m.sc. systems engineering and engineering management · 3/13/2015  · assessment criteria:...

1 M.Sc. Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Module Descriptions Version: 13 March, 2015 1 Advanced Control Technology........................................................................................ 2 2 Advanced Production Engineering ................................................................................. 5 3 Business in Engineering ................................................................................................. 8 4 Fuel cells and Energy Parks .......................................................................................... 10 5 Integrated Management ................................................................................................12 6 Intelligent Systems ........................................................................................................14 7 Master’s Project ............................................................................................................16 8 Microprocessor Based Systems ....................................................................................18 9 Monitoring of Mechanical Systems ................................................................................20 10 Photovoltaic, Energy efficiency ..................................................................................22 11 Project Management ..................................................................................................24 12 Signal processing ......................................................................................................27 13 Technical Publications and Presentations ..................................................................30 14 Wind Generation and Energy Management ...............................................................32

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Page 1: M.Sc. Systems Engineering and Engineering Management · 3/13/2015  · Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will: ASSESSMENT


M.Sc. Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

Module Descriptions

Version: 13 March, 2015 1 Advanced Control Technology........................................................................................ 2 2 Advanced Production Engineering ................................................................................. 5 3 Business in Engineering ................................................................................................. 8 4 Fuel cells and Energy Parks ..........................................................................................10 5 Integrated Management ................................................................................................12 6 Intelligent Systems ........................................................................................................14 7 Master’s Project ............................................................................................................16 8 Microprocessor Based Systems ....................................................................................18 9 Monitoring of Mechanical Systems ................................................................................20 10 Photovoltaic, Energy efficiency ..................................................................................22 11 Project Management ..................................................................................................24 12 Signal processing ......................................................................................................27 13 Technical Publications and Presentations ..................................................................30 14 Wind Generation and Energy Management ...............................................................32

Page 2: M.Sc. Systems Engineering and Engineering Management · 3/13/2015  · Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will: ASSESSMENT


1 Advanced Control Technology 1. CODE EEM4015 2. TITLE Advanced Control Technology 3. PATHWAY ET / ME / MT / RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrid Hafner 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: This research-oriented module enables the student to understand modern control techniques and the basic principles of Computational Intelligence often called Soft Computing with the two parts Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. The student should be familiar with the analytical methods of modelling and design of intelligent and cognitive systems for modern control and management. The goal is a mapping of the novel ideas into the application area on a research –oriented level with a deeper insight into modern advanced control technology and systems theory. 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Simulation systems: Use of current software packages applying linear mathematics, using both analytical and numerical techniques, to achieve the following: Date analysis and visualisation Interactive programming, use of menu systems Use of current simulation packages to achieve the following: Understand the limitation of simulation systems Outline of simulation system architecture. Design of interactive models. Use of acceleration techniques to maximise simulation performance. Fuzzy I: Methods and Concepts Basic Notions of Fuzzy Logic

Membership Functions Fuzzy Sets Aggregation of Fuzzy Sets Fuzzy-Valued Relations Fuzzy Inference: Approximate Reasoning Methods of Defuzzification Knowledge Based Fuzzy Systems Fuzzy II: Applications Structure of Fuzzy Systems Method of Mamdani: Mamdani Controller Method of Sugeno: Sugeno Controller Fuzzy Reasoning Method Hybrid Systems and Fusion of Methods Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) Neural Networks and Technology Applications: Cognitive Systems 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: This module is split between formal lectures, tutorials and computer-based practical work. Teaching is based around handouts containing course material and simulation examples of real systems. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be used to import knowledge. ECTS workload:

Lectures: Computer based exercices: Discussion / Review / Tutorial: Coursework: Directed reading: Exam preparation: Total No Hours

50 hours 30 hours 25 hours

2 x 30 hours 20 hours 50 hours

235 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Be able to develop models of engineering systems in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering.

1 Constitute the differential equations of a system from its given attributes. Generate the state equations from a differential equation nth order. Trace the differential equations of a system to its block diagram.

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2 Be able to use current software simulation tools 2 Solve differential equations with two different and common used software tools. Describe the limits of simulation tools. Distinguish and explain some numerical integration methods.

3 Have knowledge about fuzzy mathematics and many-valued logic

3 Understand and use basic notions of fuzzy logic. Identify and illustrate membership functions and the aggregation of fuzzy sets. Know and distinguish several fuzzy valued relations

4 Be able to design and implement fuzzy systems 4 Analyse the requirement and derive technical specifications for fuzzy systems. Compute fuzzy inferences and use different methods of Defuzzification. Explain the structure of Fuzzy Systems and know methods of Sugeno and Mamdani controllers.

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type PRA: CW CW EX <> Description The task is to

construct the model of a given system using different software tools, and to determine differences and possibilities.

Usage of a software tool to depict some basics of fuzzy logic. And a manual, analytical solution of a given fuzzy set.

Examination (2hours) <>

Percent of mark 20 30 50 <> LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X X 2 X X 3 X X 4 X X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

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11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) Iserman R, Digital Control Systems, Spriner-Valeg 1991. Astrom K J, Wittenmark B, Adaptive Control, Addison-Wesley 1989. Harris C J, Billings S A, Self-tuning and Adaptive Control in Theory and Applications. IEE Control Series, Peter Peregrinus, 1988. Dayhoff J E, Neural Network Architectures: An Introduction, Van Nostrand Reinhold 1990. Aleksander I, Morton H, An introduction to Neural Computing, Chapman and Hall 1992. Kosko B, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall, 1992. Lisboa P G J, Neural Networks: Current Applications, Chapman and Hall, 1992. D.Driankov, H.Hellendoorn, M.Reinfrank, An Introduction to Fuzzy Control, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1992). D.E.Rumelhart, J.L.Mc Celland: Parallel Distributed Processing, Vol.1: Foundations & Vol.2: Psychological and Biological Models, MIT Press, Cambridge (1986). Y.-H.Pao: Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Addison-Wesley Pub.Comp., New York (1989). L.O. Chua, T. Roska: Cellular neural networks and visual computing-Foundations and applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2002). D. Dubois, H. Prade: Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Application, Academic Press, London (1980). L.A. Zadeh et all: Theory and Applications Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes, Academic Press, London (1975). J.N.Mordeson, P.S. Nair: Fuzzy Mathematics, Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg (1998). M.Margaliot, G. Langholz: New Approaches to Fuzzy Modeling and Control – Design and Analysis World Scientific, Singapore (2000). Z. Wang, G.J. Klir: Fuzzy Measure Theory, Plenum Press, New York (1992). 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.1

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2 Advanced Production Engineering 1. CODE EEM4019 2. TITLE Advanced Production Engineering 3. PATHWAY ME / MT 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Frank 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: Students will be able to leverage their knowledge and skills in management and control of the production environment and in areas related to production system design and improvement. They will master different methods used to approach and analyse production engineering and management problems and possess an ability to cooperate with people specialized in manufacturing engineering, automation a.s.m. The basic objectives are as follows:

- understand modern production technologies and philosophies and, based on this, formulate and solve operational and strategic problems in design, operation and improvement of mechanical systems understand and change over of innovative “Rapid Technologies”

- master modern reengineering and improvement tools in manufacturing, and methods used in analysing performance of the mechanical system

- understand relations between customer orders and demand and the resulting shop orders, via the process of manufacturing planning and control

- understand and analyse how manufacturing interplay with economic, organizational and business issues of the firm, and be able to formulate an operational manufacturing strategy

- be an expert in manufacturing process control and optimisation, often with the purpose to improve production economics and efficiency

- be an invaluable team worker/project leader as a production process expert in any situation of interdisciplinary physical product development.

