multinational energy utilities in the energy transition: a ... · gambardella, 2001) and...

Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition: A configurational study of the drivers of FDI in renewables Samuli Patala 1 , Jouni K. Juntunen 1,2 , Sarianna Lundan 1,3 and Tiina Ritvala 1 1 School of Business, Aalto University, P.O. Box 21210, 00076 Espoo, Finland; 2 School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, P.O. Box 11000, 00076 Espoo, Finland; 3 Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, University of Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany Correspondence: S Patala, School of Business, Aalto University, P.O. Box 21210, 00076 Espoo, Finland e-mail: Abstract The global energy system has a long way to go to meet international climate goals, and significant investment in renewable energy is required to accelerate the energy transition (IRENA, 2016, 2019). We examine how firm- and country- specific conditions in the electric utility sector impact foreign direct investment (FDI) in renewables. Using a unique dataset of 289 greenfield investments by 17 multinational energy utilities, we employ a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) that yields five causal configurations leading to FDI in renewables and four configurations leading to investment in non-renewables. Our results indicate that private MNEs are at the forefront of investment in renewables, and while state-owned MNEs (SOMNEs) do invest in them, they tend to follow strategies that are less risky compared to private MNEs and more responsive to host-country incentives. Our analysis suggests that for private MNEs, international experience is strongly associated with investment in renewables, while for SOMNEs it is associated with investment in non- renewables. Further, we also identify instances where MNEs contribute simultaneously to a ‘race to the top’ and a ‘race to the bottom’ by investing in both renewables and non-renewables in different markets, thereby reducing the pace of the energy transition. Journal of International Business Studies (2021) 52, 930–950. Keywords: energy transition; pollution havens; FSA-CSA matrix; FDI; incentives; state- owned enterprises INTRODUCTION Utilities would have to modify corporate strategiesIncreasing investments in renewables would support profits and help dilute the contribution from legacy assets [fossil fuels]. (Gandolfi et al., 2018: p. 37) The above quote from an investment banker reflects the transi- tional phase between the old world of fossil fuels and the new world of renewable energy as well as the core strategic imperative faced by energy utilities. The energy utility sector is among the largest contributors to climate change, with electricity and heat The online version of this article is available Open Access Electronic supplementary mate- rial The online version of this article ( x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Received: 15 February 2019 Revised: 18 September 2020 Accepted: 22 September 2020 Online publication date: 8 January 2021 Journal of International Business Studies (2021) 52, 930–950 ª 2021 The Author(s) All rights reserved 0047-2506/21

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  • Multinational energy utilities in the energy

    transition: A configurational study

    of the drivers of FDI in renewables

    Samuli Patala1,Jouni K. Juntunen1,2,Sarianna Lundan1,3 andTiina Ritvala1

    1School of Business, Aalto University,

    P.O. Box 21210, 00076 Espoo, Finland; 2Schoolof Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University,

    P.O. Box 11000, 00076 Espoo, Finland; 3Faculty

    of Business Studies and Economics, University of

    Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany

    Correspondence:S Patala, School of Business, Aalto University,P.O. Box 21210, 00076 Espoo, Finlande-mail: [email protected]

    AbstractThe global energy system has a long way to go to meet international climate

    goals, and significant investment in renewable energy is required to accelerate

    the energy transition (IRENA, 2016, 2019). We examine how firm- and country-specific conditions in the electric utility sector impact foreign direct investment

    (FDI) in renewables. Using a unique dataset of 289 greenfield investments by

    17 multinational energy utilities, we employ a fuzzy set qualitative comparativeanalysis (fsQCA) that yields five causal configurations leading to FDI in

    renewables and four configurations leading to investment in non-renewables.

    Our results indicate that private MNEs are at the forefront of investment inrenewables, and while state-owned MNEs (SOMNEs) do invest in them, they

    tend to follow strategies that are less risky compared to private MNEs and more

    responsive to host-country incentives. Our analysis suggests that for privateMNEs, international experience is strongly associated with investment in

    renewables, while for SOMNEs it is associated with investment in non-

    renewables. Further, we also identify instances where MNEs contribute

    simultaneously to a ‘race to the top’ and a ‘race to the bottom’ by investingin both renewables and non-renewables in different markets, thereby reducing

    the pace of the energy transition.

    Journal of International Business Studies (2021) 52, 930–950.

    Keywords: energy transition; pollution havens; FSA-CSA matrix; FDI; incentives; state-owned enterprises


    Utilities would have to modify corporate strategies…Increasing investments inrenewables would support profits and help dilute the contribution from legacy

    assets [fossil fuels]. (Gandolfi et al., 2018: p. 37)

    The above quote from an investment banker reflects the transi-tional phase between the old world of fossil fuels and the newworld of renewable energy as well as the core strategic imperativefaced by energy utilities. The energy utility sector is among thelargest contributors to climate change, with electricity and heat

    The online version of this article is available Open Access

    Electronic supplementary mate-rial The online version of this article( contains supplementary material, which isavailable to authorized users.

    Received: 15 February 2019Revised: 18 September 2020Accepted: 22 September 2020Online publication date: 8 January 2021

    Journal of International Business Studies (2021) 52, 930–950ª 2021 The Author(s) All rights reserved 0047-2506/21

  • generation being responsible for more than aquarter of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-sions (IPCC, 2014). Until recently, the sector hasbeen largely locked into carbon-intensive technolo-gies, mainly based on coal and gas (Unruh, 2000).However, renewable technologies such as wind andsolar power are quickly gaining market share,prompting hopes of a carbon-free energy systemby the mid-21st century (Rockström et al., 2017).These hopes are reinforced by more stringentgovernment policies such as the ‘European GreenDeal’ announced in December 2019, which pledgesthe European Union to reach carbon neutrality by2050 and tasks the Commission with developingthe requisite legislation.1

    An important part of the energy transitioninvolves cross-border investment by multinationalenterprises (MNEs) that enables more rapid tech-nology diffusion (Cantwell, 1999; Arora, Fosfuri &Gambardella, 2001) and consequently faster andmore efficient building of renewable capacity(Hanni, Van Giffen, Krüger & Mirza, 2011). Sus-tainable FDI flows into renewable energy (Sauvant& Mann, 2019) are particularly important inemerging and developing economies where emis-sions are increasing rapidly in line with growingenergy needs (Benney, 2019; REN21, 2019). Todaydeveloping countries in Asia account for over 50%of global growth in generation from renewables,and renewables will provide the cheapest and safestsource of energy for almost 1 billion people withoutelectricity access (IEA, 2019). Whereas total (do-mestic and foreign) investment in power genera-tion still relies quite heavily on fossil fuels,greenfield FDI by MNEs focuses predominantly onrenewable energy (UNCTAD, 2019, p. 11). In fact,during the past decade, the value of greenfield FDIin renewables has exceeded that of fossil fuel-basedprojects every year (Ibid.). Given that renewableenergy was the world’s third biggest industry sectorfor greenfield FDI between December 2013 andNovember 2018 (fDiIntelligence, 2019), this raisesessential questions concerning the determinants ofthis type of FDI.

    When it comes to environmental regulation, theempirical literature at the macro level has exam-ined both the conditions leading to a ‘race to thetop’, i.e., increasing flows of ‘clean’ investment,and the conditions leading to a ‘race to the bottom’(Bu & Wagner, 2016; Cave, 2014). The latter case isoften referred to as ‘pollution haven’ investment,denoting ‘dirty’ investments in countries with laxregulations (Levinson, 1997; Lin & Sun, 2016;

