multimodal user interface for the communication of …j multimodal user interfaces (2008) 2:...

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116 DOI 10.1007/s12193-008-0012-2 ORIGINAL PAPER Multimodal user interface for the communication of the disabled Savvas Argyropoulos · Konstantinos Moustakas · Alexey A. Karpov · Oya Aran · Dimitrios Tzovaras · Thanos Tsakiris · Giovanna Varni · Byungjun Kwon Received: 21 December 2007 / Accepted: 5 June 2008 / Published online: 15 July 2008 © OpenInterface Association 2008 Abstract In this paper, a novel system is proposed to pro- vide alternative tools and interfaces to blind and deaf-and- mute people and enable their communication and interac- tion with the computer. Several modules are developed to transform signals into other perceivable forms so that the S. Argyropoulos ( ) · K. Moustakas Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hellas, Greece e-mail: [email protected] K. Moustakas e-mail: [email protected] A.A. Karpov Speech Informatics Group, SPIIRAS, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Peterburg, Russia e-mail: [email protected] O. Aran Perceptual Intelligence Lab, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] D. Tzovaras · T. Tsakiris Informatics and Telematics Institute, Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas, Greece D. Tzovaras e-mail: [email protected] T. Tsakiris e-mail: [email protected] G. Varni InfoMus Lab—Casa Paganini, DIST-University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy e-mail: [email protected] B. Kwon Koninklijk Conservatorium, Hague, Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] transmitted message is conveyed despite one’s disabilities. The proposed application integrates haptics, audio and vi- sual output, computer vision, sign language analysis and synthesis, speech recognition and synthesis to provide an interactive environment where the blind and deaf-and-mute users can collaborate. All the involved technologies are inte- grated into a treasure hunting game application that is jointly played by the blind and deaf-and-mute user. The integration of the multimodal interfaces into a game application serves both as an entertainment and a pleasant education tool to the users. Keywords Multimodal interfaces · Multimodal fusion · Sign language analysis · Gesture recognition · Sign synthesis 1 Introduction Recent technological advances have improved communica- tion between the disabled people. The emerging artificial intelligence techniques are starting to diminish the barriers for impaired people and change the way individuals with disabilities communicate. A common problem in commu- nication between impaired individuals is that, in general, they do not have access to the same modalities and the per- ceived communicated message is limited by one’s disabil- ities. A quite challenging task involves the transformation of a signal into another perceivable form to enable or en- hance communication. Ideally, a recognition system should combine all incoming modalities of an individual, perform recognition of the transmitted message, and translate it into signals that are more easily understood by impaired individ- uals.

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J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116DOI 10.1007/s12193-008-0012-2


Multimodal user interface for the communication of the disabled

Savvas Argyropoulos · Konstantinos Moustakas ·Alexey A. Karpov · Oya Aran · Dimitrios Tzovaras ·Thanos Tsakiris · Giovanna Varni · Byungjun Kwon

Received: 21 December 2007 / Accepted: 5 June 2008 / Published online: 15 July 2008© OpenInterface Association 2008

Abstract In this paper, a novel system is proposed to pro-vide alternative tools and interfaces to blind and deaf-and-mute people and enable their communication and interac-tion with the computer. Several modules are developed totransform signals into other perceivable forms so that the

S. Argyropoulos (�) · K. MoustakasElectrical & Computer Engineering Dept., Aristotle University ofThessaloniki, Hellas, Greecee-mail: [email protected]

K. Moustakase-mail: [email protected]

A.A. KarpovSpeech Informatics Group, SPIIRAS, Russian Academy ofSciences, St. Peterburg, Russiae-mail: [email protected]

O. AranPerceptual Intelligence Lab, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkeye-mail: [email protected]

D. Tzovaras · T. TsakirisInformatics and Telematics Institute, Centre for Research andTechnology, Hellas, Greece

D. Tzovarase-mail: [email protected]

T. Tsakirise-mail: [email protected]

G. VarniInfoMus Lab—Casa Paganini, DIST-University of Genoa, Genoa,Italye-mail: [email protected]

B. KwonKoninklijk Conservatorium, Hague, Netherlandse-mail: [email protected]

transmitted message is conveyed despite one’s disabilities.The proposed application integrates haptics, audio and vi-sual output, computer vision, sign language analysis andsynthesis, speech recognition and synthesis to provide aninteractive environment where the blind and deaf-and-muteusers can collaborate. All the involved technologies are inte-grated into a treasure hunting game application that is jointlyplayed by the blind and deaf-and-mute user. The integrationof the multimodal interfaces into a game application servesboth as an entertainment and a pleasant education tool to theusers.

