mrs amy coughenour: achieving food security through nutrition led agriculture: integrity nutrition...

Achieving Food Security Through Nutrition-led Agriculture: Integrating Nutrition Into Supply Chains A 5-year Feed the Future Initiative funded by USAID The National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International

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Mrs Amy Coughenour, NBCA/CLUSA, US, at the International Co-operative Alliance Global Conference in Cape Town, November 2013.


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Achieving Food

Security Through



Integrating Nutrition

Into Supply Chains

A 5-year Feed the Future Initiative funded by USAID

The National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International

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The National Cooperative

Business Association

Established in 1916, NCBA is

the oldest and largest U.S.

trade association for the

cooperative sector—

representing all coop sectors:


Child Care & Preschool

Credit Unions

Financial Services


Funeral & Memorial









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NCBA’s CLUSA International Program

• One of the original founders of CARE

• 60 years in international development, supporting rural farmers and coops

• Working in:

– Food Security/Nutrition

– Feed the Future

– Agriculture

– Community-based Health

– Natural Resource Management

– Women/Youth

• CLUSA has worked in over

100 countries in Africa,

Asia, and Latin America

• Community-led

approach & decision-

making, supporting local

capacity, market-based


• Implementing in 14 countries

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Our Recent Food Security/Ag Projects







Yaajeende – Nutrition-Led-Agriculture for Food Security

USDA Millet - Improving Millet Value Chain through Conservation Farming

Wula Naafa - Agriculture Natural Resource Management Project

OFDA Moringa - Moringa Intensification Project to Help Respond to and

Mitigate the Drought Disaster in Niger

Arziki - Niger Food Security Program

USDA Uganda - Uganda Conservation Farming Initiative

ZIMAIED - Zimbabwe Agricultural Income and Employment Development

SANA - Food Security through Nutrition and Agriculture in Mozambique

OFDA Namibia - Conservation Agriculture Program for Northern

Namibia to Help Mitigate Drought Disasters

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What is Food Security?

“When all people at all times have

access to sufficient, safe, nutritious

food to maintain a healthy and

active life”.

-World Food Summit, 1996

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Increased Production ≠ Improved Nutrition

FAO, 2012

The State of Food Insecurity in the World

“Economic growth is necessary but not

sufficient to accelerate reduction of

hunger and malnutrition.”

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Food Security


Fruits & Vegetables

Geographically Specific

Target Populations

Deficiency Focused

Health Impact Driven

Integrated Approaches

Small and medium Scale Ag.


Artisanal & Subsistence Ag.


Inequity Focused


Field Crops & Cereals

Geographically Broad


Market Focused

Yield & Income Impact Driven

Business (VC) Approaches

Large Scale Agriculture

Emerging & Large Scale Farmers

Commercial Agriculture


Rising Tide Lifts all Boats

Economic Growth


Different Perspectives

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Pillars of Food Security

Availability Access Utilization Governance

Climate Change Adaptation, Gender, Innovation, Capacity

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Feed the Future, Senegal: Yaajeende

One of the first USAID funded projects

designed around FTF

5-Year $40 million USAID investment,

started 11/2010

Target beneficiaries = Mothers and

children under 5 years old

Country-led, integrated approach to

accelerate the participation of 500,000

rural poor in growth

Reduce malnutrition in children under 5:

30% reduction in underweight

30% reduction stunting

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Key Approaches

• Nutrition-Led Agriculture

• Asset and Skill-Building for Women

• Science-Based Resources

• Fostering a Local Private Sector

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Pillar of Food Security USAID|Yaajeende Activities

First Pillar of Food Security:

Expand the Availability of Food through

Increased Agricultural Productivity

1. Soil Health Program

2. Agroforestry and Arboriculture Program

3. Rain Fed Agriculture Program (Millet, Sorghum, Maize, Rice)

4. Irrigated and Flood Recession Agriculture Program

5. Irrigation Systems Program

6. Commercial Gardening Program

7. Bio-fortified Crops and Improved Varieties Program

8. Seeds Production Program

9. Pass on the Gift Livestock Placement Program

10. Livestock Health Program

11. Livestock Enterprise Program

Second Pillar of Food Security:

Increase Access to Quality Products and Services on Local

Markets by Strengthening and Linking Key Agri-Businesses

12. Community Based Service Provider Program

13. Financial Services Program

14. Social Marketing Program

Third Pillar of Food Security:

Improve Nutrition by Improving the Utilization of

Food and Potable Water

15. Educational and Nutritional Gardening Program

16. Food Fortification Program

17. Behavior Change Communications (BCC) Program

18. Potable Water and Sanitation Program

Fourth Pillar of Food Security:

Improve the Sustainable Governance of Food

19. Food Security Governance Program

20. Local Partner Capacity Building Program

Activity Integration Across Pillars

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• Drive decisions by who is at risk and the nutritional


• Design activities to have nutritional impact and

address micronutrient deficiencies:

• Local fortification

• Biofortified crops (millet, beans, OSP)

• Improved horticulture (gardening, fruit trees)

• Animal source food (poultry, goat, sheep)

