mt lasut 1998-polinices-pmbc

Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 78(2):285-296. (1998) 285 GENUS POLINICES MONTFORT 1810 (GASTROPODA: NATICIDAE) FROM NORTHERN PENINSULAR MINAHASA (SULAWESI, INDONESIA) Markus T. Lasut Laboratory of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries & Marine Sciences Uniuersity of Sam Ratulangi, Fahultas Perikanan Unsrat. Jl. Kampus Bahu 95115 Maruado, Indonesia ABSTRACT A total of 65 specimens of the genus Polinices Montfort, 1810 were collected from Decem- ber 1996 to February 1997 in intertidal areas at Bunaken, Tiwoho, and Likupang, North- ern Sulawesi. Four species were identified: Polinices (Mctmmilla) melanostoma (Gmelin, I79l);P.(M.)sebae(R6cluz,L844);P.(Polinices)flemingianus (R6cluz,1844);P(P)turnidus (Swainson, 1840). One species, (referred to as P. (P.) sp. 1) could not be identified. The species are described, illustrated, and keys provided for the identification. INTRODLICTION Polinices Montfort, 1810 (family Naticida: Prosobranchia, Mesogastropoda) is one of the24 naticid genera recognized world-wide (Abbott & Dance 1990). It was originally de- scribed by Linnaeus in the Systema Natu- rae 1758 (Kabat 1990a). Polinicids are com- mon throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. They are sand-dwellers of the intertidal re- gion and leave wide tracks in the sand when they move below the surface (Cernohorsky 1971; Kabat 1996). They belong to the group of shellboringpredators (Kabat 1990b). One of the species,P. didyma, is edible and of com- mercial value in Thailand (Nateewathana 1995). The distribution of naticids in the tropi- cal Indo-Pacific has been recorded by sev- eral authors (Cernohorsky 1971; Kilburn 1976; Bussarawit 1995) including the Indo- nesian Archipelago (Roberts et al. 7982; Dharma 1988;Latama & Nessa 1994;Litaay 1994; Boneka et aI. 1995). The present paper is a contribution to studies on biodiversity ofintertidal flats in Northern Sulawesi. Available descriptions are summarised in the text and compared with material collected in the present study areas. In general, the naticids do not present taxonomic problems, but one species did not frt any of the existing descriptions and may represent a variety of Polinices tumidus, or is an undescribed species. MATERIALS AND METHODS The specimens were collected from Decem- ber 1996 to February 1997 in intertidal ar- eas at three localities: Bunaken (1), Tiwoho (2) and Likupang (3) (Fig. 1). Live and dead shells were collected upon encounter. Live specimens were fixed in 70 7o alcohol. Each specimen was measured using vernier calli- pers to the nearest 0.05 mm. Indices were calculated and summarized (Tab. 1 and Fig. 2). Most indices are expressed as percent- age oftotal shell length (TSL) and denoted by the suffix I, eg WBI = yy37'1'5l . 100. Clas- sifications of species are in accordance with Cernohorsky (1971) and Kilburn (1976). The material examined is deposited in the Labo- ratory of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Fish- eries and Marine Sciences, the University of Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia. SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Superfamily Naticacea Family Naticidae Forbes, 1838 Naticidae (Moon shells) are characterized by small or moderate-size shells, globular or flattened in shape, smooth and glossy. Um- bilicus open or closed, sometimes with an internal rib. Operculum thick and calcare- ous or thin and corneous. Aperture large. Carnivorous sand-dwellers which lay eggs in a'collar'of sand and mucus (Dance 1976; Fish & Fish 1989;Abbott & Dance 1990).

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Page 1: Mt lasut 1998-polinices-pmbc

Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 78(2):285-296. (1998) 285


Markus T. LasutLaboratory of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries & Marine Sciences Uniuersity of Sam

Ratulangi, Fahultas Perikanan Unsrat. Jl. Kampus Bahu 95115 Maruado, Indonesia

ABSTRACTA total of 65 specimens of the genus Polinices Montfort, 1810 were collected from Decem-ber 1996 to February 1997 in intertidal areas at Bunaken, Tiwoho, and Likupang, North-ern Sulawesi. Four species were identified: Polinices (Mctmmilla) melanostoma (Gmelin,I79l);P.(M.)sebae(R6cluz,L844);P.(Polinices)flemingianus (R6cluz,1844);P(P)turnidus(Swainson, 1840). One species, (referred to as P. (P.) sp. 1) could not be identified. Thespecies are described, illustrated, and keys provided for the identification.

