moveu exercise manual phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · module 1 workouts and stretches workout 4 2-3...

MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 Written by Andrew Dettelbach

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Page 1: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1

Written by Andrew Dettelbach

Page 2: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly


Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Page 3

Module 2 Workouts and Stretches Page 5

Module 3 Workouts and Stretches Page 8

Module 4 Workouts and Stretches Page 12

Module 5 Workouts and Stretches Page 17

Module 6 Workouts and Stretches Page 22

Module 7 Workouts and Stretches Page 26

Module 8 Workouts and Stretches Page 30

Page 2 I Exercise Manual

Page 3: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 1 Workouts and Stretches

Module 1 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 1

2-3 rounds of:

• 30 Controlled lying ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts.

• 10-20 Scapular Rotations on each shoulder.

• 30 Controlled lying LATERAL pelvic tilts.

• 30 Controlled, diaphramic breaths. It is normal to feel light headed. You may also feel very

energized afterward.

Workout 2

2-3 rounds of:

• 20 Lying ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts with a 5 second hold in each direction.

• 10-20 SLOW Scapular Retractions with each shoulder, remember to scoop first. If you arestruggling, post a video to the community to get feedback.

• 20 Controlled chest breaths with a 3 second hold after you inhale and a 3 second hold

after you exhale.

• 20 Controlled diaphragmatic breaths with a 3 second hold after you inhale, and a 3 second

hold after you exhale.

• Do 5-10 slow Scapular Depressions using a chair, bench, or yoga blocks. Hold at the top for

2-5 seconds. If using two arms is difficult, make sure to watch the “Scapular Depression

Modifications and Mistakes video.

Workout 3

2-3 rounds of:

• 20 Controlled lying ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts, inhaling when you tilt anterior

(arching the back) and exhaling when you tilt posterior (rounding the back). Inhale through

both the chest and the diaphragm.

• 20 Controlled lying ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts, inhaling when you tilt the pelvis

posterior and exhaling when your tilt the pelvis anterior. Inhale through both the chest

and the diaphragm.

• 5-10 SLOW Scapular Rotations and 5-10 SLOW Scapular Retractions on each side.

• 20 Controlled LATERAL pelvic tilts

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Page 4: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 1 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 4

2-3 rounds of:

• 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly control the tilt).

• 1 O Fast, deep inhales with fast, forceful exhales.

• 10 Scapular Rotations on each side with a 5-second hold in the “Scooped” position.

• 1 O Alternating standing glute pops (easier with the feet turned out, keep your weight in

your heels and your pelvis tucked posterior).

• Do 5-20 slow Scapular Depressions using a chair, bench, or yoga blocks. Only hold for 1

second at the top.

Workout 5

2-3 rounds of:

• 20 lying ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR Pelvic tilts with a 3 second hold each direction.

• 20 Alternating Scapular Retractions (in the scooped position already!) with a 2second hold in the back and down position.

• 2 Minutes of very slow, controlled diaphramic breaths with a 3 second hold after you

inhale and a 3 second hold after you exhale. It is normal to feel light headed. You may

also feel very energized afterward.

• 1 O Pelvic Cl RC LES in one direction, then 1 O Pelvic Cl RC LES in the opposite direction.


Try not to get too caught up focusing on these stretches. Improving your movement and

strength is far more important that focusing on these stretches. Stretching provides a temporary

increase in your range of motion. It is the strengthening and movement practice that will

ultimately improve your flexibility and mobility.

Hip flexor stretch

1-2 Minutes each side. Focus on controlled breathing. With each exhale, squeeze the glute more

and very slightly push your hips and knee forward.

QL stretch

1-2 Minutes each side. Focus on controlled breathing. With each exhale, gently pull on your

ankle, inching your chest closer to your knee.

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Page 5: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 2 Workouts and Stretches

Module 2 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 1

2-3 rounds of:

• 20 Controlled bottle rock hip hinge.

• 20 Slow and Controlled Glute Pops on each side, starting with yourweaker side.

• 20 Towel curls with each foot. Do it seated. Targeting the arch of the foot.

• 1 Minute single leg stance on each side. Emphasizing the foot grip.

Workout 2

1-3 rounds of:

• 1 0 Controlled bottle rock hip hinge's with a 5 second count when sitting back. Inhale as

you sit back, hold it when you get to the bottom, exhale as you return to the starting


• 10 Controlled Glute Pops on each side with a 5 second squeeze on each side. Try to keep

those quads and hamstrings relaxed!

