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Accreditation of an independent prescribing programme: submission template (parts 1 & 2) This template should be used to demonstrate how the provider meets the GPhC’s accreditation criteria for education and training programmes to train pharmacists as independent prescribers. The accreditation submission document should be a single document which includes: An introduction and scene setting. An overview of how the programme has developed since the last accreditation, including a summary of any major changes (reaccreditation only) An explanation of how any conditions and recommendations from the previous event have been addressed including supporting evidence where appropriate (reaccreditation only) Where a provider opted not to action a recommendation, an explanation of the rationale for this decision should be provided (reaccreditation only) Information on the number of cohorts that have been delivered since the last event, including the number of pharmacists per cohort (reaccreditation only) Projected number of cohorts/pharmacists per cohort. This template, completed in full, to include: - A narrative explaining how each criterion is met. The narrative must be written in prose, clearly explaining how the criteria will be met. Reference to links, file names, or module titles on their own are not acceptable. - Full reference to the documents you are providing as evidence. You should provide documentary evidence to support the information that you have provided within the template. No additional documents should be provided. Please see the guidance given throughout this template which details the evidence that you need to provide. Following review of your submission document and associated evidence you may be required

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Accreditation of an independent prescribing programme: submission template (parts 1 & 2) This template should be used to demonstrate how the provider meets the GPhC’s accreditation criteria for education and training programmes to train pharmacists as independent prescribers.

The accreditation submission document should be a single document which includes: An introduction and scene setting. An overview of how the programme has developed since the last accreditation, including a

summary of any major changes (reaccreditation only) An explanation of how any conditions and recommendations from the previous event have been

addressed including supporting evidence where appropriate (reaccreditation only) Where a provider opted not to action a recommendation, an explanation of the rationale for this

decision should be provided (reaccreditation only) Information on the number of cohorts that have been delivered since the last event, including the

number of pharmacists per cohort (reaccreditation only) Projected number of cohorts/pharmacists per cohort. This template, completed in full, to include:

- A narrative explaining how each criterion is met. The narrative must be written in prose, clearly explaining how the criteria will be met. Reference to links, file names, or module titles on their own are not acceptable.

- Full reference to the documents you are providing as evidence.

You should provide documentary evidence to support the information that you have provided within the template. No additional documents should be provided. Please see the guidance given throughout this template which details the evidence that you need to provide. Following review of your submission document and associated evidence you may be required to submit additional items of evidence, if this is necessary you will be notified in advance of your accreditation event.

Please ensure that you provide your submission in the correct format with the required level of detail and clarity. Failure to do so could lead to your accreditation event being cancelled or postponed. Information on how to submit your documentation can be found on the last page of this document.

If you have any questions regarding your accreditation submission please contact the GPhC’s Quality Assurance (Education) team at [email protected]

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Academic year: 2017-18

Name of University:

Name of School and Department:

Contact name:

Job title:





Independent prescribing submission template - for events in the 2017-18 academic year 2

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Important – please read the guidance below before completing the template

General notes regarding completion of the template

Except where single pieces of information or lists are asked for, your commentary must be written in prose. Directions to other documents only will not be accepted.

Any diagrams or images should be submitted as documentary evidence and not embedded with the tables.

Hyperlinks may be used within your commentary to signpost to evidence but please check that the links are not broken and that external access is permitted.

Please ensure that all documentary evidence provided is referred to within your commentary. Supporting documents should be included as appendices and should be provided separately from

the submission template. Each module must be referred to by its full title and not by module code. Should your commentary relate to more than one criterion, it does not need to be repeated next

to each. Simply include a note referencing to the relevant commentary, e.g. ‘please refer to commentary under criterion 4.2’.

Referencing documentary evidence

Please give each piece of evidence a clear and meaningful title. For ease of reference, supporting documents should be numbered accordingly.

The document title referred to in your commentary should be identical to the name of the relevant .PDF file you have provided.

Please ensure that all file names are concise and do not contain any special characters including: / \ : * ? ” < > | # { } % ~ &

You do not need to duplicate evidence - you may find that you need to refer to one piece of documentary evidence multiple times across more than one section.

When referencing supporting documents within the submission, please indicate the document clearly (for example, in bold) and use the full name and appendix number throughout.

NB. When completing your submission, please do not alter the formatting or orientation of the submission template.

Applying for accreditation of both an independent prescribing programme and independent prescribing conversion programme

If you are applying for accreditation of these two programmes to be reviewed as a joint event, you will need to submit a separate submission for each programme but you do not need to repeat your commentary.

We would advise that you complete the submission template for the independent prescribing programme in full first. Only information that is additional or different for the conversion programme needs to be entered into this template. Refer to the full IP template for any instances where the information is the same for both programmes.