INTRODLICTIONPolinices Montfort, 1810 (family Naticida:Prosobranchia, Mesogastropoda) is one ofthe24 naticid genera recognized world-wide(Abbott & Dance 1990). It was originally de-scribed by Linnaeus in the Systema Natu-rae 1758 (Kabat 1990a). Polinicids are com-mon throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific.They are sand-dwellers of the intertidal re-gion and leave wide tracks in the sand whenthey move below the surface (Cernohorsky1971; Kabat 1996). They belong to the groupof shellboringpredators (Kabat 1990b). Oneof the species,P. didyma, is edible and of com-mercial value in Thailand (Nateewathana1995).

The distribution of naticids in the tropi-cal Indo-Pacific has been recorded by sev-eral authors (Cernohorsky 1971; Kilburn1976; Bussarawit 1995) including the Indo-nesian Archipelago (Roberts et al. 7982;Dharma 1988;Latama & Nessa 1994;Litaay1994; Boneka et aI. 1995).

The present paper is a contribution tostudies on biodiversity ofintertidal flats inNorthern Sulawesi. Available descriptionsare summarised in the text and comparedwith material collected in the present studyareas. In general, the naticids do not presenttaxonomic problems, but one species did notfrt any of the existing descriptions and mayrepresent a variety of Polinices tumidus, oris an undescribed species.

MATERIALS AND METHODSThe specimens were collected from Decem-ber 1996 to February 1997 in intertidal ar-eas at three localities: Bunaken (1), Tiwoho(2) and Likupang (3) (Fig. 1). Live and deadshells were collected upon encounter. Livespecimens were fixed in 70 7o alcohol. Eachspecimen was measured using vernier calli-pers to the nearest 0.05 mm. Indices werecalculated and summarized (Tab. 1 and Fig.2). Most indices are expressed as percent-age oftotal shell length (TSL) and denotedby the suffix I, eg WBI = yy37'1'5l . 100. Clas-sifications of species are in accordance withCernohorsky (1971) and Kilburn (1976). Thematerial examined is deposited in the Labo-ratory of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Fish-eries and Marine Sciences, the Universityof Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia.


Superfamily NaticaceaFamily Naticidae Forbes, 1838

Naticidae (Moon shells) are characterized bysmall or moderate-size shells, globular orflattened in shape, smooth and glossy. Um-bilicus open or closed, sometimes with aninternal rib. Operculum thick and calcare-ous or thin and corneous. Aperture large.Carnivorous sand-dwellers which lay eggsin a'collar'of sand and mucus (Dance 1976;Fish & Fish 1989;Abbott & Dance 1990).

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286 Tlopical Marine Mollusc Programme (TMMP)

Figure 1. Sampling localities: 1) Bunaken, 2)

Tiwoho,3) Likupang.

Key to subfarnilies of the family Naticidae(adapted from Kilburn 1976)

1. Operculum calcareous. . . . . . ... . . . Naticinae1. Operculum corneous ....,......22. Shell of typical naticoid form; smooth or

with only faint sculpture; soft part re-tractile...... ........Polinicinae

2. Aperture large to enormous, shell oftenauriform, usually spirally lirate; softparts not completely retractile. . . Sininae

Subfamily Polinicinae Gray, 7847Operculum corneous; soft parts proportion-ally large, but retractile; shell smooth (Cer-

nohorsky 197 1; Kilburn 1976).

Genus Polinices Montfort, 1810Polinices Montfort, 1810. Cernohorsky 1971:1 91.Polinices Montfort, 1810. Kilburn 1976:855.Polinices Montfort, 1810. Kabat 1990: 16.

Operculum corneous; shell and radula ba-sically similar to that of Nq.tica (Cerno-horsky 1971; Kilburn 1976). Shell moderatein size, inflated, solid, porcellaneous andsmooth apart from irregular growth striae;sutures indistinct and adpressed; aperturesemi-ovate, smooth within; umbilicus broadand deep, partly or completely covered by

Figure 2. Counts and measurements (see Tab. 1).

the umbilical callus; parietal callus promi-nent, funicle (rib present within the umbili-cus) coalesced with umbilical callus (Cerno-horsky 1971). The type genus of the sub-family Polinicinae is the genus of the typespecies (original designation) Polinices albusMontfort, 1810 (Kabat 1990a).

