move: an end-to-end solution to network denial of …astavrou/research/move.pdf · move: an...

MOVE: An End-to-End Solution To Network Denial of Service Angelos Stavrou Angelos D. Keromytis Jason Nieh Vishal Misra Dan Rubenstein Columbia University in the City of New York {angel,angelos,nieh,misra,danr} Abstract We present a solution to the denial of service (DoS) problem that does not rely on network infrastructure support, conforming to the end-to-end (e2e) design prin- ciple. Our approach is to combine an overlay network, which allows us to treat authorized traffic preferentially, with a lightweight process-migration environment that allows us to move services easily between different parts of a distributed system. Functionality residing on a part of the system that is subjected to a DoS attack migrates to an unaffected location. The overlay network ensures that traffic from legitimate users, who are authenticated before they are allowed to access the service, is routed to the new location. We demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach by measuring the perfor- mance of an experimental prototype against a series of attacks using PlanetLab, a distributed experimental testbed. Our preliminary results show that the end-to- end latency remains at acceptable levels during regular operation, increasing only by a factor of 2 to 3, even for large overlays. When a process migrates due to a DoS attack, the disruption of service for the end user is in the order of a few seconds, depending on the network proximity of the servers involved in the migration. 1 Introduction One of the fundamental tenets of Internet design is the end-to-end (e2e) principle [42], which states that func- tionality should be placed as close to the network edges as possible, keeping the network core focused on the task of routing packets. While this has arguably con- tributed to the success of the Internet, it has created an ideology that resists mechanisms that require deploy- ment in the interior (core) of the network. Examples of such technologies include some forms of QoS [4] and active networking [54]. Recent events have elevated network denial of service (DoS) attacks to a first-order security threat. While sev- eral mechanisms to suppress or counter their effects have been proposed [17, 46, 49, 53, 40, 37, 22, 55], so far none has been widely adopted. One characteristic these mechanisms share is their dependence on elements of the network infrastructure. Furthermore, it has been ar- gued recently [13] that the network DoS problem is in- herently impossible to solve without infrastructure sup- port. This may provide some insight as to the lack of deployment of any of these mechanisms. The question we examine in this paper is whether it is possible to pro- vide a practical solution to the network DoS problem that does not require significant (or any) cooperation by network providers (ISPs). We present Migrating OVErlay (MOVE), a system that aims to provide an e2e-compatible anti-DoS mech- anism. Our approach is to separate “good” traffic from unknown traffic, and treat the former preferentially, us- ing an overlay network in a manner similar to SOS [22, 23, 7, 32] but without using packet filtering. MOVE nodes are located at edge networks, requiring no in- frastructure support. Traffic is differentiated on a per- session basis, using cryptographic authentication and/or Graphic Turing Tests (GTTs) to determine valid users (which may simply mean “humans”). The overlay routes traffic from legitimate users to the current net- work location of the protected service. When an attack against the hosting site is detected, we use a lightweight process-migration mechanism to re-locate the service to an unaffected site. Legitimate traffic is routed transpar- ently to the new location, while malicious (or simply un- known) traffic will continue flowing to the old location. Our difference from SOS [22, 23], WebSOS [7, 32, 50], and Mayday [1], is that MOVE does not require a fil- tering perimeter to be constructed around the target site; instead, we use process migration to move (and obscure) the current location of the attacked service, and “step- ping stone” hosts to maintain connectivity between the original site and the new location of the service. Ar- chitecturally, SOS introduced the general idea of using

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MOVE: An End-to-End Solution To Network Denial of Service

Angelos Stavrou Angelos D. Keromytis Jason Nieh Vishal Misra Dan RubensteinColumbia University in the City of New York



We present a solution to the denial of service (DoS)problem that does not rely on network infrastructuresupport, conforming to the end-to-end (e2e) design prin-ciple. Our approach is to combine an overlay network,which allows us to treat authorized traffic preferentially,with a lightweight process-migration environment thatallows us to move services easily between different partsof a distributed system. Functionality residing on a partof the system that is subjected to a DoS attack migratesto an unaffected location. The overlay network ensuresthat traffic from legitimate users, who are authenticatedbefore they are allowed to access the service, is routedto the new location. We demonstrate the feasibility andeffectiveness of our approach by measuring the perfor-mance of an experimental prototype against a seriesof attacks using PlanetLab, a distributed experimentaltestbed. Our preliminary results show that the end-to-end latency remains at acceptable levels during regularoperation, increasing only by a factor of 2 to 3, even forlarge overlays. When a process migrates due to a DoSattack, the disruption of service for the end user is inthe order of a few seconds, depending on the networkproximity of the servers involved in the migration.

1 Introduction

One of the fundamental tenets of Internet design is theend-to-end (e2e) principle [42], which states that func-tionality should be placed as close to the network edgesas possible, keeping the network core focused on thetask of routing packets. While this has arguably con-tributed to the success of the Internet, it has created anideology that resists mechanisms that require deploy-ment in the interior (core) of the network. Examplesof such technologies include some forms of QoS [4] andactive networking [54].

Recent events have elevated network denial of service

(DoS) attacks to a first-order security threat. While sev-eral mechanisms to suppress or counter their effects havebeen proposed [17, 46, 49, 53, 40, 37, 22, 55], so farnone has been widely adopted. One characteristic thesemechanisms share is their dependence on elements ofthe network infrastructure. Furthermore, it has been ar-gued recently [13] that the network DoS problem is in-herently impossible to solve without infrastructure sup-port. This may provide some insight as to the lack ofdeployment of any of these mechanisms.The questionwe examine in this paper is whether it is possible to pro-vide a practical solution to the network DoS problemthat does not require significant (or any) cooperation bynetwork providers (ISPs).

