mrs blakcley of hibernia, before two with u red crush iu...

VOL. XI, NO. .11. ROL'KAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, Al'KIL 2 I'MiO. l'KK Before removal, will sell balance of my stock of Dress Goods at Cut Prices. A number of pieces of 25c. goods, now 19c. Sattincs, Crepons, Etc,, were 12c. to 15c. now 10c Flannelette Dress Goods, were 10c, now 7 i-2c. Outing 1 Flannels, were 71/. to 9c, now 6c. Good Blue All-wool Twill Flannel, was 40c, now 301:. BARGAINS IN SHOES," " BARGAINS IN DNDEE1EAE. BARGAINS IN GROCERIES Challenge Milk 9c. per can, 3 cans for 25c. Our New Good Health full weight Standard Milk, has no superior, 10c. Queen Brand Tomatoes 8c, were 100 Trophy Brand Tomatoes 10c, were 12c. Health Brand Tomatoes (mammoth size) 12c, were 15c. Wayne County Corn, 9c. per can; 3 cans for 25c. Rose Bud Early June Peas, 6c. per can. Gold Dust Washing Powder, 4 lb. package for 15c. H. O. Pan Cake Flour 9c. E. H. TODD. REAL flSMTMItiSBItS. John W.' briilte, of Newark, toA. G. Read, of Mt. Olive Towunhip, J76 ; 7,- -143 n\. ft. li\iul tn Ml. Olive, Township. H. (J. Pitney niul wifo to thn Misses, nil iif Mon-istown, lot 1)0x150 ft.ou Pine strew, Mom«town. Roburt McDonald Kirlduucl, of Now York, to Jnnira A. Wnir, nf Morristown, $1H,00(); property ooruur Elm and Hill HtrootH, Morristown. Caroline 1<\ Swayzo and husband, of Silvor Bow, Montana, to Flunk M. Hop- ler, of Wnshingtou township, $20 ; (10-100 of au aoro in Washingtou Township. Amanda Boatty ami othurB of Maus- flold Township, \yarnm Oouuty, to Dnuiol 8. Hoplor aud othore of Wash- iugtou Township, $200; 00-100 of au ncro lu Washington Township. Snrnh F. L. Davis uud husband to Osonr A. Fornytho, all of Moudham Township, $700; 11 ncroH lu Meudham Towushlp. Tho Stirling Silk Manufacturing Com- pnuy to Eshuk BiiliooNhoau, of Stirling, $lti0 ; lot 50x1)0 ft. on Railroad uvouno, Stirling. JIUUOH L. Davonport to NollioJohu- sou, both of Hooka way Township, $1 nud othur good uud valuable considera- tion; 11 tracts in Rocktiivny Township. Potor F. Oook, of Rookmvay Town- ship, to Joseph H. Baclioller, of Now- nrk, ifBOl); lund in Hocktuvny Township. Win. H. Tiger ami wifu, of Chester Towuship, to J limes Able, of Towks- bury Towu8b.ii>, Huntordou County, $2,800 ; 1B71.J, aoros lu Ohostor Township. James H. Ourrcll and wifu to Hauunh M. Ford, nil of Randolph Township, SCO; lot on East Blaokwell Btroot, Rau- dolph Towuahlp. Stuart H. Rood and wlfo to Oorrio S. Groou, all of Madison, $1 and other good nud valuable consideration; lot corner Wllmier Plooo aud Linden ovo- uuc, Mndisou. Tho Township of Randolph to Jalia R. Outlor, ot als., of Morrlstowu, $1; proporty ou rond from OalalB to Moud- bam, Randolph Township. Ellas T. Howcll aud wife, ot, Ihestor Towuehlp, to Hnuimh K. Lose, of Ber- 0ENT-A-W0RD COLUMN Advertisements under this heading One cent fi word for oaob Inecrtlon W ANTED^SEVEUAL PEK8ON8 FOR autrlot Office Mauagen lu tbis Rtato to itpVessnt me in tbcli o*u and enrroand- tng counties. Willing to pay yearly $000, payable mekly. Dositaola omploymeot with unutnal opponnnillea. Iteferonocs oxon.aug'od. Eoolors lolf-tddresssd stamped envelope, b. A. Park, U20 Oeiton Build- lag, Chicago, P OK SALE—Anything you want In the Bocond-liand line, wm, Burd. Jr. [I0R SALE—Trespass noticee at. ! office for Scents ouch. thus T ANDLOBD8- Wo hats Boot Reoolpt xi Uooki oontoinlng CO Receipts, nioely borcod, with stub, In Frees Board Covers. Qttty 10, ltew«a> OrnoE. iiards Township, Somerset Oouuty, $5; land in Washington Township. EliaH T. Howoll aud wife to Chas. B. Pituey, all of Ohostor Towuship, $2,400; fifi B7-10O acres' in Ohoster nud Washing- towu TowuHliips Thomas O. Bullock and wifo, of Rox- bury Township, to \\ infield S. En^lp- man, of Plainlielil, if 1 ; 15 :l ., acres in Rox- bnry Township. Winliold S. Englnnian and wifc<, of Plnlullnlrt, to Lydin O. Bnllock, of Box- bury Township, $1 ; IS*, acres in Rox- bnry Towuship. Wallace M. HorlROR aud wife, of New- ark, to Thos. Brady, of Now York, $2,- f>00 ; 20 42-100 ac.rus in Florhnni Park Naucy Larrison aud others, of Ran- dolph Township, to JIIDICB H. Dawson and wifo, of Dover, $125 ; :1 ., of an acre in Randolph Towuship. Waters B. Day aud wife to John P. Obdyko, of Roxbnry Towuship. $1,200; lot BOxlCO'ii ft. ou Main street, Roxbury Towuship. Oliver S. Froomnu and wife, of Dover, to Georjfo Piorsou, of Dover, ,$1)57.12; lot 75x150 ft. ou Morris Htreet, Dover. E. L, Dnrling, sheriff, to John B. Vreolaud, guardian, $00; lot ou Chest- nut street, Morrintowu. J. B. Vroelaud, guardian, to C. Frankliu Wilson, both of Morristowu, $1 ; lot on Chestnut (»treet, Morristown. O. Franklin WUBOU to John B. Vree- laud, both of MorrUtown, $1; lot ou Chostuut street, Morristowu. Fnunio Onle and Johu P. Cole, of Booutou, to the Jorsey City Water Sup- ply Oompnuy, $100 ; 0-100 of au ucre iu Montvillo Towuship. Edwnrd Sautorbaoh nnd others, execn- tors of Now York, to Herman aud Al- fred Schnffer, of New York, $1 and other good aud valuable consideration ; tracts iu Booutou nud in Patereou. Hacking and ooagbing are atmoyiDg to those about yon and, worse tban that, are Bare to end In serious lung trouble if neg- looteil, etop them nt once by oslng Grls- oom's Pineapple Ooogb Bilsam It never falle to euro qalokly and permanently, us I OBD testify byexperienoe. A. Uoder, 2704 Warnook Street, Phlla. Wm, Qetard. New office Opened. Tho Laoknwsmiu railroad has startled New York by oponlug tho finest tiokot office in tho world, nt 420 Broadway. The luterlor finish is of Italian marble, iinu\cu8o slabs of this material being used forwaineuonting, countless flxtnres and wall decorations, in combination with stucco work. Tioket oases and farnituro arc of white mahogany. The exterior is also most couepioaous throagh tho UBO of copper aud glass. —. *—«—« Do Tuu Wmt to Mako $300 P We want a looai manaRer, lsdp or gentle- man, in own town or oonntys no canvae- slng repaired. Yon can devote fnll or Bpan time; ot evonlngs only, in eoonootlon with yoar regular Tooation. fUOO to $300 oan bo made before ObrUtmaa and il mil reqolro nery little time. It li not neoov Bary to have had eiperienoe. Send stamp fct fnll partioulara. Address, Tbe Bell Oompony, Dopt. B., Philadelphia, Pa. Nobody noeflfaavoneuralgia. Get T>r. Mllo» vain ill]* trom droiglsla ''One Cout a floao.* Mr. Reeves Welcomes RPV. Mr. Tlmbrfll Back to Rockaway Klg Crowd Present —Rev. Mr. Tlmtirell 6Wes a Good Talk LiiHt Knndny evening tin- I'uiou Wf-1- come Sfrvicp, aa uuijonnfcct in our hihi issue, wus held in the Methodist rhurrli. The edifice WON crowded to the doom with au interested audienm;. 'I he meetiug wus opened with a volun- tary by theorgu .ist, Miss Matml Beach, which was followed with a brief address of welcome by Rev. W, C 'iimbrell. 1 he congregation joined heartily in HiuKing hymn ?t)l frcim the church liymuul after which Hev. T. A. Reeves maile u fervent prayer. The choir tlieu rendered uu uutliem entitled whieh WUH hl^'lily apjjreeiated and the roM^re^utioo foJluwt-d by hiu^'- Iug hymn 7il7. Hev. T. A. Reeves made an earnest uddresH ut whieh time he nuid hi* was glad the object of the meeting had inH with fuvor by KO many who had congre- gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He cited luis rea- HOIIS lor liking Uev. 'Iimbrell : lirm, be- cause ho WUH a manly man ; second, be- cause he bad iiualities of Christ ; third, because he was a cordial and kiud minis- ter of the goapol ; fourth, because he was thoroughly evangelical aud wauted to have the people converted. He said the two churches facing toward the East re- miuded him of two great engines, and when they both developed the uuited power required of them, great progress woultl bo made toward the salvatiou of sou 1B. I he two things desired aud louged for are the spiritual blessingof Ood to reBt upon thin people audwide- spread spiritual awakening over the community. In closing he shook hands with his brother pastor tiud welcomed him ou behalf of Ills congregation aud people of the towu. Rev. Mr. linabrell responded and said, among other thiugs, undoubtedly he had had the Bympathy of tho people while the Rev. Reeves was making those complimentary remarks abont him. He -said his heart over- flowed with gratltade for the kiud wel- come ho had received from this people iipou his fourth appointment to this field. Ho referred to the fact that this union meeting hud a tendency to culti- vate unity which must exist iu every olmroh in order to make it a success. All should ugree to Kink grievances aud wasto uo more time o.ud strength on methods of reform but stand together to oppose evil, for in union there is strength. He closed IUBremarks with prayer, aud after the congregation had sung hymn ?HO aud the doxology, the meeting was dismissed with the beue- dictiou by Rev. Mr. Reeves. "No family can ulljrd lo be without Ona Minute Cough Cure. It will stop a cough aDd oure a oold quicker tban anv otber medioine," writes C. W, Williams, Sterling Itan, Pa. It cureB croup, bronchitis ana all throat aud lung troubles and prevents conBUonptlon. Pleasant &Dd UBrmlbev. Wm. Gerard. Elopement at Parsippany, William T. Leonard, a well-known youug Newarker, eloped Suudny after- noon with his third cousin, Miss Eliza- beth F. Leouard, of Parsippany, and was married iu Dover. Leouard was vinitiug at Parsippauy on Ea»tor Suuday aud attended church with Miss Leouard. On the way home he suggested an elope- nieut, aud she said nhe would have to take time to think it over. Sunday ho isited nor ugaiu and she agreed to his propositiou. She got her father to let thfiin have a rig, sayiug they waut- od to take a little ride. They drove straight to Dover, to the rectory of Hev, J. O. Jorelaman, of St. John's Episcopal Ohurcli. He reluctantly consented to make them husbaud aud wife. Ou their way home they decided to make a cleau breast of it. Astouishmeut ou the part of the "old folks" was succeeded by for- giveuess aud congratulations. B. Clarke, Cbanncey, Oa.,says DeWitt'B Wltok Hazel Salve cnued bim of piles that bad efllloted him for twenty years. It is also a speedy oure fur skin diseases. Be- ware of dangerous counterfeits. Wm. Gerard. Allene Found the Peanuts. The Jr. Y. P. S. C. E. held n> business meetiug and social at the home of Mrs. Oram ou Thursday evoutug. Among the social features of tho eveuing was a pea- nut hunt, for which a prize was award- ed to the oue finding the most peanuts which were concealed about the room. The first prize was won by AUeue Mott and the booby prizo fell to the lot of Bartow Reeves. The ofticere elected for the following year were as follows: Sa- periutendeut, Mrs. Thomas Hughes; Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. J. 0. MoGrath ; President. Nettie Mott; Vice President. Bortha Goodale; Secretary, Frank Babcock; Treasurer, Allene Mott. Orlacom's All-Healing Salve. Bead what Ueo. Uunster, of 2617N. Ninth 8t., Philadelphia, has to say in ref- ereooe to Qrlsoom's AU-Heallng Salve,—''I neter eavr ltd tqual for healing purpose*, have used It for burne, Bores, outa, btulBof, and piles, and every box tout Ihave aaed would be worth Its weight ID gold tould I not prooure another." Wm. Gerard. Hcalled to order ht .1. Ross, of Dover, hymn Rev. Dr. Stoddard Highly Honored. <>•> Moidy Hev I)r Siodd rd, who h»ii- lie.-u postor 'if the Presbyterian Church tt Suce,,m n»t ior the p st tlnr- tysix years, celebrated, with his p.rish- i it) ers and u number o' others, his KOth jhirthd.y. lu the uurii'-i re room of the i 'church. There wi s lully -100people pres- 'eut. The pulpit w»s prettily decor-ted with roses, lilies ar.r] other cut (lowers, and b'CK uf the pulpit there w.s hu>g ou the w»]l B handsome bauuer of white s»tio with u red crusH iu its upper right baud j con er. j The Hssembla^e w 1! : 30 o'cloea by K who ii'iiiounced ih th(: opeui !"Pr»ise (iod from Whom All Flow " This was followed by tiie Lord's Pr»yer. Owi \i to the sufldeu i disposition of Rev Dr i;. B. E gl.i.d, of Washington, N J., the pri. cip.,1 address of the d»y, or which in 1 wts dowu on thepro- gr tnnie, had to be omitted. A birthd-y hvnin composed by Mrs. Stoddnrd, wi'e of tlio Rev. Dr Stoddird, w»s i ext unrig by two youiK meo, the choir joii iog iu the reTrii). An invocation bv Rev. Dr. W. W. Hollowuy, p.stor of the Presby- teriao Church of Dover, followed, atd thea Mr. Ross guve a delightlully re- nii' isceLt fiddress. The next speaker w<s Rev. Mr. Beau- mont, who spoke on bohnlf of the Pres- bytery of Morris aud Orange A ran- grutul-tory letter from the Rev. Dr. Al- bert ErdiuiD, of MorristowD, who is the Becond oldest pnstor iu the Orange and MorriB Presbytery, w»» Dext re>d, nod a uinber of other letters, some Iromfel- low-classmates of the class of '49 at Am- herst, of like tenor, were also read. There were npwurd of fi ty coogr tula- tory letters. After a sorg by tbe choir, effectively rendered, Rev. Dr. Holloway made an address, to which he gave a humorous turu. Rev. Theodore F. Chmnbers, p.s- tor of the Miue Hill and Berkshire Val- ley Presbyteri in churches, next spoke, <nd was lollowed iu tura by William E. Collis nod Willinm H. Sew»rd, of Ches- ter. The next thing on the programme w.s the prese t tioi of a t r y ou which thero were eighty silver dollars, OLB lor ech year of Dr. Stodd»rd's age, and thirty-six dollars io greenbtcks, one for e'ich ye r o( Dr. Stoddnrd'e p stor-te in SncC'Suuna. Dr. Stodd-rd which he expressed his thanks lor til the d hi id d d good thio id and doue. Anthony Stodd-rd, who c»me to this couutry from Loudon la 1089, and iu Lon- don the genGalo^y was tr ced b*cfe to 1490. Dr. Stoddard \v»s bora i i Coveu- try, Cheoango County, N. V'., April 23, 1S20. Two yeirs > i his wi e, he took Sill; WAS (.nilMWOTHlALS. Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two Justices and Punched by Both—1 he Complainant Sent to Jail and Afterwards Released On Tuesday of last week Mrt>. Frauk Mills, of Hibernia. appeared before Jus- tice Hauders and entered a couipluiut against Mrs. Albert Blakeley charpiutf her with disorderly conduct uud asked that a warrant be issued for her arrest at once. In the meantime the justice met Mrs. BlakeleyV husband aud told him what hud occurred and aaked him to have her come down the next day (Wednesday/ in order that he might know whut she proposed to do about the matter, i'ur some r'-iidou «li<- failed lu ap]ie,ur. O/i Wednesday Mr Mills met Justice Sauders iind asked if the warrant liLtl been issued. He asked to have hir. complaint withdrawn. Tins the justice refused to allow, said he would see to it that Mrs. Blakeley was brought before him iu clue time. Mrs. Blakely uppeared before the justice ou Thursday morning and plead- ed lot guilty, whereupon the trial vas set down for Friday. He theu went to Justi' ; Arnold aud stated the case to him, who told him as long as the case wag iu tlie hauds of Justice banders he could do nothing, but if Justice Sanders refused to euter- taiu the case he would take the matter up. He then left and returned later stating Justice Sauders had decided aot to handle the case, whereupon Justice Aruold took Mrs. Mills' complaint aud had a warrant issued. Mrs. Blakeley was brought before him ou Thursday af- teruoou and asked for an adjournment until Monday morning. This was grant- ed when she furnished bail to the amount of $100. Ou Friday the complainant and de- fendant appeared before Justice Sanders for trial. Lawyer Stillwell, of Morris- town, was also present representing he was there on behalf of the prosecutor of the County aud asked that the ca^e be discontinued on the grounds that the jastice liad uo jurisdiction as he was act- lug under an act of 1876 when heshoald have taken npthe case nuder an act of 1HSW. The justice ignored the demauds of the lawyer and proceeded with the case, afterwhich Mrs. Blakeley was doomed guilty aud fiued $1 aud costs. As Mrs. Mills had acted iu a disorderly manner and disturbed tho court the was :CBtrditBttJr|' fined -:^ •"*• < r osta " " ^ stood.connnitted. nu address, in t<ccomp<i»ied by a trip to the Holy Justice Arnold Arrested. A fi >v d«ys ago Albert Welsh went be- fore Jetur R. Riggs, a justice of the pence at Milton, and mude a compi iiit Bgrinst Justice Aruold, of this place, ch rgiug himwith ste<liug a set of har- ness troui the b^ru of Cooper Smith Bt Mnrcell-s belonging to him, the com- plainant. On Mondny CoDBtible Charles Hopper, o' Oak Ridge, his returns before Justice S»oders, ot this place, witn the defendant io Court, who waved an ex miuetion aLd g»ve bonds to the amouut of $150, with Thomas Mitchell «s boodsman, to appear be.'ore the M.y term of Court. This h«ri.ess w^s with some other ef- fects of Cooper Smith's which Justice Arnold seized lor debt aid which he sup- posed was owned by the siid Smith. The Dover Volunteers Organize. John C. Dickerson Camp, No. 48. Spanish-Aiuericau War Veteruus, will be formally mustered into the national orgauizatiou ou Saturday, May 5. The applicatiou for a charter contains the names of thirty-three former members of Company W, Second Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry. It« provis- ional officers are Lieutenant J. Wesley Roff, chairman; P geant A. P. Me- Davit, treasurer; . rivate F. W. E. Mindermau, secretary. Captain E. L. Petty, Lieutenauts Roff and Goodell and Thomas Conliu and F. W. E. Miu- dermauu are a Committee ou Bylaws. Unclaimed Letters At the Rockaway, N. J., Postofflce fci the week eudinu April 21, 1900 : Mrs. Lucio Bondaluna. J. S, Duuham. Mr, Peter Marray. David Rodpers. Mrs. Sauuders. Mr. Joe Smith. Mr. Johu Tucker. To obtain the above Bay advertised aud give date of this list. WM. GILL. P. M. A Birthday Suprise. On Wednesday evening of last week a number of the friends of Ezra Davis met at his home aud gave him a genuine surprise, and reminded him it was his birthday. After enjoying themselves with games, vocal aud instrumental musio they all repaired to the dining room, where n sumptuous repast •was spread, and which was heartily en- joyed. At a late uonr all left for their homes wishing Mr. Davis many more each pleasant birthdays. nntil it was paid. As Hhe refused to pay the fine she was fakeu to the county jail. Lawyer Stillwell made applica- tion to Judge Vreeluud to h«ve the papers in the case reviewed. Justice S.tnder* took the t papers down in pervon, and after the judge hadreviewed them he decided there was not sutiicienr cause to hold the defendant and the papers were set aside and Mr*. Mills released from paying the flue and costs. On Monday the case cauie up before Justice Arnold as above stated, with Lawyer John F. Stickle as the attorney for the defendant, who asked that the case be dismissed as she had already been tried convicted aud paid a fine of |1 and costs. Justice Aruold complied and dismissed the case and had Mrs. Blakeley re-arrested under the ls9Kact. The defendant's attorney again asked for a dismissal of the case as she had al- ready been tried convicted aud fiued for the offeuce committed ou the Hith, and hence oonld vot be tried again. The justice held his complaint differed from that uuder which she was tri^d before Justice Sanders, as his read "Ou April I tith aud divers other times." aud there- fore held the defendant to answer the charge as per the complaint. Later the case was adjourned until Wednesday af- ternoon, when Mrs. Blakeley was deemed guilty, but the justice suspended sentence aud all she had to pay was the costs. Terrorized the Town. Monday and Tnesdny Hackettstown was terrorized by tramps. They went from house to house, demanding food aud insulting women aud children. When the officers started iu pursuit of them, they scattered like sheep and it was with the utmost difficulty that they were apprehended. There were ten or a dozen of the ruffians. The ruffians became so bold at last that the authorities and the specially deputize 1 police headed by Chief Smith anil Mayor Beatty. raided the gang and succeeds) i iu capturing six of the party aft' r a hand to hand encounter, during which blows were freely exchanged. Tin six captured meu wtre seourelv iroDod andt«fc. n to Belvidera and lodged iu th? county jail. Fugitive Captive. Some time previous to the January term of Court Joseph Simruulsack, of Hibernia, committed an assaalt and bat- tery upon Silos Hiler, of that place. The cose was taken before tbe Grand Jury who found an indictment. Iu tbe meantime the defendant left uncere- moniously for New York State, where he remained uutil about two mouths ago. On Wednesday last he was arrest- ed by Officer Dobbins ou a bench war- rant and taken to the coanty jail. Tho annual State convention of the W. C. T. U., which was to have been held in the Morristowu Y. M. C. A. Ball yesterday, has been postponed until May 4.

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Page 1: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

V O L . XI , NO. .11. R O L ' K A W A Y , N . J., T H U R S D A Y , A l ' K I L 2 I ' M i O . l 'KK

Before removal, will sell balance of my stock of

Dress Goods at Cut Prices.A number of pieces of 25c. goods, now 19c.Sattincs, Crepons, Etc,, were 12c. to 15c. now 10cFlannelette Dress Goods, were 10c, now 7 i-2c.Outing1 Flannels, were 71/. to 9c, now 6c.Good Blue All-wool Twill Flannel, was 40c, now 301:.


BARGAINS IN GROCERIESChallenge Milk 9c. per can, 3 cans for 25c.Our New Good Health full weight Standard Milk, has no

superior, 10c.Queen Brand Tomatoes 8c, were 100Trophy Brand Tomatoes 10c, were 12c.Health Brand Tomatoes (mammoth size) 12c, were 15c.Wayne County Corn, 9c. per can; 3 cans for 25c.Rose Bud Early June Peas, 6c. per can.Gold Dust Washing Powder, 4 lb. package for 15c.H. O. Pan Cake Flour 9c.


John W.' briilte, of Newark, toA. G.Read, of Mt. Olive Towunhip, J76 ; 7,--143 n\. ft. li\iul tn Ml. Olive, Township.

H. (J. Pitney niul wifo to thn, nil iif Mon-istown, lot 1)0x150ft.ou Pine strew, Mom«town.

Roburt McDonald Kirlduucl, of NowYork, to Jnnira A. Wnir, nf Morristown,$1H,00(); property ooruur Elm and HillHtrootH, Morristown.

Caroline 1<\ Swayzo and husband, ofSilvor Bow, Montana, to Flunk M. Hop-ler, of Wnshingtou township, $20 ; (10-100of au aoro in Washingtou Township.

Amanda Boatty ami othurB of Maus-flold Township, \yarnm Oouuty, toDnuiol 8. Hoplor aud othore of Wash-iugtou Township, $200; 00-100 of auncro lu Washington Township.

Snrnh F. L. Davis uud husband toOsonr A. Fornytho, all of MoudhamTownship, $700; 11 ncroH lu MeudhamTowushlp.

Tho Stirling Silk Manufacturing Com-pnuy to Eshuk BiiliooNhoau, of Stirling,$lti0 ; lot 50x1)0 ft. on Railroad uvouno,Stirling.

JIUUOH L. Davonport to NollioJohu-sou, both of Hooka way Township, $1nud othur good uud valuable considera-tion; 11 tracts in Rocktiivny Township.

Potor F. Oook, of Rookmvay Town-ship, to Joseph H. Baclioller, of Now-nrk, ifBOl); lund in Hocktuvny Township.

Win. H. Tiger ami wifu, of ChesterTowuship, to J limes Able, of Towks-bury Towu8b.ii>, Huntordou County,$2,800 ; 1B71.J, aoros lu Ohostor Township.

James H. Ourrcll and wifu to HauunhM. Ford, nil of Randolph Township,SCO; lot on East Blaokwell Btroot, Rau-dolph Towuahlp.

Stuart H. Rood and wlfo to Oorrio S.Groou, all of Madison, $1 and othergood nud valuable consideration; lotcorner Wllmier Plooo aud Linden ovo-uuc, Mndisou.

Tho Township of Randolph to JaliaR. Outlor, ot als., of Morrlstowu, $1;proporty ou rond from OalalB to Moud-bam, Randolph Township.

Ellas T. Howcll aud wife, ot, IhestorTowuehlp, to Hnuimh K. Lose, of Ber-

0ENT-A-W0RD COLUMNAdvertisements under this heading One cent

fi word for oaob Inecrtlon

WANTED^SEVEUAL PEK8ON8 FORautrlot Office Mauagen lu tbis Rtato

to itpVessnt me in tbcli o*u and enrroand-tng counties. Willing to pay yearly $000,payable mekly. Dositaola omploymeotwith unutnal opponnnillea. Iteferonocsoxon.aug'od. Eoolors lolf-tddresssd stampedenvelope, b. A. Park, U20 Oeiton Build-lag, Chicago,

POK SALE—Anything you want In theBocond-liand line, wm, Burd. Jr.

[I0R SALE—Trespass noticee at.! office for S cents ouch.


T ANDLOBD8- Wo hats Boot Reoolptxi Uooki oontoinlng CO Receipts, nioelyborcod, with stub, In Frees Board Covers.Qttty 10, ltew«a> OrnoE.

iiards Township, Somerset Oouuty, $5 ;land in Washington Township.

EliaH T. Howoll aud wife to Chas. B.Pituey, all of Ohostor Towuship, $2,400;fifi B7-10O acres' in Ohoster nud Washing-towu TowuHliips

Thomas O. Bullock and wifo, of Rox-bury Township, to \\ infield S. En^lp-man, of Plainlielil, if 1 ; 15:l., acres in Rox-bnry Township.

Winliold S. Englnnian and wifc<, ofPlnlullnlrt, to Lydin O. Bnllock, of Box-bury Township, $1 ; IS*, acres in Rox-bnry Towuship.

Wallace M. HorlROR aud wife, of New-ark, to Thos. Brady, of Now York, $2,-f>00 ; 20 42-100 ac.rus in Florhnni Park

Naucy Larrison aud others, of Ran-dolph Township, to JIIDICB H. Dawsonand wifo, of Dover, $125 ; :1., of an acrein Randolph Towuship.

Waters B. Day aud wife to John P.Obdyko, of Roxbnry Towuship. $1,200;lot BOxlCO'ii ft. ou Main street, RoxburyTowuship.

Oliver S. Froomnu and wife, of Dover,to Georjfo Piorsou, of Dover, ,$1)57.12;lot 75x150 ft. ou Morris Htreet, Dover.

E. L, Dnrling, sheriff, to John B.Vreolaud, guardian, $00; lot ou Chest-nut street, Morrintowu.

J. B. Vroelaud, guardian, to C.Frankliu Wilson, both of Morristowu,$1 ; lot on Chestnut (»treet, Morristown.

O. Franklin WUBOU to John B. Vree-laud, both of MorrUtown, $1; lot ouChostuut street, Morristowu.

Fnunio Onle and Johu P. Cole, ofBooutou, to the Jorsey City Water Sup-ply Oompnuy, $100 ; 0-100 of au ucre iuMontvillo Towuship.

Edwnrd Sautorbaoh nnd others, execn-tors of Now York, to Herman aud Al-fred Schnffer, of New York, $1 andother good aud valuable consideration ;tracts iu Booutou nud in Patereou.

Hacking and ooagbing are atmoyiDg tothose about yon and, worse tban that, areBare to end In serious lung trouble if neg-looteil, etop them nt once by oslng Grls-oom's Pineapple Ooogb Bilsam It neverfalle to euro qalokly and permanently, us IOBD testify by experienoe.

A. Uoder, 2704 Warnook Street, Phlla.Wm, Qetard.

New office Opened.Tho Laoknwsmiu railroad has startled

New York by oponlug tho finest tiokotoffice in tho world, nt 420 Broadway.The luterlor finish is of Italian marble,iinu\cu8o slabs of this material beingused forwaineuonting, countless flxtnresand wall decorations, in combinationwith stucco work. Tioket oases andfarnituro arc of white mahogany. Theexterior is also most couepioaous throaghtho UBO of copper aud glass.

—. *—«—«Do Tuu Wmt to Mako $300 P

We want a looai manaRer, lsdp or gentle-man, in own town or oonntys no canvae-slng repaired. Yon can devote fnll orBpan time; ot evonlngs only, in eoonootlonwith yoar regular Tooation. fUOO to $300oan bo made before ObrUtmaa and il milreqolro nery little time. It li not neoovBary to have had eiperienoe. Send stampfct fnll partioulara. Address, Tbe BellOompony, Dopt. B., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nobody noefl faavo neuralgia. Get T>r. Mllo»vain ill]* trom droiglsla ''One Cout a floao.*

Mr. Reeves Welcomes RPV. Mr. TlmbrfllBack to Rockaway — Klg Crowd Present—Rev. Mr. Tlmtirell 6Wes a Good Talk

LiiHt Knndny evening tin- I 'uiou Wf-1-come Sfrvicp, aa uuijonnfcct in our hihiissue, wus held in the Methodist rhurrli.The edifice WON crowded to the doomwith au interested audienm;.

