ms grade 7 language arts 2 through esol man believed that their love was more powerful ... ms grade...

MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 1 MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL Poetry: “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe FCAT Reading & Writing Focus: Methods of Persuasion FCAT Support Skills: Literary Devices: Sound Effects-Repetition, Rhyme, Rhythm Language Focus: Negatives Text: Prentice Hall Literature: Bronze Level English Spanish Haitian Creole Portuguese Alcoholism alcoholismo alkolism alcoolismo Angels ángeles zanj anjos Beams Believe creer kwè acreditar, crer Blamed culpado blame culpou Bright brillante briye brilhantes Businessman hombre de negocios biznismann negociante Chill frío, escalofrío fredi friagem, calafrio Cloud nube nyaj nuvem Death muerte lanmò morte Demons demonios denmon demônios Deserted desierto dezète abandonou Devastated devastar, destrozar devaste arrasado Dreams sueños rèv sonhos Envied envidia anvye invejavam fairy tale Faraway Forever para siempre pou toutan para sempre Jealous celoso jalou com ciúmes, com inveja Kingdom reino wayòm reino Kinsman familiar, pariente paran parente Maiden doncella jèn fi vyèj dama Poverty pobreza lamizè miséria, pobreza Powerful poderoso puisan poderoso Provide proporcionar bay proporcionar, oferecer rise/rose ascender, subió leve aparecer/apareciam Search buscar chèche procurar Separated separado separe separada Sepulcher sepulcro tonb sepulcro, sepultura Shine brillo briye brilhar Soul alma nanm alma Tomb tumba tonb túmulo, sepultura Tragic trágico trajik trágica Tuberculosis tuberculosis tibèkiloz tuberculose United unido ini unida Wealthy acaudalado, rico rich rico, próspero winged seraphs Wiser sabio pi saj mais sábios

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 1

MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL

Poetry: “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe FCAT Reading & Writing Focus: Methods of Persuasion FCAT Support Skills: Literary Devices: Sound Effects-Repetition, Rhyme,

Rhythm Language Focus: Negatives Text: Prentice Hall Literature: Bronze Level

English Spanish Haitian Creole Portuguese Alcoholism alcoholismo alkolism alcoolismo Angels ángeles zanj anjos Beams Believe creer kwè acreditar, crer Blamed culpado blame culpou Bright brillante briye brilhantes Businessman hombre de negocios biznismann negociante Chill frío, escalofrío fredi friagem, calafrio Cloud nube nyaj nuvem Death muerte lanmò morte Demons demonios denmon demônios Deserted desierto dezète abandonou Devastated devastar, destrozar devaste arrasado Dreams sueños rèv sonhos Envied envidia anvye invejavam fairy tale Faraway Forever para siempre pou toutan para sempre Jealous celoso jalou com ciúmes, com inveja Kingdom reino wayòm reino Kinsman familiar, pariente paran parente Maiden doncella jèn fi vyèj dama Poverty pobreza lamizè miséria, pobreza Powerful poderoso puisan poderoso Provide proporcionar bay proporcionar, oferecer rise/rose ascender, subió leve aparecer/apareciam Search buscar chèche procurar Separated separado separe separada Sepulcher sepulcro tonb sepulcro, sepultura Shine brillo briye brilhar Soul alma nanm alma Tomb tumba tonb túmulo, sepultura Tragic trágico trajik trágica Tuberculosis tuberculosis tibèkiloz tuberculose United unido ini unida Wealthy acaudalado, rico rich rico, próspero winged seraphs Wiser sabio pi saj mais sábios

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 2

English Summary

“Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

The Poem

A man describes a beautiful woman named Annabel Lee and their love for each other. Many years ago, Annabel Lee lived in a kingdom by the sea. She was a maiden who thought only about loving her husband and being loved by him. She lived with no other thought. They had loved each other since they were children. Their love was a love that was more than love. Even the angels in heaven envied them.

The angels were not half as happy in heaven as the man and his wife. Because the seraphs were jealous of this love, they sent a cold wind out of a cloud one night to kill Annabel Lee. Then she would be separated from him. Her family carried their dead kinsman to her sepulcher by the sea.

The man then describes their love in death. His love for Annabel Lee was stronger than the love of others who were older and wiser. He believed that his soul was united forever with the soul of Annabel Lee. Neither the angels in heaven nor the demons under the sea could ever separate their two souls. The man believed that their love was more powerful than death itself. He believed that he and his Annabel would never really be separated. Every time the moon would shine, he had dreams of his beautiful Annabel Lee. When the stars rose in the night sky, he felt her bright eyes. At night, he would lie down in the tomb with his darling bride, Annabel Lee. There he listened to the sound of the sea. The Poet

Edgar Allan Poe, the writer of the poem, “Annabel Lee”, had a tragic and short life. He was born in 1809 and died in 1849 at the age of forty. Poe’s father deserted the family, and his mother died before he was three years old. A wealthy businessman took Poe in and gave him an education. Poe’s mother, stepmother, and brother all died of tuberculosis. Poe’s foster father wanted him to work in the business, but Poe wanted to be a writer.

Poe left and spent his life alone, suffering from poverty and alcoholism. In search of his real family, Poe married his thirteen-year-old cousin, Virginia. When she died at a young age of tuberculosis, Poe was devastated. Poe blamed himself because he did not make enough money from his writing to provide a warm home for her in the cold winter. It is believed that the “chill” that killed Annabel Lee in the poem was like the real chills his young wife suffered as she was dying. Poe died just two years later.

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 3

Spanish Summary

“Annabel Lee” de Edgar Allan Poe

El poema

Un hombre describe a una bella mujer llamada Annabel Lee y al amor que sienten el uno por el otro. Cuenta que, hace muchos años, en un reino junto al mar vivió una doncella llamada Annabel Lee, que sólo pensaba en amar a su esposo y ser amada por él. Esa fue la única preocupación con la que vivió. Se habían amado desde que eran niños y su amor, que más que amor era una entrega total, les ganó incluso la envidia de los ángeles en el cielo.

Los ángeles no eran ni la mitad de felices en el cielo, de lo que este hombre y su esposa eran en la tierra; por lo que los serafines celosos de este amor, mandaron una noche un viento frío en una nube para matar a Annabel Lee y así, separarla de su amado. Su familia llevó a la parienta muerta hasta su sepulcro cercano al mar.

Posteriormente el hombre describe su amor más allá de la muerte. Su amor por Annabel Lee era más fuerte que el amor de otros que eran mayores y más sabios que ellos. Él pensaba que su alma estaba unida por siempre a la de ella y que ni los ángeles en el cielo ni los demonios que estaban bajo el mar podrían nunca separar sus almas. Creía que el amor de ellos era más poderoso que la misma muerte y que nunca iban a estar realmente separados. Cada vez que la luna salía, él soñaba con su bella Annabel Lee y cuando las estrellas se asomaban en el firmamento, le parecía ver sus brillantes ojos. En las noches se acostaba sobre la tumba de su amada novia, Annabel Lee, y escuchaba el sonido del mar. El poeta

Edgar Allan Poe, quien escribió el poema, “Annabel Lee”, tuvo una trágica y corta vida. Nació en 1809 y murió en 1849 a los cuarenta años de edad. Su padre abandonó a la familia y su madre murió antes de que él cumpliera los tres años de edad. Tanto su madre como su madrastra y hermano, murieron todos de tuberculosis. Un acaudalado hombre de negocios lo adoptó y le dio una educación. Su padrastro quería que trabajara en el mundo de los negocios pero Poe quería ser escritor.

Poe se marchó y pasó parte de su vida solo, sufriendo en la pobreza y el alcoholismo. En búsqueda de una familia verdadera, se casó con Virginia, una prima que tenía trece años de edad. Poe quedó desolado cuando ella, siendo muy joven, murió de tuberculosis. Se culpó a sí mismo porque no hacía el dinero suficiente escribiendo para haberle proporcionado un hogar cálido durante el frío invierno. Se cree que el “frío” del que se habla en el poema y que le provocó la muerte a Annabel Lee, fue como los escalofríos reales que sufrió su joven esposa cuando estaba muriendo. Poe murió justamente dos años después.

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 4

Haitian Creole Summary

“Annabel Lee” dapre Edgar Allan Poe

Powèm nan

Se istwa yon nèg k ap dekri yon bèl fanm ki rele Annabel Lee ak lanmou yo youn te gen pou lòt. Anpil ane pase, Annabel Lee te abite nan yon wayòm bò lanmè. Se te yon jèn fi vyèj ki t ap panse sèlman pou renmen mari li ak pou mari li renmen li tou. Li pa t gen anyen ankò nan tèt li kòm lòt panse. Youn te renmen lòt depi lè yo te timoun. Lanmou yo a se te yon lanmou ki te plis pase lanmou. Menm zanj nan syèl la te anvye sò yo.

Zanj nan syèl yo pa t mwatye pi kontan pase lajwa mesye dam sa yo te posede. Akòz serafen yo te jalou kont lanmou sa a, yo te voye yon van frèt nan mitan yon nyaj yon jou swa pou al touye Annabel Lee. Konsa li ta separe ak mari li. Fanmi li yo te pote kadav defen paran yo a nan tonb li bò lanmè a.

