multiple district 105 ioness newsletter · 2020-01-07 · november 2019 1 multiple district 105...

1 November 2019 Multiple District 105 Multiple District Lioness Chairman 2019 to 2021 - Sandie Briault Issue 33 November 2019 ioness Newsletter Welcome Lionesses to the November Newsletter. It’s been an interesting month for me with quite a lot going on in the Clubs at the moment. I am pleased to say that Swaffham Lionesses have badged up a new member and several Clubs report prospective members attending meetings. I would like to welcome this new member and hope she gets as much out of Lionesses as we all do. I have attended Mcmillan coffee mornings at Chelmsford and Swaffham and seen lots of money raised for this worthwhile Charity. Well done Lionesses. I had the pleasure of being Top Table Guest at Paddock Wood Lioness Certification recently. I shared the table with President Carol and the 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Stephan Coe of SE and the Chairman of Tunbridge Wells MS Society Brian Clifford. It was a lovely celebration of 30 years’ service by the club. Later this month I will be helping Chelmsford Lionesses celebrate 32 years as a Lioness Club at their joint Anniversaries with Chelmsford Lions Celebrating 50 years. I have just returned from Pontefract where MD Co-ordinator Lion Jim and Jennifer Cawte, Lioness Angela Howard and a fellow member of my own club plus myself joined in the Lantern Festival along with approximately 4000 members of the public who also came out to support this fabulous community event. My congratulations must go to the Lionesses who made my fabulous unicorn lantern which I proudly carried around the route from the castle to the Valley Gardens. We were joined by the Mayor of Wakefield Cllr Charles Keith proudly carrying his lantern depicting his former career as a plumber again made by the Lionesses. The Lionesses of Sleaford have a very busy agenda of events coming up shortly with lots of knitting of poppies and cake stalls which they are so well known for. They even have a member who has been a Bingo caller while on a trip to Australia. Their Wrinkly Rockers music night sounds great and I think I may well fit in there if ever they need a new member but of course it’s a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Sleaford Lionesses on their summer golf day raising £4,200 what a fantastic achievement Ladies. We have received a 19 page newsletter from the Lionesses of District A-16 Ontario Canada. It is a great insight into how things are done in Canada but in many ways not so different to us here in the UK. I really enjoy receiving these email as it brings it home to us just how many Lionesses there are around the world Lioness INDU MEHTA has written to us from the LIONESSES of INDIA asking us to keep in touch with our newsletters and any news of what is happening with us here in MD105. An invitation has again been extended to myself and any Lionesses to attend their Annual Conference on 1st and 2nd February 2020. They would be honoured to meet us and host us at this amazing event. Sadly a little too far to travel for a weekend but I will write a piece for their programme. For all those Clubs which are supporting Children in Need next month I wish you well but most of all enjoy everything you do and have FUN. MD Chair Sandie and the Mayor of Wakefield

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Page 1: Multiple District 105 ioness Newsletter · 2020-01-07 · November 2019 1 Multiple District 105 Issue 33 Multiple District Lioness Chairman 2019 to 2021 - Sandie Briault November

1November 2019

Multiple District 105

Multiple District Lioness Chairman 2019 to 2021 - Sandie BriaultIssue 33November 2019