    Madsen, 2009). At the same time, studies at themicro level suggest that firm capabilities matter,and that ‘green’ or ‘clean’ firms might choose torace to the top (Bu & Wagner, 2016), i.e., chooselocations with relatively more stringent regulation.In contrast, ‘dirty’ firms prefer locations with lowerregulation, leading to adverse selection and avicious cycle of polluting investment (Pisani, Kolk,Ocelik, & Wu, 2019). As yet, we know relativelylittle about what leads some multinational energyutilities to engage in FDI in renewables or cleaninvestment, while others continue to invest in non-renewables or engage in dirty FDI. It is also unclearhow these strategic alternatives are impacted by theregulatory and economic context in the hostcountries. Hence, it remains unknown how thedrivers that have been identified as important inprior studies influence FDI in renewables (Kolk &Pinkse, 2008; Rugman & Verbeke, 1998; Shapiro,Hobdari & Oh, 2018). We address this gap by askingthe following research question: Which combina-tions of firm- and host-country conditions lead to FDI inrenewable energy?In order to explore the strategic FDI decisions of

    energy utilities analytically, we draw on the FSA-CSA matrix (Rugman & Verbeke, 2001) togetherwith the literature on state-owned MNEs (SOMNEs)(Aharoni, 2018; Cuervo-Cazurra, Inkpen, Musac-chio & Ramaswamy, 2014; Rudy, Miller & Wang,2016) and the literature specific to the energy sectoroutside the IB field. We undertake a fuzzy setqualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to study289 foreign investments by 17 large energy utilitiesbetween 2010 and 2017. Such an approach isparticularly appropriate when the constructs areknown (in contrast to inductive qualitativeresearch), but the complexity of relations betweenconstructs remains unexplored (and is oftenmasked by standard statistical analysis). By identi-fying how combinations of firm-specific advantages(FSAs) and country-specific advantages (CSAs) pro-duce either positive or negative outcomes, config-urational analysis is well suited to advanceunderstanding in contexts where the interplaybetween firm-level conditions and institutionalconditions shapes the responses of organizations(Crilly, Zollo & Hansen, 2012). Building on thepioneering analysis of Rugman and Verbeke (1998)concerning the strategic options faced by MNEs as aresult of cross-border differences in environmentalregulations, we assume that the outcomes areneither purely policy-driven nor simply the resultof strategic decision-making by MNEs. By

    Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition Samuli Patala et al.


    Journal of International Business Studies

  • considering both FSAs and CSAs simultaneously asdrivers of FDI, we are able to highlight theircontingent nature in a field under flux such as theenergy utility industry.

    We identify five configurations of conditionsleading to FDI in renewables and four configura-tions leading to FDI in non-renewables. We findthat while highly internationalized private MNEswith technological capabilities follow renewable-dominated strategies regardless of the presence ofCSAs, SOMNEs appear to follow more cautiousstrategies relying mainly on CSAs. Moreover, wefind that high international experience seems to beassociated with FDI in renewables and low interna-tional experience with FDI in non-renewables forprivate MNEs, while for SOMNEs it is the opposite.Interestingly, our configurational analysis also sug-gests that the same MNE may contribute simulta-neously to both a ‘race to the top’ and a ‘race to thebottom’, extending and even challenging priorresearch highlighting the role of firm heterogeneity(Bu & Wagner, 2016).

    We make three contributions to the literature.First, we shed light on the conditions, both at themicro (firm) and macro (country) level, whichmotivate FDI in renewables and non-renewables.Unlike most studies on the energy transition andenvironmentally responsible management prac-tices in IB in general (Cave, 2014), our analysishighlights the role of endogenous strategic deci-sions by MNEs in addition to the effects of exoge-nous policy interventions by governments (Kolk,2015) or general institutional conditions (Pinkse &Kolk, 2012). Second, we provide a richer under-standing of the role and diverse strategies ofSOMNEs in the energy transition and how thejoint impact of state ownership and internationalexperience influences FDI strategies. Third, byframing the configurational analysis as interplaybetween firm- and country-level drivers and bymapping these on an FSA-CSA matrix, we are ableto demonstrate the net effect of the differentconfigurations on the energy transition, and indoing so, avoid reductionist explanations.

    FIRM- AND COUNTRY-SPECIFIC ADVANTAGESA key element of the FSA-CSA matrix of Rugmanand Verbeke (2001) is the need for MNEs tocombine non-location bound (transferable) FSAswith host-country CSAs. However, since at leastsome FSAs are likely to be location-bound, the

    transfer of FSAs alone is likely to be insufficient,and the MNE also needs to generate some FSAs inthe host country to complement the advantagestransferred from home. This means that foreigninvestment entails uncertainties greater than thoseencountered by the firm in its domestic operations,and only firms with higher than average produc-tivity and capabilities are able to develop trans-ferrable FSAs sufficient to overcome the obstacles inforeign markets and engage in FDI (Dunning &Lundan, 2008; Rugman & Verbeke, 1998). In the IBliterature, these obstacles are described as theliability of foreignness, which includes e.g., nega-tive stereotyping and unfamiliarity with local mar-ket conditions and institutional environments(Zaheer, 1995) and a position as an outsider withpotentially negative effects (Johanson & Vahlne,2009).The energy utility sector is characterized by high

    capital intensity, low R&D intensity, and theprominent role of government policies and stateownership that differentiate it from most manu-facturing and service sectors. In the subsequentanalysis, we employ the FSA-CSA matrix to identifyconditions at the firm and country level thatincrease the likelihood of FDI in renewables in thissector. These include conditions that can unam-biguously be classified as advantages, such asproject-related technological capabilities at the firmlevel or incentives for renewables at the countrylevel. However, they also include conditions thatoffer a benefit only for some firms in a particularhost-country context (a specific combination ofFSAs and CSAs). For example, while state ownershipdoes not necessarily constitute a universal advan-tage owing to the great variety of different kinds ofSOMNEs (Grøgaard, Rygh & Benito, 2019), thereare specific country contexts that make a renewableinvestment by some SOMNEs more likely (Rudyet al., 2016).

    FSAs Leading to FDI in RenewablesTo shed light on the specific FSAs influencing FDIin renewable energy capacity, we draw on the IBliterature and the still embryonic literature onSOMNEs and the energy transition. These bodiesof literature highlight three potentially importantfirm-specific conditions influencing cross-borderinvestments in renewables, namely technologicalcapabilities, firm international experience, andstate ownership.

    Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition Samuli Patala et al.


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  • Technological capabilitiesMuch of the attention in the IB literature concern-ing different types of FSAs relates either to posses-sion of intangible assets, most notably proprietarytechnology, brands and trademarks, or alterna-tively to relational advantages with which MNEsare able to engage with actors in the local environ-ment to obtain complementary resources andlegitimacy (Rugman & Verbeke, 2001; Lundan,2010). Both types of FSAs are also relevant in thecontext of climate change mitigation (Backman,Verbeke & Schulz, 2017) and are closely related toeach other in regulated industries such as utilities.Previous studies have found that the possibility toinfluence the structure of new energy markets restsparticularly on the MNE’s organizational and tech-nological capabilities (Kolk, 2015). Such advantagesare path dependent and are built through eitherinternal development or acquisitions (Awate, Lar-sen, & Mudambi, 2015; Kolk & Pinkse, 2008).

    Investment by energy utilities in renewable elec-tricity is relatively recent (with the exception ofhydropower), beginning in the 1990s. The mostactive investors have come from countries thatincentivized renewables production relatively earlyon (Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016). Although byconventional measures the R&D intensity of energyutilities – around 0.4 % (IEA, 2018a) – is low, andmuch of the technology is developed by firmsoutside the utility sector, some firms in the industryhave nonetheless developed FSAs in the operationand scaling up of investment in renewable energy.As utilities’ capacity in renewable power generationgrows higher, they can accumulate unique firm-specific capabilities, such as knowledge on how tomanage a portfolio of intermittent and non-inter-mittent energy generation. Therefore, we expectthat firms with prior experience of renewables aremore likely to have accumulated technological andrelational capabilities resulting in transferable FSAsand FDI in renewables.

    International experienceThe propensity for cross-border investment inrenewables is influenced by the accumulated for-eign experience of the firm (Johanson & Vahlne,2009; Kolk & Pinkse, 2008, 2012). Firms that haveexperience of investment in a greater number orvariety of countries are assumed to possess generalinternationalization experience that can bebrought to bear on new investment (Casillas &Moreno-Menéndez, 2014). In addition, firms mayhave acquired specific competences, such as the

    ability to apply their accumulated knowledge ofpolicy processes across different institutional set-tings, which may develop into the ability tomanage institutional idiosyncrasies in differentcontexts (Henisz, 2003). Past studies have shownthat MNEs that are highly internationalized alsodevelop capabilities for sustainability activities asthey are exposed to global sustainability pressures(Chakrabarty & Wang, 2012). This is also reflectedin the oil and gas sector, as more internationalizedfirms tend to have a higher commitment towardsrenewable energy (Hartmann, Inkpen & Ramas-wamy, 2020). Greater international experience mayalso allow energy utilities to take advantage ofunique locational resource endowments for renew-able resources (e.g., high solar irradiance or optimalwind conditions) and develop capabilities that canbe leveraged for investing in locations with lessoptimal conditions. Thus, in line with other indus-tries, we expect the degree of international experi-ence to have a positive effect on all energy-relatedFDI, including both renewable and non-renewableenergy production.