Apre sa nèg la dekri kalite lanmou yo te vin genyen nan lanmò. Lanmou li te gen pou Annabel Lee te vin pi fò pase lanmou lòt moun ki te pi gran ak pi saj. Li te kwè nanm li te ini ak nanm Annabel Lee pou toutan. Ni zanj nan syèl ni demon anba lanmè pa t ap janm kapab demarye nanm yo. Nèg la te kwè lanmou yo te genyen an pi fò pase menm lanmò. Li te kwè li menm ak Annabel pa li a pa t ap janm reyèlman separe. Chak fwa lalin lan leve, li te reve bèl Annabel Lee li a. Lè zetwal yo leve nannuit nan syèl la, li santi zye Annabel Lee yo k ap briye. Lèswa, li konn al kouche nou tonb madan marye cheri li Annabel Lee. Se la li konn al tande son lanmè a. Powèt la

Edgar Allan Poe, otè powèm “Annabel Lee” a, te gen yon vi trajik ak kout. Li te fèt nan ane1809 epi li te mouri an 1849 nan laj karant an. Papa Poe te dezète fanmi an, epi manman li te mouri anvan li te gen laj twa zan. Yon bizismann ki rich te pran Poe lakay li ak fè edikasyon li. Manman Poe, bèlmè li, ak frè li, tout te mouri ak maladi tibèkiloz. Papa adoptif Poe te vle pou li te travay nan biznis, men Poe te vle vin yon ekriven.

Poe te kite kay la ale viv pou kont li, nan mizè ak nan alkolism. Nan rechèch pou te jwenn vrè fanmi li, Poe te marye ak kouzin li Virginia ki te gen trèz an. Lè tibèkiloz touye Virginia nan yon laj ki trè jèn, lanmò a te devaste Poe. Poe te blame tèt li paske li pa te fè ase lajan kòm ekriven pou l te bay Virginia yon fwaye ki cho pandan sezon ivè a. Yo kwè “fredi” ki touye Annabel Lee nan powèm nan se tankou vrè fredi ki ta frape jèn madanm li nan lanmò li. Poe li menm te mouri sèlman de zan aprè.

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 5

Portuguese Summary

“Annabel Lee” de Edgar Allan Poe

O Poema

Um homem descreve uma linda mulher chamada Annabel Lee e o amor que eles sentiam um pelo outro. Há muitos anos atrás, Annabel Lee vivia num reino na costa litorânea. Ela era uma dama que só pensava em amar o marido e ser amada por ele. Ela não pensava em outra coisa. Eles se amavam desde quando eram crianças. O amor deles significava mais do que amar. Até mesmo os anjos do céu os invejavam.

Os anjos não tinham nem a metade da felicidade no céu que o homem e sua esposa tinham. Devido à inveja dos serafins por este amor, certa noite eles mandaram um vento frio vindo de uma nuvem para matar Annabel Lee. Assim ela ficaria separada dele. A família dela carregou o parente defunto para seu sepulcro, no litoral.

O homem descreve então o amor deles mesmo na morte. Seu amor por Annabel Lee era mais forte do que o amor de outros que eram mais velhos e mais sábios. Ele acreditava que sua alma estava unida para sempre à alma de Annabel Lee. Nem os anjos do céu nem os demônios debaixo do mar poderiam jamais separar estas duas almas. O homem acreditava que o amor deles era mais poderoso do que a própria morte. Ele acreditava que ele e sua Annabel nunca ficariam realmente separados. Toda vez que a lua brilhava, ele sonhava com sua linda Annabel Lee. Quando as estrelas apareciam no céu à noite, ele sentia seus olhos brilhantes. À noite ele deitava-se no túmulo com sua amada, Annabel Lee. Lá, ele ouvia o barulho do mar. O Poeta

Edgar Allan Poe, o escritor do poema “Annabel Lee”, teve uma vida curta e trágica. Ele nasceu em 1809 e faleceu em 1849, com quarenta anos de idade. Seu pai abandonou a família e sua mãe faleceu antes que ele completasse três anos de idade. Um negociante rico tomou conta dele e o educou. Sua mãe, madrasta e irmão morreram todos de tuberculose. Seu pai adotivo queria que ele trabalhasse nos negócios, mas ele preferiu ser escritor.

Poe partiu e passou a vida sozinho, na miséria e sofrendo de alcoolismo. À procura de uma verdadeira família, Poe casou-se com sua prima Virgínia, de treze anos de idade, ficando arrasado quando ela ainda jovem faleceu de tuberculose. Ele culpou-se por não ter ganho dinheiro suficiente com seus livros para proporcionar-lhe uma casa aconchegante no inverno. Acredita-se que a “friagem” que matara Annabel Lee no poema era como se fosse realmente os calafrios que sua jovem esposa teve quando estava morrendo. Poe faleceu exatamente dois anos depois.


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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 6

Beginning Listening Activities

Minimal Pairs Objective: Auditory discrimination of confusing sounds in words Procedure: Write a word pair on the board. (Example: there-dare) Write #1 above the first, #2 above the second. The teacher models by pronouncing one of the words without indicating which. Teams guess which word they heard, #1, or #2. Pronounce both words in the pair. Teams guess the order they heard (1-2, 2-1). Call out the numbers 1 or 2. Teams respond with the word (Can be done with sentences). Use both words in the pair in otherwise identical sentences. (Example: The Constitution is the heart of US government. The contribution is the heart of US government.) Teams decide which sentence has meaning, and which is silly. (Award points for correct responses.) Annabel Lee: Minimal Pairs Activity: wife/white rise/rose sea/she bright/bite shine/sign death/debt chill/shill angels/angles

Bingo Objective: Auditory comprehension of vocabulary from the lesson Procedure: Choose vocabulary words or phrases from the lesson summary list or from students' classroom texts. Give each team a blank Bingo card. Each team writes vocabulary words/text phrases you provide on the board in the spaces of their choice. Randomly select sentences from the text and read them aloud. Teams mark their Bingo spaces when they hear the word or phrase.

Intermediate Listening Activities

Team Spelling Test Objective: Listen for lesson vocabulary words & collaborate with others to spell them correctly. Procedure: Place ten vocabulary words (or fewer depending on time) in a pocket chart or on a chalk tray. Teams get 3-5 minutes to study the words. Hide the words from view. Each team uses one pencil and one sheet of paper. (Team name at top; numbers 1-10 down the left margin) Read the spelling words as you would during a traditional spelling test. The first team member writes word number one with the team's help, and then passes the paper and pencil to the second team member who will write word number two, etc. Students on each team take turns. Teams exchange papers. Place the 10 words back in view. Teams check each other's tests. A team gets one point for each word spelled correctly. Options: Ask for additional information. For example, you may ask teams to write a sentence with the word in it. You might ask for a specific tense, plural form, opposite, etc. An alternative technique is to have each team member complete all spelling items on his/her own paper. Team members are allowed to help each other. On completion, collect the one paper of your choice. The grade on that paper will count for each team member. Annabel Lee: Spelling Activity: Use the following words for the test. The teacher gives the singular form, and students respond with the plural form. death, demon, angel, kingdom, fairy tale, sepulcher, wife, seraphs, tomb, maiden

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 7

Follow Directions Objective: Listen for the purpose of following spoken directions. Procedure: With one piece of paper and one pencil, team members take turns writing on paper what the teacher directs to complete a task. 1. For example, there might be a list of dates. The teacher might say the following: Draw a

circle around 1492. Make a star in front of 1546. Connect 1322 and 1673 with a line. 2. The teacher might direct teams to make changes to a sentence. Example: He sailed to the

Americas in 1492. The teacher says, “Circle the verb. Put a box around the preposition”. 3. Another example: Change the verb to the present tense. Add 505 years to the date. Change

the subject to the third person plural. 4. The teacher might also direct teams to complete a drawing, or draw the route of an explorer

on a map. Teams that complete the exercise correctly get a point. Annabel Lee: Follow Directions Activity: Provide teams with the verses of the poem, highlighted on the beat. Students follow directions to practice rhythmic patterns of spoken verse.

a) Snap your fingers (or clap your hands) on the beat: a. One, two, three, four b. One, two, three, (pause) c. One, two, three, four d. One, two, three, (pause) e. One, two, three, four f. One, two, three, (pause)

b) Now repeat each line, snapping your fingers (or clapping your hands) on the beat: a. “It was many and many a year ago, b. In a kingdom by the sea, c. That a maiden there lived whom you may know d. By the name of Annabel Lee; e. And this maiden she lived with no other thought f. Than to love and be loved by me “

c) Now read the lines out loud together, and snap (or clap): d) Now read the lines aloud together quietly and slowly without snapping (or clapping).

When you read, still put the emphasis on the stressed syllables:

Dictation Objective: Listen to discriminate words in sentences and reproduce them in writing. Procedure: Dictate sentences from the lesson, saying each sentence only two times (once if listening skills allow) Team members take turns writing the sentences, assisting each other. (Teams can write sentences on the board to correct them in class, or collect as a quiz.) Option: An alternative technique is to have each team member complete all dictation items on his/her own paper. Team members are allowed to help each other. On completion, collect one paper of your choice. The grade on that paper will count for each team member. Option: Dictate a sentence with an important word left out. Offer four choices for teams to write. Example: Columbus landed in… a) Boston b) Haiti c) Argentina d) England Option for Dictating Dates or mathematical concepts/formulas: Can be written in number form or in word form (fourteen hundred and ninety-two) (All sides are equal in an equilateral triangle.) Dictate the question, so teams can write them down. Then each team answers the question in the group. (What kind of polygon has two parallel sides?) Annabel Lee: Dictation Activity:

a) A wealthy businessman took Poe in and gave him an education. b) The angels were not half as happy in heaven as the man and his wife.

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 8

c) His love for Annabel Lee was stronger than the love of others who were older and wiser.

d) He believed that his soul was united forever with the soul of Annabel Lee. e) Many years ago, Annabel Lee lived in a kingdom by the sea.

