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  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    1! "##1! "##$ Co%&right 'idi(a )angelo*s+a

    All rights reser*ed. This ,oo+! or an& %art thereof! -a& not ,e used orre%roduced in an& -anner ithout ritten %er-ission fro-:

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    'iterar& agents and %u,lishers! %lease contact 'idi(a )angelo*s+a.

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    u& other ,oo+s a,out %athological narcissis- and relationshi%s itha,usi*e narcissists here:


    ISBN: 9989-929-06-8

    Print ISBN: 80-238-3384-

    Created ,&:

    'idi(a )angelo*s+a! 4+o%(e


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    ! " N # $ N # S


    Introd'(tion ) #*e +a,it'al Identit

    #*e Nar(issisti( Personalit .isorder

    A Pri-er on Narcissis-i,liogra%h&


    Chapter I: The 4oul of a Narcissist / The 4tate of the Art

    Chapter II: eing 4%ecial

    Chapter III: ;niqueness and 3nti-ac&

    Chapter IV: The 5or+ings of a Narcissist / A Pheno-enolog&

    Chapter V: The Tortured 4elf

    FAQ # 3: The Energ& of 4elf

    FAQ # 4: 4elf7'o*e and Narcissis-FAQ # 5: 4elf7Defeating and 4elf7Destructi*e eha*iours

    FAQ # 6: 3deas of )eference

    FAQ # 7: ?randiose antasies

    FAQ # 8: ?randiosit& Hango*er and Narcissist aiting

    FAQ # 9: De%ression and the Narcissist

    FAQ # 10: Narcissistic )age

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    FAQ # 15: The Narcissist9s )eaction to Deficient Narcissistic


    FAQ # 16: The Delusional 5a& Out

    FAQ # 17: The Co-%ulsi*e Acts of the Narcissist

    FAQ # 18: Narcissistic )outines

    FAQ # 19: The ;nsta,le NarcissistFAQ # 20: Do Narcissists Ha*e E-otions>

    FAQ # 21: The 3na%%ro%riate Affect

    FAQ # 22: The C&nical Narcissist

    FAQ # 23: The Narcissist as a 4adist

    FAQ # 24: Other Peo%le9s Pain

    FAQ # 25: The Ps&cholog& of Torture

    FAQ # 26: Multi%le ?randiosit&

    FAQ # 27: alse Modest&

    FAQ # 28: 5ar%ed )ealit& and )etroacti*e E-otional ContentFAQ # 29: Narcissistic 4ignal! 4ti-ulus and Hi,ernation Mini7


    FAQ # 30: The Narcissistic Pendulu- and the Pathological

    Narcissistic 4%ace

    FAQ # 31: The 3nani-ate as a 4ource of Narcissistic 4u%%l&

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    FAQ # 92: The 4%ouse6Mate6Partner of the Narcissist

    FAQ # 93: 3n*esting in a Narcissist

    FAQ # 94: The Dou,le )eflection

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    % " R $ " R .

    Hello. )ecognise -e> No> 5ell! &ou see -e all the ti-e. Gou read

    -& ,oo+s! atch -e on the ,ig screen! feast on -& art! cheer at -&

    ga-es! use -& in*entions! *ote -e into office! follo -e into ,attle!

    ta+e notes at -& lectures! laugh at -& (o+es! -ar*el at -&

    successes! ad-ire -& a%%earance! listen to -& stories! discuss -&

    %olitics! en(o& -& -usic! e@cuse -& faults! en*& -e -& ,lessings.

    No> 4till doesn9t ring a ,ell> 5ell! &ou ha*e seen -e. Of that 3 a-

    %ositi*e. 3n fact! if there is one thing 3 a- a,solutel& sure of! it is

    that. Gou ha*e seen -e.

    Perha%s our %aths crossed -ore %ri*atel&. Perha%s 3 a- the one

    ho ca-e along and ,uilt &ou u% hen &ou ere don! e-%lo&ed

    &ou hen &ou ere out of a (o,! shoed the a& hen &ou ere

    lost! offered confidence hen &ou ere dou,ting! -ade &ou laughhen &ou ere ,lue! s%ar+ed &our interest hen &ou ere ,ored!

    listened to &ou and understood! sa &ou for hat &ou reall& are! felt

    &our %ain and found the ansers! -ade &ou ant to ,e ali*e. Of

    course &ou recognise -e. 3 a- &our ins%iration! &our role -odel!

    &our sa*iour! &our leader! &our ,est friend! the one &ou as%ire to

    e-ulate! the one hose fa*our -a+es &ou glo.

    ut 3 can also ,e &our orst night-are. irst 3 ,uild &ou u%

    ,ecause that9s hat &ou need. Gour s+ies are ,lue. Then! out of the

    ,lue! 3 start tearing &ou don. Gou let -e do it ,ecause that9s hat&ou are used to and &ou are du-founded. 3 as rong to ta+e %it&

    on &ou. Gou reall& are inco-%etent! disres%ectful! untrustorth&!

    i--oral! ignorant! ine%t! egotistical! constrained! disgusting. Gou

    are a social e-,arrass-ent! an una%%reciati*e %artner! an

    inadequate %arent! a disa%%oint-ent! a se@ual flo%! a financial

    lia,ilit&. 3 tell &ou this to &our face. 3 -ust. 3t is -& right! ,ecause it

    is. 3 ,eha*e! at ho-e and aa&! an& a& 3 ant to! ith total

    disregard for con*entions! -ores! or the feelings of others. 3t is -&

    right! ,ecause it is.

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    3 lie to &our face! ithout a titch or a titter! and there is

    a,solutel& nothing &ou can do a,out it. 3n fact! -& lies are not lies at

    all. The& are the truth! -& truth. And &ou ,elie*e the-! ,ecause &ou

    do! ,ecause the& do not sound or feel li+e lies! ,ecause to do

    otherise ould -a+e &ou question &our on sanit&! hich &ou

    ha*e a tendenc& to do an&a&! ,ecause fro- the *er& ,eginning ofour relationshi% &ou %laced &our trust and ho%es in -e! deri*ed

    &our energ& fro- -e! ga*e -e %oer o*er &ou.

    )un to our friends. ?o. 4ee hat that ill get &ou. )idicule. 3 a-

    to the- hat 3 originall& as to &ou. The& ,elie*e hat the& see

    and that9s hat the& see! and the& also see the *er& -i@ed u%

    %erson that &ou o,*iousl& ha*e ,eco-e. The -ore &ou %lead for

    understanding! the -ore con*inced the& ill ,e that &ou are cra&!

    the -ore isolated &ou ill feel! and the harder &ou ill tr& to -a+e

    things right again! ,& acce%ting -& criticis-s and ,& stri*ing toi-%ro*e &ourself. Could it ,e that &ou ere rong a,out -e in the

    ,eginning> 4o rong as that> Not an eas& %ill to sallo! is it>

    Ho do &ou thin+ our friends ill react if &ou tr& to cra- it don

    their throats> After all! it reall& is &ou ho ha*e tharted -&

    %rogress! tainted -& re%utation! thron -e off course. There is an

    esca%e fro- the frustrations &ou cause -e and! fortunatel&! -&

    re%utation %ro*ides enough insulation fro- the outside orld so 3

    can indulge in this esca%e ith i-%unit&. 5hat esca%e> Those

    eru%tions of anger &ou dread and fear! -& rages. Ah! it feels sogood to rage. 3t is the e@%ression of and the confir-ation of -&

    %oer o*er &ou. '&ing feels good too! for the sa-e reason! ,ut

    nothing co-%ares to the %leasure of e@%loding for no -aterial

    reason and *enting -& anger li+e a lunatic! all the ti-e a s%ectator

    at -& on sho and seeing &our hel%lessness! %ain! fear!

    frustration! and de%endence. ?o ahead. Tell our friends a,out it.

    4ee if the& can i-agine it! let alone ,elie*e it. The -ore outrageous

    &our account of hat ha%%ened! the -ore con*inced the& ill ,e

    that the cra& one is &ou. And don9t e@%ect -uch -ore fro- &ourthera%ist either. 4urel& it is easier to li*e -& lie and see here that

    ta+es &ou. Gou -ight e*en acquire so-e of the ,eha*iour &ou find

    so o,(ectiona,le in -e.

    ut &ou +no hat> This -a& co-e as a sur%rise! ,ut 3 can also

    ,e -& on orst night-are. 3 can and 3 a-. Gou see! at heart -&

    life is nothing -ore than illusion7clad confusion. 3 ha*e no idea h&

    3 do hat 3 do! nor do 3 care to find out. 3n fact! the -ere notion of

    as+ing the question is so re%ulsi*e to -e that 3 e-%lo& all of -&

    resources to re%el it.

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    3 reconstruct facts! fa,ricate illusions! act the- out! and thus

    create -& on realit&. 3t is a %recarious state of e@istence indeed!

    so 3 a- careful to include enough de-onstra,le truth in -& illusions

    to ensure their credi,ilit&. And 3 a- fore*er testing that credi,ilit&

    against the reactions of others. ortunatel& -& real attri,utes and

    acco-%lish-ents are in sufficient a,undance to fuel -& illusionssee-ingl& fore*er. And -odern societ&! ,lessed6cursed -odern

    societ&! *alues -ost hat 3 do ,est and thus ser*es as -&

    acco-%lice. E*en 3 get lost in -& on illusions! se%t aa& ,& their


    4o! not to orr& if &ou still do not recognise -e. 3 don9t recognise

    -e either. 3n fact! 3 regard -&self as li+e e*er&one else! onl&

    %erha%s a little ,etter. Put another a&! 3 end u% thin+ing that

    e*er&one else is li+e -e! onl& not quite as good. After all! that9s

    hat the uni*erse is telling -e.Ah! there9s the ru,. THE uni*erse or MG uni*erse> As long as the

    -agic of -& illusions or+s on -e too! the distinction is i--aterial.

    Hence -& need for a fan clu,. And 3 a- constantl& ta+ing fan clu,

    in*entor&! testing the lo&alt& of %resent -e-,ers ith challenges of

    a,use! riting off defectors ith total indifference! and scouting the

    landsca%e for ne recruits. Do &ou see -& dile--a> 3 use %eo%le

    ho are de%endent on -e to +ee% -& illusions ali*e. 3n actualit& it

    is 3 ho a- de%endent on the-. E*en the rage! that orgas-ic

    release of %ain and anger! doesn9t or+ ithout an audience. Onso-e le*el 3 a- aare of -& illusions! ,ut to ad-it that ould s%oil

    the -agic. And that 3 couldn9t ,ear. 4o 3 %roclai- that hat 3 do is of

    no consequence and no different fro- hat others do! and thus 3

    create an illusion a,out -& creating illusions. 4o! no! 3 don9t

    recognise -e an& ,etter than &ou do. 3 ouldn9t dare. 3 need the

    -agic. or the sa-e reason 3 also fail to recognise others ho

    ,eha*e as 3 do. 3n fact! the& so-eti-es recruit -e into their fan

    clu,s. As long as e feed off of each other! ho9s the orse for

    ear> 3t onl& confir-s -& illusion a,out -& illusions: that 3 a- nodifferent fro- -ost other %eo%le! (ust a ,it ,etter.

    ut 3 AM different and e ,oth +no it. Therein lies the root of -&

    hostilit&. 3 tear &ou don ,ecause in realit& 3 a- en*ious of &ou

    ECA;4E 3 a- different. At that haunting le*el here 3 see -&

    illusions for hat the& are! the illusion that &ou too create illusions

    colla%ses! lea*ing -e in a state of des%air! confusion! %anic!

    isolation! and en*&. Gou! and others! accuse -e of all sorts of

    horri,le things.