ioness NewsletterWelcome Lionesses to the November Newsletter.It’s been an interesting month for me with quite a lot going on in the Clubs atthe moment. I am pleased to say that Swaffham Lionesses have badged up anew member and several Clubs report prospective members attendingmeetings. I would like to welcome this new member and hope she gets as muchout of Lionesses as we all do.I have attended Mcmillan coffee mornings at Chelmsford and Swaffham andseen lots of money raised for this worthwhile Charity. Well done Lionesses.I had the pleasure of being Top Table Guest at Paddock Wood LionessCertification recently. I shared the table with President Carol and the 2nd ViceDistrict Governor Lion Stephan Coe of SE and the Chairman of Tunbridge WellsMS Society Brian Clifford. It was a lovely celebration of 30 years’ service by theclub.Later this month I will be helping Chelmsford Lionesses celebrate 32 years as a Lioness Club at their jointAnniversaries with Chelmsford Lions Celebrating 50 years.I have just returned from Pontefract where MD Co-ordinator Lion Jim and Jennifer Cawte, Lioness AngelaHoward and a fellow member of my own club plus myself joined in the Lantern Festival along withapproximately 4000 members of the public who also came out to support this fabulous community event.My congratulations must go to the Lionesses who made my fabulous unicorn lantern which I proudly carriedaround the route from the castle to the Valley Gardens. We were joined by the Mayor of Wakefield CllrCharles Keith proudly carrying his lantern depicting his former career as a plumber again made by theLionesses.The Lionesses of Sleaford have a very busy agenda of events coming up shortly with lots of knitting ofpoppies and cake stalls which they are so well known for. They even have a member who has been a Bingocaller while on a trip to Australia. Their Wrinkly Rockers music night sounds great and I think I may well fitin there if ever they need a new member but of course it’s a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Sleaford Lionesseson their summer golf day raising £4,200 what a fantastic achievement Ladies.We have received a 19 page newsletter from the Lionesses of District A-16 Ontario Canada. It is a greatinsight into how things are done in Canada but in many ways not so different to us here in the UK. I reallyenjoy receiving these email as it brings it home to us just how many Lionesses there are around the worldLioness INDU MEHTA has written to us from the LIONESSES of INDIA asking us to keep in touch with ournewsletters and any news of what is happening with us here in MD105. An invitation has again beenextended to myself and any Lionesses to attend their Annual Conference on 1st and 2nd February 2020. Theywould be honoured to meet us and host us at this amazing event. Sadly a little too far to travel for a weekendbut I will write a piece for their programme.For all those Clubs which are supporting Children in Need next month I wish you well but most of all enjoyeverything you do and have FUN.

MD Chair Sandie and theMayor of Wakefield

Page 2: Multiple District 105 ioness Newsletter · 2020-01-07 · November 2019 1 Multiple District 105 Issue 33 Multiple District Lioness Chairman 2019 to 2021 - Sandie Briault November

2November 2019

Lionesses, thank you all for keeping me informed of all your Activities andMembership. The Summer programme is quickly followed by an extensive run-up to theFestive season. Time flies when you're having fun!As I write this, Jennifer and I are preparing for the Pontefract Lantern Festival. Various

Autumn Fairs are planned and lots of visits with Santa Sleighs! Paddock Wood are venturing into Norfolkfor the Thursford Christmas Show.MD Lioness Chairman Sandie hosted another Big Breakfast at home. I think Breakfast extended toAfternoon tea and a few glasses of wine....! As always a great time and sorry we missed it.A number of Lioness Clubs have linked with M & Co to present Fashion Shows.There has been some comment about the printed Directory of Lions and Lioness Clubs in MD 105.Normally, the Directory has been available by July but this year has proved difficult to keep up with thechanges, whether they be mis-spellings, change of phone numbers, change of Officers and so on. TheDirectory is available on-line if Clubs require a printed copy.Whatever your Clubs are planning for the rest of this year, I wish you every success and look forward tomeeting some of you at your events.

Multiple District Lioness Clubs Coordinator








Northallerton Lioness Club(Closed)

A limited number of Lioness Conference pins from previous MD Conferences and closed clubs are availablefor purchase at a suggested discounted price of £2 each.Sales will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you would like to purchase any pins, or are in contactwith any Lionesses in other Multiple Districts, please send your details to Lion Jim (contact details below).All proceeds will go to MD Chairman Lioness Sandie for her charity Young Minds.

Many thanks

[email protected]

The Travelling Lioness Competition iswell under way and the scores as at

30th September 2019 were:

Downham Market 2Malling 10Paddock Wood 20Pontefract 32Sleaford 10Witham 50

All enquiries toLioness Sandie Briault

as soon as possible please

Page 3: Multiple District 105 ioness Newsletter · 2020-01-07 · November 2019 1 Multiple District 105 Issue 33 Multiple District Lioness Chairman 2019 to 2021 - Sandie Briault November

3November 2019

Chernobyl Children’s LifeLine (CCLL)A national charity, to help children suffering from the after effects

of the Chernobyl disaster and economic situation.Reg. Charity Number 1014274

I am sure many of you will have heard of CCLL. Regional groups arrange for small groups of children toarrive in the UK from Belarus each year, all suffering from low-level radiation and Cesium 137 whichaffects their immune systems and is forever the legacy of the Chernobyl Disaster.These children arrive with hardly more than the clothes they stand up in and have 4 weeks respite to helpboost their immune systems. During this time they eat new fresh foods, which improve their overall healthand resistance to the cancers and neurological diseases that affect so many of these children who areconstantly living in higher levels of radioactivity than would be acceptable in the Western world.