    State ownershipThe issue of state ownership is particularly salientfor the energy transition as SOMNEs control some70% of oil and gas production (Nelson et al., 2014)and over 60% of total electricity generation capac-ity (Prag, Röttgers & Scherrer, 2018). SOMNEs inpower generation are most prominent in China andEurope, although there are substantial differencesin the influence of the state (Röttgers & Below,2018; UNCTAD, 2017). Whereas full state owner-ship is common in China and other emergingmarkets, partially privatized firms where the stateholds a majority or minority stake are common inEurope (Dahlmann, Kolk & Lindeque, 2017;Domanico, 2007). Since energy utilities are a crit-ical part of the infrastructure, governments typi-cally retain a regulatory role in overseeing thesector, even when they withdraw as majorityowners (Henisz, 2003; Holburn & Zelner, 2010).This oversight is accomplished through directregulation, energy pricing, and subsidies, the con-trol of transmission networks, or of capacity expan-sion (Dahlmann et al., 2017). Additionally,governments often remain influential minorityshareholders and are consequently importantstakeholders in energy utilities (Cuervo-Cazurra,Inkpen, Musacchio & Ramaswamy, 2014; Mbaly-ohere, Lawton, Boojihawon & Viney, 2017).

    Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition Samuli Patala et al.


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  • Past studies have found that SOMNE investorsmay be less sensitive to host-country political riskthan their private counterparts (Cannizzaro &Weiner, 2018; Vernon, 1979). They are often foundto pursue social objectives at home and diplomaticor political objectives abroad (Musacchio & Laz-zarini, 2018). Recent studies on European SOMNEshave indicated that European governments prefer acautious strategy of regionalization in the interna-tionalization paths of firms in which they holdownership (Burger & Weinmann, 2016; Kolk, Lin-deque & van den Buuse, 2014). A study by Benito,Rygh and Lunnan (2016) on Norwegian publiclylisted SOMNEs shows that hybrid firms – ownedjointly by governments and private investors –exhibit behavior resembling that of privatelyowned firms. A recent study by Lazzarini, Mesquita,Monteiro and Musacchio (2020) found thatSOMNEs may also exhibit higher innovative capac-ity than their private counterparts, although this ismoderated by the degree of government involve-ment in the SOMNE’s activities. State involvementin the energy sector has been found to favor higher-risk investments in comparison to private investors(Mazzucato & Semieniuk, 2018). Other relatedstudies highlight the role of home-country institu-tional conditions for FDI. For instance, Grøgaard,Rygh and Benito (2019) find that SOMNEs origi-nating from countries with high institutionalquality behave more like private MNEs. Mariottiand Marzano (2019), in turn, suggest that in liberalmarket economies majority-owned SOMNEs exhi-bit a lower degree of internationalization thanprivate enterprises (see also Estrin, Meyer, Nielsen,& Nielsen, 2016).

    In sum, we expect that the degree of stateownership will have an impact on the investmentstrategies of SOMNEs (Bass & Chakrabarty, 2014),but it is not clear ex-ante whether this effect will bepositive or negative for FDI in renewables, and towhat extent is it also dependent on the host-country conditions. Governments may encouragetheir SOMNES to increase investment in renew-ables, both at home and abroad, or they mayprioritize energy security and affordability, includ-ing expanded investment in non-renewables. Alter-natively, they may choose to prioritize inwardinvestment in renewables through incentives suchas feed-in tariffs or as has been the case morerecently, through public auctions (Keeley & Mat-sumoto, 2018). In line with the literature, wefurther expect that to the extent that there aredifferences between state-owned and privately

    owned MNEs, these differences should be less inthe case of firms coming from developed countriesand diminish with a lower share of state ownershipin publicly listed companies.

    CSAs Leading to FDI in RenewablesBeyond firm-specific capabilities, accumulatedexperience and ownership type, there are eco-nomic, institutional, and natural-endowment con-ditions at the country level that determine theattractiveness of specific markets for investment inrenewables. We identify three such CSAs in thehost country, namely demand growth, a decliningtrend in emissions, and the presence of publicincentives for investment in renewables.

    Host-country Demand GrowthDemand conditions in the host country are a keydriver of cross-border investment (Hilleman &Gestrin, 2016; Rugman & Oh, 2008). Since thedemand for energy is closely linked to the rate ofeconomic growth, a high economic growth rate is akey driver for cross-border investments, for bothrenewable and non-renewable energy. In developedmarkets with lower growth in demand, investmentin new power plants generally occurs only whenexisting plants are decommissioned and replaced(Lund et al., 2019). Although the decreasing cost ofrenewables has rapidly increased investment glob-ally, in growing markets such as China, stronggrowth has also generated fossil-fuel-based invest-ments (IEA, 2018b; UNEP, 2019). SOMNEs inparticular may be inclined to continue investingdomestically in fossil fuels because of their man-date to ensure energy security, which may takeprecedence over environmental concerns (Röttgers& Below, 2018). Thus, we expect that high rates ofeconomic growth should result in high levels ofinvestment in both renewables and non-renewables.

    Host-country Declining EmissionsIn developed countries where economic growth ismore modest, it has been possible to decouple thelink between economic growth and greenhouse gasemissions through various policy measures(Sharma, Smeets & Tryggestad, 2019). Favorableinstitutional change including both energy policyand other aspects such as incentives for greenpurchasing and efficiency enhancing investment(Haley & Schuler, 2011) should be reflected inreduced emissions. Since the opportunities forMNEs to co-evolve with new institutions are the

    Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition Samuli Patala et al.


    Journal of International Business Studies

  • greatest when institutional systems are in flux(Henisz & Zelner, 2005; Cantwell, Dunning &Lundan, 2010), we would expect cross-borderinvestment in renewables to be particularly strongin countries that have made substantial positivechanges to their climate-related policies. However,due to the strong correlation between economicgrowth and emissions in emerging markets withhigh rates of economic growth, favorable policychanges may not yet be reflected in reduced GHGemissions, but rather in a declining rate of growthin emissions. Thus, we expect that a declining trendin emissions in the host country will be favorablefor FDI in renewables, although this will not beobserved in emerging markets where economicgrowth and emissions have not yet been decoupled.

    Host-country Public IncentivesThe presence of incentive policies aimed specifi-cally at accelerated investment in renewables(Awate et al., 2015) is likely to have a favorableimpact on both domestic and cross-border invest-ment in renewable technologies (Tarim, Finke &Liu, 2020). Through renewable-friendly policyinstruments such as feed-in tariffs, countries mayencourage a ‘race to the top’ resulting in higherlevels of investment in renewable energy sources(Madsen, 2009: 1298). At the same time, to theextent that renewable incentive policies might beaccompanied by overall higher levels of environ-mental regulation, this might deter FDI. However,there is tentative evidence from the electronics andautomotive industries that MNEs might even favor‘green havens’ with stringent environmental poli-cies (Poelhekke & van der Ploeg, 2015). Recentempirical evidence from China also indicates thatthe largest US MNEs with high environmentalcapabilities are more likely to invest in morestringently regulated Chinese provinces, whilefirms with weaknesses in environmental manage-ment tend to invest in provinces with more laxregulations (Bu & Wagner, 2016). Incentives forinvestment in renewables might also be used if thegeneral investment conditions in the country areless favorable (Hanni, Van Giffen, Krüger & Mirza,2011). In that case, it is possible that incentivesmay create a ‘market for lemons’ (Akerlof, 1970),where the firms that are the most likely to beattracted are those with lower than average capa-bilities. Overall, since renewable energy needs to begenerated where it is consumed, we expect

    incentives to play an important role in promotingthe generation of new capacity, particularly in low-growth markets that are otherwise not as attractive.The firm- and country-specific conditions we

    have identified are often interdependent, i.e., aspecific condition may materialize as an advantageonly in combination with another condition. Inthe empirical analysis that follows we operational-ize these firm- and country-specific conditions intoa configurational model, with the aim of identify-ing the combinations of conditions that lead toinvestment in renewables and those that lead toinvestment in non-renewables. To better under-stand the interacting conditions leading to (net)investment in renewables, and thus contributing tothe energy transition, we then map the resultingconfigurations into an FSA-CSA matrix, indicatingthe generating capacity associated with each path.