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    3 a- totall& ,affled! clueless. 3 ha*e done nothing rong. The

    in(ustice is too -uch. 3t onl& -a+es the confusion orse. Or is this

    too -erel& another illusion>

    Ho -an& others li+e -e are there> More than &ou -ight thin+!

    and our nu-,ers are increasing. Ta+e tent& %eo%le off the street

    and &ou ill find one hose -ind tic+s so -uch li+e -ine that &oucould consider us clones. 3-%ossi,le! &ou sa&. 3t is si-%l& not

    %ossi,le for that -an& %eo%le / highl& acco-%lished! res%ected!

    and *isi,le %eo%le / to ,e out there re%lacing realit& ith illusions!

    each in the sa-e a& and for reasons the& +no not h&. 3t is

    si-%l& not %ossi,le for so -an& ro,ots of ha*oc and chaos! as 3

    descri,e the-! to function dail& -idst other educated! intelligent!

    and e@%erienced indi*iduals! and %ass for nor-al. 3t is si-%l& not

    %ossi,le for such an a,erration of hu-an cognition and ,eha*iour

    to infiltrate and infect the %o%ulation in such nu-,ers! *irtuall&undetected ,& the radar of -ental health %rofessionals. 3t is si-%l&

    not %ossi,le for so -uch *isi,le %ositi*e to contain so -uch

    concealed negati*e. 3t is si-%l& not %ossi,le.

    ut it is. That is the enlighten-ent of Narcissis- )e*isited ,&

    4a- 8a+nin. 4a- is hi-self one such clone. 5hat distinguishes

    hi- is his uncharacteristic courage to confront! and his uncann&

    understanding of! that hich -a+es us tic+! hi-self included. Not

    onl& does 4a- dare as+ and then anser the question e clones

    a*oid li+e the %lague! he does so ith relentless! laser7li+e%recision. )ead his ,oo+. Ta+e &our seat at the dou,le7headed

    -icrosco%e and let 4a- guide &ou through the dissection. 'i+e a

    ,rain surgeon o%erating on hi-self! 4a- e@%lores and e@%oses the

    alien a-ong us! ho%ing ,e&ond ho%e for a res%ecta,le tu-our ,ut

    finding instead each and e*er& cell tea-ing ith the sa-e resistant

    *irus. The o%eration is long and tedious! and at ti-es frightening

    and hard to ,elie*e. )ead on. The %arts e@%osed are as the& are!

    des%ite hat -a& see- h&%er,olic or far7fetched. Their *alidit&

    -ight not hit ho-e until later! hen cou%led ith -e-ories of %aste*ents and e@%eriences.

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    3 a-! as 3 said! -& on orst night-are. True! the orld is

    re%lete ith -& contri,utions! and 3 a- lots of fun to ,e around. And

    true! -ost contri,utions li+e -ine are not the result of trou,led

    souls. ut -an& -ore than &ou -ight ant to ,elie*e are. And if ,&

    chance &ou get caught in -& 5e,! 3 can -a+e &our life a li*ing hell.

    ut re-e-,er this. 3 a- in that 5e, too. The difference ,eteen&ou and -e is that &ou can get out.

    7en +eil,r'nn .

    Seattle as*ington ;S


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    I N # R " . ; ! # I " N

    #*e +a,it'al Identit

    Warning and Disclaimer

    The contents of ths !oo" are not eant to s$!stt$te for professona% he%p

    an& co$nse%%n'( The rea&ers are &sco$ra'e& fro $sn' t for &a'nostc or

    therape$tc en&s( The &a'noss an& treatent of the )arcssstc

    *ersona%t+ ,sor&er can on%+ !e &one !+ professona%s specfca%%+ trane&

    an& -$a%fe& to &o so . /hch the a$thor s not( The a$thor s )T a enta%

    hea%th professona% tho$'h he s certfe& n enta% ea%th Co$nse%%n'


    3n a fa-ous e@%eri-ent! students ere as+ed to ta+e a le-on

    ho-e and to gro used to it. Three da&s later! the& ere a,le to

    single out their le-on fro- a %ile of rather si-ilar ones. The&

    see-ed to ha*e ,onded. 3s this the true -eaning of lo*e! ,onding!

    cou%ling> Do e si-%l& get used to other hu-an ,eings! %ets! or


    Ha,it for-ing in hu-ans is refle@i*e. 5e change oursel*es and

    our en*iron-ent in order to attain -a@i-u- co-fort and ell7,eing.

    3t is the effort that goes into these ada%ti*e %rocesses that for-s a

    ha,it. Ha,its are intended to %re*ent us fro- constant

    e@%eri-entation and ris+ ta+ing. The greater our ell7,eing! the

    ,etter e function and the longer e sur*i*e.

    Actuall&! hen e get used to so-ething or to so-eone / e

    reall& get used to oursel*es. 3n our ha,its e see our histor&! all the

    ti-e and effort in*ested. Ha,its are enca%sulated *ersions of our

    acts! intentions! e-otions and reactions. The& are -irrors reflecting

    ,ac+ that %art in us that for-ed the ha,it.

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    Hence! the feeling of co-fort: e reall& feel co-forta,le ith our

    on sel*es hen e feel co-forta,le ith our ha,its.

    ecause of this! e tend to confuse ha,its ith identit&. 5hen

    as+ed 5HO the& are! -ost %eo%le resort to descri,ing their ha,its.

    The& relate to us their or+! their lo*ed ones! their %ets! their

    ho,,ies! or their -aterial %ossessions. Get! all of these do notconstitute an identit&. Their re-o*al does not change one9s identit&.

    The& are ha,its and the& -a+e the res%ondent co-forta,le and

    rela@ed. ut the& are not %art of his identit& in the truest! dee%est


    4till! it is this si-%le -echanis- of dece%tion that ,inds %eo%le

    together. A -other feels that her offs%ring are %art of her identit&

    ,ecause she is so used to the- that her ell7,eing de%ends on

    their e@istence and a*aila,ilit&. Thus! an& threat to her children is

    inter%reted ,& a -other as a threat to her %erson. Her reaction is!therefore! strong and enduring and can ,e recurrentl& elicited.

    The truth! of course! is that children A)E a %art of their -other9s

    identit& in a su%erficial -anner. )e-o*ing the- ould -a+e her a

    different %erson! ,ut onl& in the shallo! %heno-enological sense

    of the ord. Her dee%7set! true identit& is unli+el& to change as a


    ut hat is this +ernel of identit& that 3 a- referring to> This

    i--uta,le entit& hich is the definition of ho e are and hat e

    are and hich! ostensi,l&! is not influenced ,& the death of ourlo*ed ones> 5hat is so strong as to resist the ,rea+ing of ha,its

    that die7hard>

    3t is our %ersonalit&. This elusi*e! loosel& interconnected!

    interacting! %attern of reactions to our changing en*iron-ent. 'i+e

    the -ind! it is difficult to define or to ca%ture. 'i+e the soul! -an&

    ,elie*e that it does not e@ist! that it is a fictitious con*ention. Get!

    e +no that e do ha*e a %ersonalit&. 5e feel it! e e@%erience it.

    3t so-eti-es encourages us to do things / or %re*ents us fro-

    doing the-. 3t can ,e su%%le or rigid! ,enign or -alignant! o%en orclosed. 3ts %oer lies in its looseness. 3t is a,le to co-,ine!

    reco-,ine and %er-utate in hundreds of unforeseea,le a&s. 3t

    -eta-or%hoses and the constanc& of its rate and +ind of change is

    hat gi*es us a sense of identit&.

    Actuall&! hen the %ersonalit& is rigid to the %oint of ,eing una,le

    to change in reaction to changing circu-stances / e sa& that it is

    disordered. A %ersonalit& disorder is the ulti-ate -isidentification.

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    The indi*idual -ista+es his ha,its for his identit&. He identifies

    hi-self ith his en*iron-ent! ta+ing ,eha*ioural! e-otional! and

    cogniti*e cues e@clusi*el& fro- it. His inner orld is! so to s%ea+!

    *acated! inha,ited! as it ere! ,& the a%%arition of his True 4elf.

    4uch a %erson is inca%a,le of lo*ing and of li*ing. The %ersonalit&

    disordered sees no distinction ,eteen his self and his ha,its. He34 his ha,its and! therefore! ,& definition! can onl& rarel& and ith

    an incredi,le a-ount of e@ertion! change the-. And! in the long7

    ter-! he is inca%a,le of li*ing ,ecause life is a struggle TO5A)D4!

    a stri*ing! a dri*e AT so-ething. 3n other ords: life is change. He

    ho cannot change is not reall& ali*e.

    Malignant 4elf7'o*e / Narcissis- )e*isited as ritten under

    e@tre-e conditions of duress. 3t as co-%osed in (ail as 3 as

    tr&ing to understand hat had hit -e. M& nine &ears old -arriage

    dissol*ed! -& finances ere in a shoc+ing condition! -& fa-il&estranged! -& re%utation ruined! -& %ersonal freedo- se*erel&

    curtailed. 4lol&! the realisation that it as all -& fault! that 3 as

    sic+ and needed hel% %enetrated the decades old defences that 3

    erected around -e. This ,oo+ is the docu-entation of a road of

    self7disco*er&. 3t as a %ainful %rocess! hich led to nohere. 3 a-

    no different / and no healthier / toda& than 3 as hen 3 rote this

    ,oo+. M& disorder is here to sta&! the %rognosis is %oor and


    The narcissist is an actor in a -onodra-a! &et forced to re-ain,ehind the scenes. The scenes ta+e centre stage! instead. The

    narcissist does not cater at all to his on needs. Contrar& to his

    re%utation! the narcissist does not lo*e hi-self in an& true sense

    of this loaded ord.

    He feeds off other %eo%le! ho hurl ,ac+ at hi- an i-age that he

    %ro(ects to the-. This is their sole function in his orld: to reflect! to

    ad-ire! to a%%laud! to detest / in a ord! to assure hi- that he


    Otherise! the& ha*e no right to ta@ his ti-e! energ&! or e-otions/ so he feels.

    To ,orro reud9s trilateral -odel! the narcissist9s Ego is ea+!

    disorganised and lac+s clear ,oundaries. Man& of the Ego functions

    are %ro(ected. The 4u%erego is sadistic and %unishing. The 3d is


    Pri-ar& O,(ects in the narcissist9s childhood ere ,adl& idealised

    and internalised.

