moving to the write writing book powerpoints

Moving to the Write: Writing Books in Our Library These books are located across from the circulation

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Page 1: Moving to the write writing book powerpoints

Moving to the Write:Writing Books in Our Library

These books are located across

from the circulation desk

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Spunk & Bite: A Writers Guide to Bold, Contemporary Style

Today's writer needs more than just a solid knowledge of usage and composition to write successfully. Bestselling author Arthur Plotnik reveals the secrets to attention-grabbing, unforgettable writing, in this trade paperback edition.

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learn how to show & when to tell for powerful & balanced writing

Showing and Telling

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Woe is I

Offers down-to-earth explanations and plain-English solutions to the language mysteries that bedevil all of us; unties the knottiest grammar tangles and displays the same lively humor that has charmed and enlightened grateful readers for years. With new chapters on spelling and punctuation, and fresh insights into the rights, wrongs, and maybes of English grammar and usage

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Usage & Abusage

An updated edition of a useful, entertaining guide to picking the right words (and avoiding the wrong ones), for writing.

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A collection of essays in which the author explores methods of writing based on her experience in Zen meditation, and includes an interview with the author.

Writing Down the Bones

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Lynne Truss, a self-proclaimed stickler, presents a humorous look at the history of punctuation, discussing the use and misuse of commas, apostrophes, semi-colons, and other punctuation marks.

Eats Shoots and Leaves

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The creator of Grammar Girl podcast presents her guide to a better understanding of English grammar, and features solutions to common and more curious questions, such as comma splices and misplaced modifiers, and discusses other related topics.

Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips

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A step-by-step guide on how to write and how to manage the writer's life. Tells how to get started and move beyond first drafts, and discusses writer's block, writing groups, and publication.

Bird by Bird

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A guide for beginning writers. Provides beginning writers with advice, rules, and tips for improving their writing skills.

The Pen Commandments

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MLA Handbook

This book explains in step-by-step description of how to properly write a research paper. It is commonly used in schools, colleges and universities.

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Weird & Wonderful Words

Impress your friends and pepper your dinner party conversations with such nuggets as gobemouche, mumpsimus, and cachinnate. Tie your tongue in knots trying to say such sesquipedalian words as floccinaucinihilipilification or pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. You can learn about all of these bizarre and beautiful words and many more in Weird and Wonderful Words.

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Cite It Right

By simplifying the complex citation process, this detailed guide enables writers to confidently investigate a topic and accurately quote the resulting research in a variety of documents without having to consult four separate style tomes. From gathering credible sources and developing strong topics to writing thesis statements and ensuing revisions, each step of the research paper writing process is discussed, with particular emphasis placed on supporting academic integrity and eliminating plagiarism. A straightforward compilation of the four major writing-style manuals—American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), Council of Science Editors (CSE), and the Modern Language Association (MLA).

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On Writing the College Application Essay

A newly revised edition of a perennial favorite, On Writing the College Application Essay by Harry Bauld—formerly an admissions officer at Brown University and assistant director of admissions at Columbia University—is an insider’s guide to writing a college application essay that will stand out from the pack.

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Painless Study Techniques

Most kids hate to study, and homework is always a chore--but this book teaches kids how to transform drudgery into interesting and productive projects. The author offers suggestions for group learning and study projects, creating a stimulating study environment, and knowing the different ways to read different kinds of books, from math to literature. He also advises on organizing ideas for writing assignments,

and seeking extra help for especially difficult subjects.

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Publication Manual

Although it is specifically designed to help writers in the behavioral sciences and social sciences, anyone who writes non-fiction prose can benefit from its guidance, When you need advice on how to present information, including text, data, and graphics, for publication in any type of format--such as college and university papers, professional journals, presentations for colleagues, and online publication--you will find the advice you're looking for in the "Publication Manual."

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Student Writing Handbook

From essays to feature articles, from book reports to scripts, you'll get coverage of all thirty-seven types of student writing, good writing principles, subject-specific writing samples, and important considerations for writing and the Internet.

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Writer’s Guide to Style & Usage

The only up-to-date guide that addresses everyone who writes, from books and magazine features to newsletters, business reports, technical papers and brochures -- with information on how to use computers in every stage of publication.

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Write Right!

It covers the essentials of good writing in a concise and easy-to-follow format. And with clever drawings and amusing quotations to illustrate its points, WRITE RIGHT! shows that language can be fun as well as an effective communication tool

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Writer’s Market

Easy-to-reference symbols and indexes readers zero in on the most promising markets for their work. They'll find phone numbers, contact names, pay rates, e-mail addresses, guidelines and submission tips for over 4000 leads – crucial.

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Writers Handbook

Wise and witty book, packed with useful information.

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Business Writing Handbook

Learn how to write clearly and creatively the first time - and every time* Establish good writing habits and get the reader's attention* Enhance your confidence and effectiveness as a communicator

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Word Smart

• Improving your vocabulary is important, but where do you start? The English language has hundreds of thousands of words. To find out which words you absolutely need to know.

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English Usage Dictionary

Objective and comprehensive, Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage is a readable and entertaining guide to the complext history of some of the thorniest usage issues in the English language. The scholarship and authority of this indispensale work have earned it universal critical acclaim

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100 Ways to Write Badly Well

100 Ways to Write Badly Well is an adventure in drivel. It will teach you how to botch a plot, how to create characters that no one in their right mind would identify with and how to reduce the beauty of the English language to an incoherent mush. Using one hundred practical examples, each awful in its own unique way, blogger and creative writing tutor Joel Stickley will lead you methodically up the creek and carefully remove your paddle before running off and leaving you stranded. The route is lined with mixed metaphors, terrible plot twists, piles of adjectives and characters staring at themselves in mirrors for no apparent reason.

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Strunk and White

The offical grammar bible!

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How to Write your College Essay Application

Provides instructions on writing an admissions essay, from selecting a topic to proofreading the final draft.

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Passing the Writing Graduation Test in Georgia

A self-help book that explains theories and ways to prepare and make sure students pass the high school graduation test.

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Essays That Will Get You Into College

The 50 model essays presented in this book were written by successful Ivy League college applicants. Each essay is followed by critical comments that reveal both strong and weak points in its author's style and content. Also presented is detailed essay-writing advice and instruction.