'I he meetiug wus opened with a volun-tary by theorgu .ist, Miss Matml Beach,which was followed with a brief addressof welcome by Rev. W, C 'iimbrell.1 he congregation joined heartily inHiuKing hymn ?t)l frcim the churchliymuul after which Hev. T. A. Reevesmaile u fervent prayer. The choir tlieurendered uu uutliem entitled

whieh WUH hl^'lily apjjreeiatedand the roM^re^utioo foJluwt-d by hiu '-Iug hymn 7il7.

Hev. T. A. Reeves made an earnestuddresH ut whieh time he nuid hi* wasglad the object of the meeting had inHwith fuvor by KO many who had congre-gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrellback to Rockaway. He cited luis rea-HOIIS lor liking Uev. 'Iimbrell : lirm, be-cause ho WUH a manly man ; second, be-cause he bad iiualities of Christ ; third,because he was a cordial and kiud minis-ter of the goapol ; fourth, because he wasthoroughly evangelical aud wauted tohave the people converted. He said thetwo churches facing toward the East re-miuded him of two great engines, andwhen they both developed the uuitedpower required of them, great progresswoultl bo made toward the salvatiou ofsou 1B. I he two things desired audlouged for are the spiritual blessing ofOod to reBt upon thin people aud wide-spread spiritual awakening over thecommunity. In closing he shook handswith his brother pastor tiud welcomedhim ou behalf of Ills congregation audpeople of the towu.

Rev. Mr. linabrell respondedand said, among other thiugs,undoubtedly he had had the Bympathyof tho people while the Rev. Reeves wasmaking those complimentary remarksabont him. He -said his heart over-flowed with gratltade for the kiud wel-come ho had received from this peopleiipou his fourth appointment to thisfield. Ho referred to the fact that thisunion meeting hud a tendency to culti-vate unity which must exist iu everyolmroh in order to make it a success.All should ugree to Kink grievances audwasto uo more time o.ud strength onmethods of reform but stand togetherto oppose evil, for in union there isstrength. He closed IUB remarks withprayer, aud after the congregation hadsung hymn ?HO aud the doxology, themeeting was dismissed with the beue-dictiou by Rev. Mr. Reeves.

"No family can ulljrd lo be without OnaMinute Cough Cure. It will stop a coughaDd oure a oold quicker tban anv otbermedioine," writes C. W, Williams, SterlingItan, Pa. It cureB croup, bronchitis anaall throat aud lung troubles and preventsconBUonptlon. Pleasant &Dd UBrmlbev.Wm. Gerard.

Elopement at Parsippany,William T. Leonard, a well-known

youug Newarker, eloped Suudny after-noon with his third cousin, Miss Eliza-beth F. Leouard, of Parsippany, andwas married iu Dover. Leouard wasvinitiug at Parsippauy on Ea»tor Suudayaud attended church with Miss Leouard.On the way home he suggested an elope-nieut, aud she said nhe would have totake time to think it over. Sunday hoisited nor ugaiu and she agreed to his

propositiou. She got her father to letthfiin have a rig, sayiug they waut-od to take a little ride. They drovestraight to Dover, to the rectory of Hev,J. O. Jorelaman, of St. John's EpiscopalOhurcli. He reluctantly consented tomake them husbaud aud wife. Ou theirway home they decided to make a cleaubreast of it. Astouishmeut ou the partof the "old folks" was succeeded by for-giveuess aud congratulations.

B. Clarke, Cbanncey, Oa.,says DeWitt'BWltok Hazel Salve cnued bim of piles thatbad efllloted him for twenty years. It isalso a speedy oure fur skin diseases. Be-ware of dangerous counterfeits. Wm.Gerard.

Allene Found the Peanuts.The Jr. Y. P. S. C. E. held n> business

meetiug and social at the home of Mrs.Oram ou Thursday evoutug. Among thesocial features of tho eveuing was a pea-nut hunt, for which a prize was award-ed to the oue finding the most peanutswhich were concealed about the room.The first prize was won by AUeue Mottand the booby prizo fell to the lot ofBartow Reeves. The ofticere elected forthe following year were as follows: Sa-periutendeut, Mrs. Thomas Hughes;Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. J. 0.MoGrath ; President. Nettie Mott; VicePresident. Bortha Goodale; Secretary,Frank Babcock; Treasurer, AlleneMott.

Orlacom's All-Healing Salve.Bead what Ueo. Uunster, of 2617 N.

Ninth 8t., Philadelphia, has to say in ref-ereooe to Qrlsoom's AU-Heallng Salve,—''Ineter eavr ltd tqual for healing purpose*,have used It for burne, Bores, outa, btulBof,and piles, and every box tout Ihave aaedwould be worth Its weight ID gold tould Inot prooure another." Wm. Gerard.

H called to order ht.1. Ross, of Dover,


Rev. Dr. Stoddard HighlyHonored.

<>•> M o i d y Hev I)r Siodd rd, whoh»ii- lie.-u postor 'if the PresbyterianChurch tt Suce,,m n»t ior the p st tlnr-t y s i x years, celebrated, with his p.rish-

i it) ers and u number o' others, his KOthjh i r thd .y . lu the uurii'-i re room of the i'church. There wi s lully -100 people pres-'eut.

The pulpit w»s prettily decor-ted withroses, lilies ar.r] other cut (lowers, andb'CK uf the pulpit there w.s hu>g ou thew»]l B handsome bauuer of white s»tiowith u red crusH iu its upper right baud

j con er.j The Hssembla^e w1! : 30 o'cloea by Kwho ii'iiiounced ih th(: opeui

!"Pr»ise (iod from Whom AllFlow " This was followed by tiieLord's Pr»yer.

Owi \i to the sufldeu i disposition ofRev Dr i;. B. E gl.i.d, of Washington,N J., the pri. cip.,1 address of the d»y,or which in1 wts dowu on thepro-

gr tnnie, had to be omitted. A birthd-yhvnin composed by Mrs. Stoddnrd, wi 'eof tlio Rev. Dr Stoddird, w»s i ext unrigby two youiK meo, the choir joii iog iuthe reTrii). An invocation bv Rev. Dr.W. W. Hollowuy, p.stor of the Presby-teriao Church of Dover, followed, atdthea Mr. Ross guve a delightlully re-nii' isceLt fiddress.

The next speaker w<s Rev. Mr. Beau-mont, who spoke on bohnlf of the Pres-bytery of Morris aud Orange A ran-grutul-tory letter from the Rev. Dr. Al-bert ErdiuiD, of MorristowD, who is theBecond oldest pnstor iu the Orange andMorriB Presbytery, w»» Dext re>d, nod a

uinber of other letters, some Irom fel-low-classmates of the class of '49 at Am-herst, of like tenor, were also read.There were npwurd of fi ty coogr tula-tory letters.

After a sorg by tbe choir, effectivelyrendered, Rev. Dr. Holloway made anaddress, to which he gave a humorousturu. Rev. Theodore F. Chmnbers, p.s-tor of the Miue Hill and Berkshire Val-ley Presbyteri in churches, next spoke,<nd was lollowed iu tura by William E.Collis nod Willinm H. Sew»rd, of Ches-ter. The next thing on the programmew.s the prese t tioi of a t r y ou whichthero were eighty silver dollars, OLB lorech year of Dr. Stodd»rd's age, andthirty-six dollars io greenbtcks, one fore'ich ye r o( Dr. Stoddnrd'e p stor-te inSncC'Suuna.

Dr. Stodd-rdwhich he expressed his thanks lor til the

d hi id d dgood thio id and doue.

Anthony Stodd-rd, who c»me to thiscouutry from Loudon la 1089, and iu Lon-don the genGalo^y was tr ced b*cfe to1490. Dr. Stoddard \v»s bora i i Coveu-try, Cheoango County, N. V'., April 23,1S20. Two yeirs > ihis wi e, he took

Sill; WAS (.nilMWOTHlALS.Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two

Justices and Punched by Both—1 heComplainant Sent to Jail and AfterwardsReleased

On Tuesday of last week Mrt>. FraukMills, of Hibernia. appeared before Jus-tice Hauders and entered a couipluiutagainst Mrs. Albert Blakeley charpiutfher with disorderly conduct uud askedthat a warrant be issued for her arrestat once. In the meantime the justicemet Mrs. BlakeleyV husband aud toldhim what hud occurred and aaked himto have her come down the next day(Wednesday/ in order that he mightknow whut she proposed to do about thematter, i'ur some r'-iidou «li<- failed luap]ie,ur.

O/i Wednesday Mr Mills met JusticeSauders iind asked if the warrant liLtlbeen issued. He asked to have hir.

complaint withdrawn. Tinsthe justice refused to allow,said he would see to it that Mrs.Blakeley was brought before him iu cluetime. Mrs. Blakely uppeared before thejustice ou Thursday morning and plead-ed lot guilty, whereupon the trial vasset down for Friday.

He theu went to Justi' ; Arnold audstated the case to him, who told himas long as the case wag iu tlie hauds ofJustice banders he could do nothing,but if Justice Sanders refused to euter-taiu the case he would take the matterup. He then left and returned laterstating Justice Sauders had decided aotto handle the case, whereupon JusticeAruold took Mrs. Mills' complaint audhad a warrant issued. Mrs. Blakeleywas brought before him ou Thursday af-teruoou and asked for an adjournmentuntil Monday morning. This was grant-ed when she furnished bail to theamount of $100.

Ou Friday the complainant and de-fendant appeared before Justice Sandersfor trial. Lawyer Stillwell, of Morris-town, was also present representing hewas there on behalf of the prosecutorof the County aud asked that the ca^ebe discontinued on the grounds that thejastice liad uo jurisdiction as he was act-lug under an act of 1876 when heshoaldhave taken npthe case nuder an act of1HSW. The justice ignored the demaudsof the lawyer and proceeded with thecase, afterwhich Mrs. Blakeley wasdoomed guilty aud fiued $1 aud costs.As Mrs. Mills had acted iu a disorderlymanner and disturbed tho court the was

:CBtrditBttJr|'fined-:^ •"*• <rosta " "^ stood.connnitted.

nu address, in

t<ccomp<i»ied bya trip to the Holy

Justice Arnold Arrested.A fi >v d«ys ago Albert Welsh went be-

fore Jetur R. Riggs, a justice of thepence at Milton, and mude a compi iiitBgrinst Justice Aruold, of this place,ch rgiug him with ste<liug a set of har-ness troui the b^ru of Cooper Smith BtMnrcell-s belonging to him, the com-plainant. On Mondny CoDBtible CharlesHopper, o' Oak Ridge, his returnsbefore Justice S»oders, ot this place,witn the defendant io Court, who wavedan ex miuetion aLd g»ve bonds to theamouut of $150, with Thomas Mitchell«s boodsman, to appear be.'ore the M.yterm of Court.

This h«ri.ess w^s with some other ef-fects of Cooper Smith's which JusticeArnold seized lor debt aid which he sup-posed was owned by the siid Smith.

The Dover VolunteersOrganize.

John C. Dickerson Camp, No. 48.Spanish-Aiuericau War Veteruus, willbe formally mustered into the nationalorgauizatiou ou Saturday, May 5. Theapplicatiou for a charter contains thenames of thirty-three former membersof Company W, Second Regiment, NewJersey Volunteer Infantry. It« provis-ional officers are Lieutenant J. WesleyRoff, chairman; P geant A. P. Me-Davit, treasurer; . rivate F. W. E.Mindermau, secretary. Captain E. L.Petty, Lieutenauts Roff and Goodelland Thomas Conliu and F. W. E. Miu-dermauu are a Committee ou Bylaws.

Unclaimed LettersAt the Rockaway, N. J., Postofflce fcithe week eudinu April 21, 1900 :

Mrs. Lucio Bondaluna.J. S, Duuham.Mr, Peter Marray.David Rodpers.Mrs. Sauuders.Mr. Joe Smith. „Mr. Johu Tucker.To obtain the above Bay advertised

aud give date of this list.WM. GILL. P. M.

A Birthday Suprise.On Wednesday evening of last week

a number of the friends of Ezra Davismet at his home aud gave him a genuinesurprise, and reminded him it was hisbirthday. After enjoying themselveswith games, vocal aud instrumentalmusio they all repaired to thedining room, where n sumptuous repast•was spread, and which was heartily en-joyed. At a late uonr all left for theirhomes wishing Mr. Davis many moreeach pleasant birthdays.

nntil it was paid. As Hhe refused to paythe fine she was fakeu to the countyjail. Lawyer Stillwell made applica-tion to Judge Vreeluud to h«ve thepapers in the case reviewed. JusticeS.tnder* took thetpapers down in pervon,and after the judge had reviewed themhe decided there was not sutiicienr causeto hold the defendant and the paperswere set aside and Mr*. Mills releasedfrom paying the flue and costs.

On Monday the case cauie up beforeJustice Arnold as above stated, withLawyer John F. Stickle as the attorneyfor the defendant, who asked that thecase be dismissed as she had alreadybeen tried convicted aud paid a fine of|1 and costs. Justice Aruold compliedand dismissed the case and had Mrs.Blakeley re-arrested under the ls9Kact.

The defendant's attorney again askedfor a dismissal of the case as she had al-ready been tried convicted aud fiued forthe offeuce committed ou the Hith, andhence oonld vot be tried again. Thejustice held his complaint differed fromthat uuder which she was tri^d beforeJustice Sanders, as his read "Ou AprilI tith aud divers other times." aud there-fore held the defendant to answer thecharge as per the complaint. Later thecase was adjourned until Wednesday af-ternoon, when Mrs. Blakeley wasdeemed guilty, but the justice suspendedsentence aud all she had to pay was thecosts.

Terrorized the Town.Monday and Tnesdny Hackettstown

was terrorized by tramps. They wentfrom house to house, demanding foodaud insulting women aud children.When the officers started iu pursuit ofthem, they scattered like sheep and itwas with the utmost difficulty that theywere apprehended. There were ten ora dozen of the ruffians.

The ruffians became so bold at lastthat the authorities and the speciallydeputize 1 police headed by Chief Smithanil Mayor Beatty. raided the gang andsucceeds) i iu capturing six of the partyaft' r a hand to hand encounter, duringwhich blows were freely exchanged.

Tin six captured meu wtre seourelviroDod and t«fc. n to Belvidera and lodgediu th? county jail.

Fugitive Captive.Some time previous to the January

term of Court Joseph Simruulsack, ofHibernia, committed an assaalt and bat-tery upon Silos Hiler, of that place.The cose was taken before tbe GrandJury who found an indictment. Iu tbemeantime the defendant left uncere-moniously for New York State, wherehe remained uutil about two mouthsago. On Wednesday last he was arrest-ed by Officer Dobbins ou a bench war-rant and taken to the coanty jail.

Tho annual State convention of theW. C. T. U., which was to have beenheld in the Morristowu Y. M. C. A. Ballyesterday, has been postponed untilMay 4.

Page 2: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

Rockaway Record

Thursday. April 26, 1900.

SEAT REFUSED QUA\Senate Rejects the Pennsylva-

nian by One Vote.


«'»t of 111 MHO n r I II111I B e e n <'ount«Mlto \ o l « - I ' o r I I IN 1 r l . ' iwl . hir t Itfc-

• I>omti»il "\o" a t Hit- I t o l l r a i l ,'I'll ua T11 r ii 111« t h *• Si-a !«•.

| I H

" W A S H I N G T O N . April li.">. - II .MI. Matt l i t - w S . i j i i i i y M ' s n r . h i y W H S n >

M ' l i l i n t i l t - l l i i l . ' . ! S l i i l c s M ' M i l t * '

i L [ i | i r > i u t i t i t ' i i l u f l l i e K " V f r m n ' " I P c i i l i - v |

v n i i i t i l i y ti w i l e n l ;>:t i n '>2. T i n - i l n y

W a - i i l r \ t r ( e i | i - n l i n l y i u i l e l m t e u p ' M i t l i>

( I M i - ^ l i o n . I Mil Ii,\ Of l l i e * . T r ; i | r M lii « y e i f

l i l l ' J n i ' i i t ' t r . - I l l l l i f l i n i ( \ i | e l i \ < > r i t m > | n ' r i 11

i ' H . A s l l i r < l n . \ - M U i i m i \ \ > > | V n i l I l l n i l i l t '

f . ' j l l | i T h * N ^ l ' i i i | l l t l l l > V i - r e t l l l r . l I I M U l l l ) ' \

w e i r i l i r i H i i r i ' i l u 11 h in n i l II m l . - - - , v v h i l i

n l h i T I n i i l t il ml> '~ . \\i 11 I I [ M I I J : I - I n Ki l l i) i " l

l ! M . - . l o l i ( >ji | In f | . n > r M I I In ^ - i i n I r c \ < I \

111'-1Tikt. , , , i H i , - h m l t i i o u i n i h t ' n i . \ M i n i

b< .11 f s M | I I H I I I I K I - M I l l l r l | u | | - i - i l l | i ' | H ' i '

b e l l i : i i i \ «•> w I ' l r |»r> > i n l . T i n - K n ' i t t 111 n i l i u

J i s l i - l M il " V l l l i i | i ' f | i ; i M . | i l | , . | l I n t i n - 1*1-11

l l U l J l II C j , " l l l i e l i t " I M l . S j l l* ' I ' I 11 I'll V' il

o l l l i e - • u u I I L ' " I i l l . - 1 ' i i i i n T I V n n ^ y l v t i n i n

b . - i i ; i f i > r ; i i n l i n ( h i - i l n i i u i i l i ' U I H I t i n y e l . i

i | iii n e t ' n f M r . 1 >;i m e l n\' V i r g i n i n , \ \ \ m

l l p l i i ' l l l e i l I n b i s r i p l l . ' i i U ' l l i ' S t u l l . ) W l u i l , " I I

J l i > f u l l h 11 - il s e u a l ' j r . h e i l e t - U i e d M j j h i

JIMll V ' . t e I n i l . i .111 Si l e t - t o 111 111 " ) l D W l l -

U l l n f l i i n n l i t t i l e M e l i n l e . l o o t ' s . A > [ b e i t lU

r l n e l i i i p p u > l h ' t l ) i> p f e s i i l r l i I p h i t i M M p O | e

i m l h ' l l l i ' i l 4 n ' t ' l i K - k t h e n * \ M l ^ tl l i u s l l i n

I h i - r l n i m l i r r . M r . l > > e i n H i e c h a i r a n

i m u n e i ' i i i h i i t ( l i e h o u r f u r t h e t i i u i l v o t e

1 M i d n r e i v e d n m l I h u t i h e < p i e s l i o n w i h

t h e p r h t l i i l K m o l l u n n f M r - 1 ' h i i t n l l e r t n

H t n U i ' o u t u f t l i i ' r e s u l u i i u i i d i M - l i i r i i i i r M r .

Q u a y n u t n > ! « • e n l i t l e i l u , a s e n t t I n * w o n l

• " n n t . " S e i i a i o r s i - i i ) . ' e r l y f u l l u w t u l l l i e c u l l .

f o r t i l l k n e w l l m t l l i e v o t e w . n i l i l b e . l o s e . .

T h e tii-jst s r i i m i t i o i i w n s r u n s e i l h y n i i c j

f m l u r i ' o f M r . i V i t i t f r e w u f S o u l l i I > u - \

k u l u t o a n s w e r t t ) I n s i n l i n e , n l t h m i K U h e

V U H i n l i i s s i ' u t . W h e n M r . V e a l ' s u i i n i e

• w a s < - a l l e . l l i e v o t e i l " n o " i t i a e l e n r . M i s

t i n e t v o i c e , t h u s . l u s h i n g t h e l u s t h o p e u f

t h e f r i e n d s o f M r . Q n n y , w h u I n u l e x

p e t t e d e i m t i r i u n t l y H i n t l l i e d i H i i i i K i i i d h e i l

M i s s i m r i n n w o u l d v o t e f o r h i s l o u y t i m e

p c i s u n u l f r i e n d . I n p e r f e c t s i l e n c e i t u i u

a n n u u n c e < l t h a t i h e s e n a t e h a d d e n i e d t u

M r . t j u u v t h e s e n ! w h i c h b u h a d n o u g h t

f o r s u n i e n i o i i l h s p u M .

T h o s e n u t o r s w e n * n - c n r i l i ' d a s f o l l o w s ;

Y c i i . s - A l l i s o n , i t a k i T . ( ' a r t I T . I ' I I H I H I U T .

C h i r k i W . v . i . C u l l - . i n , U m i i e l . I > j i v i n , I > e

b u e , F i i r n k e r , 1 ' i y c U m r . U U I I * 1 > I ' O I I K I I ,

J o n e s I . W V . I , M e C u i i i u s , M r l - m i r m . M a -

fejju, M o r p i n , N e l s o n , I V u r o w t 1 , I ' t u ' k i u n ,

r i n t t u \ . V . I . S . - u t t , S c w e l l . S b M i i p .

S p u o n e r , S i e w t i r l , S u l l i v a n . T u l i f ' e i T o ,

" W a r r e n . W V i n m r e , W n l e u l t 3 ' J .

N i i . v s A l l e n . H u r o n . H a r d , B u n - . K e r -

r y , H i i r r o w s . l i u t l e r , C l u y , C o e k r e l l , ( " i l l -

t . m s u n , M a l e , H u m * . H . - i i M , ! . l l n w l . y .

. T o n e s i A r k . i . L i i n l s n j . M c H r i i l e , M r C u m -

W - r , M < K n e r v , M i - M i l l i m . M a r t i n . M o n e y .

I ' l n t t H ' u i m . i , r r i M - t u r , ( J u i i r l e s , U i m * .

S i m o n , T e l l e r , T i l l n i u u , T u r l e y , T u r u e r .

, Y . s t , W e i i i n u i o n : i : i .

P u i r s w e n - n i i i i n t i i i c e d n s f o l l o w s , t h e

f i r ^ t n u n i e d H I e j i e l i i i i s i t i i i c e U ' i i i j j f a v o r

n h l e t o M r . t y u i i . i a m i t h e s . - r o i u l u p p u ^ e d

t o h i m ; I ' l - i t c l u i n l W i t l i 11 ,i U i l i ^ i - i - . I >e-

) M M V w i t h M a n u u . F o x i e r w i t l i K e . - i n ,

I . n d ^ e w i t h T l r n i ' . - i " i i . K e u n e y w i l h ( ' a f

T ' - i y . K l k n i ^ " M i l ( ' h i l l o n , F a i r b a n k s u i t h

M i i l l u r . s . H o u r w i l h 1 ' i ' i n i s a m i K y h - w i t h

l l a w h i i s .

T h e > , s r i i a t m s u n v 11111,; 11 n -i I : A l d r i i Ii

l i e \ e r n l - . - . \ l ; i r k i > l . . i i . i n n . l l ' c M i u ' r c w .

T l . . - \ . . t i . v . . , - , t l i . - u i . - i k . - n o n M i " n - d n -

t i " i i i l e c l i i n t u M r . ' . ' n n y i n . i m n i l f d i n

t l i e s , . ; , i . T h . r . - . - I . i n - - i i \ \ ; i - r i i r n . - . l - ; i 3

i l I " - . • ; , i u c I , . - - ' . i , ' r | , . . . r I ! , , , , ! . , h i . I l o r

M t U d l h i s 1.: i i T > I n n - n n d l . \ p . i l l 111-4 U l l h

S . l i : i t . . r I M - p . - H , , | \ , v, \ ,,1-U h , , , | 1 V ^ | V

l . n - . l : . i - . l . , . i : , i . e l I ' l u v ,

T h e I I M I I - I - ; t . l . , | , | , , | l l , , .|,..|'i . t h - . i - i n I ' o i t ' l : i<

J l i r l l l - , 1 I i - I N . M l ' ' I

l i i i I f ; < . I i l - : i I n ' I

( | i ; i i v t h . i t a l l I i H i1.1 h > D i e |. i • • --1 1 .

• . [ . . T H l i v e a n . I p i . ,

n i < o i i e h a r l f r . d i •>

1.1- I

'I h.


HOW PENNSYLVANIANS FEEL.Quuy'N KrifiiilN DIHII ppol n t i-il— Sny

1 <'KUiiiliir.- Will i:\it-i Him.H A U u i s n r i n ; . .\ | .ui St. Manhew

S . t j i u i y ' > d f l e a l in t in- M ' I I H I I ' n l \ \ ' n > h -

i l ^ ' I n l , [ , l l IK, - ,| l . u lu l . ^h . ' l l 111 III. ' i l l l l i pi>f h i s r , . | | , i u n > ^ w l h f i r i ] in H i ; - f i l y for1 h e s t J i l e i •uu ve i l I lul l . I t Wil** e l i l l t ' e l y

u » e . \ | ) e r i t M i , a-- ill a i u i . i p a i i o M o f \\i* t r i -u ni p l i a n t v i n d i . n t i»-i i t h e i •i-nnhi i . i r i j i i i i i -z a t i o n l e a d e r s h a d I 'DUH- l o u ' r l h e r f r o m a l lo v e r t h e M u t e , a n d c x l d i s i vc |i r e p a r a -t i o n s h a d h e r |l 111 lid e t u re l< - l i l l l t e w h a tt h e y e x p e c t e d W o u l d In n j u v o i i ^ o e r a > i o n .

I n s t r n d , h o w e v e r , of p u r j i d r * . l i r e w o r k sn u d l i v e l y I i i n e s hy t h e h a n d s a l l w a sg l o o m , a n d t h e m l h i ' i v u i > of ( o l o i i e l ( J i i u yw e r e K i i t h e n d in g r o u p s in t h e l i n t e l <<ir-r i d o r s a n d o n t l i e > h v i . h q u i e i l y d i s e i i s s -i n g t h e n e t ion of t h e ^ c u n t e wli i i - l i b u sn e r v e d t n d i i > h a - i d e t h e i r h u p e > of v l o -l o r y . X n t a l l w n - s o r r o w in [ l a r r i s h u r g ,h o w o v c r . I n I h e h e i n h i u a i l e i s o f t h en n t i - Q u n y i t i ' s . in- " i n M i r i r i M ) t » , " p r c s h l p d

^ > 7 c r l iy S t a t e S . - i i i i t '» rs M a r t i n nf P b l l n -d e l p h i a n n d K l i n n nf I ' t t t s h u r K . I I M T P W U Hp n t h e r e d a p a r t y o f m e n w h o t o o l ; n n He-l i v e p a r t in t h e o p p o . - i t i o u t o C o l o n e lCJi iny Hi i r i i iK t h e I n - t . ' - - i u n of t h e lo j r i s -l a t u r e , n n d l l o - y w i r e im i ^ | .»w t o e x p r e s st h e i r Hi i t iHf iR- t ion nt t h e t u r n i i T ' i u r s h u v i :t n k e n .

T h o n*1"^1*1 ' ' " p i n i o n a n i o n i : t h o Q n n yl i f u t e n a n t s in t h a t t h e r e s u l t nl W a s h -i n g t o n t a k e s t h e i r l e n d e r o u t " f thf t r a c efor t h e aenatorahi i ) . TJiu pos i t iv r dcclu-

r u t i o n i^ n i f id t ' t h a t C o l o n e l ( J i m y w i l l n ol o u d e r \w JI r a n d i d i i t e . N n t u r n U y ( i n v -i T i m r . S t o n e i s s p o k e n o f n« t h e j m r t yc a n d i d a t e i n t h e e v e n t o f C o l o n e l Q u n y ' nw i t l n l r a w i i l f r o m t h e r a c e .

A t t o r n e y ( i e n e n i l . J o h n I ' . 101Uill, w l ma r y u c i l t h e Q u a y c a s e b e f o r e t h e s c i u i l i '

con iMi i t t ii p r i v i l e g e s a m i e l e c t i o n s ,MI i l l : " \ \ Y h a v e l o s t i 1M- f m h t in l l i e s e na i r I'.v o n e v.>te. T i n s w i l l no t d i s l i c a r l c n111.- f n r n d s uf S e n a t o r l..»iuiv j m ] t h e K ep n hi ii jin iiiKiiiii '/.ii t i nu in 1 V n n s y l v u n i n .Ii w i l l n i i l y m a k e t h e m c o n t e s t t h r h a r d(>r in t h e i n i e i v M of i h e m a n w h o m ( h e yl o v e iili.l t h e p r i m i p l e w h i c h t h e y I,,l i i-ve lo h e fi U III A Ult ' l l t w r o l i ^ hllHhiwMi ' l o u r S e i u i i o r <L>nay. a n d t h e p r o p l rwi l l s e e i l i : i t i t is r i g h t e d III d u e t i m e .

" T h e f r i e n d * o l S c i n t i n r Q i n i y w i l l o rc n u i z e h u t l i i M i i n c h e s o f t h e n e . \ t I c ^ i s l a |t i n e a m i clc<:t h i m to t h e U n i t e d S t i i l c ^ 1

M i ' n a t e i n ,1 a i n n i r y n e x t , "

l<'lv«> H u n U ' r H I n I'1 o u r M o u t h * .

I I l N T l M i I H > N . P a . . A p r i l 2."i. - T h et i f t h <old f l o o d e d n n u ' d e r l h a t 1ms o r -m i r e d wi t b i n ! b e p a s t f o u r m e n t h s n t

S p l l l i i' ( ' l -eeU. t h i s c o u n t . V , w h e r e t i l l ! 'n e w w o r l i o n t h e 1 ' i - n I I H y l \ a u i u n i i l r u a d in

hcui^ r il.»ni'. w i n c . u u i n i t l e i l y e s t e r d a y a f t - ie l i i u ' i i i , a n d . u s h e f o i e , t h e u i i i i i l i i e r en- 'c u p e t l . I h i r i i i k ' " d i s p u t e b e t w e e n T h o i n -

»> T i i y l u r n n d S a m u e l ( l i h l i i i s l , h u t h c o l -o r e t l , nt n n t ' u f I h e n i n n e r o i i s s p e l l k e n v i e s , '(In- f i i rnu ' i - d i e w M ;W c a l i h e r r c v u l v i Tn o d MiM ( I ihdui.--t in t h e n l>donie i i . T h el a t t e r l e t i i i - i i e d i h e t i r e a n d . il is t l i o i i i r l i ! ,h i t T a . v l o i . ( i i k h r i s t d i e d in h a l f a n h u i i r .

