mpj: the second generation ‘mpi for java’

MPJ: The second generation ‘MPI for Java’ Aamir Shafi 26 th April, 2005 Distributed Systems Group

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MPJ: The second generation ‘MPI for Java’. Aamir Shafi 26 th April, 2005 Distributed Systems Group People. Aamir Shafi Bryan Carpenter: Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute (OMII) Mark Baker. Presentation outline. Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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MPJ: The second generation ‘MPI for Java’

Aamir Shafi26th April, 2005

Distributed Systems Group

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People• Aamir Shafi• Bryan Carpenter:

–Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute (OMII)

• Mark Baker

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Presentation outline• Introduction• Design and implementation of MPJ• The runtime infrastructure• Implementation issues• Conclusion

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Introduction • MPI was introduced in June 1994 as a standard message passing API for parallel scientific computing.

–Language bindings for C, C++, and Fortran

• ‘Java Grande Message Passing Workgroup’ defined Java bindings in 98

• Previous efforts follow two approaches: –JNI approach–Pure Java approach:

• Remote Method Invocation (RMI)• Sockets

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Introduction: Pure Java approach• RMI

–Meant for client server applications

• Java Sockets –Java New I/O package:

• Adds non-blocking I/O to the Java language, • Direct Buffers:

– Allocated in the native OS memory and the JVM attempts to provide faster I/O

• Communication performance:• Comparison of Java NIO and C Netpipe drivers,• Java performs similar to C on Fast Ethernet.

– A very naïve comparison

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1. The latency is ~250 microseconds

2. After 1k, the latency starts increasing due to fragmentation of packets

3. Netpipe is a single-threaded simple benchmark

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1. Max throughput is ~90 Mbps

2. It will be great if MPJ with all its complexities can reach ~80 Mbps

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Introduction: JNI approach• Importance of JNI cannot be ignored:

–Where Java fails, JNI makes it work

• Advances in HPC communication hardware have continued to grow:

–Network latency has been reduced to a couple of microseconds

• ‘Pure Java’ looks like an impractical solution:– In the presence of myrinet, no application developer/user

would opt for Fast Ethernet

• Cons:–Not in essence with Java philosophy of ‘write once, run


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Introduction• For Java messaging:

–There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach

• Portability and high performance are often contradictory requirements:

–Portability: Pure Java–High Performance: JNI

• The choice between portability and high performance should best be left to application developers

• The challenging issue is how to manage these contradictory requirements:

–How to provide a flexible mechanism to help applications swap communication protocols?

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Presentation outline• Introduction• Design and implementation• The runtime infrastructure• Implementation issues• Conclusion

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Design• Aims:

–Support swapping various communication devices

• Two device levels: –The MPJ Device level (mpjdev)

• Separates native MPI device from all other devices• ‘native MPI’ device is a special case

– Possible to cut through and make use of native implementation of advanced MPI features

–The xdev Device level (xdev)• ‘gmdev’ – xdev based on GM 2.x comms library• ‘niodev’ – xdev based on Java NIO API• ‘smpdev’ – xdev based on Threads API

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MPJ design

MPJ point to point communications (Base level)

mpjdev (MPJ Device level)

MPJ collective Communications (High level)

Hardware (NIC, Memory etc)



Java Virtual Machine (JVM)


Native MPI






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Implementation• Point to point communications• Collective communications• Groups, communicators, and contexts• Derived datatypes

–Vector, Indexed, Contiguous, and Struct–Explict packing and unpacking

• Process Topologies–Cartesian –Graph

• Possible to cut through to the native MPI implementation

• As of today, three methods (Dims_create, Cancel, and Wtick are left unimplemented)

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Presentation outline• Introduction• Design and implementation• The runtime infrastructure• Implementation issues• Conclusion

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The runtime infrastructure

• All MPI libraries face the task of bootstrapping MPI processes over network computers

–RSH/SSH based scripts are the most common

• LAM/MPI daemons and runtime system works on UNIX based OS

–No version of LAM for Windows

• MPICH has recently introduced SMPD (Super Multi Purpose Daemon):

–According to docs: • Works on linux and Windows

• Difficult (if not impossible) to interface with Java

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Runtime: MPJDaemon and MPJStarter modules• Consists of two modules:

–The daemon that runs on compute nodes (MPJDaemon)

–The starter module that runs on head nodes (MPJStarter)

• Installing MPJDaemon on compute nodes: –RSH/SSH based scripts can easily install

daemon on UNIX based OSes:• Could be installed as services (/etc/init.d)

–Two files are required to install as a service on Windows

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Runtime: MPJDaemon on UNIX based OSes• $MPJ_HOME/bin/mpjdaemon is a rc shell that starts and stops the daemon

• Installation as an app: –‘cd $MPJ_HOME/bin’–./mpjdaemon start–Could use RSH/SSH script to install on whole

UNIX cluster

• Installation as a service–‘cp $MPJ_HOME/bin/mpjdaemon /etc/init.d’–Adding to the default runtime

• ‘rc-update add mpjdaemon default’ (Gentoo Linux)

–‘/etc/init.d/mpjdaemon start/stop/status

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Runtime: MPJDaemon on Windows

• ‘cd %MPJ_HOME%/bin’• ‘InstallMPJDaemon-NT.bat’

–This bat file installs the daemon as a service

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Runtime: MPJDaemon as services• Apache Commons Daemon:

–The source bundle does not even compile–The project is no more active–Spent a week trying to make it work on

Windows: • Gave up!

