ms. kulavic’s welcome letter for language arts• 3 boxes of kleenex for sale if your student...

1 August 19, 2013 Dear ________________________; Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year. This informational letter is ours to keep, however, pages 5 & 6 need to be signed and returned. Page 5 is actually homework for you! I will receive homework points for turning this in. This is not extra credit, but an actual homework grade. I plan to make this a successful school year and need your help to get my first A! Lots of Love, CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Respect is the first thing that needs to be established in any successful environment. This is why we all will speak and act respectfully to each and every individual. Everyday students will be expected to show this respect to themselves, others in the classroom and respect for property (mine and others). Here are other things to help the day go smoothly .... Enter the room quietly, once inside, students may not leave again. Once in the room, find assigned seat and get ready for the period. All pencils should be sharpened and any materials should be out and ready to go. Tissues are located in several places in the room, students may get one QUIETLY without permission as long as privilege is not abused. The same is true for pencil sharpeners, handing in homework, asking questions of the teacher, etc. Hand raising is not normally necessary, classroom discussions are just that. As long as students respect each others voice, students do not need to raise hands unless a guest or sub is teaching the class. The bell does not dismiss students, Ms. Kulavic does. Students will not be allowed out of class unless there is an emergency. CURRICULUM The school district has adopted the Lucy Caulkins Writing Curriculum, so that will be an enhancement to Common Core. We will be reading from not only the 8th grade Elements of Literature textbook, but also from a selection of novels to enhance the curriculum. Textbooks will not be assigned, instead, there will be a classroom set, so do not expect to see a literature book coming home. Students will have homework, but anything dependent on a textbook will be assigned in class. All students are expected to read at least 20 minutes of free choice reading every night. HOMEWORK POLICY All work is due on the time specified by the teacher. If the student is absent, they get one day for each excused absence to make up the work. If the student simply forgets to complete the assignment, they may turn it in one day late for half credit. They will not be allowed to turn it in any later. Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts

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Page 1: Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts• 3 boxes of Kleenex FOR SALE If your student needs basic school supplies, I sell notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils


August 19, 2013

Dear ________________________;! Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year. This informational letter is ours to keep, however, pages 5 & 6 need to be signed and returned. Page 5 is actually homework for you! I will receive homework points for turning this in. This is not extra credit, but an actual homework grade. I plan to make this a successful school year and need your help to get my first A! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lots of Love,

CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Respect is the first thing that needs to be established in any successful environment. This is why we all will speak and act respectfully to

each and every individual. Everyday students will be expected to show this respect to themselves, others in the classroom and respect for property (mine and others). Here are other things to help the day go smoothly....• Enter the room quietly, once inside, students may not

leave again.• Once in the room, find assigned seat and get ready

for the period. All pencils should be sharpened and any materials should be out and ready to go.

• Tissues are located in several places in the room, students may get one QUIETLY without permission as long as privilege is not abused. The same is true for pencil sharpeners, handing in homework, asking questions of the teacher, etc.

• Hand raising is not normally necessary, classroom discussions are just that. As long as students respect each others voice, students do not need to raise hands unless a guest or sub is teaching the class.

• The bell does not dismiss students, Ms. Kulavic does.• Students will not be allowed out of class unless there

is an emergency.

CURRICULUM The school district has adopted the Lucy Caulkins Writing Curriculum, so that will be an enhancement to Common Core. We will be reading from not only the 8th grade Elements of Literature textbook, but also from a selection of novels to enhance the curriculum. Textbooks will not be assigned, instead, there will be a classroom set, so do not expect to see a literature book coming home. Students will have homework, but anything dependent on a textbook will be assigned in class. All students are expected to read at least 20 minutes of free choice reading every night.

HOMEWORK POLICY All work is due on the time specified by the teacher. If the student is absent, they get one day for each excused absence to make up the work. If the student simply forgets to complete the assignment, they may turn it in one day late for half credit. They will not be allowed to turn it in any later.

Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts

Page 2: Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts• 3 boxes of Kleenex FOR SALE If your student needs basic school supplies, I sell notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils


GRADESThe grade-book is online. Each student is given a user id and password to access grades. Because students and parents have 24/7 internet access to view their grades, there is no

excuse for low grades. If at anytime there is a concern or question about a grade, please do not hesitate to contact me via note, phone call (525-3176), scheduled conference, or e-mail Ms. Kulavic ([email protected]). Together, I know this year is going to be a success for all of the students if we all work together towards one common goal!

ABSENCESWhile everyone needs to miss school/work sometimes, excessive absences reek havoc on a students education. It is very important for students to attend class everyday. However, if you are absent, the best thing to do is to read, read, read! Find a book, magazine, or newspaper and spend your time at home reading, sometimes this is the best medicine!

PROGRESS & REPORT CARD DATESProgress Reports! ! Report CardsWednesday, 09/24/14! ! Wednesday, 10/22/14Wednesday, 11/19/14! ! Wednesday, 01/07/15Wednesday, 02/11/15! ! Wednesday, 03/18/14Wednesday, 04/22/15! ! Mailed Home

SCHOOL SUPPLIESAll students are asked to bring: • composition notebook• spiral notebook• pencil or pen (blue or black ink

only)• grading pen or marker (any color

other than blue or black)• paper (loose leaf or spiral)• a book or magazine to read

silently • planner• 3 ring binder• 3 boxes of Kleenex

FOR SALEIf your student needs basic school supplies, I sell notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils for $0.25 each. I do have a limited number of pencils to borrow and used spirals to give to kids in need!

COMPUTER POLICIES & PROCEDURESWe will be using the computer frequently, therefore, it is of the upmost importance for each student to return their signed AUP. No student will be allowed to use technology without the signed agreement. Each student will be assigned a specific computer and should only use that computer. All students are required to sign, return & adhere to the JMS AUP.

AIR CONDITIONYIPPEE! Great news, we finally have air conditioning!!! However, our room is now a very chilly place to be! If your student is chilly like me, they may want have a non-hood, non-zippered sweatshirt or sweater.

WATER BOTTLES Water bottles are permitted in the classroom. They may contain water only, no flavored water, Kool-Aid, juices, sodas, etc. At anytime, this privilege may be taken away if it is misused or abused.

TARDIESIt is important to get to class on time! Rushing into class at the last minute does not constitute being on time. All students must be SEATED and READY at the tardy bell. 1st tardy - warning2nd tardy - parent contact3rd/4th - administrative lunch5th/6th - after school detention7th+ - in-house suspension

Page 3: Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts• 3 boxes of Kleenex FOR SALE If your student needs basic school supplies, I sell notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils


Classroom Management Plan 8th Grade Team

(Blunk, Chavours, Franklin, Gephart, Hemstock, Kulavic) All students are entitled to a safe, comfortable learning environment. This

can be achieved through mutual respect and positive choices. Below are behavior expectations for class including, but not limited to: Respect Yourself

• Bring all necessary materials to class every day • Once in the classroom you will stay in the classroom

o Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings o Come to class in dress code

• Follow directions the first time they are given • Use time wisely • Accept responsibility for your actions • Have a good attitude

Respect Others

• Keep hands, feet, and objects away from others • Remain quiet while teacher or another classmate is speaking

o Talk only when called upon o Speak respectfully to teachers and other students o Choose to keep unnecessary comments to yourself

• Raise your hand for permission before talking or leaving seat • Work together to solve problems • Allow others to make positive choices

Respect Property

• NO GUM, FOOD, DRINKS OF ANY KIND IN CLASSROOMS unless permission is given by the school or teacher

• Keep non-educational property in your locker o Grooming materials (brushes/picks, make-up, lotion/perfume bottles)

are not allowed in the classroom o All electronic devices must be turned off and kept out of sight

