move that mountain

MOVE A MOUNT IN A MONTH 27 Day by day devotional reading. Tuesday 17 th June Sunday 13 th July

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27 Day by day devotional reading.

Tuesday 17th

June – Sunday 13th


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2 Corinthians 2:14 …God who… manifests through us… TurningPoint Church 5996 3048 –

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TurningPoint Church Reading Plan #5 2014

Our world is facing many economic challenges causing people to be fearful. All of us have a growing need to understand that God is our true provider.

In Christian circles, we are in the midst of a 40+ year decline in giving to God’s work (churches, ministries, missions, and the needy). Many churches and ministries have begun to experience financial challenges that are hurting their ability to reach and serve people for Christ.

We each need encouragement to give God first place in our lives and in our finances. As this happens, our growing acts of generosity will change us and change the lives of others for the glory of God in our lifetime.


We thank God for you! “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the

same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with

the Father... Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” John


TurningPoint is in the midst of a significant God-sized-journey that will impact our church and the lives of men, women, youth and children for decades to come (and even into eternity)! To determine how God may choose to use you in this journey, we need your help. Over the coming weeks, we would invite you to…

1) PRAY daily for the Lyndhurst project, our church and God’s clear leading in your life. We also encourage you whenever possible to keep up to date with the site and pray for God’s leading and provision for you and our entire church in this matter.

2) READ and consider the implications in your life of the truth found in 27 days of Scripture verses. We are inviting everyone to use this booklet as part of their daily Bible reading from June 17th until July 14th

3) WORK ON the daily devotions to determine ways you can be more generous and to determine what God may prompt you in your heart to give towards this project.

Thank you for your participation in this life-changing journey.

God Bless You,

Foa (Acknowledgement is given to Ps Brian Kluth and his books on generosity)

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2 Corinthians 2:14 …God who… manifests through us… TurningPoint Church 5996 3048 –

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Day 1 – God is the owner of everything –



Reading: Psalms 50: 7-13

Psalms 24 verse 1 says “The earth is the lords and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it”

If we belong to Christ, it is logical that everything we have truly belongs to him. All that we have is His. We are born into this world with our hands empty, and we leave this world not only with empty hands but wearing clothing without pockets. When you stop to think about it, our souls have no pockets either. We take nothing with us. God owns it all.

John Wesley put it this way: “When the possessor of heaven and earth brought you into being, and placed you in this world, he placed you here not as a proprietor, but a steward”

We strive to be stewards for God never forgetting that anytime He wants to remove those things from us, it is His sovereign right. That time may be in the middle of our lives when we feel the most prosperous. It may be early in our lives when we think we have earned the right to make a lot and to spend a lot. It may be later in life when the nest egg is broken and we have little to look forward to except an empty nest. Remember, He owns everything in heaven and earth. It’s all His.

We’re back to where we started: God owns it all. You will never be in financial trouble if you remember those four words.

When we give to God, we are just taking our hands off what already belongs to Him.

Prayer: Lord we thank you for this life you have given us and ask You to guide us as we strive to be stewards of your treasures, remembering that it is you who owns it all.

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Day 2 – Your role – 18th June

Reading: Col 3:17, 23-24

1 Corinthians 4:2 says “it is required in stewards that a man is found faithful.”

Your role is to be the trustee, manager and steward of 100% of what God entrusts to you during your lifetime. Stewardship is managing God’s treasures in God’s way, for God’s purposes, and always for God’s glory. We begin life with our hands wide open and nothing in them.

As we mature, by the grace of God, He allows certain things to be placed into our possession, none of them under our ownership. So, in pleasing Him, we live our lives with open hands. We accept what He entrusts to us only as stewards, never as owners. We dare not think of gripping the things He entrusts to us. We hold everything loosely. We simply maintain the treasures He entrusts to us, investing them wisely

Martin Luther said, “People go through 3 conversions: The conversion of their head, their heart and their pocketbook. Unfortunately, not all at the same time.” Have you gone through all 3 conversions yet?

Trust Him. Let it go. You’ve been given one main task: to be a good steward of what He has entrusted to you. Nothing less. Nothing more. God owns it all.

Prayer: Lord we choose to be honest and loyal to you and live our lives with open hands knowing that we are merely maintaining all that you own.

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Day 3 – God watches your giving – 19th June

Reading: Mark 12:41-44

2 Corinthians 8:12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.

If we give to be seen by men or with a stingy heart toward God, our offering loses its value. Jesus is more interested and impressed by how we give than what we give.

We see this same principle in the story of Cain and Abel. God evaluated Cain and Abel's offerings. Abel's offering was pleasing in God's eyes, but he rejected Cain's. Rather than giving to God out of thankfulness and worship, Cain may have presented his offering with evil or selfish intent.

Maybe he had hoped to receive special recognition. Regardless, Cain knew the right thing to do, but he didn't do it. God even gave Cain an opportunity to make things right, but he chose not to. This illustrates again that God watches what and how we give. God not only cares about the quality of our gifts to him, but also the attitude in our hearts as we offer them.

Prayer: Lord show us how and where we can live generous lives with hearts that give, not only generously but also cheerfully.

