multiple choice questions open- ended questions expository writing persuasive writing hspa testing...

Multipl e Choice Questio ns Open- Ended Questio ns Exposit ory Writing Persuas ive Writing HSPA Testing Etiquet te 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100

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Page 1: Multiple Choice Questions Open- Ended Questions Expository Writing Persuasive Writing HSPA Testing Etiquette 20 40 60 80 100

Multiple Choice






Testing Etiquette

20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

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Category 1 for 20

If you are unsure of an answer, should you leave it blank? Why or why not?

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Category 1 for 20

No- never leave an answer blank! You will lose just as much credit for a wrong answer as you will for a blank answer, so you may as well guess… at least you have a 25% chance of getting it right!

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Category 1 for 40

As you read through a text, persuasive or narrative, what should you be doing?

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Category 1 for 40

You should first read the questions so, as you read, you can underline, circle, or jot notes about the main points of each paragraph, as they will relate to the questions.

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Category 1 for 60

For questions that refer to the text, what is the best approach to take?

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Category 1 for 60

The best approach is to go back and reread that entire section of text. This will be easy on the HSPA, because they typically give you paragraph numbers on the side of the text whenever it is a block to which you will be referring.

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Category 1 for 80

What types of words should you watch out for in multiple choice answers?

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Category 1 for 80

Concrete Words like: Always, All, Never, None, Nobody, Everybody, Must, etc.

These words are meant to trick you into picking that answer. Look, instead, for Soft Words like: May, Sometimes, Some, etc.

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Category 1 for 100

For vocabulary questions, what different ways are there to narrow down your options?

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Category 1 for 100

1- Put your finger over the word and replace it with each of the options (A,B,C and D) Do any sound “off”? Eliminate!

2- Narrow down by part of speech- noun, verb, adjective, adverb. Eliminate!

3- Narrow down by connotation- positive vs. negative. Eliminate!

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Category 2 for 20

How long should your open-ended responses be?

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Category 2 for 20

You should write one FULLY-DEVELOPED paragraph for each bullet. Aim for at least 8 sentences in each paragraph.

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Category 2 for 40

What should you do in the first sentence of your response?

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Category 2 for 40

Restate the question!

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Category 2 for 60

What is the best way to support your personal opinion in a response?

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Category 2 for 60

Use text examples and incorporate quotes!

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Category 2 for 80

Should you use quotes that are whole sentences? Why or why not?

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Category 2 for 80

No- when you use full sentence quotes, you tend to just stick them in, without introducing or incorporating them. A higher level skill is to use fragment quotes and work them into your own sentence. Remember: you can change simple wording with square brackets [ ].

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Category 2 for 100

What should you do in the last sentence of your paragraph?

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Category 2 for 100

Use a concluding sentence similar to your introductory statement… then EDIT!

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Category 3 for 20

What is the minimum number of paragraphsthat you should aim for in an Expository

Writing response & how should it be written?

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Category 3 for 20

Aim for a minimum of 4 paragraphs, and keep in mind that this is Expository (which means explanatory) not Narrative (which tells a story). Explain through examples.

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Category 3 for 40

What should you accomplish in the introduction? HINT- think of it as a “GIFT”

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Category 3 for 40

“GIFT”Grab the readers’ attentionIntegrate the quote, adage or topicFind background info to introduce the topicThesis statement or main idea

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Category 3 for 60

What should you include in your first body paragraph?

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Category 3 for 60

The first body paragraph(s) should be an example(s) from your own experience or observation. BUT- do not be tempted to relive the story; speak about it with an academic voice.

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Category 3 for 80

What should you include in your second body paragraph?

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Category 3 for 80 The second body paragraph(s) should be an

example(s) from literature, history, science or film. You can actually study for this part, because themes are UNIVERSAL. Think about some major novels that you have read thus far and/or some historical figures you’ve studied. Figure out what they stand for, what themes they exemplify, and be ready to present that into whatever prompt presents itself.

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Category 3 for 100

What should you accomplish in the conclusion?

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Category 3 for 100

“GURU”Generate final ideas w/o introducing new infoUnify and summarize your ideasRemind audience of your main point / thesisUse a close/clincher

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Category 4 for 20

What is the best planning tool for persuasive writing?

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Category 4 for 20

Use the 3-by-3 method: come up with your 3 main points (for or against the proposal) and make sure you can support each with 3 support ideas (facts, statistics, anecdotes- these can be MADE UP, as long as they sound plausible)

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Category 4 for 40

How should you organize your introduction?

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Category 4 for 40

“RANT”Restate the problemAgree or disagreeName your 3 reasons / main ideasThesis Statement

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Category 4 for 60

How should you organize your body paragraphs?

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Category 4 for 60

“TEST”Transition word or phraseExplain your main idea (one for each body)Support w/ facts, examples, reasons, evidenceTie up with a concluding sentence

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Category 4 for 80

How should you organize your concluding paragraph?

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Category 4 for 80

“RATE”Rephrase the problemApproach your 3 main examplesThematic ClincherEdit your work using the Writer’s Checklist

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Category 4 for 100

What do you need to remember about audience, mode and point of view?

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Category 4 for 100

Audience- look to see whom you should be addressing (principal, state board, parent…)


Mode- how your writing should be presented (letter, essay, speech)


Point of View- choose the position that is easiest to write about, even if you do not agree with it personally

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Category 5 for 20

What time should I be here and where?

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Category 5 for 20

Testing begins following breakfast no exceptions! The testing sites are currently posted in the 300 wing. You will meet in the cafeteria before going to your testing room.

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Category 5 for 40

What should you do with your cell phone?

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Category 5 for 40

Leave it at home, put it in your locker OR turn it off AND hand it in to one of your proctors. If your phone is found on you, even if it is off, your test will be voided V2, which means (at the very LEAST) you will be pulled from testing, placed in a senior HSPA class, and be unable to retake the HSPA until Fall of your senior year.

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Category 5 for 60

What can you have on your desk while testing?

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Category 5 for 60

Just your testing materials and pencils: we will provide EVERYTHING: booklets, scrap paper, pencils, calculators, etc.

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Category 5 for 80

How serious is the SILENCE rule?

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Category 5 for 80

There is absolutely NO TALKING during the test. In fact, during brief breaks, you will be permitted to stand and stretch- silently. If you need to use the bathroom on a testing break, a proctor will escort you to the bathroom!

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Category 5 for 100

What do you have to bubble on your answer folder?

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Category 5 for 100 Thanks to modern technology, most of the

work has been done for you! Do not bubble anything in, unless you are TOLD to do so. Your student information sticker has most of the pertinent info. You will be gridding: your grade, test form and test booklet #. You may check the other information, but do not correct it. Tell the proctor if there is a discrepancy.