So, How Can Lionesses Help?This isn’t an Appeal, just information to help you understand why we are asked occasionally to assist withsourcing items that CCLL require to aid the children.Lionesses in the southern half of MD105 CE have supported CCLL (Suffolk), with their usual flair,wholeheartedly over the past few years, providing clean nearly new clothing and shoes for both summerand winter. Trainers and Neoprene water shoes are great for play when they are in the UK.Most of the children have never seen the sea so its always a joy to see their faces when Felixstowe Lionsand Lionesses treat the children to a day out at the seaside.If you have grandchildren in the 6-13 age group, that may have grown out of their clothes or shoes, givea thought to donating them to CCLL.They will be much appreciated and I would always be happy to arrange collection of any items.

After the visits, what next?When the children return home, CCLL would also like them to take a supply of basic but essential medicalitems that we take for granted and they do not have access to at home.The following items can be purchased quite cheaply in discount stores such as ‘Savers, ‘Poundland

Good quality plasters Decongestant Capsules or dropsAfterbite Pen ** Drapolene CreamBlister plasters Cold sore creamLemsip or similar Paracetamol or Iprobrufen Tablets (Not Capsules)Immodium or similar Oil of Cloves or Toothache creamLockets Throat sweets Mouth Ulcer CreamStrepsils Menthol CrystalsLip Chapsticks Menthol Nasal SticksVapour rub Digital Thermometer

** Priority item as children get infected mosquito bites without treatment

THANK YOU Lionesses xxA recent request from CCLL for help as they were short of certain medicines to take over on the pre-Christmas visitto Belarus yielded a couple of carrier bags full plus a cheque from Lioness Lions Club of East Anglia which werepresented at the recent 105CE District Meeting. These along with a gift of coins from the recently closed Thetford(Breckland) Lioness Club and the contents of the District Meeting Fine Box were gratefully accepted by JenniferCawte, wife of Lion Jim, for onward delivery to CCLL. The total donation of £55.83 will enable the organiser topurchase extra medicines.

Jennifer Cawte - 07850 922090

Please remember that you don’t have to wait until the deadline to send me copy for the next MD 105 LionessNewsletter. Perhaps sending reports to the Newsletter, like sending to the local press and your Facebook page,is something that could become part of your routine - just like counting your takings when an event has finished.Do it whilst it’s fresh in your mind.

Ed. [email protected] or [email protected]

Page 4: Multiple District 105 ioness Newsletter · 2020-01-07 · November 2019 1 Multiple District 105 Issue 33 Multiple District Lioness Chairman 2019 to 2021 - Sandie Briault November

4November 2019

Booking forms are now available for our 2020 Lioness Conference in the historictown of Colchester. These have been sent out to all Clubs so please choose a

package to suit you and join your fellow Lionesses in fun, fellowship, debate anddecision making - along with food, drink and dancing, of course!

Don’t forget to order your Conference badge at the bottom of the booking form!

On behalf of the host committee and the Multiple District Advisory Body of MD105 weextend this invitation, we would love to see as many Lioness there as possible. It is so

important that all the Clubs be represented at the AGM and we hope we can entice many ofyou to come for the entire weekend- plenty of time to save up! Booking forms with pricing

available soon.

Save the Dates

14th – 16th February 2020The Special Event of the Year

The Lionesses of MD105 AGM and Conference at Marks Tey Hotel, Colchester.

For full information about the Lioness Clubsin the British Isles

Save the Dates14th – 16th February 2020

The Special Event of the YearWitham and District Lioness Club along with Chelmsford and SaffronWalden Lionesses Club from District 105CE are hosting the Lionesses

of MD105 AGM and Conference at Marks Tey Hotel, Colchester.