7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: I. Introduction into the topic - typical points/steps of business plan (management summary, product/service offer, market/field, marketing concept, technologies, production/procurement, management and organisation, result and financial planning, changes and risks) - role and function of production management II. Production process, production capacities and factors connected with the production - overview of production function - production methods / manufacturing methods - innovative methods of rapid technologies (rapid prototyping, rapid tooling a.o.) - production depth - production organization - production locations - production machining systems - planned investments - quality assurance - pre-material situation (raw material availability, standard part availability) - manner and features of the most essential suppliers (reliability) - calculation of the production costs - expected finish curve effects / expectation curve effects III. Innovative e-manufacturing strategies in production management - fundamentals - structure of e-manufacturing systems - demonstration and practical exercises based on laser materials processing IV. Summary, conclusions, outlook

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8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: Lectures, seminars, practical exercise, case studies, reports from external experts and visits to industrial plants. There is a strong emphasis on project work which is assessed through practical demonstration, report, writing and oral presentation. ECTS workload:

Lectures: Computer based exercises Discussion / Review / Tutorial: Coursework: Directed reading:

55 hours 35 hours 20 hours

3 x 30 hours 40 hours

Total No. Hours 240 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 have a systematic understanding of mechanical systems, manufacturing and production management

1 • have qualitative and quantitative statistical skills • have communication, computing and presentation skills appropriate to mechanical systems in different branches


have understanding of industrial processes for production system environment

2 • analyse practical situations and generate solutions to problems arising in the field • organise efficient team work by means of clear organisational structures and optimised communication within a corporate working atmosphere

3 have knowledge of improvement tools and techniques in different contexts

3 • able to undertake successfully an extended project in failure and process analysis

4 have a comprehensive knowledge of methods, and tools to manage complexity and control of advanced production systems

4 • define the principles of manufacturing procedures • quote the basic features of DIN 8589 ff.

5 skills in using computer-based manufacturing, virtual tools for development and operation of mechanical systems

5 • be able to manage the conception, and installation of an future-oriented e- manufacturing project • apply the system concerning laser materials processing

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type CW/PRE PRA/CW Description Written Assignment

about the quality characteristics of a product. and the production process Extent: ~2400 words Presentation of the paper

Assignment about modelling and simulation of production systems and manufacturing processes Extent: ~1500 words

Percent of mark 60 40 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

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Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) Lanigan, Mike: Engineers in Business, Addison-Wesley Schmidt, Wolfgang: Scriptum “Production Management/Controlling” Gebhardt, Andreas: Rapid Prototyping, Hanser Gardner Publications Rofin Sinar: Introduction to Industrial Laser Materials Processing Powell, John: CO2 Laser Cutting, Springer Caristan, Charles: Laser Cutting – Guide for Manufacturing, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI Beniers, Cornelius; Hundt, Irina: International Business Communication for industrial Engineers Jayendran, Ariacutty: Mechanical Engineering, Teubner Hopp, W. a.o.: Factory Physics – Foundations of Manufacturing Management, Chicago: Irwin 12. VERSION NUMBER: 0.1

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3 Business in Engineering 1. CODE EEM4013 2. TITLE Business in Engineering 3. PATHWAY ET / ME / MT / RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Henrik Janzen 5. CREDITS ECTS 7(15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: There is a strong need for engineers to deal with essential elements of management, especially in developing and marketing of technologies. Theoretical understanding of this field makes interdisciplinary teamwork, planning and leading more effective. The aims of this module are to enable the student to participate in entrepreneurial management processes concerning the setting of targets, planning and marketing. This should be based on a system-theoretical understanding of the company and the ability to create and use models for analysis and solving of problems. 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Introduction: understanding management The institutional view of management The functional view of Management: planning, organizing, controlling, leading, and deciding The strategic and the operational level of management and their connection Techniques and instruments of operational management Techniques and instruments of strategic management Marketing as „market-oriented management“ Marketing of technologies: the concept of „business to business“ marketing Excursus: costs and benefits Basic principles of „business to business“ marketing Analyzing strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in competition Defining the marketing-mix: product development, pricing, communication and distribution 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: Lectures and discussions in every topic. Case-studies to train analytic and modelling skills, especially related to the management of technologies. Role-play and case-studies to train business-to-business marketing. ECTS workload:

Lectures 60 hours Discussion /review /tutorial 40 hours Coursework 70 hours Directed reading 30 hours Total No Hours 200 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have knowledge and understanding of management both as a function and an institution

1 Discuss the focus of Management within the business environment.

2 Have knowledge and understanding of basic management techniques and instruments

2 Describe management Instruments and their conditions for use within business situations.

3 Understand and be able to apply the benefit of management instruments in a practical environment

3 Practice the use of management instruments in realistic business environments as identified in case studies

4 Understand the role of markets in developing and selling of products and technologies

4 Be able to recognise and implement the stages of innovation in taking a product from conception to sales.

5 Have knowledge and understanding of the marketing concept as „market-oriented” management

5 Compare management and marketing conceptions and apply them to typical business environments.

6 Have knowledge and understanding of the principles and instruments of „business to business“-marketing

6 Discuss and compare business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing, and be able to select models appropriate particular business scenarios.

7 Be able to solve „business to business“-marketing problems (in case studies)

7 Apply business-to-business marketing to practical situations identified in case studies

8 Have knowledge and understanding of technology-selling situations

8 Assess, critically analyse, develop and present a business presentation

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10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type PRE Cw <> <> Description Development and

presentation of a business-to-business selling situation (role-play)

Essay about different asserted problems and cases

<> <>

Percent of mark 50 50 <> <> LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X 2 X 3 X X 4 X 5 X X 6 X X 7 X 8 X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) - Babcock, D.L.: Managing Engineering and Technology – An Introduction to Management for Engineers. 2. Ed.,

London (Prentice Hall) 1996 - Badiru, A.B.: Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations. 2. Ed., New York u.a.O

(Wiley) 1996 - Burke, R.: Project Management – Planning and Control. 2. Ed., Chichester (Wiley) 1997 - Dibb, S.; Simkin, L.: The marketing casebook – cases and concepts. London/New York (Routledge) 1994 - Hutt, M.D.; Speh, T.W.: Business Marketing Management – a strategic view of industrial and organizational

markets. 6. Ed., Fort Worth u.a.O (Dryden Press) 1998 - Jobber, D.: Principles and Practice of Marketing. London u.a.O. (Mc Graw-Hill) 1995 - Kotler, P.: Marketing Management. 11. Ed., London u.a.O. (Prentice Hall) 2002 - Lancaster, G.; Massingham L.: Essentials of Marketing. 2. Ed., London u.a.O. (Mc Graw-Hill) 1993 - Lawless, M.W.; Gomez-Mejia, L.R. (Edts.): Strategic Management in High Technology Firms.

