motion control, mechatronics design, and moore’s law

Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law Maarten Steinbuch * a) Non-member, Tom Oomen * Non-member Hans Vermeulen ** ,* Non-member Technology in a broad sense is driven by developments in semiconductor technology, particularly with respect to the computational power of devices and systems, as well as sensor technology. The progress of semiconductor tech- nology has demonstrated an exponential curve since the middle of the previous century, representing Moore’s Law. Consequently, it is of utmost importance to bridge the gaps between disciplines in the fields of control, automation, and robotics. Moreover, data-driven approaches need to be combined with model-based design. This will lead to new digital twinning and automated design approaches that provide major opportunities. Furthermore, this necessitates the redefinition of our university system. Keywords: Lithography, Motion control, Learning Control, Mechatronics, Moore’s Law, University4.0 1. Introduction The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations pose researchers and engineers world- wide with new challenges and partly redirect and focus re- search and innovation. Without hesitation one could say that technology in general and computing power in particular are instrumental for the solutions to be found. IC (Integrated Cir- cuit) technology determines both computational power of de- vices and systems, as well as sensor technology. Coming decade we will see a tremendous acceleration of smart sys- tems entering almost all aspects of human life and aecting the SDGs: e.g. our health care (1) , our mobility (2) , our energy systems and climate, our work, our mobile devices. Although we might have the impression that this acceleration is hap- pening only recently, progress of the semiconductor technol- ogy can be seen to follow an exponential curve since halfway the previous century. This doubling every fixed time frame has been observed (3) in 1965 for the first time, and is now called Moore’s Law. In Figure 1, a plot is shown of the computational power on a logarithmic scale vertically as a function of time hor- izontally, on a linear scale. As can been seen in the fig- ure, the curve even bents upwards from a straight line, on the semi-log plot, meaning that Moore’s Law is describing semicon technology even faster than exponentially. The cur- rent rate of change is doubling computational power for the same cost, every 1.5 to 2 years. As far as we know it can be expected that this doubling will exists at least for the next ten years, and after that emerging technologies such as quan- tum computing will be available. We refer interested readers to (3) (4) , here we will focus on the consequences for our field, both from a content point of view as well as from an organi- a) Correspondence to: [email protected] * Eindhoven University of Technology, Control Systems Technol- ogy Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. ** ASML. Fig. 1. Moore’s law (5) . sation point of view. First, let us look into the technology that in fact drives Moore’s Law. If we look to all processing steps in the man- ufacturing of IC, thus including front-end (chemical process- ing, lithography) as well as back-end (die bonding, packag- ing), it is a direct consequence they all have to follow the same exponential curve. Of these processing steps, the sin- gle most impressive and complicated step is the step of writ- ing the actual patterns on a silicon wafer in a lithographic tool. Nowadays, this is done in a wafer scanner machine. This machine, and especially the newest EUV (Extreme Ul- tra Violet) wafer scanner machine, which costs > 150 Me per piece, can be viewed as the world’s most complicated mecha- tronic system ever made in human mankind: moving masses of around 100 kg, accelerating with over 100 m/s 2 , and next position with a motion accuracy in the order of nanometers in all degrees of freedom in a few milliseconds. As an imme- diate result, the developments for this machine are the major driver for developing advanced motion control methods (6) (7) , as well as mechatronic design principles (8) . In Section 2, we will briefly describe the essentials of the machine, and high- light a new feasibility study on superconducting motors and © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. 1 Advance Publication IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications J-STAGE Advance published date : Aug. 6, 2021 DOI : 10.1541/ieejjia.21006010 Invited Paper

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Page 1: Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law

Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law

Maarten Steinbuch∗a) Non-member, Tom Oomen∗ Non-member

Hans Vermeulen∗∗,∗ Non-member

Technology in a broad sense is driven by developments in semiconductor technology, particularly with respect tothe computational power of devices and systems, as well as sensor technology. The progress of semiconductor tech-nology has demonstrated an exponential curve since the middle of the previous century, representing Moore’s Law.Consequently, it is of utmost importance to bridge the gaps between disciplines in the fields of control, automation,and robotics. Moreover, data-driven approaches need to be combined with model-based design. This will lead to newdigital twinning and automated design approaches that provide major opportunities. Furthermore, this necessitates theredefinition of our university system.

Keywords: Lithography, Motion control, Learning Control, Mechatronics, Moore’s Law, University 4.0

1. Introduction

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulatedby the United Nations pose researchers and engineers world-wide with new challenges and partly redirect and focus re-search and innovation. Without hesitation one could say thattechnology in general and computing power in particular areinstrumental for the solutions to be found. IC (Integrated Cir-cuit) technology determines both computational power of de-vices and systems, as well as sensor technology. Comingdecade we will see a tremendous acceleration of smart sys-tems entering almost all aspects of human life and affectingthe SDGs: e.g. our health care (1), our mobility (2), our energysystems and climate, our work, our mobile devices. Althoughwe might have the impression that this acceleration is hap-pening only recently, progress of the semiconductor technol-ogy can be seen to follow an exponential curve since halfwaythe previous century. This doubling every fixed time framehas been observed (3) in 1965 for the first time, and is nowcalled Moore’s Law.

In Figure 1, a plot is shown of the computational poweron a logarithmic scale vertically as a function of time hor-izontally, on a linear scale. As can been seen in the fig-ure, the curve even bents upwards from a straight line, onthe semi-log plot, meaning that Moore’s Law is describingsemicon technology even faster than exponentially. The cur-rent rate of change is doubling computational power for thesame cost, every 1.5 to 2 years. As far as we know it canbe expected that this doubling will exists at least for the nextten years, and after that emerging technologies such as quan-tum computing will be available. We refer interested readersto (3) (4), here we will focus on the consequences for our field,both from a content point of view as well as from an organi-

a) Correspondence to: [email protected]∗ Eindhoven University of Technology, Control Systems Technol-

ogy Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven,The Netherlands.