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 9

Proficient Listening Activities

Interview Objective: Role play a verbal interaction in the form of an interview Procedure: You play the role of an informative person relative to the topic of the unit. Choose a representative from each team and distribute the questions among them. These students play the role of journalists. Provide students with these questions to interview you in your new role. Teams must coach their representative, and take notes of the answers for Writing Activity #1, Language Experience Story. Annabel Lee: Interview Activities: You play the role of the poet. Choose several students to play the role of interviewers. Provide these students with the questions below. They take turns asking you questions. Students not asking questions must take notes of the poet’s answers. Students should save notes for Writing Activity #1, Language Experience Story.

a) When did you live? b) What type of stories and poems did you write? c) What tragedies happened to you in your early life? d) What disease killed your mother, stepmother, brother, and wife? e) Who raised you? f) What problems did you have at the end of your life? g) Why did you write, “Annabel Lee”?

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 10

Beginning Speaking Activities

Intentional Intonation Objective: Auditory discrimination and oral production of intonation/stress patterns in spoken English Procedure: Write the sentence on the board and then say it, stressing one word. Teams take turns explaining the special meaning the emphasis brings to the sentence. Repeat this process several times with the same sentence, each time emphasizing a different word. Example:

All for one and one for all! (not none) …..(not, “None for one and one for all!) All for one and one for all! (not from) …..(not, All from one and one for all!) All for one and one for all! (not three) …..(not, “All for three and one for all!) All for one and one for all! (not or) …..(not, “All for one or one for all!”) All for one and one for all! (not everyone) …..(not, “All for one and everyone for all!”) All for one and one for all! (not to)….. (not, “All for one and one to all”!) All for one and one for all! (not nobody) …..(not, “All for one and one for nobody!”)

Annabel Lee: Intentional Intonation Activities: “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not Mary bell) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not Jane) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not will be) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not hate) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not drama) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not concerning) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not writer’s) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not old) “Annabel Lee” is a love poem about the poet’s young wife. (not child)

Backwards Build-up

Objective: Auditory discrimination and oral reproduction of rhythmic patterns of spoken English Procedure: Students practice the intonation, stress, and punctuation of sentences by repeating, by teams, the increasingly larger fragments of a sentence modeled by you. Repeat each line (as necessary) until teams can pronounce the segments well. Continue to build up to the complete sentence. Teams completing the exercise correctly get a point. Example:

…in fourteen hundred and ninety-two …blue in fourteen hundred and ninety-two …the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety-two. …sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety-two.

Annabel Lee: Backward Build-up Activity: a) This poem was written by an American poet, Edgar Allen Poe. b) And this maiden she lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by me. c) For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee. d) Neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons under the sea, can ever dissever

my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee. e) And so, all the night tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my

bride, in the sepulcher by the sea.

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 11

Intermediate Speaking Activities

Charades Objective: Oral production to determine word meaning and context of new lesson vocabulary Procedure: Team members guess who/what the teacher (or student) is silently role-playing. (Ex: famous person, geometric shape, scientific theory) The team guessing correctly gets point. Annabel Lee: Charades Activity: Suggestions: chill, dream, faraway, jealous, powerful, seraphs, devastated, deserted, tragic, lie down, wind blowing, stronger

Mixed-up Sentence Objective: Each team consults to give spoken directions to correct a “mixed-up” sentence. Procedure: Write a sentence on the board that contains lesson vocabulary and grammar, but scramble the order of the words and put a capital letter or two in the wrong places(s). Tell the class the way the sentence should read. Example sentence: A dicot seed has two parts. You might write on the board: “tWo a seed dicot hAs parts”. The person whose turn it is must verbally give directions to make a correction after consulting with the team. The teacher follows the exact directions given and, if correct, gives the team a point. Then s/he calls on next team. Example: “Move the A to the front”. You might decide to erase letter “a” in “part” and put it at the beginning of the sentence. Perhaps you erase an “a” and rewrite it on the wall somewhere in front of the classroom. In both cases, you were not given the detailed instructions necessary to complete the task, and you would move on to the next group without awarding a point. You are looking for a response something like, “Remove the first capital A and replace it with a lower case A.” Directions like these get teams points. Continue until the sentence is reorganized, with a capital at the beginning and a period at the end. Notes: This activity is very difficult and takes several weeks to master. Students will prefer to show you what to do, but do not let them. The idea is to tell you, not show you. The first time you use the activity do not spend more than five minutes. Stop and discuss the kinds of directions they need to give in the future. Do not give up on this activity, no matter how immature the students.

Proficient Speaking Activities

Twenty Questions Objective: Ask oral questions about a photo or picture to determine meaning of vocabulary words. Procedure: A student from one team selects a photo or picture without showing it to members of teams. Teams take turns asking YES/NO questions about the picture. The picture holder can only answer yes or no. If a team guesses correctly, it receives 20 points minus the number of questions that have been asked divided by two. Example: Is it from the fifteenth Century? Is it a boat? (etc.) Annabel Lee: Twenty Questions Activity: Photo or picture suggestions: angels, bright, businessman, cloud, fairy tale, kingdom, kinsman, maiden, sepulcher, wife, sea, shine, united, wealthy

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 12

FCAT FOCUS READING SKILL: Using Methods of Persuasion

Teacher-Student Grammar Notes are provided as a teaching resource or student study notes. What to do and what to watch for- Authors write to influence or persuade a reader to agree with an opinion or take a certain action. Examples of persuasive writing include

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Think carefully and evaluate persuasive writing: There are ways to determine if a writer has presented enough evidence to agree or disagree with the opinion presented. You must think critically and skillfully before being influenced by what you read. There are two ways writers persuade their readers, reasoning, and emotion. As a critical reader, pay attention to how effective the writer is in making the argument. Writers often use faulty reasoning and faulty emotional appeals to persuade you.

FAULTY REASONING Writers appeal to your ability to reason. Be careful to study the evidence. Sometimes you are persuaded at first. After looking again, you may discover faulty or incorrect reasoning. Here are several kinds of faulty reasoning to look out for. Selected Evidence: Another way to persuade is to choose only the information that makes your opinion look good. By presenting only one part of the evidence, you can persuade. However, the whole truth is not necessarily being presented. Example:

There are three thousand students studying seven subjects a day with homework every night. There simply is not enough time for them to participate in extracurricular activities. Those activities use several thousand dollars a year that should be used to improve academics at the school.

Either/or Thinking: A suggestion that there are only two ways of looking at a problem may be faulty or incorrect. There may really be more ways of seeing the issue. Example:

Either your assignments are turned in on time, or you fail the course. My neighbor’s trash is making a terrible mess since he got his dog.

Circular Reasoning: Sometimes a writer tries to prove his point by stating the same point over and over in different ways. Example:

You should be responsible because there are things you should do. You must complete the things you are responsible for. You know this to be the truth.

Over-generalizations: A generalization is a statement that applies to many people in many different situations. An overgeneralization is something that covers so many situations that is impossible to prove or disprove. Example:

Every man woman and child in this country wants to have more money to enjoy. Faulty Cause and Effect: Sometimes a writer put two events together, one following the other. The suggestion is that the first event caused the second event. The two events may not be in a cause and effect relationship. The writer must go on to prove this. Ex:

Two men were seen leaving the store at the time of the robbery.

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FAULTY EMOTIONAL APPEALS Writers use emotion very effectively to persuade their readers. Be sure that there is solid evidence to prove the author’s point. Don’t just be convinced by an appeal to your emotions. There are several faulty emotional appeals to watch for below. Loaded Language: Words are chosen based on their positive or negative connotation. Connotation is the positive or negative feeling associated with a word. Examples:

My enemy is ignorant, immoral, and pathological. My friend is righteous, trustworthy, and faithful.

Transfer: Transferring positive or negative feelings about someone or something that is familiar to someone or something else that is not familiar is called transfer. Examples:

A convicted criminal goes to court dressed like a school principal with a fresh haircut to persuade the judge not to send him to jail. A politician attends a community center spaghetti dinner dressed in jeans and kisses all of the babies and grandmothers to persuade common people to vote for him. A television commercial shows pictures of war refugees in the middle of a formal dinner for wealthy businesspersons to persuade you that they don’t care.

Exaggeration: Making something bigger than the truth is to exaggerating. Exaggeration is sometimes called overstatement. Writers can describe something much bigger than it really is. Exaggeration is common in advertisements. Examples:

She has a heart as big as the world. This cream makes you look twenty years younger. Businesses cannot be successful without the latest XYZ computer.

Bandwagon: Sometimes writers argue that you should believe something because there are many people who agree. Bandwagon is asking you to get on the “bandwagon” like everyone else. Examples: Over 20 million Americans watch this game show. It must be good.

The candidate has 70% of the vote in the latest poll. You should vote for her too. Name-calling: A way to keep from discussing the important issues is simply to call someone or something a name. Examples:

Don’t vote for a big-spending, “more taxes” candidate. She is a taker, not a giver, and a fair-weather friend.