Greenwich/London (JAI Press) 1990 - Lovelock, C.H.; Weinberg, C.B.: Marketing Challenges – Cases and Exercises. 3. Ed., New York u.a.O. (Mc

Graw-Hill) 1993 - Mahin, P.W.: Business-to-Business Marketing. Strategic Resource Management. Boston (Allyn & Bacon) 1991 - Mead, R.: Cases and Projects in International Management. Oxford (Blackwell) 2000 - Mintzberg, H.; Quinn, J.B.: The Strategy Process – Concepts, Contexts, Cases. 3. Ed., London u.a.O.

(Prentice-Hall) 1996 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.0

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4 Fuel cells and Energy Parks 1. CODE SEM1002 2. TITLE Fuel cells, Energy Parks 3. PATHWAY RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Stefan Schweizer 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE- studying this module involves the following: The students understand the basics of hydrogen and fluid cells. They get an overview of different cell types, basic design of power plants, potential and efficiency of the components. 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Within the module the global availability of renewable resources and the technical systems to use within power systems will be introduced. The contents of the different chapters will focus especially on the energy sources. The aim of this module is to apprise the students of the different possibilities not to apprentice specialists in the according fields.

- Storage Systems and how they support fluctuating availability of RE resources - Service life of Storage - Provisions of Service of Storage Systems - Providing an Energy Supply despite the fluctuating energy supply from renewable resources, coupled with a

varying load profile from the consumer Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

- Basics of hydrogen - Production of hydrogen - Electrolysis - Storage and transport of hydrogen - Basics of fuel cells - Types of fuel cells - Efficiency - Fluid cells in the field

Energy Parks

- Hydrogen production from solar energy and wind energy - Experience and energy efficiency - Preparation, analysis, planning, realisation and control of different measures of energy management - Potential of renewable energies for increasing energy efficiency - Potential for the use of renewable energies in industry - Industrial example

8. LEARNING ; TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT –this module is delivered and assessed in the following way:

This module is split between formal lectures, tutorials and computer-based practical work. Teaching is based around handouts containing course material and simulation examples of real systems. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be used to import knowledge. Lectures: 60 hours Computer based exercices: 30 hours Discussion / Review / Tutorial: 30 hours Coursework: 55 hours Directed reading: 20 hours Exam preparation: 40 hours Total No Hours 235 hours 9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES –when you have successfully completed this module you will :

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA – to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have a good understanding of fundamentals of Fuel Cell Technology

1 Develop a detailed descriptive understanding of key fuel cell technologies and their components.


Have knowledge on thermodynamic and kinetic principles underlying the development and operation of fuel cells.


Calculation and application of fluid flow rates at various temperatures and pressures

3 Quantitatively understand the power performance of fuel cells and its dependence on operating conditions.

3 Analyse potential application area and describe the pros and cons of the suitability of Fuel cell systems

4 Learn the properties of hydrogen as a fuel and methods of production and storage.

4 Analyse the basic requirement in production and storage systems

5 Learn principle operating functions of an energy List the operating functions of a Energy

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storage system Storage System. State the main characteristics of storages

10. ASSESSMENT ITEMS –your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows:


Type CW CW EX Description Design

requirements in hydrogen production as a fuel cell. And storage methods

Written assignment on fuel cell system design and its potential applications


Percent of mark 50 50 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 x x 2 x x 3 x x x 4 x x 5 x x 11. INDICATIVE READING – amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are Storage Technology Baxter, Richard, 2005 : Energy Storage: A Nontechnical Guide, PennWell Corp Bockris/Reddy, 1998: Modern Electrochemistry, Plenum Press, New York/London. Fisch, N., et al.,2005: Wärmespeicher, Bine Informationsdienst, Solarpraxis, Berlin. Fuel Cell handbook (DoE): www.netl.doe.gov/technologies/coalpower/fuelcells/seca/pubs/FCHandbook7.pdf; Hoogers, Gregor, 2002: Fuel Cell Technology Handbook (Mechanical Engineering Series, CRC, 1 edition. Larminie,James & Dicks, Andrew, 2003: Fuel Cell Systems Explained, Wiley, 2nd edition. Linden, D. & Reddy, T.B., 2002: Handbook of Batteries. Third Edition, McGraw‐ Hill, New York. Nitsch, Joachim & Winter, Carl‐ Jochen, 1988: Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier: Technologies, Systems, Economy, Springer. 12. VERSION NUMBER 1.0

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5 Integrated Management 1. CODE EEM4020 2. TITLE Integrated Management 3. PATHWAY ET / ME / MT / RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerlach 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Total Quality Management (TQM): • Quality systems continual improvement and auditing. • Evaluating the costs of conformance and non-conformance. • Reliability, total preventive maintenance (TPM) and FMEA. • Dealing with people in quality systems: customer and employee care An overview of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 systems Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001): • Objectives and motivation of environmental protection • Activities and procedures to set up an EMS • Environmental policy and review • Structure of ISO14000/14001 • Environmental Management Manual Innovation and technology Management • Innovation Management Principles and Methodologies • Product/Process evaluation • Introduction and principles of TRIZ – Systematic Innovation Management • Overview of TRIZ techniques • TRIZ Implementation aspects 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: Lectures, seminars, practical exercises, case studies, reports from external experts and visits to industrial plants. There is a strong emphasis on project work which is assessed through practical demonstration, report, writing and oral presentation. ECTS workload:

Lectures: Computer based exercises Discussion / Review / Tutorial: Coursework: Directed reading:

50 hours 30 hours 20 hours

3 x 20 & 1 x 40 hours 40 hours

Total No. Hours 240 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have understanding of Total Quality Management and ISO Quality systems

Define the similarities and differences of TQM and ISO Quality Systems

2 Be able to take part in the management of the implementation process of Quality Systems (TQM and ISO)

Be able to define processes and issues needed to be accounted for in the implementation of TQM and ISO Quality Systems

3 Have knowledge of improvement tools and techniques in different contexts

Be able to use the tools in a project context

4 Have knowledge of Innovation management system

Be able to define and utilise an appropriate innovation management system.

5 Have knowledge of TRIZ fundamentals and tools and ability to perform analysis and innovative idea generation in a systematic way.