I t n l H l n u t l i e r i n i t n t A p i n . I

H K U U . V A p r i l St. T h e o l l i . i n l r e -p o r t n ' K a n l i H t f t h e h o i s t i n n " f t lie ( i e rinn n tin K n t A | n a , ( i e r u n i n S a n i n a . h a -j u s t h i ' c i i r . - . e i v e d f r o m I n - . W i l l i a m S id f .l l i e ^ n v e r i m r l l s a y s t h a i t h e c e r e m o n y

o c e i i r i e . l o i l M a r c h 1, w h e l l i h e e l l l i l lW h i t e p o j i l l l a t ion \ W I N ] i r e s e i l t . i i i K c t l l e lw i t h ,",IM ill n u i i v r x M i i t t i a t ' i i n u i d e a i i a p ip r . - p i i i i t e i id i l re? . - . . a s d i d n l s o T a i u a - o eh u i h x\\ lug i i N > i i r a n r r « u f l o y a l l y t o ( i n - ,inn n \ . A T ie r t h e r e i e m o i i y a ha in [i le tWli.s ^ i v e n tn 1 -"> c h i e f s .

C o n v l i ' t l o n o f 1-iiin i n i * r l N A d l r m e i l .

]{( ( C l I K S T K U . A p r i l •_'."». T h e npp< ' ll a t e d i v i s i o n ln i» h a H d e d i l n « n a ile.-i^i.-iia t l i r u i h i K t hi ' j u . l ; : i n r u I nf t h e c o n v i c t i o nin t h e ca .se uf J u h n ( ' . I w i i i u n e r t s , l i t e t ief a u l t inn I l e a M i r e r o f N i a g a r a c o u n t y .I . u m t n e r t s w n s e o u v i c t e d so im- I wo y e a r nn ^ u "ii nn h i t ] i d i n c u t e h a i T i i i t r m i s a p p r o -p n a i i D i i nf Kuttietli i i iK i i v c r $L',(HMl. T h i nw n s (he ui i ly i i u l i r t i n e i i l . un w h i c h h e WIIHI r i e i l , n l l h n n ^ l i it w u s d i a l K<'<! I h u t bow a n in d e f a u l t in a l a r g e r i i i i i o i i n t .

< . r « n t I i m l n f O i l .

K I . M I U A . N . V. . A p r i l Si- O n e of t h ej r r r a t i - s t o i l s t r i k e s in 4 0 y e a r s ' l i i s t u r yof P e n n s y l v a n i a o i l f i e l d s b u s lit n n m i l rlit ( I i i incH. W e l l N o . ."I of t h e L ' l o s s l m r i ;Oi l c n i n p a n y w a s c o m p l e t e d M o n d a y a f t Ie r n o o t i a u d t l u w c d I ' m I m n - c N p e r ln>nc II h e first I*J h o u r s . T h e s e c o n d w e l l a w n 'ed l>y t h e s i i t n e c o m p a n y p r u d i i r c . l <>iillb a r r e l s I h e first "JI h o u r s w h e n oi l w u cw t n i c k a f e w w e e k s n u n .

N v i r p t I n t o t l u * H l v c r .M.) \VYILIJ . N. V.. April 27K -Fny

R a n i i o n , i\fit'i\ 3 » , in a t t e n i p t i n ^ t o d r i v eit c r o s s t lie* d i k e In11 w e e n L o w v ill e n i u lW a tHoti l a s t e v e n i n n . \\ ii*> s w e p t i n t uB l a c l ; r i v e r b y t h e hij_rh w n l e r . n m l l i i ia-

Nelf l l t ld h o r s e w e l t - d l o u u e i l . r i u i l ' h ' H

W i i t t c r n n i u o f \ \ a l - - o i i w a - c a r r i e d i n t ot h o r i v e r liy t h e Miff i - u r n i i l . h u t h e WIIMr e h c u e d . I I is h o r s e a n d u a ^ u i i w e n Id u w n s t i c n i n .

J l i m i t e d I - V o n i II r o o k I y n I l r l i l ^ e .

M O W V O U K . A p r i l L'l . M ; i r i e U n x a l l p 'l > i n > e , a p r i ' t i y .V .HI IK; w o t ii jin w\\n u p . '

p a r e n t I;\ h a s n o f r i e n d - , in I h i s c t u m t rya n d w h u I ic t -HIne p e n n i l e s s throiiLcli u nf o r t m i n t i' hi i si n e s s a s . M i c i u i i i t u s , j u m p e df r o m t h r U r o u U h i i h r i d m - at 1 u M m - ky.fiit c i ' i l ay i i t ' te i n m MI . S h e > n r v i \ -d I In1

a w f u l p i n i m . . a n d t h e d o i ' L . r s .»f tht<M u . I s u i i S l n - e t h o s p i t a l M ^ ^ b , . w i l l re-

eni er.

T n r U t . v W i l l I t o p u l r l ln> n n m i i K c .r o . \ M " . \ N T l . \ < i l ' l . i ; . A p r i l 1M. A n

i i i i p e r i ; i 1 i i in I f h a < I it .en p r o m o lu'li t e<] a nt l i o f i z j u c i h e I ' d i u i l d i n i , ' of t h e | i r o p e r t >of i be A i n . i ' h ' i i u n i i ^ s i o n a rie~. a t K h n r p u la n d i h e I M I I . - I i n e t iun of a n t i n n e d u> ihii

l t u b i T t B f w l l r n t i t l r o u s t a n i i i M p U ' .

A T H e l \ c - > i-n r - n l d >l i i r U e r e r .

( ' I I A l!I . K S T < »N. A pi 11 - I . S e v e r a lu . i-k- n n . . a l I I . . . k\ l l ie , t b i ^ < t m . . , I t m lJ . - i i k i n ^ s i . . | . l . e . | S i h i - h - r . I M T I - . | , , d e n t i l ,b i ' i l i o|" i h . in I ,emu' n l i o i u |-J \ c a i - ; n l d .. lo in -« - l i . n ^ . d . l e i i k i n ^ v M l h " n o - M p i a u 'a l x n i t l i n o " t o n in<L'r<> xw] ,.f t h e i r " n n

a y e . T h e y \\ i lit In h e r l l o l l> r . llllil [ h e r eI h e f i l ia l i p n i r i e l e n v i e d . K v i i l e n t ' e o ft a i i i ' i l e r n m\ i u - i . I m k i u s v, a s c o n i | d e t e .

l(llt l l i e j u r \ l l i N w e e k ilC(p.lil ( e i l l i 'nn bf-

t i u i M ' o f • • i n f a n c y . "

D r e y f il n I n S w l t » e r l n m l . '

< ; i : \ K Y . \ . A p r i l ^ 1 . - K o i u . e r ( ' u p t u r n jI i n - } I'uv n r r i v e d h e r e a t l iooi i y e s h - n l a v 'nml I ron- w ith b is nephew, M. l 'uul Val- jubrc^i ie , tu '. 'ubiRny, VVIILMV he bus tukuntx villa lui" tliu buuKou. |

5hort Talks1 onAdvertisino ->>«<"v e s n d

.Charles Austin Bate6%,/{

No. S.

Tho first insertion of an advertisement very seldom pays. Thnt is to say—Ifyou have never advertised before in a certain paper it will take somo littlu timu(or its readers to get acquainted with you, and until they <lo. don't expect muchreturn. There nre occasional exceptions, of course, but tliey uru few and farbetween. It is tho systematic, persistent ellort that pays in advertising as ineverything else. In taking medicine tho regularity of tho doso is ulmost asimportant as the drug itself.

Kor that reason tho columns of tho newspaper offer tho very best mediumfor business announcements. For that reason,programs and wall hangers and schemes of allsorts, from an industrial write-upof the town to a picture card, ni'onever elTective. It may bo wellenough to indulge in a prettynovelty occasionally, if you areusing all tho space you need inthe papers.

I have been a publisher nfprograms and of oilier " schemes"— I have advertised in them, andin my whole experience on bothsides of tho fence. I have neverheard or known of a single adver-tisement in a medium (?) of thatkind that paid.

Thu local newspaper goes into

tlie house bristlicg with intelligence, biimful uf tho news of tho world, sparkling

wiili ihe daily doings of tho community.If its :ul wrtisL-rs are awalco to tlffllr oppor-tuiuies It rontnlns business IIOWB of valueto evoi > r.-ador. for it pays to road ndver-tisiMiit-nl-i. Ailvertisomouts are becomingmore tinthl'u] every day. liiwiness Iht-ir news must be true, or itwill fu.i they reuionihor the- .story of thoboy and '.ho wolf. I t hull; il is safe to saythut any woman wli.i mukes a businessof rending busuu*, tu-ws—ads.—will iu.creaso tho buying (*uvur nf her husband'sdollars as niu^h a.s tweuly-fivo percent.I am not sure li.i unit llio percentage laoven greater at ni) House.

mt dristiimf wit A

Remtmbtr tht ttery of tki boy and tkt wolf. t, Ckarltt Autfin Faftt, A/irw JVA.

F1GHT1HUN LUZON.Laet Week One of the Blood-

iest of the War.


Thv 111—1*1« dt'l IMI111-, Ili 'porDcnd, I» it 1 I h o H va U »»t

111M Wurrlom Auutn.

Haiti «>n AVoIlniul rniinl.MAUAHA KAL1.N, April 'Jll. An nt-

t c lnp l Win llUhle Sill Ultlliy eVtMlllltf 10ilrntrny I.HCU - I of thi1 W r l l n m l n l -ntil ut Thn ioh l , Oiil . T l i r e e uitMt twomnlec a r r e s t nnd liehl lu I hi ' jail inNLutfitru 1''H11H, Out . , r ixht IHTOSH tin*l i v r r from |irrt>. T h r r \ p lu* ion niul at -t i -mptr i l mill <>f tlu> UM-IV iM-iMirnMl hi>-iwm'ii tt niul T o'clock, ami I he vUluwo ofThiMohl ^ i t s Mliakrn as though hy unrtirthquiilvt ' , An ininuMiliitc lnv(>stl^atl<uiit 'vriih' t l thnt t he i-.\ph>Hiou WIIH ut I ,o<*U

c h M i k 'iM ( ,u tin- Wi-llmiil I'Himl. T h i s lork is| Ihe un t h r Uuo nml Is hirnt i 'd In

thf uUtskiitK uf the vlllu^i' at u pointw h e n 1 Hit'u who smi^'lit to vvtirk on HIH-1I

plot mlulit i'ti HI ly piiNN misi'iMi,

Women as Well as MenAre Made Miserable by

Kidney Trouble.

Kidney trouble preys upon llie mind, db-JS and le:>oen:; umbltlon; beauty, vlj»or

ftnd cheorfulnc-iu .-iuondlunppeiir when tho kid-nnya aro out ol orderor dl:;eu:icd.

Kidney trouble hasbecome no prevalent

~\] dial It Is not uncommon[I for a child to be born

' y afflicted with weak kld---- noys. l( the child urln-

lea too often, If theurine scalds the flesh 01 If, when tho childreaches on ft£0 when It aliould bo ablo tocontrol tho passage. It la yet afflicted withbod-wottlng, depend upon It. the cause oftho difficulty Is kidney trouble, and tho firststop should t e towards Iho treatment oftheso Important orpans. This unpleasanttrouble Is duo to ft diseased condition of thokidneys and bladder and not to a habit 113most people suppose.

Women as well as mon are mado mis-erable with kidney and bladder trouble,and both need the samo great romody.The mild and tho Immodlate eflocl ofSwamp*.Rout Is r.oon tcallzod. Il Is soldby druggists, In flfly- fctPL.cent ana one dollar*sizes. You may huvoafsample botllo liy mallfree, also pamphlet tell- itimio «.r RWAUIPHoot.Ing all about It. Including many ol thathousands of testimonial letters rocelvedfrom sufferers cured. In wrltlnp Dr. Kilmer81 Co.. Blnglmmum. N, Y., bo sure- andmention this paper

COMEand see the handsome Sil-verware ihut ix to be fjivenaway at our store. You canfind here


in town. Also a large assortment


Box Papers and Pads

and all kinds of

School Supplies

M A N I L A . April 2:1. T h e pimt work 1 ,-i,»11v nt th is [hue of yr i i r , ln-fo|-,' IIIIVIKII-l l M « hlMMl " H I ' Ol' t i l l - h l u n . l i - - » | . . I 111.- W i l l - | | i , M 1 | , I 1 S I I I J I ' l l l ' l l . I >.V U l l l l l I I I ' W H S l i l t ) O X -

H l l l i - l ' I I I , - l i r s l d a y s I l K h t i l i K M i - m i n i l M i l - p U i s l v i - I I K I - , 1 .

n i l i i . A m l i . - n i i f l Y - p o i - u , i n . i s i l v i . t l i . i n l .

s l l u w 11 I . . t i l l n f ; i 7 S l - ' i l i p i l n . s k i l l t - i l . Vi I I I » « « r l t - l l D t i a r f n r n S u n | i K n p l o r y .

c l l i t - i - i - k I I I K I - J 1 1 1111-11 , ' i i | , i u i ' , . , l i n u l H I M 11 y N Y A t ' K . N . Y . . A p r i l - I . - T i n - 7 1 1

l i i . i l - , - w o i i i n l t - i l . ' J i n - n n i i i b . T o r w n u n i l i - . l S t o m 1 I I D U - ^ I - l i t T H | » | M H I , N . Y . , w l n - r o

i s l u i r . l l v K U i ' H H i i b l , - . ( ' . . i i M i . l , . r i n u ' I i m l l l " ' M n j « . r A n . l r . - w n s l i n | . r i » . > n . - . l u n t i l I l l s , - x -

l ' M l i p i n n s f i i i i i i ' l j - l u r k l i i i s p i i i i l I ' m - i l i t i t ' s i - i ' u i i i i i i i l u H i i i ! t i n - I l i - v u l u l I m i n r y w n r , I s

1 n i i i j u r i t y , , r 111,- i M i u n d i ' i l " i l l d i . - . , j n s l c n t , - r i i i ( ; 11 1 1 1 W | I I H I M - h i I t s r l l r r k i ' r -

i ' r o h n l i l y t h e w e e k ' s \ \ . . r k l i n i s l i e dl l l M i r k ' e l l l - i . T h e A l l - e i ' i e i i n s * I n f i l l l o s Mw t t s !' U i l l i i l m i l l H i w " i i u d e i l . T w o s e r -

w ere killed inn l i i l l i ; | H ' o V i s i u U

ed hisiury. l'"or I \vu yenrs punt it \M\Atun u-» a hotel, \<w\ iv.-ently the lleense ofI lie proprietor, I 'lin rle> A. IMkr, niul now l i ts ior l r house nnd

I u'i'i

NI l l l M ' l i r . i l I , ' i l - < r . l t n p i l l ' t l r " f l " H l

^ c l i t i t < n i u l m : r ] . i i \

n i u h l l - b r s w l u l l - r

Inijns. j N r t v V m l i . i l . v . « b n w i l l t u r n t hT i l l ' i l l - l u u r n t s h u t I - h r i - I I ! l L - L T r v n i V I - I n | | n l i , n - - . . i i | i I H . I . i r ) . t v i l h M l l d i l i . . l l l l l h u i l . l -

n l i i i i i s i , - t , - i - . t p i , i t i n , , ' . . r 1 . 1 1 7 . . - I I . l i i ' i i r r n l I i n - v i n t h r i r n i - . T h r l i i i i l , l l n i ; s l i n u l s

1 ' i " i l ' - l 1 ' i h n ' s I , , - i n , I . n i i u i b i ' i - i i i L ' . ' K m . 1 \ \ i i h i n v i u h t , , f i l l , . > | , , i t i v h i ' i - i - A u t l i ' i ' W I I . H

V t h i . l i M ; I - . . i l l 1 , 1 1 s i t h l r . i l - l l i r r r I l l - , , . \ , , i n , - , ! , , 1 1 1 , 1 I ' M - l l l . H r t l l l l l l h u l l ' 1 1 i - i ' l l -

I I " ' 1 , - M . l n 1 , , - i i i i r i , - ; . . . i - i , , 1 l . i l l i - , 1 . l u i s r , ' - , i u i - y M . I t U i i i u - » I I X p i ' i - u i i t t i ' d i n t ' l i t o r I t .

| i | i . - m r i l i n U s < > l , l l i r l . l i l l , , m l S i m M i -

r t l b l l i i t M N t o i i i N I t r p i - l p l * .

W A S H I M i ' l ' O N , A p r i l IIII. T i n ' d l v l -

i.ii , , | ,11-t,,111s n n . l I n s i i l u i ' u t T n i r s oi ' tlit*

111- .Ii im i I i i i . -nt i n n . ! , - t u i l i l l r I n . l u y t h t '

l l i e I . 1 ' i t a i " 1 - - u i i | n i * - e i l I n b e il Lin i l l i l l

e i n n i n n m l . l i e y ,L \ •• \ \ w A m o r i e : i n j , r ; i r i i -

h " U u t S a n M i i : i n - 1 , e o n - i - i i n i : «>r t l i r n -

e o i n p n i i i . - o f i h e ' I ' l i i i i ^ l i l t h h i T i i t i t v y .

U h l , l « l ! s t n i r i n . nl l l m t t i n . l u l i l l l - r r i - l p t s nf t hI' l l i r iu - ; I i l i u m I1.11-.UI.V l u i ' t h r n u n 1 h nf M i i r r h• 11,'I in - 1 t t . 1 r $ I . I ! T S . ' ' ' I 1 1 * . T h r r , ' , - , - l | ) l s n i l l l l i -d

w i l h II l i n l l l l l ^ ' . ;l l l i r r r luil l l •lllK 11 l i i . ' l u l l l l a i l . . T h l ' l"s>Ull-U.-Ill - ill t l i i - . - u u ' U ^ r l l i r l l l

i- lu, l , ' , l iii Iht- I .Hi '^ . i i i iK t u t ill. u s tlii'.v i v - I a n - i l i t i , l , - , l u s r i i l l o w s ;n i . i v r i l i l i i - i r , l r i i , l m i d w n i i m l i ' i l . i !>tii>. | i . . - . i i i l r i ' i ' i ' l | i t s , Sl . ' l

T w e n t y I ' i l i i i i i i n s i n 1 IK- p r n v l n r t - o f . i - r v i ' i n n ' r c r t ' l p l s . $ H l . : l : l O ;iii i ,- l i i- , l l . i c i i t r i m n t W i . n . l r . j , , . , . , . i p i s , y n T . i S t t l . T h r

uho w ith eiuhi men wns si-oiuin^ nearSan .lose. The lieutenant and live menwere wounded nml one private killed.

Serjeant Leiloins of the Thirty-tilth in-fantry wns badly wounded iu an ambush.


for tho

A n i o r i c u n l - ' o l l n M - e r n t»f M o h n t i l n i l - ( I .

KKNOS1IA. Wis., April 2;t. -Tw-u near BiiMuiini:. I.lrutfniiiit Balch of thotli.iiuiilul Aini ' i i r i ius . iirr.irilini; Iu Sli-ynnKrst'.fT Vi i tn i l sky , luivt- cnihriu-t-tl M,»-hiiniint 'ilanisiii s inro tin- (-IHIUI-I-HM of n»-liRiinis nt tin- Wni-lil's fair li-d T i i i k l s h ; t in ' i n s u r g r n t a were ki l led.niisxiniinrii'K tn iiiiiliM-tiiki' I lie t a s k ofsL-L-klliK c u i v r r t s in tht! Uliitt'tl Hlutua.

Illunlll of 1 SIC,t umouutui l\u IflKill.Hlia.

{1-11I111I N<MV York (lulilllold,0ANASTOTA. N, Y., April S l . -D. M.

Tllltll' "f this villlll'r tillH illst'llVl»|-t'llThii-ty-Ki'vt-nth In lan t r j - with 70 uiuu h a d ! l '"»l 'x '<< K"l>' "«' > ' u r " n " ' >'iit la nota live hour s ' HRIU wi th 400 inBursontB l a Hki'l.v tu ''iijuy l l i r liriii'tlta tu ln> ili'rlvi'ilthp N u c v a Tacer i ' s d i s t r i c t . T w u n t y of Hi, i-.'litmi. H.v 111.- iinivUli.iw of 11 > , ' « '

a re k i l d .Colonel Smith nf tho Sovotitoenth in-

niurl t i iN Flnok tn Ht. Petcr'H.UOMK, April 1!1.- T w e l v e thmisniur

pUtfiims. am..ilk' whnm were a.(MH) for-!

ci^nors. nltrmleil tln> pupal reei'pllim ut ISt. IVtcr's euthednd yeHtrrday. Tin*popo, who was supported hy -t(> curdlnala,lnnkffl woiHlrrfully well. He pnnioiiueedtin- lu-ni'dietioii in a el our vniee.

Connrcili 'Ul Hlver nl I In IIUIT I 'olnt. |lUtAIH-'Oitn. Vt.. April 'J:i. ThH'm.- i

net! lent i-i\"er is the hiu'lient for years Ihero nnd still risinc Portions of Hu-!Irnek of the Boston and Miiinn rallnitid;between here and Wells Kiver are under |uiuii.r A warm rain ix falling.

York stule law surli Uie pub-k

fnnt'ry, who captured General Montonf-ero and Immclit him tn Moailu, in in tho[solution hospital HU(Torino from Hinnll-pox, pres\nnul>ly ni tight from the Fili-pinos.

t'olnnpl Smith's nimmnnd captured 1R0 Jollieers anil men with Montoncuro. Tin1

otlieers were brniiKht to MnuUii. MontP-iU'Kio, whu wns formerly one uf the intmtdapper ndieeiH in the Filipino army, look

d h

lic property, and the (irHt man tou el a lin has a right to all the nrtielouametal* lie etiu uuetuth wllhin tho liinltH5f that ehiltn. Mr. Tuttle wan iKnunintnf the existence of sueli i\ law, but boal*)of hin neighbors woro not.

worn nnd.p

l ie Haj'H he IIUB ledjit terrible life for moiith.s, ami ho IUIH of-fried tu return in the uurtli with (VlunelSmith to cuileiivor tu pur.suuile liis furinercomrailes of (he uselessiieas of oppusln^the Amerinins,

(Jltanne iho livfir, purify Lh» hlnori, in-vi^ornto tliQ body by nfiny DeW'ilt.'H LittleEarly Hi"t>rH. Tbetie foiunuH littlu pills u'-waya act promptly. Wm. Gerard.

•^Dr. David KennedysFavorite RemedyCUBES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH *• ' • ' . . AND LIVER TROUBLES.

CITY OK MEXICO, April M . -' Mi;t't-nt Mexican

tnnlr iiml rcvcnucH have IIOMI iiubllslu'd.bI n l.ri VIMIVH (lu>

fi'iim .fai.^riO.vnliu* of I p t H bus

minunlly to $61.-onii,iK)(i. 'I'bc i-xpiii-is. whloh iirp rookon-iil uu n silver IUISIH, hnro ilst'ii from $4(1,-7'J">,lltMI tn .?HM.lUIO.nmi. Tl»> Hlnnip rov-cnui'd lmMt<iiKt.|| from $4,-17-l,(l(HI tn S-!>.-Urill.lHin. Tlu. ( foilrml ri'vomm luiarlai-n from S!17,tl21,0(Kt to $IH),'J7."),000.

" I think l),-\VUt'rt Lttllo ll.irly Itlni'iD nrotbo Ii HI pilln In Hi" world." Hiiyn \ \ . 10Lukti, Hoppy Or111k, Vu, They ruraovo allobitrnotions of tho liver nod buwoln. nutqahkly aud novat Rripo, W u . Gcrnril.




White Grapes





Fresh Roasted Peanuts


«i»ft'. AHvitvt r.-lttild,'. l,i»tllr«. tutk tiniRBlsl fl)T<-|IH-|H-:M'i'R-:it-M KN4JUINII In Itt-d itti.l<J»I,I 111 lull.,- I.,,,,.-,. m,itl,-,l will, bill,- Illlliou.Tllli l ' 111, Olll4-I>. ||«-niMI' «lllll|I|tr»IIM HIllMll-l i t l l imaui i t l liiillikllmiR. liny of your liriititfUt.,,r 1,,-u.l !«-. lit Mumps fur l*nrl lrul i i i -«. Tr« l l -!,,<•!,I,>l. ..i-l -' 11.11.-r n>r l.,t<ll,-»." mlrllrr.In l-«'tlirii l l n l l . 10,0011'IVslliitonlitlit. r oltt by.1(1 MriiHuw.s.

CIlIOllliaTKB 0HKM10AL OO.MOO .I lu i l lx iu Ni iunr r ,

Uantlun Ihll Pftpi

Russel Blauchard,Tonsorlnl Artist. RQCKAWAY, N. j .

Hot Towels and Bay Rumif desired.

I onrry a full lino of

UIGARS AND TOBAOOO.Agont fnr Dovor Stoitm Iiinudry.

John Nqrris,

Real Estate andInsurance..

IMretnl niul I'lompi Attoniion lilvrn to tiioBoating nn,I Salt-of rnipprty nn.t uolloctlou ofHunts. Money 10 Loan on II,nut 1111-I Mori



NEWJEEBEYWatoh Maker and Jeweler

koopa a a o l c t stock ofWATC1IKS. JKWKI.KY. l.i,()t:|vS, Sl'KOTACLKS

SII.VKIIWAUK, KTC.All ivork ilouc by him In wanvnloJ,

Ij iilluuilnl 10.

Page 3: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

Rockaway RecordTlmrmlay, April ;d,


Preacher Would Rid Humanity ofEcclesiastical Dogma.

Moves for o <rr<'d for All I7rna»itlfin* Mntlt' (tut of HM"l|i<ur* <iu

tatliiuk'—'I'ltluiiB Thni Itmu*' pvr Chrlt t t lana.

[Copyright, JUOO. by I-ovil» KlnpFTh 1WiLHliinfcUm. April HI

At a tlmti when the old IIIHCUHMIOII ofcrecdn 1H briny; vlfritrutiply and ttcunc-*whai blttvrly revived Milri (lUcournc)|i>f Dr. Tulnui£t» him u Hj)t'ctul inti>ri>Ht.,The t ex t 1H John x) U: "LOUHU himt m l let. h i m tro."

My l i l b l e in til t h e p l n r r of thin t e x tw r i t t e n all aver w i t h lead priii'Mm a r k s ni(i<)c a t I l j 'Uutny on t h e r u U mof t h e hciUKc of M a r y itnri Mt t r t l i a midIjtiy.iiniR. \ \ > (Unmount*-*! f r o m o u rhornet* cm t hi' wuy ii(t frcnn J n r d u u tot h e J.)cad Hon. l t r l l i u h y WIIK (lie mitu-inv r i'vt'iilii|f re t ri>ul nf .lemm, Aft«Tuprml lng ; t h r clu.v In tin- lint c i t y ofi lemimlot i i lie w m i k l cuiut ' nut t i i c r i ' i i l -intinl t'Vfi'y t-v ml ] i ( r t o t he ho lino ofIIIH t h r e e fIU-IHIH. I 1 hlul t U H ' oi 'eu-j m n t u of i h u t honne w f i o o r p h a n * ,l o r t h e f i i thcr nml m o t h e r u ro n o tin cu t luned . Hut I hi* hoii tiuil t w o

tfUUffhU'l'H 111 UK t llllVC l l l l i r r lU' t l pl"O|j-

« r t y , for i t i n u n t huvi> lu-en, ju<lyln^f r o m w h a t 1 HUW of t h e foundat ion!*n n d t h e a\v,v of t h e room* , tin o p u l e n th o m e . J-.ii/.uriih, th i 1 l i r n t h e r , WIIH n o wnt, tlit1 Jii'inl of t h o hoiiHt'liold, imd liinhlHcrN d f p r n d f d on h i m und werup r o u d of h i m , fo r In1 WIIH very p o p u l n r ,utid eve ry \un)y Ulcctl h i m , imtl t h m effirlH w e r e tipl<>n<lid (firlw- Miir t 1m, n>flrnt-ruU* litttiKL'la-cpcr, nut] M a r y , nFpir i tuci l lo , fettitiicwJiiit U r e n w y , liul nf-fi'ft i onn to mid HM frond n ^ i r l HH e o u h lb e f o u n d in a l l I'd lent I tit*. II til ouoduy i.a/iiiHiN jrnt nlel<, 'J'li<» ^Internw e r e In conntorn i i t . ion . F a t h e r tfoue,u n d m o t h e r geme, t h e y fe l l v e r y n e r v -ou« h'Ht. th t 'y IUHP t h e i r I m i t h e r nlfui.IMHCMIKO d id 11 H q u i c k vvnrli. How t h ep l r \ « hunt f o v e r hit* p i l l o w ! Not niviehb leep u b o u t t h a t luiiiKc—no s l eep a ttill.

1'Vnin 1 lie churn i ' t e i ' lu i leu ol I H T W I H Odeve loped , I j u d g u ihtit Mn it lm p r o -jwreU I ho IIICMIIOIIU'M a n d n m d e tempt.*Uiff (linld'H CJT food for I IH I j m u r U)j|»c-iUf a{ l )ic HiiiTuri'r, but M a r y p r a y e dtint] nobbed . WOI 'HC a n d W H P H I p ' t a

L n / a n i H u n t i l I ho doe l o r i m n o u n c o at h a t ho <litn d o no inonv T h r n h r l e kt h t t t wcul . u p f r o m \))iit. hoiiHt'hulil>vhen t h e Uts( b ruu t l i Itud !>ren d r a w nikml 11n* 1 wo Kifdrr'H \\<-n h d n y ledliy wyinpat h i / e r n In I o t he udji l ining1

r o o m nil t lume of UH r a n tttui^ln*1 \\)wluive hud o u r o w n l i e a r t s b r o k e n . I tu twhy \\I\H no t Jemiw t h e r e UH II*' httd noofW-n b o o n ? Kur n w n y i n t h e o o u n t r y(ll»t rlet H, priMichinfr. hr t i t lu j r ot \\vrnick, h o w u n f o r t u n u t o t fiat t MH uni-nlpo tcn t Doctor had not been at tha tilomvHtlc orluls .In I t r thnny. Whenut lnnt JVHUH arrived In Hothiuiy, Luz-hrus hnd been burled four duyn nndOUKolutlon hnd tit Ken pluce. In Hmtrltmntc t ho breat h\c»H body dUin-ifprntoH more rujtldly than In our«.) r I in mod lately lift or deeeaHL1, the1 l\ lind bft'i) nwaktMied Into life, \in-ItfiU'VorH inlfrht hnvr uaid ho WIIB only(n a coinntont1 «tjiti» or In n sort of(ratifc* tind by fioinr vlp"oroUH inni ibu-la t ion or powerful H( I mil hint vitali tyhml bti 'n rciit'wcd, No! Four daysilnul.