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Day 4 - You should not become prideful about anything God has entrusted to you. – 20th June

Reading: Deutoronomy 8: 11-14

Proverbs 16:19 says “Better to be poor and humble than proud and rich.”

"You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth." (Deuteronomy 8:17-18).

While Proverbs teaches us "pride precedes a fall," life confronts us with this sobering truth when we place too much confidence in our own abilities or possessions.

Humility, on the other hand, acknowledges the source of all we have

and all we can do as being from God. Our power and strength comes from the Lord!

Jeremiah 9:23-24 “The Lord says, “Let not the…rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me.”

Prayer: Lord today we pray that we may learn from Your Word be humble in all that we do

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Day 5 - Even the poor are to give to God from what they have – 21st June

Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:2-4

In Genesis 28:20-22: (While a single young man with no job or income) Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me… then the LORD will be my God…and of all that you (O God) give me I will give you a tenth."

When we think of generosity, we might look at the size of the gift or the nobility of the cause. We might call someone “generous,” for example, who contributes a modest sum to a charitable cause to promote the good of society. But Jesus measured generosity by a radically new standard: the condition of the giver’s heart.

The apostle Paul said that even the most lavish donations are empty acts in God’s sight if the giver’s heart is hardened toward him (1 Corinthians 13:3).

Jesus said that anyone who does not give up all of his possessions cannot be his disciple (Luke 14:25-35). At the same time, we recognize that God graciously lets us use and enjoy some of the material resources that he entrusts into our care. When it comes to giving, some people stop at nothing. If a pauper gives to God, he’ll feel like a prince. If a prince doesn’t give to God, he’ll feel like a pauper.

Prayer: Lord today we pray for guidance in our giving. We pray that as we give, we do not focus on how much we have but strive to give you all that we can instead.

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Day 6 - You should not trust in yourself, but trust in God – 22nd June

Reading: Ps 49:6-12

John 14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.

Many trust in their own relative goodness. They think they will be saved just because others are worse. This ignores the consequences of sin. We are all sinners and can only be saved by the grace of God and on His terms.

The folly of trusting our own strength is exposed by death. Paul wrote: "Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead" (2 Corinthians 1:9).

As a Christian do you find yourself trusting in God in every aspect of your life or do you find yourself trusting more in yourself and or someone else to help you with your problem. When there are big decision to be made do you make them on your own or do you trust in God enough to pray to him for guidance?

Every Christian today struggles with putting their full trust in God in every aspect of their lives. It is so easy for us with our modern day technology and the attitude that our society has on “taking care of things yourself” and “taking matters into your own hands”.

Again ask yourself … do you really trust God in every aspect of your life?

Prayer: Lord thank you that we can trust you with our lives. We give our struggles and needs to you today, knowing that you are the solution to all our problems.

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Day 7 - Focus on being content with God’s daily provisions – 23rd June

Reading: Phillipians 4:11

1 Tim 6:6-8 says “Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.”

1. Don’t worry about anything. Worrying doesn’t change anything. It’s stewing without doing. There’s no such thing as born worriers; worry is a learned response. You learned it from your parents. You learned it from your peers. You learned it from experience. That’s good news. The fact that worry is learned means it can also be unlearned. Jesus says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34 NLT).

2. Pray about everything. Use the time you’ve spent worrying by praying. If you prayed as much as you worried, you’d have a whole lot less to worry about. Some people think God only cares about religious things, such as how many people I invite to church or my tithing. Is God interested in car payments? Yes. He’s interested in every detail of your life. That means you can take any problem you face to God.

3. Thank God in all things. Whenever you pray, you should always pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love, but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities; it makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They’re never satisfied; it’s never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life.

Prayer: Lord thank you that we will never have to worry because you hold us in your arms. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have a relationship with you and to be stewards for you.

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2 Corinthians 2:14 …God who… manifests through us… TurningPoint Church 5996 3048 –

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Day 8 - There are dangerous consequences if you live for pleasure – 24th June

Reading: Ecc 2:10-11

Proverbs 21:17 says He who loves pleasure will become poor.

It is wise to distinguish between the different types of “pleasure” in this world. We live in a fallen world where God’s best for us is often perverted. Just because society deems an activity pleasurable does not mean it is pleasing to God (see Galatians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:5-10; and 1 Corinthians 6:12-17). When we consider these “pleasures” of the world, we find that they are not in fact healthy for us or conducive to long-term pleasure. The prodigal son reveled in sin until the money ran out; then he found that the pleasures of sin are fleeting (Luke 15:11-17). They are false friends that leave us empty and longing.

It is also important to realize that the purpose of our lives is not pleasure. Hedonism is a false philosophy. We were created to delight in God (Psalm 37:4) and accept with gratitude the good things He provides. More importantly, we were created to have a relationship with God, to worship him.

Rick Warren describes worship as "a lifestyle of enjoying God, loving him, and giving ourselves to be used for His purposes.” Pursuing a life of pleasure apart from God is to live for things that have temporal value. To live a life fully consecrated to God not only brings Him pleasure but has eternal, life transforming consequences.

Prayer: Lord we pray that today we look to you for answers instead of looking to our own strength knowing that it is only you who will fill us up with goodness and true happiness.

