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Information Pack Band C - Business Planning Officer

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Information Pack

Band C -Business Planning


Metropolitan Police Service




The Metropolitan Police Service is famed around the world and has a unique place in the history of policing. It is by far the largest of the police services that operate in greater London (the others include the City of London Police and the British Transport Police). The Royal Parks Constabulary has now become part of the Metropolitan Police Service.

Founded by Sir Robert Peel in 1829, the original establishment of 1,000 officers policed a seven-mile radius from Charing Cross and a population of less than 2 million.

Today, the Metropolitan Police Service employs 31,000 officers, 14,000 Police Staff, 414 traffic wardens and 4,000 Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) as well as being supported by over 2,500 volunteer police officers in the Metropolitan Special Constabulary (MSC) and its Employer Supported Policing (ESP) programme. The Metropolitan Police Services covers an area of 620 square miles and a population of 7.2 million.

All of these resources are employed in working towards the corporate vision of making London the safest major city in the world. To complement the corporate vision the MPS has a set of Values and Behaviours, which drive daily performance at all, levels. The service provided by the MPS is vital to the millions of people who live, work and visit London.

The MPS Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, is assisted by a Deputy Commissioner and four Assistant Commissioners. Senior Police Staff span the organisation, but are primarily situated in, and have responsibility for, Information Technology, Human Resources, Public Affairs and Resources.

The delivery of direct operational policing predominately takes place from 32 Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs), as well as the Operational Command Unit at Heathrow Airport, with a senior police officer in charge of each area. As well as day-to-day policing the MPS has a range of specialist units that work to support operational policing.

The MPS has national responsibilities on matters related to counter-terrorism, as well as other specialist crime areas, and so therefore maintains close working relationships with the Home Office.

Ailsa Beaton

Director of Information

Dick Fedorcio


Director of Public Affairs

AC Chris Allison

Central Operations

T/AC Rose Fitzpatrick

Territorial Policing

AC John YatesQPM

Specialist Operations

AC Cressida


Crime Directorate

Anne McMeel

Director of Resources

Martin Tiplady

Director of Human


CommissionerSir Paul Stephenson

Deputy CommissionerTim Godwin



The Directorate of Resources (DoR) provides professional services to support the complex requirements associated with meeting the demands of modern policing, including delivery of an effective police service to London’s diverse communities. DoR works in partnership across the MPS to ensure the effective planning and delivery of services within a clear governance framework. The Director of Resources is the principal financial adviser to the Commissioner.

DoR is responsible for effective financial and business planning and stewardship of the £3.6bn budget; procurement and contracting for the MPS including protecting the MPA’s interests; the management of the MPA estate comprising over 820 operational buildings, 858 residential properties and 740 rooms in section houses; the management of external relationships; and the provision of strategic research & analysis, performance improvement and programme & project support.

The key areas of responsibility of Resources are:

Finance Services

Ensuring effective financial planning and stewardship of the £3.6bn budget to support efficient delivery of policing services, promoting and supporting the use of financial information as an aid to strategic management and providing professional management accountancy advice and guidance throughout the MPS.

Procurement Services

Working collaboratively with the Business Groups to assist in delivery of corporate efficiency targets; sourcing goods and services and managing suppliers in the most optimum and cost effective manner in support of operational policing; improving effective governance and protecting the MPA’s interests as the contracting authority.

Property Services

Managing the MPA estate and ensuring the provision of property for the MPS, in particular estate repositioning and renewal. Coping with accommodation demands and improving resilience on an affordable basis. Providing Operational Support.

Strategy and Improvement Department

Implementing an integrated business and budget process and robust business performance framework for the MPS, including a Service Improvement Plan and the corporate governance framework. Enhancing the MPS’ relationship management capability and ensuring a high performing strategic analysis function.

Resources Programme OfficeProviding project and programme management support, performance management and communication services for the Directorate.

Strategy and Improvement Department (S&ID)


The Strategy and Improvement Department (S&ID) within DoR was established on 1 April 2008, following a review of what was previously the Strategy, Modernisation and Performance Directorate (SMPD). S&ID leads in the following broad areas:

Relationship management and strategic secretariat support to MPS corporate boards

Strategy development and strategic research and analysis

Corporate planning, business performance and service improvement

Programme and project support.