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Beginning Reading Activities

Pre Reading Objective: Listen to a short series of oral sentences in order to answer simple questions. Procedure: Use the short summary paragraph below (5-10 sentences). Read the paragraph to the class two times. Then read the paragraph a 3rd time, stopping at the end of each sentence to ask questions. Ask several questions for each sentence, and ask a variety of types of questions (i.e. yes/no, either/or, and “wh-“). Ask the questions at a quick pace, and if the group cannot answer quickly enough, move on to the next group. Example: Columbus sailed to America in 1492. Sample Questions: Did Columbus sail to America? Did Columbus sail to Europe? Did Columbus sail to Europe or America? Where did he sail? Did King Ferdinand sail to America? Did Columbus or King Ferdinand sail to America? Who sailed to America? Did he sail in 1942? Did he sail in 1492 or 1942? When did he sail? Option: Read the paragraph a 4th time. Ask questions again. End the activity by dictating the paragraph to the teams. Allow collaboration within the team. Collect/grade one dictation from each team. Each student on the team receives the same grade. Annabel Lee: Pre Reading Activity: A poet loved a maiden who lived in a faraway kingdom by the sea. Their love was a love that was more than love. Even the angels in heaven were jealous of their love. So the angels sent a chilly wind out of the night clouds and killed the maiden. Her highborn kinsmen took her away to a tomb by the sea. The poet said that death could not separate their souls. He believed that his soul was united forever with the soul of Annabel Lee. At night, he would lie down in the tomb with his darling bride, Annabel Lee. There he listened to the sound of the sea.

Intermediate-Proficient Reading Activities

Total Recall Objective: Read a text in order to ask and answer short questions. Procedure: Teams prepare 3 (or more) questions and their answers from the text. Teams are allowed to write notes about the text. Teams take turns asking each other their questions, and challenging incorrect responses. Responding teams are not allowed to raise hands. The team asking the question chooses which team answers. The same question cannot be asked twice. If a team does not answer correctly, it loses a point and the team asking the question gets a point. When a team does not agree with the answer that the questioner deems correct, it can challenge that team. The challenging team must prove that it is also correct or that the questioning team is incorrect. It does not need to prove both. All teams can join a challenge on either side (questioner's side or respondent's side), but they must do so immediately. (Teams may wait to see how many teams are joining each side, which is unfair.). Once the teams have taken sides on a challenge, they look up the answer in the book. All teams siding with the correct answer get 2 points, and losers lose 2 points.

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Story Grammars Objective: Identify a common organizational pattern or “grammar” of a reading text. Procedure: Introduce story grammars by using the Language Experience Approach. The second time, have each group prepare one. Once groups have mastered story grammars, individuals can prepare their own, but include incentives for the group to help individual members. For example, you might want to give a team a point for each member who receives a grade of B or higher. Example: Setting:___, Characters:___, ___,Problem:___, Goal:___, Events Leading to goal (list in order):___, ___, ___,Resolution: ___(Three possibilities include: character solves problem, character learns to live with problem, problem defeats character) Note: Story grammars help students understand that most stories have a common organization, and they help students to write reports, evaluate the quality of stories, and write their own stories.

Judgment Objective: Read a text for the purpose of identifying facts and opinions. Procedure: On five separate strips of paper, each team writes (or copies) 5 sentences from the text that show facts and opinions. Teams write their team name on the backs of the 5 strips, and swap their sentences. Teams read the sentence strips they have, and place them in either a fact basket or opinion basket in front of the room. The teacher reads each sentence strip from the two baskets. For each, the teams decide if the sentence was correctly placed. If correct, the team with its name on the strip gets a point. If not correct, that team loses a point. (This encourages effective writing.) Option: This activity may be adapted to focus on cause/effect, reality/fantasy or inferred/explicit.

True or False Objective: Read a text passage for the purpose of making true and false statements about it. Procedure: Teams make a “T” chart (2 columns with titles--one side is for true, the other side is for false). Teams make three true or false statements about the text. A representative from the first team reads one statement aloud. The other teams listen and place their token on the appropriate side of their True/False chart. The questioning team decides which choices are correct. Each correct answer earns a team a point. In a disagreement, follow the challenge rules of Total Recall.

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Scan Objective: Scan a text for the purpose of asking and answering simple questions. Procedure: 1. Teams write 3 questions about an assigned text. Next to each question, they write page

number and paragraph number where the answer is located. 2. A representative from each team asks the team’s questions. The other teams get 60

seconds for each question to scan the text, find the answer, page and paragraph numbers, and write them on a sheet of paper. Any team not getting the answer within that time loses a point.

3. Any time a responding team loses a point, the questioning team gets a point. The responding teams take turns reading out their page and paragraph numbers. Then the questioning team reads its page and paragraph numbers.

4. Team respondents who have the same answer as the questioner get an automatic point. Respondents who do not have the same answer as the questioner are not automatically wrong. Both the questioner and respondent read aloud their chosen paragraph. The questioner then decides if the respondent is also correct (Many times the answer to a question can be found in more than one place in a text). If the respondent is also correct, the respondent gets a point.

5. If the questioner says that the respondent is incorrect, the respondent may challenge (as in Total Recall). The responding team must prove that it is also correct or that the questioner is incorrect. It does not need to prove both. Other teams may join one side or the other. The teacher then decides who wins. Winning teams get 2 points and losers lose 2 points.

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Beginning- Writing Activities

Language Experience Story Objective: Use student-created writing as a text as a model for individual student writings, for rereading or other written activities, including Story Grammars, RAFT, and Spool Writing. Procedure: Language Experience instruction involves asking students to talk about some item of relevance to the class. You may use information from Listening Activity “Interview” or information learned in other unit activities. Individual team members and teams take turns offering sentences to be added to the text. You write individual contributions on the board, including non-standard forms or word order. Then ask teams to correct or change the text to standard English grammar and syntax and to decide on an organizational format. Assist teams in making necessary adjustments. After the text is corrected, students copy it in their notebooks, or you can type and distribute it.

Indirect Speech Objective: Write a familiar dialog in paragraph form, using indirect or reported speech. Procedure: Use the dialog in this lesson written for Presenting Activity “Dialog”. After teams have completed presenting their dialogs (see Presenting Activities), have each group write the dialog in a paragraph format using indirect speech. Example: COLUMBUS: “I need money to buy ships to sail west.” Columbus asked the queen for some money to sail to the west. Teams use one piece of paper and one pencil only. Each member takes a turn writing a line of the dialog. Other team members can offer help, but they cannot write it for the individual whose turn it is to write. Collect and grade. Each member of the team gets the same grade. Annabel Lee: Indirect Speech Activity: Use the dialog in this lesson written for Presenting Activity “Dialog”. Example: Example: Reader to Poet: Your poem is like a beautiful fairy tale from a faraway land. The reader told the poet that his poem was like a beautiful fairy tale from a faraway land.

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Intermediate-Proficient Writing Activities

Language Experience Story Objective: Create a collaborative writing text to use as a model for re-reading, individual student writing or other written activities (including Story Grammars, RAFT, and Spool Writing) Procedure: Language Experience Story instruction involves asking students to talk about some item of relevance to the class. (You may use information from Listening Activity 6, the Interview, or information learned in other unit activities.) Teams take turns, through individual members, offering sentences to be added to the text. You write their contributions on the board, including non-standard forms and word order. Ask groups to change the text to standard English grammatical and lexical forms and to decide on an acceptable organizational format. Help the groups when they cannot make all of the necessary adjustments. After the text is corrected, students copy it in their notebooks, or you can type and distribute it.

Framed Paragraphs Objective: Use a “frame” (outline or template) for writing a paragraph that contains a main idea (topic sentence), supporting details, and a summary statement (conclusion). Note: Framed paragraphs are most useful in preparing students for exam questions. In fact, framed paragraphs make very good exam questions. Procedure: Introduce framed paragraphs to the class by creating a story collectively using the language experience approach. The second time you assign framed paragraphs, have each group prepare one. Once the groups have mastered framed paragraphs, have each student prepare his/her own, but include incentives for the group to help individual team members. For example, give a team one point for each member who receives a grade of B or higher. After constructing a model, paragraph with the class, assign groups, pairs, or individuals to find examples in the text. Social Studies Example: There are many cultures of people living in Florida. First.... Second.... Third.... These groups and others.... Language Arts Example: ..., a character in the novel... by... is.... An example of this behavior is... Another example is.... Finally.... Therefore, this character is... Science Example: OBSERVATION: After observing... HYPOTHESIS: I think... MATERIALS: 1…2…3… PROCEDURE: 1…2…3… DATA: 1…2…3… ANALYSIS: The results of the experiment show.... This was caused by.... Therefore, my hypothesis was/was not correct because....

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Annabel Lee: Framed Paragraphs Activities: Sample #1: (Literary Devices: Sound Effects-Rhythm) Use these as starters for rhythm:

a) Pattern of rhythm: Poe stresses four syllables per line or three syllables per line, with unstressed syllables in between (stanzas 1, 2 and 3) alternating 3, 4, 3, etc. Example: In the first line of the first stanza, the stressed syllables are “It was many and many a year ago.” Example: In the second line, the stressed syllables are, “In a kingdom by the sea”.

b) Pattern of rhythm: The pattern changes when Poe repeats the three stressed syllables or the 4 stressed syllable pattern twice in succession (in stanza 4 – 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3) and the 4 syllable line (in stanza 5 – 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3)

In the poem, “_____”, by _____, the poet_____ (uses rhythm as a literary device for special sound effects.) (Topic Sentence) First, _____. For example _____ (Detail #1) Another effective use of rhythm is _____. An example of this is _____. (Detail #2) A third use of an interesting pattern is _____. For Example, _____ (Detail #3) The writer _____ creates his/her own effective musical pattern of sound effects and rhythm repeated _____ (line by line or stanza by stanza, etc) throughout the poem. This is an appealing and pleasing device. (Conclusion)

Sample #2: (Literary Devices: Sound Effects-Repetition) Use these as starters for repetition: a) Example of repetition: “love” and “loved” (Emphasis – the importance of their love.