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Day 9 – Give God your time – 25th June

Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-10

Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Time is the heritage of every person. Whether a king or street sweeper, an astronomer or truck driver, a business tycoon or grocery clerk, each of us has the same number of hours.

Many necessities and opportunities demand much of our day. Our work takes up a large percentage of our life. Being a good husband

or wife, father or mother, employer or employee requires time.

As Christians, we have spiritual priorities as well. How many hours

or days in a month should we set aside for evangelism and discipleship and the ministries of our church? What about caring for the poor, the orphans, and widows as God's Word commands (James 1:27; Galatians 2:10)?

With all these tasks competing for our time, how can we balance our responsibilities to fulfill our temporal and spiritual duties?

As a good steward, you must manage your time wisely.

Prayer: Lord we pray that as we continue with our busy lives, you will continue to remind us to put you first in all that we do and to spend time with you daily.

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2 Corinthians 2:14 …God who… manifests through us… TurningPoint Church 5996 3048 –

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Day 10 - God has good works for you to do during your lifetime on earth – 26th June

Reading: 1 Tim 6:18-19

Eph 2:10 says “For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Only God knows what is best for you on all matters – you do not! Only God’s knowledge and wisdom is perfect in all matters – yours is not! Only God knows what you will be best at in this life – you do not!

Only God knows who your true soul mate should be in this life – you do not! And not only does God have full knowledge on all of the above for your life, but He is also the only One who can safely guide you to reach the goals that He has set up for you to seek after in this life.

And the only way to be able to get God’s full protection and full guidance for your life is to fully surrender your entire life over to Him and let Him place you in His perfect will for your life.

Many people go to their graves, with God’s unplayed music still inside of them. Don’t waste your God-given life with low living, small planning, mundane talking, constant grumbling or cheap giving. Be all that God has called you and equipped you to be.

Prayer: Lord we pray for motivation and determination to be all that you have called us to be to our full potential, knowing that Your plan for our lives is bigger and better than anything we could ever think of.

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2 Corinthians 2:14 …God who… manifests through us… TurningPoint Church 5996 3048 –

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Day 11 – How much is enough? – 27th June

Reading: Proverbs 30:7-9

Have you ever thought about “how much is enough”? One wealthy person was asked this question and he answered, “Just a little bit more.”

But this isn’t the picture Scripture paints. The writer of Proverbs 30:8 was inspired by the Holy Spirit to pray for enough to satisfy his needs (not his “greeds”). How much would be enough to meet your real needs? If God provided you with extra beyond this amount, how could you use the extra for the glory of God and the benefit of others?

Part of the process of discovering how much is enough is to determine the difference between your needs and wants. I believe God is concerned about our real needs and often graciously provides for desires. But he is not a magic genie in a bottle who gives us three wishes so we can have everything we set our eyes on.

The truth is real contentment comes from being thankful for everything we have and sharing it with others. 1 Timothy 6:8 tells us that godliness with contentment is great gain. Any of us, regardless of our age or income, can have great gain if we love Jesus, follow him, and are thankful and generous with everything he has given us.

Once we realize we can be “content” with God and his provisions, we can then pray and ask God to show us what enough is. Once we know what enough is, we can then joyfully share any of the over-and-above resources we receive for the glory of God and the benefit of others.

Prayer: Lord we thank you for graciously providing us with all that we need, help us to see what is enough in our lives.

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Day 12 – The tale of two young men – 28th June

Reading: Matthew 6:19-21

Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Here are some valuable insights from Randy Alcorn’s blog:

The streets of Cairo, Egypt were hot and dusty. Our missionary friends took us down an alley. We drove to a gate that opened to a plot of overgrown grass. It was a graveyard for American missionaries. We saw a tombstone that read—

William Borden, 1887-1913. Borden, a Yale graduate and heir to great wealth, rejected a life of ease in order to bring the gospel to others. Borden gave away hundreds of thousands of dollars to missions. After only four months of ministry in Egypt, he became sick and died at the age of 25. I dusted off the epitaph on Borden’s grave which ended with a phrase I’ve never forgotten: “Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation for such a life.”

We then went to the King Tut exhibit and it was mindboggling. Tutankhamen, the boy king, was only 17 when he died. His burial site was filled with valuable treasure and tons of gold. I was struck by the contrast between these two graves. Borden’s was obscure, dusty and hidden on the back alley of a street littered with garbage. King Tut’s tomb glittered with unimaginable wealth. Yet where are these two young men now? One, who lived in opulence and called himself king, is in the misery of a Christ-less eternity. The other, who lived his life in service of the one true King, is enjoying his everlasting reward in the presence of his Lord.

Tut’s life was tragic because of an awful truth discovered too late—he couldn’t take his treasure with him. William Borden’s life was triumphant. Why?

Because instead of leaving behind his treasure, he sent it on ahead.

Prayer: Lord we pray for guidance as we set aside everything else and put You as our priority.

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Day 13 – Only one thing – 29th June

Reading: Luke 10:38-42

Matthew 6:34 says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”

What are you concerned about today? School or work or sports or relationships or finances or family? Every day, there are so many things that can flood our minds and all our days with anxiety and worry. Martha had a house full of unexpected company and was trying to get a big meal ready for Jesus and his friends.