At the door of the nepulchrr Ifl nrrowd of people, but t lu« threo intiathuunorabli* uru JOM\IH, who wan tholamily frlond, nnd the two bereft bia-tiTB. Wo went Into tho trutii t ioualtomb otu» Ueecinbrr day, und It IK deepdown and ilurk, und wi th toreheH weexplored i t . We found It nil quietl h a t ufternoon of our visit, but theday Hpokrn of In the lUldr there wanpri'HiMit nn oxclti'tl mviltltude. 1 won-der wlwit Jt*HUH will dnV Ho orders(lie door of the #ruve removed, ami

OlCM 111* bOffll)» tO drHLMMUl tllO BU'pH,Mary nnd Mart ini rlom* af ter him, und(ho crowd fitter thorn. Deeper downInto the shttdowd and iJcopprl ' Thehot t ea r s of JOKUN roll o w r hln clirekiinnd plahli upon tlic htick of ljlsluuidfu Wore ever so many sorrowsI'ompreQHod in to HO Himtll a Npat'e imIn tlinti y roup prcsHlny; cm down nftorChrist, all the lime In-moaning tha tl ie hnd nut omnti bufoie?

Now nil tho wlilHpcrlng nnd ex 11 thebrylnpf nnd all the Houndu of Muif-i\\\\g foot arts RtoppcO, I t 1B tho HI-loner of vxpcctnuuy, Donth hnd con-t)iu»rrd, b u t now tho vnnqulRhor ofJlonth confronted tho icone. Amid IhoAwful hiiBh of tho tomb, tho fnmUUirmuno which ChrUt hud «fton hndupon I l ls llpfl In tho hoBpltnlitlon ofthe villn^o homo onmo buck t o Iliatotipruo, and wi th pnihon nnd an id-intf/litineRfl of which Mie rcHxincctionof tlio l««t dn'y ahull only bo an w h o ,Ho criew: "LuznniH, coino for th T*Tho oyoa of the nlumbortM' open, andho riven and cotnon to tlio foot of thoni cpu nnd wi th ffrcot rtlfTletilty bofflnRto ftrtcond, for tho oerementfl of t hot o m b ftro y e t on him, nnd his foot nrofnut nnd Ma Imnria tu*o fnftt and thoImpedimenta t o nil hid movements n reft? g r e a t t h a t .TCBUB ooiniaanda: "Taku

o f f t h i ' M - c c r c r i i n i f i ' ! lUtiunr thvhv

h i l K i r n n e f f - ! I ' t i f i i M e n ( l i e ; e i?ruvv-

r l o t l i e h ! I . O O K C h i m . i m d I d h i i n ^ o ' * '

O h . 1 : m i M I (.Mud i l i i i i u f l i - r i in- ! , i>n!

n d m - d I . n / i i n m II i- w i - n i «m m u i n u n

l i u m d e d t i n - I M O M M I I U , ' o f l i , , . c u i d »

t h n t i H i t n u l l m I r r l HO t i n t ) h r e u n l d

NMilli u m l l l i e b r e w U l n ^ d f t h e e r i e -

i n e n l - i t l i n t I m u n I I n , l u i i i d h i-i) t l . i t

h e e o u l d h t r e t e h m i l hiw i i rni t - . i n n n l u -

U . t l n n u m l ( h e t e a r i n g idT n f t h e b u n d -

i i f /e f r o m i i n n i n d h l ^ ju\\pK n o l l m l h e

e o u l d u j H - n U . W h u t w m i l d r e M i r r e e i e d

l i f e l i n v i i l»i"i-n \o L t i / . i m i K If h e h u d

H o t lit*i*n f r e e d f l u t n (ill t h o h c e r l p ] d i > -

l i i c i i l r t of \\\h b o d , v V 1 n u i ^ l i u i I h u t

C h r U t comiuaiul tul h U coinpU' te eimiu-c lpu t io l ) , t i i iyln^: "lxione liltn, nud letlit in o . "

'J*)ie u u f n r t u n u t f th lnjr n o w 1B t h a t• o mnny ( hrlNtlmiH H I T only half- l ib-c r u t c d , 'Ihry huv r br«*o ruiwrd f romt h e dcn t l i antl Inirful of HID I n t o npfrlt-unl life, b\ i t t h e y yet have t he frnm*>clothcH i\\\ t h e m . T h e y n re , like Luz-briia, h o h b l i n ^ u p t h e n ta i rn of t h rt o m b b o u n d hnnd nnd foot , und t h eo b j e c t of th in Ht'imon IH to he lp frr<*t h o l r body und free t h e i r wmls , a n d1 Himll t r y to obey the. Munler 'n com-m a nd t h a t (uinios t(j rnr a n d eoinen t o••very m l n I n t e r i)f r e l i g i o n ; "Lootie^liui, and let h i m fro!"

Muny a r e biMind bl ind nnd foot by r e -liyloiiH ereedh, Let no nnin ini^itiUT-J)i'il1 lite n.H tint IIK"<>M1/IMJ; e i i e d u . Ihnve oiffht »r I r u of \ lie in u ere^'duboiit. r t ' l i^loi), ii e reed u In nit a r t ,u c r eed itlxmt suclnl life, n cri 'ed nboug o v e r n r i i r n t , nut) MO on. A <Teed IHt i d i n d h itijr t h«( ti utitn Ix-Iit-M'", w h e t h -e r i t b r wri t t en o r tin v»*rl I leu. Tl ieJ 'reHtiytt ' r lnti chi i re l i in tioiv off 11 (i! eda h o u t itH e r e e d . Some ^<HH\ men Init a r e for Ueep in^ it, ticcniiM* it. WIIHf r a m e d f rom t h e helfef of J o h n ("nl-vin . O t h o r jyotid men in it wimt vv-vUion. 1 tun w i t h n e i t h e r pt irfy. In-Htetul of revinion I w a n t Kut>Htltti(ion.1 wan worry t o h a v r I h e (pie^ticin IHH-t\ii*bi'd ut al l . T h e ci 'eed d id not b in-d e r UH f rom o f f e r i n g t h o p u r d u n nndtl io c o m f o r t of t h o (JOHJIOI t o nil m e n ,n n d t h o W e s t m l n H t e r Con ten t ion himnot inierferod with mo ono minute.H u t n o w Uni t t h o e l e c t r i c Uf/htH h a v ob e e n t u r n e d on t h e I m p e r f e c t lout* oft h n t c r e e d — n n d e v e r y t h i n g Unit min ifnwltlimH i» Jmpe r f e t ' t—le t \IH pu t t h eold e r r e d r o n p e e t f u l l y UHUIO <ind jft«ta I m m d n e w one .

Whiil- « t i m e wi» Jitivo Imd w i t h t h edofrrmitlt'N, flic ri{)olt>^reiitiH nnd t h eh e r m e i i o u l !c«. T h e (It-feel in h o m e oft h e erecdH IK ( h a t they 1 ry lt> lell UH allul)oiit t lie (ii'creeH nf (in*I, Ntnv t h eonly h u m a n h e i n ^ t lui t \ \ IIK C U T r c i n -peti-Mt. to hiitulk1 t itu t MI hjt 'cl Wiiwl 'uul , und he w o u l d nut h t i \ e heen e<tm-p i ' t c n t hud he not lu-cn iu>>|>ii'rd. 1 be-llevi' In the Hovcrc l^u ty uf ( i o d i m d I be -liovo in niau'H free a g e n c y , but n o tinec a n bi i rn ioui / .e t he t wo, 11 is not n r e c s -miry t l iut we l innnu i i i z e t h e m . K \ c r yhc rn idu t h u t 1 h u w e v e r lu i i rd tltrit n t -t e m p t e d MII-II l i ; i r inoi i i /u t ion was in mea M c U*n r a s u 1 *o iuI o 11 f 11^, u H e I e af unJinnl. My b r u i l i e r of i h e n i n e t e e n t hf e j j t u r y , my b r u t h e r of i h e s i x t e e n t hc e n t u r y , ffivo UH 1'IIUI'H Hta l r im-n t unill e i i u ' o u t y o u r ov\ n. l l e t t e r one cl iaj i-t e r of P a u l mi t l iul n u b j e e t t l iun nil ofCdlvld'H i n s t i t u t e s , nblc ittid honent a n di n l p h t y tin t h e y l i re . I ) o n o t t ry to m e a s -ure, e i t h e r t h e t h r o n e of Hod o r t h et h u n d c r b o l t H of ( iud w i t h y o u r l i t t l eftlecl p e a . Whti t do y o u k n o w n h d u t t h rtlvcreeM? Vou c i inno t p r y o p e n t h ed o o r of Ood'ti e t e r n n l coui inets . V n uCUD no t e x p l a i n t h e myBte r i cn of ( i o d ' s( f o v e r n m e u t n o w ; m u c h lens t h e inyK-tvrieB of Hi s g o v e r n m e n t live h u n d r e dq u l n t i l l l o n yeni'H iiffo.

1 move for u c r e e d for nil o u r do-n o m i n t i t l o n B imulc o\i t of S c r i p t u r eq u o t a t i o n s p u r e a n d tdinple . T h a twoii ld t a k e t h e e a r t h for (Jnd. T h a iw o u l d be Jinpreffnuli i* u^iiliiKt inf idel-i t y aii(l» A p o l l y o n l c a s u a u l t . T h n tw o u l d be b e y o n d h u m a n c r i t i c i s m .T h e d e n o m i n a t i o n , w h t t t e v r r I t s n a m ebe, t h u t ettn r l so u p to t h n t wi l l bet h e church . <»f t h e ITI I I len t i lum, wi l la w n t l o w u p a l l ot h e r d e n u m i i m t ion*u n d be t h e one t h u t wi l l be t h e b r i d ew l i n i t h e J t r ide j r room c o m e t h. l.tlMH mi\Ue It s i m p l e r a n d pint no r forpeop l e t o fcret i n t o t h e k i n g d o m ofGod. Do no t h i n d e r peop l e hy t h eideii t h n t t h e y m n y no t luive beene l e c t e d . D o no t tnjf on to t he ono r»-a e n t l a l of fu l th in Chr i s t a n y of I h oi n n a m e rub l e none - s s in t iu l s . A m a nw h o h i ' t i r t l l y tu'i 'eptH I 'hr lht is aC h r l v t i u u , u tul t h e nuiu w h o doeu no ta c c e p t Hin t IH n o t u 1 'hr in t Ian , a n dthut 1B all there IH of it. He need nutbellow in elect Um or reprobation, lieneed not bellow in the eternal gen-eration of the Won. He need not be-lieve in overlustlu^ punishment. Honeed not believe in' infuut baptism,lie need not believe in plenary in-spiration. Knitli In Christ in thu uri*terlon. Is the teat, IN Ihe pivot, is theindispensable.

Hut there are thono who would nddunto tho te*t« ntthcr fhim nubtrnetfrom them. There are thouwiinihH whowould not accept pcrttomt Into CIHUTIImemberHhip If they dilnk wine of Ifthey enioko ci ufH or If they attendthe thenter or if they play cards orIf they drive ft fuM home. Hut do notaulmtltuto tt'MH which tin* Hllile doesnot cMubllKh, There in one puftsuge ofScrlptviro wide cnoxi^h to let uli Inwho outfht to enter un*I to keep outnil who ougl\t to bo kept out: "Be-IICYO in tho Lord Jesus Christ nndthou.hhnlt bo Knved." (let u (nun1*hourt rlfflit, uml hlH life will bo ripht,but uow that t'ho old ur\ 1« huvu been

p u t u n d e r p u l i l i i r M I u l i n \ , i t o i u c t l i i n ^ r

i i t d i t t i ! l i n n 1 b e d o n e . S o m e w m i l i l

K p i i t t h e m , h o m e w o u l d c u r v e t i n i n .

t o l n e w o u l d e l o n g a t e 1 h e m . h t t i n e

w o u l d n b ' . j i T v i u t e t l i t - in A t t h e prt-N

e u t u i n n i e i i i a n d i n t h e p r - ' u n i s l i t i | K

t h e y a r t - a h i n d r u n e e . l . h / i u u t It. t i l i \ r

b u t h u m p e t e d \\i\\i \Uv u l i l ^ i uv e

r l u l h e r . I f y o u w i n i t u u e j ; i o r i m i s

c h u r c h , f r e t - a n d i m i n e t t u i b t r i -d t n l u

uJT l i t e e e r i - i n e i i l t . c f o l d f c i l i - M m l u - i i l

v u c u b u h i j - y . L o o i . e h e r , u n d l e i h e r ; M > '

A ^ f t l n . I h c i e n vv t ' l i r i . " t m n s i\ tu t u t «•

u t > d e r h e [ ) i j ) e h i u ) fchndow K u n d f t -a i H

mid h o p p l e d ,,_v d f )Uh!> . n\it\ Unwu u n d

*iUH l<»Jif» »f.M» r e p e n t i-(I o ( \N hf i l t h e v

h e e < l IK t o u m l e r M u I H ) t h e l i b i - i \y ut

t h e «I(J(IM o f ( i c x l 'I Jtt v .f j< itiJ i i i o i r

f l u i e u n d e r t h e u l i f t d o w nf S l i n i l ! h » n

l i t t h e h a he o f C a l V u r y . 'Vhr\ t u . v t*

been binpinff the only potir hvmii thaiNewton ever wrote;

'Tin h point I I(iii | to kiiuw.(tf( It cauwt* (itijtKitiif ihoutrht;

Vv ] Jov»» ihi> l o r d ui iu. •Am I 11 1B or mn 1 nut '

I,oi>n \<j It n o w , t lo y o u ? W h v d o y o uwot t\m\ o u t ? O D tt> wor l i for t i o d .(ittd y o u wi l l v e r y noon tlnd civit T h em a n w h o in nil t h e t i m e fe<-)h)^ IIIHpt l lde 1111(1 lotrklltff a t ItJH [vn^Mr lt> Nei-w h e t h e r 1( in contf<t In iu<>v\t'u\ u n deiuiut t t he p h y s i c a l l y ivell, Tl><- d o e t o rwil l Bay: "<i<> o u t I n t o t h e fre*li » l ra n d i n t o a e l i v e life tiud n i o p i l n u k i i ^ 'of youi'Meif, a n d yo t i wi l l | / e t wr\l a iu lh t i D i i ^ " So t h e r e n r e p e o p l e w h o (irewittchli iff t h e i r n p i r i t u u ! t A m p t o m x .mul they call 11 ueif eMuuiua i luu , a n dt h e y pet weaUllcr und uleUlier In I h r l rfnl lh all the t ime . '-<» oui und i,V>hi i n e t h i n j , ' n o b l y C ' b i U i l a u , T a l t e h o l y

f x e r e l n i ' u n d t h e n e M I in m e y i m r H e l f ,

i t n d I n s t c f i d of N e v v t o n ' H b u l u r n l u e a n d

bi l lo i iN h . v n m t h n l 1 t l r s t < | n o t e d y o u

w i l l Nliitf N ( * \ v l o n ' n (it h e r h y m n :

Ainu dug ^rurt\ )u>\v Mut-fi tho »<HindThnl HIIVIMI a wren h like m»'

I oiHd WUH lout, lutt now tun found;Wun blliul, but now 1 ni'i>

Wbivt muny of you I'lirlstltinn mriHtDeed IH to get your grnvrclotheH otY. 1

j rejoice that you huvo been brovi(fhtfruin tlie denth of htn to the life otthe Uonpel, but yoti need to pet yoitihand 1OUM>, und your feet IOUHI1, undyour ton/,'vie Inone, und your KOUIlooHp. There ia no win thai the HI hie*o urnii^nN and puneturett and iln^cl-In lew II.M the HID of unbelief, ami thutIN whtit 1H tiie mut te r with you. "Oh,"you H«y, "if you know whnt 1 onee w»aund how nuijiy i imr» I hnve ^jievoiiH-ly stntytul you would umlerNtnnd whyI (lo not ccttiu* out b t i^ l t te r !" Then 1think you would en 11 yourself t herhief of Hlnnei'H. 1 utit f,rl<t*l you hitUpon that term, for 1 tune n protnUot Lint ft t H iulo your ense as the cu^s ofone wheel between the ro^n of atutlh-cr w heel of an t he key li t M into (helub\ ri til)iM of it luck.

A m it h " l m WUH nun- eitlleii Sim I,bid nfierwiinl 1'util, dee I tired : "Thisis u faithful N«yln^ and worthy of nilaecejit lit Ion \ hut ritrlnt .1 estis eamrinlo the world I o MI ve hi u lit N, ofwhom I tun chief." Murk t h a t - " u fwhom 1 am ehlef." "1'tit iluw u your(>vi-rrunts n nd hut H, and 1 will 1 likecure of them whilo you kill Stephen."

j Ku Saul said to t he htoneiu oi t )\t>II ml nuirtyr. "1 do not earo to ex-e r t mynelf much, but I will £uard/ o u r mirplna oppnrel while you doIho murder ." Tho New Ttwtnineiit ac-count wiyw: "Tho witnetuwti laid downthe i r clothrH at n youn^T IIHID'N feel,whone muno wus Stiul." No wonderhe tmid; "Sinners, of whom 1 um th/*ehlvf."

ChrUt ifl usi-d to climblnpr. Heclimbed to the top of the temple. Heclimbed to the top of Mount Olivet.Me climbed to the top of the elitVwtibout Nartireth. He climlieii tn thetop of Ciolftotha. And to the top oftho hlllu and t he mount inns of yourtrniiHjf roHslon Ho IH re tidy t o v liuthwith jmitlon for pvory ono ot vnu.Tlu» fjroan rtf Calvary is might ier thanthe thunder of Sinul. V\\\\ receipt \*offered for nil your Indebtedness. Ifone throws a utone tit midnight intoit bush where the- lunljre bird roosts.It Immediately befrlnti to slu^, andInto the midui^rhl hrdjje» of your<lCMpt)iuleney the»e words 1 hur l , hop-In^" to nwitken you to anthem. l>ropthe tune« in the minor Uey nml takethe major. Do you think it pleasesthe Lord for you to be carryinf?around with you the (JebriN und enr-I'UHses of old t nin^preswionH V YounuiUe me think of HOIIIO vhtp that h»»hnd a teinpeMUOUK tlmt* at HCII itntlnow thut it proposes another vt>y«^eUecpH on Its duvils the chitnii(te<l life-bout H uml the Hpltutera of u »hlv-ered niant und the broken JJIUKB of ftsmashed nkyliK^'- My advice in:Clear the ilccku, overboard with ailthe Mamaped r i s i n g , br ighten up theBulled KmokestiieUs, open u new IOR-book, haul In the plunk*, luy out t\new eourne anil H«I null fi>r Heaven.You liavo hud the spir i tual dumpshmff enough. You will pleune thoIx>nl more by belnp huppy thnu bybcin(f mlBcrable.

Heaven is flV per cent, be t t e r thanttilft world, n IIH>\IKUIH\ per cent, bet-ter, a million per eent, be t te r . Takethe glttririent, brlphteM, most jxiblluntduy& you ever Imd on ear th und eouvpreset them all into one hour, und thaihour would be n requiem, n IRKI di V,n gloom, ft horror, UH compared withthe poorent hour they have hail inHeaven ulnce ItH tlrst tower \vn» builtor ItH first gale K\\ mifr <*v **• rtti aongcaroled, "Oh," you any, " tha t maybe true, but I am no afraid of eron»-lnp over from this world to the next,and I teux the- suupping of tho cord

b e t w e i n i-oiil m i d h u i i v " W e l l , till Ui.-

t. ui (.' r i r n n u m l p h \ n c i t i iih n m l M - U - n f i r-1*

( t i t ' ! a i r t h u t I In i r it, n o |Miiij.; .,1 t lu-

ll fc u. i n \ I ' l u i i i u r v . a m i m i i l n i r i M ^ n!

nil A m i I Uf-n-e w i t h t l i r d m t o ) * , fur

| w b u t i h e y »•»> ih e o t i l i r m i - d I v I h r

J l u e t t h u t p r i r u i i h w l m w e r e d i u w n n i

. u r w e n * Mi i i i iMTpe i l u n t i l a l l eu i iM' i tn iH-

ju-hh i l f j i u r l n l ut id w e i r it 11 c i \> a n l r e -

i . i n . i ' i m t e d d e c l a r e U n i t t i u - t.e u t ut m u

Ot pUhMlif; in l o i! in u i i M - . u u t I H M . w u u

j i l n i M i r u b l e i u l h e r t h t i n i tn . t re t -MuL.

i T h e riif-'t- o f t h r b o d y hut t u it n o r o n

j vut-y h l n ^ ' r i i . u i u l v v b r n l n u t t l u ; r o f

1 t h e p l iVMej i l r i i f j r u p u i h t h e F>UU)

fviiiiJJJ>• \>utu o n i i t * w i n ^ i - u n i l k o n i h ,

" H u t . " y m huy " J f i -nr t o fin l i r -

('IUI6C t h e fu t n n . IN M I fu l l of n i V h t c r v "

W r i l . 1 w i l l t r l l y o u huvi t o t i r n l tht*

h i v M e t l c * . T h r in,v«t**rlei* h n v r e r n s r t l

t u > t h t t l u ( r m e , tor I d o tt» t hV j m l ^ e n of

y o u r c o u r t * o f t e n i lu, TJiey^. h e n r t i l l

t h o urpf m n r t i i t i let t h e c u h r ft fid t h r y

n a y i " 1 ^vii 1 f u k e t t t e t e ptt jw*r* mn)

f- ivr y o u m y d r r i n i o u m - x t wr*-U " S o

1 h a w - h r i i r d n t l f t i iv u i ' ^ u u i f n t H In r e -

^ftuil t o t lie t i f M w o r h l , u n d r<oiii«

ilMujfH m e iiniM r t u i n n i u l fvitl o f iny l i -

ter .V. u m l i'O I f o l d u p t h r p u p t r n u n d

r t ' M ' r v v u n t i l t l i o n e x t w o r l d m y *lts-

e l s i o u u b o u t t h r i n . I e u n t h r r e n 1 u t l y

n i l t h o m y M o r U ' r t t o b u t t e r t u i v u i . u i ^ v ,

f o r t h o l l ^ ' h t w i l l hv b o t t r r n n d m y

f u e u l t l e M Ntv<>ii{rer, u n d 1 w i l l UKU t h n

t ' t i r l h t I n n p h l l c i s o j i l u T H . w h o b « v o h u d

n i l t l i o i i d v i m t itjyeN (if H i ' i i v r i i f u r r e n -

t n r l e * , t o h e l p m e u i u ) 1 t u n y b e p e r -

m i t t e d m y s e l f i m n i U l v t o unit t h e Lore ! ,

a n d 1 t h i n k t h e r e ^ ill l ie o n l y o u r

m y s t e r y l e f t ; t h n t w i l l b e h i i w o n e M)

n » w i > r ! h > uh iiiVKelf j , rot i n t u n u e h u n

*'i l i ' i ipl n r e d p l n e e t ' o n i e vip n m o f t l i o

M-jMilrlMii) s h t u b > w » . If \ mi un< l in t

Cl i r lMl i iMN b y f j i i t h In O i r i w t . m m i e u p

In1 (i t ) i e ! l | .Tht ; u n d if v m i a r e u l r t u u l y

l i k e 1. II r» iuf>. r r i o i i i m i I IM|, I m t Ht ill

h i i v r y<rttr j r n i v r r l o t l i e w o n . f,ret r i d of

t h e m T h e e o t u n u i l t d I N : "LooHt 1 l i i m ,

n n d l e t h l t u y o . "

_Dr.David Kennedys

favorite RemedyCUUES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH • '

• - AMP Liven Titouuixs.J. I I'urmm, Prutlmitotory, WVl\.t HH)B, " I llltVO ((HH)ll KiXhtl 1>V"|>I'|IHUTurt* M\ txu'llrn' rtMiimlv In oo«t» of slnin-ixcli lro<ik>l<<, nml Intvp derived ^rcttt Wnirtlifrnin it- iu(v" Ii .llwentw wt>nt you rut hudeuanut full to curt*. U'm (i^rttrd






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I (vpttMicnt ihotH^l iMiupanUs, Will uinko y^up**rA>ijtly until iti om«'oi rtiv, l%rovuh» you with

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7«r. IO, a".

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t u u l \ i j ) \ v u n i h M i ! i j * ' C ( ( d d n t f { . a t ttn>

r a t e t i f ' 1 ' h r t ' c l \ ' t ( \ < n ( | » > r i t n t i t i i t i f r o m

( I K 1 d i i l c o f < l < - | n i s i i t u t I ) ) w i l i j i l n i w i i J .

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^ t ^ 1 l ^ ' S - - ^ ; H ) • i . 111.

Kniin Mmmi l h i p r - ^ a inI'lniu HiiKTiiiii -y : l l )n in.l i o t n Nivv \ u i | i , l.tti<h<rtl It ltd ^'t 'CUTU M f t t r s —

l»::»'» in.I'luiii 1KIM>I-, Mivfti l i r i i l fo ulul I 'CMIN,\ iViinia— Ui

I mm l KI IVlUli-J UUlihl -l

I n ' i n M u n i - t o w t i N e w York, K«*'<>i n Mini Wtt*lITU MMti'W-flritt 11 111

K m i u UilHTiun HIKI M n i w U n - i i t l o |t. inI M ) 1 \ M T I I K

MmW -•!••-'• h»r Mi'lTlniKKll Nrw \ o t k [Cu- l rn iutul » i'»h i n ">tnii-s - : ifr :j in

l-'iu i i i i ' i-uj) i iiii-i \ i » iv ( • : •» - - in ii inr m It- w i . Nrw \ o ik iiu. I I'ciiii > \\ i i l iui- ^ :l'i u.

In|\T Mtttttil Hd|»f- l i : 1.1 ii in

l M \ \ K

] ' M | t l i 1 " I |j>ti i i h i l M m i t ' l la — O " 1 Vf in

t i l iH'vrt, HiiekoMdtuwn a tut4:i" )> in.

i^;lisl(l poiu li for Nt>w ^ ork (nr| . \ H i t H i - i i : 4 i i \\ ill

utul \\ e

l» l U J I l l - .1

B O Y E A R 8 *


COPYRIGHTS AC,n *krteli mul iioncripnon mat

vrtntn cirr (i|iHit.>» rnm wloilior nni t i U tilr ( i | H t » rn

fK'itt TrfH. itlilom nk-iMii'X for Kocurlnu imlonu .l*i\ii't»t!« ink on tli»>iti:li Mutiu & I'n. rtK'ctYQ

Scientific Hmcricnn.mlnti H t

o«r fmir moititm, f 1.

MUNN&Cititm, f 1. ^ o i i l l ^ n l l n n j i i o n l r r n ,

UNN&Co.S(i lB""-" New YorkUri%iK-ti 0HI.V, lOS K S t . \Vn»imii»<>n, D. U

Dyspepsia CureDigests what you cat.

It »rt Itldully dies is t ho fund nnd aidsNuturo In strvn)!tiii'iilii|t and rvcon-struotinp Uii'oxliiuistod dlpi'sllvo or-puns. It Is tlu1 latest dlscxiv<>roddifr«ist>

, tint and tonic. No otlicr preparationcnu up|iMiioli It. In ollli'lcnry I t In-smtitly rellcvosaml |H>riunm>nil.veurosliys|>ops'a, ltidljwsth>n. Hoiinburn,I'iiitulontv. Sour Stnmiirli. N a

n G CS k k n a r t , ( j p ,all other results of liuporfoctdlifestlon

Prepared bv E C. DoWlu ft Co., Ct)lcag»-

O«nlr»l R. R, ol Now Jen*T.(All'llCACIlr (Mill IUIMI MNcltlHlvoUv IQ!tUrl&ff

l-Uvttlllnos. itlul r,»IHI"Vt.)T l m r Vnblr III of f .v l ^ o v . lt». !«>(<

T w i n * U'rtvi> lti>< ki iwuv it»rNrw York. Sewnrk nml KHMIM in at « n n. ra.,

s i s . 4i i». inIKIVIT nnil I V n oriini ii » i a. m. . (1 4Mhl» in i in

run^ mi \ViHliii'Mlii\» i\i\A SiUuMnya only) a In,.\ 41 ft tt \l Ul.

MMl,m« lo lll|!ll Iliulcv K ;"-' II. 111.. 3 IS. S 41 p .

' rh tn u i\ ni., 4 In |v n\l lnpnimi i i : « « » « m. ( i d p. nt thlo i ra in

w uYttit^OiUVn mul SaiurilnvB only), fl v> p .


Knstmi nml stntuui* 1,1 Mancli chniik. i n ,^. m.. n 19 i* 41 In i itirntii )i in

lhilmli-l|iliin. »ri n, i«..:u«, !t4i p. m.J . II OMIXUSEN I I , V. U»I.DW1N

tjcu-l Sut>i. Qcu'l l'ass. Am

Page 4: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

Rockaway RecordI ' l l l l l l s h r . l II W i - r k 111 t i l l ' l i l l c

W . I V I ' l l l i l ^ l l l l l C l l i l I L M - . K i i e k l l W i

M n ' r r i - . ( \ M I i l l v . N < ' \ \ . I I T M ' V l n i l . - p .

i h n l . l i u t m i l n r i i l n i l m l u i l i t i i 1 -

W M l i l ' U I ) . . l i t . l v l i h ' r i i i n l I ' l i ' i "

' l ' l i u i > i l . i \ , A p r i l 2 ( 1 . l i j o o .

Special Notice.( \ > | > l i ' - , i i f I l l H p : l | n T I1IHV h i ' I ' n l i m l n i l

t i l l ' 111 \ V U S I M I I ( , ' I I I I I U I t i n . n t U i ' i ' n l ' n i i r ;

s p i ' i - l i i l r n r r i ' i . | i n i i i l i ' l i l , K ( i S l i r i r i ' l - n . H I S i

] ' ' S i r i ' i ' l , N . \ V . W a s l n i i n l o i i . 1 ) ( ' |


D u r i n i : l l n 1 i n i m t l i o l A p r i l t l i r

. i t l i ' t i l n i M n l \ V « Y o r k a m i l i i o o k - ;

] y n p e o p l e i s l u n i i ' i l t n t i n 1 11>1111 -

t ry H I t i n 1 - c m h l u i M I I H U I U I I

I n i n u - v 1 -I v r i \ i I ' . u l r r n l I l i r

K i' L o w 11 i n K i a k .i \\ ,i \ c a n p i (>11-

. i l i l v l i i i i n l i e l M I I I I I 1 l l i i ' i n l I n 1 1 \ ;

i n I h i - i i ' \ u l l " w n i i l i l I n 1 m i l l

l o o p K • i - . i • I h i l l l , l L r i M I I I >< M < M l _; l l

, 1 \ i s l t . l l l h -> . t 1 1 f l i t I ' l l u . 1 p i "

p e l I y I ' M m ; l l l I " I I n - 1 1 1 . l l l i I . I I

\ i u i i l n i i ' l l e e l l i k r \ \ I I I I I I : . ; \ • m i

1 1 I I M H I a l i - t U - i . M ' i n l l i n n . 1 i " p v

i . | t h r K I - . 1 > U I " l l l . l t I i l l l l . l l l H

a r t i c l e 1 - ' I e l . i l i v e t o I I n - I n n I H I L ; I I .