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Submission template part 1: meeting the accreditation criteria


Your introduction must include:

An introduction and scene setting An overview of how the programme has developed since the last accreditation, including a

summary of any major changes. (reaccreditation only) An explanation of how any conditions and recommendations from the previous event have been

addressed including supporting evidence where appropriate. (reaccreditation only) Where a provider opted not to action a recommendation, an explanation of the rationale for this

decision should be provided. (reaccreditation only) Information on the number of cohorts that have been delivered since the last event, including the

number of pharmacists per cohort. (reaccreditation only) Projected number of cohorts/pharmacists per cohort.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation criteria

Section 1: The programme provider

1.1 Must be part of, or be closely associated with, a higher education institution which implements effective quality assurance and quality management and enhancement systems and demonstrates their application to prescribing programmes. The programme must be validated by its higher education institution.

Include: Institution Nature of institution, any affiliations relevant to the application. Department(s) offering the programme. Experience of programme provision relevant to the application. A statement that the institution has fully validated the programme in advance of the application. Details of quality assurance procedures for example student feedback and input from external

examiner. Details of how changes to the programme are approved internally. Details of regular and/or annual review/revalidation processes.

***Please delete these guidance sections before submitting your template to the GPhC***

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

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Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation team use only

1.2 Must have adequate physical, staff (academic and administrative) and financial resources to deliver the programme including facilities to teach clinical examination skills.

Include: Accommodation allocated to/used by the programme (include explicit mention of facilities for

teaching clinical examination skills). Equipment. Support service. Planned student numbers (and maximum student numbers including ratio of pharmacists to other

health professionals, where applicable). Planned number of cohorts per year and dates for delivery. How the programme will be funded.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

1.3 Must have identified staff with appropriate background and experience to teach the programme, ideally including practising pharmacists with teaching experience and staff with clinical and diagnostic skills.

Include: Details of each member of staff associated with the programme (include

names/titles/qualifications/professional affiliations/contribution(s) to the programme/employment status (institutional employee/external).

Calculate WTE/FTE assigned to programme. Provide Curricula Vitae for each member of staff associated with the programme (summary format

is acceptable).

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

1.4 Must have an identified practising pharmacist with appropriate background and expertise who will contribute to the design and delivery of the programme. The identified pharmacist must be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), and where possible should be a pharmacist independent prescriber.

Include: Evidence of how this person(s) has/have contributed to the design of the programme and will

contribute to its delivery.

Provider’s commentary

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Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

Section 2: Pre-requisites for entry

2.1 Entrants must be a registered pharmacist with the GPhC or the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

Include: Documentation to demonstrate how you ensure that applicants are suitable for entry to the

programme (e.g. copy of the programme application form). A description of how this will be checked.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

2.2 Entrants must have at least two years appropriate patient-orientated experience in a UK hospital, community or primary care setting following their preregistration year.

Include: Details of how this information will be collected. A description of how this will be checked (for both employed and self-employed pharmacists, if


Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

2.3 Entrants must have identified an area of clinical practice in which to develop their prescribing skills and have up-to-date clinical, pharmacological and pharmaceutical knowledge relevant to their intended area of prescribing practice.

Include: Details of how this information will be collected. A description of how this will be checked (for both employed and self-employed pharmacists, if


Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

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For accreditation use only

2.4 Entrants should demonstrate how they reflect on their own performance and take responsibility for their own CPD.

Include: An explanation of how this will be demonstrated on application to the programme.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

2.5 The provider must ensure that the DMP, identified by the pharmacist, has training and experience appropriate to their role. This may be demonstrated by adherence to the Department of Health Guidance (2001). The DMP must have agreed to provide supervision, support and shadowing opportunities for the student, and be familiar with the GPhC’s requirements of the programme and the need to achieve the learning outcomes.

Include: An explanation of how experience will be established and validated. Details on training for DMPs. How the DMP’s service level is agreed. A description of how DMPs become familiar with the programme and how the DMP is made aware

of the GPhC requirements and learning outcomes prior to application.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

2.6 Entrants who are not registrants of the GPhC or PSNI may undertake the taught components of the programme but may not undertake the period of supervised practice.

Include: Specify whether these entrants will be allowed to undertake the taught components. If so explain

where this will be stated, preferably with a referenced quote from a programme document.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

Section 3: The programme

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3.1 Must be taught at least at bachelor’s degree level (FHEQ (2008), level 6 ) and reflect the fact that since June 2002, pharmacists have graduated and practise at master’s degree level (FHEQ (2008), level 7).

Include: Information on how the programme was benchmarked against the relevant academic level in the

FHEQ (2008).

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

3.2 Must achieve the 16 learning outcomes listed in the curriculum for independent prescribing which must be mapped against the programme’s learning outcomes and assessments. The programme learning outcomes must be aligned with the relevant level of study.