Key to subgenera of genus Polinices(adapted from Kilburn 1976)

1. Oblong-ovate, spire low; columella longand almost straight, callus narroq usu-ally dark, reflected over the narrow slit-like umbilicus; funicle w eak. ..Mq.mmilla

2. Globular to ovate-conical, umbilicus usu-ally open, sometimes more or less closedby a callus pad; columella callus not re-flected. Umbilicus closed or forming themerest chink.. . . . . . . ..........Polinlces s. str.

Subgenus Mammilla Schumacher, 1817M ammillq, Schumache r, 78L7 . Cernohorsky1971: 196.M ammilla Schumache r, 1817 . Kilburn 1976:860.

Shell small to moderate in size, thin-shelled, oblong-ovate with low conical spire,

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Phuh,et Marine Biological Center Special Publication 78(2):285-296. (1998)

Table 1. Definitions of counts, measurements and indices.

TSL Total Shell Length Measured from the top ofapex to the distal endofthe shell.


WBI Width of the Body whorl Index

HBI Height of the Body whorl Index

Measured across the body whorl; as an index ofwidth.Measured from the dorsal to the ventral part ofthe body; as an index of thickness.

Measured from the apex to the end ofthe spire.

Measured from rear canal to the top of the apex.

Measured from the anterior to the posterior ofthe columella.

Measured from the anterior to the posterior ofthe umbilical callus.




Spire Length Index

Shoulder Length Index

Columella Length Index

Length of the Umbilical callus Index

thin and smooth or sculptured with fine spi-ral striae; whorls small, separated by adpres-sed sutures, body whorl large. Columella cal-lus usually brown, narrow, partially reflectedover the slit-like umbilicus ; funicle indistinctor absent; externally often with fine spiralstriae, and usually marked with brown.Operculum is corneous (Cernohorsky 1971;Kilburn 1976).

Key to species of subgenus Mammilla(adapted from Kilburn 1976)

Mammilla from Northern Peninsular Mina-hasa have whitish shells with rows of brownspots or streaks, or zoned with dark and lightbrown; columella without a white basal spot.

1. Operculum dark reddish-brown, com-pletely filling aperture. Body whorl withdiffuse zones of dark and lightbrown........ .....melo,nostonl&

2. Operculum pale yellow or brownish-orange,occupying more than 213 lengthof the aperture; umbilicus entered by areddish-brown band; body whorl withwell-defined brown spots and streaks;spire lower, body whorl wider........ .sebo,e

Polinice s (Mammilla) n'Lelanostonxo (Gmelin,1791) (Fig. 3A-D;Tab. 2)

Polinices (Mammillq.) meldnostonxus (Gme-lin, 1791). Cernohorsky 7971: 197, figs. 62-65 (radula, operculum and shells).

Poliniees (Marnmilla) n'Lel&nostonxo (Gmelin,1791). Kilburn 1976: 865.Polinice s (M amntilla) n'Lel&no stonxus (Gme-lin, 1791). Roberts et a|.7982:62-63, pl. 17,fig.5 (shell).Polinices n'Lela,nostomus (Gmelin, 1791).Dharma 1988:67, pl. 19, fig. 9 (shell).Polinices nlelqnostomus (Gmelin, 179I).Abbott & Dance 1990: 104 (figure of shells).Mammilla nlel&nostomo (Gmelin). DanceL992:77 (shell).See also Annex.

Material examined.: Dead shells of 5 speci-mens, locality: 7,2,3.

Description: Shape oblong-ovate (Fig. 3A& B), width about 76Vo andthickness about57 7o of TSL, surface sculptured by distinctgrorn'th lines and very fine spiral striae, frag-ile, inside aperture glossy with macroscopicspiral. Apex pointed (Fig. 3D). Colour whiteto cream, ornamented with a broad, brown-ish zone adjacent to suture containing ir-regular maculation and dots, the brownishzone transparent inside aperture. Funicleweak (Fig. 3C). Callus dark brown and thick,folded on umbilicus without completely cov-ering it (Fig. 3C); a prominent, curved darkbrown zone extending from the center oftheumbilicus to the base (Fig. 3C, BZ). Spiremoderately high (Fig. 3D). Aperture wideand oblong-ovate (Fig. 3A). Umbilicus witha narrow and deep groove, umbilical callusstraight (Fig. 3C). Columella stained lightbrown in inner part (FiS. 3C),length (CLI)

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Table 2. Indices, number of specimens (n), means,standard deviation (SD), and ranges of selectedmeasurements (in 7o) of Polinices (Mamrnilla)melanostoma (Gmelin, 1791) from Northern Pe-

ninsular Minahasa.

