moufon journal - 1967-9

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  • 8/14/2019 MOUFON JOURNAL - 1967-9

  • 8/14/2019 MOUFON JOURNAL - 1967-9


    - . L e t s Seperate Fact f rm. Fantasy September 1967. . -.s~P$&&I&T, , , ~ $ k ~ml Fol lming this m e t i n g , Drew

    '). . L C Pearson said in h i s column of June 27, From the I.4ninene; 'NO .-I 'TTFES comes thz t U Thc7nt hcas to l d fr ie nds hed '-;rep-tf a b r i l l i k t " l i @ t .obscwed considcrs UFO's the m s t irrg?ortantover .Gla+n an Monday, August 21,' 1967, problcm facing the United Nations nextbYtwxg 4:05arn an$ 4:20am. , to thc IJietnm War.

    J'- . The l i g h t &' -reported by P Y s .Dorothy Rwme.1, who saw the object , KWNS OFGZlNIZES &APIPLJS GROUP"'about the s i ze of a tea cup", i n t heeastern sky over he r h m near 'khe John P. IZuhns, junior ChemistryGladden post off ice on Highk~ay19, south major snd chairman of the '!i.ssouriof Salem- FWs. ??mwlhad becn awSkmed se ct ion of t hc k k r i c a . l Phenomena =searchby the barking of the f m i l y dog and s h e Organization (.?PRO) , s heading anmt outsidlc t o i nv es ti ga ti when she saw atten@ t o form a UNC chapter. A zecenta -br i l l i a n t l i gh t making i t s way in a i ssue of t h e UNIVERSITY HTEInJS says thel e i s m l y arc. Sh? dcscribccl. it a$' club's purpose i s t o invcst igf i te andlooking, "much as a k i t e k i n g flown i n snalyzc LIEU reports, snd t h e n w i l l k aa gent le breeze", and going f a r tco l o t t o invest igate , Kuhns thinks, as aslowly t o be a m t e r o r . Shc w2tched it rash of UFO' s is expected t h i s r +ut fi ft ee n minutes before itd i s a p m d . I J3quircmnts for rrembcrship syc:, . those of -PFO. Thirty-one ha m signed a

    I F I . unme1 rcportcd thc b g h t t o r t i t i o n f o r a c h ~ f r ,ncluding Artsradio s t a t i on I

  • 8/14/2019 MOUFON JOURNAL - 1967-9


    their s to r i e s and f i t them in to the$2.00 F r year, publisbcd once a month. SI(YiD3K colums---which m ans YOU shoulds d inyour s tor ies EARLY.Scnd subscription to th e Puhlishcx:

    Johrl Farre11 Kuhns5100 Rockhill Poa3ROOF 319 C-B

    Kansas City, !d:oe64110Send repor t s to t!!e Editor:

    Nrs. >?ormaE. ShortBox 129S t o w r , $50. , 65078o r t o the Assistant Editor:

    .---ik0 Ikd' P h i l l i p s , Jr .1113 ! r2 A wS e d d i z , I:o., 65301

    ""*****"W i t h +-hC d i t & ?**************This i s thc f i r s t i s s u i of SKYLOOIK t c i l l corrc ou t oncc? a m t h

    w i t h sn "extra" whcncvcr conditionsb ~ a r r ~ t . ~e may st~~nblc3m m d t h mbefore f inding firm footing i n t h is newfield , s o w e hope you w i l l be.x with usi f we gcof ancc i n awhile. Send us yours t o r i c s and suggestions an; w e' ll do ourL ~ s to qivt: you the kind of b ul le ti nyou,want - -. -- - - ,- . -- -WC arc o p r a t i n g , . a t prcsent, on'absoiutely nothing", b ut w h o p the -

    ma l l subscripti& chargz w i l l eventually

    Of coursc, YOUR p c r s m a l UFO sight-ing is .of the qeatss t in teres t , and wewant .theconplcte rsport a s t o t i m e ,.place, wcafl~er ond i t i~ns descriptiono f ,& ec t and d u r ~ . t k n f s ight ing,othcr witnesses i f any , a l l per t inentdeta i ls . Ye 'd WCCo usc your nan-e, butw i l l not i f you requcst it.Watch your l oca l newspapers f o r UFOs i qh t i ng . I f you can , i n t z ~ e whe - -obscmr fo r fu the r det a i ls and send

    the c1.ipping with your report. In anycvcnt , SEED I N THE CLIPPING, =and be suret o g iv e the n a m and date of the news-paper so we can use the story, by givingthc nswspaper credit.

    Write your friends,. in =and out ofs t a t c , asking t h m t o send you newspaperclippings , of UFO sightings , being s b oincludz both t h ~ m of the newspapetand the date of the i ssue . I f you wantyour clippings returned please includestamps.

