multi-discipline project coordination with autodesk

Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk® Revit® Jim Stoneberger Avatech Solutions Neal O’Neill Avatech Solutions

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk®


Jim Stoneberger – Avatech Solutions Neal O’Neill – Avatech Solutions

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit



Internal Origin, (0,0,0 in Revit)

Revit does have an internal Origin point similar to that of AutoCAD or any other CAD program.

This might not seem as apparent in Revit as it is in another CAD program because Revit does

not use the same means of a “Cartesian” coordinate system when modeling walls or drafting

line work.

However, this Origin Point is extremely important when importing and exporting files for

coordination with other disciplines. The Origin point in Revit is a fixed location and cannot be

adjusted or removed.

This is the point that is referenced when using the Auto – Origin to Origin option for Linking

Revit models or CAD files into a Revit project.

Shared Coordinates

Shared Coordinates are a secondary set of coordinates in a Revit project. The Shared

Coordinate 0,0,0 point is a way of locating objects. The Shared Coordinate point is defined by

the user by either Manually selecting a point in the project, or by Acquiring the coordinate from

a CAD file or Revit file that is linked into the host project.

Manually defining the Shared Coordinate by selecting a point.

Note: When this command is selected, the user must then select a point in the project. The option will

then be given to define what coordinate that point will be (east/west, north/south, and elevation).

In addition the angle between Project North and True North can be defined.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Acquiring Coordinates from a Linked CAD file or Revit Model

Shared coordinates can also be defined by acquiring the location of the 0,0,0 point from the

CAD file or Revit project that is linked into the host project. If the linked file is brought in via

Origin to Origin, then the 0,0,0 coordinate in the linked file will align with the 0,0,0 coordinate in

the host model. Acquiring the coordinates from the linked file in this scenario would not change

the location of the shared coordinate.

Often times the linked file will need to be adjusted east/west, north/south, and/or vertically in

elevation in order to align with the project in the host model. Once the linked file has been

adjusted, the location of the 0,0,0 coordinate in the linked file is moved away from the Origin

point in the host model. But the objects in the file now align correctly according to the design.

When the file is moved, the 0,0,0 point of the linked file is moved, hence moving the origin of

the linked file away from the origin of the host model.

The user then selects Acquire Coordinates, and selects the linked model for which the

coordinates will be acquired from. This will set the 0,0,0 location of the Shared Coordinates in

the host file to match the 0,0,0 location of the linked file.

This will also rotate the orientation of the shared coordinate’s North angle, or True North. True

North is defined by the north orientation that is set in the Shared Coordinates.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Project Base Point and Survey Point

While the internal origin point of a Revit project cannot be adjusted, there are two points in

Revit that can Be. These are known as the Project Base Point and the Survey point. These

points are visible in any view by turning them on in the Visibility/Graphics Overrides dialogue.

They are both sub-categories of Site.

By default, they are both set to non-visible in any view other than the Site Plan view. Also by

default, they are located at the Internal Origin point in the Revit Project.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Survey Point

When shared coordinates are established, the Survey point is moved to the Shared Coordinate

0,0,0 location. It is recommended that once the survey point is set, it is pinned in order to ensure

that it is not moved. When selected, the Survey point will display its coordinates from the

Shared Coordinate 0,0,0 location.

Moving the Survey Point:

The Survey point can be moved in two different settings; Clipped or Un-Clipped. When leaving

the Survey Point clipped, moving it will result in changing the location of the Shared Coordinate

0,0,0. When Un-Clipping and moving the Survey Point, the Shared Coordinate 0,0,0 location

will remain, but the Survey Point will be adjusted.

Survey Point shown as being moved when unclipped. The N/S, E/W values are adjusted

based on the distance from which the Survey Point was moved from the Shared


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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Project Base Point

The Project Base establishes the location of the project coordinates. This is the point that will

establish the location of elements modeled in a project in relation to other elements. For

example, the Point might be moved to a specified corner of the building. Anytime that another

point is referenced using Project as it’s coordinate basis, it will reference an E/W, N/S, and

Elevation value from the project base point.

When selected the Project Base Point will display the coordinate values based on its location in

relation to the Shared Coordinate 0,0,0 point.

Moving the Project Base Point

Similar to moving the Survey Point, the project base point can either be clipped or un-clipped.

When clipped, moving the Project Base Point is the same thing as using the Relocate Project

tool. DO NOT BE FOOLED, you are not actually moving the project base point or internal

origin. You are simply changing the location of the Shared Coordinate 0,0,0 point.

