multichannel texture image segmentation using weighted feature...

Multichannel Texture Image Segmentation using Local Feature Fitting based Variational Active Contours V. B. Surya Prasath * Dept. of Computer Science University of Missouri Columbia, MO, USA [email protected] K. Palaniappan Dept. of Computer Science University of Missouri Columbia, MO, USA [email protected] Guna Seetharaman Air Force Research Laboratory Rome, NY, USA [email protected] ABSTRACT We study an efficient texture image segmentation model for multichannel images using a local feature fitting based active contours scheme. Using a chromaticity-brightness decom- position, we propose a flexible segmentation approach us- ing multi-channel texture and intensity in a globally convex continuous optimization framework. We make use of local feature histogram based weights with the smoothed gradi- ents from the brightness channel and localized fitting for the chromaticity channels. A fast numerical implementation is described using an efficient dual minimization formulation and experimental results on synthetic and real color images indicate the superior performance of the proposed method compared to related approaches. The novel contributions include the use of local feature density functions in the con- text of a luminance-chromaticity decomposition combined with a globally convex active contour variational method to capture texture variations for image segmentation. Keywords Active contours, Color, Texture Segmentation, Local His- togram, Feature fitting. 1. INTRODUCTION Color texture image segmentation is still an active area of research in computer vision. In this paper we consider the segmentation of images composed of natural textured re- gions using active contour methods in a globally convex for- mulation. One of the key contributions of the paper is com- bining local feature histograms with a luminance-chromaticity decomposition to adaptively model texture changes in the scene. Starting with the pioneering work of Mumford and Shah [22], variational techniques for image segmentation have become very popular due to their strong mathematical representation and the availability of a variety of numerical * Corresponding author. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. ICVGIP ’12, December 16-19, 2012, Mumbai, India Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1660-6/12/12 ...$15.00. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 1: Using different feature fitting channels, the proposed scheme segments the textured fore- ground region accurately. (a) Input color image (b) Weighted gradient of the brightness channel (c) Sum of localized chromaticity channels (d) Segmentation output using the proposed scheme which combines luminance edges with chrominance local distribu- tions. techniques for solving such problems. Active contour based solutions for such variational techniques are widely used in image segmentation [20], and one of the important contri- bution is by Chan and Vese [9, 33] who studied the problem using the level set method [25]. However, such contour based schemes are mainly guided by boundary smoothness along with global regional properties such as mean and variance and hence cannot segment natural scenes with multiple tex- tured regions very well. Thus, it is necessary to introduce extra feature fitting terms to the usual segmentation algo- rithm [10]. Different approaches exist that deal with the problem of extracting texture features for using active contour based ap- proaches, and we mention a few of these. Sandberg et al [31] propose Gabor filter based feature fitting channels model, Luis-Garcia et al [19] consider a local structure tensor based approach, see also [34] for a related work using extended structure tensor. Further, to capture non-homogeneous tex- tured segments, region scalable image fitting (RSF) terms play an important role [18, 17]. Modifying the traditional Chan and Vese type scheme by utilizing various feature fit- ting for specific tasks has been considered by some recent works [29, 32, 30, 1, 11, 12]. In this paper, we propose an extension of the traditional multichannel Chan and Vese model [9] to segment color im- ages composed of textured regions. Utilizing the chromaticity- brightness (CB) model [16] we first decompose the given image and then use two different feature fitting terms to drive the level set based active contour segmentation. Note that the underlying geometric structure of a color image is

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Page 1: Multichannel texture image segmentation using weighted feature … · 2015. 2. 28. · Multichannel Texture Image Segmentation

Multichannel Texture Image Segmentation using LocalFeature Fitting based Variational Active Contours

V. B. Surya Prasath∗

Dept. of Computer ScienceUniversity of MissouriColumbia, MO, USA

[email protected]

K. PalaniappanDept. of Computer Science

University of MissouriColumbia, MO, USA

[email protected]

Guna SeetharamanAir Force Research Laboratory

Rome, NY, [email protected]

ABSTRACTWe study an efficient texture image segmentation model formultichannel images using a local feature fitting based activecontours scheme. Using a chromaticity-brightness decom-position, we propose a flexible segmentation approach us-ing multi-channel texture and intensity in a globally convexcontinuous optimization framework. We make use of localfeature histogram based weights with the smoothed gradi-ents from the brightness channel and localized fitting for thechromaticity channels. A fast numerical implementation isdescribed using an efficient dual minimization formulationand experimental results on synthetic and real color imagesindicate the superior performance of the proposed methodcompared to related approaches. The novel contributionsinclude the use of local feature density functions in the con-text of a luminance-chromaticity decomposition combinedwith a globally convex active contour variational method tocapture texture variations for image segmentation.