We presentM igrating OVErlay (MOVE), a systemthat aims to provide ane2e-compatible anti-DoS mech-anism. Our approach is to separate “good” traffic fromunknown traffic, and treat the former preferentially, us-ing an overlay network in a manner similar to SOS[22, 23, 7, 32] but without using packet filtering. MOVEnodes are located at edge networks, requiring no in-frastructure support. Traffic is differentiated on a per-session basis, using cryptographic authentication and/orGraphic Turing Tests (GTTs) to determine valid users(which may simply mean “humans”). The overlayroutes traffic from legitimate users to the current net-work location of the protected service. When an attackagainst the hosting site is detected, we use a lightweightprocess-migration mechanism to re-locate the service toan unaffected site. Legitimate traffic is routed transpar-ently to the new location, while malicious (or simply un-known) traffic will continue flowing to the old location.Our difference from SOS [22, 23], WebSOS [7, 32, 50],and Mayday [1], is that MOVE does not require a fil-tering perimeter to be constructed around the target site;instead, we use process migration to move (and obscure)the current location of the attacked service, and “step-ping stone” hosts to maintain connectivity between theoriginal site and the new location of the service. Ar-chitecturally, SOS introduced the general idea of using

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an overlay and filtering to protect against some classesof DDoS attacks. WebSOS enhanced the front-end ofthe overlay (its interface with the remote clients) to en-able moread hocinteractions than SOS allowed. MOVEconcerns itself with the back-end of the overlay (its in-terface with the protected sites), removing the depen-dency on network filtering. Our approach is similar tothe concept of “hidden servers” in anonymity systemssuch as Tor [39, 11], although our use of server migra-tion in MOVE allows us to protect against a larger classof attackers.

No aspect of MOVE depends on the network infras-tructure itself, although it makes certain assumptionsabout the threat model. In particular,(a) there is a notionof legitimate users, (b) the attackers cannot take over ar-bitrary routers or eavesdrop at will on arbitrary networklinks, and(c) there exists a relatively large number ofpotential hosting sites. We discuss these assumptionsfurther in Section 2.

Where these assumptions hold, we believe MOVE tobe the first anti-DoS mechanism that does not requireany additional functionality from the network. We hopeto demonstrate that by making careful assumptions andrelaxing the threat model in realistic ways, it is possibleto designefficientandeffectiveprotection mechanismsthat do not violate prevalent system and network designprinciples. To that effect, we test our experimental pro-totype on PlanetLab [38], a testbed for experimentationwith network overlays. As we show, the overlay mech-anism increases end-to-end latency by a factor of 2 to3. Migrating a web server and its associated state causesless than 10 seconds of service disruption for the enduser, and connectivity resumes transparently to the endapplications; in the case of a VNC server with substan-tially more state, the service disruption time ranges be-tween 17 and 22 seconds. The attacker is left with no in-dication as to the new location of the service, thus havingto either distribute the attack traffic among various po-tential targets or try to guess the correct hosting site. Anattacker that cannot guess the new location faster than10 seconds (for the web server case) cannot permanentlydisrupt access to the service. Similar results are obtainedwhen migrating a remote display application, VNC. Fur-thermore, clients need to use MOVE only when theirconnectivity to a service is disrupted; under regular net-work conditions, direct access to the servers would typ-ically be used, minimizing the performance impact ofMOVE.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section 2 gives an overview of the MOVE system ar-chitecture after describing its components. Section 3

describes our prototype implementation, and Section 4presents some preliminary experimental results. We dis-cuss other mechanisms that address the DoS problem inSection 5, and conclude the paper with Section 6.

2 System Architecture

We first describe the threat and application modelsunder which our system operates. We then present theMOVE architecture, which uses elements of overlay net-working and process migration.

2.1 Threat and Application Model

DoS attacks can take many forms, depending on theresource the attacker is trying to exhaust. For example,an attacker can try to cause the web server to perform ex-cessive computation, or exhaust all available bandwidthto and from the server. In all forms, the attacker’s goal isto deny use of the service to other users. Apart from theannoyance factor, such an attack can prove particularlydamaging for time- or life-critical services (e.g., track-ing the spread of an real-world epidemic), or when theattack persists over several days. Of particular interestare link congestionattacks, whereby attackers identifypinch-points in the communications substrate and renderthem inoperable by flooding them with large volumes oftraffic. An example of an obvious attack point is thelocation (IP address) of the destination that is to be se-cured, or the routers in its immediate network vicinity;sending enough attack traffic will cause the links close tothe destination to be congested and drop all other traffic.

We assume that attackers are smart enough to exploitfeatures of the architecture that are made publicly avail-able. We do not specifically consider how to protect thearchitecture against attackers who can infiltrate the secu-rity mechanism that distinguishes legitimate traffic from(illegitimate) attack traffic: we assume that communica-tions between overlay nodes remain secure so that an at-tacker cannot send illegitimate communications, mask-ing them as legitimate. In addition, it is conceivablethat more intelligent attackers could monitor communi-cations between nodes in the overlay and, based on ob-served traffic statistics, determine additional informationabout the current configuration. Such attackers wouldhave the ability to subvert arbitrary routers and/or eaves-drop at will on network links. As such attacks are con-siderably more difficult than denial of service, we con-sider them outside our scope. In [58], the authors an-alyze our overlay architecture under a model allowingfor attackers that can compromise arbitrary nodes in theoverlay, toward determining the identity of the beaconand/or secret servlets. They conclude that by layering

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multiple overlays on top of each other, one can trade offincreased resistance to such attackers with end-to-endperformance.

Our prototype implementation is focused on two ap-plications (although not limited to these): a web serverand a remote display access application (VNC) [41]. Wechose the Web as an implementation mechanism due tothe facilities that common servers and browsers provideand the ease with which we could develop a prototypeimplementation. VNC is a good example of an applica-tion that maintains considerable state that cannot be eas-ily replicated, without being “storage-heavy”. In gen-eral, the applications we are most interested in are real-time, server-assisted applications, and other applicationsthat require some state to be maintained by the server butare not fundamentally storage-oriented (i.e., their pro-cessing component dominates the system performancecosts). Our system supports applications that require ac-cess to a storage back-end, by maintaining a “lifeline”between the new and the old location of the service. Theservice can access the storage back-end over this life-line, with some loss of performance, which we measurein Section 4. We discuss the lifeline in more detail inSection 2.2.1.

Note that applications that do not require any stateto be maintained can simply be load-balanced acrossseveral sites and contacted using Anycast, RR-DNS,etc.. Likewise, content-delivery applications can usedata replication services such as Akamai to increaseavailability.