There was a lot to be done and Martha was busy doing it. But instead of helping in the kitchen, her sister, Mary, was sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to what he had to say. The harder Martha worked without Mary’s help, the madder she got. Finally she had enough. Martha marched into the room where Mary and others were listening to Jesus and told Jesus to tell Mary to help her. But instead, Jesus said there was only one thing worth being concerned about and it wasn’t dinner!

Most people don’t spend time reading God’s Word when they wake up every morning because they start their day so concerned about the many things they feel they have to do that day.

They wake up and enter their day with anxious hearts, troubled minds, stress in their bodies, and pain in their faces. However, when we do decide to spend time with the Lord and take time to read God’s word and pray, we find that the Lord gives us strength, guidance and wisdom to handle the challenges we face each day.

Prayer: Lord thank You that we can depend on You and trust in You. Help us to clear our minds from worrying about things that do not matter and focus on what really matters … You.

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Day 14 – Declaring who is #1 in your life – 30th June

Reading: Matthew 6:24

Proverbs 3:6 says “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”

Pastor James MacDonald once wrote: “First things belong to God. The first day of the week belongs to God. The first hour of the day belongs to God. The first portion of your income belongs to God. When you make God first, He will help you.” While we should all realize 100% of our lives, time, and resources belong to God, there is something about systematically honouring Him first that brings God’s order to all of our finances.

In the Old Testament, tithing (giving 10%) was a way for people to declare to God He had the first place in their life and finances. In the New Testament, we are instructed to seek first the kingdom of God, and the things necessary for life will be added to us. When it comes to starting each day, it is wise to spend time in devotions and prayer. When it comes to our week, it is wise to join together with the family of God at church for worship, teaching, service, and fellowship. When it comes to our financial blessings and provisions, it is wise to give 10% or more to the Lord’s work.

With each of these actions, we are declaring to God, ourselves, and to anyone watching our lives that following God is the most important thing in the world to us. And when we do this, we find God guides us, provides for us, protects us, and watches over us.

Reading God’s Word, praying, worshipping, serving, and giving aren’t to be sporadic things in our lives. Instead they are to be a systematic part of what we do and how we live. Declaring God #1 is not just about lip service, but about life service – living for Him and honouring Him day by day and week by week with all that we are and all that we have.

Prayer: Lord You are number one in our lives. Thank You that You are the unfailing God full of rich and precious promises.

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Day 15 – What’s in your hand? – 1st July

Reading: Exodus 4:1-9

Matthew 17:20 says “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you”

For 40 years, Moses lived in the desert on the backside of a mountain as a runaway, being a shepherd to his father-in-law’s sheep. But when he was 80 years old, he had a personal encounter with God who asked him, “What do you have in your hand, Moses?” “A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied. God then told him to throw the staff down and it became a snake. Moses was then told to pick up the snake by the tail, and when he did, it became a shepherd’s staff again.

When Moses had used the staff for those 40 years as a shepherd, it had been a symbol of his personal power, protection, and provision. But after his encounter with God, it became a symbol of God’s miracles in front of the Egyptians and the Israelites.

What’s in our hands? What skills, provisions, time, abilities, and resources do we personally possess? What do we lean on as our source of power, protection, and provision? Under God’s direction, are we willing to throw these things down? Are we willing to release our control and ownership of these things? And if we do, when God tells us to pick them up, are we willing to use them under the Lord’s direction and for his glory?

When we are open to spontaneously releasing everything in our hands to the Lord, we will have the privilege of being part of God miracles for all to see. What may be our prized possessions, proven skills, personal positions of influence, prideful accomplishments, available time, or stored-up resources can become part of a living miracle when we yield whatever is in our hands to be used by the Lord.

Prayer: Lord we pray today, as we walk beside You, that You will help us to be strong and bold as we choose to step out in faith for You.

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Day 16 – Brain training – 2nd July

Reading: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Romans 12:2 says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will”

Have you ever heard the phrase, G.I.G.O.? It is a computer programming term that refers to “Garbage In, Garbage Out”. If you put bad information into a computer, you will get bad information out of it. Our brains are like computers.

They gather and store a lot of information about thousands of things. But if we only get our information about finances and possessions from the internet, TV, friends, music, movies, news, magazines, billboards, and other worldly sources, we will be getting “garbage in”, and we will be squeezed into the world’s mould … limited.

This “garbage in” will result in “garbage out” in our financial lives. We will make poor financial decisions, impulse purchases, and will waste money chasing after things that really can’t bring lasting satisfaction and joy. God has a better way. He wants us to intentionally train our brains to think His thoughts on finances, giving, and material possessions.

His Word can reprogram our brains to experience His thoughts, His will, and His ways in these important areas of our lives. His Word will allow us to be “transformed” as God re-programs our thinking. We will break out of the financial bondage of worldly thinking about financial and giving matters. We will begin to experience God’s peace, wisdom, and guidance when it comes to money, things, giving, and sharing. We will then experience true contentment and lasting joy as we discover and follow His good and pleasing and perfect will in our lives.

Prayer: Lord today we ask that You will remind us what Your Word says so that we can than choose to set our minds on You and be not distracted nor fall into temptation.