• 1 0 slow Towel curls with each foot with a 5 second hold, squeezing that arch. Do it seated.

• Do 5-1 0 slow Scapular Depressions using a chair, bench, or yoga blocks. Hold at the top

for 2-5 seconds.

Workout 3

1-3 Rounds of:

• 15x "1 and 1 /2" Controlled bottle rock hip hinges. 1 rep= rock back as far as you can,

maintaining a neutral spine, come half way back to the return position, then rock back as

far as you can again, maintaining a neutral spine. Then return to the starting position.

• 20 Slow and Controlled Glute pops (with both cheeks) with a 2 second hold.

• 1 0 Standing towel curls with each foot with a 1 0 second hold. Try to take the opposite foot

off of the ground. Hold onto the counter/chair/etc. if you need to.

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Module 2 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 4

1-3 Rounds of:

• 2 Reps of a 30 second to 1 minute hold at the bottom of the bottle rock. Focus on

breathing into the diaphragm and maintaining a neutral spine. Return to the starting

position slowly.

• 20 Alternating STANDING Glute Pops. Make sure to keep the quads and hamstrings relaxed.

Record yourself to make sure! If this movement is difficult, re-watch the standing glute pop


• 20 Standing towel curls with both feet at the same time. Grip with the arch of the foot and

hold it for 3 seconds each time.

• 5-20 Scapular Depressions using a chair, bench, or yoga blocks. Hold at the top for 2


Workout 5

Isometric holds -3 Rounds of:

• 20 Controlled bottle rock hip hinge with a 5 second hold at the bottom. Continue to


• 30 Alternating Seated Glute pops. If you find this to be impossible, you may do it standing

for lying. Keep in mind that even the tiniest glute pop is a step in the right direction!

• 2-3 Minute single leg stance on each side. Again, emphasize the foot grip.

Workout 6

Mix and match -1 Set of:

• 2 Minutes of diaphragmatic and chest breathing from module 1.

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Then 3 rounds of:

• 20 Lying pelvic tilts.

• 1 Minute single leg stance on the right leg.

• 1 0 Bottle rock hip hinges.

• 1 Minute single leg stance on the left leg.

• 10-20 Scapular Depressions using a chair, bench, or yoga blocks. Hold at the top for 2


Page 7: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 2 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 7

1-3 Rounds of:

• 20 Standing glute pops at the same time on both sides while simultaneously retracting the

shoulder blades. Make sure your ribs stay pulled down and your pelvis stays posterior.

These movements should be small and unforced.

• 20 Bottle rock hip hinges without the bottle. Watch yourself in the mirror or record

yourself to make sure the back stays neutral.

• 5 Scapular Depressions with a 10 second hold at the top position. Reduce that hold time if it

is not possible for you to hold it in good form. Film yourself if you aren’t sure!

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Page 8: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 3 Workouts and Stretches

Module 3 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 1

Start this workout with:

• 90 Seconds of abdominal core bracing. Take slow, controlled inhales making sure the spine

is flat to the floor and the chest and belly don't rise as you inhale.

Then 1-4 rounds of:

• 20 Table-top tilts (1 rep is up and down).

• Up to a 90 second plank. If your positioning starts to fail, stop! Proper form trumps how

long you do the plank for. I would rather you do a 1 0 second plank with proper form than

letting your ego tell you that you should be able to hold it longer. Be patient, you will get


• 20 Lateral Table-top tilts (1 rep is side to side).

• 20 Banded glute bridges with a 3 second hold at the top. Keep pressure on your belly with

one hand to make sure your abs are tight the entire time.

Workout 2

Focus on the glutes - Start this workout with:

• 90 Seconds of core bracing. Take slow, controlled inhales making sure the spine is flat to

the floor and the chest and belly don't rise as you inhale.

Then 1-4 rounds of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts Up and Down (optional - if you find that the pelvic tilts might be aggravating

your back because you are so mobile, you may need to focus more on the strength

component of this module).

• Up to 15 clam shells on each side, starting with your weaker side. If you only get to 9 on the

weak side, then do 9 on the strong side as well.

• 1 0 Banded glute bridges with a 2 second lift, 3 second hold, and 2 second drop.

• 15-30 Second plank with the hardest progression you can do.