    His o,(ect relations are distraught and destro&ed.

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    The first cha%ters offer a detailed! first hand account of hat it is

    li+e to ha*e a Narcissistic Personalit& Disorder

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts



    Self LoveNarcissism Revisited

    The Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    Prin sing?

    A %attern of traits and ,eha*iours hich signif& infatuation and

    o,session ith one9s self to the e@clusion of all others and theegotistic and ruthless %ursuit of one9s gratification! do-inance and


    Narcissis- is na-ed after the ancient ?ree+ -&th of Narcissus! a

    handso-e ?ree+ &outh ho re(ected the des%erate ad*ances of

    the n&-%h Echo. 3n %unish-ent of his cruelt&! he as doo-ed to

    fall in lo*e ith his on reflection in a %ool of ater. ;na,le to

    consu--ate his autoerotic lo*e! he %ined aa& and changed into

    the floer that ,ears his na-e to this *er& da&.

    *at is NP. >Nar(issisti( Personalit .isorder?@

    The A-erican Ps&chiatric Association! ,ased in 5ashington D.C.!

    ;4A! %u,lishes the Diagnostic and 4tatistical Manual of Mental

    Disorders! fourth edition! Te@t )e*ision

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    of epath+ $s$a%%+ !e'nnn' !+ ear%+ a&$%thoo& an& present n

    aro$s contets(

    The 3CD regards NPD as a persona%t+ &sor&er that fts none of

    the specfc r$!rcs. 3t relegates it to the categor& Other 4%ecific

    Personalit& Disorders together ith the eccentric! haltlose!

    i--ature! %assi*e7aggressi*e! and %s&choneurotic %ersonalit&disorders and t&%es.

    The D4M s%ecifies nine diagnostic criteria. or NPD to ,e

    diagnosed! fi*e

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    contradicted! or confronted ,& %eo%le he or she considers

    inferior to hi- or her and unorth&.

    ore .ata ,o't Pat*ologi(al Nar(issists

    K Most narcissists

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    1. Alford! C. red. Narcissis-: 4ocrates! the ran+furt 4chool and

    Ps&choanal&tic Theor&. Ne Ha*en and 'ondon! Gale ;ni*ersit&

    Press! 1

    ". De*ereu@! ?eorge. asic Pro,le-s of Ethno7Ps&chiatr&.

    ;ni*ersit& of Chicago Press! 1#

    $. air,airn! 5. ). D. An O,(ect )elations Theor& of the

    Personalit&. Ne Gor+! asic oo+s! 1

    . reud 4. Three Essa&s on the Theor& of 4e@ualit&

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    1Q. Flein! Melanie. The 5ritings of Melanie Flein. )oger Mone&7


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    Self LoveNarcissism Revisited


    #*is se(tion (ontains roAessional ter

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    CHAPTE) 3

    #*e So'l oA a Nar(issist

    #*e State oA t*e rt

    5e all lo*e oursel*es. That see-s to ,e such an instincti*el& true

    state-ent that e do not ,other to e@a-ine it -ore thoroughl&. 3n

    our dail& li*es / in lo*e! in ,usiness! in other areas of life / e act

    on this %re-ise. Get! u%on closer ins%ection! it loo+s sha+ier.

    4o-e %eo%le e@%licitl& state that the& do not lo*e the-sel*es at

    all. Others confine their lac+ of self7lo*e to certain traits! to their

    %ersonal histor&! or to so-e of their ,eha*iour %atterns. Get others

    feel content ith ho the& are and ith hat the& are doing.

    ut one grou% of %eo%le see-s distinct in its -ental constitution/ narcissists.

    According to the legend of Narcissus! this ?ree+ ,o& fell in lo*e

    ith his on reflection in a %ond. 3n a a&! this a-%l& su-s u% the

    nature of his na-esa+es: narcissists. The -&thological Narcissus

    re(ected the ad*ances of the n&-%h Echo and as %unished ,&

    Ne-esis. Consigned to %ine aa& as he fell in lo*e ith his on

    reflection / e@actl& as Echo had %ined aa& for hi-. Ho a%t.

    Narcissists are %unished ,& echoes and reflections of their

    %ro,le-atic %ersonalities u% to this *er& da&.The& are said to ,e in lo*e ith the-sel*es.

    ut this is a fallac&. Narcissus is not in lo*e ith H3M4E'. He is

    in lo*e ith his )E'ECT3ON.

    There is a -a(or difference ,eteen one9s True 4elf and


    'o*ing &our True 4elf is health&! ada%ti*e and functional.

    'o*ing a reflection has to -a(or dra,ac+s:

    1. One de%ends on the e@istence and a*aila,ilit& of a reflection to

    %roduce the e-otion of self7lo*e.

    ". The a,sence of a co-%ass! an o,(ecti*e and realistic

    &ardstic+! ,& hich to (udge the authenticit& of the reflection.

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    3n other ords! it is i-%ossi,le to tell hether the reflection is

    true to realit& / and! if so! to hat e@tent.

    The %o%ular -isconce%tion is that narcissists lo*e the-sel*es. 3n

    realit&! the& direct their lo*e to other %eo%le9s i-%ressions of the-.

    He ho lo*es onl& i-%ressions is inca%a,le of lo*ing hu-ans!

    hi-self included.ut the narcissist does %ossess the in7,red desire to lo*e and to

    ,e lo*ed. 3f he cannot lo*e hi-self / he -ust lo*e his reflection. ut

    to lo*e his reflection / it -ust ,e lo*ea,le. Thus! dri*en ,& the

    insatia,le urge to lo*e

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    (ealousl& and fiercel&. He %rotects hat he %ercei*es to constitute

    his inde%endence.

    5h& should %eo%le indulge the narcissist> And hat is the

    e*olutionar&! sur*i*al *alue of %referring one +ind of lo*e The narcissist9s anser is

    si-%le: ,ecause he is entitled to it. He feels that he deser*es

    hate*er he succeeds to e@tract fro- others and -uch -ore.

    Actuall&! he feels ,etra&ed! discri-inated against and

    under%ri*ileged ,ecause he ,elie*es that he is not ,eing treated

    fairl&! that he should get -ore than he does.

    There is a discre%anc& ,eteen his infinite certaint& that his is as%ecial status orth& of recurrent %raise and adoration! re%lete ith

    s%ecial ,enefits and %rerogati*es / and the actual state of his

    affairs. To the narcissist! this status of uniqueness is ,estoed

    u%on hi- not ,& *irtue of his achie*e-ents! ,ut -erel& ,ecause he

    e@ists. His -ere e@istence is sufficientl& unique to arrant the +ind

    of treat-ent that he e@%ects to get fro- the orld. Herein lies a

    %arado@! hich haunts the narcissist: he deri*es his sense of

    uniqueness fro- the *er& fact that he e@ists and he deri*es his

    sense of e@istence fro- his ,elief that he is unique.Clinical data sho that there is rarel& an& realistic ,asis for these

    grandiose notions of greatness and uniqueness.

    4o-e narcissists are high achie*ers ith %ro*en trac+ records.

    4o-e of the- are %illars of their co--unities. Mostl&! the& are

    d&na-ic and successful. 4till! the& are ridiculousl& %o-%ous and

    inflated %ersonalities! ,ordering on the farcical and %ro*o+ing


    The narcissist is forced to use other %eo%le in order to feel that he

    e@ists. 3t is trough their e&es and through their ,eha*iour that heo,tains %roof of his uniqueness and grandeur. He is a ha,itual

    %eo%le7(un+ie. 5it h ti-e! he co-es to regard those around hi- as

    -ere instru-ents of gratification! as to7di-ensional cartoon

    figures ith negligi,le lines in the scri%t of his -agnificent life.

    He ,eco-es unscru%ulous! ne*er ,othered ,& the constant use

    he -a+es of his -ilieu! indifferent to the consequences of his

    actions! the da-age and the %ain that he inflicts on others and

    e*en the social conde-nation and sanctions that he often has to

    endure.5hen a %erson %ersists in a d&sfunctional! -alada%ti*e or %lain

    useless ,eha*iour des%ite gra*e re%ercussions to hi-self and to

    his surroundings / e sa& that his acts are co-%ulsi*e. The

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    narcissist is co-%ulsi*e in his %ursuit of Narcissistic 4u%%l&. This

    lin+age ,eteen narcissis- and o,sessi*e7co-%ulsi*e disorders

    sheds light on the -echanis-s of the narcissistic %s&che.

    The narcissist does not suffer fro- a fault& sense of causation.

    He is not o,li*ious to the li+el& outco-es of his actions and to the

    %rice he -a& ha*e to %a&. ut he doesn9t care.A %ersonalit& hose *er& e@istence is a deri*ati*e of its reflection

    in other %eo%le9s -inds / is %erilousl& de%endent on these %eo%le9s

    %erce%tions. The& are the source of its Narcissistic 4u%%l&

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    e-%ath&! he thin+s utilit&! and he reduces others to -ere


    3f the& cease to function! if / no -atter ho inad*ertentl& / the&

    cause hi- to dou,t this illusor&! half7,a+ed! self7estee- / the&

    ,eco-e the su,(ect of a reign of terror. The narcissist then

    %roceeds to hurt these insu,ordinates. He ,elittles and hu-iliatesthe-. He dis%la&s aggression and *iolence in -&riad for-s. His

    ,eha*iour -eta-or%hesises! +aleidosco%icall&! fro- o*er7*aluation

    of the useful other / to a se*ere de*aluation of sa-e. The narcissist

    a,hors! al-ost %h&siologicall&! %eo%le (udged ,& hi- to ,e


    These ra%id alterations ,eteen a,solute o*er*aluation

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    ,arren landsca%e of -iser& and fears that constitutes his soul. His

    tu-ultuous ,eha*iour co*ers u% for a su,-issi*e! de%ressed


    Ho can such contrasts coe@ist>


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    realises that he is no -ore than a to&! an instru-ent! a -eans to an

    end / his %arents9 gratification.

    This shoc+ing re*elation defor-s the ,udding Ego. The child

    for-s a strong de%endence

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    The father %artici%ates in the da&7to7da& care! is an intellectual

    catal&st! ho encourages the child to de*elo% his interests and to

    satisf& his curiosit& through the -ani%ulation of *arious instru-ents

    and ga-es. He is a source of authorit& and disci%line! a ,oundar&

    setter! enforcing and encouraging %ositi*e ,eha*iours and

    eli-inating negati*e ones. He also %ro*ides e-otional su%%ort andecono-ic securit&! thus sta,ilising the fa-il& unit. inall&! he is the

    %ri-e source of -asculine orientation and identification to the -ale

    child / and gi*es ar-th and lo*e as a -ale to his daughter!

    ithout e@ceeding the sociall& %er-issi,le li-its.