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Day 17 – Generosity – 3rd July

Reading: Luke 21:1-4

Luke 6:38 says “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you”

In many places of the world this greed-based, God-wants-you-rich, and give to-get teaching has harmed many people. Many proponents of this message have lived extravagant lifestyles while fleecing their flock instead of feeding their flock. I like to remind people that God is interested in meeting our needs, but he isn’t interested in our “greeds”!

The reason most people don’t give is because they are fearful. They feel they don’t have enough, and if they give they think they will have even less. But many Christians have discovered that when we learn to give to God, he begins to give us “more”. This “more” he gives comes in many different forms.

He gives us more wisdom in our finances than we had before we learned to give. He gives us more peace, more contentment, more joy, more courage to make better decisions, and more grace to be grateful for his many blessings. God also miraculously stretches the little we have to make it “enough” to meet our real needs. Without God, giving generously is crazy! But when we seek first the kingdom of God in our lives and finances, our loving heavenly Father graciously guides us, provides for us, and blesses us in many, many ways.

Our giving doesn’t cause us to have less, but instead allows us to have more of what we really need—God’s presence, protection, promises, peace, and provisions.

Prayer: Lord as we live our lives with open hands we continually thank you for your unfailing promises & provision.

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Day 18 – Who is at your doorstep? – 4th July

Reading: Luke 16:19-31

Matthew 10:42 says “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward”

Two people lived on the same street. One had everything he needed, wanted, and more. The other truly had nothing. Both died. The unnamed rich man went to hell and Lazarus, the poor man, went to Heaven. As the rich man complained about his fate, Abraham said to him, “During your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing.” The rich man probably passed by Lazarus every day, but was too self-absorbed with his wants, worries, and wealth to notice the beggar hoping for some crumbs from the rich man’s table so he could have something to eat. Lazarus was sick, poor, and dying. He needed someone’s loving hand to help him, but the only attention he received was from the dogs that came by and licked his sores.

Let’s face it, none of us feel comfortable being confronted with the faces of the truly needy. Our typical response is to look away, turn away, walk away, or drive away as quickly as possible. But is it possible that God’s plan might be that he wants to lead us to stop sometimes and to look into their eyes and find ways we, and maybe even others, can help meet their felt or real needs? Sometimes people need a hand-out, but other times they need a hand up to get their life turned around. Can we ask God to show us how to move past our self-absorbed wants and worries so we can show God’s love with a person or family in need? Our crumbs, compassion and caring might be all that is needed to change someone’s life and our eternity.

Prayer: Lord as we choose to be generous people we ask for opportunities to show Your love to those who are less


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Day 19 – The truth of God vs. Lies of the enemy – 5th July

Reading: Matthew 19:27-30

Luke 14:33 says “No one can become my disciple without giving up everything for me”

What is the real test to determine if a Christian is going to live generously with their time, talent, treasure, and things? Jesus puts it all on the line when he says we cannot be His disciple without giving up everything for Him. When we first hear these words of Jesus, the enemy of our soul makes us sometimes think that if we follow Jesus we will immediately have to leave everything to serve God on the other side of the world or that we will become destitute—without any money, shelter, clothing, food, friends, or family. But these are distorted lies from the enemy.

The reality is when we yield 100% of our life and resources to the Lord He will guide us and provide for us. No earthly thing will be more sacred and precious to us than God’s love and leadership in our lives. We will understand everything on earth is only temporary—possessions, positions, and provisions only belong to us for a short time.

Our life and all we have will be at the Lord’s disposal to use as He sees fit, as we live open-handed in this tight-fisted world. And while we are living this life of complete surrender, God will take care of us in amazing ways. In Matthew 19:27, Peter says to the Lord, “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?” Jesus replies, “Everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.” If we submit all we are and all we have to the Lord, He will provide for us in this life and reward us in the next.

Prayer: Lord guide us to be honest in all that we are … and do

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Day 20 – Lighting up the darkness – 6th July

Reading: Luke 11:33-35

Psalms 119:105 says “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path”

Have you ever tried to walk around in pitch black darkness? Did you bump into things, stumble, or trip because you couldn’t see? However we all know that once there is light we can manoeuvre as easy as 1,2,3. Light is one of those daily miracles we easily take for granted.

The Bible says in Proverbs 4:19 that men stumble around in the darkness, and they don’t even know what makes them stumble. The reason is they have no light to guide them.

God’s Word can be our light in the darkness when it comes to our finances, possessions, living generously, and helping others. We can walk confidently, even with darkness all around us, because we have God’s Word to show us the right way.

God is our light and our salvation and with him in our lives, there is no darkness.

Prayer: Lord as we strive to shine Your light to the world, we thank you for being a light in our dark moments. Show us where Your light needs to shine, where those in need stumble in darkness. Use us Lord.

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Day 21 – Actions speak louder than words – 7th July

Reading: Matthew 6:31-32

Philippians 4:19 says “And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”

The Lord tells us if we live for Him every day then we will see Him provide for our needs. Regardless of what is happening at our place of employment or in the economy, this promise was true thousands of years ago, is still true today, and will always be true in the future. The question is not if can God provide for us, but do we have the faith to believe and act on the Matthew 6:33 promise?

