mu youhave cramps gototolx uiillrnt t€¦ · not while jannes and jambres can withstand moses to...

4- k or t c l rS Pharaohs Magicians S < 5J 4 A STORY OF THE HEBREW PEOPLES FREW0Ma t BJ tM lilahI udIJwa prackr 0 VT 1C0yilgbtlSOSby WII Edion- Scripture AuthorltyExodug p16 1 19 < TIM 38 < iii EVER before had the great temple at Memphis been so unclean For days yes nnd nights the army of attendants had been struggling to clear the great courts and areas of the dead car- casses of frogs and they had had no time to remove the dust and dirt which had accum ulated And as though this filthy con- k ¬ dition was not enough annoyance to p the priests whose religious rites and i ceremonies required such rigid tath y Ing and cleansing the stench arising the heaps of dead frogs in the jCrom spaces about th temple tilled the made the situation almlt u q Jannes and Jamferet tie < chief priests of the temple were In any 1 thlng but an amiable mood and as ey passed through the court of the > aple on the way to their apart c ucats they lifted their white linen I M t robes high that they might not be i pmlrched by the filth on the pavement ahd grumbled as the went Noticing slow movements of one of the at I Ethe Jambres angrily exclaimed Faster You will never get this filth cleaned out at such a pace as 1 that t I4The poor fellow too weary almost to feel resentment tried to hasten his t l efforts and Jannes with more feeling M r than his colleague said tt iBut they have been laboring day 1 Mind to rid thee place of the S < > frogs an Ill Is no wonder they are 10 I iteary Curses be upon the Hebrew f jwho have brought this upon us S I Aye but we may be thankful that I the king is more than ever incensed kagainst them and it is certain that l fe will not let them go as they have v requested responded Jambres < Y Had we not boldly withstood him S l = though after he had pleaded with 4 More to ask his God to remove tha w JiwiVuwnie pests I fear he might have I t S < yielded p tl < I Yea h fJ we cot tell him that I- y g just as tUs uir ters of Egypt iwould recotv IV eshness to would this plgjo llt Are the gods of Egypt dcid thte should 4 I listen to a despised Hf lrv They bad now entered tt private apartments which they fooiU AS filthy as the other portions of u3 temple Seating themselves they Continued I 4 their conversation t I They had just returnee rom the palace Where they ha i u discuss ¬ S 4 leg tho situation wlflt p toThe E feeling of hatred ri < tes and Aaron burned fier tielr breasts 5Z for they secret I elr growing powerand wre rnsive of their next movv c Where obtained lie this skill Jannes exfalmed at last while he 5 5 v poked with his staff in the dust on the S vy t I an aluiiessr sort 0f way yJe fore have ariy possessed > s4ch powers ouUlde of the priesthood l Jlt of Egypt and thqu knowest how such 4L i i skill is obulnfd by usonly after the prietlcetL S through just vi ve were on the D I i eve otwtccety URIu1Pd Jambrei llu be no Moses a whor A S < v of ourcarefully laid plans thats sure zS 4 jt j But whats that1 be erica pointing rLi c excitedly al Jhe dust through which 5 > hisV It appeared to become I lueuly sal I 1J tnatedHBBd the thi I vering upon tlleftoorand frirruMKe jut the room became a wriggJi > moving mass Tj Jr With a tartJedy if mingled feir r u and horror thytwo men forgetful of their p lett dignity sprang upon the 5tbairsfere they were sitting but S 1 VWO there the squirming mass fol ¬ lowed xthcm and the rustle of their t robes aUrted a cloud of dust tint was trnsformec in its flight into the p same lIttle green mites and these set ¬ tied upon themupon their heads and w hands j and faces and covered ther robes tad quickly burrowed within and crawled over the fteshof the lb T SbodyI 4 Their disgust and terror was now augmented by the pain caused by the creeping crawling biting things and rushedJ court But ihcre there JI was even great ¬ I er confusion 1 The attendants who 4ri had been busily cleaning the temple 1 r were Jumping and running about as- though sad They were tearing their scant attire from them and slappln 4 4 and rubbing their bodies first here b r anti then there The temple was fair ¬ Tk ly alive with the loathsome mites si The Boor was literally a Tolling squirming sea of them and the men as 1 3a slimy and slippery mass S > SLtJht moment a runnerhurst into 7 tMlr tkCIlJllag loudly that tne F king Had sent for his magicians de ¬ manding that they coae at once to- t jthe palace for he was In us rest 4 Despite their discomfort Janne ad 4tI Jambres started at once AK Uejr jseed the apartment where the sa credcats wets kept the most horrible openedc past them like a flight of arrows scores tl1 of the heists maddened by the irri F tatlagilice The sacred bull could be heard iortlng and rearing about in 5 J Its quartets and the rattle and snap S toldi 1j the wiT fcej law the people excitedly run about and trying frantically S 4 rid themselves of the little pests b i that covered them And they too 1 t were t aghtlng the lice desperately ak Kr hIuhIRV and shnVfr In driVB thaiS iq f S J ji li i j 11 ic4 is a Risersi with a I1tIa aa Mratil laeleclr l ri yintttw an l ku ao ubetltute 1 jfreivfM MfteWlr la the land where tv fyyrMiiH leuea India em e fer s4aen a raoBs Im mica mining t 1i f It fcp any otk r aid Use ares covered f J 51by Jea dejwtlts the largest known b if ylel < A lB m2 685 tons from 200 IB1 iae i Tke system followed to open r 1Z 47 > cuts ftoac1outcroPSorhe mines 2tbere are and to S jUUriiiU yltkfroftcttU i rikt MJ i k 1 Y 4I f > > S I i LI Iii w + 4 ZYj <t J1 a l C urA < if 1 t fi i 1 J bt i A J- j io + tfJ hc 0 rJ J t r away but as fast as they got rlJ ot those already upon them others sprang up from the dust beneath their feet This is more of that man Moses work snarled Jannes shaking him ¬ self impatiently But Jambres WIS too uiisy rubbing and scratching him ¬ self and trying to obtain relief from the lice to make reply And thus in ¬ stead of their stately dignified on ¬ trance to the kings presence they en ¬ tered his apartments with nervous halting steps and found him in like distress of body for In place of the cold serenity and haughty dignity with which he invariably received his offi ¬ daIs he moved uneasily on his throne and then nervously rose and shook himself and took his seat again As his eyes felt upon Jannes and Jam bre3 sis face somewhat lightened and he cried excitedly What means this dreadful visItatIons Let us see by thy enchantments If thou too can brliifi forth these lice Then shall I know thit Moses God Is no god at nil Then were Jannes and Jambres filled with confusion by the words of the king for they had taken no thought as to the manner of calling forth the lice as Moses had done They knew not what reply to make to their lord and stood in embarrassed silence before him Recovering their selfpossession at last however they cleverly parried for- Um saying Know 0 king that In so Important er all thy magicians and Forcer the temple must be summoned iv c zany have the help of all those who serve before the gods of Egypt Bullet not thy heart be troubled in this thy distress Have we not shown Pharaoh the turning of the water to blood anti the calling forth Of frogs even as Moses did and shall We tot again triumph Go then cried Pharaoh Impatient ¬ ly And return at once for I shall be awaiting thee here Soon In answer to the hasty sum ¬ mon the magicians and sorcerers fcf Egypt were hurrying to the palace from every direction and held hasty con ¬ sultation with Jannes and Jambres who delayed the return to the royal presence so long that the king unwill ing to wait longer sent imperative word that they appear Then was begun a most desperate struggle upon the part of the kingo magicians to turn the dust to lice Their wierd chanting filled the great hall where they were gathered They tried all their enchantments and In the fren ¬ zy of desperation beat their breasts and called upon their gods to hear and an ¬ swer but there came no answering sign With eager intensity Pharaoh watched every move of his magicians and when they threw themselves upon the ground before him in token of their failure he waved them to one side and called Let Jannes and Jambres appear They shall not fall us even as they did not when the rivers were turned to blood and the frogs appeared Again the chanting began the at ¬ tendant priests keeping time to the movements of Jannes and Jambres who now came and stood before the king But at last after exhausting themselves In their efforts they sank to the ground