    Empirical Setting and DataOur unit of analysis is a cross-border greenfieldinvestment by a large energy utility. We employ aunique dataset consisting of 289 investments by 17parent firms from 14 home countries into 42 hostcountries undertaken in 2010–2017. This periodmarks an important stage in the energy transition,as it has been characterized by explosive growth inthe deployment of new renewable technologies,catalyzed by reduced production costs and strongpolicy support in many countries across the world(REN21, 2017). We chose the firms from the Plattslist of the world’s 250 largest energy companies,focusing on the electric utilities category, whichcomprises 63 firms. We further narrowed thesample to firms that had conducted greenfield FDIduring the time period in focus, that had releasedinformation on these investments in English, andthat had data available on the conditions exam-ined. These criteria left us with a sample of 17 firms.Each case in the sample consists of a unique firm–host-country pair. Our dataset contains a total of 84of these firm-country pairs. We focused specificallyon subsidiaries with active capacity investmentsand ruled out subsidiaries focused on other areassuch as energy distribution.Table 1 contains information on the parent

    companies, including the share of state ownership,the firm’s average generating capacity, and theproportion of investment in renewables at thebeginning and end of the period. It also includes

    Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition Samuli Patala et al.


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  • information on total new investment and invest-ment in renewables included in our dataset, as wellas the proportion of total investment contributedby FDI. Ten of the parent companies had at leastsome state ownership, which is in line with theindustry overall.2

    A Configurational ApproachFor the analysis, we used a configurationalapproach. Whereas statistical methods assumesymmetrical and additive relationships betweenconditions and the outcome, a configurationalmethod has specific advantages in contexts wherethe causal links are complex. Due to the hetero-geneity of the firms in the utility sector and thewide range of policies concerning climate change(Steen & Weaver, 2017), we think it is reasonable toassume that different configurations of firm- andcountry-specific conditions can lead to the out-come of FDI in renewables. This feature of causalcomplexity is called equifinality (Fiss, 2007; Rihoux& Ragin, 2009). Furthermore, conjunctural causa-tion may also be at play. This means that firm- andcountry-specific conditions do not operate in iso-lation, but are interdependent (Misangyi et al.,2016). Examining this interdependency can revealimportant details about the joint effects of FSAs and

    CSAs. For instance, it is possible that certain FSAs,e.g., state ownership, complement other conditionsand may be determinants of FDI in renewables onlyin the presence of CSAs such as incentives, andconditions may also substitute for each other.While we do not claim that a configurationalapproach will always be superior to statisticalmethods, we do contend that the fsQCA method(Fiss, 2007) can provide interesting insight into thecausal complexity that leads to the outcome of(net) investment in renewables and consequentlyto the energy transition.While QCA has been widely used in the social

    sciences, studies using a configurational approachhave gained wider traction relatively recently in IB (Misangyi et al., 2016; Verbeke, Ciravegnada, Lopez& Kundu, 2019). Fuzzy set qualitative comparativeanalysis has been used to study, among otherthings, the pattern of FDIs (Pajunen, 2008), insti-tutional configurations (Schneider, Schulze-Ben-trop & Paunescu, 2010) and models of capitalism(Judge, Fainshmidt & Brown, 2014). In a configu-rational approach a case is described by the com-bination of causal conditions and the outcome. Thelinks between these conditions and the outcomeare formulated as necessary and sufficient condi-tions, which we analyse separately. The QCA

    Table 1 Background information on the parent companies

    Company name Home





    Total capacity AVG

    2010–2017 (GW)

    RE share

    2010 (%)

    RE share

    2017 (%)

    Total investment

    2010–2017 (GW)

    RE investment





    Acciona SA Spain 0 8.3 100 100 5.3 5.3 96

    CEZ Czech


    70 14.9 14 19 1.7 0.9 100

    Chubu Electric

    Power Co

    Japan 1 32.9 16 17 5.2 1.3 33

    CLP Hong


    0 21.7 7 13 13. 8 0.7 96

    Duke Energy USA 0 53.4 12 7 7. 9 3.1 2

    EDF France 85 120.9 22 25 14.0 7.4 81

    EDP Portugal 0 24.4 66 74 2.5 2.2 91

    EnBW AG Germany 45 14.2 18 26 2.5 2.5 9

    Enel Italy 31 91.1 36 45 13.6 13.1 98

    EVN AG Austria 51 2.1 23 26 0.2 0.06 94

    Fortis Inc Canada 0 3.9 11 16 1. 4 0.8 40

    Fortum Finland 51 13.9 33 36 10.2 2.3 94

    Iberdrola Spain 0 46.7 28 60 27.6 23.3 91

    Kyushu Electric

    Power Company

    Japan 1 25.12 8 32 3.3 0.8 40

    NextEraEnergy USA 0 43.1 20 32 7.8 3.5 2

    TEPCO Japan 3 67.5 0 23 10.1 0.3 55

    Verbund AG Austria 51 9.2 82 89 4.8 1.9 19

    Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition Samuli Patala et al.


    Journal of International Business Studies

  • literature recommends using from four to seventheoretical conditions (Rihoux & Ragin, 2009). Webase our model on six conditions that are summa-rized in Table 2. These include three FSA condi-tions, namely technological capabilities,international experience and state ownership. Theyalso include three CSA conditions, namely growthin host-country demand, host-country decliningemissions trend, and host-country public incen-tives for investment in renewables. Our outcomevariable is FDI in renewables, with investment inrenewables coded as positive and investment innon-renewables coded as negative.

    OutcomeData on the outcome variable (greenfield FDI inrenewables) were collected from corporate pressreleases. Press releases (combined with annualreports) were used because they convey informationabout the strategic decisions behind a new invest-ment, while actual deployment of the investmentmight take notably longer. Corporate press releasestypically contain basic information about the firm,key characteristics of the investment (e.g., technol-ogy type, investment size, location) andmotivation.We coded the key data regarding the investmentcharacteristics into a spreadsheet, which was thenused as a basis for fsQCA. Each case (firm-countrypair) could contain multiple individual investments(ranging from 1 to 19) in the same host country

    within the same time period. For the measurement,we first aggregated these investments together tocalculate the total capacity invested in the hostcountry within the time period, with renewables(wind, solar, hydro, ocean, biofuels, and geother-mal) calculated as a positive number and non-renewables (coal, gas, oil and nuclear) as a negativenumber. This approach was purposely chosen toensure that cases leading to a positive outcome trulycontribute to the energy transition. Second, to takeinto account firm size and to produce an intensitymeasure, the previous aggregate value was dividedby thefirm’s average total capacity in2010–2017. Forexample, in Mexico Iberdrola invested a total of 1.0GW in renewables and 2.2 GW in non-renewablesyielding an aggregate value of – 1.2 GW and a netrenewable intensity of – 0.026 when divided by thefirm’s average total capacity of 46.7 GW.The investments included in our sample involve

    greenfield or brownfield investment and thus rep-resent capacity additions. The data do not includelarge-scale acquisitions (i.e., of another firm),which only contribute to the energy transition atfirm level and not at industry level. However, someof the greenfield power plant investments includedacquisition of the utility from a contractor. Follow-ing the fsQCA analysis, the press releases andannual reports related to key cases in the configu-rations were analyzed in more depth to gain insightinto the motivations for the investment.

    Table 2 Summary of condition and outcome variables

    Condition Measure Data source



    1: Technological

    capabilities in


    Renewables as a proportion of the firm’s total capacity (%)

    (average of 2010 and 2017)

    Firms’ annual reports

    2: International


    Diversification of energy generating operations in seven

    geographical groupings (average of 2010 and 2017)

    Firms’ annual reports, websites

    and investor relations material

    3: State ownership State ownership of the firm (%) (in 2010) Firms’ annual reports and





    4: Host-country

    demand growth

    Average annual GDP growth from 2010 to 2017 World Bank

    5: Host-country

    declining emissions

    Average annual change (%) in GHG emissions from 2010 to


    Emissions Database for Global

    Atmospheric Research (EDGAR

    v. 5)

    6: Host-country

    public incentives

    Composite score of three renewable energy support policy

    indicators (Incentives and regulatory support, network

    connection and access, and carbon pricing and monitoring)

    World Bank Regulatory

    Indicators for Sustainable

    Energy (RISE 2016)

    Outcome FDI in renewables Cross-border capacity investment during the time period as a

    percentage of the firm’s total average (2010–2017) energy

    generating capacity. Renewable investments are coded as

    positive and non-renewables as negative

    Firms’ press releases

    Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition Samuli Patala et al.