    You do not h m c t o be a m r h r ofE R 0 o r any other l i ke group t o read andcontribute t o SKYLOOIZ. Plhile your .7

  • 8/14/2019 MOUFON JOURNAL - 1967-9


    Lee Case, a newsman a t rat50 s ta ti onKFNS, Osage Beach, m.d~ hrze sightingsin Linn Creek 17sdley th e f i r s t week i nifmch. Fivc other occupants of C s s e 's cara l so s y thc objects. The f i r s t i g h t -ing w a s described as k i n g a b r i l l i a n tred l igh t , " fa r o f f in thc d i s tmce" ,m v p g sideways and up down i n me r r a t i c fashion cmd ch'mging di rec tio ntoo f a s t t o be an ~ i r p l m e . Thc objcctdisappe~aredwhen GXC stappcd his carand the rkn s tep@ out fo r a b c t t z r view,but tu l minutes 12ter in the scm valley,thcy sa7 sno tl ~er i g h t =about two-thousandf e e t up. 73is was t ra wl in g in a north-t ~ s t e r l y i re ct io n m d s ecm d t o be abright, white l ight, but without blurrededges. Case could not m&e out the s h q -lthough it w a s a clear night. Thisl ight abrupt ly , "went out", over themiddle of the valley, within a hcdf mileof t h e o b s e m r s . Fivc minutes lateranother white l i g h t appaared, zig-zagging ,t h m hovering f c r a couple of scccmdsbe forc disappcxing.

    FLYING OBTECi'S OVER TULSATUGS2 VDIILD, August 13 , 1967. T h m

    Tulsar?s, including an Pir Force airmanhare 'on leave, claim to have sccn f iveunidentified objccts ppss over Tulsc f r mnorth t o south in f o m t i o n c x l ySaturday.. .Airman Gorden Smith of 317 South -ictor A v e . h is brother, Eil tm , and afrimd, Raymild Minica, a l l mbcrs of

    the Ingemational O r d c r f o r t hc ~ n v c s t -iga t ion o f ~n iderk i f icdFlyingObjects,stated they saw ' f iw glowing cbjcctsthrough binoculars about 1 0cm.Smith said th e objects made nosound ~ md assed over h u t wo-thousandfee t up. H e s t a t d thcy d e f in i te l ynot part of an earlier mteor shower.

    iQiSnS CITY TIMES, August 25 , 1967.ilr! iP s to ry tells of a formation of ob je ct sd s s c r k d =as, "bright silvery discs" ,seen in the sk ies west of Ontonagan,With. on thc 2ath m d 25 t h .

    Thc Ontonagon County sher i f f sa id .hc rccieved a t l e a s t six ca l l s r sport ingths s ight ings , th2 formations being i ngroups of th ree t o seven. T he Hancock(&fich. police departrent reccivcds imi la r reports.Th e Federal Aviation ngcncy a t t heHoughton a i r p o r t s a id Air Canada air-c rz ft f lyi ng nothrwest of the z i rpor t

    c d ~ ~p r t e . 2 .ecing 2 UFO ~7bOvzthz plane.

    SIGHTDIG AT TUCSON.Ted Phillips, Jr. , mports thztpersan~ d riends o f h i s l iv ing nccvTucson, Arizona, wrotc him of swing, indczylight, a br ig ht red-orange di schovering in the a i r f o r =about fi ve minutesunt i l two Air Force intcrccptors qproachcd.The object went s t rs ig ht up when t h e plancsattcmptcd t o circle it, thm dropped belm

    t h a n when thcy rcclchcd i t s altitude.?his';cartinucd fo r cabout twenty minutes.%hphc objcc t wparcn tly t i r i ng o f t h egem, l e f t a t ' a high ratx of speed andd i s a p p ~ n drom sight, ..There weresevercll witncsscs t o t h i s s ig ht in g , madeth i s sp ring .

    By T d Phi l l ips , Jr.The plsnct Venus w i l l be r i s in g a t

    =about sun up an Scptcmbcr 1st and by them d of th e month it w i l l be r i s i n g smthrec hours i=hz~.d. f the sun. I t w i l l bevery b r i l l i m t -4.2 magnitude. Venus,Jupiter and tQc star F&gulus (1st rnzgn-i tudc) w i l l b6 c s p e c t a c u l ~ ~r i o in themorning sky. M a r s i s v i s ib l e f o r s mthr cs hours a ft er sunset. Saturn rises asan 0.8 mgnituck ob cct just af te r sunset .I t should k c noted thc t on S c p t d x r 23rd.Xars w i l l be vcry near the red starz\itarcs.

  • 8/14/2019 MOUFON JOURNAL - 1967-9


    Pagc FourUFO's IN EUROPE

    ST;. .LOPS POST-DISPrn, Jdy-:5, 967This story i s from a clipping sent in -byJohn F. Schuessler , a mcmber of APRO, cmdwe quote: "Reports of f ly in g. saucers overwide areas of Euopc have been invcstig-ated lzy the B ri ti sh g o v e m n t b ut ,'npthing of d efm ss i nt er es t has bcenfound' , P a r l i d t was told. esterd?.y.Lhidcntif ied flying objects looking l ikef i r eba l l s we r e reported seen; in severalE ur op an ' a u n t r i e s l a s t week;

    ''NOTHING NmrJ UNDER THE SUN''An AP s tory of .July 12 tqld of ammuscript found in the public l ib ra ry s tLa Spczia, I ta ly , in which the wri ter