In general terms, the ambition for this corporate service is to develop a clear, robust governance, decision-making and planning framework for the MPS, with standards being set by the centre and practical support being given to Business Groups (who have clear ownership and responsibility for delivery). S&ID is tasked with helping to embed value for money into business as usual but also with offering effective support to Management Board and other decision-making bodies.

S&ID Objectives

1. To strengthen our relationship management capability with the MPA and key stakeholders

2. To facilitate improvements in operational performance by aligning research capacity and capability to strategic objectives

3. To create a proactive strategy development function responsive to changes in our external environment

4. To develop a strategic analysis function that evaluates business performance and informs corporate decision making

5. To design, implement and continuously review a robust corporate governance framework for the MPS, that includes the management of risk and enhances corporate decision making

6. To implement an integrated business planning and budget process and robust business performance framework for the MPS

7. To provide expert project / programme management support across the Service

8. To develop a Service Improvement Plan in support of business objectives that delivers efficiency, continuous improvement and long-term value for money.

Key work for 2009/10

S&ID priorities for 2009/10 include:

Development of the MPS Service Improvement Plan to drive continuous improvement

Integrating our business planning and budget processes

Further development of the MPS Corporate Strategic Assessment process

Development of a clear, robust corporate governance and decision-making framework for the MPS

Building a new set of 'corporate health' indicators to determine how well we our managing our key resources, and monitoring delivery

Developing more effective forward planning, decision-making and follow up procedures for MPS corporate boards

Putting in place a high performing strategic analysis function and a programme of research, aligned to our strategic objectives, to help support operational delivery

Helping the MPS to engage more effectively with MPA and key London and national stakeholders

Providing ongoing practical support to major change programmes (such as Transforming HR) and operational work (such as the Operation Alliance 5 project to tackle serious gang-related violence in South London).


Service Improvement Plan (SIP)

The MPS has a good record in both delivering efficiency plans to target and implementing significant programmes of change. During 2008/09, the Service reviewed and adapted its approach to delivering efficiency, productivity and change to ensure that continuous improvement is integral to our business planning process. This has involved:

Incorporating a fifth strategic outcome – ‘Continuous improvement is fundamental to service delivery’ - within the Business Plan

Establishing a Service Improvement Plan (SIP) and associated governance arrangements as an integral part of the MPS business planning and budgeting process.

The 2009-12 Service Improvement Plan comprises a range of programmes and projects. These reflect:

A focus on reducing support costs and overheads

Areas of service improvement requiring investment

The lead in time to deliver real change.

SIP is a ‘living programme’ and will develop over time to ensure that it continues to reflect key service improvement issues. These will include findings of relevant reviews and inspections, particularly those reducing bureaucracy and costs. SIP will capture the major areas of corporate investment and efficiency savings across the organisation, in order to support the delivery of the medium term financial plan.

Headline criteria for programmes and projects to be included within SIP as it develops are:

Ideally broad in nature (i.e. cross-business group)

Offering significant efficiency savings or other benefit

Representing significant improvement

Offering significant reduction of organisational risk.

SIP programmes and projects will be grouped under two broad headings. These are Productivity and Efficiency, and Capability and Capacity.

In supporting and informing SIP, the Strategy and Improvement (S&ID) and the Finance Services (FS) Departments of DoR will play important roles by developing a more comprehensive picture of MPS performance than has previously been possible. In particular, this work will involve:

Identifying major cost drivers in the Service

Developing spend analysis and carrying out appropriate benchmarking exercises on general spend patterns and/or specific services

Developing standards for service reviews and comparisons

Providing assistance and advice to business groups in carrying out reviews and comparisons with outside bodies

Identifying potential areas for improvement from audit and inspection reviews, and also from ACPO / NPIA development work and from environmental scanning more generally.

It is important to emphasise that SIP will focus upon those projects and programmes that offer the biggest savings and service improvements, and particularly those with cross-business group dependencies and benefits.