We should never get up and go to work every day just to get a pay check or go to school just to get good grades. Instead, we need to get up every day to serve God—to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness in our daily activities. When we do this, God promises to meet our needs in a way where we will see His provisions in our life.

Pay checks and school tests come and go, but God remains forever. God’s ways, will and work must be our focus each day wherever we are and whatever we find ourselves doing. Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.

This encouragement is not just for pastors and missionaries—but it is for every one of us. We have all been created specifically by God to do good works He has planned for us. Many of these good works will happen in the midst of our daily work, activities, and relationships. And when we live for God each day, we will see Him meet our daily needs in amazing ways as our loving Heavenly Father.

Prayer: Lord today we make You our supply because we know that You will never fail us and we thank You for never failing us.

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Day 22 - Experience Calling – 8th July

Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-11

In the time of Samuel, the bible says, “the word of the Lord was rare in those days, and visions were not widespread.” It is easy for people to feel the same way today. Who has heard God call their name? Who has heard God speak a word to them? And what great, Godly vision drives your life?

Most people seem to want to think that the word of the Lord is rare, that the word of the Lord only comes to people like the pastors who are somehow “specially” called. Most people seem to want to think that God has no word, no calling, no vision for them. Maybe, like the boy Samuel, we simply are not listening well. We hear something calling our name and tugging at our heart, and assume “that something” is just “Pastor Eli” making a fuss again.

Perhaps we need to learn to listen better for a word from God. Perhaps it is not a word from God that is rare, but faithful listening from those who would serve God that is so rare. Every Christian has a calling. In fact, every Christian has several callings -- as well as

the God-given gifts, graces, and blessings to respond to those callings.

Every Christian is called to be a faithful steward of the talents and time and resources God has blessed them with. Being a faithful steward is a personal calling – a word from the Lord. It is a calling that comes with your name attached to it. It is a calling that only you can make a decision about. You can ignore that calling completely. You can brush off that calling by responding

only in minimal ways. Or, recognizing God’s claim over your life, you can

wake up and listen for God’s own voice. There is a word from the Lord for you. There is a God-given vision for you. “Speak to me Lord. I am your servant. I am listening to hear from You.”

Prayer: Lord, teach us not only to say Samuel’s prayer, “Speak, for your servant is listening,” but to actually listen for Your word, Lord, and then to do all Your word straight away.

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Day 23 - No Excuses – 9th July

Reading: Luke 14: 15-24

How many reasons are there for not participating? The possibilities are endless! There are more than enough reasons to justify anyone.

A modern parable might begin like this: The kingdom of God is like a church project. God gave His people a vision. “Come!” said God, Take your place prepared for you. Take up your part in My work. Everything is ready now. All of you are invited to make a difference. When you take your place and take up your part, all will be blessed to break bread in My kingdom.” But they all alike began to make excuses ….

The most important piece of a jigsaw puzzle is the piece that is missing. Every part is important to making the whole picture work. Synergy is a word best understood when divided. Ergo, is Greek for work, while the prefix syn means together. When merged, the words mean “working together.” However, there is more. Synergy is better defined to mean that the result accomplished is greater than the individual parts. Sports teams demonstrate the meaning of synergy.

Playing together makes them better than playing as individuals. However, even one team member failing to do his or her part can make everyone lose. Just like one musician not in concert with the orchestra can ruin the music. A fighter jet was damaged and barely made a safe landing.

The same plane was needed for a critical mission the next morning. A maintenance crew worked all night to make repairs. At dawn the pilot asked the mechanic if the plane was good to go. "Sir," he replied, "if this plane does not complete its mission it will not be because of me." Your participation in the mission of this church is unquestionably significant. No one can play your part but you. No one can give your part but you. Others can only do their part. No one can make up for your part if your gift is excused.

Prayer: Lord, when Your call challenges me, it is easy for me to excuse myself. Therefore I purpose in my heart to respond to Your call in whatever ways I can, trusting in your unfailing love, provision and


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Day 24 - Excess Baggage – 10th July

Reading: John 15:1-9

How can we find ways to give? Maybe we need to cut back in some overgrown areas of our lives in order to bear better

fruit in our life for God’s kingdom. If you have ever grown grapes in your yard, then you will know that grapevines will naturally overextend themselves with prolific branching and leaf growth every year. If grapevines are not pruned, all of the branching and leaf growth can completely cover an arbour in as little as two growing seasons. Unchecked, branching growth, while great for simply covering up space, is terrible for bearing fruit.

Such overgrown grapevines will bear tiny, unusable fruit – if it is able to bear fruit clusters at all; the extensive branching and leafing drains the resources and energy of the vine from its primary purpose – bearing fruit. Look at the pictures of a well-kept vineyard whose purpose is to bear good fruit. You will see thick, decades old grapevines pruned back to no more than four short branches so that all the energy of the plant is focused on growing great grapes. Pruning – heavy, regular pruning - is necessary to bearing good fruit. How overextended is your life?

We may think that wildly branching out everywhere as fast as we can grow helps us to cover all the bases in life; but in truth, such unmanaged growth just keeps us from bearing any real fruit. No wonder Jesus says that God will prune our lives to help us bear better fruit.

Prayer: Lord, prune me and re-shape my life to bear good fruit that will glorify You. But also give me understanding to know when this is Your work in my life.