as the others had done and a solemn stillness as of death fell upon the place Pharaoh sat as one turned to stone a look almost of scorn upon his face which hardened Into an expression ot bitted hatred as the moments of tense agony dragged themselves out At last one of the magicians crept to his side and whispered In a voice that fairly quivered with the tensity of its suppressed awe and terror This is the finger of God Another emboldened by the action of the first also stepped forward and re ¬ peated the words Yea It Is the finger of Godl Another and another and still an ¬ other did likewise until at last Jannen and Jambres were alone and still pros- trate ¬ upon the ground at the feet of Pharaoh Had they not heard Would they too admit the superiority of Moses God The eyes of the king burned like coals of fire as ho looked upon them Higher and higher he lifted his Imperious head More and more rigid became his form the intense tragic whisper reverberated through the room This is the finger of Godl The hissing piercing echo had scarce- ly ¬ died away among the lofty pillars of the vaulted hall when Jannes and Jambres leaped to their feet with a fierce angry cry which made oven Pharaoh start upon his throne Traitors to the gods of Egypt they shouted pointing their accusing fingers at them and swaying their bodies in the intensity of their emotions Traitors Think you that Moses shall prevail Not while Jannes and Jambres can withstand Moses to his face Let Pharaoh not falter This plague like the others will pass The gods of Egypt will finally triumph Slowly Pharaoh rose until his tower ¬ ing height seemed to overshadow all There was a glitter in his eye and a cruel hard smile played over his fea ¬ tures as he again waved the magicians at his side away and exclaimed Jannes and Jambres have spoken Hear ye them A Dead lions See here Aunt Dinah I sent two brandnew shirts of my husbands to the wash last week and you have brought only one back Now wliat have you done with the other Yes Miss Lulu maam I was com ¬ ing round to the qucsion of dat dar shut You knows dat I aint a pus son dat pretends to one thing and pretends to anudder sp Ise agwine to tell the tnif bout dat shut It ns dlsaway My ole man he up and filed las week and de Bural Sasslety dey didnt do nnthlng but covort round an I neber had anytlng to lay dat man out In So t herps mysef to dat shnt for a fac An oh Miss Lulu honey I JeV wishes you could bab seen how dat nigger sot dat shut Get Old One of the worst delusions that ever crept into a middleaged mans mind is the conviction that he has done his best work that he is growing old and must soon give place to younger men Success MagulneI J rf < l J t j HOW MICA IS MINED I mlalolll s itx > 1 t t < j f Duthespakenot- Again offLippincotts- Dont gles through the vein formation Thi material is raised to the surface by rows of native women placed along the inclined opening who pass buck- ets tilled with mica from hand to hand or pitchers filled with wate tor draining the works The rough sheets are crudely trimmed by a knife done up Into packages and carried Vy carts to the shipping points Ibf wages patti are scarcely union iabcr rates the women ctUlce six cents 4 Jay I the men eight ard the ovraacra ic- p r i J VSSV t r if i i 1f f1 vt tIfi r t < J i c TROUBLE IN ZION CITYt A Dowie Mcetiiisr Broken Up By Opposing Faction A Second Disturbance Was Caused By Reading of a Letter StatingI That Dowlei Wife Had BeenI Healed By Hit Prayers Chicago lllAt a meeting over which John Alexander Powlo IIICI sided at Zion City Sunday after noon was broken up by a number of followers of tho opposing faction as slsted by several outsiders and before tho crowd dispersed a free fight oc curred Dowie was addressing the numbering about six hundred IIn1I made the statement that the overseers of the Vollvu faction were thieves anti robbers At once n number of thosoI In the audience were on their feetI shouting No no you are the robber why dont you pay your debts TheI disturbance became so violent that a Zion guard was sent to restore orderI The guard took hold of an old gray headed man who was loudest In his demands for Dowie to pay his obliga ¬ tions anti this was a signal for a free tight A dozen men seized the guardI anti were about to drag him down tho alslo when Gladstone Dowle and Dea- con ¬ Arrington mounted tho platform and called upon tho audience not to create A disturbance and to take theirI scats Dowie was so weak that he halt to be carried from his carriage into tho tabernacle by two attendants At an afternoon meeting called for Dowie adherents only but which was Invaded by a largo number of thoso who were riotous at the former moot ¬ ing Dowle precipitated a second gen ¬ eral disturbance Ho caused to bo read a letter from one of his support ¬ era stating that tho Writers wife had passed safely through the crisis of a serious illness whllo Dowio prayed tor her This fact Dowie compared with the case of Mrs Cantel wife of nn overseer who died last Friday without medical attention while Vollva anti his supporters were offering pray ¬ Ira for her recovery Dowie declared that he feared the woman would die because site had associated herself with the rebels Immediately there was a storm of hisses and shouts ot Shame shame There is death in store for more of you it this rebellion keeps on con ¬ tinned Dowic Again tho people sprang from their chairs shouting and gesticulating until the tumult became so general that Dowio was again obliged to bring the meeting to a close CARL SCHURZ IS DEAD Passed Away at His Home in New York Surrounded By His FamilyV New YorkThn condition of Carl Schurr took a serious turn Sunday night Earlier In tho day it was thought Mr Schurz had made a substantial improvement but shortly before 10 oclock the following bulletin h was issued by the attending physi ¬ clansMore frequently unconscious since noon New attack of pulmonary oedema thus far moderate Tempera ¬ ture pulse and respiration rising Condition most serious Carl Schurz died at 430 His fam ¬ ily Vas at his bedside MRS JEFFERSON DAVIS BETTER Grandson States Crisis Is Passed and No Cause For AlarmI Now York Mrs Jefferson Davis who Is 111 in this city and whose condition was considered grave Is bet ¬ ter Jefferson Hays Davis a grandson of Mrs Davis gave out the following statement My grandmother rallied wonderfully following the arrival of the family The physicians say that the crisis Is passed and there Is now no cause for alarm The family will remain with her for two weeks She was SO years old last Monday 200 FUNERALS IN NEW YORK Drivers and Owners Adjust Difficulty and Men Resume Work New York More than two hun ¬ dred funerals were held in Greater New York Sunday the 1600 union funeral drivers who struck last week having returned to worlc An amica ¬ ble adjustment of the differences bet- ween the drivers and the Funeral Coach Owners association was ar ¬ rived at early Sunday after what was practically an allnight conference between representatives of the two organizations The drivers won their fight securing shorter hours a two dollar increase In weekly wages and recognition of their union To Be the Guest of Honor Washington Secretary of War Taft will be the guest of honor at tho annual convention dinner of the Na- tional ¬ Association of Manufacturers in New York May 16 The sessions will last from May 15 to 17 Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary New YorkThe fiftieth anal ¬ versary pf the establishment of the foreign missionary society of the Meth ¬ odist Episcopal church in British India was celebrated in Carnegie hall under the auspices of the Womens Foreign Missionary society Enormous Gathering at Funeral Tunis The funeral of Sldi Mo ¬ bammed El Hadji Bey of Tunis took place before an enormous gath ¬ ering of natives and Europeans and the French military and civil authori ¬ ties Monument to Maj Collls Dedicated Gettysburg PaA handsome mono ument erected by the survivors orMs regiment the 114th and his friends in civic life was dedicated to the memory of the late Brevet Maj Gen Charles T Collins in tho National cemetery here Shoots Wife and Self Milwaukee WisWilliam Selle aged 50 years shot and killed his wife aged 30 years early Sunday and after vainly attempting to kill his daughter he shot himself The wife was suing for divorce Follows His Fathers Precedent London Following the precedent established by his father when lie returned from India thirty years ago tho prince of Wales publicly gave thanks for his safe journey to