KeywordsActive contours, Color, Texture Segmentation, Local His-togram, Feature fitting.

1. INTRODUCTIONColor texture image segmentation is still an active area of

research in computer vision. In this paper we consider thesegmentation of images composed of natural textured re-gions using active contour methods in a globally convex for-mulation. One of the key contributions of the paper is com-bining local feature histograms with a luminance-chromaticitydecomposition to adaptively model texture changes in thescene. Starting with the pioneering work of Mumford andShah [22], variational techniques for image segmentationhave become very popular due to their strong mathematicalrepresentation and the availability of a variety of numerical

∗Corresponding author.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.ICVGIP ’12, December 16-19, 2012, Mumbai, IndiaCopyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1660-6/12/12 ...$15.00.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1: Using different feature fitting channels,the proposed scheme segments the textured fore-ground region accurately. (a) Input color image (b)Weighted gradient of the brightness channel (c) Sumof localized chromaticity channels (d) Segmentationoutput using the proposed scheme which combinesluminance edges with chrominance local distribu-tions.

techniques for solving such problems. Active contour basedsolutions for such variational techniques are widely used inimage segmentation [20], and one of the important contri-bution is by Chan and Vese [9, 33] who studied the problemusing the level set method [25]. However, such contour basedschemes are mainly guided by boundary smoothness alongwith global regional properties such as mean and varianceand hence cannot segment natural scenes with multiple tex-tured regions very well. Thus, it is necessary to introduceextra feature fitting terms to the usual segmentation algo-rithm [10].

Different approaches exist that deal with the problem ofextracting texture features for using active contour based ap-proaches, and we mention a few of these. Sandberg et al [31]propose Gabor filter based feature fitting channels model,Luis-Garcia et al [19] consider a local structure tensor basedapproach, see also [34] for a related work using extendedstructure tensor. Further, to capture non-homogeneous tex-tured segments, region scalable image fitting (RSF) termsplay an important role [18, 17]. Modifying the traditionalChan and Vese type scheme by utilizing various feature fit-ting for specific tasks has been considered by some recentworks [29, 32, 30, 1, 11, 12].

In this paper, we propose an extension of the traditionalmultichannel Chan and Vese model [9] to segment color im-ages composed of textured regions. Utilizing the chromaticity-brightness (CB) model [16] we first decompose the givenimage and then use two different feature fitting terms todrive the level set based active contour segmentation. Notethat the underlying geometric structure of a color image is

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present in the brightness (intensity) channel alone [6]. Weutilize a hybrid feature fitting using the smoothed gradi-ent image computed from the brightness channel, to cap-ture strong intensity variations in the neighborhood of edges,combined with local histogram based weights. That is, thesmoothed gradient image of the brightness channel is weightedby the local histograms computed around each pixel of theintensity channel alone. This provides an adaptive forcefor the active contour to wrap around strong discontinu-ities. Following the success of region scalable fitting energyterms [18] in capturing spatially varying regions, we utilizelocal features in the remaining chromaticity channels to cap-ture smoothly varying color fields. Further, our method isbased on the globally convex formulation of Chan et al [8]and is implemented using the efficient dual minimization ap-proach of Chambolle [7]. The proposed model is tested ona variety of natural texture images.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-scribes the proposed weighted feature fitting active contourmodel and presents some extensions combined with tradi-tional image fitting based models. Outline of the dual mini-mization based scheme for implementation is also given. InSection 3, we present experimental and comparison results.Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.


Let Ω be an open and bounded set in R2, and I : Ω→ RNbe the input multichannel image. In what follows, we studythe traditional color imagesN = 3, I = (I1, I2, I3) where thethree spectral channels can be (Red, Green, Blue) bands orother color coordinates such as YUV or HSV and the generalmultichannel case follows in a straightforward way.