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Module 3 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 3

Start this workout with:

• 1 0 Pelvic Circles one direction, then 1 0 the other direction. SLOW!

• 90 Seconds of core bracing. Take slow, controlled inhales making sure the spine is flat to

the floor and the chest and belly don't rise as you inhale.

Then 1-4 rounds of:

• 30 Seconds of abdominal core bracing then, holding that position, do 1 O reps of glute

bridges without a band.

• Up to a 1 minute plank.

• 1 0 Glute bridges without a band. Hold for 1 0 seconds at the top.

• Up to 30 second plank.

Workout 4

Fewer reps, more sets - Start this workout with:

• 10-20 Pelvic tilts (Up and Down is 1 rep).

• 90 Seconds of core bracing. Take slow, controlled inhales making sure the spine is flat to

the floor and the chest and belly don't rise as you inhale.

Then 3-8 rounds of:

• 5 Glute bridges with a band.

• 15-30 Second plank. Keep the band on and spread the legs/feet apart slightly.

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Page 10: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 3 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 1

3 Rounds of:

• 1 Min of abdominal core bracing.

• 20 Basic scapular retractions on each side. I recommend practicing them individually on

each side and together. Get acquainted with your shoulders (maintain a braced core).

• 1 0 Banded glute bridges with a 1 0 second hold at the top (maintain a braced core).

• 1 Minute balance on each leg focusing on proper arch engagement (maintain a braced


Finish with:

• 1 Minute pigeon stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute calf stretch on each side (bent or straight leg).

Full Body Workout 2

Start this workout with:

• 90 Seconds of core bracing. Take slow, controlled inhales making sure the spine is flat to

the floor and the chest and belly don't rise as you inhale.

Then 1-4 rounds of:

• 1 0 Slow, seated pelvic tilts.

• 1 0 Controlled seated glute pops on each side.

• 1 0 Seated scapular retractions on both sides at the same time.

• 1 Minute single leg stance on each leg. Hold on to the chair to take balance out of the

equation so that you can make sure you are focusing on gripping with the arch of your


Finish with:

• 1 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute pee minor door stretch.

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Page 11: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 3 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 3

Start this workout with:

• 90 Seconds of core bracing. Take slow, controlled inhales making sure the spine is flat to

the floor and the chest and belly don't rise as you inhale.

Then 1-4 rounds of:

• 1 Minute plank.

• 1 0 Clam shells on each side with a 3 second hold at the top.

• 1 0 Banded glute bridges.

• 1 0 Slow bottle rock backs with the band around the knees. Don't use a bottle on the back.

Finish with:

• 1-2 Minute calf stretch on each side. Bent or straight leg.

• 30 Sec to 1 minute QL stretch.

Full Body Workout 4

Start this workout with:

• 90 Seconds of core bracing. Take slow, controlled inhales making sure the spine is flat to

the floor and the chest and belly don't rise as you inhale.

Then 1-4 rounds of:

• 30 Second single leg stance on each side. Try not to hold onto anything.

• Up to a 60 second plank.

• Up to a 1 minute banded glute bridge hold. Thrust upward once and focus on keeping

your ribs down, pelvis tucked posterior, and glutes engaged.

Finish with:

• 1 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

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Page 12: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 4 Workouts and Stretches

Module 4 Workouts and Stretches

Stretches Before Each Workout

Before diving into these workouts, spend some time stretching the lower back and the chest.

Both of these stretches will improve the range of motion of the exercises you are about to do in

the workouts.

• 1-2 minutes of the lacrosse ball in the QL on each side.

• 1 Minute pee smash with the lacrosse ball.

• 2 Minute pee major door stretch.

Start this workout with:

Workout 1

• 2 Minutes of abdominal core bracing from module 3. Place a pad under your head, keep

your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Hips tucked posterior, inhaling deep into

the diaphragm, trying not to let your chest or belly expand.

2-4 Rounds of:

• 2 Minutes of controlled groin rocks on each side. Using a half-filled water bottle as your

feedback. If the bottle cannot stay on your back, then you are severely tight and this

exercise needs to be done daily.

• 20 Controlled Resisted Scapular Retractions on each side with a light- moderate resistance


• 1 Minute toe plank on each side. Remember, strengthening your toes and the arch of your

foot is setting your body for success. This may seem silly, but so many of you have such

weak feet.

• 1 O Alternating banded march with a 5 second hold on each leg. Use a light band (1

repetition = lift the leg, hold it there for 5 seconds, then relax it).