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  • Firm-specific ConditionsData on firm-specific conditions (technological capa-bilities, international experience, and state owner-ship) were collected from annual reports andwebsites. Technological capability in renewableswas measured as the average of the firm’s renewableenergy capacity as a proportion of total capacity in2010 and 2017, which ranged from 4.54 to 100%.We measured firm international experience byusing the entropy measure (Palepu, 1985), whichis designed to measure international experience notonly in terms of the amount of capacity investedabroad but also regarding how that capacity isspread across different markets. The measure isdefined by the ratio of foreign assets in a givenregion to the total assets of the firm. In this case,the regions examined were continents (NorthAmerica, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific,Africa), with the Middle East and Russia includedas separate regions. This ratio is then multiplied bythe natural logarithm of its inverse and summedover the total number of geographical regions inwhich the firm has activities. For the purposes ofour study, we also treated the home country as aseparate region so that we could count foreigninvestments made into neighboring countries. Thefinal measure is an average of the values in 2010and 2017. State ownership was measured as theshare of ownership in 2010, which ranged from 0 to84.5%. In the discussion that follows, we refer toMNEs that have a state majority ownership ([50%)as SOMNEs, and other firms as private MNEs,although some of them have a minority stateownership stake.

    Country-specific ConditionsData for country-specific conditions (host-countrydemand growth, host-country declining emissions,and host-country public incentives) were collectedfrom three different sources. First, we analyzed thedemand growth of the host country during theinvestment timeframe by using the average of theannual GDP growth rate during the time period2010–2017 from the World Bank.

    Second, to proxy the host country’s institutionalchange with respect to the energy transition, weused the trend in GHG emissions. The trend inGHG emissions within a country reflects changes inthe institutional environment, such as generalclimate policies and direct emissions regulations,and a declining trend in emissions signals a favor-able environment for investment in renewables.3

    However, since the trend in emissions is related to

    the rate of economic growth, an active climatepolicy should lead to declining GHG emissions, butin emerging markets, with rapid economic growth,an active climate policy may be reflected instead ina declining trend in the growth of GHG emissions.We collected data on host-country trends in emis-sions from the Emissions Database for GlobalAtmospheric Research (EDGAR v5.0), whichincludes country-specific GHG emissions. Thisincludes all human activities except large scalebiomass burning and land use, land-use change,and forestry (European Commission, 2019). Weused the average rate of growth in emissions duringthe time period 2010–2017.Lastly, to analyse incentives, we measured the

    number of distinct policies incentivizing renew-ables in the host country. We collected these datafrom the World Bank’s Regulatory Indicators forSustainable Energy-RISE (Banerjee et al., 2017). Thereport measures seven different indicators forrenewable energy support. Three of these havedirect relevance: incentives and regulatory support,network connection and access, and carbon pricingand monitoring. Each of these indicators is rankedfrom 0 to 100, and we formed a composite measureby adding the three indicators. The compositemeasure thus has a scale of 0–300.

    CalibrationFuzzy set analysis provides a way to define whethera case belongs to a particular condition. Theoutcome and all the conditions, except state own-ership, are calibrated to fuzzy sets (continuousvalue between 0 and 1) by using the direct method(Ragin, 2008: 85) with anchor points listed in‘‘Appendix’’ and the calibration table provided inthe online appendix. The current study uses priortheoretical knowledge, case knowledge and visiblevalue breaks to define the anchor points for thefuzzy set calibrations. While state control overenterprises is not always strictly related to owner-ship share, 50% ownership can be regarded as acrucial threshold that separates majority state-owned companies from predominantly privatefirms. Thus, for state ownership we have used acrisp set value, 0 for companies with 50% or lessstate ownership, and 1 for companies with stateownership above 50%.4

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  • RESULTSWe conducted the analysis of necessary and suffi-cient conditions by using the QCA package for R(‘QCA’ version 3.6). We began our analysis bytesting whether any of the conditions can beconsidered necessary. Necessity would require thepresence of a particular condition in all instances ofthe outcome; this is seldom observed in reality. Ithas become a convention with fsQCA to useconsistency measures to decide whether a condi-tion can be considered necessary; the consistencyscore should exceed 0.9. We analyzed whether thepresence or absence of any of the six causalconditions is necessary for FDI in renewables ornon-renewables. None of the conditions met thecriteria.

    We next proceeded to analyse whether a set ofconditions joined by a logical ‘‘or’’ (‘‘+’’) constitutesa necessary condition for a positive or negativeoutcome. For this purpose, we used the SuperSubsetprocedure in the R software package. We followedthe three-step procedure of Thomann & Wittwer(2017)5 and found two potential substitutable con-ditions for a positive outcome and none for anegative outcome. None of these substitutable con-ditions could be deemed necessary for the outcome.

    Next, we analyzed sufficient conditions. We useda consistency threshold of 0.8, following the fsQCAmethod literature (Schneider & Wagemann, 2012).We set the minimum acceptable frequency of casesfor solutions at 1 and a PRI cut-off to 0.6 for bothanalyses (leading to a positive and negative out-come) in order to achieve the best trade-offbetween consistency and coverage.6 The interme-diate solution presents an acceptable fit as itaccounts for 67% of membership in the positiveoutcome and 33% in the negative outcome. Thelower score in negative outcome analysis impliesthat our solution, which leads predominantly toFDI in renewables, is empirically more powerfulthan the solution leading predominantly to FDI innon-renewables. We found five configurationsleading to FDI in renewables (R1-R5), as well asfour configurations leading to investment in non-renewables (NR1-NR4). Since configurations R1-R3do not have contradictory conditions, they sharesome cases.

    Table 3 illustrates the results of this analysisgraphically. The columns of the table provide con-figurations that lead to FDI in renewables (fiveconfigurations) and FDI in non-renewables (four

    configurations). Full circles represent the presenceof a condition. The absence of the condition ismarked with crossed-out circles. Although thetable is based on a so-called intermediate solution,we use parsimonious solutions to make a distinc-tion between core and peripheral conditions ineach configuration.7 Large circles represent coreconditions, i.e., conditions where the evidenceindicates a strong causal relationship with theoutcome. A small circle represents peripheral con-ditions that have a weaker causal relationship withthe outcome (Fiss, 2011). Blank spaces indicate asituation in which the causal condition may beeither present or absent. The table also provides acoverage score for each configuration; this revealsthe contribution to the outcome of the combina-tion of conditions represented in eachconfiguration.We then mapped the configurations to the FSA-

    CSA matrix as shown in Fig. 1. For the purposes ofthis mapping, we determined that high FSAs wererepresented by the presence of technological capa-bilities and/or international experience, and highCSAs by the presence of growth in demand and/orpublic incentives. Correspondingly, an absence ofthese conditions resulted in FSAs and CSAs beingclassified as low. Ambiguous configurations wherethese conditions were neither present nor absentare shown in the middle. As described in thetheoretical background, we did not make ex-antepredictions regarding the relationship betweenstate ownership and emissions trend and high/lowFSAs/CSAs. The signs (+) and (–) denote how thespecific condition appears in the configuration. Abold text and sign denote the presence of a corecondition. Additionally, we provide the (net) pos-itive or negative changes to capacity accounted forby the cases in each configuration. We will proceedby analyzing these configurations in more detail.

    Explaining FDI in Renewables (R1–R5)Our analysis reveals five configurations leading toFDI in renewables, three of which involve MNEsand two SOMNEs.

    Internationalized technology forerunnersConfigurations R1–R3 include renewable-focusedstrategic investments by internationalized MNEswith high technological capabilities in renewables.There is a high overlap between the subsidiaries inthese configurations. Altogether, the configura-tions R1–R3 included 40 subsidiaries of the south-ern European utilities Acciona, Iberdrola, Enel, and

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  • EDP. These firms are forerunners in renewableinvestments, as the renewable capacity in 2010 foreach was higher than the median (20%) in ourdataset (see Table 1). These configurations weredifferentiated by the CSAs included in them. R1 hasabsence of growth in host-country demand as acore condition, R2 has public incentives as aperipheral condition, and R3 has an increasingtrend in emissions as a core condition.

