multi choice quiz ashfield direct learning roanne walker ks4 energy

Multi Choice Quiz Ashfield Direct Learning Roanne Walker Ks4 Energy

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Page 1: Multi Choice Quiz Ashfield Direct Learning Roanne Walker Ks4 Energy

Multi Choice Quiz

Ashfield Direct Learning

Roanne Walker

Ks4 Energy

Page 2: Multi Choice Quiz Ashfield Direct Learning Roanne Walker Ks4 Energy

Reflectors and Absorbers

I. Which surfaces emit more Radiation?

a) Dark Matt surfaces

b) Light shiny surfaces

c) Dark shiny surfaces

d) Light matt surfaces

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2. Which material is the best thermal insulator?

a) Aluminiumb) Woodc) Copperd) Zinc

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3. Where does conduction best occur?

a) Plastic

b) Wood

c) Metals

d) Air

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4. Where does convection occur?

a) Liquids and Solids

b) Solids and gases

c) Liquids and gases

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5. What is Biomass?

a) Man-made material

b) Plant material

c) Animal material

d) Plant and animal material

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Renewable Energy

6. Which of these is an example of renewable energy?

a) Coal

b) Hydro-electric

c) Oil

d) Gas

e) Nuclear Fuel

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7. What is Radiation?

a) Transfer of heat energy by the movement of the substance itself

b) Transfer of heat energy by waves

c) Transfer of heat energy without the substance itself moving

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8. If a toaster transfers 10,000J of electrical energy into heat in the 50 seconds it takes to toast two pieces of bread. The power would be;

a) 120W

b) 400W

c) 200W

d) 190W

e) 209W

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Energy Transfers

9. How is energy transferred by a kettle?

a) Electrical energy –> Kinetic

b) Electrical energy –> Light

c) Electrical energy –> Heat

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Gravitational Potential Energy

10.How do you know if an object has Gravitational Potential Energy?

a) It floats

b) It can fall

c) It stays still

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Units of Electricity

11.What is a unit of energy?

a) Kilowatt-hour

b) Seconds

c) Kilowatt

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12.What is the formula for calculating efficiency?

a) Wasted energy transferred by device

Total energy supply to device

b) Useful energy transferred by device

Total energy supplied to device

c) Mass x Gravity

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Vacuum Flask

13.What is a Vacuum?

a) A lack of atoms

b) Too many atoms

c) The right amount of atoms

d) A thing to clean the house

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14.How is coal formed?

a) Over millions of years from the remains of dead sea creatures

b) Over a few years from the remains of dead plants

c) Over millions of years from the remains of dead plants

d) It is just found underground

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15.How is oil formed?

a) When dead sea creatures are crushed over hundreds of years

b) In the rocks below the seac) When dead plants are crushed over millions

of yearsd) When dead sea creatures are crushed over

millions of years

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16.Why is it better for the environment that other non-renewable sources?

a) Because it does not produce SO2 and CO2

b) Because it produces H2O

c) Because it produces CO2

d) Because it does not take up much room

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17.What is the water heated by in Geothermic reaction?

a) Decay of animals

b) Sun

c) Decay of radioactive substances

d) Heated rocks underground

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18.Where is the water stored?

a) In power stations

b) In rivers

c) In the sea

d) In a reservoir

e) In a puddle

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19.What energy do solar cells transfer?

a) Chemical Electrical

b) light Electrical

c) light Chemical

d) Electrical Kinetic

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20.Why is Wind generated power unreliable?

a) It emits lots of greenhouse gases

b) The technology is not very good

c) Because the wind does not blow all the time

d) Because the tides change all the time

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11) A12) B13) A14) C15) D16) A17) C18) D19) B20) C

1) A2) B3) C4) C5) D6) B7) B8) C9) C10) B