T e l l l l i i ' i n . i l i i i i i t " i i r i n i i u i i t a i i i s .

n u r na tu ra l M c n e r y , our ni.icaila- j

mi zi'il s lrci ' ls , beaut if u 1 ilri\ i-s. j

w a t e r w o r k s , c lcctr i i l ie .hu.

i hur i lies, si IKIOIS, i-lulls, anil the

Ininilreils of a t l r .u t ions whi i l i <>

to m a k e this tlu- most des i rab le

p lace near N e w Y o r k in which t

m a k e a h o m e .

Docs tin; c o u n t r y rea l ize tha t

t h e r e a re nine si-I.s of landi i l i i t es

for t he l ' res i i lencv this yi-nr?

W e l l , t he re a r e . There is l l rymi ,

M c K i n l e y .mil Dewi-y to he^ in

wi th . T h e n c o m e the miilille of

t h e roa t le rs , the aiHi- impi ' i ia l isU,

t h e prohib i t ion is t s , the Delis

c r o w d , the S i n g l e T a \ e r s anil,

l a s t hut not leas t , s o m e N n l v

n o n i i n a t e d I l o h s o n mi a " j j l o r y "

p la t form near ly a year aj,rti, we

d o n ' t r e m e m b e r iust when or

\\ h e r e .

T h e H o u s e s e e m s wi l l ing to

r e d u c e t axa t ion , hut t he " W i c k e d

S e n a t e " refuses to p e r m i t it to do

so. l ' oss ib ly the (act a new

H o u s e will he elec ted this Fall

whi le oyer two- th i rd s of t he

S e n a t o r s a r e sa le for at least t w o

year s yet . has s o m e t h i n g to do

with t he foe lint; in the ma t t e r .

Now S e n a t o r I ' latt g ives it to

b e u n d e r s t o o d t h a t R o o s e v e l t is

to be m a d e civil g o v e r n o r of the

P h i l i p p i n e s at t h e end of his

s e c o n d t e rm as g o v e r n o r of New-

Y o r k . W o n d e r w h a t T e d d y

t h i n k s of this p ropos i t i on 5

A KiMilurkv ^raiul jurv hasnulifU'd only ion men for the as-sassination nf Mr. Got-lu'l. Suchmoiloration is fiiiiiicntly lu'littiu^T h e cnunlrv thnu^lu t'icy incatUto make: it a sort of loiind-robiua t fai r.


I t K L . U I M ) * I I I . . 11 « n HH U n r d , H u t T t i l H

A < M - O U I I I I V i n r i - l l t«» H i *

O l l i r r % \ I M .

] I I T S M I H I " r u n 1 J i i< n t a I i . ' . i l i ; '.'" in- i . s n

f u r r r ! - j i u i n l c i i l <>f i 1,-4 I ' I i i ! ; n l t • i p h i a

l i l i n ^ . I t s u i i i M . - s | i r i i f : i l i f . l u i l i.s i I V

i ' l ^ M b l V . l l i l t l i l l l " \ | H - o h a l n l i l > . i l u W l s

i i . s c \ i : . l i n n ' H> l l n - r u n t i i i i - u t a l n i l 1 -

r i ' i H ' \ n l r r \ n i i i t m i i i i i ' \ f a m i ' o r i l s

l u u i i i i T l r l l . l u l l i n g t h r i l a r l s r s i i ! ; i \ s

o i t h i - i r M > l u t i u i m r v v\ u v , \ \ l n - n t l i t '

r i ' t ' i l i t o f i l n > f i > n l i i i i ' i i t i i l y i i M - r i i i n t - n l

W I I H n t i t , 1- l o w e s t r l t h n a i l I I n 1 r i ' t i r i i i p -

i i < n i u f i t . - . I ' l i r r n i r v " t ^ n . v e i l u i i h t .

i h i . s C U I T « - I U \ l i m l i l i ' p i ' t M ' i a t r i l t o M i r h

U H r x l r n t ( l u l l w e u r c i - o l i ] i l rvi\ u i r t ' d

$1)1 HI o f i i . s f l H ' U \ J I l l M ' I n | M i r < l l H M ' (L

^ i M i t l M I l i s t II I I ! i a 1 | >n i i o f b o o t s . N o t .

t - t i i i t r n t \ M i h t h i s i l u p l n r u l i l r f i i m l l t i n n

o f t h i n g s , h n w i U T , V i i n l v r i ' i n ^ r i i u i I,\

>{r\ i . s t ' t l a M i b s l H i l l " ( r m i i i l i T f i ' l t ) f o r

1 M s r i i r r » - i n - \ . m n l w i n n l h » " - r . - p u r i t i i i s

I i n M ^ - r u n i c ll i n 11 r 1 I Hi H o I ii1*.: I I I X I c l l 1 -

t n - i U M I o f h i i n K i i H I r i i i l s l l w ; i s I h r i r

i U M u r n 111 • i .i : n | i u | ) < i u l I I I i n t t n ' I . ; i l i n

u n j . ! i I n m i n i i i i i.- I f i i i I I - il I . < T i n i t s

u I , I n , \ i n ! r<\ I ' m i n " < ! n i n " 1 t i n s n u l l I I L ;

n , . » r r n t I t I ! \ w ' > r i h I ' v v • " " L' ' u n i 1 i |

, | • „ " ' . l , , , , ' • , , ' I I M M i l M i n i i - I . i l l l • - l l ; . -

, , . . . . I I , . . , , - : , ! i , i ,1 i ; , ' u m ' • ' . . [ > : < H . > l l n |

I I r M M :• i n M ! l i e i \ | i M - - i . H I . " I I i s l i d

1 . k r | n . i f . , i . . ! \ ; i l i t \ i i i : \^ i .• i i - r u r -

I M M . M I a I I S M ' I I t ( ! \ f i I T t r i ' i n i t 1 . 1


Anil I lir K rn t ut'L lim Tli'iimh I theK|IIH(M)|UI 1 r r c l a l f n ^II>M( I n-

Many persons linve their poodday and their bad day. Othersare ahout half sick nil the time.They huve hcadudie, backache,nnd are restless mid nervous.Pood does not taste good, nndthe digestion is poor; the skinIs dry nnd sallow and disfiguredwith pimples or eruptions;sleep brings no rest and workIs a burden.

What Is the cause or all this?Impure blood.And the remedy?

N n l I m i t f u u ' . i l l i s l n ' p l > i n ! l . \ \ . u f K . ' i i -

t u r k \ , w t i i l . I n p i r i i r l i i l l i i l i t t l e I H \ M I

i l l 1 l n < w e s t e r n p a r t n f t i l . ' - I ; i 1 < \ \ \ l i i ' l ' t "

l l i r r r n w t n > M p i M M ' p n l f l i u r r l i r s . ( m i l

o n l y i n n 1 , I n f i u ' t . u l ' n n y u i l i r r i l r i i o m -

1 n a t i m i . T h r p e n p i c , s a y s t In* I .ou is-\ i l le ( o u c i r r - J u u r i m l , art* im f a n i i l i ; i r^ ii h a n y I n i t 1 hi* p l a i n e s t n ml m n s th l i n p l f c t i i i r i - h ^ ^ • | • v i ^ t ' u i w l c i n i r r i \ \ m -

u r i M i ^ t t u n i ' d t o I I n * \ i*^ t u u - n I.-. \ \ l i i c h i I n*

l \ p i s t - i i p i i l r l i * i - ^ \ w t ' t i r . T i n - p u s l o r n f

I I n 1 " D I I I \ e h u I ' r l i , " a f j u n i l . f u r i s c i i M i -

l i n u s , n a r r o w - m i m l r i ! l i u i n . h e a r i n g

t h a i I l i c l i i s h u p w a s o n m i n i , ' " m i a i - e r -

I m i l S u m I n v I D p r o a f l i a I ( l i t * r u n r l -

h o i l M 1 , t n l i l S O I I H 1 n f I l l i 1 " p i l l a r s " n f t i i s

r n n y n ^ n t m n t h a t l i e I m p e d t h r v w n u l d

II n l t l r s c r t I h e i r o w n r h u i v l i I D I n - u r ! h e

K l . i s u n p . , 1 M - r i i r . . .

O n t i n - i i p p n j i i t e t l S u t u l a v w l u i l w a s

t i l l ' | h l M n l \ M i p r i s e t>» t n > t i i ' f h u i f n f

h i s \\i)v\i a l t s e n t , a m i u p n n i m p i i i - v h e

l o u r u v t l t l i a t t h e r ' u i r t h o u s e w n s

t h n n i f f i M l w i t t i t i n * \ i l l n L T i M s . T i n ' n e x t

d a y h e m e t n i n * u f h i s c h i e f v u p p n r i n - s ,

\% l l i * r i r l U ' t ' l l s t n n i e i l s e a I l i n i l l n - e n \ a -

r a n t e l t h e \ v e - - k l y s i - r v i e e . a m i t ] n »

p a s t o r i p u ' s t i n i i f o l h i m u s t n h i s w h i ' i v -

a l i n u l s o n S u n d a y . T h e m i n i r e p l i i ' i l

1 h u t l i e l i a i t ^ " t i e i n h e a r l i i O m p D i n l -

l i ' . v . " W h i n ! " r . - p l i e i l t h e . - l e r i r \ m a n .

' " M e s r r t m i 1 t o h e a r t h a t p n m p n u s

p r r h i i r l " • ' Y m i ' r e i n i M n U m m t i n *

i n i n i . " a n s w e r « M | t l i e e n l p r i f . " l i i s h u p

I J I M 1 l e y U i m p m n p o n ^ p r e l n t e . H e

p r e a c h e d i n h i s s | i i r ! - ! e e \ e s . "


T h e l i o n i i l t f u l l'*lirui*4* ' M m ! ( i r u t p a n

l u r l t i i K l u l u I n l l n - M i n t n f

T l i u l t l t > .

Si ' i i . i tor lU'VL'riilj^e is s.iiil to

h a v e r c m a r k i ' i l t h a t lu- "li . i i l s a v e d

tlio Kepulilican |);irty" liy hisspcci'h on !'orto Rk-o. T in ' restnf tin.' party doesn't know wlu-thortu l.iuirh nr ^'ct an^ry .

Tin1 in.ui.i^cnienl (if the ParisExposition announces tliac onTuesday and Friday of each week,Americans may call and seeCount Castellane burn some ofpapa-in-laws millions.

Still no manifesto from Uewey!If he didn't learn to use a type-writer while in the Philippines,he might call (ien. Otis to hishelp That gentleman is underno such disability.

If the friction in the Agricul-tural Committee of the House^ets much hotter, the oleomar-garine which is causing thetrouble, will melt.

The Vice Presidential officeseems to he having a lively timechasing the man.

A t I l i r m i n t . I n r i i i l i i i l t ' l | i l i i i i l i r e n

l l l l l l l l l l T n f C-lilKS fill" I11UIV [HVIMOUH

i l u m a n y w h i f l i l l n t l i l i r i r w u v i n i o

i i n - u l i i l i i i u . T l u - j - n r i 1 u r n l l i ' i ' i l o n cit

( - \ I I - | O N , t u u l l i n i n g <if t l i r m l i u i o f r o m

1 i m i ' s n f ^ n - : i l n u t i i j u l t y .

I ' t - r l i u p s t l n ' i n o s l I n l r r r s t i n g ( u i i u u p

t h i M i i i s ti l i t m i l s u i i i o c o i n l u ' i i r l n ^ ( i n

i t s f u o o 1 In1 p n i l l l o o f a w t i i y i i n , w l i i r l i

h i m ti B t r l k i n ^ r c s t M u l i l i u u 1 ! 1 t n tlu> ( J o t l -

i i i ' sH (if l . i t i i ' r i y o f o u r n w n c i i m M i c y .

I l u l i ' r n t ' u l h l a t h f s l n y l o w o r d

' • D e n n i s . ' u l t i r h Is t i n ' l i r n ' k f u r " T l i e

1 V , . , , I , - . "

D l l t i l l 1 r i . v t ' f s i ' n f t i l t ' I ' t t i n i.Tl\ I t t ' i l l l -

I i f u l l l ^ ' i i i v n f t i n - ( .n i i l i l . - s^ D i n i m . n r i ' l i -

i n ^ lit r l u i w , i i in l i In- i i i M - r i p i i o n . t r u n s -

l i i t i i l i i i t n K n i r l i > l i , r i ' i u l s : " D i n i m ,

I l i l l l t l n f t i n . l ' l l i l M l l t l | l l l i n i l « . "

' I ' l i f r u i n \ M I ^ i i i l n i i - i l m o i f t l i i m 2 ,m)0

\ i n i s i i ^ u i n i ln> f i t y o f r i i l l m l i ' l p l i i n i n

A s i u M i n o r , W I I I T I ' , I I S w ( - k n o w , t h f i - u

^ i-t'\v o p i n l u l i ' i - y t M i r s o n i 1 o f t i l t 1 s e v r n

i l iurt 'hfs nf which St. John wrlW's.l l i r prl/t1 \vns IIIHCOVIMTII HOMIO yt'arniiKo in Kuropo liy Jost-jili Mk-ldcv, ofriillnili-l|ihl:t, n vlolln-nmker nnd tin.iintlinrliy nn coins. Ity him It wna np-pnipr inl f ly prescntctl to thu mlut Inl-lilliiilHpliiii.


I'natur Krirrll ICihlblK In St. I.onlat'huruh 5t*pni> of tlir llpanr-


T o (five h i s coii)rn;)r!Uloii nn oh j co tli'sHon in tho Rtory of thi> r i ' s u r r i T t l o nItcv. \V. \V. Ni-wVll introiliii-ivl In toKns-tcr Sumlny 'n SITVIIM-M u t I ' n m p t n nl i l l l ronf^ro^ut ioi i i i l n ln i rch tl woriili i(jnuiili'l of t h e toml i of C h r i s t .

'l'lit< model , wh ich i.s t he llrsi of Itnk i n d eve r n h o u n from 11 St . Lou i s pn l -pl t . is n f n e s l i n l l c of o n e In the.Miimly Ullili- Hi'liinil In rhlcn«-o. whli-li"•us iiuulo i iniier t he i i i r ec t inn of (it>n.l lrow'n, of t.he I ' n i t e i l S i l l i e s a r m y ,tluriuur Ilia vlult tn I'nleMtlne nml p rc -anvtci l t o , t h e (Trent cviuirjellst, u f torIlls roiuritj

It clears out the chnnnelsthrough which poisons orecnrriL'd from the body. Whenall Impurities arc removed fromthe blood .nature takes right holdand completes the cure.

If there Is constipation, takeAyer's Pills. They awaken thedrowsy action of the liver; theycure biliousness.

Wrltm to our Doctor.Wo IIAYO tho oxahiBlT* •arvtroft of

• nine tif tho must •Inllient phyilcliuiB tntltu I'nltml Stntoa. Wrlto frm'lj nil IliupArtlt'iiliim In jrnur case. You will re-ovlvu u iiniiiipt reply, without I.


W, C T. U.t 'OXm-(TKI l MY T1IICIU Ul'.l'UKSItNI'ATIVi:.

Hard Times.

It is striuipe that in tho rirhont coun-try in tho world, thn cry nf liurrl tinu-sis so Koncrul. <)viii--[irociuoti(in is K1V(JHIIM tlie oiuiMe. I' iiflt'i- (Min.suinption, how-ever, is the more urunito reason. If thepeople's nioiioy wns spent for staple andhonest productions, it would set theforces of factories ami fnruis and minesnnd commerce MI actively at work thntlabor nnd cniiital would brontlie freerThis uinler-consumplion 1ms its tap-rootin the expeiidituren of masaas for intoxi-cants. The subject is one. of such lilnlll-cinl proportions that all involved m bothtariff and silver questions combined doesnot i>i]iiiil one-fourth nf this every yeur.

l)ro|i the stupendous sum of the na-tion's lnjunr hill from the amount thatshould bo coursing thronwli heitlthycliiuinels of (' an(i indnstrinloperations, nnd you will see whnt is thechief cause of stagnation in the lefjiti-mate nnd eiiuitablo biiHiuess of thiscountry.

This point is phuisibly answered bysaying. "The inoiiey spoilt for intoxi-cants is thus put in nctivo circulation,nnd so prtnciils insteiid of civates 'hnrdlimes.' " The answer is morn pliuisihlcHum acurate. The pickpocket tiikesonchundied dollars from the p(icki»t of 1111hoiust uiiin who is Kniu^ home ut nif;hr ;that money is put in circulation, hutit is circuititiiiK ill dens of sliume nndcrime. The next day it would hnvet>.»en ciri'iilutin^ iiuinn^ w'orkinRiiicu fortlit'ir wujres, or the nimoliant for dry

ods instend of "wet poods." It istransferred from healthy to nnhonltlivcirculatinn, mid harms instead of helpsthn true interests of labor and capitid.t'oiisequcntlv it would have boen betterfor labor in ii ciipiial if tlnvt OIIB hundreddollars bad been sunk "where the sea isdeepest." Thnt hundred dollars is atype of money worso than Runk in retailtrado ill intoxicants.—St'loctod.

When' do the politicians go to buyvotes? To the lnwiiliidillK. roBpectnble,(Joil feiiiion district or to tho siiloon ter-ritory? Thn saloon is tho Rreatest dp-tmuchor of Ainoricau mnuhood everknown.

"Whnt would .1 onus hnve me to do, "is au excellent standard to uienstmi ourconduct by. Would Ho hnvo you votewith ik political party that leKalizcs thewhisky humuess? Come, now ; ucdodp-niK. but come up to the murk lido a innu !

$660 to $1200 a Yoar.w*o wont relinble nnd onorgotlo men nod

womon in pnoh bin'uto travol and appointi>Kt>uln; milury Siir.ll to $1200 it >enr andc\|iniiBeH, Rtiarnntotul nnd paid weokly; DOexperli'iiro rti|iilrod. wo indiuot von.Local Itcprninnlatlvoe wanted «l»o. 8«Ddmump for fall pnrtioulnm. AiidrofH, TheHoll Company, Dcpi. A., I'htlndelpbia.Fu.

Cirlacom's Plno-Applo Oough Balsam.HhouM yun fool yoamolt oatohtn^ cold,

do uot wait until you are *lok in bod, mkyoir donlpr at oncn for Grmoom'H Pine-Applo CouuU Ilnloniii. Itli biobly tuooui-uiMidtxl for couiib-, oolda aud all throatand long trouble, Win. Qarard.

F I N E ONION SETSTwo Quarts for Twenty-five Cents

Gerard's Drug Store.3NT©:sE.t t o 2 r * o « « t O f f l o o .

Charles H. Littlefield,Painter a,nc3l Paper Hanger

Wall Paper 5c. to 50c. per Single RollOver 100 lnrn<i Kiiiiipuw from Ii U. Thilmiit, New York Oily, tlm LnrgoHtWall l 'apor HOUBC in tlm World. Will Sell and Dolivm- UH chemp UH uauIn1 liuiiKlit in Now York Oity. Tlit! IIIKIVC pniicrH urn ArtiNtic iu DUHIK"

and of tho LutoKt OolnriiiKH foi' 1IKII)-

Paper Hanging and Painting at Reasonable RatesOpen from (i : ill) t o It) o 'clock. All orders left on t h e sluti! u l

door will rece ive prompt a t t e n t i o n .

Opp Post Office. ROCKAWAY, N J.




nl I In»l l.ii

] ' ' o r o v i u ' il f l y - n i t / l i t

A DAILY W E E K L Y ye'"-B1iNnliouulFai>iily1111 TRTT3TTATP i>ul'"r io1' f»'''»ors aud"""" J-^J-fiUlNtj vim,,^,.,H, W|,OH(, roaa-

A ni'W mid rt-iiiurltiililriUlrnrtivi) pul>- (,ra lmve rcprosuntod tlio vury bost olo-liculiun, jirofusi'lv illuslniliMl wit 11 ]ior-irnits i.nd ImlMoiKw; t-onlHliiH all Ilio mout of our country population.KMikiiiK ni-wH fiinturi's of Tin- Daily i t R i v n H ,,n important nuws of tho 'Na-Triliuiii1. Spi'i-lul War DiHpatnlico. Do-iiii'stii- and Km-oiK" CoiTcHpondiMioe, tion and world, tlm most roliublo Mur-Sliorl Stories, HunioroiiH IlhiHtrutiouH, kot KeportB. FaBcinatiug Short Stones,IniluKlrial lnsiiiiiKil iiiii, FiiHliiou NiitcnAisrii'iiltiirul Muttoi-H cnrnfully treated, " u uucxcollod AKVlcultural Department,mid (.'ompralientive. and Hulmblo Kiiiiiu- Soioutitlo and Moclmnioal Iuformatiouciiil and Mitrket HeporlK. I t in mailednt siiini' lmnr us daily rdilion, reaches a J'UAIIIOU Articles for tlie Wotneii, Hum-lai-jji' pi'diini-tion of HiiWriberH on dale oroun IlhiKtrntioiiH for old nml yoauff Itof issui'. and each edition if a thorough-lv u p i y - d a l e daily family uewnpap«r for I K ' T l i n Pooplo's Pape r " for tlio entirebusy people. Uuiied States.

Heguhir subsnripliou pricn,

1:50 per year.We furnish it with the RECOUP lor

$1.75 per year.

Pegular subscription prioo,

1 per yoar.Wo furnish it with tho RECOKD for

1.26 per year.Send all orders to the ROCKAWAY RECORD, Rockaway, N. J.


Special Spring Sale IDress Goods and Silks I

ieel I I


pii'od Ruvt'M'itfiiiv over the I>ronn Ounds rctnlllnp; of New Jersey naturally concedes UHn pnwt'iw ol .spi-i-lui HUUIH. Urncc If In tliuL a H(iccKI milt' llKti UHH IIUHIITIIOS tuicli unll iu-

ol iiioiicv-HiiviuK iniportuiu'i!. Our mutual oxpori 'Tici of suoli ufT.ilrs IIIIH ostiibliabedli' prt'ictii'niH, hu ' u ml, irreiiior tmo 1H to bo now n-uordi'tl. Ileru IH U Hcalu of barga in(h-rlvlmr don h e utnl t reb le bunuflis from prison bannil upon tmrly provtHion under tlio

riivunii.lf? iimiAct mii'H. Here tiro Hwceplnff reductloiiB Hi-atttTt'U iiroadfiiHt over lUe veryuiiii iu\ iicsi. itrutw fiiiirlcH or Hprlujr, HK«).


A in up n 11',<> ii t. cninbl n all on burmit ti 1 RIkiiiK'simn Dr»'HS Cooil", known RH MIO Kiilckcr-borkvr ur Hciitln-r inlxtiiruc, In nil tlio Inlustjtni.vM, ((\fiu(H and b m w n mixturt-'ft, 54 looiit-Bwide, nil wool and regu la r Jl .«.i Hi'llors; fit-timlil . i idhs' i U11 ti, all the IK'W NprliiR hlindt'H, all woolto iiiiv iignti) wo wonM have t < KI'U tit fl a yard .i-:it h t r now for i his .special Haleui ,

TWENTY-FIVE OF THESEAi t ins spi'fitii Niio we nhali offer all our

lnuli rlnt-s novel!it's sutili UH tltfured crepe He• •lime, \i-oiiitn Mutiny, smiti rltttun, most fash-ion .i.it1 S|n IHL' ^lindi'M, iTjfiiinr f i «^ io *s a .viird,ui <)M-;s ii-nm ii>, only, at tlie uniform dlBcouulell iiiaikf.i JMUI-H or V5 per ceni..

A HALF-DOLLAR HARVEST.One combinat ion lot of Colored Dresn Goods,

hfindftmne broken Itncn of Hnrlritf FabrluB, suchiiH Hiinnockbiirn twueda, homespun grani tes ,CHIUCI'H ha i r plnld cilrcta, every .yiird a l l t e l ynil-wool, -to tn 4ft In. wide, nil regular Hut« f l .vc a >ard. For llila SpecialSale

UUHOlllliVlJHt'llerB, H

al 50c.

THE BIG DOLLAR BARGAIN.A gmnd dniiiir lot or atriped vigourouux, our

oxcluMve nuportjttlon, never ilioiighL of umlertt.ttH. 4H inches wide, divan Lonffttm only; also 4fi-Inch Tailored rl)(!«kp, very new aliado.s for dretwmid cycle woiir, regular Jl.aa. Kiiliur (fti f\f\for Hi is bpecim sale iJ)J.iUU

Mail ordors tillail. No Agents. No Branch Stored. Free Deliveries."

707-721 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N.J.

4500 Reward,Wo will pay tho above reward for nuy

t'tf-B of L'VMT Oomplnint, I)>8pepaio, rfiokH^udnchf, Iucbpe^tion, OoDBlipntton orCoHtivent'ffl »e nnnno* onre with Liverita,the L'p-to-Date Mule L ver Pill, when tbedireotiuiiH nr« ttrjctly uuoiplied with. Theyaio purf-ly Ve^^talln nod never fail to diveHrttisfaction. !ioo hmiiN ooDtnin 100 Pills,10) boNeN contain 40 Pills, 5) boxen COD-tuin 15 1'illH. Unware of BQbfltitutlona nodimittit.iiiuH Krmt r>y mnil. Btrhtupa taken.NEUVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clintonand .Iack«on Stn , Ohionj^n, III,

For sale hy Wil'lAii Gor»trd, Druggist,Rookxwur, New l

To Whom It May Concern.

April "i.1.1AM K. JAYNK

JllFree JriptKrlUtilo pcreuut of n inrchnntcal or tnveotlvo mlnil

df«lrlima trip tolha Paris KxpoRltloni with goodsalary ami cxprnnrn nnld, aliould write

TIH> rATliNX ltliCOUD, Uoltlmoro. Md.

No tnorplilno or opium In l>r. Mllos' VAX9PILLS. CLUE All Pain. "Onocontad03aw


Best LocationBorough Water

Electric LightsBent Reasonable




Tho Best Grodes of Amoriciu Watolioafor flolo, PISO

nins"i Flusi ObaluaOHA0. DOIiiLKri}


Page 5: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

l}(\rhr(*\im\r D ^ r - r n - H ' °"l! d"-v lllst W('"k M l v s KiUlfl"1"11

IVVCKd W c i y I\CCOI U l,y accident urn u needle in her w

Thursday, A.pi il J6, 1900.The lkrwl ix <at tin- I'nti/iilj'ii-i mi,! I,nan

An operation was IHM-< ssary Iu removeit.

Miss M. Hnslow, who (if latornnriurr-I'd a dressmaking business here, hasopened u similar business in Morris-

. rtifh irii't KIWM

Arc you looking for 11 rood position ?)If 1

g p, call at ih>. HKCIIIU) ofUc-i- The \«ihtdixl. Onlil three rents n rn/n/.

, , , . ' , . .„ , , silioii iciiuiics a Hlricllv sobiT aud rulm-i\eir stihxrnittiiiits trill Him) Or r<- b lu m a n

<rn-ei/ ill these /jlaee*. | j | r h i K H smith, of Orcprcm. is vis-— — • 1 ifin," her (luiiKhh!!1, Mm. J. i). Iliuiimcll,

-- j and rnhitivt's at this placu. Slu^ will l'u-main l'jant

Inaat" Furlow, messenger boy at thoLackuwuuuu depot, lias boon uctiiift usHubstilute operator ut Luudiur; for thupast wock.

Tho "Wrens" will give nn exhibitionin ytickleH1 hull on Thursday eveninguext under tho auspices of tho looal Jr.U. U. A. M.

Dou't forget tho Hchool moctiiip: to-uiglit.

Fred Ficlitor is much improved at thinwriting.

A. S. StiurfuwH Hpout Tuurtduy ut Port iMurray. j

The dnys will ooutiuuc to grow lougeruutil Juno 21.

Mott & Tuttlo have piooural a nowdelivery wagon.

.TanioH Roskrow iw omploj'ml in Hoag-lnud'H Mnnliiuo Sliop.

Jj N. lloll'mmi li K iibout n'cnvt'i'mlfrom liiH reount illness. j

Joseph HronlcM lias hud his house on !Flaggi1 Btreet repainted. J

Iiobin redbriMist is niiikiug liiniself at Ihome on all our luwns. |

Fred Guerin lms moved iu the Atnohouse on Miplo nvouue.

Mrs. M. L. HoiiKliiud is reeovuringfrom till) German measles.

Then. Oampflold visitod his brother iuNew York Oily on Tuesday.

Thorn's Allen, Sr., ami family movedto Like Hoputcoi g yostord'iy.

8. M. Qoorge in f?reatly improving thodriveway to the Central honse.

Mrs. Edw. T. Mott and daughterNettie speut Friday of Newark.

Minn Alice Mott has beou foroed toleave soliool owing to sore eyes.

Win. Gerard's new soda fountain hasarrived nod is b iDg Bet in position.

Miss Mabol Baughart spout Sunday•with Miss Lillian Smith, of Tubor.

Harry Mutohler has beau makingsome iuiprovemeuts about his house.

Mr. Barker, proprietor of tho BoontouIron Works, was iu towu on Tuesday.

M. Hoaglaud's SOUR' CO. are buildinga rod mill for n firm iu Syruouso, N. V.

A youuK sou li»s nrrived to brightenthe homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris.

Lizzio Baiighart smug soprano in thoPresbyterian Church at Dover 011 Sun-day.

Mrs. 8. F. Ayres, of New York City,has beou iu towu duriug the past fewdays.

The iusurauco agent goeth from houseto house aud that is where the moueygoeth.

Think of it. Two million dollnrs werespent iu Philadelphia for flowers atEaster.

This morning Faotory Inspector Win.B. Tucker, of Elizabeth, gave ua a pleas-ant call.

Wm. McKinuou had charge of theprayer meeting iu the M. E. Chnroh lasteveniug.

The Presbyterian Church aud societieshave sent $6(1 to aid the f miue sufferersiu India.

Johu Davis, who for a time conducteda bakery here, has uow started one atBooutou.

Andrew Keen, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,speut Sunday with nis father, W. A.Keen, here.

L. BUnolurd and wife, of Brooklyn,U. Y., are the guests of her sister, Mrs.Wm. Boyd.

Henry Eepp, of Oxford, has ngaiu ac-cepted a position in Hoaglaud's Ma-chiiio Shops.

A dinner party was givou to a num-ber of Mrs. 0. A. Oraui's friends at norhomo ou Friday.

Johu Elliugsworth, formerly of thisplace, now of Newark, was here, ou busi-ness ou Tuesday.

Joseph Hart has moved from Hoag-land avonue to tho "Howoll" house onFranklin avenue.