Page 5: Multiple District 105 ioness Newsletter · 2020-01-07 · November 2019 1 Multiple District 105 Issue 33 Multiple District Lioness Chairman 2019 to 2021 - Sandie Briault November

5November 2019

The next edition of the Lioness MD 105 Newsletter isscheduled to be published in December 2019. The deadline forcopy is 20th November 2019.The Lioness MD 105 Newsletter is published on a monthlybasis.

(Lioness Newsletter MD105 Editor)[email protected] or [email protected]

In late September 2019, the held yet

another of their infamous “Big Breakfasts”at the home of Lionesses Sandie, Louisaand Tony Briault.With 30 guests to be catered for, thepreparation began days before, with Sandie planning and sourcingall of the food, wine and deciding on which cakes to bake (coffeeand walnut, lemon and a fruit cake in case you are wondering). Onthe day before, Sandie and her team worked hard to set up all the

tables and place settings. Well done to all of them including Sandie andfamily, of course, along with Sheila, Steve and Rosie.One of the new and exciting bits was the involvement from BBC Essex andtheir Sunday morning Quest. Lioness Moira often listens to this show wherethe two DJ’s follow clues with the help of listeners, taking them all around thecounty to many fun events and fundraisers. We were the first clue on this

Sunday and had a great time with the DJ’s. The day was fabulous and we made £354, which will be givento Sandie’s chosen charity as MD105 Chairman, Young Minds.

For Social in September, wehad a Murder Mystery Evening in aid of Macmillan,instead of the usual coffee morning. Held onceagain at Lioness Sandie’s, we had a murder on ourhands and everyone dressed for their parts and played the rolesperfectly. We had former Lioness Julia as Madame de WotWot

(who turned out to be the murderer), Lady Iceburg and her daughter Lily, playingbeautifully by Lionesses Rosie and Sandie. We had the snooty singer, Beryl Belter playedby Lioness Sheila, her cricket player and womanising husband Richard, played by Sheila’shusband, Steve, Ceryl Slicker, Lily’s love interest, played beautifully by Tom, Marvin thebellboy played by Lioness Jenny and the ridiculous Captain played by Lioness JoAnn. Lioness Louisacoordinated and narrated the game and the story played out, with everyone having a wonderful time andmaking £95 for Macmillan Cancer. Oh, and Louisa was the only one who guessed who the murderer was!

held their annual Pink Nightfor Breast Cancer Now in mid October at theWitham Town Hall. Despite the horrible rainyweather, we had a good turnout includingfabulous support from Chelmsford Lionesses andLions as well as our own District CE ChairmanNicola, her mother and her aunt. They also came bearingClaxton Christmas Chutney for our Bring and Buy!After a noisy and chaotic evening of food, drink and cake, araffle and the bring and buy, we took a total of £374.50 whichhas been sent off to Breast Cancer Now. Thank you to all whocame and worked and those who supported us.

held a stall in the local shopping centrein Witham and tried out our new jewellery tombola. It went very well and wetook £208.20 for the President's charity fund.We were very pleased with the results!

Nicola & family

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6November 2019

have been busy fundraisingand socialising at the same time, with theirMacmillan Big Coffee morning which was held atKaren's home. We had a lovely selection of cakesprovided by Lionesses and friends, and raised afantastic £463. Many thanks to all those whosupported us.

In early October we held a Ladies Quiz and Pudding Night at our meeting roomat the Catholic Church. It was a fun evening with a naughty selection ofdesserts being served at the interval. Thanks to all the teams that tookpart, we raised £200 for our Charity account.

On Friday 15th November we will be holding our Bingo Night for Children in Need at the Connie, 7.30pmstart. All are welcome.

were pleased to donate £140.00 to the localGirl Guiding Group as a contribution to their refurbishment funds. LionessPresident Margaret Fox said that members had heard about theirfundraising efforts and decided to donate money raised from a stall at theWater Festival and a recent Coffee Morning. We are always happy to beable to support local charities and good causes and thank local peoplewho support our fundraising efforts. Our club is very small in numbers butwe do a few events each year to support local and national charities.

In early October celebrated their

30th Charter Anniversary inthe time honoured Britishtradition of afternoon tea.

In late September the presented a cheque for £500 to the SleafordParkinson’s Group. They were very interested inhearing about the activities of the Lionesses.

In early October held aFashion Show at M & Co shop Southgate. It wasa very successful evening raising £320 for localcharities.