    5e can safel& sa& that the narcissist9s fa-il& is as se*erel&

    disordered as he is. Pathological narcissis- is largel& a reflection of

    this d&sfunction. This en*iron-ent ,reeds self7dece%tion. The

    narcissist9s internal dialogue is 3 do ha*e a relationshi% ith -&

    %arents. 3t is -& fault / the fault of -& e-otions! sensations!aggressions and %assions / that this relationshi% is not or+ing. 3t

    is! therefore! -& res%onsi,ilit& to -a+e a-ends. 3 ill construct a

    narrati*e in hich 3 a- ,oth lo*ed and %unished. 3n this scri%t! 3 ill

    allocate roles to -&self and to -& %arents. This a&! e*er&thing ill

    ,e fine and e ill all ,e ha%%&.

    Thus starts the c&cle of o*er7*aluation

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    E*en then! the thera%& sessions rese-,le a ,attlefield. The

    narcissist is aloof and distanced! de-onstrates his su%eriorit& in a

    -&riad of a&s! resents hat he %ercei*es to ,e an intrusion on his

    inner-ost sanctu-. He is offended ,& an& hint regarding defects or

    d&sfunctions in his %ersonalit& or in his ,eha*iour. A narcissist is a

    narcissist is a narcissist / e*en hen he as+s for hel% ith his orldand orld*ie shattered.

    endi5 ) ",je(t Relations #*eories and Nar(issis

    The anser is: it de%ends. Health& narcissis- is a -ature!

    ,alanced lo*e of oneself cou%led ith a sta,le sense of self7orth

    and self7estee-. Health& narcissis- i-%lies +noledge of one9s

    ,oundaries and a %ro%ortionate and realistic a%%raisal of one9s

    achie*e-ents and traits. Pathological narcissis- is rongl&

    descri,ed as too -uch health& narcissis-

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    That the narcissist functions at all / is ,ecause of his %atholog&

    and than+s to it. The alternati*e is co-%lete deco-%ensation and


    3n ti-e! the narcissist learns ho to le*erage his %atholog&! ho

    to use it to his ad*antage! ho to de%lo& it in order to -a@i-ise

    ,enefits and utilities / in other ords! ho to transfor- his curseinto a ,lessing.

    Narcissists are o,sessed ,& delusions of fantastic grandeur and

    su%eriorit&. As a result the& are *er& co-%etiti*e. The& are strongl&

    co-%elled / here others are -erel& -oti*ated. The& are dri*en!

    relentless! tireless! and ruthless. The& often -a+e it to the to%. ut

    e*en hen the& do not / the& stri*e and fight and learn and cli-,

    and create and thin+ and de*ise and design and cons%ire. aced

    ith a challenge / the& are li+el& to do ,etter than non7narcissists.

    Get! e often find that narcissists a,andon their efforts in -id7strea-! gi*e u%! *anish! lose interest! de*alue for-er %ursuits! or

    slu-%. 5h& is that>

    A challenge! or e*en a guaranteed e*entual triu-%h / are

    -eaningless in the a,sence of onloo+ers. The narcissist needs an

    audience to a%%laud! affir-! recoil! a%%ro*e! ad-ire! adore! fear! or

    e*en detest hi-. He cra*es the attention and de%ends on the

    Narcissistic 4u%%l& onl& others can %ro*ide. The narcissist deri*es

    sustenance onl& fro- the outside / his e-otional innards are

    hollo and -ori,und.The narcissist9s enhanced %erfor-ance is %redicated on the

    e@istence of a challenge

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    )EB;ENT'G A4FED B;E4T3ON 1

    #*e Nar(issists Rea(tion to .eAi(ientNar(issisti( S'l

    Question: Ho does the narcissist react hen not in recei%t ofsufficient Narcissistic 4u%%l&>

    ns!er:8er& -uch as a drug addict ould react to the a,sence of

    his %articular drug. The narcissist constantl& consu-es

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    con*entions. His for-er co-%liance gi*es a& to o%en ithdraal

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    Narcissists often e@%erience ,rief! deco-%ensator& %s&chotic

    e%isodes hen their %s&che is disasse-,led / either deli,eratel& in

    thera%& or folloing a life7crisis acco-%anied ,& a -a(or narcissistic


    These %s&chotic e%isodes -a& ,e closel& allied to another

    feature of narcissis-: -agical thin+ing. Narcissists are li+e childrenin this sense. Man&! for instance! full& ,elie*e in to things: that

    hate*er ha%%ens / the& ill %re*ail and that good things ill

    ala&s ha%%en to the-. 3t is -ore than a ,elief! reall&. Narcissists

    (ust FNO5 it! the sa-e a& one +nos gra*it& / directl&!

    i--ediatel& and surel&.

    The narcissist ,elie*es that! no -atter hat he does! he ill

    ala&s ,e forgi*en! ala&s %re*ail and triu-%h! ala&s co-e on

    to%. The narcissist is! therefore! fearless in a -anner %ercei*ed ,&

    others to ,e ,oth ad-ira,le and insane. He attri,utes to hi-selfdi*ine and cos-ic i--unit& / he cloa+s -&self in it! it renders hi-

    in*isi,le to his ene-ies and to the %oers of e*il. 3t is a childish

    %hantas-agoria / ,ut to the narcissist it is *er& real.

    The narcissist +nos ith religious certaint& that good things ill

    ha%%en to hi-. 5ith equal certitude! the -ore self7aare of the-

    +no that the& ill squander their good fortune ti-e and again in a

    ,ede*illed effort to defeat the-sel*es.

    4o! no -atter hat serendi%it&! hat luc+& circu-stance! hat

    ,lessing the narcissist recei*es / he ala&s stri*es ith ,lind fur& todeflect the-! to defor- and to ruin.


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    #*e .el'sional a "'t

    Question:5hen -& hus,and goes through a ,ad s%ot! he shuts

    hi-self in his den all da& long! doesn9t tal+ to an&one! (ust surfs the

    5e,. 3s this t&%ical> 4hould 3 ,e orried>

    ns!er: The stud& of narcissis- is a centur& old and the to

    scholarl& de,ates central to its conce%tion are still undecided. 3s

    there such a thing as HEA'THG adult narcissis-

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    -issing altogether. The child turned adult sees no reason to in*est

    in his s+ills and education! con*inced that his inherent genius

    should suffice. He feels entitled for -erel& ,eing! rather than for

    actuall& doing

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    The narcissist constructs a narrati*e in hich he figures as the hero

    / ,rilliant! %erfect! irresisti,l& handso-e! destined for great things!

    entitled! %oerful! ealth&! the centre of attention! etc. The ,igger

    the strain on this delusional charade / the greater the ga% ,eteen

    fantas& and realit& / the -ore the delusion coalesces and solidifies.

    inall&! if it is sufficientl& %rotracted! it re%laces realit& and thenarcissist9s realit& test deteriorates. He ithdras his ,ridges and

    -a& ,eco-e 4chiot&%al! catatonic! or schioid.

    #*e Realit Reno'n(ing Sol'tions

    The narcissist renounces realit&. To his -ind! those ho

    %usillani-ousl& fail to recognise his un,ound talents! innate

    su%eriorit&! o*erarching ,rilliance! ,ene*olent nature! entitle-ent!

    cos-icall& i-%ortant -ission! %erfection! etc. / do not deser*e

    consideration. The narcissist9s natural affinit& ith the cri-inal / hislac+ of e-%ath& and co-%assion! his deficient social s+ills! his

    disregard for social las and -orals / no eru%ts and ,losso-s.

    He ,eco-es a full fledged antisocial

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    #*e Paranoid ggressive >$5losive? Sol'tion

    Other narcissists ho de*elo% %ersecutor& delusions! resort to an

    aggressi*e stance! a -ore *iolent resolution of their internal

    conflict. The& ,eco-e *er,all&! %s&chologicall&! situationall&

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    The narcissist %ro(ects onto this second class of lesser

    %ersecutors his on deleterious e-otions and transfor-ed

    aggression: hatred! rage! and seething (ealous&.

    The narcissist9s %aranoid strea+ is li+eliest to eru%t hen he lac+s

    Narcissistic 4u%%l&. The regulation of his la,ile sense of self7orth

    is de%endent u%on e@ternal sti-uli / adoration! adulation!affir-ation! a%%lause! notoriet&! fa-e! infa-&! and! in general!

    attention of an& +ind.

    5hen such attention is deficient! the narcissist co-%ensates ,&

    confa,ulating. He constructs ungrounded narrati*es in hich he is

    the %rotagonist and uses the- to force his hu-an en*iron-ent into


    Put si-%l&! he %ro*o+es %eo%le to %a& attention to hi- ,&

    -is,eha*ing or ,eha*ing oddl&.


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    )EB;ENT'G A4FED B;E4T3ON 1

    #*e ;nsta,le Nar(issist

    Question: 3s the narcissist characterised ,& insta,ilities in all the

    i-%ortant as%ects of his life at the sa-e ti-e>

    ns!er:A narcissist is a %erson ho deri*es his Ego

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    e@a-s and feels that he is on a %er-anent trial. To forget -aterial

    studied onl& in %re%aration for an e@a-ination or for a court

    a%%earance is nor-al. 4hort -e-or& storage is a %erfectl&

    co--on ,eha*iour. 5hat sets the narcissist a%art fro- others is

    the fact that for hi- this is a CON4TANT state of affairs and that it

    affects A'' his functions! not onl& those directl& related to learning!or to e-otions! or to e@%erience! or to an& single di-ension of his

    life. Thus! the narcissist learns! re-e-,ers and forgets not in line

    ith his real interests or ho,,ies! he lo*es and hates not the real

    su,(ects of his e-otions ,ut one di-ensional! utilitarian! cartoons

    constructed ,& hi-. He (udges! %raises and conde-ns / all fro-

    the narroest %ossi,le %oint of *ie: that of the %otential a-ount of

    Narcissistic 4u%%l&. He as+s not hat he can do ith the orld and

    in it / ,ut hat can the orld do for hi- as far as Narcissistic

    4u%%l& goes. He falls in and out of lo*e ith %eo%le! or+%laces!residences! *ocations! ho,,ies! interests / ,ecause the& see- to

    ,e a,le to %ro*ide -ore or less Narcissistic 4u%%l& and onl&

    ,ecause of that.

    4till! narcissists ,elong to to ,road categories: the

    co-%ensator& sta,ilit& and the enhancing insta,ilit& t&%es.

    "# Com$ensatory Sta%ility &'Classic'( Narcissists

    These narcissists isolate one or -ore

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    Another / e*en -ore co--on / case is the career narcissist.

    This narcissist -arries! di*orces and re-arries ith di&ing s%eed.

    E*er&thing in his life is in constant flu@: friends! e-otions!

    (udge-ents! *alues! ,eliefs! %lace of residence! affiliations!

    ho,,ies. E*er&thing! that is! e@ce%t his or+. His career is the

    island of co-%ensating sta,ilit& in his *olatile e@istence. This +ind ofnarcissist doggedl& %ursues it ith un-itigated a-,ition and

    de*otion. He %erse*eres in one or+%lace or one (o,! %atientl&!

    %ersistentl& and ,lindl& cli-,ing u% the ladder or treading the career

    %ath. 3n his %ursuit of (o, fulfil-ent and achie*e-ents! the narcissist

    is ruthless and unscru%ulous / and! *er& often! -ost successful.