• 5 Thoracic Rotations in a position of your choice with a 2 second hold for each rep. Exhale

as you twist, inhale as you hold it, exhale as you return to the starting position.

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Page 13: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 4 Workouts and Stretches

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

Workout 2

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing from module 3.

Then 1-4 rounds of:

• 1 0 Controlled Resisted Scapular Retractions on each side with a resistance band of your

choice. Make sure to maintain form!

• 5 Toe plank to a single leg stance on each side. 1 repetition is: hold the toe plank for 5

seconds while slowly dropping the heel to the floor and then standing on that one leg for

5 seconds. The idea here is to start with your weight pressed into the toe, maintaining a

straight toe as you drop the heel to the floor, then distribute 40% of your weight in your

heel, 40% in the toe/ball of the foot, and 20% on the outside. This will mimic how you

should stand.

• 5 Thoracic Rotations each way, holding for 3-1 0 seconds on each side at your end-range of

motion. Breathe a few times while you hold it!

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts in different positions of the groin rock. If you want to get more advanced, try

to make circles with the pelvis.

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

Workout 3

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing from module 3.

1-4 Rounds of:

• 1 0 Groin rocks on each side without the bottle.

• 15 Scapular retractions (with or without a band) on each side with the arm straight

overhead. The blade will be pulled straight down and slightly back still. Reach up for the

ceiling as far as you can and then "depress" the blade down.

• 30 Second toe plank on each side.

• Up to a 30 second hold with the banded march on each leg. Use a light band (if you can

only do 1 0 seconds, that is fine).

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Page 14: MoveU Exercise Manual Phase 1 · 2019-08-27 · Module 1 Workouts and Stretches Workout 4 2-3 rounds of: • 10 Seated ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR pelvic tilts (sit upright and slowly

Module 4 Workouts and Stretches

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

Workout 4

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing from module 3.

1-4 Rounds of:

• 1 Minute groin rock on each side with the toes pointed up toward the ceiling. This may

feel impossible for some of you. Just try your best to rotate it upward, even if the foot is

barely off of the floor.

• 10-20 Controlled Resisted Scapular Retractions on each side with a resistance band of

your choice. Make sure to maintain form!

• 1 0 Alternating banded march with a 5 second hold.

• 3 Thoracic Rotations on each side with a 5-1 0 second pause on each rep. Breathe into

your chest and diaphragm as you hold it.

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

Full Body Workout 1

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

2-3 Rounds of:

• 1 Minute plank pointers: hands under the shoulder, hips tucked posterior, glutes squeezed,

body level with the floor, shoulders retracted down away from the ears. Don't let the butt

sag. If you are unable to prevent the sag, go to an easier progression or shorten the time.

• 20 Banded glute bridges.

• 1 Minute of single leg balance on each leg. If balance is an issue, hold onto something


• 20 Bottle rock backs.


• 1 Minute calf stretch (bent knee) on both sides.

• 1 Minute pee smash on both sides.

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Module 4 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 2

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

3-5 Rounds of:

• 1 Minute plank.

• 20 Alternating banded march with a 2 second hold.

• 5 Clam shells with a medium-heavy band on each side followed immediately by 15

banded glute bridges.

• 6 Thoracic Rotations with a 3 second hold. Left is rep 1, right is rep 2, etc.


• 1 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute groin rock on each side.

Full Body Workout 3

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

3-6 Rounds of:

• 5 Clam shells on each side.

• 5 Glute bridges.

• 30 Second plank.

• 1 0 Scapular retractions at the same time with or without holding onto a band for

resistance. Keep your core braced.


• 2 Minute groin rock on each side.

• 1 Minute single leg stance on each side.

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Module 4 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 4

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

• 1 0 Breaths with a 2 second inhale, 1 0 second hold, 4 second exhale. Fill both the

diaphragm and the chest. Get light headed.

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

• 20 Clam shells on each side.

1-3 Rounds of:

• 1 Minute bottle rock back without the bottle (inhale as you rock back).

• 1 Minute groin rock left leg out without the bottle (inhale as you rock back).

• 1 Minute plank.

• 1 Minute groin rock right leg out without the bottle.

• 1 Minute glute bridge hold.

Then for 2-10 minutes:

• 2-3 Stretches or lacrosse/foam roll of your choice.

Full Body Workout 5

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 1 0 Pelvic tilts of your choice.