Be able to use TRIZ to solve difficult problems and generate new innovative ideas

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10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type CWPRE CW/PRE Description Assignment

associated with a Quality Management System in an Organisation

Assignment related to the application of innovation management systems

Percent of mark 40 60 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication)

Dahlgaard, Kristensen and Kanji – Fundamentals of TotalQuality Management-Chapman & Hall, 1998, ISBN; 0412-57060. Juran and Gryna - Quality planning and analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1993, ISBN; 0070331839. Pearatec - Total Quality Management – Chapman& Hall, 1998, ISBN 0 412-58640.. Caplen – The Quality system: A sourcebook for managers and engineers, Chilton 1980 Davis - Productivity improvements through TPM – Prentice Hall – 1995, ISBN; 013 133034-9. O’Conner – Practical Reliability Engineering – John Wiley and Sons, 1991, ISBN: 0471926965. Lewis – Introduction to Reliability Engineering – Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996, ISBN: 0471018333. P. Crosby " Quality is free" McGraw Hill 1978 Sherwin and Bossche – The Reliability, Availability and Productiveness of Systems –Chapman and Hall, 1993, ISBN: 0412393204. O’Conner – Practical Reliability Engineering – John Wiley and Sons, 1991, ISBN: 0471926965. Lewis – Introduction to Reliability Engineering – Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996, ISBN: 0471018333. Jackson, Suzan L: The ISO 14001 Implementation Guide, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-15360-5 Dr. John Terninko, Alla Zusman, Boris Zlotin Step-by-step TRZ: Creating Innovation solution concepts.1997 Robert M. Verburg, J. Roland Ortt , Willemijn M. Dicke:Managing Technology and Innovation: An Introduction, December 16, 2005, ISBN-10: 0415362296 Allan Afuah: Innovation Management: Strategies, Implementation, and Profits, 2002, ISBN-10: 0195142306 TRIZ research report: An Approach To Systematic Innovation, 1998, ISBN:1879364999 Altshuller G. The Innovation Algorithm. TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity. Technical Innovation Center, Inc. Worcester, MA, 1999.

Altshuller G., Zlotin B., Zusman A., and Philatov V. Tools of Clasical TRIZ. Ideation International Inc. 1999 G. Altshuller, Lev Shulyak, Dana Clarker Sr: ‘40 Principles Extended Edition: TRIZ keys to Innovation’, Technical Innovation Center, Inc. April 2005 Darrell Mann:’Hands On: Systematic Innovation’, Creax ISBN:9077071024, 2002 12. VERSION NUMBER: 0.1

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6 Intelligent Systems 1. CODE EEM4010 2. TITLE Intelligent Systems 3. PATHWAY ET / ME / MT 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berthold Bitzer 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: To understand the theory, design, tools and shells of real-time expert systems and neural networks for research projects and applications in industry. 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: The Aims are to enable the student to understand, develop and use of current software simulation tools and to understand, design and implement intelligent systems for automation based on real-time expert systems, online neural networks and multi-agent systems. Methodology of expert systems:

Knowledge representation Different inference mechanism Types of architectures Expert-system shell

Artificial neural network applications:

Tools for online applications Preparing process data Special training algorithm Design of the architecture

Application of ANN:

Intelligent forecasting system Modelling non-linear process behaviour

Application of expert systems:

Process optimization (e.g. in refineries or power systems) Alarm processing and diagnose of faults

Multi agent systems for simulation 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: This module is split between formal lectures and laboratory-based practical work. Teaching will be based around handouts containing course material, and example programs. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be used to import knowledge. ECTS workload: Lectures 60 hours Computer-based exercises 20 hours Discussion /review /tutorial 25 hours Coursework 60 hours Directed reading 25 hours Exam preparation 50 hours Total No Hours 240 hours 9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have knowledge and understanding of the principles of expert systems

1 Describe and discuss the principles, as knowledge presentation, architecture and inference mechanism. Calculate examples and derive theoretical formula

2 Be able to analyse and critically asses systems so that expert systems and neural networks can be used in a variety of application areas

2 Describe and discuss case studies and commercial tools.

3 Be able to design and implement intelligent systems

3 Analyse requirements and derive technical specification. Design and implement the case study with a simulation tool.

4 Have skills in the application and use design tools for Intelligent Systems

4 Develop multi-agent-software for simulation systems and integrate them into applications.

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10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type EX CW CW Description Exam (2 h). Analysis, design and

implementation task. Assessment will be based on quality of solution, documentation and function

Lab exercise in programming multi-agent-systems Group work, presentation and discussion

Percent of mark 50 30 20 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed

1 X 2 X X 3 X X 4 X X

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) Lecture notes B. Bitzer, University of Applied Sciences, South-Westphalia T.S. Dillon, M.A. Laughton, Expert system applications in Power systems, Prentice-Hall, 1990 E. Sanchez-Sinencio, Artificial neural networks, IEEE Press, L. Law, 1992 P.G. I. Lisboa, Neural networks current applications, Chapman & Hill, 1992 R. Biernatzki, B. Bitzer, H. Convey, AJ Hartley. Prototype for an Agent Based Auction System for Power Load Management, In Proc. of the European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE 2002) Albufeira, Portugal, Verlag Mainz, Aachen, 2002 R. Biernatzki, B. Bitzer, H. Convey, AJ Hartley. Agent Based Simulation of Interactions in the Liberalised Energy Market, In Proc. of the 37th International Universities Power Engineering Conferences (UPEC 2002) Stafford, England, Staffordshire University, 2002 Berthold Bitzer (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 3rd European IFS Workshop. Intelligent Forecasting Systems for Refineries and Power Systems, Shaker-Verlag Aachen 2000 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.1

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7 Master’s Project 1. CODE EEM5001

2. TITLE Master’s Project 3. PATHWAY ET / ME / MT / RE 4. INSTRUCTOR --- 5. CREDITS ECTS 30 (60) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: This module enables students to bring together the knowledge and skills attained in the earlier and co-terminus modules to investigate a selected topic reviewing the literature, presenting seminars and preparing material in a form for publication. The project is supposed to demonstrate the student’s capabilities to perform independent but guided research to solve practical problems with theoretical and analytical knowledge. The overall purpose of the module is to develop in the student an understanding of the steps involved in planning and conducting a research project and in communicating the findings both orally and in writing. 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Identification of a research topic in which staffs have experience and which is of interest to the student. Preparation of a work plan and identifying the appropriate techniques and the project structure. Undertaking a literature review to place the investigation in context. Conducting the investigation and keeping a detailed record of findings. Preparing and delivering seminars to colleagues and examiners. Writing up the results of the investigation in a form, this could be published. Identifying the potential utility of the research in terms of its application to social, economic or cultural needs. 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: Students will be required to carry forward the work of the project to demonstrate initiative and self-motivation. Supervisors will provide expert support as appropriate and will recommend links with other sources of academic and industrial input. They will also give guidance on methodology, the format and content of written and oral presentations and on the submission of the final report. It is expected that progress be reviewed through a number of formal interviews spread over the project period. This will also provide exposure to criticism and debate, which will be beneficial to the candidate. 9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 have learned on how to examine a given problem with respect to procedures to solve it

1 Carried out project literature searches and described problems in a structured manner.

2 have learned to define the major topics of problems to be solved

2 give a short description of problems and points to be solved

3 have learned to manage a project 3 set up a project plan 4 have learned to write a technical paper 4 project description, interims report, final report,

presentation 5 have learned to concentrate on major topics 5 Have prepared a project plan and table of contents to

give adequate time management. Having identified and characterised the project carried the relevant developmental work and then tested the solution against the project objectives.