• Java Service Wrapper:–Simple and does what it says–Support for almost platforms available (where

you can run Java)–Distributed under MIT License:

• Redistribute without any restricitons

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Runtime: JMX M&M• Claims monitoring and management of Java apps:

–Start Java app with following switch: • –

• Run ‘jconsole’: –Possible to connect to remote and local JVMs

• Useful if application is an Mbean: –Application attributes could be get/set remotely

• Possibility: –MPJDaemon could be operated remotely

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JMX M&M: Connection GUI

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JMX M&M: Connection summary

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JMX M&M: JVM memory

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JMX M&M: JVM threads

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JMX M&M: JVM info.

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Runtime: Dynamic class loading(1)

• The application (parallel program) and MPJ library is dynamically loaded into the daemon JVM:

–No need to copy jar files–No shared file system assumption

• MPJStarter starts the light-weight HTTP server (Jetty), which serves the jar file containing parallel program

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Runtime: Dynamic class loading(2)

• For example, ‘’ is a parallel program: –Requires mpj.jar to compile and run

• Bundle it into a jarfile specifying a manifest file with CLASSPATH attribute pointing to mpj.jar

– Write the manifest file,• Manifest-Version: 1.0• Main-Class: HiMPJ• Class-Path: mpj.jar

– ‘jar –cfm himpj.jar manifest HiMPJ.class’ • Copy it to $MPJ_HOME/lib directory

• Executing MPJStarter: – ‘cd $MPJ_HOME/bin’– ‘starter.[sh/bat] 2 himpj.jar ../lib –xdev niodev’

• JarClassLoader will load himpj.jar and mpj.jar into the daemons JVM

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Presentation outline• Introduction• Design and implementation• The runtime infrastructure• Implementation issues• Conclusion

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Issue 1: Shared memory device

• Based on Java Threads API: –Each thread is an MPI process–Communicates with other threads by sending


• All threads run in the same JVM: –Cannot have static variables in the parallel

program–Static variables within the MPJ library require

synchronized access

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Issue 2: Synchronization problems with

threads in smpdev • Each MPJDaemon is assigned number of processes to be executed:

–In case of smpdev, all processes run on the same machine

• MPJDaemon loads the parallel program: –‘JarClassLoader.loadClass(parallelProgramNam


• Once loaded, the program is started as follows:

–‘JarClassLoader.invokeClass(pClass, args)’

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Issue 2: Synchronization problems with threads in smpdev

• For example, MPJStarter request MPJDaemons to start 2 processes (threads)

• MPJDaemon started two threads, which first load, and then start the program

–Processes (threads) are started in this way do not share static variables and cannot synchronize

• In order to share static variables and sync them, the class should be loaded just once, and exectued N times

– It was implemented in this way because niodev requires the exact opposite behaviour – No sharing of static variables

• Currently, the user specifies which device should be used:

– In case of niodev, the loading is done twice– In case of smpdev, the loading is done only once

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Issue 3: ‘cygwin’ • If running MPJ on cygwin,

–‘chmod o+w $MPJ_HOME/logs’–‘chmod a+x $MPJ_HOME/lib/*.dll’

• Is MPJDaemon a windows service, or a linux service on cygwin?

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(Future) Issue 4: Specifying multiple

devices • Currently, only one device can be specified:

–Either niodev or smpdev will be selected as the primary comms device

• But for SMP clusters, it would be ideal: –To use smpdev on a SMP node–Use niodev/gmdev for internode comms

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(Future) Issue 5: Starting MPJ with native MPI device• mpiJava/native MPI device uses ‘mpirun’ to bootstrap MPI processes:

–To bring it in line with other devices, native MPI device will have to be started by MPJ runtime infrastructure

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Issue 6: Multiple users running MPJDaemons at the same time

• Install daemons as an app, • Agree on the port numbers.

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Presentation outline• Introduction• Design and Implementation• The runtime infrastructure• Implementation Issues• Conclusion

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Summary• The key issue for Java messaging is not debating pure Java or JNI approach:

–But, providing a flexible mechanism to swap various comm protocols

• MPJ has a pluggable architecture: –We are implementing ‘niodev’, ‘gmdev’,

‘smpdev’, and native MPI device

• MPJ runtime infrastructure allows bootstrapping MPI process across various platforms

–MPJDaemons can be installed as native OS service

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• We are slowly but surely moving towards the first release of MPJ, the next generation of ‘MPI for Java’

• Current Status: –Unit Testing

• MPJ follows the same API as mpiJava: –The parallel applications built on top of mpiJava will work with MPJ–There are some differences in the API:

• Bsend, and explicit packing/unpacking -- see release docs for more details

• Arguably, the first MPI library for Java that implements real messaging stuff in pure Java

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