If the Project Base Point is un-clipped, its orientation to the Shared Coordinate changes. It is in

fact moved from the project internal origin.

If desired, the project base point can be moved to its original location (or the project internal

origin point). To do this, the Project Base Point must be un-clipped. Select the Project Base

Point, Right Click and select Move to Startup Location.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


CAD Files

Importing and Linking CAD Files

CAD files, such as .DWG, .DXF, .SAT, etc…, can be imported or linked into a Revit project.

There are many uses for importing CAD files. Among them are using the topography that is

drawn in a civil file to model a toposurface, or coordinate the location of duct work and piping in

relation to the objects modeled in Revit.

Both 2D and 3D CAD files can be imported or linked.

Importing vs. Linking

When importing vs. linking CAD files, there isn’t a difference in what information is brought into

the project. The difference is how the information is to managed.

Importing a CAD file simply brings that CAD file into the project. A relationship is NOT

maintained between the CAD file that is in the Revit Project and the original from which it was

imported. Linking a CAD does maintain a relationship with the original file that it was created

from. Similar to an XREF in AutoCAD.

Origins of CAD Information

CAD files follow the same rules discussed previously. When a CAD file is Linked or Imported

into Revit, it is a Best practice to try and use Origin to Origin. However, there are times when

Origin to Origin does not work. When a file is linked into Revit, the information in that file must

be within a one mile radius from the origin point. If anything is drawn or modeled outside of that

one mile radius, Revit will revert to Center to Center.This isn’t any different from moving the

information after it has been placed. Once the file has been properly positioned, shared

coordinates can then be set by acquiring coordinates from the CAD file (as described


It is also possible to Publish Coordinates to a CAD file. Doing this will create a Named UCS in

the AutoCAD file.

Exporting a CAD File

Often times a consultant is not working in Revit and needs 2D or 3D CAD files as backgrounds

for their work. Revit information can be exported to a CAD file through the Export option located

in the Application Menu.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


It is important to first understand whether the consultant needs 2D or 3D CAD information or

whether or not they need just Model views or Sheets with Model views.

Either Model views or sheet views can be exported.

When exorpting Model Views, the 3D view will export a 3D model. The user has the option of

exporting as a polymesh or as ACIS solids.

2D views will export as 2 dimensional flat line work. If AutoCAD, These objects will be placed in

the Model Space of the CAD file.

When sheet views are exported, the sheet titleblock and all information placed on the sheet

view will be placed in the Paperspace of the CAD files. Viewports will be created based on the

boundaries of the viewports in Revit. The objects in the views will be placed in Model space and

viewed through the viewports created in the same orientation as defined in Revit.

If desired, the objects in the viewports can be placed in individual files that are XREFed into the

Model Space of each file.

Object categories will be converted to layers based on the Export Layers .TXT file that is


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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Establishing the 0,0,0 location in the CAD file

The 0,0,0 point of the CAD file can be defined when exporting from Revit. The default is for the

0,0,0 point to match the Internal Origin of the Revit project. Typically this is not the desired

location of the 0,0,0 point. If a consultant moves the floor plan information or 3D model in the

CAD file, linking this CAD file back into Revit using Origin to Origin will not allow for the

geometry of the objects to align. The methods discussed previously must be used to realign the


It is important to communicate and agree with the consultants working in CAD or Revit what the

guidelines will be when sharing information. For Example, the Architect might agree to establish

a reasonable 0,0,0 point, in turn the consultant would agree to not move the information once


Defining Additional Shared Coordinate Locations

One way for controlling this information is to establish a common point that will be used as the

shared base point. This is a point that will be the 0,0,0 point of the CAD files and one of the

Shared coordinate points in Revit.

It is possible to have more than one Shared Coordinate point. This is established by defining

multiple locations within the Revit project.

From the Manage tab, select the Location command.

The default location is

titled “Internal”.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


If the coordinates have been acquired from a CAD or Revit file, or if the Shared Coordinates

have been established, the information for those shared coordinates will be kept in this “Internal”

location. In the Manage Place and Location dialogue additional locations can be set up.

The suggested method is to rename “Internal” to something descriptive that refers to the

Acquired Coordinates, such as “Site Location”. An additional shared location can be created by

selecting Duplicate. The Name of the new location might be something like “Export 0,0 Location”

The new location can then be selected and made the current location.

Once a new location has been created, the Survey Point (or Shared Coordinate) can be

adjusted. The Survey Point is moved to the location of the desired 0,0 point in the CAD file.