Wo Bhall oousider it a favor if sub-soribers will notify us whou they fail toreoeive the RECORD.

Mrs. Ezra Davis gave an invitationparty to a number of nor lady friendsou Saturday eveuiug,

James aud Daniel Qalleghar, who areemployed at BeruardsviUe, spent Sun-day with relatives here.

Mrs. Geo. A. Smith prides herself iuhaving the finest lot of bloomingflowers iu the neighborhood.

Misses Luoy Haugg and Sasan Bang-hart, of Arlington, apnut Sunday as theguests of Mrs. Goo. A. Smith.

Tho officials combination engine andcar, known as the "Oomet, passedthrough Rookaway on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MoDanolds andsou Howard attended a wodding atNowtou ou Wednesday of last week.

The M. E. Oholr have (nuiptd theohnrch with siDging booNB. Tln>y willbe used ut-xt Suodiy for the first time.

Tho RP.COUD printing offloo is makingn spooialty of lino visiting oards, eitherprinted or ougraved. Not oheapor thananyone olflo, but ns good as any officeoau turn out. Our prioea are as low nsit is possiblo to do flrst-olass work.

If a reporter only dared jut down nndpublish all that he sees, hears anrl knowsthere would he no luck <>1 news, hut ifhe did, the hunt inu season would neverend so lou^' its the reporter remained on iearth

The Rot'kuway post ofiice nuw hasnil sule small books cnnlalinn^1'.', 21 and IN two-cut j,nstaf:i.stumps, interleaved witli jiaratiue papero prevent premature adhesion 'J hey

will \K; sold for 2i> cents, \\i cents, and jU7 cents, per book and will no duuhtprove n very convenient and popularform in which to purchase htuiups.

$6 a Week to Start

We want tolelligeut ludhn, or uentle-men, tu tiuc-ep! purumneut poHition ID ovutnwn; Falnry to start $F! a week, guurautped,imd commission. Many make from $12 to$21 a week. You ean devote all or yourp r e time. Bund Btump lor full particu-

lars. AddreHt. The Boll Company, Dopt.0., Philadelphia, l'a

li. K. & li. W. Stickle are erecting alie1" fence about their property lacingou Plane street, Houglaud uvouue audUnion street.

MISH Sadie liuird. of Bitskiiif! Hidgp,who has heen spending fi week with herirnuidnint her, Mrs. (Jen. A. Smith, liasreturned home.

Norman Vandei-hoof has resigned liisposition on the(Vntnil Kailroiul and hasaecejited a more lucrative position at theI' ulon foundry.

August Hurtell, who of late has beenconducting a pool room and barbershopin the Hill block, moved to Madisonearly Tuesday morning.

Loo, son of James M. Hnnre \ bileplaying ball one dny last week, wasstruck iu the face by the ball and hisnosy broken in two places.

Uoorge Urnnt lias resigned his posi-tion as foreman on tho Central Railroadand has accepted a siinilai position onthe Morris County Railroad.

Mrs. Emma J. Robertson, of Oregon,is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Ham-moll, and relatives at Rockawny. Shewill probably remaiu East.

We liavB beeu informod our local flredepartment will not attend the meetingof the Firemen's Relief Association atDover, as they have no suits.

Joseph F. aud Henry D. Tattle areimproving the fronts of their propertyon Ohurch stroot by grading the side-walk aud settiug the curbing.

The missionary BOcioty of the Presby-terian Ohuroh mot »t the home of Mrs.E. B. Mott 1 st Friday nfteruoou »uddiscussed the famine iu India.

Undor the new school law boards ofeducation must hereafter publish theirstatement aunnally aud advertise forbids for all supplios and books.

Among the delegates chosen to atteudthe National Republican Oouveutiou atPhiladelphia, from the Fourth Distriot,is Oeo. W. Stickle, of this place.

Tho terms of all notaries, oxoept thoseappointed within five years, eud ou July4th, and hereafter the term will bu fiveyears instead of for life as formerly.

The increase in the price of news-paper greatly adds to the cost of pub-lishing, nnd prompt payment of sub-scriptions ia required to make ends meet.

According to an act passed at the lostsession of the Legislature it is illegal tofish witli a devise couimouly known us aphantom, containing more than threebooks.

About thirty members of Anchorlodge, K. of P., attended au entortnin-meut at Morristowu lost eveuiug whichwas held under the anspicos of the K. ofP. of that place.

One day last week George Davis'birthday was celebrated by his motherinviting n number of his young friendsto spend the evening with him. All hadu jovial good time.

We would suggest to our marshal thatlio look after some of those out-of-townfish men, who make the middle of ourstreets the dnmpiug ground for therefuse from their wagons.

Ono of our employees, who has thatmatter in chnrgo, omitted to chaugn thedate on our paper last week. The errorwas not discovered until all the papershad beeu printod. Hereafter we shalltry to do bettor.

The members of the Ropkaway Elec-tric Light aud Improvement Co., of thisplnco, have purchased the stock held byBenjamin Blum, I. Blum, A. J. Bonueraud Kent K. Stearns. The deal wasclosed last evening. t

E. L Trdd is the owner of n hinrtsonie$326 carriage, which he pnroh»8' d Tom0. R. BUnoh«rd. Mr. Blaochard Buysho has a fine line at rersnnnblo prices ifany of the readrrs nf the RECORD ere con-Bideriog pnrohnsiog.

The dime social Riven by the D. of L.l»st Friday eveuiug was a sneoess.Lewis Young came the nearest to guess-iug the contents of a pie, and henco wasthe successful winner. Mrs. A. Q.Broadwell deserves 'great credit forbeing the originator of this scheme.

Tho suit against Justice of the PeaceEdw. S. Arnold brought by AlbertWelsh to recover damages for a harnesssaid to have belonged to him aud seizedfor debt from Cooper Smith, of Mnr-oella, which was to have come off atMilton before Justice Riggs last Fridaywas adjourned until to-morrow.

Ou Monday afteruoou Albert Dalrym-ple, a young man from Hibprnia, wasarrested by Officer Dobbins for beingdrunk and disorderly. Ho was confinedin tho borough lookup over night tosober up and in the morniup ho wastaken before Mayor Loewouthal whoflued him $f> and costs. Upon its beingpaid ho was released.

The May term of the Morris Countycourts will open next Tuesday.

W. H Bblpnmn, Hearnnley, Minn. ,unde r oa th , HUYH bo bufferod from d jnpe | -HII tut tweuty-r ive j eiirf. lJo<a<Ma utiddie t ing k'uvo hut l i t t l e rt-liff. Fiuiillv boused K'Hlul HyHpepHla (Jure itml uow natHwlmt he likf-u tind as ttiii^b an 1>6 wiinlr*,mid he ftU'l.H like a new mnu. It diuentuwhi.t yun eiit. Win. Gerard ,

TU TUB BOVU.\D GIRLS.Boys aud Girls do you want to earn

pennies, nickels, dimes? If you do, herois your opportunity. If thero are anyout-of-towu visitors at your house or attho houses of your neighbors, if any ac-cidents, births, marriages or deathsoccur iu your neighborhood, if any birth-day parties or social happenings takeplace iu your vicinity, make a note ofthem, aud send your copy to this officeduriug the week, not lator than Wednes-day. All news that wo cau use iu thispaper will be paid for at the rate of onecent for each separate item. We do notrequire nuy laborious attempts at com-position ; just jot down tho facts iu anyway and we will put them in shupe.Read our Home News column and youwill have an idea of just what we want.

Iu case the same item is sent in byone or more contributors, wo will usethe first one furnished, provided it is themost complete.

Write only on one side of the paper,aud be careful iu spelling and writingproper names to have them correct andlegible.

Write yoar name in full at the bottomof each sheet.

All copy will bo filed as received, audpayment for all items appearing iu eachweek's paper will be made on tho follow-ing Saturday between S aud 4 o'clock

Besides paying one cent for each itemwe will give the boy or girl sending usthe largest number of items before Juue1, 1900, a handsome cloth bound volumeof "Pictorial History of Our War withSpain for Cuba's Freedom," writteu byTrumbull White, the well-known audpopular author, historian aud war cor-respondent. The book sells at all bookstores for $!!. It cau be seeu at auytime at our office.

This offer is extended to any boy orgirl iu the couuty, aud there is uoreasou why each one should not be ableto make from 2(5 to SO cents a week, be-sides contestiug for this handsome book.

WM. BIHD, JR . , Editor.


CKKTIFICATKOF DISSOLUTION.To all whom t.hese presents may come, Greeting

WHEREAS, It appears to my eatlalactlon, byduly authenticated record of [lie proceedings forthe voluntary dissolution thereof by the nnanimous consent or oil ine stockholders, depositedin my onlce, m a t To* Kockaway supply Com-pany, a corporation ul this State, whose prlnclploofltce 18 situated In ine Borough of ltockaway,County ot Morris, Siato of New Jomey, (Milton J.Ulack being agent therein and In chargu theroof,upon wliom process may bo served), has com-piled with the requirements of "An Act concernlog corporations (Revision ot IBM)," prellmenaryto the Issuing of WIs Cvrtincate ol Dissolution.

Now, TIIEHKFOBB, I, Ucorgo Wurts, Secretaryof S ta te of the Stat« of New Jersoy, do herebycertify that tuo said corporation did, on theTwenty-third day of Nan-li, 1D0O, Dlo In my onlcea duly executed and otteBtcd lonnont In writingto tlie dlBKOlutlun or said corporation, executedby all the stockholders thereof, which said con-sont and the recoid of 1 no proceedings aforesaidnro now ou Illo In my said otiico as provided bylaw.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto act

my mind aiid'nnlxcd my of.tlclal seal, at Trenton, thisTwcnly-'blrd day ol March,A. l>., one thousand ninehundred.

GEOItOE Wt'ltTS,Secretary of State .


Ladies' Shirt Wai at aAt 45c, 49c., 6 ; c , 991 . and $1 2;. Stylus are beautiful,

Ladies' WrappersAt 75c., ,85c. and ifj,:.

Ladies' MuslinUnderwear

C o n s i s t i n g of S h i r t s , Us; iux-rs , Nij.;lit D r o s s e s iind Corse1 . C o v e r s a t

p o p u l a r p r i c e s .

Ladies' Out SkirtsAt $1 and $1.89 each.


For all

In Abundance.Peas, Beans, Sweet Corn and Onion Sets

by the Quart.Beet, Onion; Radish and Turnip Seed

by the ounce.Clover and Timothy Seed.

SEED POTATOES—Houlton, Maine, Rose andBeauty Hebrons at 65c, $1.35, and $1.50

per Bushel.

Fertilizers lor the Garden and Lawn.A Large Stock of Hoes, Rakes and Shovels,

Do not forget our line of


which we have in abundance

GROCERIES.Best Flcurs, $4.40 per barrel.

Granulated Sugar, 35c. for 7 pounds.3 cans of Tomatoes for 25c.

Mackeral by the kit, full weight, $1.15 each. Finegoods.

5 quarts ol Peas for 25c.Bushel Sack of Salt at 35c.

3 pounds of Prunes for 25c.

Finest Elgin Creamery Butter, 24C


are always plesaing to look at.


Page 6: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

Rockaway Record

Thursday, April 26,

OUR WIIIMTON LE1TI5II.HY u rn M ' IM IA I . uri 'oini-H.

W A S I I I M H I I N . I> <' . Apr - • ' . 1 " " "

Whatever olhcrH may l l i lnl i of IIIHcuiididncy for the I'rcHidcnoy, ihcreIKM'I the Mi|;lilri-I donlit Iliul Adinlr i i lDcwey li'KinilH IIIH ohunci-H IIH cxcelleni.Ho ih liitrd ul wm'lt on IIIH du-lllli l lK 111" poHltitlll un the qlli'i'tmilH uftlm hour, which lie HIIVH he wil l iiiulieinihlid In it few ilnye, pi'iihnlily duringthr preHiint week, l ie hi'lli'Vi'H that thejit'iipm wmil him fur I'rcHiilcnt und Unitlie cull hu ntitiiiiiatb'd und eleclud tn Kplmuf the pnlltlt'liillH. iMtller he or thejiollllcluiiH wi l l he ill) UKuliiHl ubin illHiippoliitiiirnl, In tl iu near fnt i i r i '

May I in llltely t(i hoenme u red letterdny in I'orlu K ln in history, IIH Mini IHtho date upon which Iho inland wi l l hetiiMiud over to Ihe new civi l K"V.'inmi'iit. The new la r l l l 'w i l l alhu «o Intorlft'i ' l on thai tiny Oon(ficssiiuiiil HCIIII-ini'lit eoininuinlH the I'ri'Hldenl 'N M'I ITthin of Hun ('hailcH I I Allen, now An

MKliint Secretary of the Nnvv, In I Ivil(jovernor of the Island Mr Allen IIIIHproven lilniHelf II cii|iuhl un ami isliltclv to li >IIIU pnpnliir m I'liilu Kicu

It HI'CIIIH llllllIlM IllipilHSllile Inr I III'Pt'llhlilll t|lli'Htluu In he discuss,'il in I'nilliri<HH wiMioal hi-.'al.liiK pull iiiarvrule", In HIIV l lnl l l l l l l l of IIIIIHC of lilindl l l l l l l l t -1- Hepr.senlilllvus l a l l i . I i . ' IKnnll^ Ciiruhnn, und Kiir i i i iry. ul Mi.In^nn. uii^uf/ed in u li i i tt leuf wolds, pr,il|il1111I'll hy the Mai.-mi in nl l lir hitlerthat lie ' i i i i i ld nut huliuve ihe form, r mioutli, frnni vvliiil i the f. illuw inn isi|llllll'tl Ml1 Tlllliert i Inite leadhiiinewliere III ihr I l i ldi ' where it HI .K ' I Iwhip fur the hursu.ii luiille tur I In'ussand a mil I'm- 'In foul's Inu-k ' Nnw . I(In not Ull.iw wl i ld i i'ille|.'ury lupn l 111.•t lr i i l l i ' i i ini i Ip in M 11 111 j ; it 11 in, lull Ivnnl u nay Mint ll may ho Mini hr iiin.vlie pal III unch nf t In-Ill I w lllll lu MIVUnit i f I he went Iciiian nieaiiN tu nnpiili1

iintriiMifnliii'NH in me, I hurl It Imclcdown IIIH rotleii t l irnal, and I HIIV llnil In'Mal.'H Mlllli'lllluK Hull Is Uliwullhy nf IIK.'lllll'llllin II pi III I he Hi it ir nl' Mils IlimseMr Kordencv " I waul In say tu MmUi'iitli'iniin that I am a linn hciicvcr Intlio li lhlc The Illl.I, MIVS thai >i manmm.I lie horn ii^nin When H COIIIUNtune for the ^millcman from SmitliClliollnu III he hurl HKIUII, I hope In midhi. w i l l he Htill-hnrn " Mr 'I'ulliei-i " Iwant to say that Micro is uu .lunger ofI Im umi!lenuin's li>'iup; hurn uyii in.heI-IIIIHI' Ihi ' de\ i l IIIIH U"< 1 l l l l l . lillsuul uI.Ill nf HUIU nl' him in,v\ ' ' It r,.,|till'rsMilliet hln^f sli-.,ii|jur Iliau ,,ril iniirv i-yrlyllt tu s r r a n l -IKH- "1 s| al,-s|,iii||.-hl]i

111 l l l i l l sill I uf lull.

liold.yiiiK is i-ai.-linn.'. S,-u.iliu- ('haiuller I'l-raled a M-MS.II il -i inn-iinu idti l l ' Srl iair I 'i i|,i in |: | i I n . |--| i l l .('uiniiicrcu. 1,\ rnuli uc a cif.-ii lur li-ih-rHl'llt 1.111 hy I lu- Sr, I i | ul\- uf Mir | UlcrHflll U ( 'utiiliu-IVi- ( 'nil IIII Issp i|, ,|s|( nit' Usr< I-, it res I I I In inu pr, sinu 111 11,-HI- u pui iSenators mnl |(, prrsnu a i n , . ' , , .u|,|inrIhe Cnlluni lul l , I" . tilaiK'- l h " |inn>'i-nf l inn I'onimis.ion Three tlmiisiuul,npii - nf Mils I I, r have I,run sent luHunnls ,,f Timl, , ami I'luiinh, rs uf ('mnlllel-i'l', llirnilMlinUl i l l " I ' l l l led Slnlos

liy lh,, overwhelming mnjuMi v of :'luto l.'i. Mm I Inns,. ii,lii|ited n rcM.hilioii| . i . .vi. l i i i i ; fur a ('tuiHiil in tiuiiiI nnii'iiil-mi' i i l for l l Lot ion nf Soiinioi'M hy i l i-I'l'Cl Vole nl Ihe people Sentiment IIIf a v o r nf t h i s u l i n n ^ u wi ts l u r u e l y I n -iTi'iiNt'tl hy ihe tiivi-Hi Imn II I I I ul MicClnrlii'iiHf, which in Mie reporl of HieSeniile Coiunilti m Klei-t ions, ileelur-I I IK anunininuslv Mint Mr. (Murk, ofMii i i lnini. VMIS not eiiMili-.l tu n HCIII inthi> Snii i ie,. nluii ,.f how Sciialur-vi i 'w the proposeil rhaiifie niuv I I . ' K H I I II'l'i'd from the I'ullnwiiiK i xprcsshniH till ipl l l lul l Scliiitm- Cllillldl.-r " | | ,|nesnut iipprnr | hat l.v elect niv; Suiialnrs liydirect Voles ,,f f 1,,. peuple. we sliull eelany tionrrr In the popnliii1 w islu-s MianW" do now |f S.'llalul-s ,ii'e uleclml hyIll l. people, Slllle (•ulivellll.ills of Ml" pt'l-litical partleH wi l l mime the Senulnr«.If ll iiuy inure thll leii l i In iinpiopcrly• -iniiriil ihe |,are nii i j i ir i ly in the Slate('tinvi-ut inn. Hu,n In Mm legislature? IHI I pnlll Hal party caucus any mnre likelym nrl indcpcnd. nl ly, liiimu'iihlv, nr wNf-l.v than the le^lslninre - ' Scnnlnr1 VII UK -"There wi l l l>.. nl.llses |M unyHVitlfln mill Mie ponplu Inive theirreineily in Mm elect mn nf proper ICKIH-lllliil-H." Sennlnr I lour -"Such n met Iiiuliif eh'cllon huolvl l ik ' .the mii i i ipi i l i i i i imiif party convoiiijniis, wi l l ereale nuwlumptiumiis in fritiid and currnptKin."Senatni- I'ritchard " I am inch I inhl'lll'Ve thill th 'nl l i i i l lun ,,(' Seuulni-HI'V the party cnnvmiliuns wmili l rusiiltin just us mucli scnnilnl as ii i inplnineilI'f IIUW. Il W .,1,1,1 he jasl ,|s cusy fill'r l l ' l l nu l l tn 1,11 V up ('nll'v mil loliH IIH it iNfor Ilium in Iniy'up I, KISIUUIICH "

Thu N'uvy I),.pan nt lm« purchasedthe Huhiiiurine inrpeih, h,,,,! l lol lund. for*1M).(1(I(I. and aKi ,1 | . , pnrchnsc otherlllllllN of the Mini, type fur jtlia.lllKI uuell.T I I I H iwl i i in, wlilcli'wiiK liilcmi in Nptte nfnn nilvers" reporl from a lluuril of NnviilOlllci'i-H. h, |,,H| year, WIIH linnmhtnhiiiil Ini'tfelv hy t he' fuvoi-nhle HIIOWIIIKiniiile hy ihu Hnllniid in Ihu exhlhltlniiHfrivt'ii nn the 1'oioniiK- river, near Wn.ih-inittnn.

Una thn I'lVHlilrnt or Dnnui-OHH su-jirpinn luit l inrlty In (IiihnV Tlml in i\hriind new i|iu.sliun Mini IIIIH heun nilsedhy thu rtiHoliitlon olVei-eil hy ScinittirKnniui mnl adopled hy the Sniiula with-mil (ipixwillun, i-nlllnH upnn the Secre-tary of V in- fur Infdriiiiitioii HN in juiy.imintN nniihi to Army Olth-ei-H, HUIVIIIKill Onhn, outHitliMif tin.Ir regular nllnw-nneoN mnl Hiilnry. It IH rontKinhul hy MmWnr Di'pnrtinuiit, mul hy ninny in Con-HriRH, Hint Oubu in tinder military ruin,and tlm I'lCHidmit htilnir Commander In-Olnof, OnilKriwn IIIIH nntlilnu tn dn withany notion ordurud liy Ilin Kxurntlvo,


^ l (ftuncir iimiinuni Mmli, In all luluri-v r ftlill lllulliiii.t ili'll,,*!,, IlitU liy

N'l'ANIMKII I l l l . (10.Alut luld e

The order Unit preciplllltell thut:untro-vorny IH un old one, IHHIKKI whon IMr.A I K I T WIIH Hiici'i'lni'y nf ^n r , making nnullnwiini'ii for I'xpeiiHUH for HO V era I Armyutllcoi'H fI l l i i iK hlx ' i poHitlom, 111 the mi l llury unvi'i'iiini'iit ol Ouhu, f i i in i IliuOiiiuiii rcvdiuiuH. Tlii'Hu UIIOUIUICCH nreHtill eoiitl i i i ied. Thu two HIIIUH uf ilineoiilruvurHy nre uhown in Iliu fol lowingcolio(|iiy hi'tweon MonuliirH IMnlt, nf(loiini'cllcut, and Diui icl , nf Virginia,lifter the former had Hinted that (Uihawan under military—exenntlvu—and nutIcjiiidiitlvi' co inro l : Mr l)uii l t i l " | } | ) i io | .the urtH of OonnruHB oonlrnl in I ' I I I I I IV "Mr I'lntl- "No." Mr Il i ininl • - "Uu milIhe lltWH of the United SlutuH IIH In Mmpay und cniultiiiicnts nf UIIICUIH nf tintnriny apply in Onhn (" Mr I'lult — " A Hin the pay and einnlnineiilN of army of-

; llceis. VCH . lull IIH In what MliII 11 he done', in < 'ulHI, un Our ncciipalioii of Culmis mil i tary and l« under executive mid

j mil liKlnlutivc mil Ii. n It t " Mr Dunlel' \< here dni'H Ihe I'ri'Hldunt ^'t't t ll IM| ui i l l inri iy '.'" Mr I'lall - "Kr i i i i i I lie t-un-HHII I I IOI I AS ('ulli l l iallder HI-( )lllef ufllu- Army, the I'rcHlileiit IIIIH inn hnrlly

I lur hey uud ihr pow I T which muy he con-I felled upon him h.v I'OIIKI'I'HH ' Serre-I l l l lV HIM,I Will s | Mil, 111 Inrii 111! lullasltiil fur \iv Ihe liaenii ri-Hulntlon lu thuSrlialr Mils Ul'l ' l l , When I Illl flllltltlVt'lHV

I wi l l ilniihlleHH he reiiuwi'd

Thero IIIIH heen iniiru or ICHH ^tisnlp idli'MllllI l.ppnhlllull hy I l l l l l lel l t l l l l Illeniholhuf Ihe ll l l iuils Cuii^reHHlmnil I irlcKiil lniim l h " l i i l l Inr the 1111111i11K of the WUII ITK1''UII a! SI LUUIH, in Ihe cuiiimmiiuniliunot' Mm I ,utl|sluilll I'lirellllM'. SeiilllurMusmi thus siuies Ids |.nsii mn ' I niulur Mm fair, m l liu-liiM1 mullv fur It. Tlmhim Is I u mi I'lirchiiHc \ \ I IN IIIIU of Mie great-est eveiitN in Aiuerlcun hlNlory. 'l'huCuiil i ' i iuinl iiniiivel-Hitry of il inlaid to heMtlii i^lv coniiui'iiioraled. I luin\\' uf imheller way In I'liiiiinemurulc It t l iui i hyhnhllliK n 'IVIII 'M'N Kalr. Hi. IJOUIH IH theplan fnr hi. I . I I I I I : It. Il IN I he |:n lllu-td l y In lUe piirchiisc. Si liiuiis IIIIH uniiich uiore case Minn tiiiinyoilier such cnl eria ISCH which have j-e-ceivud sliliht mil la] v, -ri i|_pn It li in from Ihel'r i l i ' l . i l uu, "Nl l l i i ' l i l I uxpccl to voleanil Inlk for Mm |.iissn|..r of thu h i l l . "

Il si-ullis | hill the Ili-llsu l l l l i l the S"llI I I " lire l l , luuli hnrns over I 111- ipil-sl lullol h n w I h e I ' a c i l l c C n l lu s h a l l he h u d

Iliul i.|ol'llt ml The House Ciuuilil l I. iuu ('mn inrrce IIIIH mpurl eil ihu Slmruiuiihi l l , w I null prnvnh's Unit | he cahle shallh" CUIIMIriictud imd nwned hy a corpurtiHolt, as II siihsli l i i le fur the l i l l l recentlypassed l,y Mie Si Mil I o. Which prnvllli-slur ui ,\ urn muni c. ms| im-l I. in mul u\s u, -i-ship ul ihu cahlr

Tlml h-nilcrs do nut IIIWIIVN runl ml in( '. iliefrss Is \\ ul[ know II III r|use olisrrv, i - The I iii-M |iriiof Mini they dn milIs Ihr ll I l i . | | | I lint the IL. ' I-rwi l l hike up the NlnmiKi in ('mini KillMuy I. mul vole upon It Iho next day.In MI!N I-IIMO Ihe ii'iiili'i-N were W1M<eunuch In ucceile tn thu polite ruipicMt uf

DALCETY ATTACKED.Withutands PMorco Assault.Reportod Relief Premature.


('oiuliliM-il O|»«>ntll«(iiN on it l l r m lNfitlt- NIMV In l'r«ni rrN»—Much SloU-

114-NM III Mnfl-ltlnu — l-'orutfiTH Minihy iluvr« lVlllt«»ul l|ti i i i i,

LONDON, April :Ti. Tlir ri'puiU thaitill' nli'Ki' uf Wl-lii'iii'l' llllil Iii pnii'lli-iill.v iii l i 'fi l wen. u|i|iiiri>iiil.v pri'iiiuimi'.Th, llui'i- iitiiicb iipuii I tiloni'l 1'ali'.l.v'i.i iuitli i ' i i i ptmlthiii, in. ih«, i Hail li.' iu MaKt'ili, win. iiriiLitihl.v ll tlmil iilli-nipt Inlllnli tin- Kurr!"i>ii liifon- Hi-iinluy u nnferi-trrnl, lllnl im (Vli.url Duliii-t.v IC|IIIIHI-.IHit' i i l tmk I l l l l r fu i l l i i i mill,l.v in f i l lun IIIH lii'rnuijt.

hold Itolii'l'lH l,n> niiw xplrnd II liftwith muni. -1(1,(1(1(1 ui IIIIMI' tai'ii imd lulljfllllM, ruvi-rln^ Mir \s-hi.h- \M-sterit MI-UIII'llrlc Hl'ollllll Wi'iu'lii'l1, ivldli- (li ' iu'li l ll l i i lnl l lou IIIIH nt'ru|iltil t la' \vuU'i wul'l.n|inu:ll, ally ulllloilt u|>liorsll loll.

Th,- S,-v,-i,ll, i||vli,l,,l< u.i.l.-r CiMii'lllITui'Lfr, iihHliitl-d Liy navtil inniH, Inn. ninilrII tlruioln'tnitUiu flulli Klllri- Shllln;. tlirHIUTH HIIUWIIIK HIIIII,' n|i|iuwll Inn. AI UlcHiiint. linn, it IUIKIUI,- n,u\,^,l mil ri-iiui( j l r l l to lulu- up ll |,,ii-!t!uli nil II ItlllKi1 uflull,, ill Oi'iiiiniuli'iuili', Ii id tin Mudtl< i Tin- \vn 11-11 \\ in I.. \\ i i u luiiial nn.himl l f ll » Illl I III- u\.'. pi lull "I III.' I' Milul l l i i ' MII,IIII(; vulvi n uf tin- pumping I'llK ".

I III- M,TIM liHVV rill "111. ,".' ll|i, M II I,,,III1-1 r. I inn un I'llruniltul oul I hu III il In'11111. und Ihi' Hum, i ,,l ' II sm-ri-s.rulmil-umu uf tlii ' lilnii- nf I,,,nl Kuhi-ils ,h-],, nil- mi whi-lhi-r l l , Ilill lsh ,,,,,|,- innii'tu-li Tliuhti N'Chii anil I-iiil.vhnilid hi-fun. (hi- irtr i ' i i t lu^ , I,iiiiiiuiiiluiM * f linn1 li-wi'tMihu p und Wrpi mi .

All III'- u,>rn-H| ,1, nls ,, |,'-i I Mini 111,ronilH ili'i1 Ill u l i ' i r i l i l . i-uiiillliua, \s lili-li

llleiithel'H nf tin. i mul clumpil ln i l |,1 iin of piiMponliiK l l i i ' Cuiial Hill ji ini l l ni'xi wlnli'i-. Tlicv linuw Mint IIWan in Iliu power nf tlnmi, I'M) ini'inhoi'MIn fnl-i'i. i'nnipllnilri. with t licit* wixliiw IIIany I lint' lln'V nnuhl KI-U Ml IUI IUHI I .Thu pussii^ii oi' tin. bill IN IIMHIII'I'II.

( 'UIIHIII (iunurul (jondinnv, in a rrporlIn ilic Di-piirlnii'iit nf Slum, from Shiini;-Inn, kiiouliH thu lioliiini out ol' Ihu IIUWN-piiprr Kiorli'M ii l l i 'KIIIK llnil tin. IWIIIMIHII.MM • II I nf I'Iniii'H,. i'iii lun niium fuel tiringplauls « i i u imdaiiuuriiiK Alni'i-iuaiil iu i l , In thi' Orimil. Hi ' pmiilh nni Minfuel thai Ainnrii'iin luliur is ahoiit fourllini'K IIM ulVui'livi' IIH Mint nl' ( l l i l m w ;ulsu that Iliu rotton mills ul HIII I I IKII I I Ionly Hpln I'ouriiu yarn, which IH fur.IIIHIII'II m tin'coiiNiiini.I'M In Un' Int-i'i'lor,wliu \vuu\'i, it un hunil luoiiiH, and havnIIIM'II n innl i i^ up in (hi' pit'Hi'iit tliim ala IOHN The report COIII'IHIII'M iiHfollowH:

" T l i i i i o n I ' l o i l i H d o i i i i n a t l i i K I l i n H i m - .k,'l In norlliui'ii Chiiia. anil now rlial-leiiKinu the Irudn I itrul IIlilnn urnrroiiilAnierica. We enn control tliU imir-kit HI IOIIK IIH we Imvi' mi ei|iiiil eiilnnici,into nil Chiiiu, iwpi.i'liilly un IVclnlit IIIIHHfrom inn- cinintry uru ; mnlwliini Mm Nii'nrii)4im (lunnl IH linllt, nnoilier Minn Anioiican KIHHIH nniKl applyIn ('hiiiii."