Emotional response – reader identifies with the intense feelings of love and later the intense feelings of loss and grief)

b) Example of repetition: “me” and “Annabel Lee” (Emphasis – the strong connection between the two characters. The two are always mentioned together. Emotional response – reader understand the close bond, and later understands that in death their souls are still inseparable.)

c) Example of repetition: “kingdom by the sea” (Emphasis – the fairy tale romantic image. Emotional response – In the poet’s mind, their love is idealized and like a fantasy.)

In _____‘s poem, “_____,” the poet (uses repetition as a literary device for emotional

effect and to give emphasis to certain words and ideas.) (Topic Sentence) One example is _____. Repetition of these words has an emotional effect by emphasizing_____ because_____. (Detail #1) Another example of repetition for emotional effect and emphasis is _____. The reader responds to this repetition because_____. (Detail #2) A third example is _____. The reader’s response is emotional because_____ (Detail #3) _____ (author) creates his/her own musical effect by using repetition of important words and phrases throughout the poem to appeal to our emotions. This is an appealing and pleasing device. (Conclusion)

Sample #3: (Literary Devices: Sound Effects-Rhyme) Use these as starters for rhyme: a) Examples of end rhyme: “ago/know,” “sea/Lee/me/we,” “side/bride” (The “ago/know,” and

“sea/Lee/me/we” patterns repeat in the poem) (In all six stanzas of the poem, the poet uses three sets of words for end rhyme.)

b) Examples of internal rhyme: “beams/dreams,” “ever/dissever,” “rise/eyes,” “tide/side”

In the poem, “_____”, _____ (poet) (uses end rhyme and/or internal rhyme for special sound effects.) (Topic Sentence) First, _____ rhymes with___, _____ rhymes with _____, and _____ rhymes with _____. (Detail #1) It is important to point out that the poet also uses repetition in combination with end rhyme, including_____, and _____. (Detail #2) In addition, _____ (the poet uses internal rhyme.) _____ rhymes with____, _____ rhymes with _____, and _____ rhymes with _____. These rhyming words occur in the middle of the lines, giving a special effect. (Detail #3) _____ (poet) creates his/her own effective musical pattern of sound effects with end rhyme repeated throughout the poem, and/or internal rhyme in the middle of lines. This is an appealing and pleasing device. (Conclusion)

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Opinion/Proof Objective: Organize ideas/information to find supporting evidence for an opinion. (pre-writing) Procedure: Introduce the concept by having students read a selection from which opinions can be formed. Draw a “T” chart on the board. On the left side of the “T”, write OPINION and on the right, PROOF. Under OPINION, write the students’ opinion(s) of the selection. For each opinion, students must find factual statements from the text that support the opinion. Example: OPINION: Napoleon was a great leader. PROOF: He ended the revolution. He drew up a new constitution. He made taxation fair. He chose government workers for their ability. Option: Opinion/Proof may be used for several written activities described in this document, including Story Grammars, RAFT, and Spool Writing. It can also be used by students as a format for note taking from books, videos, and lectures. Option: Teams can write their opinions and support with proof. (think/pair/share activity). Annabel Lee: Opinion/Proof Activity: Opinion/Proof may be used for several written activities described in this document, including Story Grammars, RAFT, and Spool Writing. Students can also use it as a format for note taking from books, videos, and lectures. Allow teams to write their own opinion to support with proof if they are at a proficient level. This can be used as a think/pair/share activity. Use the following as a starter for less proficient students:

Opinion Poe had a difficult life. Proof His father deserted the family. His mother died before he was three years old. His brother and stepmother died of tuberculosis. His wife died of tuberculosis. He blamed himself for his wife’s death. He was poor and became an alcoholic. He died young.

Spool Writing Objective: Write a “spool” (5-paragraph essay with an introduction, 3-paragraph body of supporting arguments with evidence, and a concluding paragraph. Procedure: Use graphic organizers, the summary, modeled writing, and guided writing to plan prewriting activities for developing a “spool”. A spool is a five-paragraph essay in which the first paragraph is an introduction (controlling idea, or thesis). The next three paragraphs make up the body of the essay. Each of these paragraphs begins with an argument sentence to support the thesis and has three supporting sentences for the argument sentence. The weakest argument should be presented in the first paragraph of the body, and the strongest argument in the last paragraph of the body. The final (5th) paragraph is the concluding paragraph, which begins with a restatement of the thesis sentence, and is followed by a restatement of the three argument statements of the body. Introduce the spool essay by creating a story collectively using the Language Experience Approach. The second time you use spool writing, each group prepares one. Once the groups have mastered the spool essay, each student prepares his/her own, but include incentives for the team to help individual members. For example, you might want to give a team one point for each member who receives a grade of B or higher.

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In the chapter/passage/story/piece/poem _____, by _____, (the author, name a character) _____ tries to persuade _____ (the reader or another character) to _____ (take a certain action, agree or disagree with an opinion, etc. - Topic sentence/introduction). He/she uses several methods to persuade, including _____, _____ and _____ (briefly state methods chosen – faulty reasoning or emotional appeal - selected evidence, either/or thinking, circular reasoning, over-generalizations, faulty cause and effect, loaded language, transfer, exaggeration, bandwagon, name-calling).

The first method of persuasion used is_____ (indicate type #1 chosen). An example is that (the author, character) _____ (does, says, etc). Using this kind of persuasion, he/she tries to convince _____ to _____. Another example is ______. (Explain it here.) _____. This reasoning (or emotion) is faulty because _____.

Another type of persuasion used is _____ (indicate type #2 chosen). For example, the character (or author) is (does) ______ (Explain here). The reader can figure out that _____. Another example is _____ (Explain). It is clear that this reasoning (emotion) is faulty because_____.

A third type of persuasion used by _____ to persuade _____ is _____ (type #3 chosen). (Explain it here.) _____. In addition, _____. This method of persuasion is effective because it appeals to _____.

The author uses _____ (type #1), _____ (type #2, and _____ (type #3) methods of persuasion in this reading. The reader (or character) is convinced (or not convinced) to _____. These methods of persuasion in the reading prove to be effective (or not effective) because _____.

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Annabel Lee: Spool Writing Activities: Suggested Topic(s): Use these starters for persuasive techniques used by Poe to appeal to the reader in the poem, “Annabel Lee”. REASONING:

a) Selected Evidence: …”A wind blew out of a cloud, killing my Annabel Lee” This is the only information Poe gives about the reason for his bride’s death.

b) Either/or Thinking: “Neither the angels in heaven above, not the demons down under the sea can ever dissever my soul from the soul of Annabel Lee.” Poe leads the reader to believe that there are only two forces powerful enough to try to separate him from his bride. Poe is clearly denying that death is one of the possibilities.

c) Circular Reasoning: In stanza 5, Poe repeats or summarizes what he has already said. He is making the same point again, that their love was very strong. In stanza 2, Poe said, “…we loved with a love that was more than love.” In stanza 5, he says that their love stronger than other who were older and wiser. He also says even the power of death cannot separate them.

d) Cause and Effect: The cause or reason for his death is, “A wind blew out of a cloud, killing my Annabel Lee.” The poet blames the jealous angels who used a cold wind to kill his bride (again a powerful image).


a) Loaded Language and Transfer: Poe uses the language “chilling and killing my Annabel Lee” to refer to death. These words cause very powerful negative emotions, and create an image of death in the reader’s mind.

b) Transfer: “That a maiden there lived whom you may know…” Poe wants you to identify strongly with Annabel Lee. He implies that every reader has the universal experience of loving deeply and grieving deeply the loss of that love. In addition, Poe refers to his wife as “my darling my life and my bride” “my beautiful Annabel Lee,” “she was a child”, “maiden who lived in a kingdom by the sea”. These expressions cause the reader to identify with his positive emotions for his bride.

c) Exaggeration: Poe’s exaggeration is fantasy, not reality. Yet the reader is persuaded by the image of moonbeams that make him dream about his bride, and the image of the stars as her beautiful bright eyes.

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RAFT Objective: Write on a topic in a specific format, understanding role as a writer and audience. R-A-F-T is a system for making sure students understand their role as a writer (R), their audience (A), the format of their work (F), and the topic of the content (T). Examples: persuade a soldier to spare your life, demand equal pay for equal work, or plead for a halt to coal mining in our valley.

• (R): For role (R), of the writer, the writer considers who s/he is (Examples-a soldier, Abraham Lincoln, a slave, a blood cell, or a mathematical operation).

• (A): For audience (A), the writer considers to whom s/he is writing (Examples-to a mother, to Congress, to a child.)

• (F): Format (F) determines what form the communication will take. (Examples-letter, speech, obituary, conversation, memo, recipe or journal)

• (T): The topic (T) consists of a strong verb as well as the focus. Procedure: Introduce RAFT by creating a story collectively using the Language Experience Approach. The second time you assign RAFT, have each group prepare one. Model for students, explaining that all writers must consider their role as a writer, their audience, the format, and the topic These four components are critical in every written assignment. Assist teams to brainstorm ideas about a topic. Work with teams to list possible roles, audiences, formats, and strong verbs that are appropriate for each topic. Once the groups have mastered RAFT, have each student prepare his/her own, but include incentives for the group to help individual members. For example, you might want to give a team a point for each member who receives a grade of B or higher. Annabel Lee: RAFT Activity: Students write according to role, audience, format, & topic.

R-Your role as a writer is Annabel Lee. A-Your audience is the poet, Edgar Allan Poe. F-The format of your writing is a love poem or personal note to your husband. T-Your topic is to write to answer your husband’s love poem, “Annabel Lee”.