∗∗ ASML.

Fig. 1. Moore’s law (5).

sation point of view.First, let us look into the technology that in fact drives

Moore’s Law. If we look to all processing steps in the man-ufacturing of IC, thus including front-end (chemical process-ing, lithography) as well as back-end (die bonding, packag-ing), it is a direct consequence they all have to follow thesame exponential curve. Of these processing steps, the sin-gle most impressive and complicated step is the step of writ-ing the actual patterns on a silicon wafer in a lithographictool. Nowadays, this is done in a wafer scanner machine.This machine, and especially the newest EUV (Extreme Ul-tra Violet) wafer scanner machine, which costs > 150 Me perpiece, can be viewed as the world’s most complicated mecha-tronic system ever made in human mankind: moving massesof around 100 kg, accelerating with over 100 m/s2, and nextposition with a motion accuracy in the order of nanometersin all degrees of freedom in a few milliseconds. As an imme-diate result, the developments for this machine are the majordriver for developing advanced motion control methods (6) (7),as well as mechatronic design principles (8). In Section 2, wewill briefly describe the essentials of the machine, and high-light a new feasibility study on superconducting motors and

© 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. 1

Advance PublicationIEEJ Journal of Industry Applications J-STAGE Advance published date : Aug. 6, 2021DOI : 10.1541/ieejjia.21006010

Invited Paper

Page 2: Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law

Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law (Maarten Steinbuch et al.)

on an adaptive wafer table. In Section 3 on motion control wewill share a comprehensive overview of activities on learningcontrol and the relations with data-based control, AI, systemidentification, and digital twins for predictive maintenance.

Next to this technical content, in Section 4, before weclose with conclusions in Section 5, we will formulate a morephilosophical question: if the technology develops exponen-tially, are we then able to follow and support this sufficientlyat our universities, and which paradigm do we need for edu-cation and research for the future? In fact, currently, researchis being done in a linear way, and this might be too slow.Henceforth, we introduce the notion of the 4th generation ofUniversity, or University 4.0, enabling local ecosystems andbeing much more focused and agile than before.

We might play a crucial role as researchers and engineers,especially in our fields of systems and control, mechatronicsand systems thinking, because the world and its SDGs requirea much more holistic view.

2. Mechatronic challenges in wafer scanner tech-nology

2.1 A Mechatronics overview of a scanner Opticallithography is a technology that has enabled mass productionof ICs (9) (10) (11). Nowadays, ICs are used in almost all elec-trical devices and equipment, including computers, mobiledevices and other digital appliances, due to their potential atlow production cost. Growth in the semiconductor industryis characterized by Moore’s law: based on a few data points,Gordon Moore predicted (3) in 1965 that the number of tran-sistors in an IC would double approximately every year. Thistrend, which was adjusted later to a doubling every 18-24months, has continued for more than half a century, and isexpected to continue at least another decade. The law is usedby the semiconductor industry to guide long-term planningand to set targets for research and development (9).

In optical lithography (or photolithography), light trans-fers a geometric pattern from an image (mask or reticle) toa light-sensitive chemical layer (resist) on a semiconductorsubstrate (silicon wafer). By far the most common method ofexposure is projection printing, where an image is projectedthrough a lens system. Projection is done either stationary(wafer stepper) or by scanning (wafer scanner). In the lat-ter case, the mask (reticle) stage and the substrate (wafer)stage move synchronously in opposite direction while a slitof light is moving at constant speed across the mask. Sincemultiple dies are exposed sequentially at the wafer, a hybridstep-and-scan approach is typically used. After exposing afield, the wafer is stepped to a new location and the scan isrepeated. The wafer scanner allows for reduced dimensionsand relaxed requirements in terms of optical aberrations ofthe projection optics, which results in reduced cost for largerfield size. In hybrid step-and-scan systems, however, a fullsix degrees of freedom isolated machine architecture basedon, among others, active magnetic bearing systems was keyto enable nanometer-level performance (12) (13).

After exposure, a series of chemical treatments then eitheretches the exposure pattern into the material underneath thephoto resist, or enables material deposition in the desired pat-tern upon it. A modern semiconductor wafer may go up to 60times (10, page 601) through this lithographic cycle in order to real-

Fig. 2. Overview of an ASML Wafer Scanner.

ize the different layers of a modern device.Optical lithography is, and will continue to be, vital in

semiconductor growth and profits improvement. For reduc-tion in feature size, the wavelength progressed from blue(436 nm) to UV (365 nm) to deep-UV (248 nm and 193 nm)to Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) (13.5 nm). This wavelengthis close to X-ray (below 10 nm) and it is absorbed by all ma-terials including traditional transmissive lens materials andair. Only reflective optics (mirrors) are a practical option forbeam shaping in the EUV case. These are covered with acoating with up to 100 layers of Molybdenum and Silicon.

2.2 Towards superconducting motors AlthoughMoore’s Law is enabled primarily by technology enhance-ments to cram more components onto integrated circuits, italso predicts the economic advantage of reduced cost perfunction. In addition to shrinking the dimensions, leadingto enhanced functionality per unit of surface area, increasedproductivity has highly contributed to reduced cost of owner-ship. Unlike other process steps in IC fabrication, lithographyis a die-to-die process, for which velocity and accelerationof the wafer stage and reticle stage are key to productivity.Over the last twenty years, the stage acceleration has beenincreased by more than a factor five, and for next generationEUV systems, reticle stage accelerations of over 300 m/s2

will be used (8) (14). In combination with a more efficient ma-chine concept based on a dual wafer stage (TWINSCAN TM)and planar motor technology, the productivity in wafers perhour has more than tripled over the last twenty years.