    The Italian Enel exemplifies R1 which is charac-terized by strong technological capabilities inrenewables and significant international experi-ence. During the period of investigation, Enel morethan doubled its capacity in renewables. A total of7.8 GW of Enel’s investment across the world innine different host countries (Argentina, Australia,Brazil, Canada, Germany, Greece, Russia, SouthAfrica, and the USA) was included in this configu-ration. The largest investments were in wind powerwith 5.7 GW capacity additions. The interplaybetween technological capabilities and accumu-lated international experience has enabled Enel toaggressively strengthen its position also in solarenergy particularly in Brazil where the companystarted the ‘‘construction of Latin America’s largestsolar plant’’ (press release 5 July 2016). During thestudy period, the share of Enel held by the Italian

    state and individual investors declined, while thatof institutional investors rose from 37 to 57,5 %(Annual reports 2010–2017). This, and the inclu-sion of Enel in e.g., BlackRock Sustainable EnergyFund, is likely to have further accelerated theinvestments in renewables.8 The configurationwas characterized by low CSAs in the host coun-tries, with low demand growth and included nei-ther the presence of incentives nor the decline ofemissions. This suggests that the subsidiaries in thisconfiguration were located either in relativelymature economies or in countries that have under-gone economic crises.Configuration R2 is represented by the Spanish

    Iberdrola, which ranks among the world’s largestproducers of wind energy with high technologicalcapabilities and international experience. Iberdrolahad 18.2 GW of investments in this configurationlocated in France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico,Poland, Romania, the UK, and the USA, which werecharacterized by the presence of incentives forrenewable energy. Iberdrola actively pursued incen-tives for its strategic investments, as illustrated in apress release of August 16, 2017: ‘‘Iberdrola choseMexico for this new renewable energy commitment dueto its excellent regulatory conditions and its solarresource’’.

    Table 3 Configurations of causal conditions leading to FDI in renewables and non-renewables

    R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 NR1 NR2 NR3 NR4

    Configurations leading to FDI in renewables Configurations leading to FDI in non-



    Technological capabilities in renewables d d d d � � � �International experience d d d � � �� � • dState ownership � � �� • • � � • •


    Host-country demand growth � d d � dHost-country declining emissions � d d d � � dHost-country public incentives • • • d � •

    Number of cases under the solution term 25 27 23 2 2 4 2 2 2

    Raw coverage 0.452 0.435 0.412 0.077 0.103 0.117 0.136 0.088 0.120

    Unique coverage 0.006 0.014 0.041 0.010 0.036 0.037 0.055 0.038 0.070

    Consistency 0.916 0.876 0.910 0.962 0.971 0.923 0.967 0.940 0.935

    Solution consistency: 0.86 Solution consistency: 0.92

    Solution coverage: 0.67 Solution coverage: 0.36

    d Core causal condition (present)

    • Peripheral causal condition (present)� Core causal condition (absent)� Peripheral causal condition (absent)

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  • The Spanish group Acciona’s subsidiaries inBrazil, Canada, Chile, Egypt, India, Mexico, Mor-occo, South Africa, and UAE belong to configura-tion R3, which includes host countries withincreasing emissions. These countries (with theexception of Canada) are emerging economies withrising emissions despite increased investment inrenewables (IRENA, 2019). Among these risingenergy markets targeted by Acciona is India, which:‘‘is the fourth wind power market in the world in termsof installed capacity (only behind China, the USA, andGermany)… and it is one of the countries with the bestprospects for growth in the sector’’ (press release 13Sept. 2017).

    Collectively, these configurations (R1-R3) showhow MNEs use their FSAs in rapidly scaling up theircapacity in renewables in diverse markets across theworld. The presence of privately owned firms withstrong FSAs was the common condition across allthree of these configurations. We next describe twoadditional configurations leading to renewableinvestments conducted by SOMNEs.

    Incentive-driven home region-based SOMNEsConfigurations R4 and R5 are characterized by stateownership, low international experience, anddefensive strategies in developed markets. Hostcountries in these configurations reflected CSAs inthe form of incentives, and they were also




    LOW (absence of technological capabilities and/or international experience)


    (absence of demand growth and/or incentives)


    (presence of demand growth and/or incentives)

    NR3 (-6.3 GW)Technological capabilities in

    renewables (-)International experience (+)

    State ownership (+) Growth in host country

    demand (-)Host country declining

    emissions (-) Host country public

    incentives (-)

    R4 (0.7 GW) Technological capabilities in

    renewables (+)International experience (-)

    State ownership (+) Host country declining

    emissions (+)Host country public incentives


    R1 (29.0 GW) and Technological capabilities in

    renewables (+)International experience (+)

    State ownership (-) Host country demand

    growth (-)

    NR2 (-6.7 GW) Technological capabilities in

    renewables (-)International experience (-)

    State ownership (-)Host country demand

    growth (+)Host country declining

    emissions (-) Host country public

    incentives (+)

    R5 (0.8 GW) International experience (-)

    State ownership (+) Host country demand

    growth (+)Host country declining

    emissions (+)Host country public incentives


    R2 (27.2 GW)

    Technological capabilities in renewables (+)

    International experience (+)State ownership (-)

    Host country public incentives (+)

    NR1 (-5.6 GW)Technological capabilities in

    renewables (-)International experience (-)

    State ownership (-)Host country declining

    emissions (-)

    NR4 (-2.0 GW)Technological capabilities in

    renewables (-)International experience (+)

    State ownership Host country demand

    growth (+)Host country declining

    emissions (+)Host country public incentives


    Net transition capacity = ∑ investment in renewables – ∑ investment in non-renewables

    R3 (12.7 GW)Technological capabilities in

    renewables (+)International experience (+)

    State ownership (-) Host country declining

    emissions (-)

    HIGH (presence of technological capabilities and/or international experience)

    Figure 1 Configurations leading to FDI in renewables and non-renewables and aggregate (net) transition capacity.

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  • characterized by a declining trend in emissions as acore condition, suggesting relatively low-risk tar-gets for investment in renewables.

    Investments by the Austrian Verbund in Ger-many and Romania exemplify R4, which includestechnological capabilities in renewables as a corecondition. Both host countries scored high in theoverall RISE indicator (Banerjee et al., 2017) andtheir decreasing trend in emissions suggests thatthey have made substantial gains in decreasingtheir dependence on fossil fuels. In these sub-sidiaries, Verbund invested in the mature windpower and hydropower, which ‘‘has always been thebackbone of our Group’’ (Annual Report 2010, p. 6).In its corporate strategy, Verbund highlights thesignificance of ‘‘subsidised renewable energy andflexible electricity generation and regulated grids’’ (An-nual Report 2016, p. 9). Therefore, the firm’s FDIdecisions are characterized by low risk, which wasreflected in investments in mature markets andtechnologies coupled with the presence of host-country CSAs such as public incentives and adecreasing trend in emissions.

    Configuration R5 has growth in host-countrydemand as a core condition and it includes twosubsidiaries in Romania from Verbund and theCzech CEZ. While CEZ is a latecomer to renewableenergy, it is the largest investor in wind energy inRomania (Cı̂rstea et al., 2018); nearly half of itstotal investments went to renewables during ourperiod of study (see Table 1). These developmentsreflect a shift in CEZ’s corporate strategy. Indeed,the balancing act between the old world of fossilfuels and the new world of renewables is tangible inthe group’s annual report: (2017, p. 10): ‘‘It remainsour task to take care of the traditional energy segment,that is, nuclear, coal-fired, and hydroelectric powerplants, and further dynamic growth in…renewableenergy sources…smart energy solutions, which I [Chair-man of the Board, CEO] consider the future of theenergy sector as a whole and the future of CEZ Group.’’This configuration reflects the dominant role ofCSAs in investment decisions. The host-countryconditions in this configuration included bothhigh growth in demand and a declining trend inemissions as core conditions, as well as the presenceof incentives as a peripheral condition. The config-uration includes the absence of international expe-rience as a core condition, implying a primary focuson the domestic market and existing operations.

    MNEs and SOMNEs differ in their approach toinvestment in renewables; the former rely on FSAs(both technological capabilities and international

    experience), while the latter rely on CSAs and favorless risky, geographically proximate host countries(see Figure 1). In order to shed further light on thedrivers of the energy transition, we will nextexamine the inverse of this outcome, i.e., thedrivers of FDI in non-renewables.