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Day 25 - Expanding Influence – 11th July Reading: Acts 4:32-37

“There was a man named Joseph, to whom the apostles gave the name Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”).” The name “Joseph” is such a fine name. In Hebrew, the name means “God’s added blessing.” This was the name for the cherished son of the patriarch Jacob. This was the name for Jesus‟ earthly father. So why would the apostles give Joseph of Cypress a nickname like “Barnabas?” Barnabas, Acts makes note to tell us, means “son of Encouragement”. Apparently, this Joseph was such an encourager that a new name was in order.

When the early church needed money to underwrite its ministries, Joseph sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles. When Saul of Tarsus (renamed Paul) needed a friend to welcome him into the church he once persecuted, it was this Joseph who was that friend who nurtured Paul into a ministry of his own. When the church needed to send someone to encourage the new believers among the gentiles, they sent this Joseph.

When young Mark needed someone to believe in him and to give him a second chance to serve as a missionary, Joseph encouraged him. Any wonder that all of

Joseph’s friends called him Barnabas – “son of encouragement”? Your church needs generosity to underwrite its ministry. Your church needs leaders – people who can speak up, step up, and help encourage others to passionate mission and generous giving. Your gift makes a difference to the church, but so does your faith, your story and your passion.

Be a Barnabas! Look for ways to encourage the faith of others by sharing your witness, your passion, your faith. In doing so you multiply God’s grace and influence the faithful response of others.

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for my gifts, talents and life and it is my great joy to do what I am doing in making a difference in your kingdom by being a witness and encouragement to others.

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Day 26 - Express Joy - 12th July

Reading: John 3:22-30

Romans 15:13 says “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”

John the Baptist was a great man. No one greater, Jesus said so Himself. John was the last of the prophets. When people heard him preach, they trembled. He attracted disciples, crowds, and the attention of the press. He even attracted the attention of kings and queens.

But when Jesus came, John never forgot his place. Despite being goaded by his disciples to be jealous of the early success of Jesus’ ministry, John remained steadfast in his sense of place within God’s plan. He rejoiced in the following that Jesus attracted. He even helped his own disciples to join with Jesus. John 3:22-30 is John’s explanation of his own role to his disciples.

Now my joy is complete. He (Jesus) must increase, and I must decrease. Have you discovered this truth yet? Most of us think that joy increases as we increase – as our wealth and our prestige, our influence and our power increase. But in fact, just the opposite is true. Lasting joy is not found at the top of the corporate mountain or at the pinnacle of power. Joy is not a reward of accomplishment.

True joy is found where John the Baptist found it – by finding one’s place in relationship to Jesus Christ. Are you ready to find joy complete? He (Jesus) must continue to increase in significance and Lordship of our lives while we (our plans and ambitions) must decrease.

Prayer: Lord, as John the Baptist said, You must increase and I must decrease. Lead me, Shepherd of my soul, in your ways everlasting, so I find my true rest in You … and true joy unspeakable.

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Day 27 - Exude Gratitude – 13th July

Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:9-13

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God”

There it is – the reason for, the model for, the example for our giving – in the grace and the sacrifice of Christ himself. The most familiar, and perhaps most important, words in the New Testament are found in John 3:16. “For God so loved … He gave … His only Son … that everyone who believes in Him … might have eternal life.” God so love you that He gave His Son that you might have eternal life.

Now each of us knows what “sacrificial giving” truly means. In God’s heart, you were worth it. “Now finish doing this, so that your eagerness may be matched by completing it according to your means. For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has.” (2 Corinthians 8: 11-12)

Prayer: I thank you Lord for the inexpressible grace You have given to me … this life I have, Your Son’s life for mine, Your Holy Spirit to empower me to live for You and eternal life in Christ Jesus. Show me how and where to best use my gifts, talents and ministry of reconciliation to bless others in Your name.

I choose to store up treasures in heaven by my giving … of myself and the resources You have given me.

I choose to walk loosely with the things of this world while being yet a good steward of them, knowing they’re from You.

And If perhaps I do not understand anything, I choose to place myself under my Pastor’s guidance trusting in Your grace to guide us both.

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Some words from Pastor Brian Kluth, Brian Kluth is a popular speaker on generosity and financial matters.

10 biblically based and practical reasons to make giving 10% or more to God’s work the highest financial priority in your life. 1 It is a proven pattern of giving done by Christ’s followers for many generations. - In 1899, a bibliography was compiled of books related to systematic Christian giving over 500 books listed from over 100 years ago, demonstrating a long tradition of giving, and yet many Christians today do not understand the importance of faithful giving. GENESIS 14:17'20, GENESIS 28:16'22 ,LEVITICUS 27:30, PROVERBS 3:9'10, MALACHI 3:7'15.