Finally, we assume that there exists a number of host-ing sites that can accept the migrating service. These canbe statically provisioned,e.g., through a co-operativeagreement among various service providers, or allocatedon demand from a commercial entity selling (or renting)CPU time. In either case, we assume that there existenough such hosting sites that an attacker cannot sim-ply overwhelm all of them with a coordinated DoS at-tack. Instead, the attacker can successfully attack some(small) percentage of such sites. Note that these hostingsitesare notpart of the overlay itself. They only hostmigrated services, presumably under some contractualagreement with the owners of such services.

2.2 MOVE Architecture

The overall architecture of our system is shown in Fig-ure 1, and shares several similarities with the architec-ture of WebSOS [32, 7]. For the remainder of the discus-sion, we will focus on web clients and servers, althoughour approach can easily be generalized to other services.

2.2.1 Servers In MOVE

Servers that are to be protected inform the overlayof their current location. Such servers are also au-thenticated using a standard security protocol such asSSL/TLS [10] with client certificates, or IPsec [21].When a server migrates to a new location, it simply in-forms the overlay of its new location. Note that multipleservers, belonging to different organizations, may be us-ing the system at the same time; the certificates they holdallow them to change the location status only for them-selves,i.e., they cannot cause the overlay to redirect andcapture a competitor’s traffic. We assume the existenceof enough locations to choose as the new destination thatit is impractical for an attacker to simply attack eachsite and determine (based on service response latency)which one is hosting a particular service; that is, it willtake too long for an attacker to locate a service usingthat (or a similar) approach, compared to how quicklythe system can migrate to a new location. We experi-mentally quantify this delay in Section 4.

However, notice that the process migration mecha-nism itself uses the network, which is presumed to beunder a DoS attack. In keeping with the spirit of thee2edesign, we preclude use of any form of QoS provi-sioning (although such arrangements can be very effec-tive and do not require a lot of overhead, since the end-points are fixed and knowna priori). Instead, we assumethat each hosting site has a secondary, potentially low-bandwidth connection to the Internet with a different IPaddress (either with the same or, better yet, with anotherISP), which is not advertised through BGP. Thus, attacktraffic from outside the home ISP cannot reach that in-terface, even if the attacker knows this alternate address.

We also require “stepping stones” in the same homeISP (but not necessarily operated by the ISP,i.e., theycan be located in end-networks), which allow the mi-grating process to reach a host that can communicatewith other nodes outside the home ISP. During processmigration, the server binary and state are saved (as weshall describe in Section 2.3), transfered to one of thestepping stones, and thence to a “random” hosting site,where the service is restarted. The service will then no-tify the overlay of its new location. The overlay will thenredirect traffic from legitimate clients to this new loca-tion. The stepping stones can be part of the overlay (ad-mitting new clients and routing their traffic), dedicatednodes, hosting sites that use the same home ISP, or anycombination of these. The only important characteristicis that they can communicate beyond the local ISP, andwith the ISP-specific address of the attacked site. For ex-ample, the ISP may be using internally a net-10 address

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Figure 1.Migrating Overlay system architecture.

(i.e.,an address in the private10.0.0.0/8 prefix) forthe secondary address of stepping stones and protectedsites. The stepping stone node also uses a temporary ad-dress that belongs to the ISP, thatis globally routable.This address is changed periodically, such that an at-tacker cannot target a stepping stone with attack traf-fic. Thus, we have created an one-way communicationchannel through the stepping stone (outside connectionsthrough it are possible, incoming ones are not).

Finally, a “lifeline” connection is maintained betweenthe new location and the old locationvia the steppingstone,such that the migrated service can access any stor-age that is attached to the old location. For example,consider a typical web server such as the one shownin Figure 2. In MOVE, we will migrate the front-endweb server component, and use the lifeline connectionto communicate to the business logic and database com-ponents. Although the stepping stone’s address maychange over time, we can use tunneling to maintain theconnection with the new location. We eventually intendto use SCTP for this connection, since this allows us toeasily do live-connection migration to a new IP address.Since the secondary link connects to another ISP (or weensured that it uses a different set of links than the mainInternet attachment point), the DDoS attack will not af-

fect the lifeline. To avoid adding up to the lifeline over-heads when a server is migrated several times, we col-lapse the lifeline by instructing the previous (original)stepping stone to connect to the new location.

2.2.2 Clients in MOVE

When the service is not under attack, clients can contactit directly. Once an attack is detected or suspected (e.g.,through loss of connectivity), traffic is diverted throughMOVE. Clients that want to access the attacked service,contact any overlay node (an updated list of which canbe published periodically) and authenticate using one ofseveral techniques. The most straightforward approach,used in the initial version of MOVE, is to use SSL withclient certificates that are signed by the entity operatingthe overlay, and authorize the holders to access eitherspecific or any applications or servers using the overlay.

The drawback of using an authentication protocol isthat we must know in advance who the legitimate usersare, so they can be provisioned with the appropriate au-thentication credentials. This is not a problem for appli-cations such as VNC, where we only want the authorizeduser (owner) to access the service. In countering DoS at-tacks, however, we are often more interested in whethera particular request (e.g.,HTTP connection) originated

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network LogicB


(e.g., Apache)



eb Server

Requestsfrom the

Web Server

Component that is migrated by MOVE

IPC is "stretched" over "lifeline" connection


P, T

omcat, Java B

eans, etc)



Figure 2.Typical model of a web server.

Figure 3. Web-based Graphic Turing Test usingGIMPY. The challenge in this case is “wqyw”.

from a human user or from a “DoS zombie” process,that is under the control of the attacker. Fortunately, itis possible to do so usingGraphic Turing Tests(GTTs)[56], an example of which is shown in Figure 3. Forvision-impaired users, it is possible to use audible testsof a similar nature (e.g., type the word spelled in thisaudio clip); we do not consider such tests further in thispaper. MOVE can support both authenticated and GTT-admitted clients simultaneously, as we describe in Sec-tion 3.2.