Tropical Marine Mollusc Programme (TMMP)


5 75.83 2.84 73.13-80.595 50.84 t.43 48.44-52.085 20.88 0.92 r9.4t-2r.865 30.76 0.80 29.53-3t.775 75.94 2.14 73.22-78.225 26.03 3.77 20.49-31.00

about 76 Vo of TSL.Remarks: P. (M.) melanostomo (Black-

mouth moon) is characterised by a bodywhorl with diffuse zones of dark and lightbrown, the parietal callus is dark brown,thick, and folded on umbilicus without com-pletely covering it. Cernohorsky (1971) foundspecimens 25-55 mm in height, and he statesthat this species is similar to P. maurus inshape but more solid.

Distribution and ecology: Fiji Islands, Ja-pan, Hawaii, Indian Seas to Natal. In cleancoral or weedy sand ofoffshore islands, finemuddy, fine and coarse sand near seagrass(Cymodocea) (Cernohorsky 1971; KilburnI976). This species has also been recordedby Roberts et q.l. (1982) from Jakarta Bay,Pulau Seribu (Indonesia) in sand of the in-tertidal zone.

Polinice s (M qmmilla) seb ae (R6cluz, 7844)(Fig.4A-D;Tab. 3)

Polinices (Marnmilla) sebae (R6cluz, L844).Kilburn 1976:861, fig. 17d (shell).Polinices sebae (R6cluz,1844). Dharma 1988:67,pL.19, fig. 10 (shell).Poliruices sebae (R6ciuz, 7844). Abbot &Dance 1990: 102 (figure of shells).See also Annex.

Material examined: Dead shells of 2 speci-mens;locality: 1,3.

Figure 3. Polinices (Mammilla) melanostoma. A,shape, aperture, ventral view. B, dorsal view C,

inner lip enlarged. D, spire, apex, lateral view.BZ, brownish zone. Scale bar: 10 mm.

white or cream, ornamented with brownishdots. Funicle weak (Fig. aC). Callus darkbrown and narrow folded over umbilicus(Fig. aC). Spire conical and short (Fig. aD).Aperture wide, ear-shaped, shining insideGig. aA). Umbilicus entered by a brownishband (Fig. 4C,BZ) with a narrow and deepgroove, umbilical callus straight. Columellain inner part white and elongately concave,length (CLI) about 78 7o of TSL (Fig. aC).

Remarks: P. (M.) seboe (Seba's moon) ischaracterised by being ear-shaped andglossy inside the wide aperture. Kilburn(1976) states that the operculum, which oc-

cupies over 2/3 of the aperture, is translu-cent brownish-orange. The name sebae hasbeen misapplied by nineteenth-century au-thors. Kilburn (op. cit.) used an illustrationfrom Souleyet as type-figure of sebae.



Description: Shape oblong-concave (Fig. Distribution and ecology:The species is4A-B), width about72To andthickness about common in the Indo-Pacific (Phitippines to47 7o of TSL. Apex pointed (Fig. 4D). Colour East Africa and Natal), and is found in soft

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Phulzet Marine Biological Center Special Publication 18(2):285-296. (1998) 289

Table S.Indices, number of specimens (n), means,standard deviation (SD), and ranges of selectedmeasurements (in Vo) of Polinices (Mammilla)melanostornoides (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) fromNorthern Peninsular Minahasa.


(,l--\\ld \\E\


Figure 4. Polinices (Marnmilla) sebae. A, shape,aperture, ventral view. B, dorsal view. C, innerlip enlarged. D, spire, apex, lateral view. BZ,brownish zone. Scale bar: 10 mm.

and coarse sand areas among Cymodoceaand small corals, and between Cymodoceain deep water (Kilburn 1976;Abbott & Dance1990).

Subgenus Poliruices s. str.Polinices s. str. Cernohorsky L971:772.Polinices s. str. Kilburn 1976: 856.Shell heavy, solid, pyriform to pyriform-ovate, ovate-conical with an oblique, straightIabium and heavy labial callus, which moreor less covers the umbilicus, leaving at mosta narrow fissure; parietal region not differ-entiated from the rest of the labium, com-monly uniform white, yellow or orange (Cer-nohorsky 1971; Kilburn 1976).