Include: Complete submission template part 2. The learning outcomes in Part 2 should be interpreted at the correct academic level for the

programme (either level 6, level 7 or both). Level 6 and 7 learning outcomes should be differentiated and it should be made clear how assessments test the correct academic levels).

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

3.3 Must include teaching, learning and support strategies which allow pharmacists to build on their background knowledge and experience and acquire competence in prescribing.

Include: The programme’s teaching and learning strategy. Overall learning time (specify the balance between, taught, directed, self-directed and private

study). How students’ background knowledge and experience will be established. How that knowledge and experience will be developed to acquire competence in prescribing. Details of formative assessment on the programme.

NB. If the programme relies on web-based learning materials the provider should arrange short-term access so that the panel may review the materials before the accreditation event.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

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Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

3.4 Must provide opportunities for pharmacists to demonstrate how they will apply their learning to the conditions for which they will be prescribing.

Include: Description of how each student’s learning will be contextualised in their chosen prescribing field

and how they will demonstrate clinical competence.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

3.5 Must contain learning activities equivalent to 26 days, normally over a period of three to six months.

Include: Describe and quantify the learning activities equivalent to 26 days and confirm the period of

delivery. Proposed timetable for pharmacists undertaking the programme.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

3.6 Must have robust systems to monitor attendance and progression.

Include: Description of attendance systems. Description of how students’ progress on the programme is monitored.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

3.7 Must have a clear policy on attendance and participation and the obligations of pharmacists who miss part of the programme. Pharmacists must attend all scheduled teaching and learning sessions that provide instruction on clinical examination and diagnosis.

Include: The programme policy on attendance and the requirements on pharmacists who miss parts of the


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Confirmation that pharmacists must attend all clinical sessions and that they will not pass the programme if they do not.

How students are made aware of the policy.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

3.8 May recognise and allow reduced learning time for previous learning or experience, which is directly equivalent to programme content and for which evidence is provided. Recognition should be according to established institutional procedures on previous learning or experience. Regardless of previous learning or experience, all pharmacists must undertake all assessments.

Include: Describe arrangements for recognition of previous learning which enable reduction in learning time,

if in existence. Confirm that pharmacists must undertake all assessments. Include how students are made aware of the policy.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

Section 4: Learning in Practice

4.1 The provider must support the DMP with clear and practical guidance on helping the pharmacist successfully to complete the period of learning in practice including arrangements for quality assurance of summative assessments. The roles of the programme provider and the DMP for teaching the skills for clinical assessment of patients must be clearly set out.

Include: Guidance issued to DMPs relating to successfully completing the period of learning in practice. Arrangements for the quality assurance of summative assessments of learning in practice. The roles of the programme provider and DMP for teaching clinical assessment skill.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

4.2 The provider must support the DMP with clear and practical guidance on their role in the assessment of the student.

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Include: Description of how DMPs are guided and supported in the assessment students, providing a copy of

any relevant documentation.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

4.3 The provider must obtain formal evidence and confirmation from the DMP using the specified wording; “the pharmacist has satisfactorily completed at least 12x7.5h days supervised practice”.

Include: Description of the nature of the formal evidence from DMPs that pharmacist students have

completed at least 12x7.5h days supervised practice and how the relevant wording will be obtained. NB. The exact wording from the criterion must be used.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

4.4 The provider must obtain a professional declaration from the DMP using the specified wording; “In my opinion as the DMP, the skills demonstrated in practice confirm the pharmacist as being suitable for annotation as an Independent Prescriber”’

Include: Description and evidence of how the relevant wording will be obtained. NB. The exact wording from

the criterion must be used.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

4.5 Failure in the period of learning in practice cannot be compensated by performance in other assessments.

Include: Confirmation that this is the case. Description of where and how students will be made aware of this.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

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Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

Section 5: Assessment

5.1 Evidence from a range of assessments that the student has achieved the intended learning outcomes of the programme.

Include: Description of what range of assessments will be used and how that range will test learning

outcomes securely. Description of how competency and clinical skills will be assessed. Describe where assessments take place and who is responsible.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

5.2 The programme will be assessed separately from any other programmes or programme components and lead to a freestanding award which confirms the competence of the pharmacists as an independent prescriber.

Include: Confirmation of this and explain how relevant assessments will be run separately if parts of the

programme are shared. Confirmation of whether this programme will form part of a larger programme, eg. MSc, PG Cert


Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

5.3 The assessment scheme should demonstrate that the criteria for pass/fail and any arrangements for compensation between elements of assessment, together with the regulations for resit assessments and submissions, are consistent with safe and effective prescribing and the achievement of all learning outcomes.

Include: Compensation arrangements (see 4.5). Resit regulations (which must be demonstrably consistent with safe and effective prescribing). Quality assurance mechanisms in place to ensure assessments are valid, reliable and robust. A copy of the assessment marking criteria and explain how this is consistent with safe and effective


Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereX

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Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

5.4 In any assessment, a failure to identify a serious problem or an answer which would cause the patient harm should result in overall failure of the programme.

