mr. taylor world history. age of exploration- during the renaissance, a spirit of discovery and...

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 Setting the Stage- pg119  Story of Columbus:  Aug. 3 rd Set sail from Spain  Oct 12, Landed in what they thought was the West Indies actually in the Caribbean Sea- Indians  Columbus claimed the islands for Spain.- 4 VOYAGES  Read Page 120


MR. TAYLOR World History Age of Exploration- During the Renaissance, a spirit of discovery and innovation had been awakened in Europe. Reasons for Exploration: Search for wealth Demand for goods from China and India Overland trade routes were expensive- (Italians) Spread Christianity Adventure Setting the Stage- pg119 Story of Columbus: Aug. 3 rd Set sail from Spain Oct 12, Landed in what they thought was the West Indies actually in the Caribbean Sea- Indians Columbus claimed the islands for Spain.- 4 VOYAGES Read Page 120 OTHER EXPLORERS: Cabral- landed on present day Brazil claimed land for Portugal Amerigo Vespucci- First European to claim this land a New World. America named after him. Portuguese sailer, Magellan, first to circumnavigate the globe Balboa- first European to observe the Pacific Ocean from the New World Spainish conquests in Mexico Conquistadors- Hernando Cortez- The Aztecs, Montezuma, Tenochtitlan, Malinche, smallpox and measles Francisco Pizarro- Incas, Atahualpa, Cajamarca Spains Patterns of Conquest Spanish lived among the natives and imposed the Spanish culture upon them Spanish settlers living in America (Peninsula's) were mostly men. Common for Peninsulars to marry native women- Mestizo- Mixed Spanish Native population Encomienda System- Pg. 123 Portugal established huge sugar plantations in Brazil SPANISH INFLUENCE EXPANDS Spanish colonies made Spain the most powerful country in the world Massive amounts of gold an silver from the Americas Spain built a powerful navy to defend its colonies Spanish explorers move north- Coronado Looking for riches and to spread Christianity Spanish mission system- Read Page 125 African Slavery and Indian Resistance NNEW FRANCE EExplored the area along the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi LLooking for gold and silver and the NW passage FFishing and fur industry developed FFrench population remained small IIndians became allies. Why? DDe Champlain, La Salle, Cartier PPage DDUTCH 11609- Henry Hudson NNew Netherland- along the Hudson River Valley 11626- Bought Long Island from the Indians NNew Netherland was neglected by the Dutch government. CColonizing the Caribbean Pg 129 ENGLISH COLONIES Jamestown looking for gold-Tobacco Pilgrims religious freedom BRITISH AND FRENCH CONFLICT English Oust the Dutch Fr. and Indian War 1. Setting the Stage- Read page 132 Muslim Slave trade in Africa- 17 million African slaves to the Middle East- Read pg Portugese Salve Trade to the New World 1. Immune to European Diseases 2. Many Africans had farming experience 3. Color of skin- easy to identify Million Africans were transported to Americas 5. First African slaves worked Spanish and Portugese Sugar Plantations England became a major player in the trading of African Slaves ,000 slaves were transported to the English Colonies Million salves in the Americas AFRICAN COOPERATION AND RESISTANCE- PAGE 134 MIDDLE PASSAGE Slavery in Americas- pg 135 Consequences of the slave trade Lost generations in Africa and the destruction of African societies Contributed to the economic and social development of the Americas Large African populations around the world COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE- Foods and Beasts of Burden Read setting the stage- pg 137 EFFECTS OF THE COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE Native foods became a staple for Europe- corn, potatoes, etc. Beast of burden now existed in the New World- horse, cow INTRODUCTION OF DISEASE Native Americans had no resistance to European diseases.- smallpox, measles, influenza Killed off yp to 80% of the native population Definition- Most economic activity is carried on by private individuals or organizations in order to seek a profit. Individuals can amass great fortunes. Rising prices and standard of living Demand for goods increased Increase in the money supply- More money in circulation because of the gold and silver from the Americas. Joint Stock Company- Corporations- Limited liability- Safer to invest BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MERCANTILISM A nations strength depends on its wealth as measured in gold and silver. Only a fixed amount of wealth exists in the world, and nations have to compete for their share of that wealth. A favorable balance of trade is an important step in gaining wealth. Countries should seek to limit imports and maximize exports. A country should have its own source for raw materials and precious metals to avoid dependence on others. Colonies exist only as a way for the mother country to make profit. A countrys colonies should not trade with any other countries. Favorable and Unfavorable Balance of Trade Reduce amount of goods imported from other countries.- TARIFFS Encourage Exporting of manufactured goods. (subsidies) Control overseas sources of raw materials A country should avoid spending money on raw materials A country should have a desire for SELF-SUFFICIENCY CColonies were essential to mercantilism SSource of raw materials NNew Market for manufactured goods EEurope was affected by mercantilism: IIncrease of trade MMore money available GGrowing middle class GGrowth of towns GGrowth of a national identity GGovernments became stronger