To enable further enhancements in stage acceleration po-tential, i.e., force per unit of actuator volume, either a fur-ther increase in magnetic field density B [T], and/or currentdensity J [A/m2] is required according to Lorentz Law. Incurrently used linear and planar motors based on neodymiumpermanent magnets, the magnetic field density at the mov-ing coils is bound to approximately 0.7 T, and the currentdensity in the moving coils is squeezed out to several tens ofA/mm2 by the application of water cooling. To explore fur-ther revolutionary enhancements in stage acceleration, super-conductivity is currently being explored (15) (16). Thin film rare-earth barium copper oxide (ReBCO) superconductors (1986)provide exceptionally high current densities at high magneticfield density in the range of 4 − 50 K. Depending on the ap-plied magnetic field density and orientation, a maximum cur-rent density in commercially available superconducting lay-

2 IEEJ Trans. XX, Vol.131, No.1, 2011

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Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law (Maarten Steinbuch et al.)

18 Chapter 1. Introduction

1.4 Superconducting planar motor overview

Figure 1.13 shows a schematic overview of a planar motor for lithography application withDC superconducting coils generating a static magnetic �eld. �e top view shows two waferstages (green) with wafers (red) above a superconducting magnet plate (light blue). �emagnetic �eld polarity (north or south-pole facing upwards) is shown in the top right cornerand two black crosses indicate the wafer measurement and exposure location, as explainedin Section 1.1. Fixation of the superconducting magnet plate is schematically representedby the dark blue struts. �e cold frame (light blue) is surrounded by a thermal shield (yel-low) and by a vacuum vessel (gray). �e thermal shield signi�cantly reduces cooling e�ort(>20x Chapter 3) by removing a large part of the heat-leak at a higher temperature. �eapproximate outer dimensions of the vacuum vessel are 2.5 m ⇥ 1.5 m ⇥ 0.5 m, which isdrawn to scale. �e mover dimensions and magnetic pitch are drawn to scale as well, whichresults in a total of 562 superconducting coils shown in the �gure.

0.6 m









2.5 m

1.5 m

0.5 m




0.6 m

cryocooler vacuum pump

vacuum vessel

thermal shield

cold frame superconducting coils


current leads

amplifiersupports +≠

0.6 m

0.6 m

coil designthin insulation

0.6 m

0.6 m

Figure 1.13: Schematic overview of a superconducting planar motor for a lithography application.Fig. 3. Schematic representation of superconductingplanar motor for lithography application with variouscomponents, viz. cold frame (light blue) with super-conducting coils (orange), active thermal shield (yellow),vacuum vessel (gray), and struts for kinematic mounting(dark blue). Two movers (green) carrying the wafer (red)are magnetically levitated at room temperature (19).

22 Chapter 2. Electromagnetic coil design

2.1 Introduction

An array of superconducting coils with alternating polarization (i.e. current direction)forms a magnet plate as shown in Figure 2.1. Both superconducting (light and dark grayfor polarity) and mover coils (orange) are shown with a distance of 10 mm in between. �isis su�cient for thermal insulation as discussed in Section 3.3. Additionally, the magneticpitch p (do�ed lines) of 50 mm is used. �is chapter describes the derivation of supercon-ducting coil geometry, which de�nes a large part of the magnet plate design. Furthermore,the resulting magnetic �eld density generates multiple forces on the superconducting coils,such as mutual a�raction (red arrows), which are provided at the end of this chapter.









top view side view

10 mm

12 mm


mover coils


Figure 2.1: Top and side view of three racetrack coils above an array of circular superconducting magnets.

2.2 Electromagnet geometry

�e superconducting coil geometry is derived by maximizing the magnetic �eld densitygenerated, for a given volume. �is minimizes the conductor cost for a desired magnetic�eld density, which is necessary because high temperature superconductors are costly (inthe order of 40 $/m for 4mm wide tape). �e analysis is based on Chapters 1, 6 and 8 from[72], which provide a coil geometry for maximal central magnetic �eld density. �is isextended to maximizing magnetic �eld density at a point above the coil.

A circular coil is analyzed and no signi�cant improvement is expected when windingthe coil on a more square shaped mandrel due to the minimal bending diameter of 11 mm

for the superconductor [97]. A uniform current density distribution is assumed throughoutthe coil cross-section. Furthermore, coil material is not discussed here, because it has anindirect in�uence on magnetic �eld density. �e next section describes superconductingmaterial properties de�ning the maximal current density.

Figure 2.2 shows the coil geometry with its dimensional parameters. �e le� illustra-tion shows the coil top view indicating the current density direction. �e second illustration

Fig. 4. Normal conducting three-phase race-track coilsof mover (orange) above array of superconducting mag-nets (gray) with magnetic pitch p (19).

ers of up to 100 kA/mm2 is feasible.Since the invention in 1911 by the Dutch physicist Heinke

Kamerlingh Onnes, many superconducting magnet configu-rations have been developed to reliably operate over long pe-riods of time, e.g., for particle accelerators such as the LargeHadron Collider at CERN and for scanners for magnetic res-onance imaging in medical radiology. As opposed to big-science and medical applications, a superconducting coil fora linear or planar motor application in high-tech equipmenthas specific characteristics and challenges related to the smallfootprint, high force density, and stable (room) temperaturerequirements at close proximity to the cryostat. This requiresa very high filling ratio with the risk of delamination, a high-stiffness coil support with minimum thermal conductivity (17),and a very thin isolation layer in the magnetic gap of the su-perconducting motor (18).