Key to species of subgenus Polinices

Polinices from Northern Peninsular Mina-hasa have shells small to large, pyriform-ovate, porcelaineous-white in colour; oper-culum is corneous, light brown in colour.



7t.66 0.3941.44 0.0127.42 0.2626.23 r.r778.02 0.2930.93 0.64


1. Spire axis bisecting anterior end ofcolu-mella........ .....................2

1. Vertical axis of the shells offset well tothe left of the siphonal fasciole; a deepanterior umbilical groove present in alladult specimens........... ....flemingianus

2. Umbilicus completely covered by a heavycallus in all specimens........... .tumidus

2. Umbilicus forms a minute chink or a deepgroove (broader in adult specimens), um-

lti::l ::11: ::1::T :: il:i:;;;;;;; iPolinices (Polinice s) flemingian us (R6c]ruz,

184a) (Fig. 5A-D; Tab. 4)

Polinices (Polinices) flemingiana (R6cluz,1844). Cernohorsky 1971: 193, figs.46,51-53 (shell, radula, operculum).Poliruices flerningianus (R6cluz). Dance 1976:101 [= P. uirginea Philippi, P. jukesi Reeve]figure of shell.Polinices flemingianus (R6cluz, 1844). Abbott& Dance 1990: 105 (figure of shells).See also Annex.

Material examined: Dead shells of 1-5 speci-mens; locality: 7,2,3.

Description: Shape globose (Fig. 5A-B),width about 78 Vo and thickness about 57 Vo

of TSL. Apex slightly pointed (FiS. 5C). CoI-our white to cream, glossy. Funicle relativelyinconspicuous (Fig. 5D). Callus coalescingwith funicle, deposit extends to spire (Fig.5D). Spire short (Fig. 5C).Aperture wide and

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290 Tlopical Marine Mollusc Progrannme (TMMP)



Table 4. Indices, number of specimens (n), means,

standard deviation (SD), and ranges ofselectedmeasurements (in 7a) of Polinices (Polinices)

flemingianus (R6cluz, 1844) from Northern Pe-

ninsular Minahasa.

X n mean(mm


15 78.19 10.20 49.07-9r.7015 56.95 6.59 36.43-67.8015 26.9t 5.17 t4.87-37.5015 45.93 6.88 26.39-54.4015 67.64 8.02 39.03-71.3015 24.79 3.22 17.29-28.8

semi-ovate (Fig.5A). Umbilicus narrow (Fig.5D); umbilical groove deep and present inall specimens (juveniles-adults); umbilicalcallus slightly concave. Columella white incolour, length (CLI) about 62 7a of TSL (Fig.5D)

Remarks: P (P.) flemingianus (Flerning'smoon) is characterised by the aperture elon-gated obliquely and vertical axis ofthe shelloffset well to the left of the siphonal fasciole.This species is similar to P. tumidus (Swain-son, 1840), but differs in some features(Cernohorsky 1971) as mentioned above.

Distribution and ecology: The species ismoderately common throughout Japan toAustralia and Fiji Islands. Cernohorsky(1971) found that this species is less fre-quently encountered than P. tumidus, aI-though they share that species habitat.Clean sand, intertidal and shallow water(Abbott & Dance 1990).

Polinices (Polinices) tumidus (Swainson,1840) (Fig. 6A-E;Tab. 5)

Polinices (Polinices) tumidus (Swainson,1840). Cernohorsky 197 l: 791,figs. 45 (shell),

47 (radula),48 (operculum),49 & 50 (shells).Polinices (Polinices) tumidus (Swainson,1840). Kilburn 1976:856, fig. 15 [shelis: nar-row form (ponderosa) and broad formfuestalis) l.Polinices tumidus (Swainson, 1840). Robertset. al. 1982:62 - 63, pl. 17 , frg. 7 (shell).Polinices tumidus (Swainson, 1840). Dharma1988: 67, pl. 19, fig.12 (shell l.

Figure 5. Polinices (Polinices) flemingianus. A,shape, aperture, ventral view. B, dorsal view. C,

spire, apex, lateral view. D, inner lip enlarged.Scale bar: 10 mm.

Polinices mammilla (Linnaeus, 1758). Kabat1990: 16, figs. 3A-B (shells).Polinices tumidus (Swainson, 1840). Abbott& Dance 1990: 102 l= P. pyriformisR6chul,figure of shell.See also Annex.