Keywords Multimodal interfaces · Multimodal fusion ·Sign language analysis · Gesture recognition · Signsynthesis

1 Introduction

Recent technological advances have improved communica-tion between the disabled people. The emerging artificialintelligence techniques are starting to diminish the barriersfor impaired people and change the way individuals withdisabilities communicate. A common problem in commu-nication between impaired individuals is that, in general,they do not have access to the same modalities and the per-ceived communicated message is limited by one’s disabil-ities. A quite challenging task involves the transformationof a signal into another perceivable form to enable or en-hance communication. Ideally, a recognition system shouldcombine all incoming modalities of an individual, performrecognition of the transmitted message, and translate it intosignals that are more easily understood by impaired individ-uals.

106 J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116

Recently, the desire for increased productivity, seamlessinteraction and immersion, e-inclusion of people with dis-abilities, along with the progress in fields such as multime-dia and multimodal signal analysis and human-computer in-teraction, have turned multimodal interaction as a very ac-tive field of research [1, 2].

Multimodal interfaces are those encompassing more thanthe traditional keyboard and mouse. Natural input modes areput to use [3, 4], such as voice, gestures and body movement,haptic interaction, facial expressions [5], and more recentlyphysiological signals. As described in [6], multimodal in-terfaces should follow several guiding principles: multiplemodalities that operate in different spaces need to share acommon interaction space and to be synchronized; multi-modal interaction should be predictable and not unnecessar-ily complex, and should degrade gracefully, for instance byproviding for modality switching; finally multimodal inter-faces should adapt to user’s needs, abilities, environment.

A key aspect in multimodal interfaces is also the integra-tion of information from several different modalities in or-der to extract high-level information non-verbally conveyedby users. Such high-level information can be related to theexpressive and emotional content that the user wants to com-municate. In this framework, gesture has a relevant role as aprimary non-verbal conveyor of expressive, emotional infor-mation. Research on gesture analysis, processing, and syn-thesis has received a growing interest from the scientificcommunity in recent years and demonstrated its paramountimportance for human machine interaction.

The present work aims to make the first step in the devel-opment of efficient tools and interfaces for the generation ofan integrated platform for the intercommunication of blindand deaf-mute persons. It is obvious that while multimodalsignal processing is essential in such applications, specificissues like modality replacement and enhancement shouldbe addressed in detail.

In the blind user’s terminal the major modality to per-ceive a virtual environment is haptics while audio input isprovided as supplementary side information. Force feed-back interfaces allow blind and visually impaired users toaccess not only two-dimensional graphic information, butalso information presented in 3D virtual reality environ-ments (VEs) [7]. The greatest potential benefits from virtualenvironments can be found in applications concerning areassuch as education, training, and communication of generalideas and concepts [8–10]. Several research projects havebeen conducted to assist visually impaired to understand 3Dobjects, scientific data and mathematical functions, by usingforce feedback devices [11].

PHANToM is one of the most commonly used force feed-back device; it is regarded as one of the best on the market.Due to its hardware design, only one point of contact at atime is supported. This is very different from the way that

we usually interact with surroundings and thus, the amountof information that can be transmitted through this hapticchannel at a given time is very limited. However, researchhas shown that this form of exploration, although time con-suming, allows users to recognize simple 3D objects. ThePHANToM device has the advantage to provide the senseof touch along with the feeling of force feedback at the fin-gertip. Another device that is often used in such cases is theCyberGrasp. It combines a data glove (CyberGlove) with anexosceletal structure to provide force feedback to each of thefingers of the user (5 Degrees of Freedom (DoF) force feed-back, 1 DoF for each finger). In the context of the presentwork we used the PHANToM desktop device to enable hap-tic interaction of the blind user with the virtual environment.

Deaf and mute users have visual access to 3D virtualenvironments; however their immersion is significantly re-duced by the lack of audio feedback. Furthermore, efforthas been made to provide applications for the training ofthe hearing impaired. Such applications include the visual-ization of the hand and body movements performed in orderto produce words in sign language as well as applicationsbased on computer vision techniques that aim to recognizesuch gestures in order to allow natural human machine in-teraction for the hearing impaired. In the context of the pre-sented framework, the deaf-mute terminal incorporates sign-language analysis and synthesis tools to allow physical in-teraction of the deaf-mute user and the virtual environment.