The particular GTT realization we use is GIMPY,which concatenates an arbitrary sequence of letters toform a word and renders a distorted image of the wordas shown in Figure 3. GIMPY relies on the fact thathumans can read the words within the distorted imageand current automated tools cannot. The human authen-ticates herself by entering as ASCII text the same se-quence of letters as what appears in the image. Althoughrecent advances in visual pattern recognition [33] candefeat GIMPY, there is no solution to date that can rec-ognize complicated images or relation between imageslike Animal-PIX. Although for demonstration purposesin our prototype, described in Section 3, we use GIMPY,we can easily substitute it with any other instance of aGTT. Once a client has passed the GTT, they are pro-vided with a short-expiration certificate that can be usedto access the overlay with TLS. We describe the imple-mentation details in Section 3. Note that it is possibleto provision users with longer-lived credentials, or justprovide them with long-lived certificates, skipping GTTauthentication altogether; the drawback of that approach

is that the users must be known and provisioneda priori.We believe that with these two authentication methods(certificate-only and GTT), we can cover the majorityof usage scenarios. Although we are aware of social-engineering attacks against CAPTCHAs, note that weare not limited to these as the only form of authentica-tion; as we already mentioned, we can use certificate(and even password-based) authentication. We can in-tegrate additional authentication mechanisms in the in-frastructure as they are developed.

Authenticated clients then route all their traffic overthe overlay, which redirects it to the current location ofthe protected service. Note that the actual location ofa server is no longer implied by the host-name compo-nent of the URL, or the IP address this resolves to. Anattacker that has no access to the overlay can try to at-tack a hosting site at random, or the IP address the URLresolves to. In that case, the server and all associatedstate is migrated to a new location. Alternatively, theattacker can target the overlay itself. However, as hasbeen shown by other work on which we base our ap-proach [22, 1], doing so is more difficult as the overlaysize increases.

2.3 Process Migration

Process migration is the ability to transfer a processfrom one machine to another. It is a useful facility in dis-tributed computing environments, especially as comput-ing devices become more pervasive and Internet accessbecomes more ubiquitous. Although many approacheshave been proposed [29], achieving process migration

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functionality has been difficult in practice.For our system, we use an approach based on [35], by

effectively providing a thin virtualization layer, calleda POD, on top of the operating system that providesa group of processes with a private namespace. Thesandboxed process group always sees the same virtual-ized view of the system, which associates virtual iden-tifiers with operating system resources such as processidentifiers and network addresses. This decouples sand-boxed processes from dependencies on the host oper-ating system and from other processes in the system.This virtualization is integrated with a checkpoint-restartmechanism that enables the sandboxed processes to bemigrated as a unit to another machine. These processgroups are independent and self-contained, and can thusbe migrated freely without leaving behind any residualstate after migration, even when migrating network ap-plications while preserving their network connections.We can therefore allow applications to continue execut-ing after migration even if the machine on which theypreviously executed is no longer available. To sup-port transparent network-connection migration, client-side support is required, which is straightforward to im-plement on the overlay nodes (i.e., no changes to client(user) software are necessary). For our prototype imple-mentation, this was not required, since the web modelallows for temporary TCP connection failures. For ap-plication domains where this is not an option, we canaugment the overlay nodes accordingly. We do not ex-plore this option further in this paper.

The process migration system is designed to supportmigration of unmodified legacy applications while min-imizing changes to existing operating systems. This isdone by leveraging loadable kernel module functional-ity in commodity operating systems that allows us tointercept system calls as needed for virtualization andsave and restore kernel state as needed for migration.The system’s compatibility with existing applicationsand operating systems makes it simple to deploy anduse. The system is implemented as a kernel module, al-lowing transparent migration among separate machinesrunning independent versions of Linux (with unmodifiedkernels). Note that these systems do not need to share asingle-system image.

In our web server experiments, all the server processeswere contained in the same POD. When migrating theVNC environment, a number of different processes werecontained inside the same POD: the VNC server itself,X11 terminals, a web browser, and a few other applica-tions. We describe the configuration in more detail inSection 4.

2.4 Example of System Operation

To illustrate the use of our architecture by servers andclients, we describe the steps both sides must undertaketo protect their communication channel:

• A server contacts any overlay node and informsit of its location. The connection is protected bySSL/TLS, and the server presents a certificate thatproves to the overlay its right to specify a locationfor a particular hostname/URL. The overlay nodeconfirms the validity of the certificate and informsother nodes in the overlay of the new location ofthe service. We will discuss in Section 3 the mecha-nism used in our prototype. The server periodicallyre-affirms its current location.

• A client that wants to communicate with the servicecontacts a random overlay node. After authenticat-ing and authorizing the request via the CAPTCHAtest, the overlay node securely proxies all trafficfrom the source to the target. Alternatively, a pre-authorized client that possesses a valid certificatecan connect to the overlay without requiring anyuser interaction. As explained in [50], this step mayalso involve some type of payment (by the end useror the service owner) to the entity managing theoverlay infrastructure. Following the discussion of[1], a number of overlay nodes may be involved inthe routing, depending on the precise threat modeland performance requirements. For example, toavoid the situation where an attacker can eavesdropon an overlay node and determine the location ofthe service, we may want to use a two-hop overlayrouting approach; if this is not a concern, we mayuse one-hop redirection instead. Alternatively, wecan use full Chord-like routing [52] as in SOS [22],obscuring traffic patterns.

• When an attack is detected, the server processis suspended and migrated, using the system de-scribed in Section 2.3. A random hosting site isselected and, after querying its current status withrespect to DoS attacks and other suspicious activ-ity, the server is migrated there. To perform themigration, a “stepping stone” host that resides inthe same ISP as the source hosting site is used,to achieve routability from an unpredictable sourceaddress (one that cannot be attacked from outsidethe ISP).

Following the analyses of [22] and [1], the scheme isrobust against DoS attacks because there exists no de-pendency on any individual link, router, overlay node,

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or hosting site. If a node within the overlay is attacked,the node simply exits the overlay and clients switch toa new node. No node is more important or sensitivethan others. Given “enough” redundancy, an attackeris left with the options of splitting their attack among allpossible hosting sites and stepping stones, or trying toguess the currently used location and focus their attackthere. How much constitutes “enough” depends on theexpected severity of attacks; we intend to quantify thisin future work. Intuitively, and given the attacks thathave been seen on the Internet so far, we expect 15 to20 distinct and well connected hosting sites plus a smallnumber of stepping stones for each to be sufficient inmaking even large attacks infeasible. We intend to ex-tend our preliminary analysis from [22] for this scenario.

