mr. hamilton's rules and procedures

Room D-215 August 23, 2010

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Rules and Procedures


Page 1: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

Room D-215

August 23, 2010

Page 2: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

Part I: Be Prepared for Class

Part II: Respect Yourself and Others

Page 3: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

Follow the Rules…

Personal Success


Positive Recognition

Class Success

Page 4: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

1st Time

2nd Time

3rd Time

4th Time

Every Time you CHOOSE to break the rules you

CHOOSE to disrespect yourself and others.

Break the Rules…



Phone Call

Think Sheet

Page 5: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

Name ______________________________ Period __________ Date_______

I chose to violate rule number ___________.

The rule says: ___________________________________________________________________



This is what happened: (Use complete sentences.)


I chose to violate rule number ___________.

The rule says: ___________________________________________________________________



This is what happened: (Use complete sentences.)


Part 1: First Violation

Part 2: Second Violation

Page 6: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

After my second violation, I improved my behavior choices


After my second violations, I continued to make poor behavior choices. Mr.

Hamilton needed to: (circle one)

Make a phone call to my home

Send me out of the room with a referral

This is how I can improve my behavior choices: (Use complete sentences.)

Received from (sign your name here): __________________________________

Received By Mr. Hamilton: _________________________________________

Part 3: Additional Violation (Select One)

Part 4: Looking Forward

Page 7: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures
























X 1

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Page 8: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

1. Front Door – You will enter the front door calmly and quietly at the beginning of class, and

you will exit through this door after everything has been cleaned up and after you have been

dismissed by Mr. Hamilton

2. Bulletin Board- The bulletin board contains the pledges, administrative notices and other

important information.

3. Chalk Board – On the left side of the chalkboard you will always see the date SWBAT,

agenda, and homework for the day. The projector is located above the chalkboard in the center.

4. Word Wall- The word wall will contain important vocabulary terms that relate to the unit

that we are studying at the time.

5. Television – The television is where the morning announcements will be shown each day.

6. Mr. Hamilton’s Desk – Everything on Mr. Hamilton’s desk is his own property and is not

to be touched by any students without explicit permission from Mr. Hamilton.

7. Technology Desk- The technology desk is where cool electronics such as the projector

and document camera are located. Do not touch these machines without the permission of Mr.

Hamilton. Also, please be aware of all of the cords that may be lying across the floor (I don’t

want to have anyone tripping over them).

8. Classroom Counter- The classroom counter is where the action happens. This is where

all papers and materials will be organized, and where your personal portfolios will be located.

9. Closet – The closet containers materials belonging to Mr. Hamilton. Do not touch the closet

unless given permission to do so.

10. Big Goal Wall – The big goal wall has the rally cry of our class which is “Class of 2017.

We’re Taking Our Knowledge Straight to College”. Located on this wall you will also see our Big

Goal of everyone attaining 80% unit mastery, and 100% TAKS passing percentage. You will also

find individual tracking and class-wide tracking of how we are doing in terms of meeting our


Classroom Layout

Page 9: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

11. Tables - These are the tables where all of you will be seated during class. In the center of

each table will be a supply bin which will contain materials that you may need over the course of

class. The arrangement of the tables is subject to change based up the class size, particular

activities, etc.

12. Discipline Chair- It has an unhappy face next to it because you do not want to be sitting

in this seat. This is the chair to which you will be moved if you are misbehaving during class.

13. Observation Chair- We will have many visitors observing our class over the course of

the year. These two seats will be observed for these visitors.

14. File Cabinet- The file cabinet is the property of Mr. Hamilton. Please do not open it

without his direct permission to do so.

15. Math Stars Wall- On this wall Mr. Hamilton will post examples of excellent student

work. Be sure to congratulate your peers who have accomplished this success.

Page 10: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

1. Entering the Room- You will wait quietly outside in a straight line along the wall

next to the door until you are greeted by Mr. Hamilton at the door. You will shake Mr.

Hamilton’s hand before you enter the classroom in a calm and quiet fashion. After you

enter the room you will pick up your portfolio and the day’s warm up then begin working

immediately and silently at your assigned seat.

2. Exiting the Room- You are NOT dismissed by the bell, but rather you are dismissed

by Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton will not dismiss you until he sees that your table is organized

and that students are seated in their seats quietly. Once your table is given permission to

line up you will place your portfolio back inside of the portfolio bin and line up in a quiet and

orderly fashion. Once everyone is on line, Mr. Hamilton will dismiss the class to exit in the

same fashion.

3. Asking Questions – To ask a question you must raise your hand and wait until Mr.

Hamilton calls on you. If you call out a question, Mr. Hamilton will not respond. If you have a

question during group work, you should “Ask Three Before Me” meaning that you should

ask three of your peers before you come to ask me.

4. Getting Out of Your Seat- Unless the class is involved in a special activity, you

must request permission to get out of your seat for any reason. Raise your hand and wait for

Mr. Hamilton to call on you.

5. Sharpening Pencils- If you need to sharpen your pencil, use the manual pencil

sharpener that is located in the supply box on your table. If you do not have a pencil, ask the

classmates around you whether or not they have an extra. If they do not have an extra

pencil you will ask Mr. Hamilton. In the case that you do, you will be asked to leave

something of yours as collateral. If you are having trouble getting school supplies, please see

Mr. Hamilton privately and he will provide you with the necessary materials.

6. Using Supplies- On each table you will find a small plastic bin containing classroom

materials. When the class cleans up at the end of the period, all supplies must be organized,

and the caddy must be placed in the center of the table. You will treat all classroom

materials with the proper respect.

Classroom Procedures

Page 11: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

7. Turning in Work- When you complete an assignment that is to be turned in, you will

turn it over at your desk and wait until Mr. Hamilton asks the table leader to collect it and

hand it into the appropriate bin. If you bring your work to Mr. Hamilton or his desk, he will

not accept it.

8. What to Do When You’re Finished- When you have completed ALL of your

work, you will be allowed to do one of two things. Either you are allowed to complete a

bonus work assignment or you are allowed to work on your homework. The Bonus Work will

be located on the Classroom Counter. When you have completed the assignment you will

put a checkmark in the “completed” column next to Assignment #1. Then you can proceed

onto Assignment #2, #3, etc. At the end of the period, all of your bonus work will be placed

in the proper collection bin. However, before you begin any bonus work or homework, you

must raise your hand and wait for Mr. Hamilton to give you permission to start.

9. Hall Passes- If Mr. Hamilton gives you permission to leave the room for any reason you

must be given a hall pass.

10. Using the Bathroom- You may use the bathroom before school, during the lunch

period, during transition time and after school. During class you may use the bathroom only

in emergencies.

11. Using the Water Fountain- You may use the water fountain before school,

during the lunch period, during transition time and after school. During class you may use

the water fountain only in emergencies.

12. Throwing Away Trash- If you have garbage at your desk collect it neatly in a

corner or underneath your desk until dismissal time where you will be permitted to throw it


Page 12: Mr. Hamilton's Rules and Procedures

Where there is learning there is discipline,

Where there is discipline there is learning,

Both exist in Room D-215.

However with all of that being said,

Let’s Have Fun!

Let’s Make It An Awesome Year!