ms excel intermediate 2007

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  • 8/2/2019 MS Excel Intermediate 2007


    EVENT/CLIENT NAME or Confidentiality statement 4/4/2012 4:17 AM New Brand FMT-P2 1

    4/4/2012 4:17 AM New Brand FMT-P2_ 1Confidentiality statement

    MS Excel 2007 Intermediate

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    Training Agenda

    Day 1 Day 2

    Expectations Recap

    Previous Versions vs. Excel 2007 Conditional Format & DataValidation

    Creating Templates Charts

    Sorting & Filtering Remove Duplicates

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    Training Agenda

    Day 3Recap

    Pivot Tables & charts

    Formulas and Functions

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    To understand the basic working of MS Excel 2007

    To understand how to work with charts & other graphical objects

    Removing Duplicates

    Learn to use Auto Filter & Advance Filters

    Learn Data Validations, Conditional formatting

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    Excel 2003 vs. Excel 2007

    Features Excel 2003 Excel 2007

    Number of rows 65,536 1,048,576Number of columns 256 16,384

    Amount of memory used 1 Gbytes Maximum allowed by WindowsNumber of colors 56 4.3 billion

    Number of conditional formats per cell 3 UnlimitedNumber of levels of sorting 3 64Number of levels of undo 16 100

    Number of items shown in the Auto-Filter dropdown 1,000 10,000The total number of characters that can display in a cell 1,000 32,000

    Number of unique styles in a workbook 4,000 64,000Maximum number of characters in a formula 1,000 8,000

    Number of levels of nesting in a formula 7 64Maximum number of function arguments 30 255

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    New file formats

    Excel Workbook (*.xlsx). Use when there are no macros or VBA code.

    Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm). Use when there are macros or VBA code.

    Excel Template (*.xltx). Use when you need a template.

    Excel Macro-Enabled Template (*.xltm). Use when you need a template and theworkbook contains macros or VBA.

    Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb). Use with an especially large workbook.

    Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls). Use when you need to share with someoneusing Microsoft Excel 5.0.

    Excel 97-Excel 2003 Workbook (*.xls). Use when you need to share with someoneworking in a previous version of Excel.

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    Excel 2007- A new Interface

    The commands you need are now more clearlyvisible and more readily available in one control

    center called the Ribbon.

    Tabs: Tabs represent core tasks you do in Excel.There are seven tabs across the top of the Excelwindow.

    Groups: Groups are sets of related commands,displayed on tabs.

    Commands: A command is a button, a menu, ora box where you enter information.

    The principal commands in Excel are gatheredon the first tab, the Home tab.

    Instead of showing every command all the time, Excel 2007shows some commands only when you may need them, inresponse to an action you take.

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    Formatting of cells

    Cells can be formatted with the help of the Home tab and the commands asshown above

    Insert Column/Row/Sheet

    Column/Rows/Sheets can be inserted by clicking on Home tab and then the cellgroup.

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    Smart Art

    Excel 2007 still includes a wide assortment of Shapes that you can use tocreate visual diagrams, such as flow charts, org charts, or diagrams thatdepict relationships. But the new SmartArt feature is a much better tool forsuch tasks. You can quickly add shadows, reflection, glow, and other specialeffects.

    Insert --->Illustrations--> Smart Art

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    Sorting can be Ascending or Descending based upon therequirement

    Filtering can be used to show the subset of the data whichmatches certain condition.

    Sorting & filtering data

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    Sorting and Filtering

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    Conditional Formatting

    Format cells based on conditions

    Conditions can use values & formulas

    Unlimited conditions in MS-Excel 2007

    To get the option Click on Home and then the Styles Tab.

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    Data Validation

    Restrict the input to a cell

    Custom Error messages

    Help tips while entering the data.

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    Remove Duplicates Removes Duplicate from the given set of Data

    Click on Data

    Data Tools

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    Creating & modifying charts

  • 8/2/2019 MS Excel Intermediate 2007


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    Creating & modifying charts

    Lesson objectivesAt the end of the lesson you will be able to

    Create a chart

    Format chart items

    Work with chart types Create a 3-D chart

    Create a trendline

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    Creating & modifying charts

    Graphical presentation of the data Some types are Bar, Pie & Line

    Can add Titles to charts making them more readable

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    Working with graphical objects

    Exercise Create a Line chart with the following data

    Name Max Marks Mark Obtn

    Amit 100 83

    Ajay 100 81

    Nisha 100 76

    Manu 100 98

    Vijay 100 69

    Add Chart Title, X & Y axis title, Legend & Data Table to the chart

    Add a Text Box & a rectangle to the chart and write StudentSummary in the box.

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    Organize data Counting Duplicates

    Pivot Charts

    Pivot Table

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    A l i D t

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    Analyzing Data

    Exercise From the attached data create a Pivot Table & Chart like this

    Region Alberta


    Row Labels Sum of Units Sum of Unit Cost

    Sorvino 142 299.97

    Thompson 89 21.98

    Grand Total 231 321.95









    Sorvino Thompson

    Sum of UnitsSum of Unit Cost

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    Text Formulas

    Lookup & Reference functions

    Logical functions

    If Condition

    And Condition

    Or Condition

    Nested formulas.

    Formulas and Functions

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    E l Sh t t

  • 8/2/2019 MS Excel Intermediate 2007


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    Excel Shortcuts

    Shortcut Key Task/Function

    ctrl+F1 Hides the ribbon

    F2 Insert

    Ctrl+: Date

    Ctrl+shift+: Time

    Ctrl+Enter Enter Data in multiple cells

    Ctrl+D Enter Data in multiple cells

    Ctrl+N New Workbook

    Ctrl+Space Select Column

    shift+Space Select Row

    Ctrl+ - Delete Column/rowCtrl+space+shift+ + Insert Coloumn

    Ctrl+shift+# Date Format to (21- may- 09)

    Ctrl+f2 Print preview

    Ctrl+K Hyperlink dialog box

    Ctrl+0 Hides the Column

    Ctrl+shift+0 Unhide the ColumnCtrl+9 Hides the row

    ctrl+shift+9 Unhide the row

    ctrl+shift& Highlights the Cell

    Ctrl+W Close the workbook

    shift+F11 Inset a sheet in the workbook

    Ctrl+G Go to reference

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    Thank you