In [22], we performed a preliminary analysis usingsimple networking models to evaluate the likelihood thatan attacker is able to prevent communications to a par-ticular target. This likelihood was determined as a func-tion of the aggregate bandwidth obtained by an attackerthrough the exploitation of compromised systems. Theanalysis included an examination of the capabilities ofstatic attackers who focus all their attack resources on afixed set of nodes, as well as attackers who adjust theirattacks to “chase after” the repairs that their system im-plements when it detects an attack. We demonstratedthat even attackers that are able to launch massive at-tacks are very unlikely to prevent successful communi-cation. For instance, attackers capable of launching de-bilitating attacks against 50% of the nodes in the overlayhave roughly one chance in one thousand of stopping agiven communication from a client who can access theoverlay through a small subset of overlay nodes. Thesame security analysis applies to MOVE, by reducingit to an instance of SOS: let the hosting site be equiv-alent to the SOS “secret servlet” nodes; in both SOSand MOVE, an attacker must correctly guess the iden-tity of the location/servlet, both of which lie in the samename space (IP address). Keeping the details of the over-lay itself the same between the two approaches, it iseasy to see the equivalence of the two from an analysisviewpoint. However, unlike SOS and Mayday, MOVEachieves its properties without any support from the net-work infrastructure.

3 Implementation

Since our MOVE prototype uses Chord [52] as the un-derlying overlay network, we first briefly describe Chordand then expand on the implementation of MOVE.

3.1 Chord

Chord can be viewed as a routing service that canbe implemented atop the existing IP network fabric,i.e., as a network overlay. Consistent hashing [19] isused to map an arbitrary identifier to a unique destina-tion node that is an active member of the overlay. InChord, each node is assigned a numerical identifier (ID)via a hash function in the range[0, 2m] for some pre-determined value ofm. The nodes in the overlay areordered by these identifiers. The ordering is cyclic (i.e.,wraps around) and can be viewed conceptually as a cir-cle, where the next node in the ordering is the next nodealong the circle in the clockwise direction.

Each overlay node maintains a table that stores theidentities ofm other overlay nodes. Theith entry inthe table is the node whose identifierx equals or, in re-lation to all other nodes in the overlay, most immediatelyfollows x+2i−1 (mod 2m). When overlay nodex re-ceives a packet destined for IDy, it forwards the packetto the overlay node in its table whose ID precedesy

by the smallest amount. The Chord algorithm routespackets around the overlay “circle”, progressively get-ting closer to the desired overlay node.O(m) overlaynodes are visited. Typically, the hash functions used tomap nodes to identifiers do not attempt to map two ge-ographically close nodes to nearby identifiers. Hence, itis often the case that two nodes with consecutive identi-fiers are geographically distant from one another withinthe network. The Chord service is robust to changes inoverlay membership, and each node’s list is adjusted toaccount for nodes leaving and joining the overlay suchthat the above properties continue to hold.

MOVE uses the hostname of the target (i.e., webserver) as the identifier to which the hash function isapplied. Thus, Chord can direct traffic from any nodein the overlay to the node that the identifier is mappedto, by applying the hash function to the target’s hostname. This node is simply a unique node that will beeventually be reached, after up tom = log N overlayhops, regardless of the entry point. For any particularservice, this node will always know its current location.If this node is for some reason dropped from the over-lay, a new node (the one with an address closest to thehash of the service’s hostname) will subsume its role,and provide location-resolution services for that target.The new node will learn of the service’s current loca-tion through the periodic re-confirmation message sent.Thus, location information does not need to be floodedto all nodes of the overlay network, which would makeit difficult to support large numbers of services, withoutcompromising reliability and robustness to attack.

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3.2 MOVE Implementation

Our prototype system is based on WebSOS [32, 7].Each overlay node is responsible for resolving the loca-tion of the requested service and creating a security com-munication tunnel with it. To that end, we use Chord todistribute the location information for each site: when aservice informs MOVE of its current location, its host-name is hashed and the node thus indicated is informedof the location. In that sense, this node acts in a man-ner analogous to SOSbeaconnodes. Similarly, when aMOVE node needs to forward a legitimate user’s requestto the service, it hashes the service hostname and sends aquery to the Chord node whose address is closest to thehash result. Thus, in contrast to [7] and [22], rather thantransporting the request and response through the Chordoverlay, only routing information travels through it; dataconnections are proxied directly to the protected ser-vice’s location. The information is cached and period-ically refreshed by consulting the authoritative MOVEnode for that target.

When a new request (in the form of a new TCP con-nection) is received, the MOVE node to which the clientis connected (called anaccess point) first checks thelocal cache database for the current location of the re-quested service. If the lookup succeeds, the access pointopens a new SSL connection to a random overlay node(to borrow from SOS terminology, a “secret servlet”),which allows us to avoid some of the eavesdropping at-tacks identified in [1]. Thus, a two-way communicationchannel is established between the client and the service,through the overlay. Authentication of the user by theoverlay is accomplished through SSL. Authorized usersare issued X.509 [5] certificates signed by the MOVEaccess point that administered the GTT. These certifi-cates are only valid for a limited time (30 minutes),after which the user must pass another GTT. Further-more, the certificates are bound to the IP address fromwhich the GTT authentication came, and can only beused with the specific MOVE access point. Thus, an at-tacker cannot simply authenticate once and redistributethe same certificate to a large number of attack zom-bies. Each overlay node also communicates with otherMOVE nodes over SSL connections. If the lookup fails,the access point queries the resolving node, as describedpreviously.

When a request is issued by the client for a specificservice, it is tunneled through a series of SSL-encryptedlinks to the target, allowing the entire transmission be-tween the requester and target to be encrypted. TheSSL connections between MOVE nodes are dynami-cally established, as new requests are routed. To ac-

complish this, we wrote a port forwarder that runs onthe user’s system, accepts plain-text proxy requests lo-cally, and forwards them using SSL to the access pointnode. This is implemented as a Java applet that runsinside the browser that a user uses to authenticate him-self. This Java applet is responsible for encrypting andforward to the access point requests from any serviceinitiated by the client and can be configured to accept aproxy. This last requirement can be removed if we useinterception of the socket communication at the operat-ing system level.