• Wild food

Nutrition-Led Agriculture

• Integrate nutrition education/WASH programs

• Engage partnerships with education, health/Wash,

ag research and extension services, private sector

and local governments

• Develop markets for these foods: support markets

(seed, inputs, tools), demand creation

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Integrating Nutrition into the Value Chain Value chain model illustrative examples: making the linkages

• Marketing of fortified food products- communication

• Increased production linked to school feeding programs- community

• Elimination of lean season via improved processing and storage- community

• Link processors and traders to regional food aid programs- clinical & community

• Access to credit/financing for off-farm income-generating activities like artisanal fortification of local cereals & salt iodization- community

• Transfer commercial farm skills to household gardens to increase food diversity- community

• Use income to diversify food-basket- community

• Invest in small ruminants for income and/or dietary supplements- community

• Advance a policy framework for the safe, sustainable production of commercially fortified cooking oil and soft wheat flour- policy

• Develop communication strategies that promote Essential Nutrition Actions & create demand for fortified and diverse local foods, including agriculture extension agents- communication

• Ensure that information used in decision making for crops to plant and household purchases reflect commercial farm and nutrition consideration- community

Market demand

Producers/ farmers

Input suppliers






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Asset and Skill-building for Women The Heart of CLUSA’s Feed the

Future Approach

Women active across all pillars:

• Availability: main target for Bio-reclamation of Degraded Lands, land

titles, Animal placement, Tools acquiring

translating in Know-How acquisition and

clear Can-do-Attitude

• Access: 42% of active CBSPs, key role marketing of Ag products, have good

access to credit

• Utilization: strongly involved in WASH, BCC and nutrition education activities

• Governance/Stability: Space & Voice in Local governance, CSOs, Citizen Working

Groups that advocate for FSN priorities

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Women’s Land Access: Bio-reclamation of Degraded Lands

• 122 hectares (300 acres)

of abandoned land

reclaimed through BDL

gardening techniques by

women’s groups

• Over 1,500 beneficiaries -

75% of whom are women

• Legal support for

women’s land titles

• Over 4093 vulnerable

people benefit directly

from the BDL activities

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Science-Based Resources

• National Research capacity-building

• Grants, training, joint research

• Introduction, Testing, Growing of Bio-fortified Varieties

• Bred to maximize nutritional content

• 24 new varieties of beans tested on demo plots

• 375 hectares of land planned for bio-fortified millet

• Introduction of Improved Vegetable and Legume Varieties

• 15 varieties of fruit and vegetables being tested from ICRISAT,

AINOMA Seed Farm, and INERA

• Tested with national research entity-primary gene bank

• Certain vegetables - Hibiscus, Okra - are producing well on

the BDL parcels

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Fostering a Local Private Sector

• Availability (Production) is constrained by farmer's lack of

ACCESS to quality agricultural inputs/support


A central problem is ACCESS at the LOCAL level:

• ACCESS to micronutrient rich

food is constrained by a lack of

dynamic, LOCAL agro-

entrepreneurs that purchase,

transport, stock properly,

process and sell foods on the

LOCAL market

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Community-based Solution

Providers are a key


Community-Based Solution Providers (CBSP’s)

Market-based, driven

by bottlenecks, gaps in

the Value Chain

Agents vetted by the


Agricultural and

nutritional products

and services

Autonomous entrepreneurs


Reduce risks and

transaction costs for

business providers

Agreements between

CBSP networks and

input suppliers

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Results to Date – Nutrition

• 2% increase in children (6-23 months) receiving Minimum

Acceptable Diet (baseline11.7%, current 13.7%)

• 60% increase over baseline of households using iodized salt and

storing it properly

• 2.2% decrease in prevalence of underweight women:13.5% compared to 15.7% in baseline

• 50% reduction of households that consume fewer than 2 meals

per day

• 24,706 children under 5 reached by nutrition program;

• 39,091 people trained in Child Health and Nutrition through USAIDIYAAJEENDE

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Results to Date – Access, Availability, Utilization, and Governance

• 220 Community-Based Solution Providers (CBSPs) across the 3 zones

• 3 regional CBSP networks have sold nearly $1M of products and services

from 15 private sector companies

• $160,000 in sales of garden produce

• Increased consumption of micro-nutrient rich vegetables among

participants by an average of 21 kg each and of USD

• Value of incremental sales (collected at farm-level) attributed to FTF

implementation : $23,887,562

• 24 Citizens’ Working Groups (CWG), umbrella CBOs established to co-

manage Food Security issues

• 41,687 farmers applied new agricultural techniques in fertilizer and soil

management; 25,615 hectares are under improved

technologies/management practices

• 13,910 animals provided to 2,456 families through the “Passing on the

Gift” Program

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Lessons Learned It is very important to integrate research

Linkages with National institutions increases


Partnerships and evidence based approaches lead to adoption and scaling up

Value chains need to incorporate horticulture for nutritional outcomes

Governance is critical for building resilience

Scaling relies on role of producer organizations/co-ops and local private sector services/products

Women play critical role in all four pillars of food


Learning and adjusting reinforces and improves


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Thank You!

Amy Coughenour Chief Operating Officer, CLUSA International

1401 New York Avenue, NW • Suite 1100 • Washington, DC 20005 • 202.383.5463 •