    ""# Enhancing "nsta%ility &')orderline'( Narcissist

    The other +ind of narcissist enhances insta,ilit& in one as%ect or

    di-ension of his life / ,& introducing insta,ilit& in others. Thus! ifsuch a narcissist resigns

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    others. 4tanding in line is a aste of ti-e ,etter s%ent %ursuing

    +noledge! in*enting and creating. The narcissist should a*ail

    hi-self of the ,est -edical treat-ent %roffered ,& the -ost

    %ro-inent -edical authorities / lest the asset that he is lost to

    Man+ind. He should not ,e ,othered ith tri*ial %ursuits / these

    lol& functions are ,est assigned to the less gifted. The de*il is in%a&ing %recious attention to detail.

    Entitle-ent is so-eti-es (ustified in a Picasso or an Einstein. ut

    fe narcissists are either. Their achie*e-ents are grotesquel&

    inco--ensurate ith their o*erhel-ing sense of entitle-ent and

    ith their grandiose self7i-age.

    Of course! the feeling of su%eriorit& often ser*es to -as+ a

    cancerous co-%le@ of inferiorit&. Moreo*er! the narcissist infects

    others ith his %ro(ected grandiosit& and their feed,ac+ constitutes

    the edifice u%on hich he constructs his self7estee-. He regulateshis sense of self orth ,& rigidl& insisting that he is a,o*e the

    -adding crod hile deri*ing his Narcissistic 4u%%l& fro- this *er&


    ut there is a second angle to this a,horrence of the %redicta,le.

    Narcissists e-%lo& a host of E-otional 3n*ol*e-ent Pre*ention


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    4uch a narcissist reacts ith alar- and rage to an& sign of

    inde%endence and autono-& in his charges. He tries to freee

    e*er&one around hi- in their allocated %ositions and assigned

    roles. His orld is rigid and i--o*a,le! %redicta,le and static! full&

    under his control. He %unishes for transgressions against this

    ordained order. He thus stifles life as a d&na-ic %rocess ofco-%ro-ising and groing / rendering it instead a -ere theatre! a

    ta,leau *i*ant.

    The other t&%e of narcissist a,hors -onoton& and constanc&!

    equating the-! in his -ind! ith death. He see+s u%hea*al! dra-a!

    and change / ,ut onl& hen the& confor- to his %lans! designs!

    and *ies of the orld and of hi-self. Thus! he does not encourage

    groth in his nearest and dearest. & -ono%olising their li*es! he!

    li+e the other +ind of narcissist! also reduces the- to -ere o,(ects!

    %ro%s in the e@citing dra-a of his life.This narcissist li+eise rages at an& sign of re,ellion and

    disagree-ent. ut! as o%%osed to the first su,7s%ecies! he see+s to

    ani-ate others ith his de-ented energ&! grandiose %lans! and

    -egalo-aniacal self7%erce%tion. An adrenaline (un+ie! his orld is

    a hirlind of co-ings and goings! reunions and se%arations! lo*es

    and hates! *ocations ado%ted and discarded! sche-es erected and

    dis-antled! ene-ies turned friends and *ice *ersa. His ;ni*erse is

    equall& a theatre! ,ut a -ore ferocious and chaotic one.

    5here is lo*e in all this> 5here is the co--it-ent to the lo*edone9s elfare! the disci%line! the e@tension of oneself to incor%orate

    the ,elo*ed! the -utual groth>

    Nohere to ,e seen. The narcissist9s lo*e is hate and fear

    disguised / fear of losing control and hatred of the *er& %eo%le his

    %recariousl& ,alanced %ersonalit& so de%ends on. The narcissist is

    egotisticall& co--itted onl& to his on ell7,eing. To hi-! the

    o,(ects of his lo*e are interchangea,le and inferior.

    He idealises his nearest and dearest not ,ecause he is s-itten

    ,& e-otion / ,ut ,ecause he needs to ca%ti*ate the- and tocon*ince hi-self that the& are orth& 4ources of 4u%%l&! des%ite

    their flas and -ediocrit&. Once he dee-s the- useless! he

    discards and de*alues the- si-ilarl& cold7,loodedl&. A %redator!

    ala&s on the loo+out! he de,ases the coin of lo*e as he corru%ts

    e*er&thing else in hi-self and around hi-.


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    )EB;ENT'G A4FED B;E4T3ON "

    "t*er Peoles Pain

    Question: Do the& actuall& en(o& the taunting! the sadistic

    ,eha*iour! and the %unish-ent that ala&s follos>

    ns!er:Most narcissists en(o& an irrational and ,rief ,urst of reliefafter ha*ing suffered e-otionall&

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    5hen the narcissist is angr&! unha%%&! disa%%ointed! in(ured! or

    hurt / he feels una,le to e@%ress his e-otions sincerel& and o%enl&

    since to do so ould ,e to ad-it his frailt&! his neediness! and his

    ea+nesses. He de%lores his on hu-anit& / his e-otions! his

    *ulnera,ilit&! his susce%ti,ilit&! his gulli,ilit&! his inadequacies! and

    his failures. 4o! he -a+es use of other %eo%le to e@%ress his %ainand his frustration! his %ent u% anger and his aggression. He

    achie*es this ,& -entall& torturing other %eo%le to the %oint of

    -adness! ,& dri*ing the- to *iolence! ,& reducing the- to scar

    tissue in search of outlet! closure! and! so-eti-es! re*enge. He

    forces %eo%le to lose their on character traits / and ado%t his on

    instead. 3n reaction to his constant and ell7targeted a,use! the&

    ,eco-e a,usi*e! *engeful! ruthless! lac+ing e-%ath&! o,sessed!

    and aggressi*e. The& -irror hi- faithfull& and thus relie*e hi- of

    the need to e@%ress hi-self directl&.Ha*ing constructed this rithing hall of hu-an -irrors! the

    narcissist ithdras. The goal achie*ed! he lets go. As o%%osed to

    the sadist! he is no in it! indefinitel&! for the %leasure of it. He

    a,uses and trau-atises! hu-iliates and a,andons! discards and

    ignores! insults and %ro*o+es / onl& for the %ur%ose of %urging his

    inner de-ons. & %ossessing others! he %urifies hi-self!

    catharticall&! and e@orcises his de-ented self.

    This acco-%lished! he acts al-ost ith re-orse. An e%isode of

    e@tre-e a,use is folloed ,& an act of great care and ,&-ellifluous a%ologies. The narcissistic %endulu- sings ,eteen

    the e@tre-es of torturing others and e-%athicall& soothing the

    resulting %ain. This incongruous ,eha*iour! these sudden shifts

    ,eteen sadis- and altruis-! a,use and lo*e! ignoring and

    caring! a,andoning and clinging! *iciousness and re-orse! the

    harsh and the tender / are! %erha%s! the -ost difficult to

    co-%rehend and to acce%t. These sings %roduce in %eo%le

    around the narcissist e-otional insecurit&! an eroded sense of self7

    orth! fear! stress! and an@iet&

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    )EB;ENT'G A4FED B;E4T3ON #

    #o ge &it* ra(e

    The peranent teptaton of %fe s to conf$se &reas /th rea%t+(

    Then peranent &efeat of %fe coes /hen &reas are s$rren&ere&

    to rea%t+(


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    %retensions and his acco-%lish-ents / the -ore he is the o,(ect of

    derision and conte-%t.

    Get! fe narcissists sa*e for rain& da&s. e ,other to stud& a

    trade! or get a degree! %ursue a career! -aintain a ,usiness! +ee%

    their (o,s! or raise functioning fa-ilies! nurture their friendshi%s! or

    ,roaden their horions. Narcissists are %erenniall& ill7%re%ared.Those ho succeed in their *ocation! end u% ,itterl& alone ha*ing

    squandered the lo*e of s%ouse! off7s%ring! and -ates. The -ore

    gregarious and fa-il&7orientated / often flun+ at or+! lea% fro-

    one (o, to another! relocate erraticall&! fore*er itinerant and


    The contrast ,eteen his &outh and %ri-e and his dila%idated

    %resent constitutes a %er-anent narcissistic in(ur&. The narcissist

    retreats dee%er into hi-self to find solace. He ithdras into the

    %enu-,ral uni*erse of his grandiose fantasies. There / al-ost%s&chotic / he sal*es his ounds and co-forts hi-self ith

    tro%hies of his %ast.

    A rare -inorit& of narcissists acce%t their fate ith fatalis- or

    good hu-our. These %recious fe are healed -&steriousl& ,& the

    dee%est offence to their -egalo-ania / old age. The& lose their

    narcissis- and confront the outer orld ith the %oise and

    co-%osure that the& lac+ed hen the& ere ca%ti*es of their on!

    distorted! narrati*e.

    4uch changed narcissists de*elo% ne! -ore realistic!e@%ectations and ho%es / co--ensurate ith their talents! s+ills!

    acco-%lish-ents and education. 3ronicall&! it is in*aria,l& too late.

    The& are a*oided and ignored! rendered trans%arent ,& their

    chec+ered %ast. The& are %assed o*er for %ro-otion! ne*er in*ited

    to %rofessional or social gatherings! cold7shouldered ,& the -edia.

    The& are snu,,ed and disregarded. The& are ne*er the reci%ients

    of %er+s! ,enefits! or aards. The& are ,la-ed hen not

    ,la-eorth& and rarel& %raised hen deser*ing. The& are ,eing

    constantl& and consistentl& %unished for ho the& ere. 3t is %oetic(ustice in -ore than one a&. The& are ,eing treated narcissisticall&

    ,& their ersthile *icti-s. The& finall& are tasting their on

    -edicine! the ,itter har*est of their rath and arrogance.

    Frst p$!%she& on the

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    )EB;ENT'G A4FED B;E4T3ON #

    #*e Inverted Nar(issist

    =th contr!$tons !+ the e!ers of the )arcsss >st

    #+$ !LINI!L PI!#;R$ N. .$=$L"P$N#L R""#S )

    "P$NIN R$R7S


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    The D4M7387T) uses criteria to define the NPD. 3t is sufficient to

    %ossess of the- to qualif& as a narcissist. Thus! theoreticall&! it

    is %ossi,le to ,e NPD 53THO;T ,eing grandiose. Man&


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    or-an! Ma@. Narcissistic Disorders and the Oedi%al i@ations. 3n

    eldstein! 2.2.

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    K 3s inter%ersonall& e@%loiti*e: ta+es ad*antage of others to

    achie*e his on endsL

    K Has a grandiose sense of self7i-%ortanceL

    K elie*es that his %ro,le-s are unique and can ,e understood

    onl& ,& other s%ecial %eo%leL

    K 3s %reoccu%ied ith fantasies of unli-ited success! %oer!,rilliance! ,eaut&! or ideal lo*eL

    K Has a sense of entitle-ent: an unreasona,le e@%ectation of

    es%eciall& fa*oura,le treat-entL

    K )equires -uch attention and ad-iration of othersL

    K 'ac+s e-%ath&: fails to recognise and e@%erience ho others


    K 3s %reoccu%ied ith feelings of en*&.