The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents theoverall system architecture, and Sect. 3 describes the modal-ity replacement framework. Subsequently, Sects. 4 and 5present the audio and visual speech recognition modules,respectively. In Sect. 6, the audio and visual multimodal fu-sion framework is described and the employed algorithmsare analytically discussed. In the following, Sect. 7 presentsthe path sketching module using gesture recognition. Then,Sect. 8 presents the sign language recognition module. Fi-nally, Sect. 9 presents the application scenario and conclu-sions are drawn in Sect. 10.

2 Overall system description

The basic development concept in multimodal interfaces forthe disabled is the idea of modality replacement, which isthe use of information originating from various modalitiesto compensate for the missing input modality of the systemor the users.

The main objective of the proposed system is the devel-opment of tools, algorithms and interfaces that will utilizemodality replacement to enable the communication betweenblind or visually impaired and deaf-mute users. To achievethe desired result the proposed system combines the use ofa set of different modules, such as:

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116 107

Fig. 1 Architecture of the collaborative treasure hunting game

• gesture recognition• sign language analysis and synthesis• speech analysis and synthesis• haptics

into an innovative multimodal interface available to disabledusers. Modality replacement was used in order to enableinformation transition between the various modalities usedand thus enable the communication between the involvedusers.

Figure 1 presents the architecture of the proposed system,including the communication between the various modulesused for the integration of the system as well as intermediatestages used for replacement between the various modalities.The left part of the figure refers to the blind user’s termi-nal, while the right refers to the deaf-mute user’s terminal.The different terminals of the treasure hunting game com-municate through asynchronous TCP connection using TCPsockets.

The following sockets are implemented in the context ofthe treasure hunting game. The interested reader is referredto [12] for additional details.

• SeeColor terminalImplements a server socket that receives queries for trans-lating color into sound. The code word consists of the fol-lowing bytes, “b;R;G;B”, where b is a boolean flag andR, G, B the color values.

• Blind user terminalImplements three sockets; a client socket that connects tothe SeeColor terminal; a server socket to receive messagesfrom the deaf-mute user terminal; and a client socket tosend messages to the deaf-mute user terminal.

• The deaf-mute user’s terminalImplements a server socket to receive messages from theblind user terminal and a client socket to send messagesto the blind user terminal

Also, file sharing is used to ensure consistency betweenthe data used in the various applications.

3 Modality replacement

The basic architecture of the proposed modality replacementapproach is depicted in Fig. 2. The performance of such asystem is directly dependent on the efficient multi-modalprocessing of two or more modalities and the effective ex-ploitation of their complementary nature and their mutualinformation to achieve accurate recognition of the transmit-ted content. After the recognition has been performed effec-tively, either a modality translator can be employed in or-der to generate a new modality or the output can be utilizedto detect and correct possibly erroneous feature vectors thatmay correspond to different modalities. The latter could bevery useful in self-tutoring applications.

108 J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116

Fig. 2 The modalityreplacement concept

The basic idea is to exploit the correlation betweenmodalities in order to enhance the perceivable informationby an impaired individual who cannot perceive all incom-ing modalities. In that sense, a modality, which would notbe perceived due to a specific disability, can be employed toimprove the information that is conveyed in the perceivablemodalities and increase the accuracy rates of recognition.The results obtained by jointly fusing all the modalities out-perform those obtained using only the perceived modalitiessince the inter- dependencies among them are modeled in anefficient manner.

A critical feature of the proposed system is its ability toadaptively assess the reliability of each modality and as-sign a measure to weight its contribution. There exist dif-ferent approaches to measure reliability, such as taking intoaccount the noise level of the input signal. The commonway of incorporating these reliability values into decisionfusion is to use them as weighting coefficients and to com-pute a weighted average [13]. The proposed scheme aimsat maximizing the benefit of multimodal fusion so that theerror rate of the system becomes less than that of the caseswhere only the perceivable information is exploited. Modal-ity reliability has also been examined in [14], in the contextof multimodal speaker identification. An adaptive cascaderule was proposed and the order of the classifiers was de-termined based on the reliability of each modality combina-tion.

A modified Coupled Hidden Markov Model (CHMM) isemployed to model the complex interaction and inter- de-pendencies between audio and visual information and com-bine them efficiently in order to recognize correctly thetransmitted words. In this work, modality reliability is re-garded as a means of giving priority to single or combinedmodalities in the fusion process, rather than using it as a nu-merical weight.