The iifiimi of (IH> Wiu- Doniu'tminil inonleniiK cnniied nuiHt lumf NIIIII. to IlinPhilippines for KoldhTH in tlin Interiorwho .-in,not l». Hn-ip||i>il with ri'frlKt'nil-ed I'ri'hli hiuf, iililiuuph IHHUI'II tm Ma,reconiiiiendiiliuii of iilllccrN ovui'there,includiiiK (ii'ii. DMH, him wmii'il niuHiKiw»i|i in WiiHlilnwtoo. The order wasIsHiied wit limit i:i)iiHiilllii(r (Jnn. Milm,wlioHi' iipiinsiiiou id cinini'd (lorn lu>ef asmi nriny nil inn WIIH miidn pliini iluriiiKthe coiirliniirtlal of (JI.II. KuKnn, WhonUi'ii. Mili'H WIIH iiHkud w It II I hu tlimiulitof llii ' order, lin rupllod: " I I IIUH linnndi'iiiiiiiHlruiuil |hut ihu lii'Ht llll'llt HII|I-plied to mi • nriny in licnf on llm linof.I'lnil U nil I earn IDHIIJ1."

Dntblo to WoiU.A HlrulD or n (ilmplo cpr«ln, or hmlno

in it y unn.o a purion tu Imonuio uunlilu tawork, jnsl whon tlio bn>y Houauu IH nl Intu'il,inmlciii Bl««yn inntiiH mnttxra trorno, undlimy ovun ommo purninnout illmilillliy, TbcJ)O»I thliiH ' ° H-B In miob oimoa, In Ormooiu'iillouo Mntion Lliiliuoni, na pun, ami whit cft»tho ilrlien snow. Win. Qarard.

Ainiirlono civilization IIIIH ivhcndy irolin pin™ 800 HnloniiH In Miinilu. i'f thountivi.N lilok, kill them off.

l i i : M : i l A I . I'lll,!•: CAHKW.nci-i.iinls tin- i ln- . !»» pruur.-ss ,,r i l inHi I I i ..luuuis, ,MI, | r i iu- i iu , is nn- a-,Hull ml J ,.| tli,- Mi i i i s l , plnus n-111. \ h l lh , I I , , I,in.- l , , l l lllr.v ni t ' lll.i'l.vI I V I I I I I l l ' I S , || j M -

l l Is tinw \. i ihu, ihrri- ^,-,-liK ,,r theiluli- piuill, l.i l I'm 1 In Ili-llUh ii.vuputimi" I I ' i i i . - hi, imi iillh.iliull III., pi.-M nt npi-ialluiiH, us MiinKt-slcil hi Hiinii- miitttels,liill,\ he 111,' I" (,'iiililllf " I Ih" main mlviiii,|.. It Is ant i-t-i I iiln lliut they will nut,'uliiil a rmtlier hull ut Illoeinfuiiiula.

Tin- Mi i l i k i iu ; i'urri's|,uialiat , , l ' The'Plniis, lel.-Kinplnai; .M,,u,hi.v, A|-nl II.cUl'N i| KIIMIIII.V uceulllii nf tile llfpl'csslunline In the |il'ul,ill.Hill of the Hiri;i IllsMllljtnilll the rail «>r Muy. mill snys;

" l l IH hiiii i In ,u.v|,| ('uluiiel Ititdellrnwull's l-lfells I,, i-lii-ei- I In p.-nple hyiiptlmlsiii ' pri'ilii'tliins in (lie ulisi'iiee utnay HIJ^II uf ri-li-UNe "

Tile wnr ..III.-,- |s»n,.» |h,. r,,ll,,wlni:front lluhuiK, ilali-d Ill-n-iiil-ail, In,April L'-l:

"( iei i r iuls Il inti i ihi niul Hurt yestetuln.vturned the p..sill,,i, ,„-tuple,I hy lit,- ,-iu<lay, wlin I l i r , I Iii luevelll lllell' nmvlni;liulilnv nril, iiiul ^.,1 int.. helluuiapli roaiil i i l l i lri i l l. ' l l u l l l i ('..Inml Hlllk'1'lv. ,uailiiuinlaal ,,f Ihu l',-nL',-,l f a i i i - ' l l utWepi-at'l', w Im I up,ill,.,I nil u I'll.

"(iell i- l i i l Ural,ant litls Ihret- wuiiaileillltld mil' luissiui;. T l l l l ' l ' Wl'le \\ nlllliletltill the pi. ' \ lulls . U \ . The 11..I'd,-r 1,-ulIlll-llt llllil H-\ ,-u \\ .miiili-il.

"At I p. m \.'sin-liny Mruhnnl milll l l l i l \ti-n< * -1 iz 11 f inllc* snath ul' Wupeurr.The 111,-v.-nth i lhislnn, miller Urn.-ml1'iile I nl i u . an,I I {,-in-nil l'l'em h's In , ,lilinaih-s ui ,u\a l iy leaelletl Tweeile ( Y111 U ,\ ,---1 ul tlay n I I I I uiioii without hm llij;lllut sel i.ais uppusil Ion.

" II t-liuL'IMpIl , ullilll l l i l l l ' l ltli i l l tills- heea.Mi i l ' lu ' in l vvilli i ; , in'ml Kniiill,.. A |inMul iif Ihe Si-M-nili iliuunnas, mi.l.-r 1.1,11teltinil -1,-iiKins, w liluli \VIIM rrpuilt-d miss.lai: yeslri'ilii y hn-4 rejoined 11 ,-lii-rn II'rrlich's . M 1,111. ivlil; ||n- i-M-epllnn ,,fCuipniitl Ti i jh.r mul |*i-lvnti- CuuU. »hunit- I.ull.-M'il 1.1 hu wniindi'd und prlsuiiei-N.

"Muunl.-.l lului i lry yeMteriluy, aml.-i-Ofiierii l lun 1 l i inil l iun, tii-cii|ileil ihe \MItt'iw.niis nt Snniols |i.iNt. AH the ,'Uetu.vme lu,I.Mm; Ihe 11. Irhli.u'lm; IIIIIN In s,,»ieKlrt'llKtll Ihe Nilitll IIIVIHIOII, enilsisliiiL.- ,,|tJenefiil Smith 1 l,nrlen'n tiniU^^I JenmnlMllt-iliiililliI'M lirlumli-M, IIIIH lit-en dlv|'iit. h-I'tl In nupl'nrl l lu i i i l l i i in.

"(ieaeii i l Mi,xw,'U'» hilcade, fui-ini-i'ly(It'lli'l-iil's, ,,f Hie Seventh iliVIMIIUI yeHteitluy aiovt'tl t'liHlwui-d niulH'lut'tl the IIIIIH i-ovi'i'lliu t i l l ' winimi hlhluenvt-r the Mudiler river lit Kraut kraiil,mi liupm'tiuit ei.tnuiinili-iitliiii iniieh use.)liy the llniM'H ilui-liii: t l i r lusl tlirt'eweekn."

A iune»|Miadent af Tin- HtiiiiOnnl withII ml llnil.nut ut /.imtriai, ti'leuru|ih-IIIL' Moinliiy, Mil,I:

"llrfere lenvlnir Itimxvllle an tin- nil-viiin-i- iini'tliwiii'il (leni'lill Unit l-su.'il I hefollawlai! iiriii-lnniiitlua:

" T i l III' llnllee, 111)111 lilt It 111 H nf lttnix-vUlt- anil nil I'l i i i i i ' i ' i iti l. Unit yon are 11I-luwi'tl lo I'l-iiiiilii la ui-eilliutliili uf your

linmt'N In pt'iicc iiml iiiili'tiiciiii, imhjt'et toyour pri'iu'r luluivlui IIIWIIJ-H mi lamcuin-lilitniitH in t'lihi win' uud tu yunr uheilli.licetu Hiich ralcH IIH the ulllcer vv'lmiii 1 tipptdlil tu cuiiuiiiiud hell' muy Iliul It neeei.-HIIi .v to auiLe.

" 'Such rules will nut, however, he furuppt-fMi lua. Imi fur pieeuatlun, mul IIn i,l,.\ i l l ic i t him anil all liuupn iiml.-ihis cuimmiml tu treat .MHI with all t\uviCHpect n ml ktnihicHH.1 ''

The Dully NfWH IIIIH the followhn;ri'nui luii lel ieo Mmtlllei-, duled Mulltlu.v,

"The Aiuerlcun miiluiluiii-u returnedlii'ie Nnlindiiy I I IKIH. with tin. MIII;M, UUtile way lu New Yio-U, helliu dlhHiil IKIU-IIwith Itx l i i-aluirnl

"The dyuninltc fuctury l inn liuvt" nut,11'cu punI I'm i-ls iiiunlht- und luive linn 11> wink.

"The KueiH nre ninlilnt! priHiatH tu tin:|,ieia uf Hwiu.lliind und me anl,Inj: per;ulht<ion tu PIIHH tl inui^li tti Nu Miin' ii-i iml."

M i . Wln i lmi Chin'clilll wlrcx fromWal.Uei'stiuoiu, uniler Miiuiliiy'it ilntf, infl.llo'VHI

"('uiidiliied upertllloiiH mi n frrmil Heatt• le uon la piuuii'KH, mul (Jenernl KlinttleV force IH H|IU npiinHln^ the Ktifi- |ia-«llloll In lure llt-wt'tHilurp."

I.n.l.v Sin nh WIIHUII III II dUpnlcli ti.The Dully Mull ril ' l l l Mltr.-I, Ilij;, tllltl'll

" ( lu r loeiol IN nuw nuide entirely ulnuts ami IH full of liin-kh I'hK CIIIIHI^lunch llluesH. Thi'ic me inun.v CIIHCH ulni-rvuns pruslrutlun niul uiuhiihil typlinhlnmmiu Ihe iirrlsun.

"Ti le iif «•« uf tin chiM-l, tn the rellevlnuc.ihiiun Is II lerrlhle IIINII p|inlal uieiil 1 .IIHII'Yhhl.v M.M natives IHHIICII forll i |u reeuvelseine ,, i l 11,- which laid heen I,.,,!,-,I h.v lh ,ltuern. They were hetrn.vetl hy lllifrlelnll.v llllllvi'M tu the lluel'H. t i lm HiirruiuitleiltTit-iti while Ihey weie HI| 'I-|I(II^ niul sliultllelu all tail uur. f:lvlau uu t|iiarler. Outt'Ncnped lu tell the Il l l ,

"Tl ie unlives nre Hint1 iiiuil fur revt'liue.und It will he vii.v i l l l l i i i i l l lu i-oiltrulthem.

"The h.mihni duieni i-oiii In III'M. O U Iii-unlli,-- I lul l ,ml- up |u ihc ,'lul nl

M i l 1 ll^Vt.ll lltli-,1. "

t'll a led u'LS In Kill,-,I iiuil

A l t i t « - l t 1111 ^V

M A N K I t l ' . l l i i « ..lund. April L'n. Tinely illl.tckcd l'ii|,,ii.l Dill

l.'1'ty'H IH11I I I I - I I I piiHllloii, fucliii: llukpnot'lll,li;e. lit III ,,'cluck .veMtenliiv uiiii'lilllllI'lluulm: t'0111- IIIIIIN iuiu ml lun. niuh-twlio-i,. lire they niiulc a ilcli ' i i i i lneil nilA- M11* -f. Tile l l r l l lsh I'I -1111* tit il 11 helivytile, licl'me whleli the lloel'H leculleil. al lel'W uril eMtlltl lnu llt-1'..NS till, l lat i tltl.linnInliiliilnu 11 cuiitlniiiniH lotiir rtiai:e fu-xllladi. fur Hume hums Artl l l t ' iy can hilun id In III,- .llrecllua uf Dew ,-I mini p. hut1 lit-1- III t he M l l l l s l l I , - l l r l

ce l nnn i lu Unit i| 1111 i f f r t i n " u i l vnnued t'nr

tIn-r. The miiii.-s repmi thnI nuuihi-illi-lllsli f,,ic- Im- lii'i-n tlelii.-lieil fromHI "h l r l l l If su. the pusillnll uf I III'l i n e r s u l n i i m l W ' e p i I l l ' l 1 I s | u e , 11 r l u l l - J .

Pouring Ruius Inorease Dam-age la tho Southwest.


la nitHHlH»llifil, Aliiliiintn nutl l.imliil'-lum lluimfn llni-t' llft'it .Stv«>|)l

A^vaj, HiillrtMltlK « n«l.<-il Outnull t'ruiiM lit- Ml m j «-tl.

I .OI ' ISVI 1,1.10, April " I . rum-IngrnliiH funtlime thruinilimit the tltiut) din-trlt-lH ,,l the Html l i , mul tl ir iluiiitfr tullvi'H uud pruiierty IH heeuuilui: inureliruvf. l l wan (lumitlll Sntiirdu,!' that ti l l 'CIIHIH WIIH PIIHHIMI, hut in ninny lotulll lfHihe rain IN falling ii^iiln with luci-fiuieilvloleiifc. l .utf iTpurtH tu the wuiit l i f iInni'lltl MIIUW that lleuvy prei'l|iltu(hiii IIIIHIICCII iielierul wlt l l lu the hint \'~ huurnIhrtiiiKliniii (he lluuiletl emmlry. It waxI'Hlllliulcd ItiHt Siiliirility Unit ja.O'UUHH)wtiril i nr prlvale pru|u'i't,v hail ulri'ud.vhe,"ii deHtruyed, ami it Is now tl iuti fhlprnhuhU' that 1 IIIH dinmip' will he heavilyliicrcuHi'd. Mull niul teleirriiph coiiiiiiuul

eulh'll IIIIH heen deHlrnycl lietwet'll 111,,muallur tm\ IIH In Mississippi i i u n T ^ . -tut mil suiilh uf .IncliHun, Iliu nurtl i i ' i i lUu H uf the tluiul. Many rui'Uilmiist'K luiveheen Mvtepl iiivu.v, the ueeu|ianlH harel.vrHcaplau with I heir liven, ami the ilrmvii-iiiK uf n fuiully of Heveii ni'urut.H IH re-pulted l lul l l Jncl.Hun MIHH. The linn,IIIIHII-ICI IS ruuchly huiin,l,.,l hy il lluoilri iwn Iruin Mul,ilr up I,, ihe TuiulilKheo1'lvtT tu the center uf the HIUIC uf A In -hiiiiiu, Ilieiice went ilirnuuli Jui'ktiuu,MIHH., tu Illf MlnHlsslppI river.

Ai'tnnn! t'ohuuhln, MIHS., every rullrua.lmnl WIIKIIII lirhliti1 IH lepnrteil WUHIICIIiiwuy, uu.I lltst crops lire a tutnl loss. At:lOlilerpilhe. MIHH,, (he wnler Mlands livefeet In Ihe IIUIIHCH ami HtnreH. At Mi'l'id-lua, Miss., the wuter IH rcpurlctl nt »ix

Iliul still rlsllik'. Tllllherlepm-led iluHlrojetl at.

feet In Ihe streetsand h.lll.lllius ,irKlllKVllle. Mn-i,lulu. He Smu anil tluoui;liIhe llu.ltol I ' n i l , district In MlMsl,.-.ippl,niul iiiiinei .ins Nluall |i>• illtH ill Ahllniuuirep,ul ureiil ilnniiu;,..

Tini i is uu riilli.uols Inin N',\\ Orleiinswhli'll liuvc nut hct'll llhlllii luilcl "I l l i lelyare inuiiiiiiJ ulil> III I he tlil.vllyh: nwinu tuthe iluiiu.-ruiis euntlllluu ul1 lh.- trucks.The Lnii lsil l le und Nashville New Or-lenm. line, which wilt In fuir cuiuiniaii un-til IIINI t>vt'iiln«. Is nuw cut In two liy theilfNtnif i loi i of n four spun ln-hltfi' over LliuA\*I-N( 1'II\CII«UIIIII ih . ' f nciir Scnintuu.ArriiliKi'incntH hnic heeii inndc to terrypUHM-lluel-s Ili'l-IIHH Ihe hleillt. Mnil.V pi'O-plc in the Mllilll iviilcl- humid tuWIIH ofMississippi are rrpuiicil uu the I,link uC1,11m tiiiun.

r r u t t m Ntrlkt. ICmlftl.OKOTO.N I . A N D I M i , N. \ .. April '. ' I.M u s i u f t i l e I l l l l i l i u « l l u I l l l V e l i e e a

l l o . - e A I - I U V D i i i n l l , ! , , , «« . -» l . l l l l f . | t , u i l , l i i i i : t i l e w . u l . s In i ,- w i l l l e a v e I'm

I ' A l i l S . A p i l l 'J."i f a p l a l l i I , m n . U u ' l i . u i i , ' I m i n i . T i l e S e u - u l l i r r t f h l l f l i t . i l U

l ' l t - i i i h .-111.. 1 n.-i-r iv Im h u d < l u i u : i - n f l l u n u l l . i n n . ' u . l , w i l l he l a t h e i r n r i u n r y i n

I I . . m i i i l l l l . ' . v n i u l e i i u l l l c e i ' v ' i n . I w i n . w n > ! .New \ ul L c i t y t h i s f v e l i i n j ; . T h e e i i v n l -

HIH.I lu ih,- h,ii,I ,lu Iiu: ih<< - I - i-, ,-f Kl1.11 |.-\ . Ii l l i I l l l l l i ' l III Mui's.'lll.'.s. I

ty will either i c u l i hunie ahmit the Mini,-time or w III he In camp well nlmm un the

luii. l is -ni l hiiiiilui;u,l. mid ihu -ii:l ' i " I ruml. A p,nll"ii uf Trnnps A and (' willtlir I,Ml ,.\r [s |,,st. lu the ...ins.' <^\' tin iciinili i fo ra f.w1 .lays tueiifurce the luvvlul. t\ luw In' ,1, s.-i it,. ,1 lie- 11,,,-i-s 111 11' iteeeHsurv. The ^ t riUi- l.s u built uvor su"s|il, n,li,i MI t I l in Ut-." l i e sal,I iliev in-v 1 far us the truoys nre cnacenu'd. Teni-r liuil mure Hum (mm Jlii.onn 1,. -111.111111, niuius o( nirn mil nf I - lire now working.Hum under nuns, mid ..r ih.--.- i l u \ h.-nl At tin" i|inirrli'S 1ST men lire employed.

I il.iiiiii, uf win,111 only tliiii Iiiul while :i,"(l wi-re nt wurK nn the iliiui. ThUl» nlimit UU men less llian were ul wnrk011 the tiny prior In Ihe si 1 il,,-. Tho

I.ein killed.


III I l l tk lui l III Allt MIM'IM

nual KIIOSTON, April J."'. Arie listrlilint t,p

Wurds ul' wel.ume llull l W'lllllllll I I . I.Illmin. Spcnkei .1 IIII .1. M.u mnl Muynr ThnlmiH N. I l i u l , le|H-esentlnu ret-liect1 V i'i y Ihe ]lustun \'liuluher uf ('umtaereetill ' slale uf MasMi-l i iHrl l- imd Ihe cll.vof llnslun, anil ll lt'H|i,,lise hy Tltroilurt

tniclurH clalni tlinl they cna cet ten that'lliltt inuli.T nun in* they have need for.

Vttrpnt l''lrt<ji l it tho Nttr1liwt> .IS, April '_'!.- 1'uless n

C khruvy ruin -p V|S||M die Cnn» hike.rrirluii the llres u..w i-nnhiu In ihu "tup-pliiK*" v l l l CM.-ml tu the s 11111 <Ii 11 n l imlirr.iiilltt'tliill liissen which wil l run intu tbe

triu nl' milli.. ..r .lullm-H. The lire Ul-nllllned tu tile s|aai|u>|te imd holltllls, t l lf

( N'urcl, uf 1-lilliiilflplihi, Its prfM.ienr 0 | ( , , . , , , „ „ ,, r „ , „ < | W ( 1 wlntei-H.lin. niimiul eunvei.tloii of II,,. Nittlunal M ( | 1 , , , . a l , , , | h ,,,„ , , , v , , , , r s „ „ , „ , . , , „ „ ,AHHi.flnii.1 ' Manufacturers, wlii.ti Is ti l i : , , , m , . , | ,,;, ,.,-.Mhliu IS n. dry IIH tlud.'r.he In session f,,r three dn.vs, f.mnnlly M , M,.,,,,|..H* ,.f ihe Seniiliin-Hllwon-ipeilftl lu l.ulhnei liuil, Trrinunl Tellipleyeslerday lunraluK- \\'heliSen ri l l 's yuvcl fell, lint limn

I'I shleiilI him IKK-

l.unihcr cuinpiiny snl.l yesicrduy Unit 11teirlhU' tire vv us 1 nclin:

hike Th,

t here tire pruhahly luuie thilll iloai'le tlllllliumher In Ihe city. Sccivtin-.v W'INull nuuulinci'd Ihe stmi.liiiii euliilultteeH. af t f lwhich IVi-slilcal Sfiiri-li pri-Hi'lited Ills illlIllllll lepuil, which uccupled the reulllill11 IT nl th 1 him: s l u l l .

The atterlinuu was ilevutod tu t l l f rt'purls ,,f ihe tieiisiner. ChnrleH A. SideIt'll, t he culliai 111. e nil IIII el lin 11., nil I fit-1II 111niul t in iinpurlitt Inns niul Iht- uiinnll letnil | , a r c - I s p,i*.t. T l i c t r i ' n s i u - e i ' w i r p u r l

ail h uml west ofas liavf < up.a must tllHinttruiiHand eNer.v tl i ini; fi

luifst lire.

DrlvtMi Oti< l>.v UnmR-litiiillcrii.

NUW VdllK. April 'Jl. -Six fninlllenuf Hlisslan .lews, lin |iei»nns III all, llr-rlvi'd llerf yustm-duy mi the KulHur W'ilhelm I I . They luive I.e.-II detained ill thehull.'.' nlllur ]..'II,lim; nil IllvcHtlillllinll intotheir Kiilvfllf.v. The people left Kin lie.Iniifli-o IIMI weeks IIJIO. They Inn! heenfiirmliiK In the Ari:eatliii' Itepnhlle, und

ts ,,f i iu ,\ear to luivt ' their fi-tipn weie raliietl hyheeli ^7 I .Jllli und , \ pi'tulll 111 " ' .'sdu. TT. | "" "• —

111 the fvciili iu tin- ilel"i:illcs i n.ii,veil ll ! flT^ IIII,I eiiiertalnni. ut In tlic Illjnit -»•»"»»>»•" **- = -I III liter, the Use ut' Which wus l.u.l.'lulll.y Mr. It. I', Keith,

.DAVIDl.ltt-tl nutl Illt-tl 'rtiutMltrr.

M l l ' I ' I . K T U W ' S . N . V . . A p r i l 'Jd. -The Misses .lusephllle Had I'i II nces I'lttH.ll«l'il .'•- iliul IH .VCIII'H. holll tiled ut tiltMIInit' time uf pufiiniuiiln la \Ynrwlcliyt".l"i,lny. They hail itlwil.V'H llvt-il uudwurKitl tuut'llicr.

m Dr. David licnnedylsFavorite RemedyCURES ALL HinNCY. STOMACH **

The one sure cure for •/l ldnGyMiver and Blood

W VNTKI)—HKVEIUL l'KHSONH FORdlKtrlot Ollloti MmuiRfrii In this Stiite

to io,ireni>iit inn In their own niul siitronml-lu« oimulleB Willing to puy yimrly -}(l()l),pivnliln wvrltlv. I)t'nlrni)lu I'llU'luyniontwith «inimi«l ap|)nrlunlil«y, ]trfarencenexflliniiRfil. Kuulosi! i-olf ii'1,lrnim<d unnippdenv-tdnpe. H. A. 1'irk, S'iO Ciixlou lhillil-lug, UlihinKU.Ot'n Kotli, Urniul Ulmiiwllop. K. I'..

II. iinvlllt', Imi., «»)•», "lipWItl'tt Wlti'hlli»,"l Sdv»\ sutitlins llict intim drllonto nkln .mid ht'iiU tho imwtntiihbnrn ulvtrwlili c - f !L 'BO. E . M A T T O X ,

llllln Itllll \ J ^ . : . - ; . . -_ Ttr-:^^:^



lulu ami HOUII reBtiltn." (Jim>. pil umli>l(tu illmimtci, llut.'l buy HU iuiitmluu.Wn,. Ofriirtl.

W. \V, Mnylivw, Mnriuii. Win., «»y», "1coniiitltir 0n« M hm n Oouu'i Cur« H ninMwoiuli.rfiil uivtlloliif. iiiilek nutl mtfe." I tla Iliu only uiiMnlra-. r. uiiuly Unit nlvo» Im.cnatlinto ro«iiltii. li, imtM tinuuuii, iniltht,iTtnip, hruiuiliiils, urtpiio. whoop.mi voiigh,piH'iHiiunln mnl ml ttnont ami hlllH ills-I'liDdit. It* onrly utn I'li'vonUonu*niu|itlnii. iOhildrvu ulwujit ||ko It nnl tuuluera ou-tlotso ll. Win. (iornid.


Bookaway - N. J,

Page 7: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

Rockaway Record

Thursday, April 26, 1900.

BRP MI'S Oin'llti WK.The I'lillcil HIIKCH triiiiHport Biimnoi

arrived nt 1'nrt SHIII.The Chlncne "bnxcrH" miiHuiUTed inlinj

native Human (JiitliullcH lu I'e-Chl-Ijprotlncc.

WeKtchcHlor county oflleiiiln offtM'i'd nri'wnrd of JpOl) for the urrent of thtDoilglllH UHHUHHin.

I*. A. Niiniim-.v, nn ex-CiinfiMlernte otMacou, (in., while mentally derangedpluuni'd lu kill Admiral Deuey.

The United HtntOH Huprenio court re-timed to Kinnt 11 writ of eeitlornrl In th«riitc of former Captain Oberlin M. Carter.

The three rod mills of the llllnoix Steo!company at .lollet clum-d, and it waH nimorod that the entire plant would hhut(IHWII.

Mrs. Bnrnh L. WrlRht, dniiirhlpr 01.Indue I'jheni'zi'l' l'r-ek, in whoxe hotlHe tillHint Liiieuln cabinet wan madu up, died111 I'liieilH".

Monday, April 211,An Knjj!inh tlnn necured the I(1ormoann

cuinplior niuno|>oly.Miehacl Cudnhy hub Riven $,~)0,0<M) tc

the Hoiuuii Catholic univerMlty of Amur-lea.

The transport Kuerldnii IH to be re-palreil und altered at a cunt of uhoul$

(Jovernnr Unofjevelt will Hpeak nt tlu(Irani celebration at (Juleuu, 1 JIH., Fridayuftenioon.

Six hundred eoopers have none on Htrtlie.nt llallfnx beeuuHe of tile Introduction oflinrrol milking Machinery.

The date for the tinnual football gamebetween llnrvnrd and Vule haw been 111<"d for Nov. 24 in New Haven.

Snturduy, April 21,The 1'rinee of WIIICM nrrlveil at Dovot

on Ills return from Ciipenhugcn.A Michigan farmer wan uttacked and

painfully Injured by l.OtKJ crown.Sergeant I>OIIKIUNH, idiot at Croton duiu.

wan burled with milltiiry hoiiom.Work oo the reconstruction of tho TV

hiiantepcc railroad lu Mexico uns boonbegun.

FloodH In MIHHISBIPPI caused million)of dollars' damage und huvo not yutabated.

The paying teller of the Merchanta'bank of Toronto tonfcased to a skortagtIn tilt* account!*.

The distrcHH In India w«a reportednpreudlng, and G.BUO.OOO person! werenuld to he receiving relief.

Trouble wan reported between' theBritixh und Kronen on the Dahomejfrontiers In West Africa. An uprising IDOaman, northwest of Ashuntl, wag alacreported.

Prldnr. April 20.The ICrle canal will open April 25 and

the Black river cnnal May IT).<iejieral Edward I*. PearHon was re-

parted critically 111 at West Point.Tho I'rlnee of Wales left Copenhagen

for England .yesterday morning.Tho SpnnlHh cabinet was reorganized

beeause of continued ditmenslous.FrlcMon between Russia and Korea

over the demands of the former contin-ued.

The ' t i l led States transport Sedgwlckbrought $>VIO,UUU In French gold fromCuba.

Automobiles vnlneil nt ?r>0,000 wornHhipped to the lluwaiiun luliwnU fromChlcngo.

The Swedish riksdag voted large sumsfor ammuuiliun, rifles, field artillery audinervnue nf the nnvy.

Tho Spanish minister, the Duke d'AreoB,will be invited to attend the <J. A. It. en-eampment nt ChLrugo in August.

All Knuliuid celebrated I'rinirose day,the nnniversnry of Hcnconsfinld'sdeath. Queen Vletorla sent a massivewrvnth of primroses for his grnve utHu^hendi'u.

Oovornor Honscvclt signed the bil l pro-vid ing thnt the pr imi i ry dity tu selectstate ('(invention delegates lu presidentialyears shal l be the tenth instead of tin.1

seventh Tuesday before eleel tun.

Tlillrmliiy, April II),The plague has appeared at several

Hed sea ports.The Ynqui Indian trouble in Mexico

has been practically settled.Tho deaths from plague In India each

week are said to aggregate 4,000.A unique Invitation to visit Paducah,

Ky., was presented to Admiral Dowey.The president will remove Collector

Tolbert of th* Charleston (8. O.) district.The JeoNiip expedition to explore north-

western Siberia sailed from Sun Fran-cisco.

The wire mills of the American Steeland Wire company in the Pittsburg dis-trict hnvo resumed work.

The presbyteries of ninghamton andof Detroit petitioned the general assem-bly for a new and Hhorter creed.

Alfred IH. MorriRon, the tenchor of lan-guages at Mount Vernon, N. Y., who shothis wife while In u dream on Doc. 28Uit, was acquitted of murder.

WcUncaday, April 19.An anarchist plot was discovered at

Aneonii. Italy.Tho shall of Persia left Teheran on his

way to Europe.Queen Victoria declined the Invitation

to visit Holfast.Since April WO.OOO Italluna were land-

ed in New York'Kxtenslve dumngo by floods was re-

ported from Meridian, Miss.Hbrr Jules Snehs, tho musical Unprea-

earlo, Is dead ut Sun ltcino, Uorniauy.A state election was held in Louisiana;

Unfavorable weather kept down tho voto.The plague hns appeared in tho Juvtm-

rood district ot Persia, 105 dcathi bolusretorted, ..... .


from Ittxt week.)