    This is -ainl& the D4M73337) *ie. Pa& attention to the not so

    su,tle changes in the D4M7387T).IMore a,out %athological narcissis- on:

    htt%:66sa-* J

    #*e Inverted Nar(issist

    3t is clear that there is! indeed! an hitherto neglected t&%e of

    narcissist. 3t is the self7effacing or intro*erted narcissist. 5e call

    it the 3n*erted Narcissist

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    *oices in the for- of a sadistic! ideal! i--ature 4u%erego and

    s%end their li*es tr&ing to ,e %erfect! o-ni%otent! o-niscient

    and to ,e (udged a success ,& these %arent7i-ages and their

    later re%resentations

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    ccommodation and ssimilation

    The child acco--odates! idealises and internalises the Pri-ar&

    O,(ect successfull&. This -eans that the child9s internal *oice is

    narcissistic and that the child tries to co-%l& ith its directi*es and

    ith its e@%licit and %ercei*ed ishes. The child ,eco-es a

    -asterful %ro*ider of Narcissistic 4u%%l&! a %erfect -atch to the%arent9s %ersonalit&! an ideal source! an acco--odating!

    understanding and caring caterer to all the needs! hi-s! -ood

    sings and c&cles of the narcissist! an endurer of de*aluation and

    idealisation ith equani-it&! a su%er, ada%ter to the narcissist9s

    orld *ie! in short: the ulti-ate e@tension. This is hat e call an

    in*erted narcissist.

    5e -ust not neglect the a,usi*e as%ect of such a relationshi%.

    The narcissistic %arent ala&s alternates ,eteen idealisation of his

    %rogen& and its de*aluation. The child is li+el& to internalise thede*aluing! a,usi*e! de-eaning! ,erating! di-inishing! -ini-ising!

    u%,raiding! chastising *oices. The %arent

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    5e ca-e u% ith a D4M7387T) st&le in*entor& for an in*erted

    narcissist! using the narcissists9 characteristics as a te-%late!

    ,ecause the& are! in -an& a&s to sides of the sa-e coin! or the

    -ould and the -oulded hence -irror narcissist or in*erted


    The narcissist tries to -erge ith an idealised ,ut ,adl&internalised o,(ect. He does so ,& digesting the -eaningful others

    in his life and transfor-ing the- into e@tensions of his self. He

    e-%lo&s *arious techniques to achie*e this. To the digested this is

    the cru@ of the harroing e@%erience called li*ing ith a narcissist.

    The in*erted narcissist

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    *reocc$pe& /th fantases of $n%te& s$ccess po/er !r%%ance

    an& !ea$t+ or of an &ea% of %oe(

    This is the sa-e as the D4M7387T) criterion for Narcissistic

    Personalit& Disorder ,ut! ith the 3N! it -anifests a,solutel&

    differentl&! i.e. the cogniti*e dissonance is shar%er here ,ecause

    the 3N is so a,solutel& and co-%letel& con*inced of their

    orthlessness that these fantasies of grandeur are e@tre-el&

    %ainful dissonances.

    5ith the narcissist! the dissonance e@ists on to le*els:

    eteen the ;NCON4C3O;4 feeling of lac+ of sta,le self7orth

    and the grandiose fantasies AND ,eteen the grandiose fantasies

    and realit&

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    ,ean&s anon+t+ n the sense of see"n' to rean ec%$&e& at

    a%% costs an& s ntense%+ rrtate& an& $ncoforta!%e /th an+

    attenton !en' pa& to h . s%ar to the

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    The in*erted narcissist does not suffer fro- a -ilder for- of

    narcissis-. 'i+e the classic narcissists! it has degrees and

    shades. ut it is -uch -ore rare and the D4M7387T) *ariet& is the

    -ore %re*alent.

    The in*erted narcissist is lia,le to react ith rage hene*er

    threatened! orSS5hen en*ious of other %eo%le9s achie*e-ents! their a,ilit& to

    feel holeness! ha%%iness! reards and successes! hen his

    sense of self7orthlessness is enhanced ,& a ,eha*iour! a

    co--ent! an e*ent! hen his lac+ of self7orth and *oided self7

    estee- is TH)EATENED. Thus! this t&%e of narcissist -ight

    sur%risingl& react *iolentl& or rage7full& to ?OOD things: a +ind

    re-ar+! a -ission acco-%lished! a reard! a co-%li-ent! a

    %ro%osition! a se@ual ad*ance=.

    S5hen thin+ing a,out the %ast! hen e-otions and -e-oriesare e*o+ed

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    u%,ringing. 5hereas the reactions of nor-al %eo%le to narcissistic

    ,eha*iour %atterns IN?

    The 3N is! usuall&! e@ceedingl& and %ainfull& sh& as a child. Des%ite

    this social %ho,ia! his grandiosit&

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    K ?et tre-endous %ersonal satisfaction out of endlessl& gi*ing.

    This one -a& not ,e attracti*e to &ou! ,ut it is a ta+e it or lea*e

    it %ro%osition.

    K e a,solutel& e-otionall& and financiall& inde%endent of the

    narcissist. Ta+e hat &ou need: the e@cite-ent and engulf-ent

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    Don9t e@%ect that &ou ill cogniti*el& ,e a,le to reason ith the

    narcissist to change ho the& are. Gou -a& ha*e so-e li-ited

    success in getting &our narcissist to tone don on the reall&

    har-ful ,eha*iours THAT AECT GO;! hich e-anate fro-

    the unchangea,le 5HAT the narcissist is. This can onl& ,e

    acco-%lished in a *er& trusting! fran+ and o%en relationshi%.5e fir-l& ,elie*e that it is onl& the in*erted narcissist ho can

    ha*e a reasona,l& good! long lasting relationshi% ith the

    narcissist. Gou -ust ,e %re%ared to gi*e &our narcissist a 'OT of

    s%ace and leea&.

    Gou don9t reall& e@ist for the- as a full& realised %erson / no one

    does. The& are not full& realised %eo%le so the& cannot %ossi,l&

    ha*e the s+ills! no -atter ho s-art or se@&! to ,e a co-%lete

    %erson in the sense that -ost adults are co-%lete.


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    The in*erted narcissist is a %erson ho gre u% enthralled ,& the

    narcissistic %arent. This %arent engulfed and su,su-ed the child9s

    ,eing to such an o*er7,earing e@tent that the child9s %ersonalit& as

    irre*oca,l& sha%ed ,& this engulf-ent! da-aged ,e&ond ho%e of

    re%air. The child as not e*en a,le to de*elo% defence

    -echanis-s such as narcissis-.The end result is an in*erted narcissistic %ersonalit&. The traits of

    this %ersonalit& are %ri-aril& e*ident in relationshi% conte@ts. The

    child as conditioned ,& the narcissistic %arent to onl& ,e entitled to

    feel hole! useful! %roducti*e! co-%lete hen the child aug-ented

    or -irrored to the %arent their on sought after narcissistic i-age.

    As a result the child is sha%ed ,& this engulf-ent and cannot feel

    co-%lete in an& significant adult relationshi% unless the& are ith a


    The "n*erted Narcissist in

    Relationshi$ !ith the Narcissist

    The in*erted narcissist is dran to significant relationshi%s ith

    other narcissists in his adulthood. These relationshi%s are usuall&

    s%ousal %ri-ar& relationshi%s ,ut can also ,e friendshi%s ith

    narcissists outside of the %ri-ar& lo*e relationshi%.

    3n a %ri-ar& relationshi%! the in*erted narcissist atte-%ts to re7

    create the %arent7child relationshi%. The in*ert thri*es on -irroring

    to the narcissist his on grandiosit& and in so doing the in*erto,tains his O5N Narcissistic 4u%%l&

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    engulf-ent. This can ,e easil& -isread to -ean that the in*ert is

    hi-self or herself a so-atic narcissist! ,ut it ould ,e incorrect. The

    in*ert can endure &ears of -ini-al se@ual contact ith their

    narcissist and still ,e a,le to -aintain the self7delusion of inti-ac&

    and engulf-ent. The in*ert finds a -&riad of other a&s to -erge

    ith the narcissist! ,eco-ing inti-atel&! though onl& in su%%ortroles! in*ol*ed ith the narcissist9s ,usiness! career! or an& other

    acti*it& here the in*ert can feel that the& are needed ,& the

    narcissist and indis%ensa,le. The in*ert is an e@%ert at doling out

    Narcissistic 4u%%l& and e*en goes as far as %rocuring Pri-ar&

    Narcissistic 4u%%l& for their narcissist

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  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    others( ost of $s hae fe%t en+ at anothers s$ccess( Jet ost

    peop%e I "no/ see a!%e to oercoe those fee%n's to soe

    etent to !e a!%e to f$ncton nora%%+( In a copetton for

    eap%e the+ a+ !e &ren to &o ther !est so the+ can /n( For

    e the fear of %osn' an& !en' h$%ate& s so ntense that I ao&

    copetton cop%ete%+( I a terrfe& of sho/n' peop%e that I carea!o$t &on' /e%% !eca$se ts so shan' for e f I %ose(

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    to e to tr+ to cheer e $p or /hateer( ;$t f I n a reasona!%e

    oo& an& soeone offers e soethn' 'oo& I a%% too happ+ to

    accept tL I &ont hae a sta"e n sta+n' sera!%e(

    The Partiality o+ the Condition

    I &o a'ree that ts at+pca% or nerte& narcsss not I>,E(;$t ho/ I see t s that ts *ATIA>( The part thats there s $st as

    &estr$cte as t s n the t+pca% narcssst( ;$t there are parts

    ssn' fro that tota% f$%%!%o/n &sor&er . an& I see that as

    hea%th+ act$a%%+( I see t as parts of +se%f that =EE)T nfecte&

    !+ the patho%o'+ that are st%% ntact(

    In + case I && not &ee%op the oer/eenn' E'o part of the


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    &o$!tn' ther s$ccesss /orth or rea%t+ the+ fee% '$%t+ a!o$t t or

    a!o$t ta%"n' a!o$t t !eca$se t h$rts e so $ch(

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    tr+n' to &o( An& $%tate%+ I not "&&n' an+one %east of a%%


    Sel+2Pity and De$ression

    ore se%fpt+ an& &epresson here . not so $ch ra'e( ne of the

    thn's that tr''ers + ra'e ore than an+thn' e%se s the na!%t+to contro% another person the na!%t+ to &onate the an& force

    + rea%t+ on the( I fee% potent h$%ate& force& !ac" on +

    ept+ se%f( *art of /hat I fee%n' here s en+: that person /ho

    cant !e contro%%e& c%ear%+ has a se%f an& I &ont an& I $st hate

    the for t( ;$t ts a%so a po/er str$''%e . I /ant to 'et )arcssstc

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    I a an nerte& narcssst( It s !eca$se as a ch%& I /as

    prnte&Gfate& /th a partc$%ar pattern no%n' re%atonshps( I

    /as en'$%fe& so cop%ete%+ !+ + fathers persona%t+ an&

    represse& so seere%+ !+ aro$s other factors n + ch%&hoo& that

    I sp%+ &&nt &ee%op a reco'nsa!%e persona%t+( I este& p$re%+

    as an etenson of + father( I /as hs 'en$s =$n&er"n&( e'nore& + other an& po$re& a%% hs ener'+ an& effort nto e( I