A conceptual design (18) (19) of a superconducting magnet

plate for planar motor application is shown in Figure 3 andFigure 4. By optimizing the magnetic field density per unitof volume (cost) as figure of merit, an increase in peak mag-netic field density by a factor of 6 seems feasible for HTScoils compared to a permanent magnet array. In view of thelimited thermal efficiency of cryogenic coolers in the order ofa few percent of the Carnot efficiency, the design is optimizedfor heat load in the coil fixation and thin thermal isolationof the cryostat. A non-contact thermal isolation is proposedbased on struts between top and bottom plate and a fully en-closing thermal shield at 80 K, thereby limiting the heat loadat 4 K to a few Kelvin, and enabling the use of commerciallyavailable cryogenic coolers. Based on a material model de-scribing the layered superconductor with orthotropic materialproperties, the individual layer stress in the superconductingtape can be calculated. To reduce thermal stress due to cool-ing down and Lorentz motor forces and avoid tensile stresspotentially delaminating the coil, winding pretension is usedand additional compressive radial stress is applied to the in-dividual coils.

2.3 Adaptive wafer table To further reduce the min-imum feature size or critical dimension (CD) in semiconduc-tor chips, tight control of depth of focus and overlay betweensuccessive layers in the lithography process are key. Varia-tion in depth of focus results in CD variation and hence af-fects performance and yield. One of the main contributorsto focus variation is the unflatness of the wafer support, i.e.,the wafer table. In view of thousands of wafers being pro-cessed per day in high volume manufacturing mode and fastwafer exchange, the flatness of the wafer table is deterioratedby mechanical wear and contamination, negatively affectingoverlay and focus performance over a significant area. A firstfeasibility was conducted on an adaptive wafer table, an ac-tive system, which allows for mechanical deformation of thesupported wafer in the edge region by means of over 1600embedded piezoelectric actuators driven via a multiplexer toreduce the number of high-voltage connections (20). Simula-tions using an electromechanical model, including active hys-teresis compensation and a creep operator to limit the effectsof the piezo actuator non-linearities, show a performance im-provement from over 200 nm to less than 15 nm.

In addition to wafer table unflatness due to wear and con-tamination, other effects may also result in a mismatch (non-conformity) between the projected aerial image and the im-age plane. Deviations due to heating effects of the mask, theprojection optics and the wafer, and processing effects re-sulting in intra-die wafer deformations, result in additionalin-plane and out-of-plane mismatch between image and im-age plane. A feasibility study to improve intra-die field cur-vature via a piezo electrically driven photomask manipula-tor (21) (22), initiated a study to investigate the potential of anadaptive wafer table, focusing on distributed control and ac-tuation concepts and the mechatronics architecture.

A controller algorithm (23) for an adaptive wafer table to re-duce high-frequency thermal induced wafer deformations athigh spatial resolution (mm-scale) can be solved using op-timization. Based on actuator influence functions, it com-putes optimal actuator forces that are used in feedforwardcontrol. By using the localized feedforward controller aroundthe exposure slit, the thermal induced wafer deformations

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Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law (Maarten Steinbuch et al.)

Wafer (if present)


0.25 ◊ 6


rs (6◊)




R 150 mm


Fig. 5. Schematic representation of adaptive wafer tablecarrying the wafer (gray) consisting of a clamp with burls(light blue), and 6 active piezoelectric layers at variousrelative angles (25).

Fig. 6. Z-displacement of actuated saddle shapes (25).






Fig. 7. Representation of interdigitated electrodes (left),and the resulting electric field in orange (right) (25).

during exposure are expected to be reduced by a factor 5to 10. A new concept is described (24) to characterize bothin-plane and out-of plane influence functions with an ac-curacy of 98 percent, via the employment of both the di-rect and indirect piezoelectric effect by activating one piezo-element and measuring the charges generated on the neigh-boring piezo-elements. The charges are then computed intoactuator displacements and fitted using solutions to the Bi-harmonic plate equation with Winkler foundation.

In addition to the intra-die wafer actuation, an adaptivewafer table is currently being investigated, which allowsfor macroscopic actuation to enable conformal wafer load-ing (26). Due to residual stress in the wafer top surface as aresult of successive processing steps, such as film deposition,thermal processing and chemical-mechanical planarization,









Fig. 8. Motion control architecture.

wafer warpage will occur, which, in turn, results in waferinternal stress and deformation. This process is governedby the interaction between the local friction coefficient µ ofthe wafer table and the wafer, which may vary due to, e.g.,wear, contamination and wafer backside processing, and thenormal clamping force, and results in non-reproducible localvariations and hence, overlay errors. As the number of lay-ers is expected to continue to grow, especially in 3D-NANDmemory applications, where typically 150-300 layers are ex-posed, wafer warpage is also expected to increase, already upto values of 0.5 mm peak-to-valley. A design (25) for an ac-tive deformable wafer table is proposed Figure 5, based on astack of six piezo ceramic PZT layers with embedded inter-digitated electrodes, for controlling both the in-plane strainand curvature degrees of freedom, conformal to the shape ofthe wafer. Currently, an actuator prototype is being built forexperimental validation. See also Figure 6 and Figure 7.

3. Accuracy-Driven Motion Control

Positioning systems are the key enabling technology formachines such as lithographic wafer scanners. In wafer scan-ners, exposure takes place while the mask stage and sub-strate stage move synchronously with a constant velocitywith nanometer accuracy. A motion control system deter-mines the desired actuator inputs, see Section 2.2, based onthe desired reference r and measured actual position y.