the In ¬ titan empire at a service held In West minster Abbey- PanAmerlcan Delegates Named Mexico CltyThe Mexican dele- gates to the PanAmerlcan confer ¬ ence at Rio Janeiro are Francisco do la Barra minister to Belgium Con ¬ gressman Ricardo Garcia Grandados and nicardo Molina Hubbe lawyer < 7 < < t o j HAUNTS OF THE ARTIST Are Difficult to Locate Because of His Elusive Dispo ¬ sition Taken literally the painter is won ¬ derfully in advance of civilization When It catches up to him either by boat or rail he slips from under or more hastily through his skylight anti goes deeper Into the jungle of un explored villages along the Xuydcr Zee Through years of this shunning of mankind says the Reader he has do veloped into an elusive animal not yet chaineleonllke In his power 10 change Ills color as a means of losing himself but Inversely with a remark able ability to lose others This Is not a mean quality unless you happen to be one of the others Viewed broadly is a fine primeval desire to hide what belongs to him by right of dls covery It favors of the dog who buries his bone but never of that mean cur who yelps in the manger In the higher form of life the attribute may- be likened to the loftiness of purpose in the Crusader anti again to protec ¬ the Instincts of a bricklayers union Union Is written here with a rising in ¬ flection of the scribes stub pen The artists are a fraternity the bread of their tattles the silver In their pockets the oats on their backs are for their brothers but when it comes to bricks or the tools of the trade they are hid ¬ den along with the bone of the dog under the dikes of remote fishing vii larges There are but two absolute means of discovering the haunts of the artist The first Is to follow him by stealth the second Is to many him Wives are gracefully endured In art ¬ ists colonies A painting wife is a comrade a domestic wife is a guest and a scribbling wifemust beware SWISS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Are Considered by the People Good Enough for Rich and Poor Alike One reason why the Swiss fare well is that their public school system is probably the best in the world and with them public school education Is practically compulsory says Every bodys Magazine You can send your child to a private school in some can tons If you insist upon so doing but the face of the government and the force of public opinion are sternly against the practice In the canton of Bolothurn private schools are abso ¬ lutely forbidden In other cantons a private school pupil must secure a for- mal ¬ permit from the local authorities and in some cantons he must pay a charge to the public funds The idea is that the public schools are good enough for all that rich and poor art to meet there on even terms that the public school is the nursery of democ ¬ racy and patriotism above all that democracy is the life blood and strength and very soul of the republic and the republic is Switzerland and without the republic Switzerland is nothing Private schools for Swiss children are few in number and such as exist are under the strict supervis ¬ ion of the state Education is a serious matter in Switzerland there is no es ¬ cape from It A parent must send his children to school or go himself to jail They kept a Seventh Day Adf Tentist in Jail for two years because Hj refused to let his child attend school on Saturdays As it then seemed dk IItiIn t Who Got te op1 Arizona At How did the fight come aridBronco Alkali IkeIt resulted in a draw Sure it did but what I want 10 know is which drawed flrstPhi1a delphia Record Telephone Statistics In London according to the latest statistics there is only one telephone for every 60 families In New York there is one for 12 in Boston one for six in San Francisco one for four Not to Bo Taken In So Easily He Can you explain to me the dir ¬ ference between shall andwill For example if I say Will you mar ¬ ry me should you reply I shall or I will She coldlyI should reply I- wontBtray Stories Tallest Mountain dunday Island in the Pacific la really the tallest mountain In the world It rises 2000 feet out of five miles of water and Is thus nearly 80000 from base to summit Wherein London Lucks In some respects London Is very much behind many English villages Practically every rural police station has its telephone but Scotland Yard the head and center of Londons crime ¬ inal detective system still holds out against this means of communication Why Is ItP A vaudeville monologist will dig up stale jokes and the people laugh at him hut the newspaper punster who tries to ring In an old oni geta the ba baDenver News MARKET REPORTS Cincinnati May 1- 2CATTLEKiUr to locd 4 BO B IS Heavy steers 625 B 40 65IIOG8Cholce Mixed packers C 45 6 5- 0SUEEPExtra tt- IUrB8Cllpptd extra Ii 5 ft S FLOUR 4 60 4 Si lCORNNo2 7 OATSNO mixed RYENO 2 choIce 63 BARLEY No 3 6 HAY Choice timothycijl6 00 PORK Clear men 7t LARD Prime steam S M8S8 BUTTER Cholco dairy > Choice Creamery 22 6POTATOESPer hOld CHICAGO FLOUR Winter patent SCO O390 WHEATNO a red W 9- 0NO3ed i5 CORNNO 2 mixed 48 OATSNo S mixed RYENO 2 WLARDPrime NEW YORK FLOURWtnter patent 890 42S WHEATNO 2 red S3 re 9ft CORNNo 2 mixedS inRYEestern BALTIMORE WHEATNO 2 red 9 67 CORNNO z mixed a B CATTLESteers < 75 OSW HOGSGood to choice I 00 7 LOUISVILLE WHEATNo 2 red CORN No 3 white OATSNo S mixed II III PORK Men prime LARD Prim team INDIANAPOLIS OATTLFPrlme steers 8 B 7- 5HOGSOood to choice G 2I 6 6- 0tHEKPB t irafl A 600 1IJji r > > < J BOYS HEAD ONE SOLID SORE Hair AU Came OutUnder Doctor Three Months and No Better Cuti ¬ cura Remedies Works Wonders Mr A C Harnctt proprietor ofa gen- rral I More in Oklahoma tell in the foltlwinll grateful letter how Cuticura 1 ylittle Milld sore all over IIH scalp his hair all canto omit anti lie filtered very much I had a physician treat him at the end of three months he was no better Ire membeied that the Cutinirn Remedies list IIottles ¬ directions ROIl using Cuticura Soap anti Ointment on him daily his eczema left him hit hair grew again anti lie has never had any eczema since We use the theykeep fully recommend for all cases of eczema A C Barnett Mar 30 1905 TRUE SOUTHERN CHIVALRY Kentucky Colonel Didnt Apologize But He Came Very Near Doing It ilanv stories have been told of south goto Kentucky while visiting Philadelphia re- cently genuineKrntucky which was very crowded anti Fomehow he stepped on the foot of a very pntty expectedtill everybody ele who heard her Rive a mouselike squeal when the colonels foot came down And she looked an though flic expected art apology but the colonel divining her thought doffed his hat and raid No madam Im not going to apologize When the good Lord was ro gracious as to make women so beautiful and charming and with such wonderfully small feet that a man has to tramp on them o find them then I dont think that an apol OsThe compliment was too graceful for the woman to resist and all that fol ¬ lowed was a smiling acknowledgment oi the colonels gallant speech Cant Hold On Are you fond of yachting Miss Gray Oh yes At the very of the inspiring the straining sail the ruhing waterI can hardly contain my ¬ self 3Vesthatr the way it affects me Cleveland Leader Seasonable Hour Stern ParentWhat time did that young niui leave Pretty Daughter Jut when you got home from the lodge ma returned from her bridge party and Bridget came back I horn her night outN Y Sun A good many modern novels would bo- o more lasting value if their authors only devoted more time to thinking what to say instead of how to say itiloston Globe A successful life is one that rounds up with a feeling of thankfulness for the things it has missed Liverderanged Lots of us bow to the inevitable with- out ¬ a formal introduction 1 and any I rtVjIV IVSSI AVfcgctableRreparationrorAs I HllDRtN DigeslioaCheerfuI ness and neither nor Mineral Aec7vaai1esLzTJY7ra t 8MltJJ slt SIIfI forConslipalion ¬ WonnsCoimJswnsFcverish SLEEP Facsimile Signature of l I M S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER SICK fey C Die Dyspepsia In ITTLE It1n and Too fluxty EauDg Ttmgne Pain In the Side TORPID ThIf regulata tho Bowels Purely Vegetable SMAlL PILL SIillL SIULL PRICE PILLs U r it > S laa Ht 11t nttei sofa lye Genuine Must Bear REFUSE PATENTS rIIe- Yuabllhed PENSIONSUllIlb Chletta Cleveland Detroit Eye It C VV a VL t VJS J PHONETIC How the 0 Came to Be Left Out in the Modernized Phenhr They were talking about spelling reform spellingin Theres that very word phonetic laid oEEnlish yetthey theymrall poslihlc Now now drawled