6 have given presentations on your project, concentrated on major points

6 Gained presentational skills suitable for future research activities.

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type PRE IS PRE PRA Description Presentation of

project , assessment based on quality of presentation of interims report

Dissertation, assessment based on quality of project and outcome

Performance during viva voce

Academic supervisor’s report

10 60 20 10 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 x x x 2 x x x x 3 x x 4 x x 5 x x x x 6 x x

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Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) Cooper, B M: Writing Technical Reports Penguin, 1987 Howard, K & Sharp, JA: The Management of a Student Research Project, Gower,1983 Bolton Institute: Notes of Guidance for the Preparation of Dissertations for Masters Degree Courses 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.1

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8 Microprocessor Based Systems 1. CODE EEM4016

2. TITLE Microprocessor Based Systems 3. PATHWAY ET / MT 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Krybus 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: To select and use appropriate microprocessor hardware and software to solve real-time embedded system monitoring and control design problems. 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Basic principles of digital systems: Digital versus analogue electronics Digital logic, Logic families, functions and gates, Memory types Microprocessor architectures: Comparison of 8,16,32 bit microprocessors, microcontrollers and RISC microprocessors Instruction sets, architecture, speed, cost, support chips, interrupt facilities Memory and peripheral devices Software Development: Comparison of low and high level languages Use of C to program microprocessors/microcontrollers Code generation procedures. Structured programming techniques Creation of re-usable library functions. Software testing procedures. Development of embedded microprocessor systems: Design of a system to meet the technical requirements of a specified engineering problem Incorporation of interrupts, parallel and serial interfaces, power control Requirements analysis and specification Hardware and software partitioning Project planning and time tabling, cost analysis, documentation archiving procedures Use of In Circuit Emulators and debugger tools System testing techniques Transducers and the interfacing of analogue and digital circuits: Overview of transducer types with emphasis on interfacing methods to microprocessor based systems Signal sampling, Analogue and digital signals Digital to analogue conversion, Analogue to digital conversion Performance specifications Applications in the automobile industry. Data communications: Alphanumeric codes and serial communications An overview of interface standards such as RS232C, USB, I2C. 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: This module is split between formal lectures and laboratory-based practical work. Teaching will be based around handouts containing course material, and example programs. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be used to import knowledge. ECTS workload:

Lectures 30 hours Computer-based exercises 40 hours Discussion /review /tutorial 30 hours Coursework 2 x 30 hours Directed reading 30 hours Exam preparation 50 hours Total: 240 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have knowledge and understanding of the main concepts, interfaces and peripheral components associated with microprocessor based systems

1 Describe and discuss the main characteristics of microprocessor and microcontroller architectures. Describe the features and application of various peripheral modules and IO-Interfaces in a typical microcontroller.

2 Have knowledge and understanding of the development tools for microprocessor based systems

2 Evaluate, select and use appropriate design tools for the development of microprocessor based systems.

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3 Have skills in design and developing of software for embedded systems in ‘C’ have skills in testing microcontroller systems and using design tools such as Integrated Development Environments and In Circuit Emulators

3 Develop software to use the peripheral components of a microcontroller (IO Ports, AD-Converter, Timer) and integrate them to application programs.

4 Be able to design and implement microcontroller systems for

- signal processing - simple control applications - intelligent systems

4 Analyse requirements and derive a technical specification. Design and implement a system to meet the technical requirements.

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 Type PRA: CW PRA: CW EX Description Design and implementation

exercise. Assessment will be based on quality of design, documentation and function

Analysis, design and implementation task. Assessment will be based on quality of analysis, design, documentation and function

Examination (2 hours)

Percent of mark 25 25 50 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X 2 X 3 X X X 4 X X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) Lecture notes W. Krybus, University of Applied Sciences, South-Westphalia Lecture notes H. Convey, Bolton Institute. Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller, Dhananjay V. Gadre, McGraw-Hill, 2000 C Programming Language, Kernigham, Prentice Hall, 1988 Microprocessor Architecture, Heath, Oxford, 1995. Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, Stuart R. Ball, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000 Embedded Controller Hardware Design, Ken Arnold, LLH Technology Pub, 2001 An Embedded Software Primer, David E. Simon, Addison-Wesley, 1999 Atmel Web Site: www.atmel.com 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.1

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9 Monitoring of Mechanical Systems 1. CODE EEM4018 2. TITLE Monitoring of Mechanical Systems 3. PATHWAY ME 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Petuelli 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: The module is defined to impart a practical and theoretical knowledge of assessing and monitoring mechanical systems by aid of digital signal processing to the student. Students will learn to apply and to develop techniques for assessing, designing and implementing systems to evaluate and monitor dynamic characteristics of mechanical systems. They are applied to assess the status of mechanical systems, e.g., with respect to predictive maintenance. Furthermore, systems for monitoring of manufacturing processes to ensure quality of products will be presented and discussed. Thus, techniques for evaluating dynamic characteristics of machines and systems or signals generated by manufacturing processes are discussed. Students will learn to define measuring chains based upon standard components. This includes so called sensorless monitoring. Different manufacturing processes such as metal cutting and forming will be realised and signals will be acquired accordingly. Feature extraction will be applied to gain and develop knowledge about systems’ characteristics as well as of processes and to extensively evaluate signals picked-up by different sensors at different mechanical systems and/or manufacturing processes. Influences characteristic for the status of systems and/or processes will be enforced to study variations of features. Based on the knowledge of process signals methodologies to extracted features thereof are developed and introduced. Procedures to monitor individual machines, systems and processes are given.

7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Data acquisition systems and data processing

- transducers, signal conditioning, amplifiers, filters - data acquisition boards, measuring systems, - definition of signal features and extraction, - methodologies to assess short term and long term feature variations -

Evaluation of hardware specification and integration based on system requirements - integration of sensors into mechanical systems - sensorless monitoring - off the shelf systems, customised monitoring systems

Monitoring machines and systems with respect to predictive maintenance vibration testing, modal analysis, field applications Manufacturing tests in metal machining processes: milling, turning, forming, grinding parameters: cutting / forming speed, feed rate, geometry of tools, wear of tools Development of measurement chains, Online and offline data processing Assessment of features, Definition of limits to assess process status 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: Structured notes will be used containing the required theory, worked examples and relevant tutorial questions. The lectures will be supported by tutorials in which the students will have to solve problems using both long hand methods and by using the supporting signal processing software. These problems will be taken from a variety of engineering fields, e.g. metal cutting and metal forming, control systems, structural dynamics. Laboratory and tutorial sessions are used to compare theoretical analysis/simulation to the results obtained from the experiments on the hardware and also to gain practical experience in assessing signal characteristics by evaluating their statistical description. Practical tests on how to define and set up measurement chains will be done in a laboratory. Students will have to define and set up particular task in manufacturing processes for data acquisition, signal processing and evaluations and assessment of process data and feature extraction.

ECTS workload: Lectures 50 hours Computer-based exercises 30 hours Discussion /review /tutorial 20 hours Coursework 60 hours Directed reading 30 hours Exam preparation 50 hours Total No. Hours 240 hours

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9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have knowledge and understanding of the theory of signal processing in time domain, and feature extraction

1 Be able to apply signal processing theory to practical situations

2 Have knowledge and understanding of the theory of data acquisition in monitoring of mechanical systems and metal machining processes

2 Be able to apply to engineering scenarios and analyse performance of different monitoring systems available

3 Be able to analyse and critically assess features extracted from different monitoring systems

3 Be able to set up different engineering application and feature extraction systems and critically assess system performance to a variety of mechanical systems and metal machining processes

4 Be able to develop measurement chains in practical application

4 Develop a systematic approach to data acquisition for signal processing

5 Have skills to apply data acquisition, analysis and visualisation tools to relevant application areas

5 Design measurement and monitoring systems for practical engineering applications

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type EX PRA: CW CW <> Description Examination Develop a data

acquisition system mechanical system in order to acquire, condition and process the acquired data.