Traditionally, mechatronic systems are designed such thatthe relevant performance variables are not significantly af-fected by mechanical and thermal deformations during nor-mal operation. In particular, the mechanics of a motion sys-tem such as a wafer or reticle stage, can be approximated as alinear dynamic system and can be represented by the transferfunction matrix (27)

y(s) =



s2︸ ︷︷ ︸rigid−body modes




s2 + 2ζiωis + ω2i︸ ︷︷ ︸

flexible modes


where y is the output position, u is the actuator input, nRBis the number of rigid-body modes, the vectors ci ∈ R

ny ,bi ∈ R

nu are associated with the mode shapes, and ζi, ωi ∈ R+.Here, ns ∈ N may be very large and even infinite. Variables is a complex indeterminate due to the Laplace transform.In traditional motion systems, the flexible modes are oftenfar beyond the target bandwidth and considered as parasiticdynamics (28). Note that in this paper we do not consider thebroader and different class of (non-linear) robotic manipula-tors.

4 IEEJ Trans. XX, Vol.131, No.1, 2011

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Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law (Maarten Steinbuch et al.)

Fig. 9. Traditional decentralized feedback control, whereeach motion degree of freedom is controlled by a singleactuator/sensor pair.

3.1 Traditional motion control A typical motioncontrol architecture for wafer scanners is depicted in Fig-ure 8, where the goal is to let the output of the system y,typically a position, track the desired reference r, hence tominimize the error signal e = r − y. To this end, two designchoices are made by the control engineer: the feedforwardcontrol signal f and feedback controller K in Figure 8.

In most industrial motion system designs, where the flexi-ble modes in (1) are significantly beyond the bandwidth fre-quency, high control performance can be obtained by de-signing the feedback controller K by Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) filters for each rigid-body motion degree offreedom, possibly with additional notch filters (29) in case the(reproducible) parasitic flexible dynamics endanger closed-loop performance or stability. These filters are easy to tuneusing measured frequency response functions (28) (30). The ba-sic idea is depicted in Figure 9, where each motion degree offreedom has one actuator/sensor pair associated with it, lead-ing to a decentralized control structure.

The feedforward controller for predominantly rigid-bodysystems also directly follows from (1). Indeed, the rigid-bodydynamics satisfy Newton’s second law, hence through accel-eration feedforward f = mr, where m is an estimate of themass and r is the reference acceleration profile for each mo-tion degree of freedom. Additionally, velocity and frictionfeedforward schemes can be added if appropriate.

Despite excellent mechatronic designs, increasing perfor-mance and throughput requirements have spurred refine-ments in feedforward and feedback control design (31) (32) (33).For example, the feedforward has been extended with snapfeedforward (34) to compensate for the compliance associatedwith the flexible modes in (1).

In addition to these improvements in controller tuning, weenvisage a radically new design of future mechatronic sys-tems, which will become data-intensive due to the use of

Fig. 10. Overactuated and oversensed motion control.Additional sensors are used to estimate the internal defor-mations of the system, which are subsequently activelycompensated for by applying a detailed force and torqueprofile through spatially distributed actuators.

many sensors and actuators, in addition to new mechatronicdesigns (35). These will lead to improved performance and sys-tem availability of future machines, leading to high accuracy,throughput, and reduced cost.

3.2 Over-actuated and over-sensed motion controlTraditional motion performance is limited by the flexible dy-namics in (1). In particular, the closed-loop bandwidth gen-erally has to be substantially below the frequency at whichflexible modes occur, see (36, Section 3) for a detailed analysis. Inaddition to viscoelastic and viscous passive damping solu-tions (37) (38), overactuation and oversensing significantly openup the solution space to further enhancements. A key ideain overactuation and oversensing is to avoid excitation of in-ternal resonances in the rigid body transfer function, to im-prove the rigid body estimate at the point of control, or toactively suppress (dampen) vibration modes and shift limit-ing flexible dynamics to higher frequencies (39) (40). In particu-lar, this directly enables higher accuracy through increasingthe control bandwidth. Also, it enables radically new systemdesigns that are lightweight and can therefore achieve muchhigher accelerations, since the maximum acceleration is re-ciprocal to the mass of the stage (41, Section 1). Interestingly, newmotor concepts, including planar motors, see Section 2.2, di-rectly enable the application of spatially distributed forces toactively control mode shapes. The words overactuation andoversensing stem from the fact that more actuators and sen-sors are being used as there as rigid-body degrees of freedom.This area is already an active research area for decades in thefield of flexible solar orbital systems, aerospace and adaptiveoptics. Over the last 5-10 years, it has been entering indus-trial motion systems, in particular for wafer stage systems.

Regarding feedback control, the idea of overactuationhas led to a major increase in stiffness and damping of

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Motion Control, Mechatronics Design, and Moore’s Law (Maarten Steinbuch et al.)

Fig. 11. Integrated thermal and motion control (48). Inaddition, the motion control loops of multiple controlloops are integrated, since these all aim at achieving thesame goal: pushing Moore’s law forward.

performance-limiting flexible modes. Consequently, this hasenabled improved closed-loop bandwidth and improved po-sition accuracy. The key idea in this approach is to identifymodels of the flexible modes, see (42) for recent developments.Next, this model is used in a robust control design based onH∞-optimization (41), where this model is internally used asan observer (43). In turn, this allows to actively compensatethe mode-shapes, see Figure 10.

Regarding feedforward control, the use of spatially dis-tributed actuators allows beating major performance limita-tions. Indeed, while non-minimum phase zeros directly in-troduce additional fundamental performance limitations forfeedback systems (44), their practical implications are oftenlimited. In sharp contrast, for advanced feedforward designnon-minimum phase dynamics lead to difficulties (45) (46). Inter-estingly, non-square systems, where the number of actuatorsis larger than the number of performance variables (44), gener-ally do not have non-minimum phase zeros, enabling perfectcausal feedforward, see (47) for a recent advanced motion feed-forward approach.