Material examined: Live shells of 17 speci-mens; locality: I,2,3.

Description: Operculum corneous, lightbrown in colour with a dark brown zone ad-joining the columellar edge. Shape pyriform-ovate, unornamented, width about 72Vo andthickness about 52 Vo of TSL (Fig. 6.4.-8).Apex slightly pointed (Fig. 6D). Colourporcellaneous-white, occasionally with darkstriae or ill defined spots at suture. Funiclestrong (Fis. 6C). Callus heavy, thick, andfused with umbilical callus (Fig. 6 C). Spirehigh (Fig. 6D), protoconch minute. Aperturewide and semi-ovate (Fig. 6,4'). Umbilicuscompletely covered by a healy callus (no um-bilicus) orform a minute chink (Fig. 6C). Colu-mella in inner lip slightly thickened basally,lengbh (CLI) about 56 Vo of TSL (Fig. 6C).

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Phulzet Marine Biological Center Special Publication 78(2):285-296. (1998) 291

Table 5. Indices, number of specimens (n), means,standard deviation (SD), and ranges of selectedmeasurements (in Vo) of Polinices (Polinices)turnidus (Swainson, 1840) from Northern Penin-sular Minahasa.

mm) 4.64 11.90-31.r7 72.It 3.60 63.26-77.717 51.98 2.65 47.34-55.40

ffiFigure 6. Polinices (Polinices) tumidus. A, shape,aperture, ventral view. B, dorsal view. C, innerlip enlarged. D, spire, apex, Iateral view. Scalebar: 10 mm.

Remarks: P. (P.) tumidus (Pear-shapedmoon) is characterised by the umbilicus be-ing completely covered by a callus. Kjlburn(1976) described two typical forms of theshell (narrow form p onderoso Philippi, 1849and broad formuestalis Philippi 1851-) foundin Natal and Mozambique. Specimens fromthe present study area could be identical tothe form uestalis.

The name of this species, whether tumi-dus (Cernohorsky 1971; Kilburn 1976) ormammilla (Kabat 1990a), has been dis-cussed by Kabat (1990a). He concluded thatmammilla has been used repeatedly over theyears whereas tumidus was rarely (if ever)used between its description and 1971-. Sec-ondly, based on analysis ofthe original de-scription, cited figures, and type material,he concluded that mamntillq. is a seniorsynonym of tumidus. However, I followKilburn (1976) and maintain the nametumidus-

Distribution and ecology:This species isone of the most common intertidal naticids


t7 30.29t7 51.29I7 55.9617

2.80 25.17-35.60I.79 48.32-54.503.39 50.46-62.18

throughout the tropical Indo-Pacifrc, includ-ing the area of the present study. It is knownfrom Hawaii, south-west through Polynesia,Melanesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia,and Japan to Madagascar and Natal. InSouth Africa and Mozambique, this speciesinhabits various types of habitat: Sandybanks ofdrainage channels, on top ofsandbanks, sand flats near Cymodocea andgravel(Kilburn 1976).

Polinices (Polinices) species 1 (Fig. 7A-E;Tab.6)

Material examined: Live shells of 26 speci-mens; locality: 7,2,3.

Description: Operculum corneous, lightbrown in colour, with a dark brown zoneadjoining the columellar edge. Shape pyri-form-ovate, unornamented, width about 76Vo and thickness about 55 7o of TSL (Fig. 7A& B). Apex (Fig. 7D) pointed. Colour whiteto cream, porcellaneous, shining. Funiclemore or less strong (Fig. 7C). Callus heavyand thick (FiS. 7C). Spire high (Fig. 7D).Aperture semi-ovate (Fig. 7A). Umbilicusforms a deep groove, wide at the anteriorpart, present in all specimens (juveniles/adults), umbilical callus straight or slightlyconcave (Fig. 7C). Coiumella thick, white incolour,length (CLI) about 58 7o ofTSL (Fig.7C).

Remarks: This species is quite similar toP. (P.) tumidus, but differs in the umbilicusforming a minute chink or a deep groove inP.(P.) sp. 1 against the umbilicus being com-pletely covered by a heavy callus (no um-

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292 Tlopical Marine Mollusc Programm.e (TMMP)

Table 6. Indices, numbers of specimens (n),

means, standard deviations (SD), and ranges ofselected measurements (in 7o) of Polinices(Polinices) sp. (species 1) from Northern Penin-sular Minahasa.