Design of a specification of a sensor system according to a given specification.


Percent of mark 50 30 20 <> LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X 2 X X 3 X X 4 X 5 X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) To be specified. 12. VERSION NUMBER: 0.1

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10 Photovoltaic, Energy efficiency 1. CODE SEM1000 2. TITLE Photovoltaic, Energy efficiency 3. PATHWAY RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Stefan Schweizer 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE- studying this module involves the following: The students will get knowledge about the physical basics (sun irradiation intensity, shadow effects, etc.) of solar energy. Functionality of solar cells and solar modules (equivalent electrical circuits, the characteristics and the parameter of solar cells) are introduced as basis for planning and design of photovoltaic power plants. The simulation of solar radiation and photovoltaic systems is done in practical exercises. Energy markets, structure, evaluate potential of renewable energies for increasing energy efficiency, design and apply benchmark analysis, energy efficiency, increasing the energy efficiency in industry, customer generation / examples and models for different industrial sectors 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Solar radiation, Solar cells and solar modules

- Solar spectrum - Sun position and wave angle - Measurement of solar radiation - Consideration of shadow effects - Basic of solar cells - Production of solar cells and solar modules - Electrical description of solar cells and solar modules

Photovoltaic systems components - Solar energy storage - Converter for photovoltaic

Energy management of photovoltaic system - Photovoltaic systems - Plan and design photovoltaic systems - Energy efficiency of photovoltaic systems - Examples

Energy Efficiency - Potential of renewable energies for increasing energy efficiency - Potential for the use of renewable energies in industry - Examples and models for different industrial sectors - Industrial examples

Lab exercises: - Simulation and definition of photovoltaic systems - Calculation of solar cells and solar modules

8. LEARNING ; TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT –this module is delivered and assessed in the following way:

This module is split between formal lectures, tutorials and computer-based practical work. Teaching is based around handouts containing course material and simulation examples of real systems. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be used to import knowledge. Lectures: 60 hours Computer based exercices: 25 hours Discussion / Review / Tutorial: 30 hours Coursework: 65 hours Directed reading: 20 hours Exam preparation: 40 hours Total No Hours 240 hours 9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES –when you have successfully completed this module you will :

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA – to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Understanding of the principles of operation and design of photovoltaic devices.

1 Describe the main characteristics and able to design PV devices


Awareness of the important solar cell devices currently of interest and knowledge of the properties of the semiconductors used to make these devices.


Identify various solar cell components on an energy management system. State the function and ranges of each component

3 Design and apply benchmark analysis, energy efficiency

3 Analyse the requirement and technical specification

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4 Understand system requirements for both grid connected and stand alone applications.

4 Assess the system requirements for both grid connected and stand alone applications

10. ASSESSMENT ITEMS –your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows:


Type CW CW EX Description construction of

model for a given system using different software tools, analysis and discussion

Written assignment on energy efficiency

Examination (2 hours)

Percent of mark 50 50 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 x x x 2 x x 3 x x 4 x x 11. INDICATIVE READING – amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are Photovoltaic - S. M. Sze: Semiconductor devices: physics and technology, 2nd edition, 2002, Wiley and Sons. - R.W. Miles, G. Zoppi and I. Forbes: Inorganic Solar Cells, Invited Review, Materials Today, Vol. 10 No. 11

(Nov. 2007), 20‐ 27. - R.W. Miles, K.M. Hynes and I. Forbes: Photovoltaic Solar Cells: an Overview of State‐ of‐ the‐ art

Development and Environmental - Issues, Invited Review, Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterisation of Materials, Volume 51, Issues

1‐ 3, 2005, pages 1‐ 42. - R.W. Miles: Photovoltaic Solar Cells: choice of materials and fabrication methods, Invited Review, Vacuum,

80 (2006) 1090‐ 1097. - R.H. Bube: Photovoltaic Materials, Imperial College Press, 1998. - Journal of "Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells". - Proceedings of IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conferences. - Proceedings of European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conferences. 12. VERSION NUMBER 1.0

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11 Project Management 1. CODE EEM4017 2. TITLE Project Management 3. PATHWAY ET / ME / MT / RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Florian Dörrenberg 5. CREDITS ECTS 7 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: Just in time development of new products requires a systematic approach using the methodology of modern project management. A basic knowledge is essential for engineers from all disciplines. Students should learn to conduct e-business effectively and competitively in the Web-enabled marketplace. Newly scientific oriented tracks have been added, focusing on migration, outsourcing, Web content management, customer service and technology selection study and use a special prepared booklet, which is subdivided into market segments, to locate and to manage their specific requirements in the complex field of engineering management 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Historical background What characterises a project Cost, time and facts as targets of projects What is the project manager's responsibility Specifications The work breakdown of projects Computer programmes for PM Milestones Commitments of project team members Psychology Cost controlling in projects Project meetings Project meeting report Project documentation PAC/FAC Claim management Final project calculation Industrial applications Introduction to Technology Business Plans Marketing strategy Manufacturing Forecast of sales, cash flow and break-even Summary 8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: The teaching is based on a case Study of a representative project accompanied with the associated lecturer. The case study includes also the use of project management software to simulate certain steps of project management. Active participation in brainstorming documentation and reports is essential. Even the oral presentation shall be compulsory for all participants. ECTS workload:

Lectures 45 hours Computer-based exercises 20 hours Discussion /review /tutorial 30 hours Assignment preparation and completion 45 hours Coursework 40 hours Directed reading 20 hours Total No. Hours 200 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have knowledge and understanding of the historical background of project management.

1 Describe the main characteristics of project management. This will set the subject in its historical context and illustrate the roles and characteristics of all those involved in project management.

2 Understand what characterises a project in terms of cost, time and facts. How these are interpreted as targets outcomes of projects.

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3 Have knowledge and understanding of what is the project manager's responsibility.

4 To analyse and critically appraise a project with regard to specifications, to breakdown projects into packages, to set Milestones and to use Computer programmes for PM.

2 Critically appraise a project and after analysis, design a project management plan using the computer program MS project. This project plan will show the work break down, introduce milestones, allocate resources and show the cost versus time as well as the load of resources. 5 Have a knowledge and understanding of project

team members, team psychology and how to motivate the team to meet the commitments of project.

6 Be able to manage a project taking into account how to:

control Costs in projects organise Project meetings write Project a meeting report prepare Project documentation reach PAC/FAC prepare Claim management do the final project calculation

7 Be able to design a business plan taking into account how to

set up a marketing strategy estimate manufacturing costs forecast sales

3 To take over different management positions in a role play to show the roles of those involved in designing a business plan

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type CW/PRE CW/PRE <> Description Preparation of a typical

project: work break down, milestones, allocation of resources and cost versus time, load of resources and presentation of the results within 20 min.

