mouth (oral cavity) and...

1. Oral cavity: vestibule oral cavity proper 2. Floor of the oral cavity 3. The human dentition permanent and deciduous teeth 4. Tooth development ( odontogenesis ) 5. Eruption of the deciduous and permanent teeth 6. Abnormalities of teeth Mouth (oral cavity) and Teeth Statue at Buddha Park, near Vientiane, Laos

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Page 1: Mouth (oral cavity) and abnormalities of size and form 33 Anodontia: a complete lack of tooth development

1. Oral cavity: vestibule oral cavity proper

2. Floor of the oral cavity3. The human dentition –

permanent and deciduous teeth4. Tooth development (odontogenesis)5. Eruption of the deciduous and permanent teeth6. Abnormalities of teeth

Mouth (oral cavity) and Teeth

Statue at Buddha Park, near Vientiane, Laos

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Oral cavity, cavitas oris


Cavitas (cavum) orisGr. stoma, stomatos: located in the face

oral fissure, rima oris

throat (fauces), isthmus faucium

Parts: oral vestibule, vestibulum oris

parotid papilla, papilla ductus parotidei

oral cavity proper, cavitas oris propria

boundaries:o gums and teeth

o hard palate

o part of the soft palate

o oral floor, diaphragma oris

content:o tongue

o teeth

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Lips, labia oris

Macroscopic anatomy:

oral fissure, rima oris

angle of mouth, angulus oris

commissure of lips, commissura labiorum

Upper lip, labium superius:

medial and two lateral parts

frenulum of upper lip

nasolabial fold, sulcus nasolabialis

philtral ridges, philtrum

tuberculum labii superioris

Lower lip, labium inferius:

frenulum of lower lip

mentolabial fold, sulcus mentolabialis

buccolabial fold, sulcus buccolabialis

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 4

Lips, labia oris Microscopic structure:

external surface, skin multilayered stratified keratinizing squamous epithelium

hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands

vermilion border, modified skin transparent epithelium

rich microvasculature – red margin

internal surface, mucous membrane stratified nonkeratinized squamous

seromucous labial glands

internally – orbicularis oris muscle fibroadipose connective tissue, rich in

nerve fibers and blood vessels

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Cheeks, buccae

Macroscopic anatomy:

form the sides of the mouth

similar to lips structure

composed externally of integument

muscular stratum – m. buccinator

buccal fat-pad tissue (of Bichat) –

corpus adiposum buccae (Bichat)

composed internally of mucous membrane


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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Cheeks, buccae


Histological structure:

external surface – hairy skin:

stratified keratinized squamous


hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands

the buccinator muscle, m. buccinator

internal surface – buccal mucosa

stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium

with a high regenerative capacity

buccal and molar glands

buccal fat-pad tissue (of Bichat)

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Oral cavity proper, cavitas oris propria

Palate, palatum:

roof of the oral cavity proper

resonance in phonation

hard palate, palatum durum (osseum)

soft palate, palatum molle

Hard palate, palatum durum – anterior ⅔:

processus palatinus maxillae

lamina horizontalis ossis palatini

plicae palatinae transversae

papilla incisiva; raphe palati

gll. palatinae

stratified non-keratinized squamous

epithelium keratinization

lamina propria – firmly attached

to the periosteum

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Oral cavity proper, cavitas oris propria

Palate, palatum:

roof of the oral cavity proper

resonance in phonation

hard palate, palatum durum (osseum)

soft palate, palatum molle

Hard palate, palatum durum – anterior ⅔:

processus palatinus maxillae

lamina horizontalis ossis palatini

plicae palatinae transversae

papilla incisiva; raphe palati

gll. palatinae

stratified non-keratinized squamous

epithelium keratinization

lamina propria – firmly attached

to the periosteum

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Oral cavity proper, cavitas oris propria

Soft palate, palatum molle – posterior ⅓

velum palatini with uvula

arcus palataglossus and

arcus palatopharyngeus

stratified columnar epithelium nasally

stratified non-keratinized squamous orally

muscles of the soft palate

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Gums, gingivae:

attached gingiva

marginal gingiva

Macroscopic structure:

free gingival margin

gingival sulcus

gingival papilla (interdental papilla)



Microscopic structure:

lamina epithelialis

stratified squamous parakeratinized


lamina propria – papillae

rich vascularization

dense innervation

Oral cavity proper, cavitas oris propria

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Floor of the oral cavity

Oral floor:

a muscular layer between the tongue and the mandible

Muscular base: mylohyoid, m. mylohyoideus

geniohyoid, m. geniohyoideus


thin and loosely attached to the underlying structures

mucosal folds

lingual frenulum

sublingual folds

sublingual papilla (caruncle)

Blood supply and venous drainage: aa. et vv. sublingualis, facialis et thyroidea sup.