2.1 Globally convex modelThe convex formulation of the traditional vector valued

Chan and Vese model [9], amounts to solving the minimiza-tion problem [8]:




|∇u| dx+



λiRi(x, ci)u dx,


where u : Ω → [0, 1] is a function of bounded variation,u ∈ BV (Ω) and Ri(x, ci) = (Ii−ciin)2−(Ii−ciout)2 which isknown as the image fitting term. The vector ci = (ciin, c


represents the averages (mean values) of each channel Ii,respectively inside and outside of the segmentation contour.The parameters λi are positive scalars weighting the fit-ting terms Ri(x, ci). The total variation term (first termin Eqn.(1)) keeps the segmentation curve regular. It can beshown that for any λi ≥ 0, there exists a minimizer u of (1),which is a global minimum [8]. The energy functional is ho-mogeneous of degree one in u and has a global minimizer byrestricting u such that 0 ≤ u(x) ≤ 1.

Since the Chan and Vese model relies on mean gray val-ues of the input channel Ii alone (for each channel i), itcan neither capture the spatially varying intensity regionsnor textured regions. In this paper we extend the globallyconvex Chan-Vese model (1) to support more general fit-ting terms and to handle textured regions across multiplechannels.

2.2 Decomposition - based fitting terms

(a) I (b) |∇B|σ (c) ω (d) B

Figure 2: Combining local histogram-based weightswith the smoothed luminance gradient field providesa strong feature for texture segmentation. (a) Inputcolor image (b) Smoothed gradient image σ = 10 (c)Weight map computed from local histograms, seeEqn. (3) (d) Final locally adapted feature channel,Eqn (4).

First we use the chromaticity-brightness (CB) decompo-sition which provides the intensity or brightness B : Ω →[0, L] computed as B = |I|, where L is the maximum inten-sity value, and the chromaticity channels C = (C1, C2, C3) :Ω→ S2 where S2 is the unit sphere in R3.

Intensity and edge-based feature fitting.Image discontinuities such as edges are of major geomet-

rical structures and are primarily present in the brightnesschannel alone. We introduce a brightness-based edge fea-ture fitting term using local histograms and the smoothedgradient image to capture objects differentiated by strongdiscontinuities, see Figure 1(b). For a given gray-scale im-age B : Ω → [0, L], let Nx,r be the local region centered atx with radius r. Then the local histogram of a pixel x ∈ Ωand its corresponding cumulative distribution function aredefined by

Px(y) =|z ∈ Nx,r ∩ Ω |B(z) = y|

Nx,r ∩ Ω

Fx(y) =|z ∈ Nx,r ∩ Ω |B(z) ≤ y|

Nx,r ∩ Ω(2)

for 0 ≤ y ≤ L, respectively. Local histograms provide ageneral local first-order statistical model of the image in-tensity values around a pixel without making simplifyingassumptions. We define the following measurable functionω : Ω→ R, such that for each x ∈ Ω

ω(x) =

∫ L


Fx(y) dy, (3)

which allows us to get a weight of how much non-homogeneousintensity is present in a local region Nx,r of a given pixelx ∈ Ω. Given an image with texture information, it is possi-ble to extract major regional textures using a weighted andsmoothed gradient image, see Figure 2. Then, a new inputfeature channel is defined by the product

B = ω × |∇B|σ (4)

where the lower sub-script σ in (4) means a smoothed versionof the corresponding indexed function. The smoothing is

done by a Gaussian kernel Gσ(x) = (2πσ)−1e−|x|22σ . The

new weighted input channel uses the smoothed gradient todifferentiate the object boundaries with the help of localhistograms computed within each pixel neighborhood that

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assists in distinguishing edges between textured foregroundand the background. Thus the modified brightness fittingterm we use is

FB(x, c) = (B − cin)2 − (B − cout)2. (5)

Chromaticity based localized fitting.As can be seen in Figure 4(b) the chromaticity channels

exhibit in-homogeneous and spatially varying nature. Fol-lowing [18], we utilize a sum of region scalable fitting terms

FC(x, c) =


[∣∣∣Gσ ? Ci − ciin∣∣∣2 − ∣∣∣Gσ ? Ci − ciout∣∣∣2] (6)

to capture chromatic regions in across the scene efficiently.

2.3 Combined local feature fitting model andextensions

We combine the different local feature measurements intoa single energy functional composed of the weighted lumi-nance edge information with the chromaticity-based regioninformation. Thus, the active contour based scheme we pro-pose can be written as a variational energy minimizationproblem with a total variation regularization component,


E(u, c) = µ




(λB FB + λC FC)u dx (7)

where λB ≥ 0, λC ≥ 0 are the tunable parameters for thebrightness and total chromaticity feature fitting terms re-spectively.