    Explaining FDI in Non-renewables (NR1–NR4)While conventional quantitative methods assumecausal symmetry, i.e., that the absence of condi-tions leading to a positive outcome will predict anegative outcome and vice-versa, QCA allowsanalysis of causal asymmetry. Hence, we alsochecked for the association of causal conditionswith a negative outcome (i.e., predominantly non-renewable energy investments). This analysisresulted in four configurations leading to a negative(net non-renewable) outcome. These configura-tions include a total of ten subsidiaries. All fourconfigurations were characterized by a lack oftechnological capabilities (as a core condition),although two configurations had firms with FSAsin the form of high international experience.Configurations NR1 and NR2 were characterized

    by low technological capabilities in renewables andprivate ownership as core conditions and lowinternational experience as a peripheral condition.These configurations included subsidiaries fromNorth American and Asian utilities such as DukeEnergy, Fortis, CLP, Kyushu, and Chubu. NR1included host countries with a decreasing trend inemissions as a core condition (Australia and theUSA), while NR2 had high growth in demand andpublic incentives as core conditions and an increas-ing trend in emissions as a peripheral condition(China and Chile). In light of the configurationsleading to FDI in renewables, it seems that FSAs arekey drivers of investment in renewables for MNEsand that MNEs lacking FSAs will tend to invest infossil-fuel capacity even in the presence of incen-tives for renewables and high growth in demand(e.g., China).Configurations NR3 and NR4 in turn include

    firms with high international experience and stateownership. These include four subsidiaries from theFinnish Fortum and French EDF. Both SOMNEsplace substantial emphasis on development ofrenewables in their corporate strategies and bothwere above the median (2.2 GW) in our sample offirms for total investment in renewable capacityduring the timeframe (see Table 1). However, thetwo configurations suggest that these firms stillfocus on non-renewable strategic investments in

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  • some markets, supported by their existing techno-logical capabilities, which favor non-renewables.The CSAs in these two configurations are starklydifferent from one another. NR3 is characterized bylow growth in host-country demand and lack ofincentives for renewables as core conditions, as wellas an increasing trend in emissions as a peripheralcondition. This configuration includes two sub-sidiaries in emerging markets, e.g., Russia, whereFortum has a long history of operating mainly gas-fired combined heat and power plants.

    NR4 is characterized by high growth in demandand a decreasing trend in emissions as core condi-tions and incentives for renewables as a peripheralcondition. It includes the Polish subsidiaries ofboth firms. NR4 appears paradoxical at first sinceboth the FSAs and CSAs appear to favor renewables.The negative outcome may be explained by theunique characteristics of Poland as a host country,which has a strong coal industry, and possiblyother factors favoring fossil-fuel-based investmentsnot captured by our model. Compared with con-figurations R4 and R5, these results suggest thatSOMNEs are also driven by existing FSAs wheninvesting in renewables, but this is more nuancedthan with MNEs, as high international experiencefor SOMNEs seems to be more associated withinvestment in non-renewables than in renewables.

    DISCUSSIONThe global energy system still has a long way to goto reach international climate goals, and substan-tial investments are required to accelerate theenergy transition (IEA, 2018b; IRENA, 2019). It isunlikely that the necessary growth in renewablecapacity can be achieved without the catalyticinfluence of FDI, particularly in emerging anddeveloping countries (Wall, Grafakos & Gianoli,2019). This study offers a fine-grained understand-ing of the relative importance of different forms oflocation- and non-location bound advantages ofthe classic FSA-CSA matrix for a range of MNEs,including SOMNEs, during technological disrup-tion in the electric utility sector.

    We make three specific contributions to the IBliterature. Our first contribution is adding newinsight into the conditions that drive either a ‘raceto the top’ or a ‘race to the bottom’ in the energytransition. By taking net renewable investment asthe outcome variable, and accounting for thedrivers leading to investment in both renewablesand non-renewables, we ensure that the analysis is

    focused on substantial contributions towards theenergy transition. Our findings suggest that exist-ing technological capabilities are the single mostimportant determining factor for new FDI inrenewables. For MNEs, high international experi-ence was also present in all of the configurationsleading to FDI in renewables and low internationalexperience in all of those leading to FDI in non-renewables. This was somewhat surprising for highinternational experience, which could also beexpected to contribute to FDI in non-renewables.However, this does support earlier studies that havefound that highly internationalized MNEs facerelatively higher scrutiny and pressure for sustain-ability beyond engaging in merely symbolic activ-ities (Chakrabarty & Wang, 2012). The high shareof technological capabilities allows the incumbentfirms to follow aggressive international expansionstrategies in renewables rather than having energytransition ‘imposed’ upon them by national gov-ernments (Verbeke, Osiyevskyy & Backman, 2017).These firms act as efficient vehicles for transferringtechnology and knowledge across borders (Kogut &Zander, 1993) and speed up the transition to low-carbon energy systems. Interestingly, we found thatthese forerunner firms, which have typically ben-efited from favorable home market conditions(natural endowments and policies), appear lesssensitive to CSAs (aside from R2), but rather relyon their FSAs in order to scale up rapidly acrossselected strategic markets. For these MNEs, FDI inrenewables has become business-as-usual.By contrast, we find two FSA/CSA-configurations

    of subsidiaries, which have made some renewableinvestments, but whose non-renewable invest-ments are still larger. These include subsidiaries ofhome-region-based MNEs without technologicalcapabilities or SOMNEs with high internationalexperience. Their investments in non-renewablesseem to focus either on relatively large and devel-oped economies with declining emissions, whichmay nonetheless still have a favorable environmentfor non-renewables (such as the USA and Australia),or alternatively on high-growth markets that offerrenewable incentives, but may still power theirgrowth with investment in non-renewables (e.g.,China and Chile). Overall, our results demonstratea situation where cross-border investment by MNEsresults in both a ‘race to the top’ and a ‘race to thebottom’, not only between heterogeneous firms, ashas been examined in prior studies (Bu & Wagner,2016; Li & Zhou, 2017), but within the same firmand across different markets. By framing the

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  • configurational analysis as interplay between firm-and country-level drivers we are able to demon-strate how these paradoxical outcomes come about,and how the joint impact of state ownership andinternational experience impacts FDI strategies.

    Our second contribution is a fresh view onSOMNEs as foreign investors and their role in theenergy transition, building on the contributions ofCuervo-Cazurra et al. (2014) and Mariotti andMarzano (2019). Our findings show distinct FSA/CSA-configurations characterized by SOMNEs. Wefind that SOMNEs in the utility sector tend tofollow somewhat less-risky strategies than MNEs.When following strategies based on renewables,they will invest in geographically proximate coun-tries with an already declining trend in emissionsand available incentives, as was seen in configura-tions R4-R5, which include subsidiaries by theCzech CEZ and the Austrian Verbund. This is instrong contrast to the subsidiaries of privatelyowned MNEs in R1-R3, many of which were locatedin emerging markets with an increasing emissionstrend. And when SOMNEs lacked technologicalcapabilities in renewables, they could also leverageinternational experience by seeking attractive mar-kets for investment in non-renewables (as illus-trated by configurations NR3-NR4).

    Previous research has suggested that SOMNEinvestors are often less sensitive than private firmsto political risk in host countries (Musacchio &Lazzarini, 2018; Vernon, 1979) and have a higherrisk appetite enabled by the long-term investmenthorizons of governments (Cannizzaro & Weiner,2018; Mazzucato & Semieniuk, 2018; Prag et al.,2018; Rudy et al., 2016). Our results suggestsubstantial heterogeneity among the majority-owned SOMNEs. While some SOMNE strategiesare characterized by low-risk regionalization withrenewables (Burger & Weinmann, 2016; Kolk et al.,2014), we found that some firms with high inter-national experience effectively delay the transitionby investing in non-renewables, despite having adeclared strategic focus on renewables. While ourfindings regarding MNEs confirm previous studiessuggesting that highly internationalized firms willbe more inclined to undertake sustainability-ori-ented investments due to global sustainabilitypressures (Chakrabarty & Wang, 2012; Hartmannet al., 2020), our findings on SOMNEs show theopposite relationship between international expe-rience and renewable investments, suggesting thatSOMNEs may be more shielded from internationalpressure to transition to renewable technologies. It