When Exporting the to a CAD file, the option

for the Coordinate System Basis can be set

to either Project Internal, in which the 0,0,0

coordinate will be based on the Internal

Origin, or Shared.

When set to Shared, Revit will use the

Shared Coordinate point of the current


The 0,0,0 coordinate in the CAD file is based

on the location established for the additional

Shared Coordinate that was defined.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Linking Revit Models

Type Parameters of a Linked Revit Model

Room Bounding

When this parameter is set to Yes (by checking the box in the value column), the elements in

the linked model that are set to be room bounding (such as walls, floors, ceilings, etc…) can be

used as room bounding elements in the host model. This is an important parameter to set when

the linked model is to be used to define rooms or spaces in the host project.

Reference Type

The Reverence Type Determines whether this linked model will be displayed (Attachment) or

hidden (Overlay) when the host model is linked into another model.

When a model that contains linked models is linked into a Revit project, the nested links of that

linked model display based on the value that is assigned to the Reference Type parameter.

Phase Mapping

When a Revit model is linked to another that has more than one phase, the phases in the host

model automatically map to phases in the linked model. The default is for Revit to map phases

based on the name of the phase. Phase mapping can be adjusted.

Phase maps must occur in chronological order.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Visibility for Linked Revit Models

Parameters that control the visibility and appearance of linked Revit models are grouped under

their own tab, Revit Links, in the Visibility/Graphics dialog.

The Revit Links tab in the Visibility/Graphics dialog contains the following:

Visibility column: Select the check box to show the linked model in the view, or deselect the

check box to hide the linked model.

Halftone column: Select the check box to display the elements from the linked model as


Display Settings column: View options to override additional settings for each linked model.

The button displays the current display setting state (By Host View, By Linked View, or Custom).

A view template can be used to save the visibility settings of a particular view and then apply it

to other views.

By Host View. When this option is selected, the graphics of this link cannot be overridden. The

host view governs its appearance.

By Linked View. When this option is selected, a project view from the linked model can be

selected to be displayed in the current view. The views available to be displayed will be

determined based on the type of view that you are adjusting the display settings for.

Custom. When you select this option, you can select override settings on all available tabs.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit




There are five categories of elements that can be copied and/or monitored between Revit

projects. Grids, levels, columns, walls, and floors. Within the Walls option the user has the

ability to also create openings where Doors and windows are located. Copied elements are

automatically monitored against the original elements. The monitoring functionality sets and

maintains relationships between objects of the same category.

Note: openings that are in the host or linked project can be monitored against Doors and


To begin the Copy/Monitor process, select Cop/Monitor from the Collaborate tab.

Once in the Copy/Monitor function, options can be set for the objects that are to be copied.

The Copy/Monitor Options dialog opens. Each tab contains various options for that type of

element. The column on the left displays the type from each category that will be copied from

the linked model. the Column on the right displays what element type each instance will be

placed as.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit



The column on the left displays the original wall type as “Exterior – Brick on Mtl. Stud”. When

this wall type is selected to be copied and monitored, it will be pasted into the current project as

“Generic – 6”.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Coordination Review of Element Relationships

When elements that are being Monitored are modified, a warning is displayed telling the user

that a Coordination Review is required. the Coordination Review tool will display the differences

between the elements that are being monitored.

Warnings can occur when one of the following takes place:

An original monitored element from the linked project has changed.

A Copied/Monitored element in the host project has changed.

Both the original monitored element and the copied element have changed.

The original element in the linked file was deleted.

The copied element in the host file was deleted.

To review warnings about project changes, select the Coordination Review drop-down under

the Collaborate tab. Select Link to check warnings between the linked and the host projects.

The options that are available when an element has changed are Do Nothing, Reject, Accept

Difference, or to make the same adjustment.

Interference Checking

The Interference Check tool detects where object intersect one another in a project.

interferences can be from a set of selected elements or all elements in the model. Interferences

can also be detected between objects in a model and object from a linked model (such as

structural elements checked against mechanical ductwork

Note: Elements from a linked model cannot be checked against elements from another linked model.

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Multi-Discipline Project Coordination with Autodesk Revit


Selecting Objects by ID

Elements in the current project can be selected by using the ID number assigned by Revit. This

can be helpful when trying to locate objects from an interference check as well as items that are

listed in errors and warnings in Revit.

To select an element by ID number, select the Element ID drop-down from the Modify tab.

Revit locates the element and selects it in the view. The Show button can also be selected to

toggle through different views until the item is found.