Include: Confirmation that this is the case for all assessments. Describe the mechanisms in place for identification and review of cases of potential harm

demonstrated during assessment. Explanation of how students and DMPs are made aware of this. Confirmation that this criterion will override any standard resit regulations for assessment.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

Section 6: Details of award

6.1 The provider should award successful candidates a ‘Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing’ confirming that the candidate has successfully completed the programme and the period of learning in practice.

Include: Confirmation that this will be the case. Provide a sample certificate with the exact wording of the award as stated in the criterion.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

For accreditation use only

6.2 The provider should send a certified copy of the pass list to the Registrar of the GPhC, via the Applications Team, containing the names and registration numbers of the pharmacists who have successfully completed the programme and confirming that they are eligible for annotation on the GPhC Register as independent prescribers.

Describe: How the pass list will be certified. How the pass list will be sent to the General Pharmaceutical Council. The name and job title of individual responsible for submitting pass lists to the GPhC.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX

Accreditation team’s commentary

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For accreditation use only

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Submission template part 2: mapping of independent prescribing learning outcomes to programme learning outcomes and assessments

Level of Study (eg level 6 / level 7)

Note: If the programme is offered at both bachelor’s degree level (FHEQ level 6) and master’s level (FHEQ level 7) please complete a separate mapping table for each including a list of the appropriate learning outcomes for that level.

Learning outcomes

General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) Learning Outcomes

Programme Learning Outcomes Assessments

Following qualification, Pharmacist Independent Prescribers will be able to:

Translate the GPhC’s learning outcomes into programme learning outcomes at the relevant FHEQ level.

Describe how each GPhC learning outcome will be assessed. NB Please ensure these are aligned with the mapped programme learning outcomes.

1. Understand the responsibility that the role of independent prescriber entails, be aware of their own limitations and work within the limits of their professional competence – knowing when and how to refer / consult / seek guidance from another member of the health care team.

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX(expand as necessary)

Provider’s commentary

Please type your commentary hereXX(expand as necessary)

2. Develop an effective relationship and communication with patients, carers, other prescribers and members of the health care team.

3. Describe the pathophysiology of the condition being treated and recognise the signs and symptoms of illness, take an accurate history and carry out a relevant clinical assessment where necessary.

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4. Use common diagnostic aids e.g. stethoscope, sphygmomanometer

5. Able to use diagnostic aids relevant to the condition(s) for which the pharmacist intends to prescribe, including monitoring response to therapy.

6. Apply clinical assessment skills to:

inform a working diagnosis formulate a treatment plan for the prescribing of

one or more medicines, if appropriate carry out a checking process to ensure patient

safety monitor response to therapy, review the working differential diagnosis and

modify treatment or refer

consult/seek guidance as appropriate

7. Demonstrate a shared approach to decision making by assessing patients’ needs for medicines, taking account of their wishes and values and those of their carers when making prescribing decisions

8. Identify and assess sources of information, advice and decision support and demonstrate how they will use them in patient care taking into account evidence based practice and national/local guidelines where they exist.

9. Recognise, evaluate and respond to influences on prescribing practice at individual, local and national levels.

10.Prescribe, safely, appropriately and cost effectively.

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11.Work within a prescribing partnership.

12.Maintain accurate, effective and timely records and ensure that other prescribers and health care staff are appropriately informed.

13.Demonstrate an understanding of the public health issues related to medicines use.

14.Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, ethical and professional framework for accountability and responsibility in relation to prescribing.

15.Work within clinical governance frameworks that include audit of prescribing practice and personal development.

16.Participate regularly in CPD and maintain a record of their CPD activity

Assessment summary

Assessment method Pass mark Weighting

(Expand table as necessary)

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Total 100%

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Documentary evidence

List below the documentary evidence that you are providing

Please refer to the guidance notes on referencing documentary evidence provided on page 3

(expand table as necessary)

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Submitting your accreditation documentation to the GPhC

You must send the following by post:

4 hard copies of your completed submission template (this document).NB. Supporting evidence is required electronically only, as outlined below

4 USB memory sticks each containing: - A Word and a .PDF version of your completed submission template - A .PDF version of each item of documentary evidence

Quality Assurance (Education) team General Pharmaceutical Council 25 Canada Square London E14 5LQ

Delivery instructions: Please instruct the courier to deliver the documentation/package to the courier loading bay (deliveries will not be accepted at the main reception building)

Please ensure that the hard copies and electronic copies arrive with the GPhC’s Quality Assurance (Education) Team on, or before, the submission deadline. The deadline for submission of documentation is normally six weeks in advance of the accreditation visit; however, you will be notified of your exact deadline date when we confirm the date of your accreditation visit and pre-visit meeting.

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