Students will form management teams to prepare business plans for virtual companies. The assignment includes a report (about 10 pages) and an oral presentation of 10 minutes per student


Percent of mark 50 50 <> LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X X 6 X X 7 X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

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11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) Maylor, H. Project management. 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall/Financial Times, Harlow. 2003. Philips, J. IT Project Management. McGraw Hill, Osborne. 2002. Marchewka, JT. IT Project Management. Wiley. 2003. Bailey, J. Managing People and Technical Change. 1993. Chapman & Ward. Managing Project Risk and Uncertainty. Wiley, Chichester. 2002. Microsoft Project 2000. Lock D., Project Management, 7th Edition, Gower, 2000, ISBN 0-566-08223-3 Kliem R., The People Side of Project Management, Gower, 1994, 0-556-07363-3 Nicholas, J., Managing Business and Engineering Projects, Prentice Hall, 1990, ISBN 0-135-56630-4 Andersen, E., Goal Directed Project Management, Kogan Page, 1995, ISBN 0-749-41389-1 Spinner, P., Elements of Project Management, Prentice Hall, 1992, ISBN 0-132-49558-9 Kliem, R., The People Side of Project Management, Gower, 1994, ISBN 0-556-07363-3 Lecturer’s Notes from Dr Meppelink 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.0

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12 Signal Processing 1. CODE EEM4011 2. TITLE Signal Processing 3. PATHWAY ET 4. INSTRUCTORS Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Thiemann / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulf Witkowski 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: The module is defined to impart a practical and theoretical knowledge of digital signal processing to the student. Students will learn to apply and to develop techniques for designing/implementing continuous time electrical networks using DSP techniques. Thus, techniques for evaluation of discrete time transfer functions from both frequency domain specification and from knowledge of the continuous time prototype are introduced and developed. Techniques for evaluating the performance of discrete time systems in the time and frequency domain from knowledge of the system transfer function using both long hand and CAD techniques are developed and introduced. Techniques for designing and implementing recursive and non-recursive digital networks are taught. Fast Fourier Transform and its applications is introduced. Computer aided design packages for simulating and designing discrete time networks will be applied. 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Approximation theory Transfer functions, low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop and all pass filters Analysis and simulation using Matlab/Simulink Analogue System Implementation

- Filter network prototypes, low pass filters, frequency scaling , magnitude scaling - Network transformation, from LP to HP, BP and BS. - Analysis and simulation using Matlab/Simulink

Sampling theory

- Shannon's sampling theorem. - Sub-Nyquist Sampling - Signal and network aliasing

Z Plane (Digital) Transfer Function Analysis

- Constraints in z plane transfer functions - Recursive /non-recursive structures - Evaluation of system performance - From H(z) the z plane transfer function using mathematical techniques - From the z plane pole/zero diagram using graphical techniques - Using CAD systems

Analysis and simulation using Matlab/Simulink State Space Analysis of Discrete Time Networks Application of state space techniques to discrete time networks. Evaluation of State variables of Electrical and other systems. Equivalence of state variables and z plane transfer function description. Digital Signal Processing Hardware

- Fixed and floating point DSP processors. - A/D resolution, coefficient word length, instruction cycle speed, bench marks - Generation of hardware specification from system requirements

Recursive (IIR) discrete time structures

- Design and implementation of discrete time networks based on analogue prototypes. Bilinear transformation.

- Impulse invariant transformation. - Recursive structure overflow modes. Intermediate node distortion. Regular and transposed structures.

Relevance to fixed and floating point DSP hardware. - High order recursive structures - Analysis, synthesis, design and simulation using Matlab/Simulink

Non recursive (FIR) discrete time systems FIR structure and characteristics.

- Design based on inverse Fourier transforms and inverse FFT. - Windows and their characteristics. Design of Windows based structures. - Specialist FIR structures - Integrator, Differentiator, Hilbert Transform. - Use of CAD packages to design and evaluate the performance of FIR structures. - Analysis, synthesis, design and simulation using Matlab/Simulink

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FFT Analysis

- Theory of DFT/FFT analysis - Algorithms for FFT/inverse - FFT/based algorithms

Development of Measurement Chains, Laboratory Tests

- Vibration testing, modal analysis - Process monitoring in metal cutting - Acoustic emission - Noise Emission

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: Structured notes will be used containing the required theory, worked examples and relevant tutorial questions. The lectures will be supported by tutorials in which the students will have to solve problems using both long hand methods and by using the supporting signal processing software. These problems will be taken from variety of engineering fields e.g. communications systems, control systems, instrumentation. Laboratory and tutorial sessions are used to compare theoretical analysis/simulation to the results obtained from the experiments on the hardware and also to gain practical experience in assessing signal characteristics by evaluating their statistical description. Practical tests on how to define and set up measurement chains will done in a laboratory. Students will have to define and set up particular task in signal processing in vibration control, modal analysis, evaluations and assessment of process data and feature extraction. ECTS workload:

Lectures: Computer based exercises: Discussion / Review / Tutorial: Coursework: Directed reading: Exam preparation:

45 hours 30 hours 25 hours 60 hours 30 hours 50 hours

Total : 240 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have knowledge and understanding of the theory of signal processing, time and frequency domain, analogue and digital signals

1 Be able to apply signal processing theory to practical situations

2 Have knowledge and understanding of the theory of filtering signals

2 Be able to apply to engineering scenarios and analyse performance through simulation

3 Be able to analyse and critically assess a system to apply signal processing simulation

3 Be able to set up different engineering application simulations and critically assess system performance to a variety of stimulations

4 Be able to develop measurement chains in practical application

4 Develop a systematic approach to data acquisition for signal processing

5 Have skills to apply data acquisition, analysis and visualisation tools to relevant application areas

5 Design measurement and simulation systems for practical engineering applications

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10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type EX PRA: CW CW <> Description Examination Develop measurement

chain to acquire process data. Assessment based on quality of design, analysis, function and documentation

Design of filters according to a given specification, simulation and analysis


Percent of mark 50 20 30 <> LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X 2 X X 3 X X 4 X 5 X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) - Chi-Tsong Chen, System and Signal Analysis, Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1988 - Lynn P.A., Introduction to Analysis and Processing of Signals, MacMillan, 1982 - The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications, Prentice Hall, 1988 - Zimmer R. et al, Signals and Systems, 3rd edition, McMillan, 1993 - Digital Signal Processing, a practical approach, Ifeachor & Jervis, Addison Wesley, 1993 - Math Works Inc., Simulink Dynamic Systems Simulation Software, 1997 - D.J. Ewings; Modal Testing, Research Studies Press, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0 471 90472 4. - M. L. Chugani, A. R. Samant ; LabView Signal Processing, National Instruments, ISBN 0 13 972449 4. - G. W. Johnson, R. Jenings; LabView Graphical Programming, McGraw Hill, ISBN 0 07 137001 3. 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.1

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13 Technical Publications and Presentations 1. CODE EEM4014 2. TITLE Technical Publications and Presentations 3. PATHWAY ET / ME / MT / RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Marga Taylor 5. CREDITS ECTS 7 (15) 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE – studying this module involves the following: Enabling the student

- to plan, compose and present scientific publications - to recognize, by logical analytical processes, subjects of scientific interest and potential - to isolate and clearly define the central problem or idea being investigated - to conduct an organized investigation of that specific topic - to proceed with a systematic search and collection of information from all accessible relevant sources, as

well as, after finding and sifting out the decisive facts - and finally to organize them according to their importance for the logical development of the argument.