JOB DESCRIPTION OF BAND C Business Planning Officer

Job Title: Business Planning OfficerDirectorate: Directorate of ResourcesReports to: Business Planning ManagerLocation: New Scotland Yard, 10 Broadway, London SW1H 0BG

Job Purpose:

The role holder will co-ordinate the business planning, business performance and business improvement processes, implementing the planning framework and delivering planning outputs, analysing business performance, and recommending and realising improvement actions. The team will work closely with Finance Services, Business Strategy, Programme and Project support and Relationship Management, effecting successful implementation across the Metropolitan Police Service.

As part of a pooled resource across Business Planning, Performance and Improvement and Programme and Project Support, the role will carry broad responsibilities, enhancing the organisations capability to develop, integrate and monitor effective business processes and to improve business performance.

Accountable to the Business Planning Manager, the role holder will be responsible for:

Business Planning, implementing a process and project plan for corporate and budget planning and a business group business planning process, ensuring organisation-wide compliance

Producing strategic planning outputs, including the Policing Plan, Annual Report and high-level papers for the organisation and the MPA

Engaging partnership working to deliver on cross-cutting corporate objectives and implementing robust performance management criteria across business groups

Business Performance, supporting the development of corporate health indicators and monitoring and reporting against these and business critical programmes

Developing performance measures and targets and the organisations critical performance areas (CPAs), working with Strategic Analysis to model outputs

Analysing performance outputs to recommend improvement actions, including analysis for Performance and Investment boards and for Management board

Productivity, Efficiency and Continuous Improvement, supporting an annual Efficiency work programme, Service Improvement programme and Benefits tracking methodology

Assessing business cases for strategic investment decisions, ensuring resource allocation is guided by business requirements, and implementing robust benefits tracking processes

Supporting the strategic risk management function, embedding robust risk methodology through the planning framework and in business group business planning

Supporting sustainable development, embedding equalities, environmental, social inclusion and health imperatives through the planning framework and in business group business planning

Delivering projects within time, cost and specification parameters.


Knowledge, Skills and Experience:


Graduate and/or professional qualification in public, business or financial management or an appropriate analytical subject.


An ability to demonstrate the equivalent level of knowledge, skills and competencies gained through strategic experience within business planning and performance

Related role experience

Experience of strategic business planning, performance and project management in a large organisation or complex environment

Track record of adding value to an organisation or business in this area

Evidence of success in building and forming working relationships across professional and operational boundaries within an organisation and with external organisations


Operational knowledge of:

Strategic business planning and process modelling

Organisational Performance management

Financial Planning and cost/benefit realisation

Strategy formulation and change management

Working knowledge of:

Programme and Project management

Risk management and assessment

Quantitative and Qualitative analysis and modelling for decision-making

Strategic research and analysis


Dynamic, problem solving capabilities


A developing leader who can motivate people to achieve an outcome

Ability to communicate and influence staff and stakeholders

An effective influencing style through clear written and personal presentation

Living the values of change and continuous improvement


Negotiation and communication skills, with an ability to offer advice across the organisation

Ability to operate under pressure in a complex organisational or political environment

Ability to establish and build strategic relationships across professional and operational boundaries and with partner organisations

Ability to cultivate an environment focused on organisational needs and customer satisfaction

Ability to deal with ambiguity and embrace change in an evolving environment.

Flexibility with job duties and scope of work



Ability to engage Performance management

Ability to identify and implement improvement opportunities

Ability to influence change in others through role modelling

Ability to impact team morale, sense of belonging and participation

Communications and Working Relationships:

Accountable to the Business Planning Manager

Interaction with senior management and staff - for business planning, performance analysis and action, benefits tracking and efficiency discussions and negotiation

Interactions with Business Managers and teams across the organisation

Interactions with management and officers in partner organisations and professional bodies - for discussions and debate, and best practice knowledge management

MPA reporting

Key Results Area:

Business Planning, implementing a process and project plan for corporate and budget planning and a business group business planning process, ensuring organisation-wide compliance

Delivering high quality strategic output, including the Policing Plan in March, Annual Report in August and papers for Management Board and the MPA