lila friend youre italont thank for the word It is a haveIllCn like ette in rosette and the ii like agood nctteiq But it is coming Phonetic spell ¬ wordphrnix tolx shows Nothing said the objector What uiillrnt that round thing you say was an V was nn egg That all TTolS jut an fR I and the phenix laid the reg Thats all Each to His Taste Did you see where the chaplain gen ¬ eral of that aristocratic society prayed for all those who have not the tame ancestry as themselves Well thatto a matter of taste Maybe some have their own reasons for accepting the Darwinian theory but Adam and Eve are good enough for meBalti ¬ more American The Way About An American who had spent more time in studying gum ¬ mar an England remarked to the driver I suppose coachman all hffigcBOh all of them hedges growed out of the trees Different I Bangley always speaks of his wife as dearest Yes but you ought to hear how he speaks to Free Press Not So SheDid you ever hear the eagle scream lieNo I never hang on to a dollar that tight Detroit Free Press Some men make such a big fuss nbout planning for big things they over ook the necessity of attending to the detail Yfot There is no more insufferable bore than the man who has so much common anile that he baa no I patient card houses are built in an hour cathedrals take centuries Genius is seldom bothered with book I keeping Life I ALLENS FOOTEASE A for if t V 1J W J t One on the Doctors The Boston Herald tells a story of t physician of Salem tau who talking to a of friends said I wanted to be Oh well rejoined one of the party such is life Many a man with wholesale aspirations has to content himself with a retail business Kind of Investigation- You are taking a great deal of inter- est in this Yes the I have to give it close personal attention I want to make sure develop I dont care to have known Washington Star Society An assemblage of weljdressed persons who would be bored than aloneCentury It is all right to be in the push but youhave sickheadache youwill WASTED TO A But Found A Cure Years of Suffering- A II Stotts messenger at the State Capitol Columbus 0 says For years I had kidney trou- bles ¬ and though I doctored faithfully could not find a cure I had heavy backaches d I z 7 y headaches and terri ¬ ble urinary disor- ders ¬ One day I collapsed fell in ¬ on tho side ¬ walk and wasted away in bed for ten weeks After being given up I began using Doans Kidney Pills In a couple of months I regained myoid health and now weigh 188 pounds Twelve boxes did it and I have been well two years Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Co Buffalo N Y Positive CURE FOR 4M8ADA CATARRH Elys Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed Gives Relief at Once It cleanses soothes heals and protects the diseased membrane It cures Catarrh quicklyRestores Full size 50 eta at or by mail TnialslzelOctbpnailEly Street New York PATEnTS bookJREEhi IYashiziton DC A N KE 190620 2126 Dont Poison Baby YEARS AGO almost eVery mother thought her child must producei THEEE IS NO WAEEKK feuiy the children who have killed or morphineeaohof of the narcotics namecf to children at JIor to anybody without labelling S It poison n The definition fnarotio u 4 A mdicinezhi7zreZievespaim tO72LCDThtkiofl sold under the names of Drops Cordials Soothing Sriis etc You should not permit medicine to be given to your ohildren Without you or your physician know of what it is composed CASTOHA DOLE tfOT CON TAm NARCOTICS if it the signature of Chas E Utiohor similaling IhcFoodandRcgula INHNTS Promotes Nor NARCOTIC ncss andLoss OF YORKI HEADACHE ARTERSPosltiyeiycnred tress from Apertectrem 1edyforDlzz1nessliausesI LIVER DOSE ITTLEIVER FacSimila Signature SUISTITUTEI Iveitoes Brnnehe uiThompsons Water PHENOMENON Spelling- of pcJlerI t1uflanRUage Other gatheringnioneythan herDetrolt Stingy that little imaginationJudgc- Be penuadedmeto One investigation anything SHADOW After fifteen FosterMilburn have are been either them bears Letters from Prominent Physicians Addressed to Chas H Fletcher DrS 3V Dlnsdale of Chicago Ill saysfIt uso your Castoria and advise Its use In all families where there are children Dr Alexander E Mlntie of Cleveland Ohio says I have frequently prescribed your Castoria and hare found it a reliable and pleasant rem- edY for children Dr JS Alexander of Omaha Neb sasA medicine BO valuable and beneficial for children as your Castoria is deserves the highest praise l had It In use everywhere- Dr J A McClellan of Buffalo N Y says I have frequently prescribed your Castoria for children and always got good results In fact I usa Castoria for my own children Dr J W Allen of St Louis Mo says I heartily endorse your Cu tprla I have frequently prescribed it In my medical practice and Jiave always found It to do all that Is claimed for It Dr C H Glidden of St Paul Minn says My experience as a praC- titioner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory and I consider It an excellent remedy for the young Dr H D Benner of Philadelphia Pa Bays I have used your Can as a purgative In the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect and fully it as a safe remedy Dr J A Boarman of Kansas City Mo says Your Castoria Is a splen did remedy for children known the world over I use it In my practice and have no hesitancy in recommending it for the complaints of Infants and children Dr JJ Mackey of Brooklyn N Y says I consider your Castoria an excellent preparation for children being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste A good remedy Log nfl disturbances of the digestive orga- nsGENUINE n CASTOR lA ALWAYS Beare the Signature of The KIM You kayo Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMK cnmim rr HUHIUT STRICT new T n CITY Certain Cure Tired Hot Aching FIlL DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE answered statesman to- gether Fifteen sensible then A torla endorse CCHMHT TUj signature oaererboz Pl r Mckse Allen S Olmsted InlCofN Y I r GENUINE BROWN 1 FOUR SHOVEL SPRING TRIP CULTIVATORS have so successfully stood the test of time that they are tho standard everywhere for strength and utility Sprfag Trip absolutely right and superior to any on the market Cood heavy wheels the latest Improvements In Its equipment Aik your dealer about Jt or wiite us for complete Information BROWN MANUFACTURING CO ZANESVILLE OHIO Ic- i < 1f iF c A 1f co Z < r j SS rJ f 4lrTIitiV n- q DODDS KIDNEY mu usI Cramps 1 their most cxcruciating- ly I painful hours Mrs Luia 1 Berry of Farming t ton Ark writes I suffered with terribic f of cramps every month iJlose to 9 hours On a friends W advice I took WINE OF CAROUIt WOMANS RELIEF t and as a result am now relieved of all my pains myhousework1t yourfemale cause the most reliable scientific remedy forV them is it At all Druggists Cn 5C The Wonder City Eldorado Springs I 1Northern resort Since the discovery of its s famous Splints thousands have ceived benefits from the healing and have pone away eloquent nowlj monials of thelrcurativeproperUes < During the summer season r tickets at will be sold to Eldorado j Exceptionally Low Rates 11 To those seeking l1uietldealplce In I which to spend a summer ncatlo1at a minimum expense > offers many attractions 1c f iWfJ Itobkleu and tall particulars as to train service ratn etc be had ot anr M K ft T mal or t t D j aadreutsgS Vi W SST GEOfcGE v 1ieneral PazneranT1ck4lAgentVM0y k H F fl5flV J US Traction 4 > IdX ClcctnaattObloV i 1eV 4 W L DOUCLAS 353SHOESV J W L Douglas 4OO Cllt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price 1 I ALlricJ IOIS i AdtrtrV J6 V4UL i57OV 1 tAPfTAL SOftOOtV WTtSMOIMfNSSLaOIdIOES NANUFAOTUsWR III THE WODV 1 f dhpnvsthIsbtsntII tin nnn REWARD to who can St Brockton Mass and show the infinite 4 care with WbICbeverypa1rOfboesmedeYOu I weald 1380 shoes hapelit trfnlle value than any other 350 shoe w L Oulaa 8gpng Wad Su fp i ft a 93SO 920O School PiuaSsaS25O2171 150 Ia TIlt SIGN or JIlL tiSil I ctlNrar t il < llW iV- Vt < haatoodort1ttBrt frVV- duiW seventye nr of I Increningsa1et- Retxnber this mmOu lIt WaterV C proof oiled costa uiU flab or horse iOOtbor ll kinds of wet work tV- Vi LV QJAWtre5 YU ftI CCUOTONtw1ilU tom CANUIAH C0LIStLTOLONT0WtV = VV tVV MEN VANTEDV FOR THE NAVY Mcthanlcs between the lies or am and 35 wilt find good positions open to them 2Shl oppotnnIt for advancement A tell outfit of clolhinl tree and liberal pay to commence with Call or write Navy Recruilint Once POt Office BoildinrVV Cincinnati Ohio Post OfSce linildingV VSindiacapolis < lj Va l7 < > VVS c i 5

