


    the building was designed to rest on seismic isolation

    bearings. These stainless steel riction pendulum

    bearings allow the building to move gently even in

    violent earthquakes by separating the motion o the

    ground rom the building.

    As a structural engineer, Mark has to think about the

    eects that gravity, wind and earthquakes will have

    on a building. While building in Mexico, Mark may

    not have to worry about glass buildings built on ault

    lines, but Mark does enjoy explaining the principles

    o engineering to his students while on his AmorMission Trip.

    Mark eels that the Amor Mission Trip is ar more

    than just building a home. A great preparation takes

    place or a comprehensive experience where students

    understand the value o helping those less ortunate

    and interacting with some amazing amilies. He eels

    that the most important part o the trip is watching the

    transormation o the land and guiding the students

    with the idea that they can accomplish great things in

    a short time.

    Mark continues to serve with Amor with the goal

    to inspire both the participants building and those

    receiving a home.

    *For more information on Marks work on the Cathedralof Christ the Light visit

    If you have a story about how the Amor Mission Triphas transformed your life, your career, or your family,we want to hear more! Submit your stories and hearother Amor Mission Trip stories,


    Amor Family Camp is a week o camping, serving, and

    growing together. Families rom all over the world meetin San Diego to travel together across the border to serve

    in Mexico, while also including amily riendly activities.

    Amor Family Camp oers the traditional Amor Mission

    Trip experience with the unique opportunity to serve

    side-by-side with your amily. You may choose or you

    and your house to serve the Lord, but realistically, how

    many opportunities do we have in society or in the

    church to serve together as

    a amily?

    Bring your amily!

    Amor Family Camp:June 18 25, 2011

    Register online at www.


    Call Mission Services at

    619-662-1200 ext.6.

    Next year, Amor is oering a new opportunity in

    South AricaA Father & Son Mission Trip! This

    Amor Mission Trip is going to be an impactul time

    or athers and sons, as they come together to serve,

    bond, learn, stretch, and love.

    Father & Son Mission Trip: July 2012

    Amor will also be oering a trip or women o all ages

    to come together rom all over the world as Women

    o Strength and return home

    even stronger.

    Women of Strength:

    July 2012

    Go to

    or more inormation.

    Amor Family Camp -Join us today!Tijuana, Mexico

    Join us in South Africa!

    Book Your 2011 AmorMission Trip Today

    In 2011, Amor is serving in the ollowing


    Tecate, Mexico ................... Spring only

    Rosarito, Mexico ............... Summer only

    Tijuana, Mexico .................. Year-round

    Puerto Peasco, Mexico .... Year-round

    San Carlos, Arizona ............ Year-round

    Register online at

    Questions? Call Mission Services at

    619.662.1200 ext. 6.

  • 8/7/2019 MOTH - Spring - 11


    1664 Precision Park LaneSan Diego, CA 92173





    PERMIT NO. 121

    We Welcome Your Feedback!I you have story suggestions or

    photos to contribute, please email

    our editor Erin Illingworth at

    [email protected] or submit at

    Calendar ofEvents

    X Project Mission Tripstjaa, mxcA mission trip or individuals

    1-Day Trips: July 16, 20113-Day Trips:

    August 5-7, 2011November 11-13, 2011

    Register online or contact

    Mission Services at 619.662.1200 ext. 6.

    Save the DateLion Chase 5K Fun Run/Walksa Dg, CA

    September 24, 2011

    Check our website soonor more inormation.

    South Africa Mission TripsDa, s Afca

    July 2012

    Father & Son Mission TripWomen o Strength Mission TripIndividual Mission TripGroup Mission Trip

    Visit or call 619.662.1200ext. 121 or more inormation.

    Family CampA mission trip or amilies

    June 18 - 25, 2011

    For more inormation or contact Mission Services at619.662.1200 ext. 135.