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FCAT Writing FCAT Writing: Lesson Topic: (Persuasive or Expository Prompt) Distribute the planning sheets and writing folders containing the prompts to the students. Provide students with the writing situation and directions for writing. Remind the students to budget their time: approximately ten minutes on brainstorming and prewriting, twenty-five minutes on drafting, ten minutes on editing. Record the time and give students the command to begin. After 45 minutes, ask the students to stop writing and place their planning sheets inside their folders. Annabel Lee: FCAT Writing Activity (Persuasive Prompt):

Writing Situation: Everyone experiences loss. Loss does not always have to be sad. Sometimes a loss turns out to be a good thing that we benefit from. A loss can be the loss of a friend or family member when they moved away or went to another school. Loss can be an object, a job, or even a place that was important to you. Loss can be just a change in your life, like changing from a child into an adult. In the poem, “Annabel Lee”, the poet turns the sadness of his loss into a beautiful love poem to honor his bride. Directions for Writing: Think about the positive side of a loss you have experienced. What was the loss? How did you react to the loss? Why was it important to you? Did you feel any differently after time passed? Why? What was something positive that happened as a result of your loss? Did you learn something positive? What good things came out of your loss? Now write to convince others that your loss turned out to be a good thing for you

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Beginning Presenting Activities

Dialog Objective: Write a short dialog of 4-6 lines between two familiar characters. Procedure: A dialog can be between 2 historical characters, 2 fictional characters in a story, novel, play, etc. or between 2 imaginary characters such as a germ and a white blood cell. The topic of the dialog should be related to the subject being studied, and the grammar and vocabulary used in the dialog should reflect the grammar and vocabulary focus of the unit. Model each line of the dialog, having the entire class repeat after you. Then, say each line and call on whole teams to repeat the line. Then say each line and call on individual students to repeat the line. Practice dialog lines using the whole class, a whole team, and individuals until students can know the lines of the dialog. Example:

Character A: These items are expensive. We are not selling very many. Character B: We need to sell more of them. Character A: But, then the price will decrease! Character B: But, we will still get more money because the volume will increase. Character A: We do not have enough money to make more than we do now. Character B: Then we will borrow some money by issuing bonds.

Option: You take the part of A and the class takes the part of B. Then you take part B and the class takes A. Then work with whole teams and you, then individuals and you, then groups and groups, then individuals and individuals. Move back and forth among these combinations until you think the majority have adequate intonation, stress, and pronunciation. Option 1: Erase two words at random from each line during repetition. Then erase two more, two more, and so on until there are no words left on the board. Option 2: Each group chooses a member to represent them by presenting the dialog with a member from another group in front of the class. If the representative can say his/her lines correctly then the group gets a point. Option 3: Have each group rewrite the dialog from memory. Groups are to use one piece of paper and one pencil or pen only. Each member takes a turn writing a line of the dialog. Other team members can offer help but they cannot write it for the individual whose turn it is to write. Collect the paper and grade it. Each member of the team gets the same grade. Annabel Lee: Dialog Activity:

Reader: Your poem is like a beautiful fairy tale from a faraway land. Poet: I wrote this poem to my beautiful Annabel Lee. Reader: There is sadness in the poem. Poet: Neither the angels in heaven above, not the demons down under the sea

can ever dissever my soul from the soul of Annabel Lee. Reader: You really loved her very much. Poet: We loved with a love that was more than love, I and my Annabel Lee

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Intermediate Presenting Activities

Show and Tell Objective: Present orally on a familiar topic and respond to questions on the topic. Procedure: A student brings something to class related to the subject at hand and, within 3 minutes, makes an oral presentation about it. Teams take turns asking the student questions about it. For each question the presenter can answer, his/her team gets a point. For each question he/she cannot answer, the team loses a point.

Proficient Presenting Activities

Making the News Objective: Present orally to a group on a familiar academic topic in a news format. Procedure: Teams take turns developing a 3-4 four-minute news broadcast about the subject being studied. There may be several related stories. There must be one story (no matter how short) for each member of the group. The reporting group may refer to notes but not to the text. Other teams can refer to their texts, and have the opportunity to each ask two questions of the reporting team. The reporting team members take turns answering questions, but other team members may help them. The questioning group gets two points for each question the reporting group cannot answer. The reporting group gets a point for each question it can answer. Follow the rules for Total Recall when there is a challenge. Examples: Columbus gets the jewels from the Queen of Spain, the long voyage, Hispaniola landing Annabel Lee: Making the News Activities:

Man Found Sleeping in Tomb Famous Poet Dead at Forty

Intermediate-Proficient Viewing Activities

Total Recall, True or False, Judgment Objective: View a video or speech for the purpose of asking and answering simple questions, making true and false statements, and distinguish facts from opinions. Procedure: Modify reading activities, such as Total Recall, True or False, and Judgment to use when viewing a video or speech. The effectiveness of a challenge is not as high as with a written text.

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Beginning Vocabulary Activities

Line of Fortune Objective: Identify and recreate words and word parts from spelling clues. Procedure: (This activity is very similar to Hangman, but involves more complex team decision-making.) Choose a word from the lesson’s vocabulary and write the appropriate number of dashes to represent the letters of the word. For example, for the word dicot you would draw five dashes. A team member guesses a letter. If the letter is not found in the word, write the letter under the dashes and move on to the next team. If their letter is found in the word, then write the letter on the appropriate dash. When a team guesses correctly, they have the option to guess the word. If they choose not to guess the word, call on the next team. If they choose to guess and successfully guess the word, then they receive ten points minus the number of letters written under the dashes from incorrect previous guesses, and the game is over. If they choose to guess and do not guess the word, then they lose points equal to the number of letters written under the dashes, and you call on the next team. If no team can guess the word before ten incorrect letters are written under the dashes then all teams lose points equal to the number of teams in the class.

Concentration Objective: Identify vocabulary words and their meanings. Preparation: On twenty 8” x 5” index cards, write the numbers 1-20, one number per card. Place these cards in order, 3 per line in a pocket chart. On another 20 index cards, write, one word per card, 10 vocabulary items from the lesson 2 times each. Shuffle these cards and place them behind the numbered cards. Procedure: Teams will match the vocabulary words with their meanings. Choose one team to go first. A member of that team picks two numbers. Remove those cards from the chart, leaving the words behind them visible to the class. The student reads the words, with the team’s assistance if needed. If the words match, leave them showing and give the team a point. If they do not match, replace the numbers and call on the next team. Option: Instead of writing each noun 2 times, write it once in the singular and once in the plural. When working with verbs, write one in the present tense and one in the past. Matching variations such as these helps the students understand that, despite certain differences in the visible spelling of two words, they are still semantically related at a deeper level. Annabel Lee: Concentration Activity: Matching:

blamed held responsible, accused beams rays of light devastated destroyed, overcome, shocked envy to be jealous kinsmen family, relatives maiden young girl or woman tuberculosis disease that affects the lungs poverty neediness, scarcity, destitution winged seraphs angels fairy tale myth, legend, folk story

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Intermediate Vocabulary Activities

Jeopardy Objective: Use clues to identify vocabulary words, characters’ names, places, etc. in the story. Preparation: Place 3 cards across the top of a pocket chart, the first with the letter A printed on it, the second with B, and the third with C. Down the left side of the chart (one per line), place three cards with the numbers 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Place three easier vocabulary items (not visible to the class) next to the number 1 card, and below each of the letter cards, place 3 more difficult words on line 2 in the same manner, place three of the most difficult words on line three. Procedure: Choose one team to go first. A member of that team picks the word s/he wants to guess (“2-C” for example). Give the student a definition of clue for the word (This animal barks.) The student, with the help of his team, responds with the word presented in question format (What is a dog?). If the answer is correct, that team gets 2, 3, or 4 points, depending on the word’s level of difficulty. If the answer is incorrect, the next team tries for the same word but for one point less than the previous team. For example, if the first team guessed incorrectly for a word worth 3 points, the next team to try would get 2 points if it answered correctly. If it too guessed incorrectly, the next team would get one point if it answered correctly. If no team can answer correctly before the points are reduced to zero, then all teams lose 1 point. Annabel Lee: Jeopardy Activity:

Question Answer a) Who wrote “Annabel Lee” Edgar Allen Poe a) Who was Annabel Lee a maiden a) Where Annabel Lee lived faraway kingdom by the sea b) What happened Annabel Lee killed by a cold wind b) Why Annabel Lee was killed angels were jealous of their love b) Where the poet goes to sleep sepulcher by the sea c) What kind of poem is “Annabel Lee” a love poem c) Why Poe wrote this poem his young wife had died c) What was Poe’s message love was stronger than death


Objective: Classify vocabulary into two or three groups. Procedure: Model the activity, beginning with several words for teams to classify into groups. Ask students to identify an appropriate label for the groups they create. Discuss other words that could go into each group. Each team gets out one pencil and one sheet of paper. The captain writes team name and divides the paper into the appropriate number of columns (groups). The captain labels columns for classifications and sets timer for 5 minutes. Team members take turns writing words in appropriate columns (as in the Team Spelling Test). Note that words do not have to come from the lesson vocabulary. When the timer rings, collect papers. Teams get one point for each word they place correctly. Spelling should not count.

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Wrong Word Objective: Identify, analyze, and correct errors in vocabulary usage. Procedure: Teams find the word that is “wrong” and correct it. Teams get a point for each correction. Read a sentence with a wrong word in it. Examples: The contribution tells us how the government will operate. (should be Constitution) Many people have moved to Florida for the arctic climate. (should be tropical) When teams get good at this activity, embed an incorrect sentence among other correct sentences. Teams can make sentences with incorrect words for other teams to correct. Annabel Lee: Wrong Word Activity:

a) Annabel Lee was a made in about whom Edgar Allen Poe wrote. (maiden) b) Fairy tails were very popular at that time in history. (tales) c) In a kingdom by the see, Annabel Lee lived and died. (sea) d) The stares in the sky are not at beautiful as Annabel Lee. (stars) e) Even the angles are not as happy as the poet. (angels)

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Beginning Grammar Activities

Teacher-Student Grammar Notes are provided as a teaching resource or student study notes.