Supporting the development a suite of corporate indicators and monitoring and actioning against these and against business critical programmes

Assisting in developing performance measures and targets and the organisations critical performance areas (CPAs), working with Strategic Analysis to model outputs

Improving business performance to agreed performance targets including developing analysis with Budget planning, Investment and Performance boards

Supporting an Annual Efficiency works programme (with Finance Services) and delivering the MPS Service Improvement Plan

Assessing business cases for strategic investment decisions, ensuring resource allocation is guided by business requirements, and implementing robust benefits tracking processes

Supporting the strategic risk management function, evidence of embedding robust risk methodology through the planning framework and throughout the organisation

Supporting sustainable development, evidence of embedding equalities, environmental, social inclusion and health imperatives through the planning framework

Embedding continuous improvement and process efficiency to agreed milestones

Scope for Impact:

Strategic impact on corporate planning processes and corporate performance


Negotiating with and influencing managers and stakeholders

Leading change across the organisation

Best practice in productivity, efficiency, benefits realisation, risk and corporate governance


The introduction of this business planning and performance framework will have an impact across the entire MPS

The post holder may have financial line accountability for pay and non-pay costs

The post holder may be responsible for the direct management of staff

Indirect responsibility for organisation wide change

ROLE PROFILE OF BAND C – Business Planning Officer

Core Responsibilities

ActivitiesThe role holder should effectively deliver these key requirements:

Personal Responsibility

Complete administration procedures - 216Ensure that all matters relating to the process of information are carried out in a prompt, efficient manner and in accordance with legislation, policy and procedure.

Comply with Health and Safety legislation - 206Ensure that you show a duty of care and take appropriate action to comply with Health and Safety requirements at all times.

Maintain standards for the management of information - 660Maintain personal responsibility for collection, recording, evaluation, information sharing, review, retention and disposal of information in compliance with codes of practice and Guidance in the Management of Information, information security policy, procedures and legislation.

Maintain standards of professional practice - 217Ensure your behaviour complies with organisational values and organise your own work effectively to meet the demands of your role. Identify, implement and monitor development activities to enhance your own performance.

Make best use of technology - 242Make best use of technology in support of your role, ensuring correct operation and compliance with organisational and legal requirements.

Promote equality, diversity and Human Rights in working practices - 141Promote equality, diversity and Human Rights in working practices by developing and maintaining positive working relationships, ensuring that colleagues are treated fairly and contributing to developing equality of opportunity in working practices.


Work as part of a team - 224Work co-operatively with team members and colleagues, contributing positively and constructively to the achievement of team and organisational objectives.

Human Resources Address disciplinary and unsatisfactory performance procedures - 253Take prompt action to address performance that is below standard, carrying out organisational procedures fairly and in line with own level of authority.

Deal with grievances - 251Investigate grievances with sensitivity and in accordance with organisational grievance procedure.

Enable the organisation to retain personnel from all communities - 142Enable the organisation to retain personnel from all communities by contributing to the fair treatment of staff and supporting staff in promoting equality, diversity and rights in the working practices.

Managing the Organisation

Analyse information - 1056Analyse a range of information noting patterns and trends. Present the results in an appropriate format.

Evaluate information to support action - 1055Evaluate and assess the value of information identifying relevant patterns and trends. Use the information to take appropriate action and achieve desired outcomes.

Gather information to support action - 1042Gather information from a range of sources in order to support action. Ensure the information is obtained ethically and in accordance with relevant legislation and policy.

Participate in meetings - 236Prepare for and actively contribute within meetings in a clear, concise and relevant manner, ensuring decisions and actions are communicated to appropriate personnel.

Prepare strategic position papers and briefings - 1154Prepare position papers and briefings in response to questions from senior personnel and others in accordance with legislation and organisational protocols.

Provide specialist advice and knowledge - 1072Provide specialist advice and knowledge to colleagues, partners and other individuals and agencies to support the achievement of organisational objectives and enable compliance with organisational policy.

Managing and Developing People

Carry out performance reviews - 226Complete a fair and objective review of individual performance, recognising personal achievements and identifying areas for future development.