    && not &ee%op f$%%!%o/n secon&ar+ narcsss? I &ee%ope& nto

    the perfect other ha%f of the narcsssts o$%&n' e( I !ecae the

    perfect ea'er co&epen&ent( An& ths s an prnt a pattern n +

    ps+che a /a+ of not re%atn' to the /or%& of re%atonshps !+ on%+

    !en' a!%e to tr$%+ re%ate to one person + father an& then one

    "n& of person . the narcssst(

    e s + perfect %oer + perfect ate a ft that s so s%c" an&

    sooth so coforta!%e an& effort%ess so f%%e& /th eann' an&act$a% fee%n's . thats the other thn'( I cannot fee% on + o/n( I

    a ncop%ete( I can on%+ fee% /hen I a en'$%fe& !+ another frst

    t /as + father an& no/ . /e%% no/ t has to !e a narcssst( )ot

    $st an+ narcssst ether( e $st !e ecee&n'%+ sart 'oo&

    %oo"n' hae a&e-$ate repro&$cte e-$pent an& soe

    "no/%e&'e on ho/ to $se t an& thats a!o$t t(

    =hen I a en'$%fe& !+ soeone %"e ths I fee% cop%ete& I can

    act$a%%+ FEE>( I a /ho%e a'an( I f$ncton as a s!+% an orac%e an

    etenson of the narcssst( s fercest protector hsp$re+orGproc$rer of )

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    eor+ of the conersaton /%% coe !ac" to e /h%e I n +

    ra'e an& I%% ree!er that the person rea%%+ I< $%nera!%e( I hope

    that !+ hearn' oer an& oer that the person act$a%%+ &oes fee%

    h$rt !+ /hat I sa+ /h%e n ra'es that I 'ht ree!er that /hen I

    a tr''ere& an& ra'n'(

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    hae /a%"e& on !oth s&es of the street an& !eca$se I hae

    &ee%ope& copn' echanss that protect e rea%%+ -$te /e%% I

    can reasona!%+ safe%+ en'a'e n a prar+ ntate re%atonshp

    /th a narcssst /tho$t 'ettn' h$rt !+ t(

    The rea% =J of t a%% s that I %earne& as a +o$n' ch%& that

    !en' eaten a%e !+ a narcssst parent to the pont /here +o$restence s !$t an etenson of hs o/n /as ho/ a%% re%atonshps

    o$'ht to /or"( It s a ps+cho%o'ca% prnt . + %oe ap t s

    /hat fee%s r'ht to e ntrnsca%%+( A pattern of %n' . I &ont "no/

    ho/ e%se to &escr!e t so +o$ an& others /%% $n&erstan& ho/ er+

    nat$ra% an& nora% ths s for e( It s not the tort$ro$s estence

    that ost of the s$rors of narcsss are reco$ntn' on ths %st(

    + eperences /th narcsssts to e AE )A> for e(

    Coforta!%e %"e an o%& par of s%ppers that ft perfect%+( I &ont

    epect an+ peop%e to attept to &o ths to a"e these%es ntoths "n& of person( I &ont thn" an+one co$%& f the+ tre&(

    It s + nee& to !e en'$%fe& an& er'e& that &res e to these

    re%atonshps an& /hen I 'et those nee&s et I fee% ore nora%

    !etter a!o$t +se%f( I a the o$ter etenson of the narcssst( In

    an+ /a+s I a a an'$ar& a p$!%c t/o/a+ /arnn' s+ste

    ferce%+ &efen&n' + narcssst fro har an& ferce%+ %o+a% to

    h catern' to hs eer+ nee& n or&er to protect hs fra'%e

    estence( These are the &+nacs of + partc$%ar erson of

    en'$%fent( I &ont nee& an+one to ta"e care of e( I nee& on%+ to!e nee&e& n ths er+ partc$%ar /a+ !+ a narcssst /ho neta!%+

    possesses the a!%t+ to en'$%f n a /a+ that nora% f$%%+ rea%se&

    a&$%ts cannot( It s soe/hat para&oca% . I fee% freer an& ore

    n&epen&ent /th a narcssst than /tho$t one( I achee ore n

    + %fe /hen I a n ths for of re%atonshp( I tr+ har&er /or"

    har&er a ore create thn" !etter of +se%f ece% n ost

    eer+ aspect of + %fe(

    ?I 'o ahea& an& cater to h an& preten& that hs /or&s &ont

    h$rt an& %ater I en'a'e n an nterna% f'ht /th +se%f for !en' so

    &ane& s$!sse( Its a constant !att%e an& I cant see to

    &ec&e /hch oce n + hea& I sho$%& %sten to? I fee% %"e a foo%

    +et I /o$%& rather !e a foo% /th h than a %one%+ /e%%ro$n&e&

    /oan /tho$t h( Ie often sa& that the on%+ /a+ that /e can

    sta+ to'ether s !eca$se /e fee& off of each other( I 'e h

    eer+thn' he nee&s an& he ta"es t(

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    The on%+ reecton +o$ nee& to fear s the poss!%t+ of %osn' the

    narcssst an& f one s &on' eer+thn' e%se r'ht ths s er+

    $n%"e%+ to happenL

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    If I &sp%a+e& !ehao$r that a&e + KKK %oo" 'oo& to others I

    /as nsp&%+ oera%$e&( =hen I &are& !e soethn' other than

    /ho she /ante& e to !e the sarcastc crtcs an& tota%

    &ea%$aton /as $n!e%ea!%e( J hae rea%

    fee%n's /hen +o$ are /th a narcssst( It s +o$r %oe ap t s the

    pro'ran' /thn +o$r ps+che( ,oes t nee& to contro% +o$r

    !ehao$rH )ot necessar%+( Nno/n' /hat +o$ are can at %east

    'e +o$ the opport$nt+ to forecast the effect of an acton !efore+o$ ta"e t(

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    =hen I /as frst no%e& /th + cere!ra% narcssst I /as %"e

    ths !$t after a/h%e I $st %earne& to !ecoe ore eotona%%+

    &stant the $ps an& &o/ns /ere $st too $ch an& fn& eotona%

    'ratfcaton /th other peop%e ost%+ 'r% fren&s an& one of t/o

    a%e fren&s( I a"e a pont of sa+n' ? that the nert $st !e or

    !ecoe eotona%%+ an& fnanca%%+ n&epen&ent f +o$ &ont &oths he /%% eat +o$ $p an& /hen he has fnshe& /th +o$ an& +o$

    are nothn' !$t a h$s" +o$ /%% !e epe%%e& fro hs %fe n one !'

    ot( It s rea%%+ portant for +o$ to start to ta"e respons!%t+ for

    +o$r o/n eotona% /e%%ness /tho$t re'ar& to ho/ he treats +o$(

    ee!er that the narcssst has the eotona% at$rt+ of a t/o

    +ear o%&L ,ont epect $ch n the /a+ of eotona% &epth or

    s$pport n +o$r re%atonshp . he sp%+ s not capa!%e of an+thn'

    that sophstcate&(


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  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    True! single genes rarel& account for an& ,eha*iour or trait. An

    arra& of coordinated genes is required to e@%lain e*en the -inutest

    hu-an %heno-enon. Disco*eries of a ga-,ling gene here and

    an aggression gene there are derided ,& the -ore serious and

    less %u,licit&7%rone scholars. Get! it ould see- that e*en co-%le@

    ,eha*iours such as ris+ ta+ing! rec+less dri*ing! and co-%ulsi*esho%%ing ha*e genetic under%innings.

    5hat a,out the Narcissistic Personalit& Disorder>

    3t ould see- reasona,le to assu-e / though! at this stage!

    there is not a shred of %roof / that the narcissist is ,orn ith a

    %ro%ensit& to de*elo% narcissistic defences. These are triggered ,&

    a,use or trau-a during the for-ati*e &ears in infanc& or during

    earl& adolescence Isee AB J. & a,use 3 a- referring to a

    s%ectru- of ,eha*iours hich o,(ectifies the child and treats it as

    an e@tension of the caregi*er

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    pert$r!aton n the operaton an& ana'eent of the cop%e

    ecos+ste "no/n as patent/or%&( $ans a!sor! ther

    enronent an& fee& t n e-$a% eas$res( Ths on'on'

    nteracton I< the patent( =e cannot est /tho$t the nta"e of

    /ater ar s$a% st$% an& foo&( $r enronent s &efne& !+

    o$r actons an& o$tp$t ph+sca% an& enta%(Th$s one $st -$eston the c%assca% &fferentaton !et/een

    nterna% an& eterna%(

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    ncoens$rate /th the pont of e/ of hs speces . !$t ths

    sho$%& not sere to o!sc$re the ss$es an& &era% ratona% &e!ate(

    As a res$%t t s %o'ca% to ntro&$ce the noton of poste

    a!erraton( Certan h+per or h+po f$nctonn' can +e%& poste

    res$%ts an& proe to !e a&apte( The &fference !et/een poste

    an& ne'ate a!erratons can neer !e o!ecte( )at$re sora%%+ne$tra% an& e!o&es no a%$es or preferences( It sp%+

    ests( =E h$ans ntro&$ce o$r a%$e s+stes pre$&ces an&

    prortes nto o$r acttes scence nc%$&e&( It s !etter to !e

    hea%th+ /e sa+ !eca$se /e fee% !etter /hen /e are hea%th+(

    Crc$%art+ as&e . ths s the on%+ crteron that /e can reasona!%+

    ep%o+( If the patent fee%s 'oo& . t s not a &sease een f /e a%%

    thn" t s( If the patent fee%s !a& e'o&+stonc $na!%e to f$ncton .

    t s a &sease een /hen /e a%% thn" t snt( )ee&%ess to sa+ that I

    a referrn' to that +thca% creat$re the f$%%+ nfore& patent( Ifsoeone s sc" an& "no/s no !etter has neer !een hea%th+ .

    then hs &ecson sho$%& !e respecte& on%+ after he s 'en the

    chance to eperence hea%th(

    A%% the attepts to ntro&$ce o!ecte +ar&stc"s of hea%th are

    p%a'$e& an& ph%osophca%%+ contanate& !+ the nserton of

    a%$es preferences an& prortes nto the for$%a . or !+

    s$!ectn' the for$%a to the a%to'ether( ne s$ch attept s to

    &efne hea%th as an ncrease n or&er or effcenc+ of processes as

    contraste& /th %%ness /hch s a &ecrease n or&er Pncrease ofentrop+ an& n the effcenc+ of processes( =h%e !en' fact$a%%+

    &sp$ta!%e ths &+a& a%so s$ffers fro a seres of p%ct a%$e

    $&'eents( For nstance /h+ sho$%& /e prefer %fe oer &eathH

    r&er to entrop+H Effcenc+ to neffcenc+H

    Frst p$!%she& on the

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    #*e eaon oA Lang'age

    Question: M& ife as diagnosed as a narcissist. 4he tists

    e*er&thing and turns it against -e. 4he distorts e*er&thing 3 e*er

    said! ignores the conte@t! and e*en in*ent her on endings. 3t is

    i-%ossi,le to ha*e a -eaningful con*ersation ith her ,ecause she

    on9t co--it to an&thing she sa&s.

    ns!er: 3n the narcissist9s surrealistic orld! e*en language is

    %athologised. 3t -utates into a ea%on of self7defence! a *er,al

    fortification! a -ediu- ithout a -essage! re%lacing ords ith

    du%licitous and a-,iguous *oca,les.