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

2-3 Rounds of:

• 1 Min abdominal core bracing.

• 1 0 Banded glute bridges with a 15 second hold at the top.

• 20 Groin rocks on each side. No water bottle. Try to feel when your hips are tucking

posterior and rounding the lower back.

• 45 Second banded march holds on each side.


• 1 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute calf stretch (straight leg).

• 1 Minute lacrosse QL on each side.

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Module 5 Workouts and Stretches

Module 5 Workouts and Stretches

Stretches Before Each Workout

Spend 1-2 minutes massaging each of these muscles. If you find one that is significantly more

tender than the others, spend a little more time on that one.

• Glute medius.

• Piriformis.

• Tensor fasciae latae (TFL). This muscle turns into the IT band on the side of the thigh. If

you have ever had any IT band issues, I highly recommend that you attack this muscle.

• And since we are in the region ... Lacrosse ball in the QL. Remember, the lacrosse ball is

placed between the last rib and the top of your hip crest, about 1 or 2 inches to the side

of the spine. The QL muscle is underneath the large erector spinae muscles that run

along the spine. The lacrosse ball will feel nice on those muscles as well, but what we are

trying to target is a deeper culprit.

Workout 1

Start this workout with:

• 2 Minutes of abdominal core bracing. Place a pad under your head, keep your knees bent

and your feet flat on the floor. Hips tucked posterior, inhaling deep into the diaphragm,

trying not to let your chest or belly expand. Pay attention to how this braced position feels

so you can carry it over to the bridge, leg drops, and roll-up.

Then 2-4 rounds of:

• 1 0 Standing pelvic tilts and 1 0 tilts in a 1 /4 squat position.

• Up to 90 seconds of leg drops. Inhale as you drop the leg, exhale as you lift it. Remember

there are 3 different variations. Choose the one that suits your abilities.

• Up to 15 single leg bridges on each side. Start with the weak leg first. If you are unable to

do single leg bridges, do 20 banded glute bridges.

• 20 Bridges with a 3 second hold at the top.

• Up to 60 seconds of the roll-up. Keep your head retracted and your shoulders pulled

down away from your ears. Breathe slow and controlled. Each breath should take around

1 0 seconds.

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Module 5 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 2

Start this workout with 1 set of:

• 2 Minutes of abdominal core bracing.

Then 2-4 rounds of:

• 1 O Alternating leg drops.

• 5 Single leg bridges on each side with a 1-3 seconds pause at the top of the bridge. Keep

the pelvis level.

• 30 Second roll-up. Focus on chin retraction.

Finish with:

• 1-5 Minutes of lacrosse ball in the TFL, glute medius, and/or piriformis.

Workout 3

Start with:

• 2 Minutes of abdominal core bracing.

Then 2-4 rounds of:

• Up to 1 Oleg drops with your weak side only.

• Up to 1 O single leg bridges on your weak side.

• Up to 45 second roll-up.

• Up to 1 Oleg drops with your strong side only (do the same number as the weak side).

• Up to 1 O single leg bridges on your strong side (do the same number as the weak side).

• Up to 45 second roll-up.

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Module 5 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 4

Start with:

• 2 Minutes of abdominal core bracing.

Then 1-5 rounds of:

• 5 Single leg bridge on each side with a 5-1 0 second hold at the top of each repetition.

• 10-20 Alternating leg drops with a 1-3 second hold at the bottom of the rep. The foot

barely touches the floor, if at all.

• Up to 1 minute roll-up.

Start with:

• 1 0 Slow, standing pelvic tilts.

Full Body Workout 1

• 2 Minutes of abdominal core bracing. Place a pad under your head, keep your knees bent

and your feet flat on the floor. Hips tucked posterior, inhaling deep into the diaphragm,

trying not to let your chest or belly expand. Pay attention to how this braced position feels

so you can carry it over to every movement that you do.

Then 4 rounds of:

• Up to 90 second plank. Choose the most difficult progression that you can handle while

maintaining good form.

• 1 0 Single leg bridges on each side with a 2 second hold at the top.

• 1 0 Reps of 1 /4 squat pelvic tilts.

Finish with:

• 2 Minutes hip flexor stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute soleus calf stretch (bent knee) on each side.

• 1 Minute gastrocnemius calf stretch (straight leg) on each side.

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Module 5 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 2

Start with:

• 2 Minutes of quick forceful inhales and exhale.