2 It will give the Lord first place in your life. If I saw your financial records, I would quickly know who or what you value. By giving the best of what you have to God, you are expressing your allegiance to him. You will grow in your respect for the Lord and will see him working more actively in your life. DEUTERONOMY 14:23, MALACHI 1:6'8

3 It will bring God’s wisdom and order to your finances. - If I get dressed in the morning and get the first button out of place on my shirt, all the rest of the buttons will be messed up. When it comes to finances, the first button to get in place is your giving. When you get this area in order, everything else follows. MATTHEW 6:19'21, MATTHEW 6:24'34; LUKE 12:16'21, I TIMOTHY 6:6'10, 17'19; ECCLESIASTES 5:10

4 It will serve as a practical reminder that God is the Owner of everything in your life. - By faithfully giving the Lord 10% of all you receive, you are actively acknowledging his ownership in your life. As someone once told me, “God owns it all and God loans it all.” We are not owners, only temporary possessors and managers of what God entrusts to us during our lifetime. I CHRONICLE 29:11'18, PSALM 24:1'2, PSALM 50:10'12, HAGGAI 2:8

5 It will allow you to experience God as your Provider. - One of the most amazing things about learning to faithfully give to the Lord is the joy you will experience when you see God provide for you in creative ways that show his love for you as your Heavenly Father. I KINGS 17, PROVERBS 3:9'10, MALACHI 3:7'15, HAGGAI 1:4'11, HAGGAI 2:15'19; LUKE 6:38, DEUTERONOMY 28, PHILIPPIANS 4:15'19,

6 It will encourage your spiritual growth and trust in God. - When you decide to be a faithful giver of what is in your hand, God will grow you and your ability to see Him provide. DEUTERONOMY 14:23, PROVERBS 3:5'6, MALACHI 3:8'10, HAGGAI 1:4'11, HAGGAI 2:15'19; 2 CORINTHIANS 8:5

7 It will ensure you of treasure in heaven. - Jesus encourages you to store up treasure in heaven. The only way to do this is to live generously now. Someone once said, “We can’t take it with us, but we can send it on ahead.” I TIMOTHY 6:18'19, MATTHEW 6:19'21, HEBREWS 6:10,

8 It will strengthen the work and outreach of your local church. - Many churches struggle due to lack of finances. However, when people in a congregation gain a vision of being faithful givers to God at their local church, the whole spirit of a church begins to change. God-given momentum builds as people honour the Lord through their giving at church. ACTS 2:42'47, ACTS 4:32; 2 CORINTHIANS 9:12, 13

9 It will help provide the means to keep your pastor(s) and missionaries in Christian service. - God’s plan is that His servants are taken care of by His people. Many pastors and missionaries are struggling or are even leaving the ministry because of a lack of adequate finances. Faithful giving can make sure this doesn’t happen among the pastors or missionaries you know. I CORINTHIANS 9:9'11,14; I TIMOTHY 5:17'18, PHILIPPIANS 4:15'19,

10 It will help accomplish needed building projects and renovations. - Some of the most exciting times in the life of a church or ministry occur when facilities are being improved or expanded to help reach more people for Christ. But for building projects to succeed, large and extraordinary gifts are needed. Building projects only happen well with special gifts that are “above and beyond” what people normally give. This usually happens when people make sacrificial gifts or pledges (by going without something so they can give more) or because they give generously from “whatever they have” (including possessions, property, or wealth). 2 CHRONICLES 24:4'14, EXODUS 35,36; II KINGS 12:2'16, EZRA 1:4'6, I CHRONICLES 29:2'19

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Here is some practical advice for people who have questions, doubts, or fears about faithfully and generously giving to the Lord’s work…

For all Christians: Always make it a priority to faithfully support the work of your local church first. Then give special gifts and offerings to other Christian causes, projects, missions, or the needy as God leads you.

If you’re fearful about giving 10% or more of your income to the Lord, try a 90-day test: In Malachi 3:10, God invites people to “test” Him in the matter of tithing and offerings.

Therefore, I encourage people to try a 90-day test. Begin giving 10% of your income to the Lord’s work and watch and see if God does not begin working in your life in ways you haven’t previously experienced…

If you are married to a Christian, but the two of you do not agree on how much you should give to the Lord’s work: See if your spouse will read through this material and/or listen to some of the Internet messages at or Then talk and pray together about a mutually agreeable “testing period” concerning your giving 10% or more.

If you are married and your spouse is not a Christian: Identify any money you have freedom to spend (read Luke 8:3) and set aside 10% or more of this money to give to the Lord’s work AND/OR show this material to your spouse and see if you can try the 90-day testing period.

If you have children at home: Help your children set up a place where they can set aside “God’s portion” of any money they receive (e.g., allowances, work projects, gifts of money, etc.). Have them give at church, to missions, and/or to help people in need.

If you have “fallen behind” in your giving to God’s work: If you knowingly or accidentally have fallen behind in your giving to God’s work, you will never regret the decision to “get right” in this area.

Review your financial records from the past several months and pray about “making up” the amount you have fallen behind. One elderly lady in her 90s I heard about sent a tithe cheque to the church office with the note, “I want to be prayed up, paid up, and ready to go!”

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If you want to begin to actively give to God FIRST: Here are four ideas to choose from: 1) Whenever you get any money, set aside 10% or more to give as the Lord directs. 2) Whenever you put a deposit in your Account, write out the withdrawal for God’s work for 10%. 3) If you track your finances through a program, set up a category for church giving and another one for other Christian causes. Then begin to faithfully set aside 10% or more of your income into these accounts. 4) If you like to handle your finances electronically, consider using online or electronic giving options to faithfully give to the Lord.