4 Audio speech recognition

Audio speech recognition is one part of the proposedaudio-visual speech recognition interface intended for ver-bal human-computer interaction between a blind person

Table 1 Recognition vocabulary with phonemic transcription

Voice command Phonemic transcription Interaction type

Catacombs k a t a c o m s game

Click k l i k interface

k l i

Door d o r game

East i s t game

i s

Enter e n t e r game

Exit e g z i t game

e g z i

Go g o u game

Help h e l p interface

h e l

e l

Inscription i n s k r i p s i o n game

North n o r s game

n o r

Open o p e n game

Restart r i s t a r t interface

r i s t a r

South s a u s game

s a u

Start game s t a r t g e i m interface

s t a r g e i m

Stop game s t o p g e i m interface

West u e s t game

u e s

and the computer. 16 voice commands were selected tobe pronounced by the blind person. For the demonstrationpurposes one man was selected to show eyeless human-computer interaction so the automatic recognition system isspeaker-dependent. All the voice commands can be dividedinto two groups: (1) communication with the game process;(2) eyeless interaction with GUI interface of the multimodalsystem, as illustrated in Table 1.

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116 109

HTK 3.4 toolkit [15] was employed to process the audiosignal. The signal is captured by the microphone of a web-camera and sampled at 11025 Hz with 16 bits on each sam-ple using a linear scale. Cepstral coefficients are computedfor the 25 ms overlapping windows (frames) with 10 ms shiftbetween adjacent frames applying the bank of triangular fil-ters calculated according to the mel-scale frequencies by theequation:

Mel(f ) = 2595 · log10

(1 + f


). (1)

Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are calcu-lated from the log filter-bank amplitudes mi using the dis-crete cosine transform according to the equation [15]:

ci =√




mj cos


N(j − 0.5)


where the number N of filters in the filterbank equals 12. Sothe audio speech recognizer system calculates 12 MFCCs aswell as estimates the first and second order derivatives thatforms an observation vector of 36 components.

The acoustical modeling is based on continuous Hid-den Markov Models (HMMs) [16], applying mixtures ofGaussian probability density functions that are defined ac-cording to the equation:

N (o;μ,�) = 1√(2π)n|�|e

− 12 (o−μ)T �−1(o−μ) (3)

where N is a Gaussian with mean vector μ and covari-ance matrix �, and n is the dimensionality of the observablevector o. HMMs of phonemes have three meaningful statesand two “hollow” states intended for concatenation of themodels of phonemes in the models of words and phrases,as illustrated in Fig. 3. Each word of the vocabulary is ob-tained by concatenation of context-independent phonemes.The speech decoder uses Viterbi-based token passing algo-rithm [15]. The input phrase syntax is described in a simplegrammar that allows to recognize only one command in ahypothesis.

In order to train the speech recognizer an audio-visualspeech corpus was collected in an auditorium room usinga USB web-camera. 320 utterances were used for trainingHMMs of phonemes and 100 utterances for the testing pur-pose. The wave audio files were extracted from the trainingvideo files using the VirtualDub software.

After expert processing of the utterances, it was foundthat the SNR for audio signal is quite low (15–20 db) be-cause of far position (about 1 meter) of the speaker in frontof the microphone and usage of the microphone built ina standard web-camera. Thus some explosive consonants(for instance “t” or “k”) at the beginnings and endings of

Fig. 3 Topology of the Hidden Markov Model for a phoneme

Fig. 4 General data flow in audio-visual speech recognition system

phrases are not identified in the wave files. In Table 1, somewords have several different variants of transcriptions, it isexplained by periodical loss of explosive consonants in thespeech signal. 30% training utterances were manually la-beled on phonemes by the software WaveSurfer, and the re-maining data were automatically segmented by the Viterbiforced alignment method [15].

The audio speech recognizer was compiled as dynamiclink library ASR.dll, which is used by the main executablemodule that combines the modules for audio and visualspeech recognition (Fig. 4).

The audio speech recognizer can work independently orjointly with the visual speech recognizer. In the on-line op-eration mode the audio speech recognizer uses an energy-based voice activity detector to find the speech frames inaudio signal. When any speech activity is found the mod-ule sends the message WMSTARTSPEECH to the windowof the main application as well as when speech frames arechanged by pause frames the message WMENDSPEECH issent. After receiving one of the messages the visual recog-nizer should start or finish the video processing, correspond-ingly. The audio speech recognizer operates very fast so theresult of speech recognition will be available almost im-mediately after the message WMENDSPEECH. Moreover,the MFCC features, calculated while processing speech, are

110 J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116

Fig. 5 Lip motion extractionprocess

stored in an internal buffer and can be transferred to the vi-sual speech recognizer in order to fuse these parameters withvisual parameters of the lips region.