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

3 Rounds of:

• 5 Banded glute bridges with a 30-second hold at the top.

• 20 Alternating leg drops. Choose a progression that you can maintain good form and keep

your back flat to the floor. Inhale as you drop the legs, exhale as you lift them.

• 20 Scapular retraction on each side. Play with putting your arm at different angles. The

upper traps should stay relaxed as you pull the blades down and away from your ears,

squeezing the muscles low in the mid back. Pull a band for added resistance.

• 1 Minute single leg balance with foot grip. If this is easy for you, try moving one arm

around or moving the lifted leg around.

Finish with:

• 1 Minute of pigeon stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute lacrosse of glute medius, piriformis, or TFL muscle on each side (or all 3 if you

have time).

Full Body Workout 3

Start with:

• 1 0 Slow, standing pelvic tilts.

• 2 Minutes of abdominal core bracing.

Then 3-5 rounds of:

• 1 0 Bottle rocks.

• 5 Slow groin rocks on each side.

• 1 0 Glute bridges.

• 5 Single leg bridges on each side.

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Module 5 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 4

Start with:

• 2 Minutes of quick forceful inhales and exhale.

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

Then 1 round of:

• 20 Alternating glute pops.

• 20 Scapular Rotations (Armpit Scoops).

• 10-20 Clam shells on each side.

• 40 Glute bridges.

• 5-20 Single leg bridges on each side.

• 20 Scapular retractions on each side while holding onto a resistance band that is attached

to the door/wall/pole/etc.

A friendly reminder ...

Practice your pelvic tilts, bracing, hinging, and scapular control techniques throughout the day

while you are working, walking, standing, etc. All of the techniques we are teaching you are

meant to be taken into your daily life. They are not meant to only be done in the gym or on your

floor at home.

If you are not applying these techniques (tilting, hinging, breathing, scapular control, gripping,

balance) in your daily life, then you are not yet taking the program seriously. You will get the

most benefit out of this course by paying attention to what your body does while you are busy at

work, making dinner for your family, out with friends, etc. These are the instances when you

don't really think about the positions of your body. What movement changes can you make in

these situations to help reduce your back pain?

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Module 6 Workouts and Stretches

Module 6 Workouts and Stretches

Stretches Before Each Workout

These exercises will improve the mobility of your upper back and scapula, allowing you to

perform the half Wand W to the best of your ability. Both massages feel amazing afterward as


• Do 1-2 minutes of foam rolling the upper back or the foam roll smash.

• Do 1-2 minutes of foam rolling the upper trap and levator scapulae on each side.

Workout 1

This workout is meant to be done at a slow and controlled pace.

3 Rounds of:

• 20 Reps of standing hip hinge (RDL) with a stick for feedback.

• 1 0 Half W's on each arm or 1 0 full W's. Do the one that you can best maintain position with.

These can be done on the wall (harder) or on the floor (easier).

• 2 Minutes swinging balance on each leg. Keep a solid grip with your feet and make sure

your hips stay parallel with the floor. Keep your midsection braced and prevent swinging of

the upper body.

• 10-60 second Hamstring Plank Hold

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Module 6 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 2

This workout is meant to get you to speed up your pace. I still want you to control your

movement, but move a little bit more quickly. If anything hurts, slow down. Just listen to your


Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

• 1 0 Hip hinges (RDL) without a stick. Record yourself and check your movements


• 5-10 Full W's.

• 30 Seconds of swinging balance matrix on each side.

• 5-1 0 Banded Hamstring Curls on each leg with a 1-2 second hold.

Workout 3

Do 2-4 rounds of:

• 1 0 slow, controlled Hip hinges with a 2 second hold at the bottom. Make sure not to go

too far and round the lower back

• 1 0 Full W's away from the wall.

• Stand on one leg for 1 minute while the other foot picks up and moves around objects.

• 20-90 Second Hamstring Plank Hold

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Module 6 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 1

Modify the reps of this workout as needed.

2-4 Rounds of:

• 1 O Banded glute bridges.

• 20 Alternating leg drops. Use a pen under the lower back.

• 1 O Half W's on each side or full W's on the wall or the floor.

• 1 O Hip hinges without using the wall.


• 1 Minute pigeon stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute QL stretch on each side.

Full Body Workout 2

Modify the times on this workout as needed.

3 Rounds of:

• 1 Minute roll-up.

• 1 Minute balance matrix left.