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Page 1: mu youhave Cramps gototolx uiillrnt t€¦ · Not while Jannes and Jambres can withstand Moses to his face Let Pharaoh not falter This plague like the others will pass The gods of



c l

rSPharaohs Magicians




VT 1C0yilgbtlSOSby WII Edion-

Scripture AuthorltyExodug p161 19 < TIM 38


iiiEVER before hadthe great templeat Memphis beenso unclean Fordays yes nndnights the armyof attendants hadbeen struggling toclear the greatcourts and areasof the dead car-casses of frogsand they had hadno time to removethe dust and dirtwhich had accum

ulated And as though this filthy con-k


dition was not enough annoyance top the priests whose religious rites andi ceremonies required such rigid tath

y Ing and cleansing the stench arisingthe heaps of dead frogs in thejCrom spaces about th temple tilled the

made the situation almlt u

q Jannes and Jamferet tie < chiefpriests of the temple were In any

1 thlng but an amiable mood and asey passed through the court of the

> aple on the way to their apartc ucats they lifted their white linen

I M t robes high that they might not be

i pmlrched by the filth on the pavementahd grumbled as the went Noticing

slow movements of one of the atI Ethe Jambres angrily exclaimed

Faster You will never get thisfilth cleaned out at such a pace as

1 thatt I4The poor fellow too weary almost

to feel resentment tried to hasten hist l efforts and Jannes with more feelingM r than his colleague said

tt iBut they have been laboring day1 Mind to rid thee place of the

S < > frogs an Ill Is no wonder they are10 I iteary Curses be upon the Hebrew

fjwho have brought this upon us


I Aye but we may be thankful thatI the king is more than ever incensedkagainst them and it is certain that

l fe will not let them go as they havev requested responded Jambres

< Y Had we not boldly withstood himS l = though after he had pleaded with

4 More to ask his God to remove thaw JiwiVuwnie pests I fear he might have

I t S

< yieldedp tl < I Yea h fJ we cot tell him that


g just as tUs uir ters of Egyptiwould recotv IV eshness towould this plgjo llt Are thegods of Egypt dcid thte should

4 I listen to a despised HflrvThey bad now entered tt private

apartments which they fooiU AS filthyas the other portions of u3 templeSeating themselves they Continued

I 4 their conversation

t I They had just returnee rom thepalace Where they ha i u discuss ¬

S 4 leg tho situation wlflt p toTheE feeling of hatred ri < tes and

Aaron burned fier tielr breasts5Z for they secret I elr growing

powerand wre rnsive of theirnext movv

c Where obtained lie this skillJannes exfalmed at last while he



v poked with his staff in the dust on theS vy t I an aluiiessr sort 0f wayyJe fore have ariy possessed

> s4ch powers ouUlde of the priesthoodl Jlt of Egypt and thqu knowest how such4L i i skill is obulnfd by usonly after theprietlcetLS through just vi ve were on the

D I i eve otwtccety URIu1Pd Jambreillu be no Moses

a whorA S

< v of ourcarefully laid plans thats surezS 4

jt j But whats that1 be erica pointingrLi c excitedly al Jhe dust through which


>hisVIt appeared to become I lueuly salI

1J tnatedHBBd the thi I vering upontlleftoorand frirruMKe jut the roombecame a wriggJi > moving mass

Tj Jr With a tartJedy if mingled feirr u and horror thytwo men forgetful of

their plett dignity sprang upon the5tbairsfere they were sitting but

S 1 VWO there the squirming mass fol¬

lowed xthcm and the rustle of theirt robes aUrted a cloud of dust tint

was trnsformec in its flight into thep same lIttle green mites and these set¬

tied upon themupon their heads andw hands j and faces and covered ther

robes tad quickly burrowed withinand crawled over the fteshof the

lb T SbodyI4 Their disgust and terror was now

augmented by the pain caused by thecreeping crawling biting things andrushedJcourt But ihcre thereJI was even great¬

I er confusion 1 The attendants who

4ri had been busily cleaning the temple1 r were Jumping and running about as-

though sad They were tearing theirscant attire from them and slappln

4 4 and rubbing their bodies first hereb r anti then there The temple was fair¬

Tk ly alive with the loathsome mitessi The Boor was literally a Tolling

squirming sea of them and the men as13a slimy and slippery mass

S >SLtJht moment a runnerhurst into7 tMlr tkCIlJllag loudly that tne

F king Had sent for his magicians de¬

manding that they coae at once to-t jthe palace for he was In us rest4 Despite their discomfort Janne ad4tI Jambres started at once AK Uejr

jseed the apartment where the sacredcats wets kept the most horribleopenedcpast them like a flight of arrows scores

tl1 of the heists maddened by the irriF tatlagilice The sacred bull could be

heard iortlng and rearing about in5 J Its quartets and the rattle and snap

Stoldi1j the wiT fcej law the people excitedlyrun about and trying frantically

S 4 rid themselves of the little pestsb i that covered them And they too

1 t were t aghtlng the lice desperatelyak Kr hIuhIRV and shnVfr In driVB thaiSiq f


Jji li i j 11ic4 is a Risersi with aI1tIa aa Mratil laeleclr

l ri yintttw an l ku ao ubetltute1 jfreivfM MfteWlr la the land where

tv fyyrMiiH leuea India eme fers4aen araoBs Im mica miningt1i f It fcp any otk r aid Use ares covered

f J 51by Jea dejwtlts the largest knownb if ylel < A lB m2 685 tons from 200

IB1 iae i Tke system followed to open

r 1Z 47 > cuts ftoac1outcroPSorhe mines2tbere are and to

S jUUriiiU yltkfroftcttU i rikt MJi k1 Y4If

> >S


LI Iii w + 4ZYj <t J1 a l C urA < if

1 t fi i 1 J bt iA J-

jio+ tfJ hc 0 rJ


raway but as fast as they got rlJ otthose already upon them others sprangup from the dust beneath their feet

This is more of that man Moseswork snarled Jannes shaking him ¬

self impatiently But Jambres WIStoo uiisy rubbing and scratching him ¬

self and trying to obtain relief fromthe lice to make reply And thus in ¬

stead of their stately dignified on ¬

trance to the kings presence they en ¬

tered his apartments with nervoushalting steps and found him in likedistress of body for In place of thecold serenity and haughty dignity withwhich he invariably received his offi ¬

daIs he moved uneasily on his throneand then nervously rose and shookhimself and took his seat again Ashis eyes felt upon Jannes and Jambre3 sis face somewhat lightened andhe cried excitedly

What means this dreadful visItatIonsLet us see by thy enchantments If thoutoo can brliifi forth these lice Thenshall I know thit Moses God Is no godat nil

Then were Jannes and Jambres filledwith confusion by the words of theking for they had taken no thought asto the manner of calling forth the liceas Moses had done They knew notwhat reply to make to their lord andstood in embarrassed silence beforehim

Recovering their selfpossession atlast however they cleverly parried for-

Um sayingKnow 0 king that In so Important

er all thy magicians and Forcerthe temple must be summoned

iv c zany have the help of all thosewho serve before the gods of EgyptBullet not thy heart be troubled in thisthy distress Have we not shownPharaoh the turning of the water toblood anti the calling forth Of frogseven as Moses did and shall We totagain triumph

Go then cried Pharaoh Impatient ¬

ly And return at once for I shall beawaiting thee here

Soon In answer to the hasty sum ¬

mon the magicians and sorcerers fcf

Egypt were hurrying to the palace fromevery direction and held hasty con¬

sultation with Jannes and Jambreswho delayed the return to the royalpresence so long that the king unwilling to wait longer sent imperativeword that they appear