5 Visual speech recognition

For the lip shape modality, the robust location of facial fea-tures and especially the location of the mouth region is cru-cial. Then, a discriminant set of visual observation vectorshave to be extracted. The process for the extraction of thelip shape is presented in [17], and is described in brief be-low so that the paper is self-contained.

Initially, the speaker’s face is located in the video se-quence as illustrated in Fig. 5. Subsequently, the lower halfof the detected face is selected as an initial candidate of themouth region and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) isused to classify pixels into two classes: face and lip. Af-ter the lip region segmentation has been performed the con-tour of the lips is obtained using the binary chain encodingmethod and a normalized 64 × 64 region is obtained fromthe mouth region using an affine transform. In the following,this area is split into blocks and the 2D-DCT transform isapplied to each of these blocks and the lower frequency co-efficients are selected from each block, forming a vector of32 coefficients. Finally, LDA is applied to the resulting vec-tors, where the classes correspond to the words consideredin the application. A set of 15 coefficients, correspondingto the most significant generalized eigenvalues of the LDAdecomposition is used as the lip shape observation vector.

6 Audio-visual speech recognition

6.1 Multimodal fusion

The combination of multiple modalities for inference hasproven to be a very powerful way to increase detection andrecognition performance. By combining information pro-vided by different models of the modalities, weakly incor-rect evidence in one modality can be corrected by another

modality. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are a popularprobabilistic framework for modeling processes that havestructure in time. Especially, for the applications that inte-grate two or more streams of data, Coupled Hidden MarkovModels (CHMMs) have been developed.

A CHMM can be considered as a collection of HMMs,one for each data stream, where the hidden backbone nodesat time t for each HMM are conditioned by the backbonenodes at time t − 1 for all the related HMMs. It must benoted that CHMMs are very popular among the audio-visualspeech recognition community, since they can model effi-ciently the endogenous asynchrony between the speech andlip shape modalities. The parameters of a CHMM are de-scribed below:

πc0 (i) = P(qc

t = i), (4)

bct (i) = P(Oc

t |qct = i), (5)

aci|j,k = P(qc

t = i|qAt−1 = j, qL

t−1 = k) (6)

where qct is the state of the coupled node in the cth stream

at time t , πc0 (i) is the initial state probability distribution for

state i in cth stream, Oct is the observation of the nodes at

time t in the cth stream, bct (i) is the probability of the obser-

vation given the i state of the hidden nodes in the cth stream,and ac

i|j,k,n is the state transitional probability to node i inthe cth stream, given the state of the nodes at time t − 1 forall the streams. Figure 6 illustrates the CHMM employedin this work. Square nodes represent the observable nodeswhereas circle nodes denote the hidden (backbone) nodes.

One of the most challenging tasks in automatic speechrecognition systems is to increase robustness to environ-mental conditions. Although the stream weights needs tobe properly estimated according to noise conditions, theycannot be determined based on the maximum likelihood cri-terion. Therefore, it is very important to build an efficientstream weight optimization technique to achieve high recog-nition accuracy.

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116 111

Fig. 6 Coupled HMM for audio and visual information fusion

6.2 Modality reliability

Ideally, the contribution of each modality to the overall out-put of the recognition system should be weighted accordingto a reliability measure. This measure denotes how each ob-servation stream should be modified and acts as a weightingfactor. In general, it is related to the environmental condi-tions (e.g., acoustic noise for the speech signal). The com-mon way of incorporating these reliability values into deci-sion fusion is to use them as weighting coefficients and tocompute a weighted average. Thus, the probability bm(Ot )

of a feature Ot for a word m is given by:

bm(Ot ) = wA · bA(OAt ) + wL · bL(OL

t ) (7)

where bA(OAt ), and bL(OL

t ) are respectively the likelihoodsfor an audio feature OA

t and a lip shape feature OLt . The

parameters wA and wL are audio and lip shape weights, re-spectively, and wA + wL = 1.

In the proposed method, a different approach is employedto determine the weights of each data stream. More specifi-cally, for each modality, word recognition is performed us-ing a HMM for the training sequences. The results of the(unimodal) word recognition indicate the noise levels ineach modality and provide an approximation of their reli-ability. More specifically, when the unimodal HMM clas-sifier fails to identify the transmitted words it means thatthe observation features for the specific modality are unreli-able. On the other hand, a small word error rate using onlyone modality and the related HMM means that the corre-sponding feature vector is reliable and should be favored inthe CHMM. Let eA denote the word error rate of the audiorecognition system and eL denote the word error rate of thevisual recognition system. We define their ratio λ as:

λ = eA


. (8)

Based on the value of λ and a set of predefined thresholdsdetermined experimentally, the weight wA is defined by thefollowing rule:

wA =


0.1, λ ≥ 1.5,

0.2, 1.2 ≤ λ < 1.5,

0.4, 1.1 ≤ λ < 1.2,

0.55, 0.7 ≤ λ < 1.1,

0.75, 0.5 ≤ λ < 0.8,

0.9, 0.1 ≤ λ < 0.5,

0.95, λ < 0.1.