WBI 26HBI 26SLI 26BLI 26CLI 26ULI 26

75.78 2.63 67.91-80.1354.56 2.49 48.34-60.0029.09 2.08 25.77-35.2550.01 L.1t 45.99-52.2557.58 2.24 53.94-61.3018.91 2.29 12.50-25.80

bilicus) or forming a minute chink;inP. (P.)sp. 1 the umbilical callus is straight or con-cave.

Distribution and ecology: Clean sand inintertidal region.

DISCUSSIONMarincovich (1977) cited in Kabat (1990a)divided the family Naticidae into four sub-families: 1) Naticinae, 2) Polinicinae, 3)Sininae, and 4) Ampullospirinae. He statedthat Naticinae (Natica, Naticarius, Cryp-tonaticq.) are mostly tropical species withcalcareous opercula, and ofben have multi-coloured shells. Polinicinae (Polinices,Euspira, Neueritq.) are widespread, usuallywith monochromatic shells. Sininae (Sinum,Eunaticina) are tropical species, low spiredto auriform with striated shells. TheAmpul-lospirinae (Amauropsis, Globulario) are amostly extinct assemblage of high spiredshells with tabulate or canaliculate whorls.

The genus Polinices encompasses 5

subgenera: Polinices, Mamrnilla, Euspira,GIos saulax and N eu erito (Cernohorsky 197 1,

Kilburn 7976). Separation into subgenera isbased on shape, columella, callus, and um-bilicus. In addition, characters ofaperture,colour, funicle, spire and apex are includedin the present study (Figs.3-7).

The genus Polinices is common in thetropical Indo-Pacific region. Cernohorsky(1971) recorded 8 species in 3 subgeneralP.(P.) tumidus, P. (P.) flemingianus, P. (P.)

aurantiu s, P. (N.) alb umen, P . (M. ) nl'ct'urus,

P. (M.) melanostoma, P. (M.) melanosto-

Figure 7. Polinices (Polinices) sp. (species 1). A,shape, aperture, ventral view. B, dorsal view. C,

inner lip enlarged. D, spire, apex, lateral view.Scale bar: 10 mm.

rnoides and P. (M.) simiuel. Kilburn (1976)listed 14 species in 5 subgenera from south-ern Africa and Mozambique [P. (P .) tumidus,P. (N.) peselephanti, P. (N.) albumen, P. (G.)didyma, P.(M.) priamus, P.(M.) sebae, P. (M.)syrphetodes, P. (M.) simiae, P. (M.) melano-stoma, P. (8.) lemaitrei P. (8.) psilus, P. (8.)similis, P. (8.) blaizensis and P. (8.) napusl.Bussarawit (1995) found 2 species in 2subgenera from Surin and Le-Pae Islands,Andaman Sea,Thailand tP. (P.) tumidus andP. (G) didyma).In the Indonesian archi-pelago, Roberts et al. (1982) recorded 4 spe-cies in 2 subgenera from North-West JavalP. (M.) mela.rlostomo, P. (M.) mant matus, P.(M.) simiae and P. (P.) tumidusl. In thepresent study, I found 4 species and 1 uni-dentified species in 2 subgenera (Figs. 3-7).The unidentifred species (Fig. 7) is most simi-lar to P (P.) tumidus and they co-occur inthe present study area.

Most of the present species are deadshells; only two species were found a1ive.This may be related to the method of sam-



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Phulzet Marine Biological Center Special Publication L8(2):288-296. (1998) 293

pling which was conducted in the intertidalarea of the sandy beaches. Species repre-sented by dead shells probably inhabit thelower area of the beaches (Cernohorskv1971; Kilburn 1976).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI wish to express my gratitude to Prof A.J.Kohn (Dept. of Zoology, University ofWash-ington, USA) for introducing me to thenaticids.I am grateful to Prof R.N. Kilburn(Natal Museum, SouthAfrica) and ProfA.R.Kabat (National Museum ofNatural History,Smithsonian Institution, USA) for their kindassistance with photocopies of various es-sential references, Dr L.J. Lumingas for hisassistance in identification and discussion.I am much indebted to the Tropical MarineMollusc Programme (TMMP) sponsored by

not designated Naticanot designated Noticanot designated Naticanot designated Noticonot designated Naticonot designated Natica

DANIDA for the opportunity to present thispaper at the Eighth ConferenceAilorkshopof the TMMP in Hua Hin, Thailand.