Then was begun a most desperatestruggle upon the part of the kingomagicians to turn the dust to lice Theirwierd chanting filled the great hallwhere they were gathered They triedall their enchantments and In the fren ¬

zy of desperation beat their breasts andcalled upon their gods to hear and an ¬

swer but there came no answeringsign With eager intensity Pharaohwatched every move of his magiciansand when they threw themselvesupon the ground before him intoken of their failure he waved themto one side and called

Let Jannes and Jambres appearThey shall not fall us even as they didnot when the rivers were turned toblood and the frogs appeared

Again the chanting began the at¬

tendant priests keeping time to themovements of Jannes and Jambreswho now came and stood before theking But at last after exhaustingthemselves In their efforts they sankto the ground as the others had doneand a solemn stillness as of death fellupon the place

Pharaoh sat as one turned to stonea look almost of scorn upon his facewhich hardened Into an expression otbitted hatred as the moments of tenseagony dragged themselves out

At last one of the magicians crept tohis side and whispered In a voice thatfairly quivered with the tensity of itssuppressed awe and terror

This is the finger of GodAnother emboldened by the action

of the first also stepped forward and re¬

peated the wordsYea It Is the finger of Godl

Another and another and still an¬

other did likewise until at last Jannenand Jambres were alone and still pros-trate


upon the ground at the feet ofPharaoh Had they not heard Wouldthey too admit the superiority ofMoses God

The eyes of the king burned like coalsof fire as ho looked upon them Higherand higher he lifted his Imperioushead More and more rigid became hisform

the intense tragic whisperreverberated through the room Thisis the finger of Godl

The hissing piercing echo had scarce-ly


died away among the lofty pillars ofthe vaulted hall when Jannes andJambres leaped to their feet with afierce angry cry which made ovenPharaoh start upon his throne

Traitors to the gods of Egypt theyshouted pointing their accusing fingersat them and swaying their bodies in theintensity of their emotions TraitorsThink you that Moses shall prevailNot while Jannes and Jambres canwithstand Moses to his face LetPharaoh not falter This plague likethe others will pass The gods of Egyptwill finally triumph

Slowly Pharaoh rose until his tower ¬

ing height seemed to overshadow allThere was a glitter in his eye and acruel hard smile played over his fea ¬

tures as he again waved the magiciansat his side away and exclaimed

Jannes and Jambres have spokenHear ye them

A Dead lionsSee here Aunt Dinah I sent two

brandnew shirts of my husbands tothe wash last week and you havebrought only one back Now wliathave you done with the other

Yes Miss Lulu maam I was com ¬

ing round to the qucsion of dat darshut You knows dat I aint a pusson dat pretends to one thing andpretends to anudder sp Ise agwineto tell the tnif bout dat shut It

ns dlsaway My ole man he upand filed las week and de BuralSasslety dey didnt do nnthlng butcovort round an I neber had anytlngto lay dat man out In So t herpsmysef to dat shnt for a fac Anoh Miss Lulu honey I JeV wishesyou could bab seen how dat niggersot dat shut

Get OldOne of the worst delusions that ever

crept into a middleaged mans mindis the conviction that he has done hisbest work that he is growing old andmust soon give place to younger men

Success MagulneIJrf <l J t




itx >1

tt <






gles through the vein formation Thimaterial is raised to the surface byrows of native women placed alongthe inclined opening who pass buck-ets tilled with mica from hand tohand or pitchers filled with wate tordraining the works The rough sheetsare crudely trimmed by a knife doneup Into packages and carried Vy cartsto the shipping points Ibf wagespatti are scarcely union iabcr ratesthe women ctUlce six cents 4 Jay

I the men eight ard the ovraacra ic-



t r ifi i 1ff1 vttIfi rt <



A Dowie Mcetiiisr Broken Up ByOpposing Faction

A Second Disturbance Was CausedBy Reading of a Letter StatingI

That Dowlei Wife Had BeenIHealed By Hit Prayers

Chicago lllAt a meeting overwhich John Alexander Powlo IIICIsided at Zion City Sunday afternoon was broken up by a number offollowers of tho opposing faction asslsted by several outsiders and beforetho crowd dispersed a free fight occurred

Dowie was addressing thenumbering about six hundred IIn1Imade the statement that the overseersof the Vollvu faction were thieves antirobbers At once n number of thosoIIn the audience were on their feetIshouting No no you are the robberwhy dont you pay your debts TheIdisturbance became so violent thata Zion guard was sent to restore orderIThe guard took hold of an old grayheaded man who was loudest In hisdemands for Dowie to pay his obliga ¬

tions anti this was a signal for a freetight A dozen men seized the guardIanti were about to drag him down thoalslo when Gladstone Dowle and Dea-con


Arrington mounted tho platformand called upon tho audience not tocreate A disturbance and to take theirIscats

Dowie was so weak that he halt tobe carried from his carriage into thotabernacle by two attendants

At an afternoon meeting called forDowie adherents only but which wasInvaded by a largo number of thosowho were riotous at the former moot ¬

ing Dowle precipitated a second gen ¬

eral disturbance Ho caused to boread a letter from one of his support ¬

era stating that tho Writers wife hadpassed safely through the crisis of aserious illness whllo Dowio prayedtor her This fact Dowie comparedwith the case of Mrs Cantel wife ofnn overseer who died last Fridaywithout medical attention while Vollvaanti his supporters were offering pray ¬

Ira for her recovery Dowie declaredthat he feared the woman would diebecause site had associated herselfwith the rebels Immediately therewas a storm of hisses and shouts otShame shame

There is death in store for more ofyou it this rebellion keeps on con¬

tinned Dowic Again tho peoplesprang from their chairs shouting andgesticulating until the tumult becameso general that Dowio was againobliged to bring the meeting to aclose


Passed Away at His Home in NewYork Surrounded By His FamilyV

New YorkThn condition ofCarl Schurr took a serious turnSunday night Earlier In tho day itwas thought Mr Schurz had made asubstantial improvement but shortlybefore 10 oclock the following bulletin

hwas issued by the attending physi ¬

clansMore frequently unconscious sincenoon New attack of pulmonaryoedema thus far moderate Tempera ¬

ture pulse and respiration risingCondition most serious

Carl Schurz died at 430 His fam ¬

ily Vas at his bedsideMRS JEFFERSON DAVIS BETTER

Grandson States Crisis Is Passed andNo Cause For AlarmI

Now York Mrs Jefferson Daviswho Is 111 in this city and whosecondition was considered grave Is bet ¬

ter Jefferson Hays Davis a grandsonof Mrs Davis gave out the followingstatement My grandmother ralliedwonderfully following the arrival ofthe family The physicians say thatthe crisis Is passed and there Is nowno cause for alarm The family willremain with her for two weeks Shewas SO years old last Monday


Drivers and Owners Adjust Difficultyand Men Resume Work

New York More than two hun ¬

dred funerals were held in GreaterNew York Sunday the 1600 unionfuneral drivers who struck last weekhaving returned to worlc An amica ¬

ble adjustment of the differences bet-

ween the drivers and the FuneralCoach Owners association was ar¬

rived at early Sunday after what waspractically an allnight conferencebetween representatives of the twoorganizations The drivers won theirfight securing shorter hours a twodollar increase In weekly wages andrecognition of their union

To Be the Guest of HonorWashington Secretary of War

Taft will be the guest of honor at thoannual convention dinner of the Na-


Association of Manufacturers inNew York May 16 The sessions willlast from May 15 to 17

Celebrates Fiftieth AnniversaryNew YorkThe fiftieth anal ¬

versary pf the establishment of theforeign missionary society of the Meth ¬

odist Episcopal church in British Indiawas celebrated in Carnegie hall underthe auspices of the Womens ForeignMissionary society

Enormous Gathering at FuneralTunis The funeral of Sldi Mo¬

bammed El Hadji Bey of Tunistook place before an enormous gath¬

ering of natives and Europeans andthe French military and civil authori¬

tiesMonument to Maj Collls Dedicated

Gettysburg PaA handsome monoument erected by the survivorsorMs regiment the 114th andhis friends in civic life was dedicatedto the memory of the late Brevet MajGen Charles T Collins in tho Nationalcemetery here