As mentioned before, the value of wL is computed as 1 −wA.

6.3 Word recognition

The word recognition is performed using the Viterbi algo-rithm, for the parameters of all the word models. It must beemphasized that the influence of each stream is weighted atthe recognition process because, in general, the reliabilityand the information conveyed by each modality is different.Thus, the observation probabilities are modified as:

bAt (i) = bt (OA

t |qAt = i)wA, (10)

bLt (i) = bt (OL

t |qLt = i)wL (11)

where wA and wL are respectively the weights for audio andlip shape modalities and wA + wL = 1. The values of wA

and wL are obtained using the methodology of Sect. 6.2.

6.4 Experimental evaluation

The audio-visual recognition module was evaluated on thewords reported in Table 1. Each word in the vocabulary wasrepeated 26 times; 18 instances of each word were used fortraining and eight instances were used for testing. The per-formance of the audio only, visual only, and audio-visualrecognition modules is depicted in Fig. 7 for various levelsof environmental acoustic noise. As expected, the recogni-tion accuracy of the audio-visual recognizer is higher thanthe accuracy of the unimodal recognizer. Moreover, the ex-perimental results indicate that the performance gain be-comes larger in low SNR values (high levels of acousticnoise). More specifically, at low SNR levels, the audio-visual recognizer increases by 30% the recognition accu-racy.

7 Path sketching

In this revised version of the Treasure Hunting Game, theengagement of deaf-and mute players is improved by path

112 J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116

Fig. 7 Word recognition accuracy of the unimodal and the multimodalspeech recognition systems at various acoustic noise levels

sketching based on gesture modality. The user can inter-act with the interface by means of a gesture performed byhis/her hand to navigate on the village map and to explorethe main areas of this map (e.g., temple, catacombs). Thisreal time navigation process is implemented in the threesteps: Hand detection, trajectory extraction, and sketching.

7.1 Hand detection

Detection and tracking was a nontrivial step because occlu-sions can occur due to overlap of each hand on the other orof the other skin colored regions (e.g., face and harms). Tosolve this problem and to make the detection easier a blueglove was worn from the player. In this way, we could dealwith detection and tracking of hand exploiting techniquesbased on color blobs.

The colored region is detected via the histogram ap-proach as proposed in [18]. For the glove color, we train ahistogram of the components of the color space. HSV colorspace is preferred because of its robustness to changing il-lumination conditions. For the training, we collect a numberof images that contain the color of the glove. The H, S andV components are divided into bins, and for each pixel inthe training images, we update the histogram. At each binof the histogram, we calculate the number of occurrences ofpixels that correspond to that bin. Afterwards, the bins ofhistogram are normalized such that the maximum is 1. Thehistogram resembles the pdf of the detected pixel locationsbut the maximum value is 1 instead of the sum. To segmentthe hand in an image, we traverse each pixel, find the his-togram bin it corresponds and apply thresholding. We settwo thresholds, low and high, and choose double threshold-ing to ensure connectivity, and to avoid spikes in the binaryimage: A pixel is considered as a hand pixel if its histogramvalue is higher than the high threshold, or it is higher than the

low threshold and the previous pixel was labeled as glove .The final hand region is assumed to be the largest connectedcomponent over the detected pixels. Thus we had only onecomponent identified as hand.

7.2 Hand tracking and trajectory extraction

The analysis of hand motion is done by tracking the cen-ter of mass (CoM) and calculating the velocity of each seg-mented hand. However, these hand trajectories are noisy dueto the noise introduced at the segmentation step. Thus, weuse Kalman filters to smooth the obtained trajectories. Theinitialization of the Kalman Filter is done when the hand isfirst detected in the video. The CoM of each hand is givenas the measurements to a four state Kalman filter: positionsand velocities in x, y coordinates. The Kalman filter tries toestimate the state vector xk at time k by the following equa-tion:

xk = Axk−1 + Buk + wk−1 (12)

with a measurement zk

zk = Hxk + vk. (13)

The variables wk and vk represent the process and measure-ment noise respectively and are assumed to be normally dis-tributed with zero mean and with covariances Q and R, re-spectively. The matrix A relates the state at time k − 1 tothe state at time k. The B matrix relates the optional con-trol input, u. The matrix H relates the state at time k to themeasurement.