Lymphatic drainage: nodi lymphatici submandibulares et cervicales profundi

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Floor of the oral cavity

Oral floor:

a muscular layer betweenthe tongue and the mandible

Muscular base: mylohyoid, m. mylohyoideus

geniohyoid, m. geniohyoideus


thin and loosely attached to the underlying structures

mucosal folds

lingual frenulum

sublingual folds

sublingual papilla (caruncle)

Blood supply and venous drainage: aa. et vv. sublingualis, facialis et thyroidea sup.

Lymphatic drainage: nodi lymphatici submandibulares et cervicales profundi

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 13

Oral cavity – first pharyngeal arch

maxillary process

mandibular process

frontonasal prominence

middle part of nasal prominence

lateral parts


frontonasal prominencenasal root

two medial nasal prominences nasal dorsum and apex

two lateral nasal prominences nasal sidewalls and alae

nasal (olfactory) placode nostrils

Eye – eye rudiments:

lateral nasal prominences

maxillary processes

Embryonic development

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Facial abnormalities Facial clefts:

cleft lip, labium leporinum (harelip)

cleft palate, palatum fissum(palatoschisis s. faux lupina)

congenital macrostoma

congenital microstoma

congenital cleft in the face, meloschisis

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Teeth, dentes


Teeth, dentes (Gr. odus, odontos):

mechanical breakdown (chew) of food

help in phonation

derivatives of oral mucosa – cornified papillae

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Phylogenetic development of teeth


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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Teeth, dentes


Characteristics of human dentition:

close contact between teeth

heterodont dentition (Gr. “different teeth”) – teeth differ both morphologically

and functionally

teeth have the same general structure, regardless of their functional segregation

diphyodont dentition – two successions of teeth (two types of dentition)

in a process of evolution – reduction in tooth number

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Dental morphology


Anatomical parts of a human tooth: tooth crown, corona dentis – surfaces

margo incisialis (incisivus) – incisors

facies occlusalis (masticatoria) –premolars and molars

o tuberculum dentale (cuspis dentalis)

facies vestibularis (labialis, buccalis)

facies lingualis

facies contactus (mesialis et distalis)

anatomical vs. clinical crown

tooth neck, cervix dentis tooth root, radix dentis – in dental alveolus

apex radicis dentis

dental cavity –cavitas dentis (pulparis) cavitas coronae

canalis radicis dentis

tooth pulp, pulpa dentis pulpa coronalis

pulpa radicularis

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Basic tooth structure


Tissue components of the tooth crown: dental cuticle, cuticula dentis – 5-30 µm

ectodermal origin

an amorphous layer thatcovers the tooth crown

non-mineralized layer of organic material

o proteins, glycosaminoglycans

enamel, enamelum(substantia adamantina) ectodermal origin

the hardest substance in the body –thickness 0.01 (tooth neck)-2.5 mm

acellular and nonreplaceable

highly mineralized substance – 96-97%

o hydroxyapatite crystals

o closely packed enamel prisms, prisma

enameli and interprismatic substance

organic matrix – 2-3%

o fibrous keratin-like glycoproteins

produced by secretory ameloblasts enamel defects – dental caries

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Basic tooth structure


Tissue components of the tooth root: dental cement, cementum – mesenchyme

hard, avascular material covering the tooth root

bone-like tissue:

o mineral intercellular substance,

substantia intercellularis cementi

• calcium hydroxylapatite – 45-50%

• organic matter and water – 50-55%

• numerous fibrils of type I collagen

• glycoproteins and proteoglycans

o cells, cementocyti

• located in lacunae

• joined together by canaliculi

o the cement is destroyed by odontoclasts

in the tooth neck – acellular cement

o location of tooth decay

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Basic tooth structure


Tissue components of the tooth:

dentin, dentinum (substantia eburnea)

located in the tooth crown, neck and root

elastic, yellowish-white, avascular tissue

hard, bone-like tissue:

o inorganic matter – 70%

• calcium hydroxylapatite crystals and

amorphous calcium phosphate

o organic matrix (collagen) – 20%

o water – 10%

o cells, odontoblasts with long

cytoplasmic processes of Tomes

in dentine canals (dentinal tubules)

dentin layers:

o mantle (0.5 mm) – closest to enamel

o predentine – innermost

o secondary dentin

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Basic tooth structure


Tissue components of the tooth:

dental pulp, pulpa dentis

inside the dental (pulp) cavity

o crown – pulp chamber

o root – root canal(s)

undifferentiated mesenchyme soft loose connective tissue

microscopic structure:

o cells – odontoblasts and dentinoblasts

• numerous fibroblasts

• undifferentiated mesenchymal cells

• macrophages, monocytes and lymphocytes

o collagen fibers

o ground substance

o abundant myelinated and unmyelinated fibers

o richly vascularized – nutritive function

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Attachment apparatus of a tooth – gomphosis

the tissues investing and supporting the teeth

Periodontium (Gr.περι, around + οδονσ, tooth):

alveola dentalis

periosteum alveolare (insertionis)

lig. periodontale

cementum radicis dentis

periodontium protectoris (gingiva)

Desmodontium (Sharpey fibers) – fibroblasts

Parodontium (in German) – functional unit

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Human dentition


Permanent teeth, dentes permanentes:

32 teeth into two symmetrical halves

upper dental arch, arcus dentalis superior

lower dental arch, arcus dentalis inferior

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Human dentition


Permanent (adult) teeth,dentes permanentes:

anatomical and functional groups:

incisors, dentes incisivi

canine (dogteeth), dentes canini

premolars, dentes premolares

molars, dentes molares

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

The adult human dentition


Coding of the permanent teeth: dental formulae for humans:

anatomical – I2C1P2M3


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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Dental radiology



panoramic radiography


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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Incisors, dentes incisivi


The incisor teeth, dentes incisivi: used to incise food

total number – 8 (2 in each

jaw quadrant: 4 upper and 4 lower)

crown, corona dentis – chisel shaped

biting edge, margo incisialis

labial surface (facies labialis)

lingual surface – tuberculum dentale

contact surface (mesial and distal)

root, radix dentis – conical shape

root apex, apex radicis dentis

medial (central) incisors

lateral incisors – smaller in size to absent


“lucky teeth”

cosmetic dentistry

dental consonants

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Canines, dentes canini


The canine (dog)teeth, dentes canini:

used primarily for firmly holding food

the longest teeth in mouth – 25 mm in the root

total number – 4 (two in the upper – eye teeth, and two in the lower arch)

root – single, longer and thicker, conical in form

apex radicis dentis – compressed laterally

crown – large and conical; occlusal surface

labial surface – very convex

lingual surface – mesial and distal lingual fossae

tuberculum dentis

sexual dimorphism

much larger in the males than in the females, or are absent in females

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Premolars, dentes premolares


The premolar teeth, dentes premolares:

primary functions of both molars and canines in chewing

total number – 8 (two per quadrant) – first and second premolars

crown – quadrangular with at least two cusps – buccal and palatal

occlusal (masticatory) surface (lingual)

buccal surface – quite rounded

lingual surface – rounded in all aspects

root – single (except the maxillary first premolar)

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Molars, dentes molares


The molar teeth, dentes molares:

serve to chew, crush and grind food

the largest of the teeth in mouth

total number – 12 (six upper and six lower)

crown – cube-shaped

occlusal surface

o 4-5 cusps

o tuberculum anomale (cusp of Carabelli)

roots – multiple and separated

upper jaw – 3

(two labial and one palatal)

lower jaw – 2

dens serotinus

(wisdom tooth)

generally appear between

the ages of 17 and 25

may never erupt

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Dental arches


Dental arches – upper and lower:

superior dental arch, arcus dentalis superior:

larger and semi-ellipsoid

inferior dental arch, arcus dentalis inferior:

has a parabolic shape

dental occlusion and articulation

Orthognathism (Gr. orthos – straight, gnathos – jaw)