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    Narcissists! therefore! ne*er tal+ to others / rather! the& tal+ at

    others! or lecture the-. The& e@change su,te@ts! ca-ouflage7

    ra%%ed ,& ela,orate! florid! te@ts. The& read ,eteen the lines!

    s%aning a -ultitude of %ri*ate languages! %re(udices!

    su%erstitions! cons%irac& theories! ru-ours! %ho,ias and h&sterias.

    Theirs is a soli%sistic orld / here co--unication is %er-ittedonl& ith oneself and the ai- of language is to thro others off the

    scent or to o,tain Narcissistic 4u%%l&.

    This has %rofound i-%lications. Co--unication through

    unequi*ocal! una-,iguous! infor-ation7rich s&-,ol s&ste-s is

    such an integral and crucial %art of our orld / that its a,sence is

    not %ostulated e*en in the re-otest gala@ies hich grace the s+ies

    of science fiction. 3n this sense! narcissists are nothing short of

    aliens. 3t is not that the& e-%lo& a different language! a code to ,e

    deci%hered ,& a ne reud. 3t is also not the outco-e of u%,ringingor socio7cultural ,ac+ground.

    3t is the fact that language is %ut ,& narcissists to a different use /

    not to co--unicate ,ut to o,scure! not to share ,ut to a,stain! not

    to learn ,ut to defend and resist! not to teach ,ut to %reser*e e*er

    less tena,le -ono%olies! to disagree ithout incurring rath! to

    criticise ithout co--it-ent! to agree ithout a%%earing to do so.

    Thus! an agree-ent ith a narcissist is a *ague e@%ression of

    intent at a gi*en -o-ent / rather than the clear listing of long7ter-!

    iron7cast and -utual co--it-ents.The rules that go*ern the narcissist9s uni*erse are loo%holed

    inco-%rehensi,les! o%en to an e@egesis so ide and so self7

    contradictor& that it renders the- -eaningless. The narcissist often

    hangs hi-self ,& his on *er,ose ?ordic +nots! ha*ing stu-,led

    through a -inefield of logical fallacies and endured self7inflicted

    inconsistencies. ;nfinished sentences ho*er in the air! li+e *a%our

    a,o*e a se-antic sa-%.

    3n the case of the in*erted narcissist! ho as su%%ressed and

    a,used ,& o*er,earing caregi*ers! there is the strong urge not tooffend. 3nti-ac& and inter7de%endence are great. Parental or %eer

    %ressures are irresisti,le and result in confor-it& and self7

    de%recation. Aggressi*e tendencies! strongl& re%ressed in the

    social %ressure coo+er! tee- under the *eneer of forced ci*ilit& and

    *iolent %oliteness. Constructi*e a-,iguit&! a non7co--ittal

    e*er&one is good and right! an ata*istic *ariant of -oral relati*is-

    and tolerance ,red of fear and of conte-%t / are all at the ser*ice

    of this eternal *igilance against aggressi*e dri*es! at the dis%osal of

    a ne*er ending %eace+ee%ing -ission.5ith the classic narcissist! language is used cruell& and

    ruthlessl& to ensnare one9s ene-ies! to sa confusion and %anic! to

    -o*e others to e-ulate the narcissist

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    lea*e the listeners in dou,t! in hesitation! in %aral&sis! to gain

    control! or to %unish. 'anguage is ensla*ed and forced to lie. The

    language is a%%ro%riated and e@%ro%riated. 3t is considered to ,e a

    ea%on! an asset! a %iece of lethal %ro%ert&! a traitorous -istress to

    ,e gang ra%ed into su,-ission.

    5ith cere,ral narcissists! language is a lo*er. The infatuation ithits *er& sound leads to a %&rotechnic t&%e of s%eech hich

    sacrifices its -eaning to its -usic. 3ts s%ea+ers %a& -ore attention

    to the co-%osition than to the content. The& are se%t ,& it!

    into@icated ,& its %erfection! ine,riated ,& the s%iralling co-%le@it&

    of its for-s. Here! language is an infla--ator& %rocess. 3t attac+s

    the *er& tissues of the narcissist9s relationshi%s ith artistic

    fierceness. 3t in*ades the health& cells of reason and logic! of cool

    headed argu-entation and le*el headed de,ate.

    'anguage is a leading indicator of the %s&chological andinstitutional health of social units! such as the fa-il&! or the

    or+%lace. 4ocial ca%ital can often ,e -easured in cogniti*e

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    )EB;ENT'G A4FED B;E4T3ON "

    !olle(tive Nar(issis The anser is: it de%ends.

    Hu-an collecti*es / states! fir-s! households! institutions!

    %olitical %arties! cliques! ,ands / acquire a life and a character all

    their on. The longer the association or affiliation of the -e-,ers!

    the -ore cohesi*e and confor-ist the inner d&na-ics of the grou%!

    the -ore %ersecutor& or nu-erous its ene-ies! the -ore intensi*ethe %h&sical and e-otional e@%eriences of the indi*iduals it is

    co-%rised of! the stronger the ,onds of locale! language! and

    histor& / the -ore rigorous -ight an assertion of a co--on

    %atholog& ,e.

    4uch an all7%er*asi*e and e@tensi*e %atholog& -anifests itself in

    the ,eha*iour of each and e*er& -e-,er. 3t is a defining / though

    often i-%licit or underl&ing / -ental structure. 3t has e@%lanator&

    and %redicti*e %oers. 3t is recurrent and in*aria,le / a %attern of

    conduct -elded ith distorted cognition and stunted e-otions. Andit is often *ehe-entl& denied.

    A %ossi,le D4M7li+e list of criteria for narcissistic organisations or


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    An all7%er*asi*e %attern of grandiosit&

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    identif& ith or ac+noledge the feelings and needs of other

    grou%s. This often leads to anti7social ,eha*iour! co*er7u%s!

    and cri-inal acti*ities on a -ass scale.

    K The grou% as a hole! or -e-,ers of the grou% / acting as

    such and ,& *irtue of their association and affiliation ith the

    grou% / are constantl& en*ious of others or ,elie*es that the&feel the sa-e a,out the-. This often leads to anti7social

    ,eha*iour! co*er7u%s! and cri-inal acti*ities on a -ass scale.

    K The grou% as a hole! or -e-,ers of the grou% / acting as

    such and ,& *irtue of their association and affiliation ith the

    grou% / are arrogant and s%ort haught& ,eha*iours or attitudes

    cou%led ith rage hen frustrated! contradicted! %unished!

    li-ited! or confronted. This often leads to anti7social ,eha*iour!

    co*er7u%s! and cri-inal acti*ities on a -ass scale.


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    )EB;ENT'G A4FED B;E4T3ON "

    #*e So'seEateEPartner oA t*e Nar(issist

    Question: 5hat +ind of a s%ouse6-ate6%artner is li+el& to ,e

    attracted to a narcissist>


    #*e =i(ti

  • 8/13/2019 Msl 2 Excerpts


    The tor-ented life ith the narcissist is! as far as the %artner is

    aare! a (ust %uniti*e -easure.

    3n this res%ect! the %artner is the -irror i-age of the narcissist.

    & -aintaining a s&-,iotic relationshi% ith hi-! ,& ,eing totall&

    de%endent u%on the source of -asochistic su%%l&

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    frightening and the %artner has onl& one thing to cling to: the


    And cling she does. 3f there is an&thing hich can safel& ,e said

    a,out those ho e-otionall& tea- u% ith narcissists! it is that the&

    are o*ertl& and o*erl& de%endent.

    The %artner doesn9t +no hat to do / and this is onl& too naturalin the -a&he- that is the relationshi% ith the narcissist. ut the

    t&%ical %artner also does not +no hat she ants and! to a large

    e@tent! ho she is and hat she ants to ,eco-e.

    These unansered questions ha-%er the %artner9s a,ilit& to

    gauge realit&! e*aluate and a%%raise it for hat it is. Her %ri-ordial

    sin is that she fell in lo*e ith an i-age! not ith a real %erson. 3t is

    the *oiding of the i-age that is -ourned hen the relationshi%


    The ,rea+7u% of a relationshi% ith a narcissist is! therefore! *er&e-otionall& charged. 3t is the cul-ination of a long chain of

    hu-iliations and of su,(ugation. 3t is the re,ellion of the functioning

    and health& %arts of the %artner9s %ersonalit& against the t&rann& of

    the narcissist.

    The %artner is lia,le to ha*e totall& -isread and -isinter%reted

    the hole interaction ;%on the ,rea+7u%

    of the relationshi%! the %artner

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    %ri*ac&! to ,e ,rutall& honest! ith a sadistic sense of hu-our! or

    consistentl& tactless / is to a,use.

    To e@%ect too -uch! to denigrate! to ignore / are all -odes of

    a,use. There is %h&sical a,use! *er,al a,use! %s&chological a,use!

    se@ual a,use. The list is long.

    Most narcissists a,use surre%titiousl&. The& are stealtha,users. Gou ha*e to actuall& li*e ith one in order to itness the


    There are three i-%ortant categories of a,use:1( ert A!$se/ The o%en and e@%licit a,use of another %erson.

    Threatening! coercing! ,eating! l&ing! ,erating! de-eaning!

    chastising! insulting! hu-iliating! e@%loiting! ignoring

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    Moreo*er! it is often onl& through -ani%ulation and e@tortion that

    the narcissist can secure his Narcissistic 4u%%l&. Controlling his

    4ources of Narcissistic 4u%%l& is a

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    / ,ut a di&ingl& +aleidosco%ic galler& of e%he-eral i-ages! hich

    -elt into each other sea-lessl&. 3t is incredi,l& disorienting.

    3t is also e@ceedingl& %ro,le-atic. Pro-ises -ade ,& the

    narcissist are easil& disoned ,& hi-. His %lans are transient. His

    e-otional ties / a si-ulacru-. Most narcissists ha*e one island of

    sta,ilit& in their life

    )efuse to acce%t such ,eha*iour. De-and reasona,l&

    %redicta,le and rational actions and reactions. 3nsist on res%ect for

    &our ,oundaries! %redilections! %references! and %riorities.

    Dis$ro$ortional Reactions

    One of the fa*ourite tools of -ani%ulation in the narcissist9s arsenalis the dis%ro%ortionalit& of his reactions. He reacts ith su%re-e

    rage t