Further, the following extensions can be considered

• Balanced form of the model:


E(u, c) = µ


|∇u|+ β


(λB FB + λC FC)u dx

+ (1− β)


Rudx (8)

where R =∑3i=1(Ii − ciin)2 − (Ii − ciout)2 is the usual

Chan and Vese global image fitting terms for the colorchannels and β ∈ [0, 1].

• For multichannel images (with N > 3) a similar CBdecomposition strategy can be used to get texture seg-mentations. That is, we can compute ‘chromaticity’images Ci by dividing out the intensity image B foreach channel i = 1, . . . N . The final segmentationmodel is given by


E(u, c) = µ




(λB FB + λC FC)u dx

with FB as in Eqn. (5) and FC is given by Eqn. (6)where the sum is now taken across all N channels.

In addition to brightness and chromaticity fitting termsother image features can be used such as local multichanneledges [5, 4] , local shape [26, 15, 3], local texture [14], orlocal motion [27, 21, 28] in a variety of computer vision andbiomedical segmentation and tracking applications.

2.4 Fast Dual Minimization implementation

A fast numerical scheme based on Chambolle’s dual min-imization technique [7] for total variation regularization is

implemented for solving the proposed minimization prob-lem (7). We briefly sketch the major steps as follows. Fol-lowing, Chan et al [8] we first consider the correspondingunconstrained convex minimization functional (with µ = 1):



|∇u| dx+1

2θ‖u− v‖2L2(Ω)



(λB FB + λC FC) v + αν(v)dx

, (9)

where θ is chosen to be small, ν(ξ) := max0, 2|ξ − 12| − 1

and α > max (λB ,λC)2

‖r‖L∞(Ω). Then (9) is split into thefollowing two alternating minimization problems:

1. Minimize for u∫Ω

|∇u| dx+1

2θ‖u− v‖2L2(Ω)


for which the solution is given by: u = v − θdiv p.The vector p = (p1, p2) is given by ∇(θdiv p − v) −|∇(θdiv p−v)|p = 0 and can be solved by a fixed pointmethod: p0 = 0 and

pn+1 =pn + δt∇(θdiv(pn)− v/θ)1 + δt|∇(θdiv(pn)− v/θ)| .

2. Minimize for v1

2θ‖u− v‖2L2(Ω) +


λ(λB FB + λC FC)v + αν(v)dx


for which the solution is given by:

v = min

max (u(x)− θ(λB FB + λC FC), 0) , 1


The constants cin and cout are updated every few iterations(typically every 10 iterations) of the above algorithm. Forexample, the brightness channel values are updated by

cin(u) =

∫Σµu dx

|Σµ|and cout(u) =


u dx

|(Σµ)c| , (10)

where Σµ = x ∈ Ω : u(x) ≥ µ, with µ any arbitrary pointin [0, 1]. Similar computations for the chromatic channelvalues ci = (ciin, c

iout) are carried out. The above scheme

helps in finding the global minimizer of the energy func-tional, see [2] for more details.

3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSThe proposed scheme based on dual minimization algo-

rithm is implemented in MATLAB7 R2012a on a Windows7 laptop with Intel Core2 Duo processor, with 2.20GHz andall the images are scaled to the interval [0, 1]. For a color im-age of size 321×321×3, the proposed scheme takes about 20seconds to get the final segmentation result (80 iterations forthe dual minimization method). We expect further speed-upof the scheme with the use of GPU based histogram compu-tation as well as utilizing the more efficient split Bregmantechnique [13] for the energy minimization. In all the exper-iments reported here, the parameters were fixed at δt = 1/8,σ = 10, r = 10, λ = 1 and θ = 1.

The segmentation results of our scheme Eqn. (7) are com-pared with the multichannel Gabor filters based Chan-Vese

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model [31, 9] and also with a state of the art local histogrambased scheme from [24]. The total number of iterations forGabor - Chan and Vese is set at 1000 and the regularizationparameter µ = 1, for the Ni et al [24] scheme we used thesame parameters as in our case and it matches the resultsprovided in [24]. Note that the Ni et al’s scheme [24] worksonly with gray-scale images. Recently an extension of thescheme to color images is presented in Bao et al [1] whichuses the same local histogram feature fitting term under aCB decomposition approach. Thus, Bao et al [1] inherits thesame problems of the original formulation. The tunable pa-rameters λB , λC can be set according to image chromaticityinformation, for example when there are small scale textures,the chromaticity based localized fitting should be given moreweight than the weighted gradient based feature fitting, i.e.,0 ≤ λB < λC ≤ 1, see Figure 3 for an example.