Shoots Wife and SelfMilwaukee WisWilliam Selle

aged 50 years shot and killed hiswife aged 30 years early Sunday andafter vainly attempting to kill hisdaughter he shot himself The wifewas suing for divorce

Follows His Fathers PrecedentLondon Following the precedent

established by his father when liereturned from India thirty years agotho prince of Wales publicly gavethanks for his safe journey to the In ¬

titan empire at a service held In Westminster Abbey-

PanAmerlcan Delegates NamedMexico CltyThe Mexican dele-

gates to the PanAmerlcan confer ¬

ence at Rio Janeiro are Francisco dola Barra minister to Belgium Con¬

gressman Ricardo Garcia Grandadosand nicardo Molina Hubbe lawyer





Are Difficult to Locate Because ofHis Elusive Dispo ¬


Taken literally the painter is won ¬

derfully in advance of civilizationWhen It catches up to him either byboat or rail he slips from under ormore hastily through his skylightanti goes deeper Into the jungle of unexplored villages along the Xuydcr ZeeThrough years of this shunning ofmankind says the Reader he has doveloped into an elusive animal notyet chaineleonllke In his power 10change Ills color as a means of losinghimself but Inversely with a remarkable ability to lose others This Is nota mean quality unless you happen tobe one of the others Viewed broadly

is a fine primeval desire to hidewhat belongs to him by right of dlscovery It favors of the dog whoburies his bone but never of that meancur who yelps in the manger In thehigher form of life the attribute may-be likened to the loftiness of purposein the Crusader anti again to protec ¬

the Instincts of a bricklayers unionUnion Is written here with a rising in ¬

flection of the scribes stub pen Theartists are a fraternity the bread oftheir tattles the silver In their pocketsthe oats on their backs are for theirbrothers but when it comes to bricksor the tools of the trade they are hid ¬

den along with the bone of the dogunder the dikes of remote fishing viilarges There are but two absolutemeans of discovering the haunts of theartist The first Is to follow him bystealth the second Is to many himWives are gracefully endured In art ¬

ists colonies A painting wife is acomrade a domestic wife is a guestand a scribbling wifemust beware


Are Considered by the People GoodEnough for Rich and Poor


One reason why the Swiss fare wellis that their public school system isprobably the best in the world andwith them public school education Ispractically compulsory says Everybodys Magazine You can send yourchild to a private school in some cantons If you insist upon so doing butthe face of the government and theforce of public opinion are sternlyagainst the practice In the cantonof Bolothurn private schools are abso ¬

lutely forbidden In other cantons aprivate school pupil must secure a for-mal


permit from the local authoritiesand in some cantons he must pay acharge to the public funds The ideais that the public schools are goodenough for all that rich and poor artto meet there on even terms that thepublic school is the nursery of democ¬

racy and patriotism above all thatdemocracy is the life blood andstrength and very soul of the republicand the republic is Switzerland andwithout the republic Switzerland isnothing Private schools for Swisschildren are few in number and suchas exist are under the strict supervis ¬

ion of the state Education is a seriousmatter in Switzerland there is no es ¬

cape from It A parent must send hischildren to school or go himself tojail They kept a Seventh Day AdfTentist in Jail for two years because Hj

refused to let his child attend schoolon Saturdays As it then seemed dkIItiInt Who Got te op1

Arizona At How did the fight come

aridBroncoAlkali IkeIt resulted in a draw

Sure it did but what I want 10know is which drawed flrstPhi1adelphia Record

Telephone StatisticsIn London according to the latest

statistics there is only one telephonefor every 60 families In New Yorkthere is one for 12 in Boston one forsix in San Francisco one for four

Not to Bo Taken In So EasilyHe Can you explain to me the dir¬

ference between shall andwillFor example if I say Will you mar ¬

ry me should you reply I shallor I will

She coldlyI should reply I-wontBtray Stories

Tallest Mountaindunday Island in the Pacific la

really the tallest mountain In theworld It rises 2000 feet out of fivemiles of water and Is thus nearly80000 from base to summit

Wherein London LucksIn some respects London Is very

much behind many English villagesPractically every rural police stationhas its telephone but Scotland Yardthe head and center of Londons crime ¬

inal detective system still holds outagainst this means of communication

Why Is ItPA vaudeville monologist will dig

up stale jokes and the people laughat him hut the newspaper punsterwho tries to ring In an old oni getathe ba baDenver News


Cincinnati May 1-2CATTLEKiUr to locd 4 BO B IS

Heavy steers 625 B 40

65IIOG8CholceMixed packers C 45 6 5-0SUEEPExtra tt-IUrB8Cllpptd extra Ii 5 ft SFLOUR 4 60 4 Si

lCORNNo2 7

OATSNO mixedRYENO 2 choIce 63BARLEY No 3 6HAY Choice timothycijl6 00PORK Clear men 7tLARD Prime steam S M8S8BUTTER Cholco dairy >

Choice Creamery 22


0NO3ed i5CORNNO 2 mixed 48OATSNo S mixedRYENO 2


FLOURWtnter patent 890 42SWHEATNO 2 red S3 re 9ftCORNNo 2 mixedSinRYEestern

BALTIMOREWHEATNO 2 red 9 67CORNNO z mixed a BCATTLESteers < 75 OSWHOGSGood to choice I 00 7

LOUISVILLEWHEATNo 2 redCORN No 3 whiteOATSNo S mixed II IIIPORK Men primeLARD Prim team

INDIANAPOLISOATTLFPrlme steers 8 B 7-5HOGSOood to choice G 2I 6 6-0tHEKPB t irafl A 600

1IJji r >> <



Hair AU Came OutUnder DoctorThree Months and No Better Cuti ¬

cura Remedies Works Wonders

Mr A C Harnctt proprietor ofa gen-rral


More in Oklahoma tell inthe foltlwinll grateful letter how Cuticura 1ylittleMilld sore all over IIH scalp his hair allcanto omit anti lie filtered very much Ihad a physician treat him at the endof three months he was no better Iremembeied that the Cutinirn Remedies listIIottles ¬

directions ROIl using Cuticura Soap antiOintment on him daily his eczema lefthim hit hair grew again anti lie hasnever had any eczema since We use thetheykeepfully recommendfor all cases of eczema A C BarnettMar 30 1905


Kentucky Colonel Didnt ApologizeBut He Came Very Near

Doing Itilanv stories have been told of southgotoKentucky while visiting Philadelphia re-


genuineKrntuckywhich was very crowded anti Fomehowhe stepped on the foot of a very pnttyexpectedtilleverybody ele who heard her Rive amouselike squeal when the colonels footcame down

And she looked an though flic expectedart apology but the colonel divining herthought doffed his hat and raid Nomadam Im not going to apologize Whenthe good Lord was ro gracious as tomake women so beautiful and charmingand with such wonderfully small feetthat a man has to tramp on them o findthem then I dont think that an apol

OsThe compliment was too graceful forthe woman to resist and all that fol ¬

lowed was a smiling acknowledgment oithe colonels gallant speech

Cant Hold OnAre you fond of yachting Miss GrayOh yes At the very of the

inspiring the straining sail theruhing waterI can hardly contain my¬

self3Vesthatr the way it affects me

Cleveland Leader

Seasonable HourStern ParentWhat time did that young

niui leavePretty Daughter Jut when you got

home from the lodge ma returned fromher bridge party and Bridget came back I

horn her night outN Y Sun

A good many modern novels would bo-o more lasting value if their authorsonly devoted more time to thinking whatto say instead of how to say itilostonGlobe

A successful life is one that rounds upwith a feeling of thankfulness for thethings it has missed