At each frame, Kalman filter time update equations arecalculated to predict the new hand position. The hand posi-tion found by the hand segmentation is used as measure-ments to correct the Kalman Filter parameters. Posteriorstates of each Kalman filter is defined as feature vectors forx, y coordinates of CoM and velocity. The hand can be lostdue to occlusion or bad lighting in some frames. In that case,Kalman Filter prediction is directly used without correctingthe Kalman Filter parameters. The hand is assumed to beout of the camera view if no hand can be detected for somenumber of (i.e. six) consecutive frames.

7.3 Sketching on the map

The extracted trajectory is then superimposed to the map, sothat player can sketch directly the path on the map duringthe whole game.

Hand gestures performed by player were encoded withrespect to the elongation of the hand. Positions of the handwere used as drawing controller, when player puts the handin the vertical position with respect to the ground, drawingis enabled (Fig. 8a) and s/he can start to sketch trajectory on

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116 113

Fig. 8 The detected binary hand. The elongation of the hand setswhether the drawing is (a) on or (b) off

Fig. 9 The sketched trajectory on the map

the map. When the hand is moved to the horizontal positionwith respect to the ground, the drawing is disabled (Fig. 8b).If the user moves her/his hand to the top left corner of themap, the drawing is deleted and the user may start from thebeginning.

The predefined locations on the map are used as the startand stop locations of the path. The drawing only starts whenthe user is around the starting position and the drawing endswhen the path reaches to the stopping position (Fig. 9). Theevaluation of the path sketching module is not feasible sinceit is obvious that there is not only one correct path from thestarting point to the end point in the map. Thus, the usersare free to sketch by hand any line and there are no groundtruth data so that the line which is drawn on the map can betested with. However, subjective evaluation showed that thetrajectory which is drawn on the map matches the trajectoryof the hand and user’s comments were quite positive on thisfunctionality.

The position of the hand which controls drawing can beeasily found given that there is no similar color as the markercolor in the camera view. In our tests, when this condition issatisfied, the hand region is found without any problem. If

Fig. 10 Sign language recognition system block diagram

the condition is not satisfied, there are two different scenar-ios:

• if the hand is not in the camera view, some other region isconsidered as hand.

• if the hand is in the camera view, the algorithm choosesthe largest connected component as the hand.

A region can only be considered as hand if its area isgreater than the area threshold. Moreover, we see that, if theabove condition is met, the elongation of the hand can becorrectly found since the segmentation of the hand region iscorrect.

8 Sign language recognition

Figure 10 depicts the steps in sign recognition. The first stepin hand gesture recognition is to detect and track both hands.This is a complex task because the hands may occlude eachother and also come in front of other skin colored regions,such as the arms and the face. To make the detection prob-lem easier, we have used colored gloves worn on the hand(see Fig. 11). Once the hands are detected, a complete handgesture recognition system must be able to extract the handshape, and the hand motion. We have extracted simple handshape features and combined them with hand motion and po-sition information to obtain a combined feature vector [19].

Our sign database consists of four ASL signs for di-rections: north, south, east, and west. For each sign, we

114 J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116

Fig. 11 The user wearing colored gloves

Table 2 Sign recognition accuracy

% Signer dependent % Signer independent

Train 100 100

Test 97.5 97.5

recorded 15 repetitions from two subjects. The video res-olution is 640 × 480 pixels and the frame rate is 25 fps.A left-to-right continuous HMM model of four states andwith no state skips, similar to the one in Fig. 3 is trained foreach sign in the database. For the final decision, likelihoodsof HMM for each sign class, P(O|�i), are calculated andthe sign class with the maximum likelihood is selected asthe base decision.


(P (O|�i)). (14)

We tested the recognition performance of the system forthe signer-dependent and the signer-independent cases. Inthe signer-dependent case, we apply a leave-one-out crossvalidation where at each fold and for each sign, one repe-tition of each subject is placed into the test set and the re-maining ones to the training set. In the signer-independentcase, we apply a 2-fold cross validation where at each foldand for each sign, we use examples from one subject intothe training set and examples from the other subject to thetest set, and vice versa. The average accuracies are given inTable 2. The system gives an average test accuracy of 97.5%and there is no difference between the signer-dependent andsigner-independent cases.