Progenism vs. Prognathism

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Tooth abnormalities of size and form



a complete lack of tooth development

rare, most often occurring in a condition

called Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia


a lack of some tooth development

affecting 3.5–8.0% of the population

absence of third molars - 20–23%

second premolar and lateral incisor


development of supernumerary teeth

develop from a second tooth bud

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Congenital syphilis – Hutchinson’s teeth:

smaller and more widely spaced teeth

have notches on their biting surfaces

Rickets (rachitis):

delayed and abnormal sequence eruption

dental deformities

enamel defects

Hypocalcemic tetany:

serious abnormalities of enamel of the

canine and molar teeth – hypoplasia

malformed teeth

Elderly face:

alveolar ridge resorption loss of teeth

jaw atrophy

Abnormalities in tooth shape

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Embryonic development of teeth


Odontogenesis – around 6th week

molecular control of tooth development transcription factor Lef-9; FGF-8

signaling molecules BMP-2, -4 and -7

homeobox genes

tooth bud (germ) – origin


lamina dentalis

organum epithelum (dentis)

o enamel – amelogenesis


gemma dentis (papilla dentis)

o dentin – dentinogenesis

o tooth pulp

cementum – cementogenesis

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Histogenesis of dental tissue




enamel organ – bell stage:

o outer enamel epithelium – cuboidal

o enamel pulp, pulpa enamelea

o inner enamel epithelium –

simple columnar epithelium

proameloblasts ameloblasts


preodontoblasts young

odontoblasts predentin

mantle dentin

mineralization (maturation) of

predentin apatite crystals


mesenchymal cells of dental sac


tooth root development

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Human dentition


Deciduous (milk) teeth, dentes decidui: the first set of teeth in the growth

development of humans 20 teeth into two symmetrical halves distinguishing features (traits):

similar morphology; smaller in size slightly blue tone of enamel shorter roots wider root canals and cavity

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Human dentition


Deciduous teeth, dentes decidui:

anatomical and functional groups:

incisors, dentes incisivi – 2

canine teeth, dentes canini – 1

molars, dentes molares – 2

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The human deciduous dentition

Coding of the deciduous teeth: human dental formulae –

an expression in symbols of the number and arrangementof teeth in the jaws:anatomical – I2C1M2


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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Human tooth development timeline


Deciduous tooth eruption: begin – 6th mo.

central incisor

end – 2nd-3rd yrs.

second molars

formed temporary dentition until 5-6 years of age

Permanent tooth eruption: begin – 5th-6th yrs.

first (six-year) molar

end – 18-30 yrs.

third molar

(wisdom tooth)

Deviations from the established norms:

precocious dentition, dentitio praecox

delayed dentition, dentitio tarda

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Disturbances in tooth formation



a disturbance in shape of teeth

due to trauma during the period in which tooth is forming

Enamel hypoplasia:

defective enamel matrix formation with a deficiency in the cementing substance

tooth enamel:

hard but thin

deficient in amount

Turner’s hypoplasia:

a tooth enamel defect

missing or diminished enamel

usually affects only one tooth in the mouth (Turner’s tooth)

associated with the dilaceration

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Blood supply of the teeth


Upper tooth row:


rr. dentales of a. alveolaris superior posterior

the remaining teeth

rr. dentales of a. alveolaris superior anterior

Lower tooth row: rr. dentales of a. alveolaris inferior

Venous drainage: plexus venosus pterygoideus vv. maxillares

v. retromandibularis

v. facialis

Lymphatic drainage: teeth in upper jaw submandibular nodes

parotid and supraclavicular nodes

teeth in lower jaw submental and submandibular

nodes cervical and paratracheal nodes

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

Innervation of the teeth


Teeth and gums in upper jaw:

nerve plexus formed by the

infraorbital nerve:

rr. alveolares superiores anteriores

rr. alveolares superiores posteriores

r. alveolaris superior medius

rr. dentales superiores

rr. gingivales superiores

Teeth and gums in lower jaw:

n. alveolaris inferior

plexus dentalis inferior:

rr. dentales inferiores

rr. gingivales inferiores

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Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov

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