    (Antonio Cesena) reported on a 16th cent-ury version of a UFO. H e m t e t ha t i n1558 peasen ts in two different c?rczs saw,"a strange dis-8; ;hanging from yellow t ored, and with red firctbdls shiningbemath it.OBJECT EXPLoDES OVER WNSASKANSAS CITY TDES,Junc 10, 1967. AnAP account of a rysterious object explod-ing in the sky over Newton, Kansas, earlyon June 9th. Jc rr y K i ll f o il , I\!cwtonp a t r o b , w a s thrcc miles c z s t of Newtonwhen he sm a , " bright orange flash", in

    thc sky. I t then began t o f a l l cmd f e l lbeyond the horizon. Officc r K il lf o ils s i d , " I t wcas a very bright explosion oforange -and white li gh t. I don 't know howf a r away it was and I h' Icnm whst itwa s . IfSheri ff V c m P/Iillcr scud he rcccivedf ive other c a l l s from persons reportingst r~ m gc bjects i n the sky, and about thes c a m t i r e Wichitz residents were sight-ing objects they bel ieved t o bc f lyingsaucers.

    .. .. , ...- : Ti% bEbJS STANDBy Ted Phi l l ips , sr0

    IXXIMG SPJJCERS, Nos. 1 , 2 and 3 ,a Dell magazine, 1967."Ssslccr Lands in Virginia"-NATION&ENQUIRER, Junc 25 , 1967."Are Flying Saucers Really CreaturesThat Live 1n Outer Space?"-TRUE,' Aug. ,19670"UFO Pcanic Insl2e Fussi~"-SAGh,August, 1967."UFO: .Theories of Flightu-SCII3JCE &P.ECHLiNICS, A11gust , 1967.. - A .- . ."Thk ?7mque, N.J. Sightings" , P a r t s

    I.,.. FI:"&d 111-SCIEXE & I ~ C HAN I C S ,m y ,June and July, 1967.SCIENCE NEWS, Z~ugust,1967-2 gcodarticle an Volunteer Flig ht Of fice rNeb~ork,whosa ?im i s t o watch fo r reenter-ing space & ccts-twenty h0's reportcd.

    FLYING SAUCERS HOSTILE-an Awzrdhook by Brad Stciger, 75C-covers hostileact ion, re ports sightings in USSR.NN ' IO~ JN , ENQUIRER, S e p t c d e r 10,1967-

    thrcc page story on Coast Guard and otherswatching cone shaped UFO."Wmt th c Chief of US-W's projectBlue Book Thinks PJc '11 find cut about 'a-UFO'S"-~ECHANIX ILLUSTRATED, Sept., 1967.FLYING SAUCER OCCUP~WTS-~i gn& bookby Coral snd Jim Lorenzen, 75C. Rcprint of

    thc 1954 edition, gocd account of msnyold s ight ings, many pre-1900.FLYING SAUCERS-a LOOK publication

    th& c m ou t t h i s sm e r . I t contzinsmny reports 2nd photogr?phs, $1.00.


  • 8/14/2019 MOUFON JOURNAL - 1967-9



    AUJI-IOR PJAMES CHOICE SIGHTINGDr. Frank Stranges was inter vkwc dby Art Linkletter on the l a t t e r ' s r a oprcgrm August 11th. Linkletter askcd anzudimm of 400 how mny of them bclieved

    jm, "flying s ~ . u ~ r s " ,lnd zczid &OUT h d fheld up their hands--a f a i r prcen tagcconsidering Ljnklet tzr s ta ted h is nn'd i s k l i e f f i r s t .When asked t o n m he most authenticsighting of the many report~d, r. Strangcsgave as his choice the one a t &d Bluff,Califo rnia, i n which thre e red object+ -swcopd dcwn and w e r e seen by a pat~olmsn.These w e p l a t e r iden t i fi ed by &heAirForm as k i n g fbrs and two br ight stars,hmver, a check revesled that nc i ae r

    Mars nor the two stars n m d w e r e u i ~ i l $ ea t t ha t t d .Dr. S t r m g e s f i r s t becam interestedi n UFO's in 1945 when a p i l c t fr iend told

    hi';^ of s ight ing three d ish s h z i ~ d bjectscn a collisian course w i t h hi s planeduring the wa r . The p i l o t ' s s tory w a sverif ied by other mxbers of h is group.For what it is worth--Dr. Strangcshz s written a new bcok, THE STMGER AT

    TIE PENTAGCBIJ, d:mt a nztivc of Venus whohas been working at the Pentagan since1959. This sounds l i k e science. f ic ti o nto ye cdi to r , but the author ins is t s thcbook i s factual.

    I t wcx announced o v a radio s ta tio nmDS, St. Louis, that two observers a tCamdenton, No. , near the Lake of theOzarks, sighted m unknown disc shapedobject from t h e i r car . !lhey describedit as k i n g white md yellow in color ,but no futher deta i ls w e r c givcn.

    The s ig hti ng was made March 16thof this year.

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