    is notable that Fortum and EDF, both SOMNEsoriginating in countries with strong institutions fora low-carbon transition (IEA, 2016, 2018c),included several subsidiaries that engaged in FDIin predominantly non-renewable investments. Thismay in part be explained by the specific historicallegacy of these firms. EDF has a long history withnuclear power in France and abroad and may thusfavor continued investments in nuclear or othertypes of centralized production over renewables.Fortum on the other hand has a strong presence innatural gas production in Russia and may beencouraged to leverage this experience in othercountries which still favor fossil-based production.At the same time, one of the most active privateforerunner investors in renewables has been Enel,which retains minority government ownershipfollowing its privatization. Enel’s strategic shift torenewables may be partly explained by the highershare of institutional investors, which are increas-ingly concerned about carbon-related risk in theirinvestments (Eccles & Klimenko, 2019a, b). Yet,more research is needed to better understand therelationship between specific ownership structuresand investment types. State ownership has alsoraised concerns among some competitors aboutpotentially unfair competitive advantages, forinstance, in the form of better terms and easieraccess to capital markets.9 Our results thus encour-age further work on the role of corporate ownershipin the energy transition, particularly by govern-ments and institutional investors.As our third contribution, we add to a small but

    growing number of studies that employ a configu-rational analysis to examine the interactionbetween MNEs and different host-country settings(e.g., Crilly, 2011; Judge et al., 2014; Pajunen,2008). Although we indicate for each FSA and CSAcondition whether we expect it to affect thetransition positively or negatively, the configura-tions we identify demonstrate that some invest-ments in renewables are strongly driven by firmcapabilities, while others seem to be influencedmore by host-country characteristics. QCA allowsus to explore which combinations of conditions areempirically relevant for both positive and negativeoutcomes, and we employ the FSA-CSA matrix topresent the results in a novel way that illustratesthe net effect of each of the identified paths on theoutcome of the energy transition. Presented inFigure 1, these results demonstrate that configura-tions R1-R3 account overwhelmingly for the invest-ment facilitating the energy transition totaling 70.5

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  • GW net renewable investment (including overlap-ping cases), while configurations NR1-NR4 accountfor substantial additions to net non-renewablecapacity totaling 20.6 GW. By focusing on MNEsand the role of FDI in the global energy transition,our paper complements the few existing studiesthat have addressed the responses of firms tochanging institutional conditions within compara-tive single country settings (Tarim et al., 2020).

    LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCHThe energy transition is one of the truly grandchallenges facing the global economy and society(Buckley, Doh & Benischke, 2017). Although FDI isonly one part of the energy transition,withdomesticinvestment playing an important role, the largevolume of cross-border investment suggests thatinvestment byMNEs contributes substantially to theincrease in renewable capacity globally (UNCTAD,2017). Our analysis of the role of FDI in the energyutility sector suggests that SOMNEs andprivate firmsoriginating from developed markets contribute tobothpositive andnegative outcomes concerning theenergy transition.

    Our findings help managers and policy makersbetter understand the foreign investment strategies ofdifferent actors in the energy utility sector. Whileprivate MNEs are in the vanguard of cross-borderinvestment in renewables, it is clear, that due to theirprominent role in the sector, SOMNEs will have tobecome more active in the energy transition.Although SOMNEs have more than doubled theproportion of renewables in capacity additions toaround 20%, this shift is not fast enough (Röttgers &Below, 2018). Therefore an important avenue forfuture research is to examine in greater depth the roleand activities of SOMNEs in implementing publicpolicy objectives in the energy transition, and howinstitutional diversity in SOMNEs’ home countries(Jackson & Deeg, 2008; Mariotti & Marzano, 2019)impacts their transition towards renewable energy. Itseems that some MNEs, including SOMNEs, are morelikely to ‘walk the talk’ on energy transition thanothers (Backman et al., 2017) andwe think that homecountry resources, policies and institutions are likelytoplayan important role inexplainingthedifferences.

    A limitation of our study is that while the evidencebased on press releases and annual reports gives anindication of the underlying strategies and motiva-tionsof thefirms, it doesnot allowus to studyhowthestrategic decisions behind the investments in renew-able energy capacity were taken. A complementary

    topic for future research would therefore be to inves-tigate how investment in renewables is driven bymanagerial perceptions of issues and opportunitiesand factors such as the degree of international expe-rience of topmanagement (Levy&Kolk, 2002; Kolk&Pinkse, 2012). Our analysis also suggests that payingcloser attention to the influence of institutionalinvestors indriving the transition is justifiedalongsidethe discussion of the role of state ownership.Finally, we note that although the opportunity to

    invest in both renewable and non-renewable pro-jects abroad may make optimal use of the mix ofcapabilitieswithin the firm, it reduces the pace of thetransition at the firm level as well as for the energysystem as a whole. Based on existing forecasts ofrenewables development it is unclearwhowill be thewinners and losers of the energy transition.Whileweshowed how some global utilities powering newgrowth through renewables, a recent study arguedthat much of the utility field is characterized byinertia with regard to the renewables transition(Alova, 2020). This opens up interesting areas forfurther research on the interactions between firmstrategies and public policy. As long as energy is stillpredominantly generated with non-renewablesources, firms have an incentive to leverage andinvest in their legacy capabilities. Theremay be littleeffect in terms of reputational cost, since the tran-sition at the national or regional level has beenslower than at the firm level, even in jurisdictionsthat have profiled themselves as progressive onclimate issues such as the European Union (Euro-pean Council, 2019; Parker & Karlsson, 2017). Ifcountrieswere to abide by their recent commitmentsto credibly and substantially shorten the timeframefor reaching carbon neutrality, this would decreasethe incentives for energy utilities to continue tocapitalize on fossil fuel assets, while at the same timeincreasing the incentives for cross-border invest-ment in renewables. This requires credible govern-ment policy – national commitments to reachcarbon neutrality that would shorten the usefullifetime of the existing stock of non-renewablefacilities and reduce the attractiveness of investmentin new fossil-based power generation capacity.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe gratefully acknowledge the insightful and detailedsuggestions provided by the anonymous reviewersand Consulting Editor Stav Fainshmidt. We would alsolike to acknowledge the valuable comments and

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  • insights received at the JIBS/BJM joint PDW at theAcademy of Management 2018 and the QCA PDW atETH Zurich in 2018, as well as the Smart EnergyTransition—seminars at Aalto University. This researchhas been conducted with financial support from theAcademy of Finland Strategic Research Council con-sortium 314325 ‘‘Smart Energy Transition—realizingits potential for sustainable growth for Finland’ssecond century’’.




    3The trend in emissions is an ‘output’ measure inthe sense that it measures the actual increase ordecrease in emissions. In additional analyses, weused a mixed input-output measure based on theClimate Change Performance Index compiled by Ger-manwatch, but since this partly overlaps with theincentive measure, we chose to use the trend inemissions instead. We are grateful to one of thereviewers for this suggestion.

    4We also checked for the robustness of our resultsby comparing the results obtained by using a fuzzyand crisp state ownership measure. Our mainresults remained unchanged and a fuzzy calibrationalso resulted in five configurations leading torenewable investments and four configurationsleading to non-renewable investment. The detailsof these tests are available upon request.

    5Once the superset is found using the SuperSub-set function, the next step is to check for deviantcases consistency, which requires plotting theresults (Thomann & Wittwer, 2017). The analysiscontinues by checking for empirical relevance ortrivialness (Goertz, 2006). Finally, it must be iden-tified whether the superset makes theoretical senseas a necessary condition, in other words whether

    the sets combined with the logical ‘or’ representsome higher-order concept (see Schneider & Wage-mann, 2012). We were not able to find highrelevance of necessity (RoN).

    6We conducted several robustness tests to makesure that our analysis and results follow the goodpractices of QCA (Schneider & Wagemann, 2010).We reached a good solution coverage of 0.67,which indicates that the configurations identifiedare able to explain a large proportion of theempirical cases (Misangyi et al., 2016). We alsotested the stability of these configurations byrunning several checks with different consistencyand PRI thresholds. The details of these robustnesstests are available upon request.

    7FsQCA analysis can provide three types of solu-tion terms: a complex solution, a parsimonioussolution, and an intermediate solution. These termsdiffer only in their degree of precision. The com-plex solution term does not include simplifyingassumptions. The parsimonious solution is basedon simplifying assumptions while the intermediatesolution is based on so-called easy counterfactualsand leads to intermediate complexity (Schneiderand Wagemann, 2010). In our analysis, based onextant literature, we made three simplifyingassumptions and assumed an association betweenthe presence of technological capabilities in renew-ables, international experience and provision ofincentives in the host country with a positiveoutcome. The absence of these conditions wasmarked as an easy counterfactual for the analysisof a negative outcome.

    8Institutional investors can drive firms’ environ-mental and social investments, particularly whentheir home countries have strong social normsconcerning sustainability (see e.g., Dyck, Lins, Roth& Wagner, 2019).

    9See e.g., Acces-sed June 24, 2020.

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