Historical and Genealogical.In tho beginuiug of tlio oncl it IIUH

limn advised to nive some account of theold Rocknway uliurch und its people.Iti doing this the. sketch written by Dr.KiiiK, soon uftcr thu dedication of thopri'Hent church, Sept. 0, !H!t2. has tiuuureproduced, from u pumplut in uiy POHHCH-HIOII, the only ouo, porhaps, iu exiutouuuuinoiiR tho pooplo of tojday, It wasprinted by rctjucHt of tlin Hussion at thattime, at Nowurk, by Uzul J. Tuttlo &Co., I Will.

It also has liHts of ooininunioautH atthat time, which have boon rourriuiKud,Riving darn of membership owl dnti) ofdentil when known. Tho list previousto 1H0H from vurioiiH sourceH, iucludeHporaoiiH coiinoctcd with tlio oliurcli un-terpriHo with dntofl of m«mbors)iip and<loath wheu known. In both lists uromany who may bo buried at tho Oeinti-tery, dato unknown, und 11 part removedto other settluiiHints, place aud time un-kuowu.

Many other rocurdx of iutorest willfind thoir placo hero, to preservo theirhistorical Interest. Through the kindpermission of the Itev. Joseph F. Tut.tlu,of Orawfordsvilln, Ind., a numbor ofsketches of old families havo boon repro-duced. Without this aid of bin research-es, the history of Rockiiwny uud itspeople would bo iueomplote.

In tho Kouenlou;io8 of old Morris Coun-ty families, tho lines have beun drawnto those more or loss connected with theonrly settlements of Hoekawuy, aud Us

iunnodiutii vicinity, und whose relativesmid connections are buried at the Ome-tcry. My information has been xuinciby an extended correHpoinleuci! in manystates from Muiuo to California, fromVermont to Florida, and rofereuc.u onsome disputed poiutH have been referredto somu of thu uotud Kcuculo^ists ot theday.

Iu some oases, family histories havehmm sent me, that have taken the au-thors many years of put lent research,lubor and expuimo to complete. In mynrraiiKummits the outlines have buivibrief aud direct to our early settlors, andthose wishing n mom uxtendud family

\ history, with all the HIIII: lines, un< re-| fored to the works theuiHiilves. It has, beun aii honor to be able to refer totliese (Collections, and 1 do not wish anyfavorable mention when thu work hasbeen dono by others.

In the closing of tlic scries, we hopeto be able to more fully complete our re-searches, relating to those, who did ser-vice, in the "days that tried men'ssouls," and in our later wars who maylii! buried at the Cemetery, heroes of live,if not six wars. Also to complete thelist at that later date, those who urubeing buried here, and, last but notloast, to correot sonic of tin* errors thatmay have crept in, typographical andotherwise, to the host of our ubility.

Kospoctfully yours


A Brief History of the Church atRockaway, N. J.

Much useful information Is lost to theohuroh and to tho world for wnut of arecord of tho early Rettlomeut aud pro-gress of tho church™. The many difll-oultlon aud prejudices of sectarianismlu nil now setrlomouts, tend greatly toImpede tho} progress of trno piety, uudmuch that might be gained by united ef-fort aud pious instead of party zeal, islost by n desire to promote particulartunets instead of the religion of our8nviour, "whloli is first puro, thenpoaceablo, gontle, easy to be eutroatod,full of mercios aud good fruits, " oto.

The Presbytoriuu ohuroh at Rooka-way may bo said to hnvo boon foundedabout tho year 17(1(1, although tho firstmoetiuR-housG (of wood) wns raised iuSeptember, 1753. Tho building was thounited offort of many denominations,and considerable sums wore given byother congregations. Tho pioas ColonelJacob Ford, 9eu., of Morristowu, gavoone hundred pounds. The house waseuclosod and benches' placed on theground floor, and divine service held iuit iu that situation until 1708, when thepulpit aud seats below stairs were built.Iu this situatlou the house romninuduntil tho year 1794, wheu It was coiledand the galleries made and seated, as itreinuiuod until the now uioeting-honsowan finished as it now is of brick, auddedicated ou tho sixth day of September,18!tt. I**;-.-.

The first written record of tho parish,wherein they appear to bo taking aname, and assuming a deuomiuutlon, isdated December 2!1, 171111, when it wasvoted "to appoint a committee to signan article of agreimnmt to join with Par-sippuny in culling aud settling aPresby-turian minister to preach, or settle, forboth parishes jointly "

Ou the and of March, 1707, tho parishmet to consider of and give Mr. .lamesTuttlo a call as a candidate to proach ntRockaway and Parsippany, when it wasvoted to givo Mr. Tattle a call ; and ac-cordingly at a parish meeting on 11th ofMny, 1707, hold for that purposo, a coni-mittoo was appointed to sign tho call forMr. James Tuttlo to settle with Rockn-wny nud Parsippauy, aud Deacon DavidBonumu was appointod to go to presby-tery, carry tho call, aud obtain an an-swer.

In April, 1708, tho Rev. Jamos Tnttlewas ordniiiod at Parsippony as ministorfor that cougregation aud Rockaway.This was the first settled aud ordainedminister ih Rookawny. Mr. David Bea-man was ! appointed ohorister, aud Mr.Jacob Allortou to road tho psalm. It ap-poors that sixty pounds was tlio sumnamed for the minister's Balary ; this foroue half tho time waa equal to one hun-dred aud sixty dollars a year.

Iu Ootobor, 1770, owiug to tho con-tinnod illuess of Rev. Mr. Tattle, thoparish voted to sue for a dismlssiou fromtho Rov. Mr. Tuttlo whou the presby-tery should Bit, ftud a petition wassigned accordingly; but on tho 9th ofApril, 1771, thodecoaso of tho Rov. Mr.Tuttlo having takou place, tho parishvoted "to prosout ft petition, to thonrosbytory for thorn to aeud a caudidato

if they oau, if not, to grant the pnrlshliberty to hire a minister that shall bejndgod of good standing by some per-sons that they shall appoint."

Iu Jauuary, 1773, a coutrnot was madewith the Rev. Mr. Simsou to preaoh foreighty-five pounds, light money, a year,aud havo the ueo of tho parsonage.April 1,1772, appointed Jacob Ford, Juu.,a oommittoe to carry the petition of theparish to the presbytery at Trenton, andvoted, "to givo Mr. Simsou twenty-sixshllliugs for every Sabbath he has, orshall proach for us, until tho mooting ofpresbytery iu NewBruniwiok." It ap-pears Mr. Simsou, haviug preachedtwelve Sabbaths at the meeting house,declined th i call presented to presby-tery for a sottlomeut; and the congrega-tion remaiuod without a settled pastor,aud rouewod thoir application to theNew York Presbytery for Bupplios ; andou 20th April, 177S, it was voted at apariah mooting to send Mr. Isaao Sar-geant to Now England for a minister ;but iu Mny, 177!), tho voto to soud toNow Eugluud for a minister was re-scinded, nud a request mado to presby-tery for supplies. A list of tho names oftho miuisters who preached as suppliesis giveu to preserve names of the thenpresbytery—viz. : Rev. Mr. Murdock,Rov. Thomas Lewis, Rev. TimothyJones, Rev. Jucob tiroeu, Rev. Mr.Clow, Rev. Mr. Buruet, Rev. Mr. Lyoiiand Rev. J. Grover.

In September. 177!!, the congregationat Parsippuuy made a request to the con-gregation at Rockaway to join themagain iu obtaining a settled minister:but their offer was declined, aud theparish voted to request presbytery tosend them a candidate for settlement orsupplies as before.

In May, 1774, the parish made out acall for tho Rev.[Matthias Buruet, whichwas presented to the presbytery, theusitting at Elizabethtown, iu which theystate tlie society consists of oue hundredfamilies who have raised, and offeredhim for His support, oue hundred pounds(two hundred and sixty-six dollars! an-uunlly, with tho parsouage with ouehundred ncres of land, with a housethoreou iu decent ordor, aud to tludhim his firewood at the door.

Tho Rev. Mr. Barnot took six mouthsto cousidor tho call.i nud theu de-cliued acooptiug it. From this timeuntil 17th March, 1775, tho parish re-ooivod supplies from presbytery, nudpart of tho time hired the Rov. JosephGrover as a candidate, who afterwardswas settled at Parsippauy; after 'whichtho parish voted toiuvito a Dutch minis-ter from Haokeusaok|for a short eeasou ;when Mr. Deroudy, a minister of theReformed Dutoh oharoh, supplied thepulpit for Bovontoon] Sabbaths; afterwhich, ou tho 13th April, 1770, tho par-ish hirod tho Rov. Mr. Noble Everett asa canditato for six mouths, with a viewto settlement, but whioh ho afterwardsdeoliuod.

must havo healthy kidneys firstof all, liL'causo healthy kidneysfilter all impurities from theblood. With rich, rod bloodcoursinK up und down the veins,a man must necessarily be well,strong and happy. The onemedicine which cures Kidney,Liver, Hla'dder and Blood trou-bles, pain in the small of theback, frequent desire to urinate, es-pecially at night; scalding pain inpassir •; water and discolored urine, is

Dr. David Kennedy'sFavorite Remedy.

It is a medicino you can pin your faithto absolutely. There is no piesaworkabout it —no chance. It cures everycase which can be reached by anyhuman agency. This medicine is alsoa mild and pleasant laxative, helpingthe bowels to move in a perfectly natural way. It is as much betterthan pills as gold is better than brass.

Edward Pochin, of 30 Control Stroct, Lafayette, lad., 00 years old, suffereda long time with diseased Kidneys and Bladder. Often lie had to get up ten orflftcun timcR a night. Tho paintt in lm hack were fearful. He sent for u freesamplo bottle of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. The effect after tak-ing it was instantaneous. Then he bought two regular sized bottles, and theycured him completely.

A Urge bottle ol Favorite Remedy !• told br drugglit' lor SI, or ill bottlei lor $1.TRIAL BOTTLE FREE.

Rpn'l ynnr lailnt' nud iul(ln\s3t(ittip IHl DAVIDKKNNKIIY mllPORATIliN,mentioning this paper. Youturn lauil. nbdtilutciy fn>e. u trlii] txiUlc nt fav-orite Remedy, unit a immiihlel edliuilniug val-uable medicui udvlco. such in uvervbody uecdi.

•IIIPORATIHN, Roudmit. N Y ,You will NM'L'lvt1 l»v rv-

TRY THI8 TE$T. ^ ~Put Borne urine In u RIOSS tumbler and let tt

etund 2i botire. A sediment at the bottom or ftmilky, clouiiy appearance indicates that thekidneys are in a <laii<erouii (xmdltion and thatFuvurltt? Ki'iut'dy Iti budly needed. Healthyurlue U clear aud does ootstalu linen.

Second-Hand ArticlesCheap.

In our trading, buying, and selling second-hand articles we

have accumulated considerable material, which is as g6dd'^as new

and much cheaper that we want to dispose of at once. They con-

sists of:

Good Buggy,Flour Chest,

Lot of. new Books,Cradle,

Single Harness,5 gall. Oil Tank.

Folding Fishing Rod.

Child's Crib,Autoharp,

Cylinder Stove.Bicycle Saddle,

Bicycles,25 callon Oil Tank.

Dog Power.


Continual next week.

(The Breakfast Cereal)

is a perfect breakfastfood. It is complete in strengthand health producing qualities.GERMEA does not irritate weakstomachs, and is easily digested.

DIRECTIONS.—To four rnps of water ndil slowlv nnc cup I,ERMEA ; cook insingle boiler ihrce minutts. Water must hull hefari' ndding GliKMEA.

Save your empty packages, they arc valuable ; they entitle w a to premiums.Ask your grocer About them.

The following lending grocers sell QERMEAI

Strait Bros. Co. E. H. Todd. H. D. Tuttle

Promptness in Delivery MECHANICS'TOOLS

of manufacturers Bapplies is ono of tbe poiDts of onr business upon whichwe pride ourselves. Annoying delays re not experienced when orderingof nB. There's a feood reason for it. We alwayB have on band a largesupply of the thiDgs our long experieaoe has ahown ure most needed iathe faotory.


2I&23mmNEWARK M l

EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHBetter than a Piano, Organ, or Mnsio Box, for it sings and talks as well as plays, anddon't cost ns much. It reproduces tho rnuslo of any instrument—baiid or orchestra—tcllastories and sings—tho old fiuniliar hymns as well as the popular soups—it is always ready.l*rlcos $7 50 to $100.00. 8co that Mr. Edison's signature is on every machine. Cata-logues'of all dsalen, or NATIONAL PHONOQRAPH CO., US Fifth Avc, New York.

Page 8: Mrs Blakcley of Hibernia, Before Two with u red crusH iu · gated to welcome Rev. \V. C. '1 lmbrell back to Rockaway. He

Rockaway RecordThursday. April 26, i<;oo.

St. James ' Episropul clinrc-li lit Hack-cHHtowu, will be coiiscTnilucl on Mouday uext.

Hou. Mulilon Pitney, of this county,is a member of the now Shite Republi-can Committee.

The Irviufrton . Millmrn twnuty-fivomile road ruw will lie run this yunr ususual on Dtseonttion Day

Joseph Huti's, < 1 f Ililii-rnin. received aseven rut on Monday over his left e)'ewhile employed in one of I hr lnlnf.sthere.

The (irund ('(ilillrll nf New .IiT-ey ofthe Kiivul AT in nuin will nn-el in Lake-wood (111 .Monday and Tur-day. May Tand s

The armory at Dover l- nj»:iin iivailaLit- tor u.»e, the — li 11-1 faeinry thai \vn.~upe I hint fall having ill palled el.-ewhc.v.

Ex•Jndf.'t' Cutler and Klmer K1111S havebeen retaiurd by .Mrs. Sutton, of Nel -ron^. who is licensed of poisoning herhusband.

Wilton Capps, formerly edilor of IheDover .lounial. atinoutices that aboutMay 1 he will publish a daily newspapi rin Morristowu, to be known as '1 heEvening Star

Cleorno W. Smith, of Hackettstown,has received the ennliiicl to rebuild theburned ice houses at Lake Hopatcon^.The work has be^un. and the cost is es-timated at uuurly $uu,uiK>.

Statements have been published thatat a meeting of several New Jerseysheriffs recently il was decided not toemploy J. VanHise. the public hang-man, at executions, hereafter.

Gueriu l 'ruden, ij^ed 7Ti yei*rs, at-tempted suicide Ht his home in Morris-town ou Monday evening by shootinghimself in the hend with a revolver. Hei n s iimde despondent by a long illness.

Supt. Kiiyiiiond DiiPuy, of the Morrisand Kssex division of the LackawannaKailroiul, will resign next TuesdayCharles M Ketchain, now superinteii-deiit of transportation, will succeed him.

Burton M. Halch. editor of the Mucli-MIII Kuuli', wa.~ luarrieil in Miss Mary J.Horraeks. daughter nf II .1 Ilorracks,proprietor of a larp- departmeiil store atUtica, N. Y . Monday morning at theresidence of the bride's parents.

An additiuinil -a termini to travel overtlie Lackawantia has been made by SuplD l l l ' l i y T e l e | l h o l l e M T V l l V I l l ' t W e i ' l l t i l l 'w e s t e n d uf t i n - I V i ^ ' c i i l u n n e l a n d l i a r -r i x i n , w i t h a e r u t r . i l s l a t i n n lit t h e I l a c k -e u s a c k l i n i l p ' h a - b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d ,t h r o u g h \vhn-11 d e l . i v s o n t h e m e a d o w sn i a v b e iiLiute U n i i w n a n d p r o m p t n i e a s -u r e n f o r r e l i e f a d o p t e d .

Fiee Trip to Paris


A free trip to PuriH out] return will begiven I'j- THE ILI.USTJUTED AMEIUOAN ofNew York to the peruou uiukillu' tuo Jurgestlint uf wc>rd« nsiny imlv ll.eae eitftit letters"A-M-K-li-l-(J-A-N," for eiimiple: arm.nitii). ru:e, uice, eto. An elegant upriyhl1'IBIIU for taob eocoud und third largestlints. A blub (jiailo Bicycle for eueb of thenext lite luri;e« lists. A Grapbupboue foieach o[ the next teu lurgesl lists. A Mor-ri» ICusy L'liaii , baudBomoly upliolstBtbd,fur of the next, twi'Uiy-uvb largestllats nud u choice of either u benutiful bilkDreas Pattoru or a China Dinner Bet forenoh of the uext tii'ty largest lintel. Iu Oftaeof ii tie for uuy prize tbe oat-h (quivultjutalii bn equally divided among thoRe en-titled to it. Forward yoar list of words(correctly numbered) with 15 two coutbtampB for u three njouthu titul subscrip-tion, and 501 will receive full purtioularsaud DotiMoation of the result BB soon asaward is made.

O\er $^0,000 bae beeu expended duringthe pusl twelve years to secure for TheIllustrated Aiuerlouu it'a position ia theforemost racks of AtrjBrioan publicationsmid $100,(100 more IH to be spent to obtainfor It the largest honu-flde circulation ofaiiy high cluss ainKnzuie in tbe world.Every sncoeB«(ul oontenliiut in to reoulu-•uend it tu their friends und ushint in in-cretiniun its already large HDUUUI eiroida-titm. Tlie competition open" April lHtb,and oloMew Mav Hint, 11IU0. Five teachersfrom the New Ywrk I'ubllo SuUonlw will beil)v»ti'<l to txit UN 11 ooujnilt ten of n uid ft WHrH.Addnist.: '1 us IU.CKTHATUI AMKHICAN, D"|I ' I' I ' . ' Aujcr'.c'Hii Trail K dety Building, NewVorb.



Hubert Ayrew und fmnily spent Sun-day with friends ht lTniou.

(. del) Hopler, of l^rnuklin, who hitsbeen ou tho sick list, is idiie to he

John Sexton aud wife spent Suud-iywith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fr nk(i»lle(rhnr, Ht Ki-ouklin.

Wm. Miller, Rate tender on till' mainline of the Lnl'knwanua at this place, hasmoved to Denville.

A lur(,'e liuinber of torch lights areseen every night uloug the stream atFrunkliu curried by boys mid ineu hunt-ing for suckers. They »ro so iuteiitupou their efforts that they do not evenstop to give the lish n rest ou Sunday.

Ou Moudiy a very pious tramp wnswniideriuK about our neighborhood. HeWIIS bejjfriud money witli the promise hewould pr. y for the givers. Noue. th . t lknow of were fiutlieiently moved by hisreiiuests us to get the benefit of hispr.yers.

,7. P. C rayon li'S bfleu appointed cen-sus enumerator for the Southern elec-tion District iu this township.

We Carry Messages.If anybody has a messnpe for the

people of this community he cannot de-liver it to them sn effectually, so cheap-ly, so quickly in any oilier way asthrough the columns of this paper.

It is the 1>UMII"SS of this paper tocarrymessages of one kind and another intohomes. The message will be delivered,too, under favorable conditions, for fewpersons take up their local paper exceptm a plea.-aut and receptive frame ofmind.

The sifin upon the fence hoard may bej:ood, but it can bi'seen only by travelerswho j:o I lial particular road. The ines-sace 111 the local paper carries itself tothousands, no matter by which roadthey travel.

.Select your space and put your mes-sage where it will do the most tfood.

We. perhaps, can help you if you willbut ask us.

Mr. Wm. Bnrd, of this town, is dis-tributiuK Irouj I M H B 10 u.m-e, mid, in faet,tryitin to place in tlie bauds of every mantiud woman lu Koebnwuy postal oards ad-dreHHi-il to Dr. David Kennedy, of Koodout,N V. These cardH entitle our readers ID a

I free 1 rial bi ttle uf lha: great Kulimy, LiverI and Hloml nieiliciUH, Dr. Davui Keuutih'a

Fnvniite Krmody.' '1 IIIH in it Keuuiue otTdr and ll very hbeiHlI one, KM it uneN our lowuHpeu|dn a chiiLceI to Iry Favunti- Ueiuedy with absolutely noelpeuse to tneujMelves

We tuive known l)r. Duvid Kennedy'sFiivonto Kemedy for years aud ooustanilyhear of its murvelous cures, so we adviceall our renders to tuku ad»auta(je of thisliberal offer to try ibis great Remedy,free.

An Expensive Drunk.I'pon complniut of Mrs. M. Gillnn

a hoarder WHS arrested on Tuesdayeve iuj{ for heirp drunk aori dinorilerly.After beiu({ locbtul up over night aidK'iven time to (jrt sober he was taken be-foio M-.yor Loewo.Mh«l nnd plead (rnilty,whereupon the niiyor fined him $10 atidcosts, which he p id

Mrs. (iilleu ajtaiii h d him nrrested oua clini-Ke of "open lewdness." He wastHken before Justice Anuild. who heldhim under '."i bonds to uppeur beforethe October (.irand Jury.


Thomas VanOrdeu rides a new'•Pichter" wheel.

Wm. Merritt IWK moved to Rockawny.Mr. Bush bus moved to Franklin.The P. (). ,S. of A., of this plice, now

liOBSt of hoviim os fine a lodge room asthere is iu the county. They have justhad it refitted with a new c rpet, l.mps,rugs, HMK, desk, etc. This organizationis a very solid one and more of our youngmen should be found in its ranks. OuMny 11th, they propose to give 00 invita-tion reception. A Lumber of th • Stateofficers are expected to be present aLd aspecinl program iu being arrarged.

A "Heart" Party.Mra, Harry Mutchler entertained n

number of her friends at a "heart" partyon Thnrsday eveuiug. A very eujoyu-ble time was spent by those present.The first lady's prize was wou by Mrs.Dr. Flagge consisting of a beautiful em-broidered doyley, and Mr. Fred Schott•won first gentleman's prize. The "con-solation" prizes were bestowed on MissAgnes Strait and Mr. Harry Dickersonrespectively.

A public sale advertised in the RECORD•will do more good in the way of attract-ing buyers than 500 poBters. It reachesthe prospective buyer when ho isn't oc-cupied with some other business. Stillthe RECORD will print nuy number of

_postcrB, if you wish them.


CONSUMPTIONand I am afraid I have in-herited it. I do not feelwell; I have a cough ; mylungs are sore; am losingflesh. What shall I do?

Your doctor says take care ofyourself and take plain cod-liveroil, but you can't take it. Onlythe strong, healthy person cantake it, and they can't take itlong. It is so r ch it upsets thestomach. But you can take

EMULSIONIt is very palatable and easily

digested. If you will take plentyof fresh air, and exercise, andSCOTT'S EMULSION steadily,there is very little doubt aboutyour recovery.

There are hypophosphites in it;they give strength and tone up thenervous system while the cod-liveroil feeds and nourishes.

«oc. md Si.oo, all druggtlts.SCOTT STBOWNE, Chtmls»,>lew York,


Our citizens were (.'really surpripndWednesday moriiiiiK <o learn of thedeiuh, utter a brief illness, of KdwardLi Miller.

At tin; time of the last lire at HonR-hind's foundry he took cold and hadbeen coinphiiniiif,' since, but did not Kiveup worli until Thursday evening, fromwhich time he t;re\v worse and diedTuesday ui(jht without a si niggle.

He was the sou of James H. oth Miller and was horn Septem-ber 185? in the old homestead, on Hiber-nla Ave. He was raised aud receivedhis education in this place, aud lit theii(?o of 21 be went to Newark where howas employed in the Domestic SowiuRMachine Wor.s for four years, afterwhich ho became an apprentice in IheUuiou Foundry und Machine Shops,where ho had been employed up to the.time of his death. Mr. Miller wualooked upon by his employers as a care-ful and energetic workman and washighly respected by all his Bhopniates.

In June 1KB8 ho wan married to MisHMinnie, ('anghter of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Seymour, of this place, by Rev.Chus. Anderson, of the local Presbyte-rian Church, who survives him withtive small children. Besides his fatherand mother he is also survived by fourbrothers: Charles K, of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; William H.. who is down Huulli,and Thomas P. and -liiuies A , ef thisphice, and fwo sisters: Mm. Lizzie (i.Williams, of Brooulyn, N. V., anil Mrs.John M. GuKtin, (if this place.

Mr. Miller was a highly resperte>l cit.i-ziii, always using his influence towardthe b> ttrrmeut of the town und its en-t rpris s, 11 u I hud 11 kin I for every-body. H» had a host of frieii'is whogreatly deplore til* ir loss, 'lo know himwas to admire him.

He was an active munber (if the P i n -byteriau Church, which he jniuerl nboattwenty-six years ugii. He also d. lightedto att- ud thts "uiMins of grace" and kepthimHi-lf closely connected with the S1111-riay-school and Christian Endeavor So-ci tv.

About seven years ngo he joined thelocal lotiRe of Rojul Arcanum wlure hncurried au insurance of $.!.00(l, whichwill b» paid to his widow iu a few nav s.The members of the lodge will ntttndthe obs'quiis iu a body.

The funeral service will take place onSaturday afternoon from the IIOIIHO at2: ISO hud thi Presbyterian Church at !!o'clock, with Rev. T. A. Reeves officiat-ing-

'1 hn interment will be made iu thefamily plot in the Rocbaway Cetnetervwith John C. McGrath as director audthe lollowing bearers : T. H. B. Davev,Kichnrd Duvo.v, Edward Davey, .los. F.Tuttle, ,1. Harvey Bnuchard aud CieorgoMnttox.

DOLAMl.Mrs. Emma .1., wife of Lndlow Do-

huid, of Newark, died on Wednesdaylust, aged !)fi years. About four yearsago she ruptured nil artery in her headand hud been in a dangerous conditionsince, about six weeks ago she grewworso und died us slated above.

She was a Vandcrbilt and was bornand raised ;it Liike Denmark. Aboutfourteen yenrs ago she. was mai-ried toLudlow Dolniid aud began housekeepingiu NewarK where they had residedsince.

Besides a devoted husband she ismourned by a sisler, Mrs. John Norman,and a mother, of Hibernia.

She was a cousistant Christian aud nuactive member of the Orange Street M.E. Church, of Newark.

A funeral service was held from herlato home ou Friday evening with herpastor, Rev. Dr. Spellmyer ofllciiUinR,assisted by Rev. Dr. YanHoru, audorwhose ministration she was convertedseveral years ago. The body wasbrought to this place Snturdny morningand taken to the homo of Mrs. ElectaJones, where another service wns heldin the afternoon, with Rev. W. C. Tim-brell officiating. Last Summer whilevisiting here she selected a plot ill theNorthern part of the, Hockaway Ceme-tery, in which she was interred withJohn C. McUrath as director.

TitKVRROW.On Tuesday m roing Catliprin a Tre-

vtrow, of Hib>riiia, dwl suddenly at hrrhome from h*art disease, agfd 41 years.B sidts a dt-VLt'd hnsbnod she igni'iuri.d by five childran : Mrs. LenaSciudoi', uf Panijsylvaiiin; William,Janus, Sylvester a id Flnreuc •, ot Hi-bir i i t . A sistt-r, Mrs. Mary Hartigan,of N-w Yi-rk City, aid a brother, Thorn-is McLiughliu, of Hibtrnl ' , also sur-vive hi r.

The lunt-ml will tike ploce ot St. Pat-rich's Church, Hiberui-, to-morrowmeruii.jj .,t II: !!0, with R v. Mr. Schon-h»rt ofliciating. Intrrmnct in Ht Marv'sCnu ' te i ) . Purt Or.m, with John (J. Me-Gr»th us dinct r.

TABOR.Ch rl s Pitts, of Newark, was at this

pl«oe un Friday looking alt^r the reno-vating of his cottage for the Sammtr.

Miss Mab'l Banghart, of Rooiaway,spBit Sttnrday and Sunday with MisaLillian Smith.

Superirjt-ndent Cox tins an extrii forceot rn»n ut wrrk clem iog up the walksai d drives, and iu a general way prepar-1 g for the opeLiog stosoo.

Mr. Lair, of Morris Plains, will oon-duot the butchfr shop this easan.

H. A. Smith has taken the ogenoy forth- Dov.r St^ani Laundry.

R v. Mr. RamBi-y, of Denvill-, was inthis plact OD Wtdoisday makiDg miuis-t rial calls.

Ono hundred nnd fifty Italians whohave been employed at the new Edinoucement works, near Stewartaville, havequit work. They rofusod to work for$1.26 a day.

Stylein a worrmn'K Shot;

tlocb not neccsfifirily menu a hiicrifiei:of cane and comfort in walking — theHerridi Sliou proves that.

Stvlu need not cover inferior qualityand workmanship either—the long her-vice that The Henick Shoe gives awoman proves (hat also. Tlie llerrickis tlie cany thoe for walking, house ordrese occabions. Stylieh, durable, com-fortable. The Shoe of quality — theShoe of common seuse. Your choice ofthree good grades and each one guar-anteed— $2.50— $3.00—$3.50.

THE HERRICK SHOEOxfords 50 Cents per pair less than above prices.

Special Notice—Name and prict plainly stamped on sole of every shoe,




PIANOS-ORGANS FROM $ 2 5 . o o UPJ1'1:!11:1.1'1.* ", V::."n, CASH or KAN! PAYMENTS.plelu HuuIoU Uuiflt.NEW CATALOGUEA work ol HIT Uiuairaujil Iu IOtolor*. \ \ orlli lt*W tlvEtIn Uold. W« pay cLar«i'H on 11 and Be nil It FltEE, all youh-rnr*, to do Uto «Hk Tor It t«-d«Tjp1«n«e. Hrinpm.HTthin la the old rHtuljllnhod bouu ofCOUNIStld: CO.,th»onlr firm In the world twHlnir cxelaalTrlj from Ffiotoryto Family rilra-t. A pintrlfi inHtrutmMit al wlioli'Male jirico.W.- you'from ltlf.00 to tZM.OO. Writ« at onro to

* J* <>•• Kutwh. !W yearn. Wawnlngton. N. J._

Fine Assortment.Handsome Patterns.

Borders to Match.

H. D. & J, F. TUTTLE.

Hockaway Hardwareand Stove Co.

Bucoenaora to O". \A/JH.IGHT

Heating Stoves and Rangesat Lowest Cash Prices.

Granite, Iron and Tinware.Stone Pots and Flower Pots.

Hall Lamps,$1.50.

Library Hanging Lampsfrom $3.00 to $4.50.

Library Stand Lampsfrom $1.25 to $3.50.

Dishes, 112 Pieoes,$I2.OO.

China Gups & Saucers25 Cents.

NicBiel Plated Tea and Coffee Pots, $1.00.Table and Pocket Cutlery at all Prices.