3.1 Synthetic imagesFigure 4 shows the comparison results for a synthetic tex-

ture image which consist of two different textured regions.As can be seen the proposed approach’s result given in Fig-ure 4(f) provides a better segmentation than the multichan-nel Gabor - Chan and Vese model [31], Figure 4(c), the Ni etal [24] scheme result, Figure 4(d) as well as the result fromBao et al [1](e). The chromatic feature fitting term Eqn. (6)given in Figure 4(b) shows that using localized fitting resultsin the central region of the image being accurately identifiedwhich provides a better qualitative segmentation result.

3.2 Natural imagesFigure 5 shows some segmentation results for natural im-

ages taken from Berkeley Segmentation Dataset which con-tain difficult texture objects. The segmentation results givenin Figure 5 shows the advantage of using balanced weightedinformation based on local histograms with smoothed gra-dients along with localized chromatic fitting terms. For ex-ample, comparing the segmentation results for the Cheetahimage in Figure 5 (first row), we see that better segmen-tation is obtained using the proposed approach, whereasthe scheme from [24] produced disjointed segments of theCheetah’s body, see for example the tail section. This canbe attributed to the fact the scheme in [24] uses only the lo-cal histogram based feature channel given in Figure 5(c) anddoes not use any discontinuity information such as smoothedgradients or localized image fitting channel, see Figure 5(e).The Gabor filters based Chan and Vese [31] on the otherhand suffers from spurious segments as can be seen in Fig-ure 5(b). This is due to the fact that the Gabor filtersare very sensitive to small scale textures and can easilylose salient object boundaries due to their localization prop-erty. Similarly, for the Eel image given in Figure 5 (secondrow) we obtain a single unified segment whereas the schemefrom [24] gives spurious segments at the left hand and rightbottom side of the image. The final row highlights the im-portance of chromaticity-based localized fitting terms. Ourproposed scheme gives segmentation of the Snake whereasthe gray-scale feature fitting based schemes fail completely.Note that for this image we set the parameters λB = 0.2,λC = 0.8.

4. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we present a new texture segmentation

scheme driven by local feature energy terms, using the glob-

ally convex formulation of an extended Chan and Vese ac-tive contours without edges model. Our scheme uses localdensity functions to model texture information in the lumi-nance channel and combines this with smoothed gradientedge information. By utilizing a localized feature fittingfor the chromaticity channels we obtain a combined modelwhich helps in segmenting textured regions effectively. Ex-perimental results on synthetic and natural texture imagesdemonstrates the improved performance of the method com-pared with previous models such as Gabor filter based vec-tor Chan and Vese and local histogram-based approaches.Our current efforts include using extended structure tensorbased texture features [23] that are invariant to illuminationchanges for improving segmentation results as well as usingour scheme for multispectral image segmentation.

5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe first author would like to thank the Fields Institute,

Toronto, Canada for their great hospitality and support dur-ing the Thematic Program on Inverse Problems and Imag-ing where part of this work was done. He also thanks Dr.Juan C. Moreno (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal) for discussionson local feature fitting terms. Authors thank anonymousreviewers for their comments which improved the paper.

This research was partially supported by U.S. Air ForceResearch Laboratory (AFRL) and approved for public re-lease. The views and conclusions contained in this docu-ment are those of the authors and should not be interpretedas representing the official policies of AFRL or the U.S. Gov-ernment. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduceand distribute reprints.

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 3: Role of weighting parameters λB, λC on final segmentation results: (a) Input image consist of a bigcircle with small scale texture objects with strong chromaticity (b) Brightness based feature fitting term FB,Eqn. (5) (c) Total chromaticity based localized fitting FC , Eqn. (6) (d) Segmentation result of our scheme (7)with λB = 0, λC = 1 (e) Segmentation result of our scheme (7) with λB = 1, λC = 0.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Figure 4: Input feature channels: (a) Brightness channel (B) (b) Total Chromaticity channel (∑3i=1 C

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

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