• No writing on the textbooks, desks, computers, and equipment • Pick up after yourself and put trash in appropriate containers

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have read the 8th Grade Team Management Plan and understand that these rules will be enforced in all core classes. x___________________________ x__________________________ Guardian Student

Page 4: Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts• 3 boxes of Kleenex FOR SALE If your student needs basic school supplies, I sell notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils


NOTE FROM MS. KULAVIC Welcome to 8th grade Language Arts, I am so excited to be your teacher this school year! I am the proud mother of three boys! Frankie, my oldest, is a 6th grader at Lincoln Magnet. My younger two, Nolan (5th grade) & Jack (3rd grade) are still at Owen Marsh. With nothing but boys, I don’t have much free time, as I spend a lot of time on the field or court watching football, baseball, basketball, as well as attending Boy Scout activities. We are active members of St. John’s Lutheran Church. I love to travel and I am a self-proclaimed Disney nut! I am a proud product of the Springfield Public School system, graduating from Southeast High School and even attending Jefferson, but as an elementary building! I went on to earn my undergrad from EIU and two more master’s degrees - one from UIS & the other from WIU. This is going to be my 17th year teaching at JMS! I have taught everything from a Truancy Program, Literature, English, History, Science, as well as Reading Intervention Classes. Reading is my passion and I hope that it will be shared with all of my students by the time they leave my classroom. This is going to be a great year, I can feel it already! I encourage students to get ready to stretch their imaginations as we travel to many different places, times, and situations. We will do work not only individually, but also with others, so cooperation skills should be brought daily! I encourage all parents to know that they may contact me via phone call, note, scheduled conference, or e-mail. I also want students and parents to know that if you ever have a problem or concern, my ears are always open. It is best for the student to come talk to me directly before involving the parents, for the simple reason that the student and teacher are usually the key player in most situations! Parents are always welcome to contact me, but many times, problems are easily solved with a simple conversation between the student and teacher. I feel this is an essential part of becoming a mature young adult. I have the pleasure of educating your child this year. However, this is only one year of their career as lifelong learners. I want to be as successful as possible in this short amount of time. I ask all parents to partner with me in helping your student. That is why the first homework assignment belongs to you! I would like you to write me a letter about YOUR CHILD! Tell me their likes, their dislikes, what they like to do in their free time, their experiences, so far, with school, if there are special ways your child learns, please help me, to help them. I’m not grading your grammar, I just want to get to know your student so I can help them the best way possible! I look for this to be a terrific year! Welcome to the 8th grade Language Arts, I am excited to get to know each of you! Mindy Kulavic - [email protected] Jefferson Middle School - 217.525.3176

Page 5: Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts• 3 boxes of Kleenex FOR SALE If your student needs basic school supplies, I sell notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils


Yes, I have read and understand the classroom syllabus for Language Arts. I also understand that I may contact Ms. Kulavic whenever I have concerns or questions.

Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________ Student’s Name:_________________________Hour:_______ Student’s Signature:_________________________________

STUDENT GOAL FOR THE YEAR: (this is YOUR homework)(Tell me what you hope to learn or improve this year, and no, it doesn’t

have to deal directly with literature! This can be a personal goal!)

Page 6: Ms. Kulavic’s Welcome Letter for Language Arts• 3 boxes of Kleenex FOR SALE If your student needs basic school supplies, I sell notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens and pencils


Homework for PARENTS! Now that I’ve told you about myself, I want to know about your child! Please help me so I can help them to be successful this school year! Tell me what they like, what they don’t like, what kinds of things work with your child, what kinds of things don’t work or ‘set them off,’ what kinds of experiences have they had with reading or school in general in the past. This is also the perfect opportunity for you to BRAG, BRAG, BRAG about your child! You can type it, you can email it, you can send me a video message! You don’t have to fill the page, but if you do, that’s great, if you need more space, continue writing on another piece of paper or even a napkin if you need it! Thank you for taking the time to help me get to know your student!