multi-agency working for children and young people

Multi-Agency Multi-Agency Working for Working for Children and Children and Young People Young People Workshop for Student Workshop for Student Teachers Teachers

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Multi-Agency Working for Children and Young People. Workshop for Student Teachers. Aim. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Multi-Agency Multi-Agency Working for Working for Children and Children and Young PeopleYoung PeopleWorkshop for Student Workshop for Student


AimAimThe aim of the workshop is to provide a stimulus for student teachers to engage with the concept of multi-agency working in the UK and to consider the application of that engagement in their role as teachers of children and young people. 2

Indicative OutcomesIndicative OutcomesBy the end of the workshop you should be able to:– Identify the range and function of appropriate agencies

and professions that work with children and young people;– Describe some benefits and tensions of child and young

person focussed multi-agency working;– Consider ways of integrating their own role as teacher

with a wide range of other professionals and describe the impact of multi-agency working upon their own professional development;

– Situate current practice development within the national policy context.


Opening ActivityOpening Activity• You are becoming increasingly aware of

issues relating to a child in your class. They:– Arrive late some mornings– Miss homework– Seem tired on Monday mornings– Have become increasingly withdrawn from

classroom and peer activities– Don’t engage in trips or extra-curricular activity– Have a mother who you see in local shops but who

has never attended school events or parent’s evenings


DiscussionDiscussion• In pairs or groups, discuss:

– What are your impressions / views of this situation?

– What might you do about this situation?

• Write down your main thoughts / discussion points


The HuntsThe Hunts

• If this was the situation with your pupil..– What are your impressions

now?– What might you do


• Discuss your thoughts in groups 7

Help for the Hunts?Help for the Hunts?• What agencies or professionals do

you think might be involved in or able to help this family?

• What are their roles?• Which family members do you think

they are working for?• How do you think that the teacher /

school links with these agencies?8

The Hunt FamilyThe Hunt FamilyOne possibleOne possiblenetwork of professionalsnetwork of professionals

The Hunt Family

Occupational Therapist (Health)

PhysiotherapistHome Care


Other medical specialists

Social WorkerUnder 8’s Officer

Area Social Services Manager

Educational Psychologist

Family Placement Team

Specialist Support Groups ?


What is Multi-Agency Work?What is Multi-Agency Work?“a range of different services which have some overlapping or shared interests and objectives, brought together to work collaboratively towards some common purposes”

(Wigfall & Moss, 2001, p.71)


Benefits of Benefits of Multi-Agency WorkMulti-Agency Work

• It co-ordinates the work of those involved e.g. when conducting multi-agency assessments of children and young people. For more information on this see

• It can lead to a sharing of resources

• It can lead to joint funding of projects• It should lead to better outcomes for children and

young people as holistic needs are addressed


Barriers to Barriers to Good Multi-Agency WorkGood Multi-Agency Work

• Different core functions, cultures and practices between agencies

• Lack of clarity in lines of authority and decision-making

• Historical or current jealousies or rivalries between agencies

• Different and conflicting social policy or legislation

• Lack of clarity about why agencies are involved

• Poor communication 12

Tensions in Tensions in Multi-Agency WorkMulti-Agency Work

• How should an individual deal with…– Individuals from other agencies having or using

power or status– Structural issues in another agency e.g. staff

shortages, delays in responding to concerns– Another agency not delivering on promises– Another agency doing something you believe is

wrong or against the child or young person’s interests

– Unreasonable demands from another agency– Another agency using different legislation to

justify their actions, or inaction 13

Principles of Good Multi-Principles of Good Multi-Agency WorkAgency Work

• If the following are in place, effective multi-agency work should follow:– Clearly agreed and defined functions– Tasks with agreed boundaries– Well organised and established communication– Well developed local relationships– Overcoming of ignorance and prejudice about

each other’s work– Defining of common goals– Using common language– Respecting different skills– Ensuring all know what the local arrangements

are 14

Further ReadingFurther ReadingJoughin, C & Law, C. (2005), Evidence to Inform the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services. London, DfES & DH.

Murphy, M. (2004), Developing collaborative relationships in interagency child protection work. Lyme Regis, Russell House.

Roaf, C. (2002), Coordinating Services for Included Children: Joined up Action. Buckingham, OUP.

Wigfall, V & Moss, P. (2001), More than the sum of its parts? A study of a multi-agency child care network. London, National Children's Bureau. 15

National PoliciesNational Policies• Every Child Matters, England• Getting it Right for Every Child /

Children’s Services Bill, Scotland• Rights to Action, Wales• Our Children and Young People: Our

Pledge / The Super Six, Northern Ireland



Being healthy Being healthy The best possible health, free from abuse, victimisation and exploitation

Being healthy

Staying safe Living in safety and with stability

A safe home and community

Being safe

Enjoying and achieving

Enjoying, learning and achieving

A flying start in life Achieving

Making a positive contribution

Contributing positively to community and society

Play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities

Being respected and responsible

Achieve economic well-being

Experiencing economic and environmental well-being

Children and young people not disadvantaged by poverty

Being nurtured

Living in a society which represents their rights

A comprehensive range of education, training and learning opportunities

Being active

Treated with respect and have their race and cultural identity recognised

Being included


Troublesome IssuesTroublesome Issues• Tension between targeted and universal

support• The rights and needs of the “ordinary

majority”• Finite resources and making difficult

choices• School role and teacher capacity• Tension between pastoral care and

achievement targets• Uncertainties, risks and professional

dilemmas 18

Personal Reflection and Personal Reflection and PlanningPlanning

• Key learning points for you about multi-agency working

• What is the likely impact of multi-agency working on your future work as a teacher?

• How could you contribute to multi-agency working in the future…– Within school?– With other agencies or professionals?