ANNEXSynonyms of northern peninsular Mina-hasa's species o/Polinices

Synonyms of identified species of genusPolinice s are listed alphabetically accordingto specific names. The second column showsthe generic status designated by individualauthors. The third column gives referencesto publications where the combination ofspecies and genus has been applied (I haveselected the references, preferably the old-est, where a given combination has beenused). The last column gives reference to thesource of information in previous columns.

Philippi 1852Gmelin 1855Von Martens 1879Sowerby 1897Lamarck 1953Gohar & Eisawy 1976

Polini c e s (M ammilla) melano s to ma (Gmelin, 1 7 9 1 )

aethiopissae 7lmelanochila not designated Natica Philippi, 1850 Kilburn 1976melanostoma not designated Nerita Gmelin, rzgl Cernohorsky 1971- not designated Natica Bianconi 1849 Kilburn 1926





not designatednot designatednot designatednot designatednot designatednot designated Ubernot designatednot designated

not designatednot designated

Polinices Kaicher 1956Polynices Paes de Franca 1960Natica R6cluz 1851Mammilla Habe & Kosuge 1967Polinices R6cluz 1851

Hedley, 1924Mamilla Mtirch, 1852Polinices M0rch, 1852

Polinices Reeve,1855Polinices Phillippi. 1852

Cernohorsky 1971Cernohorskv 1971Kilburn 1971Kilburn 1976Cernohorsky 1971Kilburn 1976Cernohorsky 1971Kilburn 1976Cernohorsky 1791Cernohorsky 1791Kilburn 1976Cernohorsky 1971Cernohorsky 1971Roberts et al. I9B2Cernohorsky 1971Roberts et al.1982Kilburn 1976

not designated Natica Reeve, 1855

Polinice s (M ammilla) seb ae (R6.chtz, 7844)



not designated Naticanot designated Naticanot designated Noticonot designated Uber

not designated Naticanot designated Naticanot designated Natica

not designated Polynices Barnard 1963

R6cbaz, LB44Souleyet 1852Sowerby 1897HedIev 1924

F,6c1uz, 1844Philippi 1852Reeve 1855Von Martens 1879

Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976

Natica- not designated- not designated Natica Sowerbv 1883

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294 Tlopical Marine Mollusc Programme (TMMP)

Polinices (Polinices) fl emingianus (R6cluz, 1844)Speciesffiated Natica R6chlz, 1844 Cernohorsky, 1971- not desigrrated Natica R6cluz, 1852 Cernohorsky, 1971- not designated Natica Reeve, 1855 Cernohorsky, 1971- not designated Natica Sowerby, 1883 Cernohorsky, 1971- not designated Polinices Kaicher, 1956 Cernohorsky, 1971

flemingianum not designated Uber Hedley,1924 Cernohorsky, 1971jukesii not designated Natica Reeve, 1855 Cernohorsky, 1971uirginea not desigaated Nollca Philippi, 1852 Cernohorsky, 1971

Polinices (Polinices) tumidus (Swainson, 1840)

ffiaLed, Marnma Chemnitz, 1781 Cernohorsky 1971- not designated- not designatedcygnea not designated

Natica Rumphius 1851Polinices R6cluz 1851Natica Philppi, 1852Polinices Philppi,1852Polynices Paes da Franca 1960

Cernohorsky 1971Roberts et al. 1982Cernohorsky 1971Roberts et al. 1982Kilburn 1976Cernohorsky 1971Kabat 1990Cernohorsky 1971Kabat 1990Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Cernohorskv 1971Kabat 1990Kabat 1990Kilburn 1976Cernohorsky 1971Kilburn 1976Kilburn 1976Cernohorsky 1971Roberts et al. 1982Cernohorsky 1971Kilburn 1976





not designatednot designatednot designatednot designatednot desienated

not designatednot designatednot designated Naticanot designated NaticaPolinicesnot designatednot designatednot designated Natrcanot designated No.ticanot designated Neritanot designated Nerita

not desigrrated Albulanot designated Nalica

Sowerby 1883Bosc 1801

Polinices Ladd 1934Albula Roding Von Martens 1879

Sowerby 1892Linnaeus 1855Linnaeus 1758Linnaeus 1764

not designated Polynices Barnard 1963


Riiding 1798Philippi, 1849R6chtz 7844

Polynices Habe & Kosuge 1967Polinices R6cluz 1844Mamillaria Swainson,1840Mamillaria Chemnitz, 1981

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