The are pleased to bejoining the Wrinkly Rockers to hold an eveningof entertainment at Leasingham Village Hall onSaturday 9th November cost £10. Proceedsfrom the evening will be donated to localcharities.

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7November 2019

At their meeting in mid Octoberthe presented two cheques for £500each. One to Sleaford TalkingNewspaper who record theSleaford news and distribute it toover 50 people with impairedvision. Secondly to Rainbow Stars

who run a hub for autistic young people and are hoping to expand this to carers andothers. Both groups will use the money to pay for the rent for their premises an ongoingexpense which is essential for their continued existence.

The have also been filling Rotary Shoeboxes to be sent to EasternEurope for Christmas. They are for all ages – some love filling them for babies but alsofor older people. This year the Lionesses have filled 52 boxes.

The Lionesses withBarbara Roberts fromTalking Newspaper

The Lionesses with JanePeck and Tara Ward from

Rainbow Stars

At the Macmillan Afternoon Tea at Lioness Pauline’s home everyone enjoyed some lovely homemade cakesand lots of tea and coffee. There was a raffle bric-a-brac sale table and two competitions. It was a veryrelaxing, social afternoon with lots of fun and fellowship. The event raised £450.00 for Macmillan CancerSupport.

We held an Autumn Quiz Night including a lovely ploughman’s supper.The proceeds are going to “Guide Dogs for the Blind”, in our aim to raise£4,000.00 to sponsor a puppy. We had a visit from one of the local puppywalkers with her gorgeous 4 month old puppy “Bobbie”, who enjoyed allthe fuss and attention she received. The evening went very well; it wasa really enjoyable fun event, which raised £382.00.

In September the Lionesses had a special social evening at Prezzo’srestaurant in Saffron Walden, when we took one of our members out for ameal complete with birthday cake, cards and a present, to celebrate her Big“?0” ... Birthday!

Lioness Angela was invited to give a talk atone of our local Women’s Institutes aboutLionesses. She was only too pleased to have the opportunity to be able toattend their meeting and spread the word about our organisation. The talkwas well received and Lioness Angela was made very welcome.

:Well that was the original idea but it sort of morphed into lunch and theafternoon, and I am sure in amongst the wine and gin there was a tiny bitof coffee!Hosted by Vice President Jennifer we had a lovely time eating deliciousfood and playing games. Over £320 was raised.

We held a jumble sale in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Holiday Fund.As usual we had a lot of fantastic donations and the better quality itemsare put on the stage and auctioned. £540 raised which is a fantastic amount.

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8November 2019

The next edition of the Lioness MD 105 Newsletter is scheduled to be published in December.The deadline for copy will be the 20th November 2019.

Lion John Fox (MD 105 Lioness Newsletter Editor) [email protected]

Significant Dates for the Lions Family 2019/20Date Club District Event

Fri 8 November 2019 Paddock Wood 105SE Lioness Club Autumn FayreSat 9 November 2019 Sleaford 105CE Wrinkly Rockers EveningFri 15 November 2019 Witham 105CE Children in Need collection at Rail StationFri 15 November 2019 Swaffham 105CE Bingo for Children in Need

Sun 24 November 2019 Downham Market 105CE Christmas Lights Switch OnSun 1 December 2019 Sleaford 105CE Stall at Town Christmas Market

Fri - Sun 14 - 16 February 2020 Marks Tey (Colchester) MD105 Lioness ConferenceFri - Sun 1 - 3 May 2020 Stoke Rochford Hall, Grantham MD105 Lions Convention 2020

9 May 2020 Witham 105CE Charter DinnerFri 5 June 2020 Sleaford 105CE Charity Golf Day1 & 2 July 2020 Norwich Royal Norfolk Show

Welcome to New Members

Friday 8th November 2018 ~ 10.30am – 3.00pm When you introduce a newmember please let me know,

probably with a photo! Ed

Save the Dates14th – 16th February 2020

The Special Event of the YearWitham and District Lioness Club along with Chelmsford and SaffronWalden Lionesses Club from District 105CE are hosting the Lionesses

of MD105 AGM and Conference at Marks Tey Hotel, Colchester.

Book your place(s) NOW! Booking forms and details on the Lioness