movie storyboard movie sequels esl group activity

“Movie Pitch”/Storyboard Group activity 1. Do the warm up questions provided. (5-8 min) 2. Put students into pairs/groups of 2-3. 3.Groups have to choose a movie that currently does NOT have a sequel. (It’s best to have students tell the teacher before they go to the computer lab, so there are no duplicates) (2-3 min) 4. Then give students time to work in the computer lab to create a story board similar to the example that follows this slide (E.T. 2). (30 -40minutes) *5-10 minutes of which should be spent practicing presenting their movie idea. *Students will then either email the teacher or save to USB. The teacher will use her computer + OHP in the classroom to show the ppt. 5.As a group, the students have to present their movie idea to the rest of the class.

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Movie storyboard movie sequels esl group activity

“Movie Pitch”/Storyboard Group activity1. Do the warm up questions provided. (5-8 min)2. Put students into pairs/groups of 2-3.3.Groups have to choose a movie that currently does NOT have a sequel.(It’s best to have students tell the teacher before they go to the computer lab, so there are no duplicates) (2-3 min)

4. Then give students time to work in the computer lab to create a story board similar to the example that follows this slide (E.T. 2).(30 -40minutes)*5-10 minutes of which should be spent practicing presenting their movie idea.

*Students will then either email the teacher or save to USB.The teacher will use her computer + OHP in the classroom to show the ppt.5.As a group, the students have to present their movie idea to the rest of the class.6.Students have to be prepared to ask and answer questions regarding the presentations they are listening to /giving.

Page 2: Movie storyboard movie sequels esl group activity

Movies & Movie Sequels

Talk to a partner:1.What’s your favourite movie? Why?2.What are some movies that have sequels? Are the second movies good? Why or why not?3.What movies currently don’t have a sequel, but you would like them to?

Page 3: Movie storyboard movie sequels esl group activity

Movie Pitch / Storyboard Group Activity

1. Most sequels repeat something from the first movie. What will your movie have that was in the first movie?

2. Will there be new characters or just the same characters from the first movie?

3. How far in the future is the movie set? Is it a day later? Is it 5 years later?

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E.T. 2

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E.T. is older now and is a celebrity on his home planet. He’s also married

and has a child.

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E.T.’s child F.S. is sick and the only cure is on planet Earth, so he has to go


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E.T says hello to his long lost friends.

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The military tries to capture E.T. and his friends again.

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E.T. & Elliot go for another ride in the sky and they escape from the military.

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E.T’s friends take him to a Costco, so he can get “medicine” that will cure

his son!

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E.T. says Good-bye and goes back to his home planet!

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E.T. is able to save his son!He also keeps in touch with his friends on Earth with his new intergalactic cell