LiverderangedLots of us bow to the inevitable with-


a formal introduction






DigeslioaCheerfuIness and neither

nor Mineral

Aec7vaai1esLzTJY7rat8MltJJ sltSIIfI

forConslipalion ¬


Facsimile Signature of





C DieDyspepsia In

ITTLE It1n and Too fluxtyEauDg

Ttmgne Pain In the SideTORPID ThIf

regulata tho Bowels Purely Vegetable



r it> S



11t ntteisofa lye

Genuine Must Bear


PATENTS rIIe-YuabllhedPENSIONSUllIlbChletta Cleveland Detroit






How the 0 Came to Be Left Out inthe Modernized


They were talking about spelling reformspellinginTheres that very word phonetic laidoEEnlishyettheytheymrallposlihlcNow now drawled lila friend youre

italontthank for the word It is ahaveIllCnlike ette in rosette and the ii likeagoodnctteiq But it is coming Phonetic spell ¬wordphrnixtolxshowsNothing said the objector Whatuiillrntthat round thing you say was an V was

nn egg That all TTolS jut an fRI

and the phenix laid the reg Thats all

Each to His TasteDid you see where the chaplain gen ¬

eral of that aristocratic societyprayed for all those who have not thetame ancestry as themselves

Well thatto a matter of taste Maybesome have their own reasons foraccepting the Darwinian theory but Adamand Eve are good enough for meBalti¬

more American

The Way AboutAn American who had spent more time

in studying gum ¬

mar an England remarkedto the driver I suppose coachman allhffigcBOh

all of them hedges growed out of thetrees

Different I

Bangley always speaks of his wifeas dearest

Yes but you ought to hear how hespeaks to Free Press

Not SoSheDid you ever hear the eagle

screamlieNo I never hang on to a dollar

that tight Detroit Free Press

Some men make such a big fuss nboutplanning for big things they overook the necessity of attending to the

detailYfotThere is no more insufferable bore thanthe man who has so much common anilethat he baa no

I patient card houses are built in anhour cathedrals take centuries

Genius is seldom bothered with bookI keeping Life



if t V

1J W


One on the DoctorsThe Boston Herald tells a story of t

physician of Salem tau who talking toa of friends said I wanted to be

Oh well rejoined one of the partysuch is life Many a man with wholesale

aspirations has to content himself with aretail business

Kind of Investigation-You are taking a great deal of inter-

est in thisYes the I

have to give it close personal attentionI want to make sure develop

I dont care to have knownWashington Star

Society An assemblage of weljdressedpersons who would be bored

than aloneCentury

It is all right to be in the push butyouhavesickheadacheyouwill


But Found A Cure Yearsof Suffering-

A II Stotts messenger at the StateCapitol Columbus 0 says

For yearsI had kidney trou-bles


and though Idoctored faithfullycould not find acure I had heavybackaches d I z 7 yheadaches and terri ¬

ble urinary disor-ders


One day Icollapsed fell in ¬

on tho side ¬

walk andwasted away in bed for ten weeksAfter being given up I began usingDoans Kidney Pills In a couple ofmonths I regained myoid healthand now weigh 188 pounds Twelveboxes did it and I have been welltwo years

Sold by all dealers 50 cents a boxCo Buffalo N Y


CATARRHElys Cream Balm

Is quickly absorbedGives Relief at Once

It cleanses soothesheals and protectsthe diseased membrane It cures Catarrh

quicklyRestoresFull size 50 eta at or by mail

TnialslzelOctbpnailEly Street New York

PATEnTS bookJREEhiIYashiziton DC

A N KE 190620 2126

Dont Poison BabyYEARS AGO almost eVery mother thought her child mustproduceiTHEEE IS NO WAEEKK feuiy the children who have killed ormorphineeaohof

of the narcotics namecf to children at JIor to anybody without labellingS

It poison n The definition fnarotio u 4A mdicinezhi7zreZievespaim

tO72LCDThtkioflsold under the names of Drops Cordials Soothing Sriis etc Youshould not permit medicine to be given to your ohildren Without you oryour physician know of what it is composed CASTOHA DOLE tfOT CON

TAm NARCOTICS if it the signature of Chas E Utiohor

similaling IhcFoodandRcgula




ncss andLoss OF



tress from






FacSimila Signature



uiThompsons Water




















are been



Letters from Prominent PhysiciansAddressed to Chas H Fletcher

DrS 3V Dlnsdale of Chicago Ill saysfIt uso your Castoria andadvise Its use In all families where there are children

Dr Alexander E Mlntie of Cleveland Ohio says I have frequentlyprescribed your Castoria and hare found it a reliable and pleasant rem-edY for children

Dr J S Alexander of Omaha Neb sasA medicine BO valuable andbeneficial for children as your Castoria is deserves the highest praise lhad It In use everywhere-

Dr J A McClellan of Buffalo N Y says I have frequently prescribedyour Castoria for children and always got good results In fact I usaCastoria for my own children

Dr J W Allen of St Louis Mo says I heartily endorse your Cutprla I have frequently prescribed it In my medical practice and Jiavealways found It to do all that Is claimed for It

Dr C H Glidden of St Paul Minn says My experience as a praC-

titioner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory and I consider Itan excellent remedy for the young

Dr H D Benner of Philadelphia Pa Bays I have used your Canas a purgative In the cases of children for years past with the most

happy effect and fully it as a safe remedyDr J A Boarman of Kansas City Mo says Your Castoria Is a splen

did remedy for children known the world over I use it In my practiceand have no hesitancy in recommending it for the complaints of Infantsand children

Dr J J Mackey of Brooklyn N Y says I consider your Castoria anexcellent preparation for children being composed of reliable medicinesand pleasant to the taste A good remedy Log nfl disturbances of thedigestive orga-nsGENUINE


CASTOR lA ALWAYSBeare the Signature of

The KIM You kayo Always BoughtIn Use For Over 30 Years


Certain Cure Tired Hot Aching FIlLDO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE

answered statesman







TUj signature



AllenS Olmsted

InlCofN Y


FOUR SHOVEL SPRING TRIP CULTIVATORShave so successfully stood the test of time that they are tho standard everywhere forstrength and utility Sprfag Trip absolutely right and superior to any on themarket Cood heavy wheels the latest Improvements In Its equipment

Aik your dealer about Jt or wiite us for complete InformationBROWN MANUFACTURING CO ZANESVILLE OHIO

Ic-i <

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mu usI


their most cxcruciating-ly


painful hours MrsLuia


Berry of Farming tton Ark writes Isuffered with terribic f of

cramps every monthiJloseto 9 hours On a friends Wadvice I took



tand as a result am nowrelieved of all my pains

myhousework1tyourfemalecause the most reliablescientific remedy forVthem is it

At all Druggists Cn5CThe Wonder City


I 1Northernresort Since the discovery of its s

famous Splints thousands haveceived benefits from the healingand have pone away eloquent nowljmonials of thelrcurativeproperUes <

During the summer season rticketsat

will be sold to Eldorado jExceptionallyLow Rates 11

To those seeking l1uietldealplce In Iwhich to spend a summer ncatlo1ata minimum expense >

offers many attractions1c f iWfJ

Itobkleu and tall particulars asto train service ratn etc behad ot anr M K ft T mal or tt DjaadreutsgS Vi

W SST GEOfcGE v1ieneral PazneranT1ck4lAgentVM0y k

H F fl5flVJ US Traction 4>IdX ClcctnaattObloVi



W L DOUCLAS353SHOESV JW L Douglas 4OO Cllt Edge Linecannot be equalled at any price 1




AdtrtrV J6V4UL i57OV 1


fdhpnvsthIsbtsntIItin nnn REWARD to who can

St Brockton Mass and show the infinite 4

care with WbICbeverypa1rOfboesmedeYOu I

weald 1380 shoeshapelittrfnlle value than any other 350 shoew L Oulaa 8gpng Wad Su fp ift a 93SO 920O SchoolPiuaSsaS25O2171 150IaTIlt SIGN or JIlL tiSil IctlNrart il <

llW iV-


<haatoodort1ttBrt frVV-duiW seventye nr of

I Increningsa1et-

Retxnber this mmOu lIt WaterV Cproof oiled costa uiU flab or horse

iOOtbor ll kinds of wet work tV-



MEN VANTEDVFOR THE NAVYMcthanlcs between the lies or am and35 wilt find good positions open to them2ShloppotnnIt for advancement A telloutfit of clolhinl tree and liberal payto commence with Call or write NavyRecruilint Once POt Office BoildinrVVCincinnati Ohio Post OfSce linildingVVSindiacapolis

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