Thus, to use MOVE, an authorized user simply hasto access any access point, successfully respond to theGraphic Turing Test challenge, download the applet, andset the service proxy settings to the localhost, as shownin Figure 4. Java applets typically cannot communicatewith any host other than the one they were downloadedfrom, but this is not a problem in our case. If the userreplies successfully, the web server connects to a DBMSsystem (local or remote) and associates an RSA key anda certificate with the host. The key/certificate are uniqueper IP and have an expiration time that can be config-ured by the system administrator. The user is promptedto download a signed applet that runs locally using onebrowser window and contacts the Web Server via a tem-porary HTTPS connection to fetch the X.509 certificate.

The applet then starts listening for service connectionson a local ports (e.g., 8080) and establishes an SSL-tunnel connection with the server running on the accesspoint (or elsewhere, since the signed applet has the abil-ity to connect to any server by changing the Java Policyfiles on the users’ machine). The proxy server matchesthe X.509 certificate and the IP from client to the pri-vate key obtained from the DBMS system and allowsthe connection to be proxied. The only imposition onthe user is that he/she must change the Proxy settings ofthe local browser to point to the socket that listens forthe applets. The same configuration is used when us-ing VNC, with the proxy forwarding VNC rather thanHTTP traffic.

The access point caches the server’s location for use infuture requests. That information is timed out after a pe-riod of time to allow changes to propagate correctly. Thesame basic mechanism is used by services to announcetheir presence to (and periodically update the informa-tion stored by) their corresponding resolving nodes.

In a DoS attack, the target server migrates to arandomly-chosen location and, once there, notifies theoverlay of its new location. The migration is done usingthe process migration mechanism we described in Sec-tion 2.3. System migration is largely implemented as a

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Figure 4.MOVE client session initiation diagram.

loadable Linux kernel module. In our system, this mech-anism was used to load and checkpoint the Apache andVNC servers respectively, creating the necessary imagesof the running processes. These process images, whichincluded the current process state, were then transferedto the remote server and restarted.

4 Experimental Results

To evaluate MOVE’s impact on performance andavailability, we deployed the prototype implementationon a number of PlanetLab nodes [38], distributed acrossthe Internet. We measured(1) the impact of usingMOVE to the client’s end-to-end latency,(2) the delayin making a server available again at a new site oncea DoS attack has been launched, and(3) the impact ofthe lifeline connection to the server’s performance. Inour experiments, we used the following entities (see Fig-ure 4):

• A node acting as the client, using an off-the-shelfweb browser.

• An http targetserver (Apache) and a VNC server,in two separate experiments.

• A set of PlanetLab nodes participating in the over-lay network and providing the necessary trafficredirection facilities.

• A migrationserver, to which the server is migratedfrom its original location when attacked.

In our experiments, the legitimate client was locatedinside Columbia University’s network and the trafficwas redirected from various nodes inside the PlanetLabnetwork toward the web and VNC servers, which wereinitially located on the local (Columbia) network. Wedeployed the MOVE implementation on 76 PlanetLabnodes, which formed a Chord ring, per our discussion inSection 3.

To determine the end-to-end latency experienced bya client using our system, we used the MOVE overlayto contact various web servers and download the initialpage. The results are shown in Table 1. The differencein performance over previous work that used the samebenchmark [7] is due to the fact that traffic in MOVEonly traverses two overlay nodes, as opposed to thefull Chord overlay, meaning fewer redirections betweenoverlay nodes. As shown in [30], the increase in latencyis typically dominated by the end-to-end communica-tion overheads. An additional delay cost is the SSL-

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Table 1. Latency (in seconds) when contacting anumber of web servers directly and while usingMOVE; in all cases, we download the initial webpage. The last column shows the factor increase inlatency The testing was performed on a 76 node sub-set of the PlanetLab testbed using the Chord overlay.The numbers are averaged over 25 requests.

Server Direct MOVE RatioYahoo! 1.32 3.67 2.78VeriSign 3.41 6.77 1.98BBC News 1.11 3.17 2.85Microsoft 1.51 4.01 2.65Slashdot 3.66 7.21 1.96FreeBSD 1.49 3.81 2.55

Table 2. Delay in re-establishing availability afterdisruption (due to DDoS) for an httpd server, mi-grated from the initial site to a co-located server (us-ing NFS/UDP and SHFS/TCP), and to a remote site(using SHFS). The size of the server state was 9.8MBon average. We also include the round-trip latencybetween the target and migration servers in all cases.

Migration RTT MigrationServer Latency TimeCo-located (NFS) 1.02ms 0.761sCo-located (SHFS) 1.02ms 1.162sU. Penn (SHFS) 10.6ms 6.632s

processing overhead from the generation of the SSL tun-nel and the encryption of the data from client to the over-lay and inside the overlay; use of cryptographic acceler-ators may further improve performance in that area [24].

To measure the delay in re-establishing the server’savailability, which is the time during which a client us-ing MOVE experiences service disruption, we used anApache httpd server running under the default configu-ration. The server, initially located inside our local net-work, was moved to themigration server. The state ofthe server processes amounted to 9.8 MBytes on aver-age. We measured the migration time in the followingcases: when the migration server was located inside ourlocal network, and when the migration server was lo-cated at the University of Pennsylvania, approximately11 hops or 10msping time away (over Internet2). Inboth scenarios, the state files were transfered using the(Secure) SHell FileSystem (SHFS) [48], which operatesover the popular SSH/SCP protocol suite. We chose

SHFS because of its ease of installation and use; otherfilesystems, such as LBFS [34] or CODA [43] can alsobe used instead SHFS. For the local-migration case, weused NFS (over UDP) as a second way of transferringstate. We show the results in Table 2. The availabilitydelay varies between 1 second to6.6 seconds, as round-trip times increase from 1ms (for the local-migrationcase) to10ms. We believe that this level of disruptionis acceptable in the presence of a DoS attack, when thealternative is total loss of service. One may observe thatan attacker may be considered successful in some sce-narios if they can cause service downtime of7 secondseven few minutes, if only because the end users will beannoyed. One possibility we plan to examine in futurework is the use of “hot spares” that are kept synchro-nized with the live service and to which we can diverttraffic at sort notice through MOVE.