• 1 Minute plank.

• 1 Minute balance matrix right.


• 1 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute groin rock on each side (use the water bottle to maintain a neutral spine).

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Module 6 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 3

15 Minutes of:

• 1 0 Single leg bridges on each side.

• 30 Second toe plank on each side.

• 1 0 Full W's on the wall or the floor.

• 20 Hip hinges with or without the wall.


• 1 Minute lacrosse upper trapezius and levator scapulae on each side.

• 2 Minutes pee minor door stretch.

Full Body Workout 4

2-4 Rounds of:

• 20 Clamshells on each side.

• 1 0 Single leg bridges on each side.

• 20 Banded glute bridges.

• 20 Scapular retractions with arms up overhead. Pull a band if you would like added

resistance, 3 second hold when pulled down.

• 1 0 W's away from the wall. Maintain your core brace.

• Up to a 2 minute plank.

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Module 7 Workouts and Stretches

Module 7 Workouts and Stretches

The bretzie stretch

2 Minutes per side. Inhaling at the starting position, and exhaling as your drop your shoulder

close to the floor. Make sure you start this stretch with your ankle, knees, hips, and shoulders

stacked directly on top of one another. Your goal isn't necessarily to touch your shoulder to the

floor. You may feel this stretch in numerous places.

Workout 1

Modify the reps and time as needed.

3-4 Rounds of:

• 10-20 Alternating bird dogs. Use the water bottle on the lower back to make sure you

maintain a neutral spine.

• 1 Minute alternating leg drop roll-ups.

• 10-15 Reps of single leg step down on each side. Use an appropriate height to where the

knee does not collapse inward.

Modify the reps as needed.

Cycle through 15 minutes of:

Workout 2

• 1 0 Alternating bird dogs with a 1 0 second hold.

• 1 0 Alternating leg drop roll-up with a 3 second hold at the bottom.

• 1 0 Negative single leg step downs on each side. "Negative" means: step down as slowly as

you possibly can, maintaining good position. Try to make each step down take 5-15

seconds each. The higher the step, the harder this will be. This eccentric motion will build

muscular strength.

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Module 7 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 3

Do 2-4 rounds of:

• Up to a 1 minute hold in the bird dog with right arm up, left leg up.

• Up to 2 minute alternating leg drop roll-ups with a 5 second count on the way down.

• Up to a 1 minute hold in the bird dog with left arm up, right leg up.

• 10-20 Single leg step down on each side. Start with the weak leg first. Increase height of

the step if you can.

2 Rounds of:

• 25 Banded glute bridges.

Full Body Workout 1

• 25 Alternating leg drops. Choose a variation that works for you. Stop if you are unable to

maintain a flat back to the floor.

25 W's on the wall or floor.

25 Hinging RDL's touching the wall.

Finish with:

• 1 Minute bretzie stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute pee smash on each side.

• 1 Minute soleus (bent knee) calf stretch on each side.

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Module 7 Workouts and Stretches

3-4 Rounds of:

• 1 0 Single leg step downs.

Full Body Workout 2

• 1 0 Alternating banded march with a 2 second hold at the top.

• 1 0 Alternating roll up leg drops.

• 1 Minute balance matrix left leg.

• 10WallW's.

• 1 Minute balance matrix right leg.

Finish with:

• 2 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

• For both sides, spend 6 minutes total using the lacrosse ball on the glute medius,

piriformis, and/or TFL muscles.

2 Rounds of:

• 1 0 Bird dogs left leg/right arm.

Full Body Workout 3

• 1 0 Single leg step downs right leg.

• 1 Minute balance matrix right leg.

• Accumulate a 2-minute plank. Break this up into as many sets as you need to with as

much rest as you need (ex: 8 sets of 15 seconds, 6 sets of 20 seconds, 3 sets of 45

seconds, 1 set of 90 seconds and 1 set of 30 seconds, or 1 set of 120 seconds), all

maintaining good form! Use a mirror or camera to make sure you are keeping your hips

tucked posterior and your spine neutral.

• 1 0 Bird dogs right leg/left arm.

• 1 0 Single leg step downs left leg.

• 1 Minute balance matrix left leg.

Finish with:

• 2 Minute pigeon stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute lacrosse QL on each side.

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Module 7 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 4

In an ascending ladder for 15 minutes:

• 1 Banded glute bridge.

• 1 Floor W.

• 2 Banded glute bridge.

