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  • 8/10/2019 MPS Process


    The Meaning, Pleasure, Strenght Process* by Tal Ben- Shahar, Ph.D.

    Please begin the process by asking below mentioned questions and noting the trends emerge. Looking at the

    answers and identifying areas of overlap can help us determine what kind of work would make us happier.

    Generating accurate answers to these questions requires more effort than simply jotting down whatever leaps

    to mind when, for instance, we try to think about what we find meaninful. Most of us have more or less ready-

    made answers to such questions; these answers are usually true but may stop short of representing the full

    range of experiences that we have found meaningful. We may need to spend time reflecting, thinking deeply to

    recall those moments in our lives when we felt a sense of true purpose.

    We may also need to spend some time considering the answers to the three questions. The lists we generatemay be long , and the way in which we phrase our answers may not make the areas of overlap immedately


    1.What gives me meaning ?

    Pleasure is about the experience of positive emotions in the here and now, about present benefit;meaning

    comes from having a sense of purpose, from the future benefit of our action. To live a meaningful life, we must

    have a self-generated purpose that possesses personal significance rather than one that is dictated by societys

    standards and expectations when we do experience this sense of purpose, we often feel as though we have

    found our calling. As a George Bernard Show said, This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose

    recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Different people find meaning in different things. We may find ourcalling in starting up a business, working in a homeless shelter, raising children, or making furniture. The

    important thing is to chose our purpose in accordance with out own values and passions.

    What gives me pleasure?

    Emotion plays a a pivotal role in all our pursuits. Emotions cause motion; they provide a motive that derives

    our action. Emotion, motion and motvation are intimately linked. Make a mental list of things- from little things

    to big one- that provide you with pleasure.

    What are my strenghths? The deeds and competencies that I am good at

    What gives me meaning ?




  • 8/10/2019 MPS Process


    Finding/creating new ideas and solution to a problem

    Fixing things

    Making things work better

    Testing and simulation


    Being the first or one of the best at something

    Teaching people about my knowledge and sharing

    High level of trust to/from somebody

    Bringing different areas, ideas together to create something new

    What gives me pleasure?

    A group of close friends and a relationship

    Jazz and improvisation

    Sports activities


    Having freedom financially

    My dog

    Continous improvement

    Being challenged

    Doing presentations and giving speeches

    What are my strenghths?

    Effective time management

    Being able to assess myself of the situation




    Can easily build trust in people

    A great team player and glue factor

    I can be a good leader

  • 8/10/2019 MPS Process


    Im cold blooded and can think rationally when under stress