7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Preparing scientific and technical publications:

Abstracts Papers


Oral presentations Poster presentations

Information acquisition:

Research in data-bases Electronic communication systems (e.g. WWW)

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT – this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways: The teaching is practice- oriented with supporting lectures in information acquisition. There is a strong emphasis on group-project work that is assessed through composition of abstracts and papers as well as oral presentation. ECTS workload:

Lectures: Discussion / Review / Tutorial: Assignment preparation and completion: Directed reading: Total No Hours

45 hours 55 hours

2 x 40 hours 30 hours

210 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES – when you have successfully completed this module you will:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Be able to prepare abstracts and papers intended for scientific and technical publications

1 Divide the central problem into specific problems or questions. Get thoughts down on paper in logical order. Evaluate and classify any findings according to the logical drift of the argument. Differentiate between the basic principles of different form of communication (description, analysis, summary etc.).

2 Be able to supply correct references to support assertions and to acknowledge ideas and material borrowed from other sources

2 Be able to construct a formal outline of a report that serves as a scientifically convincing frame for the arrangement of the collected data. Master the formal techniques and accepted standards of scientific publications. Be able to locate materials about a subject by a systematic, organized search of available sources. Be able to apply and use communication systems for information acquisition. Make use of the relevant library materials

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3 Be able to elucidate and discuss papers in oral presentation

3 Formulate in adequate English both written and verbal presentations. Prepare presentations by employing suitable layout techniques. Prepare appropriate papers and presentations by defining, stating and illustrating the scientific significance of the investigation of the material to be discussed.

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS – your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows: ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Type CW/PRE CW/PRE Description Written assignment

about a technical topic. Extent: ~2000 words and Oral presentation using slides or Power Point to perform the written assignment. Duration: ~10 min.

Written assignment about a technical topic. Extent: ~2000 words.Oral presentation using slides or Power Point to perform the written assignment. Duration: ~10 min.

Percent of mark 50 50 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X X 2 X X 3 X X Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately Type: AO - Attendance only Cw - Coursework EX - Examination ICA - In-class Assignment PRA - Practical work PRE - Presentation IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project Description – Text description of type of assessment. For example: Cw - Essay of 2,000 words EX - Open Book examination IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment 11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles with date of publication) H. Ebel, C. Bliefert, and W. Russey, The Art of Scientific Writing (VCR. Weinheim, 1987). Robert A. Day, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (ISI, Philadelphia, 1979). Matt Young, The Technical Writer's Handbook (University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1989). The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th ed. (University of Chicago, Chicago, 1982). Sir Ernest Gowers, The Complete Plain Words, 3rd ed. (Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1986). H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, 2nd ed. (Oxford University, New York, 1965). William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White, The Elements of Style, 3rd ed. (Macmillan, New York, 1979). Edward R. Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT, 1989). Webster's Third New International Dictionary, unabridged, 3rd ed. (G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, MA, 1986). Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, MA, 1985). E. Richard Cohen and Pierre Giacomo, Symbols, Units, Nomenclature and Fundamental Constants in Physics [International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Document IUPAP-25 (SUNAMCO 87-1),1987]. Units of Measurement, ISO Standards Handbook 2 (International Organization for the Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1982). Peggy Judd, Physical Review Input Guide for Author Prepared Compuscripts, 1st ed. (American Physical Society, New York, 1983). L. Lamport., A Document Preparation System. Addison-Wesley, 1986. Antion, Tom, Wake ‘em Up: How to Use Humor and Other Professional Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations. Anchor Publishing, Jan. 1999. 12. VERSION NUMBER: 1.0

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14 Wind Generation and Energy Management 1. CODE SEM1001 2. TITLE Wind Generation and Energy Management 3. PATHWAY RE 4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Stefan Schweizer 5. CREDITS ECTS 8 6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE- studying this module involves the following: The students understand the basics of wind turbine and the evaluation of wind resources. They get familiar with the different types of wind turbine and their characteristics. They are able to plan and design a wind farm. They get an overview of the planning steps. The module covers constraints of wind farm planning, wind farm layout, and wind farm operation The students use appropriate software for simulating virtual power plant for :- Energy management, localized forecasting of renewable, forecasting of small and medium sized loads, to identify specific problems and know how to minimize them by an appropriate assembly of components 7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT – the topics you may encounter on this module include: Wind turbine

- Aerodynamic and mechanical aspects of wind turbines - Current state of technology - Use of wind energy

Evaluation of Wind Resources - Wind velocity measurements to determine energy yield - Wind yield from wind distribution and the power curve - Basics in appraising the yearly wind yield from a wind turbine

Wind energy management - Systems design of wind farm - System structure of wind farm - System component of wind farm - Energy efficiency - Electronic Control and Grid Integration

Lab exercises and training workshops The objective of the exercises and workshops is to enable the students to investigate and optimize new projects with the given DEMS (decentralized energy management system) planning tool. As a prerequisite the use of the software and the software modelling of technical units will be taught. As far as possible the knowledge will be imparted by a practical course not by lectures. Training on concrete local project data handed over by the students will be preferred.

1. Modelling (of a virtual power plant, software modelling of single units, interconnections of the units, contracts)

2. Forecasting modules (generator curves, Kalman filter, import of external time tables) 3. Scheduling (optimization goals, boundary conditions, limitations)

8. LEARNING ; TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT –this module is delivered and assessed in the following way:

This module is split between formal lectures, tutorials and computer-based practical work. Teaching is based around handouts containing course material and simulation examples of real systems. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be used to import knowledge. Lectures: 60 hours Computer based exercises: 20 hours Discussion / Review / Tutorial: 20 hours Coursework: 70 hours Directed reading: 20 hours Exam preparation: 45 hours Total No Hours 235 hours

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9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LEARNING OUTCOMES –when you have successfully completed this module you will :

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA – to demonstrate that you will have achieved the learning outcome you will:

1 Have a fundamental understanding of planning and design of wind farms

1 Improving wind farm performances as well as a field trip deepen theoretical knowledge.


Be able to use the planning software for wind farm design


Exercises like calculation using the planning software,

3 Identify and describe the operation of all principal components of a Energy Management System.

3 Identify various hardware components on an energy management system or from a selected range.

4 Describe the installation requirements and considerations of an Energy Management System.

4 State the requirements and considerations for the installation of controllers and sensors State the special wiring requirements for the Installation of controllers and sensors.

10. ASSESSMENT ITEMS –your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as follows:


Type CW CW EX Description Planning and

design of wind farms using planning software

Written assignment on the principle of energy management systems


Percent of mark 50 50 LEARNING OUTCOMES – put X in column to show how Learning Outcome assessed 1 X X 2 x X 3 x x 4 x x 11. INDICATIVE READING – amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are Burton, T., Sharpe, D., Jenkins, N. & Bossanyi, E., 2001: Wind Energy Handbook, John Wiley. Gasch, Robert & Twele, Jochen, 2004: Wind Power Plants: Fundamentals, Design, Construction and Operation; Earthscan Publications Ltd.. Winter and Summer PPRE Lab Reader 12. VERSION NUMBER 1.0