To better analyze the contribution of the lifeline con-nection to the overall latency for large interactive, non-caching applications like thin clients, we constructedthe following experiment: initially, a VNC [41] serveris located on the target server. The client connectsvia MOVE and creates a VNC session consisting ofMozilla browser, Gaim Instant Messenger, Kword, aPS/PDF viewer and two terminals connected to the tar-get server. Upon detection of the attack, we check-pointed the POD containing the VNC session and server,transfered the state to the migration server and restartedit. The state transfered to the migrate server amountedto 55.9 MBytes. For the migration, we used a co-locatedserver,Site 1,and two remote servers,Site 2and Site3, with different network proximity to the target server.Figure 5 shows the average availability delay for thisscenario, which is dominated by the transfer of the PODstate; the relatively small checkpoint and restart over-heads remain constant for all experiments.

In addition, the underlying file-access mechanismseems to play a significant role, especially when weestablish a low-bandwidth link between the target andthe migration server. Accessing the target’s database orfile system via the lifeline can also increase the end-to-end latency. For servers that are either co-located orconnected through a low-latency link (<5ms), we canuse NFS/UDP since it is fast and reliable. However, ifthe established connection is of high latency (and lowbandwidth), NFS/UDP becomes unresponsive. To mea-sure the performance of our system when using a high-latency connection, we instead used SHFS. Figures 6and 7 show the average round trip time (RTT) and effec-tive throughput respectively for all the migration sites.We can see that as we increase the distance between

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Figure 5. Average migration time (in seconds) for a VNC server migrates to a co-located server (Site 1) and to remoteservers (Site 2and Site 3) using NFS/UDP and SHFS/TCP using a tunnel through the lifeline. We observe that thetotal time is dominated by the transfer time. Prior to the migration the VNC server was running Mozilla browser,Gaim, Kword, PS/PDF viewer and two terminal applications.

the target and the migration server, we have a propor-tional decrease in the average data throughput. Figure 7shows that when we use NFS to connect the target andmigration servers forSite 1,we achieve better through-put compared to using SHFS.

Choosing a file-access method to connect through thelifeline depends both on the network proximity of themigrating site and the maximum network latency al-lowed by the application we migrate. For thin-clientapplications like VNC, all the applications are alreadyloaded prior to migration and the user communicateswith the target server only to read or write data fromwithin an application. Thus, the lifeline utilization isrelatively low, allowing for relatively smooth operationunder conditions of high network latency. For applica-tions that access the filesystem frequently, such as HTTPservers, it is necessary to use a network file system withgood caching characteristics. For database applications,we need to ensure that the lifeline can sustain the loadfrom the migrated middleware server to the back-enddatabase server.

5 Related Work

As a result of its increased popularity and usefulness,the Internet contains both interesting targets and enough

malicious and ignorant users that DoS attacks are simplynot going to disappear on their own; indeed, althoughthe press has stopped reporting such incidents, recentstudies have shown a surprisingly high number of DoSattacks occurring around the clock throughout the Inter-net [31]. Worse, the Internet is increasingly being usedfor time-critical applications. A further compoundingfactor is the susceptibility of the basic protocols (i.e., IPand TCP) to denial of service attacks [47, 15, 44, 28].

The need to protect against or mitigate the effects ofDoS attacks has been recognized by both the commer-cial and research world. Some work has been donetoward achieving these goals,e.g., [17, 8, 46, 45, 14,49, 53, 27]. These mechanisms focus on detecting thesource of DoS attacks in progress and then counteringthem, typically by “pushing” some filtering rules onrouters as far away from the target of the attack (andclose to the sources) as possible. The motivation behindsuch approaches has been twofold: first, it is concep-tually simple to introduce a protocol that will be usedby a relatively small subset of the nodes on the Internet(i.e., ISP routers), as opposed to requiring the introduc-tion of new protocols that must be deployed and used byend-systems. Second, these mechanisms are fairly trans-parent to protocols, applications, and legitimate users.Unfortunately, these reactive approaches by themselves

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Figure 6. Round Trip Time (RTT) between thetarget server and the migration sites when usingthe lifeline tunnel. Note that the Y axis uses loga-rithmic scale.

Figure 7. Average data throughput in MB/secwhen accessing target server files from the migra-tion sites using the lifeline tunnel. Notice that aswe increase the network distance, we have a pro-portional decrease in the average data through-put

are not adequate, since large-scale coordination acrossmultiple administrative domains is not always practical.

The D-WARD system [40] monitors outgoing trafficfrom a given source network and attempts to identify at-tack traffic by comparing against models of reasonablecongestion control behavior. The amount of throttlingon suspicious traffic is proportional to its deviation fromthe expected behavior, as specified by the model. InCOSSACK [36], participating agents at edge networksexchange information about observed traffic and formmulticast cliques to coordinate attack suppression. Aninteresting approach is that of [18], which proposes anIP hop-count-based filter to weed out spoofed packets.The rationale is that most such packets will not have ahop-count (TTL) field consistent with the IP addressesbeing spoofed. In [16], the authors use a combination oftechniques that examine packet contents, transient ramp-up behavior and spectral analysis to determine whetheran attack is single- or multi-sourced, which would helpfocus the efforts of a hypothetical anti-DoS mechanism.

A variant of the packet marking approaches createsprobabilistically unique path-marks on packets withoutrequiring router coordination; end-hosts or firewalls canthen easily filter out packets belonging to a path thatexhibits anomalous behavior [59]. Although this ap-proach avoids many of the limitations of the pure mark-ing schemes, it requires that core routers “touch” packets

(rather than simply switch them), and assumes that thelimited resource is the target’s CPU cycles, rather thanthe available bandwidth (i.e., preventing the DoS attackis “simply” a matter of quickly determining which pack-ets the server should ignore). In our work, we assumethat the scarce resource is bandwidth. Collins and Re-iter [6] present an empirical analysis of several differentanti-DoS techniques (including Pi [59] and Hop-CountFiltering [18]) that use filters near the target of an attack,using traces of real DDoS attacks to simulate the impactof the filters on the attack traffic.