Delegate work to others - 223Give responsibility and authority to others for discrete pieces of work, agreeing with them the targets they need to achieve, advising and supporting them in what they do.

Manage the performance of teams and individuals - 222Manage teams and individuals to agree short, medium and long term objectives, develop associated plans, and monitor and evaluate performance to ensure that organisational objectives are achieved.

Prepare and deliver presentations - 234Prepare and deliver information to diverse audiences ensuring that you use an appropriate communication style, operate equipment correctly and represent the values of the Service.

Health, Safety and Welfare

Manage the welfare needs of individuals - 1160Recognise any welfare needs that a member of staff may be experiencing, assist them in identifying the cause and agree a suitable way forward, acting at all times in accordance with organisational policy.

Supervise Health and Safety - 205Ensure that all team members are aware of health and safety requirements, continually seek ways to improve the work environment and take effective action in response to breaches in health and safety requirements.


Behaviour Area


Leading the Organisation

Planning and Organising - BPlans activities thoroughly for self and others. Builds milestones into plans, monitors progress and adjusts them as necessary in response to any changes. Provides clear direction and makes sure that staff know what is expected of them.

Problem Solving - BGathers information from a range of sources to understand situations, making sure it is reliable and accurate. Analyses information to identify important issues and problems. Identifies risks and considers alternative courses of action to make good decisions.

Community and Customer Focus - BSees things from the customer's point of view and encourages others to do the same. Builds a good understanding and relationship with the community that is served.

Leading the Way Respect for Race and Diversity - AUnderstands other people's views and takes them into account. Is tactful and diplomatic when dealing with people, treating them with dignity and respect at all times. Understands and is sensitive to social, cultural and racial differences.

Strategic Perspective - BConcentrates on issues that support the broad organisational strategy. Maintains a broad view, and understands and considers the interests and aims of other units or outside organisations.


Personal Qualities & Values

Openness to Change - BSupports, promotes and puts into practice change. Introduces new ways of doing things and encourages others to accept them. Overcomes barriers to change.

Personal Responsibility - AReadily accepts responsibility for self and others. Takes responsibility for managing situations and problems. Leads by example, showing a commitment and a determination to succeed. Continues to learn and develop.


For further information regarding the eligibility criteria for joining the MPS, please refer to the guidance notes available on the MPS Careers website or contained in the application.

The MPS is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. As part of these safeguards, the MPS adopts a consistent and thorough process of safe recruitment in order to ensure that all MPS staff and volunteers are suitable. Posts that involve a high level of contact with children and vulnerable adults will additionally require a Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) check.


We hope that you complete the application form you will have received with this information pack and for your information when we receive your application form the following will happen

Your application form will be initially sifted against MPS criteria such as convictions and nationality

Following the initial sift your application will be assessed by the manager of the department to which you are applying against the advert criteria and the information supplied about the role within this pack

If successful at this stage we will contact you regarding an interview date for which you will receive a minimum of 7 days notice. If you are unsuccessful at this stage we will also write to you and advise you of this

The interview will be a competency-based interview and questions will be posed around the criteria identified for the role in question as detailed in the advert and information pack.

If successful at interview we will send you an initial offer of employment with details of ‘what happens next?’

If unsuccessful we will also advise you in writing but will be unable to offer feedback



Please complete the application form and the equal opportunities monitoring form.

A recent passport sized photograph* (please put your name on the back of it) should be attached to the application form and all forms should be returned by 16:00 hrs on the closing date 27th November 2009 to HR. [email protected] or

Recruitment & Selection Service Centre,Room 2.08,Metropolitan Police Service,Simpson House,Peel Centre,Aerodrome Road,Hendon,London NW9 5RH

Please do not e-mail and send an application by post as this causes duplication.

* The photograph will not be submitted with your application at the shortlisting stage The recruitment process is therefore thorough and consequently can be

quite lengthy. Shortlisting and interviews will be based on the criteria listed. All completed applications received will be acknowledged in writing. Until

an offer of appointment is confirmed in writing, you should not assume your application has been successful.