NEGATIVES A negative is a word or phrase that says, “no” or expresses denial. There are many was to express a negative idea in English. Here are some common negatives in English:

Negative Word Negative Sentence: Affirmative Word no I have no money with me. any not It’s not time to go yet. (use affirmative verb) none None of us has the time to go. any, some nothing We have nothing to contribute. anything no one No one can answer the question. someone no other No other person can do this job. some other nobody Nobody can answer this question. somebody nowhere We have nowhere to go tonight. somewhere Never I never go there. ever neither Neither student has permission. either nor I can’t phone you. Nor can I see you. or neither…nor She has neither money nor fame. either…or hardly (barely, scarcely)

I can hardly (scarcely, barely) see that far.

very often

rarely, seldom She rarely (seldom) asks a question. very often

Avoid double negatives. A negative changes the meaning of a sentence. Use only one negative in a sentence in English. To avoid double negatives, sometimes you can replace one of the negatives with an affirmative word. Study the affirmative words and the examples that follow.

Correct Incorrect (Double Negative) I don’t have any money. I don’t think anybody is coming. Nobody has anything to do. I’m not going anywhere. I haven’t ever been there. I don’t like neither apples nor pears. I don’t want any. I barely ate lunch.

I don’t have no money. I don’t think nobody is coming. Nobody has nothing to do. I’m not going nowhere. I haven’t never been there. I don’t like either apples or pears. I don’t want none. I didn’t barely eat lunch.

The most common negative is a negative statement that uses a form of “not”. When making a verb in a sentence negative, do or does is used before “not” in the present, and did is used before “not” in the past. When helping or auxiliary verbs are used, “not” follows the first helping verb. Examples:

I like bananas. I do not like bananas. (I don’t like bananas.) We saw a friend. We did not see a friend. (We didn’t see a friend.) I am going to work. I am not going to work. (I’m not going to work.)

He will be going. He will not be going. (He won’t be going.)

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Most contractions in English occur when we make a negative statement using “not”. Here are the most common contractions with “not”.

Summary of Contractions with “NOT” are not aren’t have not haven’t is not isn’t had not hadn’t cannot can’t was not wasn’t could not couldn’t were not weren’t do not don’t will not won’t does not doesn’t would not wouldn’t did not didn’t must not mustn’t has not hasn’t should not shouldn’t

Word Order Cards

Objective: Identify and use appropriate word order in sentences. Procedure: Choose some of the more complex sentences of the summary to cut up for this exercise. After writing a sentence on a sentence strip, cut up the sentence into individual words. Shuffle the words. With the team's support, one member rearranges the words to reform the sentence. The team gets a point if the cards are rearranged correctly.

Modified Single Slot Substitution Drill Objective: Substitute alternative vocabulary, syntax, and grammatical forms in a familiar sentence in a single slot. Procedure: The teacher writes a sentence on the board and underlines one word. Teams take turns replacing the underlined word with a new word. When students can no longer think of substitutes, the teacher underlines a different word, and the activity continues. Example: The soldiers who surrendered were killed. Possible substitutions for killed: butchered, kissed, hugged, spared The soldiers who surrendered were butchered. Possible substitutions for surrendered: spared, killed, ran, slept The soldiers who surrendered were spared. Possible substitutions for soldiers: people, police, robbers, children Notes: • Sometimes, changing one word necessitates changing another word as well. The queen was dancing when the soldiers arrived. (Substitute king and queen) The king and queen were dancing when the soldiers arrived. • It is not necessary for the sentences to be historically correct, sensible, or even possible. It is

important for the correct part of speech to be used. Annabel Lee: Modified Single Slot Substitution:

(a) The poet (b) wrote about (c) a beautiful (d) maiden. Possibilities: (a) the man, the writer, Edgar Allen Poe (b) told about, spoke about, described (c) a lovely, a beautiful, a darling (d) young girl, young woman, young bride

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Intermediate Grammar Activities

Sentence Builders Objective: Expand sentences by adding new words in the appropriate order in a sentence. Procedure: The teacher says a sentence, and, after a pause, an additional word or words. Teams must make a new sentence that adds the new word(s) in the correct place in the teacher's original sentence. Give a point for each correct answer. Example:

Teacher: Fish is a food. (healthy) Team Response: Fish is a healthy food. Teacher: Fish is a healthy food. (fresh) Team Response: Fresh fish is a healthy food.

Annabel Lee: Sentence Builders: a) Annabel Lee was a maiden. (beautiful) Annabel Lee was a beautiful maiden. (young) Annabel Lee was a beautiful young maiden. (who was loved) Annabel Lee was a beautiful young maiden who was loved (by the poet) Annabel Lee was a beautiful young maiden who was loved by the poet. Continue with the following: b) The maiden lived. (long ago) (in a kingdom) (faraway) (by the sea) c) A wind blew. (chilly) (out of a cloud) (dark) (one night) d) Her kinsmen came. (highborn) (and bore her away) (from me)(to a sepulcher) e) The poet loved her. (very deeply) (and strongly) (and mourned) (her death)

Multiple Slot Substitution Drills

Objective: Substitute alternative vocabulary, syntax, and grammatical forms in a familiar sentence in a multiple slots. Procedure: This drill is often taught together with or right after the single slot substitution drill. Its organization is similar to single slot substitution, but more that one part of the sentence changes. Give a point for each correct answer. Example: Columbus sailed in 1492. (Pizarro) Pizarro sailed in 1492. (1524) Pizarro sailed in 1524. (arrived) Pizarro arrived 1n 1524. Annabel Lee: Multiple Slot Substitution Activities:

(a) The moon (b) never beams (c) without bringing him (d) dreams of (e) Annabel Lee. Possibilities: the sun, ideas, without providing him with, never glows, his bride, images of, without giving the poet, never shine(s), thoughts of, the love of his life, the stars

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Flesh it Out Objective: Use key words in the appropriate order in a grammatically correct sentence. Procedure: The teacher gives the key words of a sentence and teams puts them into a grammatically correct sentence. Give points for correct answers in the oral format. Give grades in the written format. Key words: he/sail/america/1492. Answer: He sailed to America in 1492. Key words: he/sail/america/? (past)(yes/no) Answer: Did he sail to America? Annabel Lee: Flesh it Out Activities:

a) Poet/wrote/poem/maiden/Annabel Lee b) Maiden/faraway/kingdom/sea/loved/by poet c) Wind/night/chilling/killing/Annabel Lee d) Kinsmen/bore/shut up/sepulcher/sea e) Poet/night tide/side/bride/tomb/sea

Transformation Exercises Objective: Change the form or format of a sentence according to the situation. Procedure: Students change the format of a sentence based on teacher directions or prompts. Give points for correct answers in the oral format. Give grades in the written format. Examples: 1. Is it raining? (Answer the question, yes.) Yes, it is raining. 2. It is raining. (Ask a yes/no question.) Is it raining? 3. Many Indians died from disease. Many Indians died from starvation. (Combine 2 sentences into one sentence.) Many Indians died from disease and starvation. Annabel Lee: Transformation Exercises: Students respond by finding the double negatives and changing them contain only one negative word.

Example: “None of the angels were not half as happy in heaven.” Possible answers: None of the angels was half as happy in heaven. There were not any of the angels half as happy in heaven.

a) “Neither the angels nor the demons couldn’t separate the lovers.” b) “The maiden didn’t have any other thought than to love and be loved.” c) “Nobody couldn’t separate the poet from his bride.” d) “The moon doesn’t never beam without bringing the poet dreams.” e) “The poet didn’t want nothing bad to happen to his darling bride.” f) “There wasn’t nowhere the poet could go, except the tomb of his wife

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Who What, When, Where, How, Why Objective: Listen to a sentence and respond to “Wh" questions in writing. Procedure: Read a sentence and then ask the “wh" questions about it. Teams write a short answer on a numbered sheet of paper. Example: Teacher: The heart constantly pumps blood to the body 24 hours a day to keep the body alive. What…? (Teams write heart.) Where…? (Teams write to the body) How...? (Teams write constantly) Why…? (Teams write to keep the body alive) When…? (Teams write 24 hours a day). Team members take turns writing answers on the board (for class discussion) or on a team/individual paper (for a grade). An alternative technique is to have each team member complete all items on his/her own paper. Team members are allowed to help each other. On completion of the activity, collect the one paper of your choice. The grade on that paper will count for each team member. Annabel Lee: Who, What, When, Where, How, Why Activities:

a) Annabel Lee was a maiden who lived long ago in a kingdom by the sea. (who, what, when, where)

b) She died because a chill wind came out of a cloud one night. (who, why, what, when) c) After her death, her kinsmen came to the kingdom by the sea to shut her up in a tomb.

(when, who, what, where, why) d) Edgar Allen Poe lived in Virginia in the 1800s. (who, where, when) e) Poe died young because he was in poor health. (who, what, why)

Look it Up

Objective: Identify specific grammatical structures and change them according to the situation. Procedure: Teams look up sentences in their text that have a specific grammatical structure. As an oral practice, teams get a point for a correct answer. As a written exercise, it can be graded. Version One: Discuss the grammar point with the students then have them find example sentences in their texts. You might want to limit the pages they are to search. Version Two: Write sample sentences on the board in a tense not usually used in the text. Ask students to find similar sentences in the text and to determine the difference between the text sentences and the sentences on the board. In history books, for example, most sentences are in the past tense, so the sentences you write on the board would be in the present tense. During a discussion of the difference between the text sentences and your sentences, you would help the class discover why the text uses past tense sentences so often. Version Three - Students locate sentences in the text with a specific grammatical structure and then restate or rewrite the sentence in a new form specified by you. Example: change statements into questions, affirmative to negative, past to present, or passive voice to active. Annabel Lee: Look it Up: Teams locate examples of Negatives in the text and in the summary.