Overall, these developments in both feedback and feedfor-ward control reveal that increased controller performance isdirectly achievable for positioning systems. In turn, it alsoallows for new system designs, since flexible dynamics in (1)can be made stiff and well-damped by active control, insteadof mechanical design. This paves the way for revolutionarylightweight system designs that allow much higher accelera-tions and throughput.

3.3 Multiphysics models for thermo-mechanical mo-tion control In view of increasing accuracy and through-put requirements, the model (1) must be extended to in-clude thermal aspects to achieve (sub)nanometer accuracy.Indeed, increased accelerations require additional actuatorpower, see Section 2.2, leading to thermal gradients and con-

10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2−40





Frequency [Hz]





Fig. 12. Improved identification using new non-para-metric modeling techniques (red, with variance bound inshaded red) and further improved model using additionaldisturbance sensors (blue, with reduced variance boundin shaded blue).

sequently thermo-mechanical deformations. In addition, in-creasing performance requirements imply that these thermo-mechanical deformations become increasingly important inthe overall error budgets (49).

The key idea (48) is to address thermo-mechanical aspectsin precision motion control, as occurring in wafer stages,by introducing thermal control loops and interconnectingthese with motion control loops, see Figure 11. Theseapproaches include new estimation techniques, where thethermo-mechanical deformations are estimated using temper-ature measurements and accurate multiphysics models of thesystem, which are consequently used to compensate in the(high bandwidth) motion control loops. Also, the tempera-ture measurements are used directly in thermal control loops,including the use of Peltier elements for accurate temperaturecontrol.

A major challenge in these thermal control loops are theslow time constants and potentially large external distur-bances that hamper the modeling process. To this end, majorimprovements have been made regarding non-parametric fre-quency response function identification in the last decade (50).These approaches have been further developed and tailoredtowards thermal systems, where in addition external temper-ature sensors enable a substantial further improvement of theidentified models, see Figure 12 (51).

3.4 Centralized control for synchronizing subsystemsThe idea of combined thermal and mechanical control canbe pushed even further, by realizing that contemporary waferscanners consists of a large number of subsystems that jointlycooperate to produce more accurate ICs with increasinglyhigh throughput. As a prime example, these wafer scan-ners now move synchronously the mask (reticle) stage andsubstrate stage in opposite direction, during which exposuretakes place. These stages are traditionally given their ownsetpoint, and do this independent from each other. In sharpcontrast to the mask stage, which performs its motion repet-itively with the same reference, the substrate stage movesstepwise over the entire wafer surface, leading to a muchheavier stage with position-dependent dynamics (42).

A key observation (52) is that the absolute errors of the in-dividual stages are irrelevant: only their relative error is a

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key performance indicator for the quality of the resulting ICs.Therefore, a new double-Youla (53) framework is presented (52),which aims to connect the decentralized feedback loops in aunified way, enabling bidirectionally coupled control loops,see the integrated controller of the two subsystem controlloops in Figure 11. As is shown (52), this allows the faster andmore high bandwidth reticle stage to compensate for errorsthat occur in the substrate (wafer) stage, leading to a sub-stantially smaller relative error, which in the end is the keyperformance indicator.

3.5 Opportunities for future data-intensive mecha-tronic system designs: learning and digital twins Thepreceding Section 3.2, Section 3.3, and Section 3.4 revealthat future systems will exhibit much more complex dynam-ics over large dynamic ranges that need to be compensatedwith a large number of spatial actuators in different physi-cal domains. At the same time, the number of sensors growsdrastically, and huge amounts of data are available, as wellas a large computational power for real-time processing incontrol algorithms (54). This leads to two major opportunitiesin future data-intensive mechatronic system designs, outlinednext.

3.5.1 Learning for achieving the limits of perfor-mance The abundance of data in future mechatronic sys-tems provides a huge potential for major performance im-provement through learning. In sharp contrast to many re-cent achievements in machine learning and artificial intel-ligence, learning in industrial machines requires algorithmsthat are fast and safe (55). Fast convergence is required, sinceexperiments have to be done in real-time, and model-free al-gorithms require huge amounts of data, see also the recentoverview (56). Furthermore, robustness is a key aspect to en-sure human and machine safe operation. These observationshave led to a framework for learning in advanced motion con-trol, see (30) for a recent overview, where many recent develop-ments in machine learning, including Gaussian processes (57),as well as stochastic and sparse optimization.

3.5.2 Digital Twins for Fault Detection and PredictiveMaintenance The availability of an abundance of data inconjunction with improved models that are used for controldesign, see Section 3.2 – Section 3.4, provides a major op-portunity to monitor performance and increase system avail-ability. In turn, this allows a major increase in throughput ofindustrial motion systems in general and wafer scanners inparticular. Indeed, in traditional model-based control appli-cations (59), the model is only used to design a feedback con-troller, and after the controller is implemented, the identifiedmodel is being disposed of. The main idea in (60) and (61) isto use the identified model in real-time, to detect and isolatefaults, as illustrated in Figure 13. This automatic diagnosticsprovides major opportunities for system reconfiguration, e.g,temporarily redistribute the forces in the overactuated motioncontrol setting in Section 3.2 in case of a damaged actuator,as well as move towards predictive maintenance to maximizesystem availability.

4. The Fourth Generation University

As stated in the introduction, the technological develop-ments are rapidly progressing and have impact in all aspectsof our lives, such as energy, mobility, health, security, work-

ing, living. We also might call this the digital society, with in-ternet of everything as driving principle. The speed of changeis accelerating, and is driven by the exponential growth ofcomputing power dictated by the Moore’s Law.

The question to be discussed in this section is the follow-ing: how are we going to speed up the research at our uni-versities? How do we stay connected and how can we followthe accelerations of innovations?