[37] describes filtering out source-spoofed packets in-side the Internet core, and discusses the effectiveness ofthis approach. The authors suggest piggy-backing onBGP to propagate the necessary information. DDoS at-tacks using real IP addresses are not affected by thisscheme.

[20] proposes using Class-Based Queuing on a webload-balancer to identify misbehaving IP addresses andplace them in lower priority queues. However, many ofthe DDoS attacks simply cause congestion to the webserver’s access link.

Another approach to mitigating DoS attacks againstinformation carriers is to massively replicate the con-tent being secured around the entire network,e.g.,[51].To prevent access to the replicated information, an at-tacker must attack all replication points throughout the

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entire network — a task that is considerably more diffi-cult than attacking a small number of, often co-located,servers. Replication is a promising means to preserve in-formation that is relatively static, such as news articles.However, there are several reasons why replication is notalways an ideal solution. For instance, the informationmay require frequent updates complicating large-scalecoherency (especially during DoS attacks), or may bedynamic by its very nature (e.g.,a live web-cast). An-other concern is the security of the stored information:engineering a highly-replicated solution without leaks ofinformation is a challenging endeavor.

An extension of the ideas of SOS [22, 7, 32] appears in[1]. There, the two main facets of the SOS architecture,filtering and overlay routing, are explored separately,and several alternative mechanisms are considered. It isobserved that in some cases, the various security proper-ties offered by SOS can still be maintained using mech-anisms that are simpler and more predictable. How-ever, some second-order properties, such as the abilityto rapidly reconfigure the architecture in anticipation ofor in reaction to a breach of the filtering identity (e.g.,identifying the secret servlet) are compromised. In mostother respects, the two approaches are very similar.

A system similar to MOVE is proposed in [25], whereservers are hidden among a large number of honepots. Acontinuously changing subset of the servers is active andproviding service, switching to honeypot mode when anattack is detected. An overlay is responsible for routinglegitimate clients to the currently active servers, and thesystem is evaluated via a set of simulations.

Gligor [13] proposes the use of a server that canproduce tickets at line speeds. Clients must obtain aticket from this server before they are allowed to ac-cess a protected service. The approach is geared to-wards application-level DoS protection, with some othermechanism, such as SOS or Pushback, used to addressnetwork-level DoS attacks. Andersonet. al [2] sub-sequently proposed a similar system for use at the net-work layer of an Internet-like architecture designed witha clean slate, assuming a distributed token server archi-tecture and rate-limiting/filtering traffic on routers basedon these tokens. Another similar idea appears in [26].

The NetBouncer project [55] considers the use ofclient-legitimacy tests for filtering attack traffic. Suchtests include packet-validity tests (e.g., source addressvalidation), flow-behavior analysis, and application-specific tests, including Graphic Turing Tests. However,since their solution is end-point based, it is susceptible tolarge link-congestion attacks. [60] is the first system tocreate stateless flow filtering by having each router add

“capabilities” to packets that traverse them; the receiverof these packets is then responsible for sending thesecapabilities to its peers, which will allow them to sendtraffic at higher rates (privileged traffic). Unprivilegedtraffic is limited to a fraction of the available bandwidth;thus, although a DoS attack can prevent new connec-tions from being established (by overloading the controlchannel used to communicate these capabilities), exist-ing connections will be unharmed. Estrinet al. first pro-posed a capability-like mechanism for network packetsin [12].

[3] examines several different DDoS mitigation tech-nologies and their interactions. Among their conclu-sions, they mention that requiring the clients to do somework, e.g.,[9], can be an effective countermeasure, pro-vided the attacker does not have too many resourcescompared to the defender. Wang and Reiter [57] intro-duced the idea of a puzzle auction as a way to ease someof the practical deployment difficulties,e.g., selectingthe appropriate hardness for the puzzles. Their intuitionis to let clients bid for the resources by tuning the diffi-culty of the puzzles they solve. When the server is at-tacked, legitimate clients gradually increase their bids(puzzle difficulty), eventually bringing the cost outsidethe adversary’s capabilities. The authors envision com-bining their scheme with some anti-DoS mechanism thatcounteracts volume-based attacks [17, 59, 22].

6 Conclusions

We described MOVE, an architecture for protectingspecific classes of software services, such as a webserver, from network-based denial of service (DoS) at-tacks, without requiring any additional functionality tobe placed inside the network. We believe our work tobe the first to demonstrate that it is possible to counternetwork DoS attacks without requiring support from theinfrastructure itself.

MOVE combines a network overlay with alightweight process-migration mechanism. Theoverlay nodes accept connections from legitimate users,and route their traffic to the current location of theservice. Our definition of legitimate is flexible, andcan vary from users authenticated with cryptographiccredentials to Graphic Turing Tests, which simplydistinguish between humans and automated zombies. Ifa service is attacked, it is migrated to a new, randomlyselected location. An attacker is left with the optionof splitting the attack traffic to all potential targets, ortrying to guess the current active location.

We use our prototype implementation on the Planet-Lab testbed, which allows us to distribute the MOVE

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nodes across the Internet. In a series of experiments, weshow that the end-to-end latency imposed by MOVE canbe as low as a factor of 2 to 3 higher than direct commu-nication between client and server, which we believe isan acceptable cost when dealing with DoS attacks. Theservice disruption to the end user, that is the time to mi-grate an attacked service, ranges from 10 to 25 seconds,depending on the location of the migration server. Ourplans for future work include eliminating (or minimiz-ing) the need for stepping stones, and analyzing the se-curity of the system against different adversarial models[58].


We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers fortheir comments and suggestions that helped improve thispaper.

This work is supported in part by DARPA contractNo. F30602-02-2-0125 (FTN program) and by the Na-tional Science Foundation under grants ANI-0117738and ITR CNS-0426623, and CAREER Award ANI-0133829, with additional support from Cisco and IntelCorporation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.


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