9 Application scenario

The aforementioned technologies were integrated in orderto create an entertainment scenario. The scenario consists of

Fig. 12 Sign language synthesis using an avatar

seven steps. In each step one of the users has to perform oneor more actions in order to pass successfully to the next step.The storyboard is about an ancient city that is under attackand citizens of the city try finding the designs in order tocreate high technology war machines.

In the first step, the blind user receives an audio mes-sage and is instructed to “find a red closet”. Subsequently,the blind user explores the village using the haptic device. Itis worth noting that audio modality replaces color modalityusing the SeeColor module. Thus, the user can select the cor-rect closet and receive further instructions which are trans-mitted to the other user.

In the second step, the deaf-and-mute person receives theaudio message which is converted to text using the speechrecognition tool and then to sign language using the signsynthesis tool. Finally, the user receives the message as agesture through an avatar, as depicted in Fig. 12. The inter-ested readers are referred to [20] for additional details onthe implementation of the text-to-sign avatar. This messageguides the deaf-and-mute user to the town hall, where themayor provides the audio message “Go to the temple ru-ins”.

The third step involves the blind user, who hears the mes-sage said by the mayor and goes to the temple ruins. In thetemple ruins the blind user has to search for an object thathas an inscription written on it. One of the columns has aninscription written on it that states, “The dead will save thecity”. The blind user is informed by an audio message when-ever he finds this column and the message is sent to the deaf-mute user’s terminal.

The fourth step involves again the deaf and mute user.The user receives the written text in sign language form.The text modality is translated to sign language symbolsusing the sign synthesis tool. Then the deaf and mute user

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116 115

Fig. 13 The seven steps of the virtual game

has to understand the meaning of the inscription “The deadwill save the city” and go to the cemetery using the mousewhere he/she finds a key with the word “Catacombs” writtenon it.

In the fifth step, the text-to-speech (TTS) tool is em-ployed to transform the instructions written on the key(“CATACOMBS”) to an audio signal that can be perceivedby the blind user. The user has to search for the catacombsenter in them and find the box that contains a map (Fig. 13).The map is then sent to the next level.

In the sixth step, the deaf user receives the map, and hasto draw the route to the area where the treasure is hidden.The route is drawn on the map and the map is converted toa grooved line map, which is send to for the last level to theblind user.

In the seventh step, the blind user receives the groovedline map and has to find and follow the way to the for-est where the treasure is hidden. Although the map is pre-sented again as a 2D image the blind user can feel the 3Dgrooved map and follow the route to the forest. The 2D im-age and the 3D map are registered and this allows us to vi-sualize the route that the blind user actually follows on the

2D image. The blind user is asked to press the key of thePHANToM device while he believes that the PHANTOMcursor lies in the path. Finally, after finding the forest he ob-tains a new grooved line map where the blind user has tosearch for the final location of the treasure. After search-ing in the forest streets the blind user should find the trea-sure.

The treasure hunt game was played both by disabled andnon-disabled people. However, objective evaluation of thegame is not feasible since there are not any strict objec-tive performance metrics that can be associated with the de-veloped application. Instead, the overall evaluation of thesystem can be performed by evaluating its components, asdescribed in the previous sections. Additionally, subjectiveevaluation of the system based on the comments of the usersindicated that the use of speech commands and sign lan-guage were the features with the most positive comments.A demonstration of the developed application played by dis-abled people can be found in [21].

10 Conclusions

In this paper, a novel system for the communication be-tween disabled users and their effective interaction withthe computer was presented based on multimodal user in-terfaces. The main objective was to address the problemcaused by the fact that impaired individuals, in general,do not have access to the same modalities. Therefore, thetransmitted signals were translated into a perceivable form.The critical point for the automatic translation of infor-mation is the accurate recognition of the transmitted con-tent and the effective transformation into another form.Thus, an audio-visual speech recognition system was em-ployed to recognize phonetic commands from the blinduser. The translation of the commands for the deaf-mutewas performed using a sign synthesis module which pro-duces an animation with an avatar. On the other hand,the deaf-mute user interacts using sign language and ges-tures. The system incorporates a module which is capa-ble of recognizing user gestures and translate them usingtext-to-speech applications. As an application scenario, theaforementioned technologies are integrated in a collabo-rative treasure hunting game which requires the interac-tion of the users in each level. Future work will focus onthe extension of the developed modules in order to sup-port larger vocabularies and enable more natural communi-cation of the users. Furthermore, the structure of the em-ployed modalities should be studied more to reveal theirinter-dependencies and exploit their complementary naturemore effectively.

116 J Multimodal User Interfaces (2008) 2: 105–116

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the EU fundedSIMILAR Network of Excellence.


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