mrs. stubbs


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Welcome to D9. MATH LAB. Mrs. Stubbs. Mr. Swartz. Why am I here? What is Math Lab? Ho w do you know something will be on the quiz you take next week?. Mix Pair Share. Steps 1. Students mix silently around the room. 2. Teacher calls pair. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Mrs. Stubbs
Page 2: Mrs. Stubbs

Mrs. Stubbs


Mr. Swartz

Welcome to D9

Why am I here?

What is Math Lab?

How do you know something will be on the quiz you take next week?

Page 3: Mrs. Stubbs

Mix Pair Share


1. Students mix silently around the room.2. Teacher calls pair.3. Students pair up with the person closest to them and gives a "high five"4. Teacher asks question and gives "think time"5. Students share with their partner using timed pair share.6. Compliment your partner.

Page 4: Mrs. Stubbs

1. Who was your favorite math teacher and why?

Mix Pair Share

Page 5: Mrs. Stubbs

2. What does quotient mean?

Mix Pair Share

Page 6: Mrs. Stubbs

3. What is one thing in Math that you do well?

Mix Pair Share

Page 7: Mrs. Stubbs

4. What is one thing that you want to get better at in Math?

Mix Pair Share

Page 8: Mrs. Stubbs

Round Robin

1. Using pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills, how many ways can you make $1.70?

At your table, each student gives a possible solution.

Page 9: Mrs. Stubbs


1. Each group makes a list.2. All students stand with their list.3. Teacher calls on student to share.4. Students add item if they don't have it and check it if they do.5. Sit when all own items are shared, continuing to add new items.6. When all students are seated, stand-n-share is complete.

Make a list of all math vocabulary.

Page 10: Mrs. Stubbs


Page 11: Mrs. Stubbs

1. By the time the tardy bell has finished ringing, all students will be seated in their desks and ready to learn.2. Students will follow all directions.3. Be respectful to everyone every day.4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.5. Be polite.

ConsequencesPositive:1. Improved Math Skills2. Better Grades3. Phone Call Home4. A pencil with the lead built right in

Negative:1. Redirection given2. Behavior sheet with individual conference with student.3. Phone call home if behavior continues.4. Behavioral counseling may be an option5. If behavior continues, detention issued and possibly meet with core teachers.6. Severe: PAR

Gold ticket

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Page 12: Mrs. Stubbs

bell to bell


·Staff Request/Following Directions·Organization (Math lab Section in Binder)·Cleaning up and putting materials away (scotty, maybe)·Bell to bell instruction/Dismissal·Bringing materials (School Rules)·On task behavior/How can we tell?·Working in groups



Page 13: Mrs. Stubbs

·Bathroom ·Tardies (3 tardies = detention and phone call home)·Materials (Bible)·Evacuation Procedures·Announcements (Someone else is talking)·Daily Activities(A pencil and a clean piece of paper and your binder)·PT Timings(A pencil and an expo2 marker and your folder)·PLATO(A pencil and scratch paper)

·When can you find us?

·Grades - Timings- Weekly Quizes- Projects- Plato


bell t

o bell



Page 14: Mrs. Stubbs


·Attention Signal·Gum·Teacher’s area and file cabinets·Pencil Sharpener·Trash Can·Toys·Teacher is talking

bell t

o bell



Page 15: Mrs. Stubbs

NamePeriod # Grade 7 or 8AssignmentDate (9/8/09) (Procedure Quiz)


Page 16: Mrs. Stubbs

Policies and Procedures QUIZ

Answer each of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper using complete sentences.

1. What do you do when an announcement comes on?

2. How many tardies until you recieve detention?

3. What are the two math lab rules that apply to all of the school rules?

4. Who are “Bob” and “It might be Hank” and why are they important?

5. Your grade in math lab will be based on four things. What are they?

6. What is another name for the Bible in the Math Lab?

7. Define bell to bell Instruction?

8. What is your favorite thing about Math Lab so far?

9. What does Mrs. Stubbs like to do in her free time?

10. How many body parts did Mr. Swartz injure last year? Be specific.

Page 17: Mrs. Stubbs
Page 18: Mrs. Stubbs