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Sentence Stretchers Objective: Expand grammatically correct sentences by adding new words in appropriate order Procedure: One team begins by making a sentence orally that contains the language or content focus of the lesson. (Make the starter sentence as short as possible.) For example, in a lesson focusing on weather and on adjectives, the first team might say, The cloud is floating. The first team gets a point. Other teams take turns expanding the sentence, getting a point each time something is added successfully or until teams run out of expansions. The white cloud is floating. The fluffy white cloud is floating in the sky. The fluffy white cloud that looks like a boat is floating in the sky. Etc. Annabel Lee: Sentence Stretcher: Begin with the sentence: A wind blew.

A wind blew. A cold wind blew. A cold wind blew out of a cloud. And this was the reason a cold wind blew out of a cloud. And this was the reason that long ago, a cold wind blew out of a cloud. And this was the reason that long ago in this kingdom a cold wind blew out of a cloud. And this was the reason that long ago in this kingdom by the sea, a cold wind blew out of a cloud. And this was the reason that long ago in this kingdom by the sea, a cold wind blew out of a cloud chilling Annabel Lee. And this was the reason that long ago in this kingdom by the sea, a cold wind blew out of a cloud chilling my Annabel Lee. And this was the reason that long ago in this kingdom by the sea, a cold wind blew out of a cloud chilling my beautiful Annabel Lee.

Rewrite the Paragraph

Objective: Identify specific grammatical structures and change them according to the situation. Procedure: Use a paragraph based on the text, and language focus structures of the lesson. Teams read and discuss necessary changes. Members work together to rewrite a grammatically correct paragraph with the changes. Collect one paper from each team for a grade. (Examples: Change one verb tense to another, nouns to pronouns, adverbs to adjectives, etc.) Annabel Lee: Rewrite the Paragraph Activity: Teams rewrite the paragraph in the present tense.

A poet loved a maiden who lived in a faraway kingdom by the sea. Their love was a love that was more than love. Even the angels in heaven were jealous of their love. So the angels sent a chilly wind out of the night clouds and killed the maiden. Her highborn kinsmen took her away to a tomb by the sea. The poet said that death could not separate their souls. He believed that his soul was united forever with the soul of Annabel Lee. At night, he would lie down in the tomb with his darling bride, Annabel Lee. There he listened to the sound of the sea.

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Name ____________________________ Date __________ Annabel Lee: Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct word.













A __________ loved a maiden who lived in a __________ kingdom by the sea.

Their love was a love that was more than __________. Even the angels in heaven were

__________ of their love. So the angels sent a __________ wind out of the night clouds

and killed the __________. Her highborn __________ took her away to a tomb by the

sea. The poet said that death could not __________ their souls. He believed that his

soul was united __________ with the soul of Annabel Lee. At night he would lie down in

the __________ with his darling __________, Annabel Lee. There he listened to the

sound of the __________.

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Name _____________________________________ Date _____________ Annabel Lee: Exercise 2 Read each sentence and decide if it is true or false. If it is true, write the word “true” on the line. If the sentence is false, rewrite the sentence to make it a true. 1. Annabel Lee was the name of a boat.


2. Annabel Lee is a short story written by Edgar Allen Poe.


3. The kingdom was located in the mountains.


4. A wind blew out of a cloud chilling Annabel Lee.


5. Annabel Lee was shut up in a sepulcher by the river.


6. The poet thought that the demons in heaven above envied their love.


7. Edgar Allen Poe’s family died of tuberculosis.


8. The poet thought his love was so strong that it lasted after death.


9. When the bright stars rise, the poet feels her eyes.


10. On the morning tide, the poet lies by Annabel Lee’s side.


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Name ____________________________ Date __________ Annabel Lee: Exercise 3 (FCAT Practice/Reading Comprehension) Read the excerpts from the poem, “Annabel Lee”, by Edgar Allan Poe. Then identify the persuasive techniques used by Poe to appeal to the reader. Explain your answer.

Reasoning: Selected Evidence, Either/or Thinking, Circular Reasoning, Over-generalizations, or Cause and Effect

Emotional Appeals: Loaded Language, Transfer, Exaggeration, Bandwagon, or Name-calling

Read the Excerpt Identify Persuasive Technique &

Explain Your Answer “It was many and many a year ago, …”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“ …in a kingdom by the sea”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“That a maiden lived there whom you may know…”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“And this maiden she lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by me.”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“A wind blew out of a cloud, killing my Annabel Lee”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“Neither the angels nor the demons can ever dissever my soul from the soul of Annabel Lee.”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“…we loved with a love that was more than love.”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“That a maiden there lived whom you may know…”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“my darling my life and my bride,” “my beautiful Annabel Lee,” “she was a child,” “maiden in a kingdom”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

“And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee.”

Identify: _______________________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________

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Name ____________________________ Date __________ Annabel Lee: Exercise 4 (FCAT Practice/Reading Comprehension) Read the poem, “Annabel Lee”, by Edgar Allan Poe. Think about the questions. Explain your answers.

Think: Is the author trying to inform, persuade, or entertain you? Why? Explain: What is the author’s purpose? Explain in your own words.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Think: What is the author’s opinion or position on the topic? Does he have beliefs and biases? What is his own personal way of looking at the subject? Does he make personal judgments? Explain: What is the author’s point of view? Find evidence in the poem.


Think: What is the mood of the poem? (humorous, sad, serious, etc.) Consider the choice of words. Do they set the tone or atmosphere? What is your reaction? What specific words did you react to? Does word choice help you identify the attitude or tone? Explain: What is the author’s tone? Explain in your own words.


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Name ____________________________ Date __________ Annabel Lee: Exercise 5 Fill in the blanks. The Poem

A man describes a __________ woman named Annabel Lee __________ their

love for each __________. Many years ago, Annabel __________ lived in a kingdom

__________ the sea. She was __________ maiden who thought only __________

loving her husband and __________ loved by him. She __________ with no other

thought. __________ had loved each other __________ they were children. Their

__________ was a love that __________ more than love. Even __________ angels in

heaven envied __________.

The angels were not __________ as happy in heaven __________ the man and

his __________. Because the seraphs were __________ of this love, they __________

a cold wind out __________ a cloud one night __________ kill Annabel Lee. Then

__________ would be separated from __________. Her family carried their

__________ kinsman to her sepulcher __________ the sea.

The man __________ describes their love in __________. His love for Annabel

__________ was stronger than the __________ of others who were __________ and

wiser. He believed __________ his soul was united __________ with the soul of

__________ Lee. Neither the angels __________ heaven nor the demons __________

the sea could ever __________ their two souls. The __________ believed that their

love __________ more powerful than death __________. He believed that he

__________ his Annabel would never __________ be separated. Every time

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__________ moon would shine, he __________ dreams of his beautiful __________

Lee. When the stars __________ in the night sky, __________ felt her bright eyes.

__________ night he would lie __________ in the tomb with __________ darling bride,

Annabel Lee. __________ he listened to the __________ of the sea.

The Poet

Edgar Allan Poe, the __________ of the poem, “Annabel __________”, had a

tragic and __________ life. He was born __________ 1809 and died in __________ at

the age of __________. Poe’s father deserted the __________, and his mother died

__________ he was three years __________. A wealthy businessman took

__________ in and gave him __________ education. Poe’s mother, stepmother

__________ brother all died of __________. Poe’s foster father wanted __________ to

work in the __________, but Poe wanted to __________ a writer.

Poe left __________ spent his life alone, __________ from poverty and

alcoholism. __________ search of his real __________, Poe married his thirteen-year-

old __________, Virginia. When she died __________ a young age of __________,

Poe was devastated. Poe __________ himself because he did not __________ enough

money from his __________ to provide a warm __________ for her in the __________

winter. It is believed __________ the “chill” that killed __________ Lee in the poem

__________ like the real chills __________ young wife suffered as __________ was

dying. Poe died __________ two years later.

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MS Grade 7 Language Arts 2 Through ESOL: Annabel Lee Page 42

Name ____________________________ Date __________ Annabel Lee: Exercise 6 Rewrite the sentences using negative words.

Example: Someone in the class cried when he read the poem. No one in the class cried when he read the poem.

1. The poem “Annabel Lee” is all about sadness.


2. Edgar Allan Poe was a rich businessman.


3. Poe married his neighbor.


4. Everybody knows Edgar Allan Poe’s poems.


5. There were humorous words everywhere in this poem.


6. I identified some rhyming words in the poem.


7. Every line of the poem rhymes with “many”.


8. Some students understood the phrase, “winged seraphs”.


9. Poe should write letters to the class.


10. Either Annabel Lee or Edgar Allan Poe is alive today.

______________________________________________________________________ Read each sentence. Complete by writing a word at the end that fits the meaning and rhymes with the word in bold.

1. A maiden lived by the sea, whose name was Annabel _______________________. 2. This maiden you know, lived a long time __________________________________. 3. The moon shines bright, on a cold, clear __________._______________________. 4. All of his short life, Poe loved his darling __________________________________. 5. When the stars rise, Poe sees her bright __________________________________.