The answer might be to define a next generation of uni-versity: a networked university, with open channels to indus-trial, entrepreneurial, societal engaged individuals. Whereinnovation is not done in isolation, but in co-operation, withcustomer participation. An open innovation space. We callthis the 4th generation University, or University 4.0 for short.Related ideas are also discussed by (62) (63) and (64). Some novelideas also appear in the work of (65) denoted as interversity.

4.1 A short history of university development Letus first describe the first generations of universities to put theenvisioned direction into perspective (66).

The first generation of university was focused only on edu-cation, and goes back maybe thousands of years ago into theancient cultures of China and India. The first form of thiskind in Europa is the University of Bologna (1088). Then thesecond generation introduced scientific research as the addi-tional key goal. The example of this type is the HumboldtUniversity Berlin.

The (current) third generation of university was initiatedby Cambridge University. The third added element was thatof valorisation. This in fact means the role of initiating mar-ket innovations, helping start ups and bridging the gap withindustrial applications by bringing the ideas outside the uni-versity.

The table (66) in Figure 14 nicely shows the typical ingredi-ents of the three types of universities. All three categorieshave different characteristics with respect to management,languages spoken, and focus.

If we observe how our current system works, the thirdgeneration of university is still not everywhere implemented,but we see a strong drive, also in the Netherlands, to workmore inter-disciplinary, focus also on entrepreneurs and thinkabout how to create value. The technical universities andthose in the life sciences typically lead the way in connectingto industry and having impact via businesses.

Nevertheless, our research processes themselves are stillvery linear: we do research, starting with a thorough surveyof literature, then investigate, then write a paper, submit it, getafter 3 months or so reviewer feedback, modify, send again,and after one or two iterations we hope to have it publishedsay one year later. We repeat this several times, and aftera few years our Hirsch index is increased by one, and as ayoung professional you might get promoted to the next aca-demic level after several of those iterations.

4.2 Towards University 4.0 As stated at the start ofthis article, the world around us is changing fast, and lin-ear thinking and linear processes are replaced by exponentialgrowth, using the power of platforms (i.e., networks), and cir-cular processes. So we can observe a divergence between thepace of university research and its environment, although weknow of course that doing research with high quality requirestime and dedication. Although we should respect these latter

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PlantController input




real-time datamodels

Digital twin

Frequency [Hz]



de [d


Fig. 13. Re-using identified models as a digital twin during normal operation to monitor machine performancefor fault detection, isolation, and predictive maintenance (58).

Fig. 14. Key characteristics of the first three generationsof universities (66).

values, we would like to propose the 4th Generation of Uni-versity, with, on top of the regular primary educational andresearch tasks, the following key ingredients:• the university becomes a dynamic open innovation

space;• part time positions for industrial ‘residents’, artists, and

employees of governmental, societal or other knowledgeinstitutions;• part-time employment for scientists in positions outside

the university;• BSc and MSc student teams and PhD participation in

benchmark or worldwide games for societal challenges;• inter-disciplinary teams with pressure cooker sessions,

like hackatons;• the focus of the university is partly global, but it has

a strong local network and is the (co)driver of its localecosystem;• the role is not just creating value (3rd generation, see the

table in Figure 14) but merely to enable to let the (local)network create value, so the university is an enabler andmotivator.

Some of the ingredients are already implemented in prac-tice to a certain extend, and the list can be longer. Some verystrong examples in the Netherlands have been the ‘knowledgeworkers’ arrangement back in 2008-2010 during the worldwide financial crisis. Back then, employees of the indus-try were relocated at the Dutch universities to deepen their

Fig. 15. Key characteristics of the 3rd and new 4th gen-erations of universities.

knowledge and to give inspiration to the scientists. As anexample, we developed in our group hybrid power trains forcommercial vehicles with the local industry. Also, at manyplaces, people from industry now have part-time positions.Nevertheless, in order to speed up research and impactfulinnovations and use the capabilities of universities, this canamplified as a new way of working. The challenge is tomaintain our quality standards (partly realized via the earliermentioned (slow) peer review process) and scientific repro-ducibility of the results as the main key scientific values.

The table in Figure 15 summarizes the ingredients of thenewly proposed 4th generation university, in a comparisonwith the 3rd generation.

Interestingly, in our region, also called the Brainport re-gion, we are very close to such a networked environmentfor innovation, and our Eindhoven University of Technologycould play a role as a trendsetter for this 4th generation uni-versity. We are already very active with the implementationof challenge-based education. Now we need a step towardschallenge-based research in co-operation with our (local) en-

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vironment.4.3 How to start It is questionable if the trend to-

ward the next generation of university can be realized fastenough from within. One limiting factor is that knowledgegeneration and dissemination are normally followed by in-dustrialization via existing companies or by founding star-tups. If we really want to speed up, the least we should do ispractice concurrent innovation.

Like the ’disrupt your mother’ spin-offs of large compa-nies, it can be argued that a separate entity might enable thischange faster. For that reason we founded Eindhoven En-gine with the assignment and mission: How can researchers,investigators, founders, innovators and entrepreneurs bestuse our collective intelligence to focus on future challenges?How can we create innovative processes and explore all thepossibilities? The question becomes, “Are we fast enough?Can we scale fast enough?”

An even bolder move would be research and innovationthrough trial and error, through iteration loops and throughlearning by doing. And, of course, we need to devote moreresources to innovation, including capital and talent. In fact,if we co-innovate by bringing together people from academiaand from industry, we will accelerate all innovation pro-cesses, balancing between creative disruption divergence andfocus.