• 2 Floor W.





Etc. Until 15 minutes is up. Have fun and test yourself!

Keep the band on the entire time. Maintain good form and technique. If you are unable to

maintain good technique, slow down or stop altogether.

Finish with:

• 2 Minute pee minor doorway stretch.

• 2 Minute bretzie stretch on each side.

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Module 8 Workouts and Stretches

Module 8 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 1

After your core bracing, begin this workout with:

• 2 Minute bretzie stretch on each side.

• 2 Minute pee massage with the lacrosse ball in the doorway.

Then, while utilizing a mirror, do 3-4 rounds of:

• 15 RDL's. Use the stick on the back if need be.

• Up to 15 serratus push-ups. Maintain a tight midsection, don't let the hips drop. Do the

progression that you are able to maintain good form with. If this is a struggle for you, do

the motion up against the wall while standing.

• Up to 15 side scap raises on each arm. Do one side and then the other. Start with your

weaker side.

• Up to 15 single leg RDL's on each side. Do one side and then the other.

Workout 2

Without the use of a mirror, complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

• 5 RDL's.

• 5 Serratus push-ups.

• 5 Side scap raises each side.

• 5 Single leg RDL's each side. Be sure to maintain good form. Only go as fast as you are

able to maintain near-perfect positioning and are pain-free.


• 1 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

• 1 Minute lacrosse QL each side.

• 1 Minute pigeon stretch each side.

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Module 8 Workouts and Stretches

Module 8 Workouts and Stretches

Workout 3

If you are comfortable, add some weight to these. Adding weight will actually make it easier

to feel muscles engage.

Complete 2-4 rounds of:

• 5-15 RDL's with less than 95Ib. Use a dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell (for the 95Ib). Don't let

your ego get in the way. Practice great form.

• 10-20 Serratus push-ups. Slow and controlled.

• 5-1 0 Side scap raises on each side with less than 5 lbs and a 5 second hold at the top. Keep

that blade pulled down.

• 1 0 single leg RD L's on each side holding less than 50 lbs one or both hands (play with

putting the weight in different hands, it will result in different leverage and make it


Full Body Workout 1

Start each workout with:

• 1 Minute of abdominal core bracing.

2-4 Rounds of:

• 20 Alternating single leg RDL with a 2 second hold at the bottom (module 8).

• 20 W's or 1 0 half W's on each side with a 2 second hold at the bottom.

• Up to a 90 second plank.

• 1 0 Single leg bridges on each side with a 2 second hold at the top.

• 1 0 Alternating banded march with a 4 second hold at the top.

Finish with:

• 2 Minutes upper back foam roll or smash.

• 2 Minute bretzie stretch on each side.

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Module 8 Workouts and Stretches

Full Body Workout 2

After your 2 minute core bracing, begin with:

• 1 Minute pee smash on each side.

• 1 Minute calf stretch (straight leg) on each side.

• 1 Minute pigeon stretch on each side.

Then, 2 rounds of:

• 15 Banded glute bridge with a 3 second hold at the top.

• Up to 20 alternating leg drops. Choose a variation that allows you to keep your lower back

flat to the floor against the pen.

• 15 RD L's. Use a weight if you are comfortable doing so. Start with light weight and don't

go too heavy.

• Up to 20 alternating single leg step downs.

• Up to 15 side scap raises on each side.

Full Body Workout 3

A long one! After your 2 minute core bracing, begin with:

• 2 Minute bretzie stretch on each side.

• 4 Minutes total of glute medius, TFL, or piriformis smashing with the lacrosse ball.

Then, complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:

• 1 0 Alternating leg drop roll-ups.

• 1 0 Alternating S/L RD L's (hold a light weight in your hand if you would like to challenge

yourself even more).

• Up to 1 0 scapular push-ups at a variation you can maintain good form with.

• 1 0 Side scap raises. Use a weight if you are able to maintain good technique.

• 1 0 Alternating bird dogs. No water bottle. Try to keep your midsection tight and


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Module 8 Workouts and Stretches

4-5 Rounds of:

• 15 RDL's.

• 1 O Side scap raise on each side.

• 5 Scapular push-ups.

Full Body Workout 4

• 1 Minute roll-up with slow, controlled breathing.


• 2 Minute hip flexor stretch on each side.

• 2 Minute soleus calf stretch (bent knee) on each side.

• 2 Minute pee major stretch on each side.

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