It is crucial to motivate researchers and executives to unitein our efforts to accelerate innovation. In the research space,our knowledge partners, Eindhoven University of Technol-ogy, TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied ScientificResearch) and the Fontys University of Applied Sciences,make sure we have the resources to understand, then solve,real-world problems. At the same time, this collaborationallows us the freedom to look far into the future, anticipatewhat is coming next, then leverage these insights. This stim-ulates researchers to invent new solutions in the form of newtheories and new conceptual designs and architectures. Com-bining new ideas with young entrepreneurs as well as experi-enced people into startups or new business for existing com-panies leads naturally to new implementations in society.

Cross-domain information exchange is crucial to co-creation. We call this “enabling” or “unleashing” our col-lective intelligence. It is obvious to implement in establishedecosystems such as Brainport. And digital networking willalso help build and sustain a global network of innovatorsdedicated to exponential innovation.

We are living in a very interesting time, in which new tech-nologies emerge quickly, and societal challenges are com-pelling. We see the potential, and we should do our utmostbest to increase the speed of innovation. Connecting peopleand using our networks are the key ingredients for success.In the end, it is all about people and unleashing their full po-tential, in order to solve the Sustainable Development Goals.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

In this paper, Moore’s Law has been used as a inspira-tion to investigate the implications of exponential growth ofcomputing and sensing power for motion control, mecha-tronics as well as the future of our university system. Keyfindings are the need for in-depth cross-disciplinary researchwithin mechatronics, i.e., where precision mechanics meets

advanced modeling and (data based) control in the combinedmotion and thermal domain, along with new paradigms e.g.for actuator design such as superconducting motors, and foradaptive wafer tables. For universities we described char-acteristics of the 4th generation university as an enabler forlocal ecosystems. It is emphasized that many other aspectsare relevant in view of the Sustainable Development Goals.For example, here we did not widen our engineering scope toethics and social sciences in view of the Sustainable Devel-opment Goals. It is clear that new technology is a necessitybut not a sufficiency for our society.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank their colleagues from

Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven Engine, in-dustry collaborators particularly from ASML, as well as the(under)graduate students, for their inspiration, contributionsand for walking the exponential path with us.


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Maarten Steinbuch (Non-member) He received the M.Sc. (cumlaude) and Ph.D. Degree from Delft University ofTechnology, in 1984 and 1989 resp. From 1987-1999he was with Philips Electronics. Since 1999 he isfull professor Systems and Control and chair of theControl Systems Technology group of the Mechan-ical Engineering Department of Eindhoven Univer-sity of Technology. He was Editor-in-Chief of IFACMechatronics (2009-2015), and is chairman of the su-pervisory board of SIOUX Group BV, and has var-

ious other advisory roles. He is (co)founder of MI-Partners, Mechatron-ics Academy, Preceyes, MicroSure, ZEnMO, Eindhoven Medical Robotics.Since 2018 he is Scientific Director of Eindhoven Engine. In 2003, 2005,2008 and 2015 he obtained the ’Best-Teacher’ award of the Dept. ofMechanical Engineering, TU/e. In 2008 as well as in 2014 his researchgroup obtained the QANU excellence rating [5555]. In 2013 he was ap-pointed Distinguished University Professor at TU/e. In 2015 he received theKIVI Academic Society Award. In 2016 he was awarded as Simon StevinMeester 2016, the highest Dutch award for Scientific Technological research.His research interests are modeling, design and control of motion systems,robotics, automotive powertrains and systems and of fusion plasmas. He isIEEE Fellow.

Tom Oomen (Non-member) He received the M.Sc. degree (cumlaude) and Ph.D. degree from the Eindhoven Univer-sity of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Heis currently a professor with the Department of Me-chanical Engineering at the Eindhoven University ofTechnology. He is also a part-time full professor withthe Delft University of Technology. He held visitingpositions at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, and at TheUniversity of Newcastle, Australia. He is a recipi-ent of the Corus Young Talent Graduation Award, the

IFAC 2019 TC 4.2 Mechatronics Young Research Award, the 2015 IEEETransactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award, the2017 IFAC Mechatronics Best Paper Award, the 2019 IEEJ Journal of Indus-try Applications Best Paper Award, and recipient of a Veni and Vidi personalgrant. He is Associate Editor of the IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS),IFAC Mechatronics, and IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technol-ogy. He is a member of the Eindhoven Young Academy of Engineering.His research interests are in the field of data-driven modeling, learning, andcontrol, with applications in precision mechatronics.

Hans Vermeulen (Non-member) He received a M.Sc. degree, M.T.D.Post-Master’s degree and Ph.D. degree at the Eind-hoven University of Technology. From 1999 till2007 he was with Philips Electronics, of which twoyears in Pittsburgh, PA, where he worked on EUVand Nano-Imprint lithography systems. In 2007, hejoined ASML, where he was senior research managerfrom 2012-2017, and currently, senior principal ar-chitect for the EUV high-NA optics system closelycollaborating with Carl Zeiss - SMT. In 2010, he re-

ceived the ASML Patent Award 2010 for most invention disclosures andpatent applications company wide. He is (co)author of over 70 patent appli-cations. He was chairman of the national R&D Work Group Mechatronicsat the High Tech Systems Center at TU/e from 2011-2017. From 2015 on,he is part-time full professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology inthe Control Systems Technology group with a chair in Mechatronic SystemsDesign. He is member of euspen, ASPE and CIRP, and technical trainerat the High Tech Institute - Mechatronics Academy in Design Principle forPrecision Engineering, Mechatonics, Dynamics and Modeling, and PassiveDamping for High-Tech Systems. His research interests are in the field ofsuperconducting linear and planar motors, extremely accurate and fast elec-tromagnetic and piezoelectric (EUV) motion systems, adaptive optics, andmedical robotics for vascular and interventional X-ray imaging.

11 IEEJ Trans. XX, Vol.131, No.1, 2011