multyiple model indutrial tubular het exchanger system

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  • 8/3/2019 Multyiple Model Indutrial Tubular Het Exchanger System


    Appl Intell (2011) 34: 127140

    DOI 10.1007/s10489-009-0185-8

    An intelligent multiple models based predictive control schemewith its application to industrial tubular heat exchanger system

    A.H. Mazinan N. Sadati

    Published online: 16 June 2009

    Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

    Abstract The purpose of this paper is to deal with a novel

    intelligent predictive control scheme using the multiple

    models strategy with its application to an industrial tubu-

    lar heat exchanger system. The main idea of the strategy

    proposed here is to represent the operating environments of

    the system, which have a wide range of variation in the span

    of time by several local explicit linear models. In line with

    this strategy, the well-known linear generalized predictive

    control (LGPC) schemes are initially designed correspond-

    ing to each one of the linear models of the system. After

    that, the best model of the system and the LGPC control

    action are precisely identified, at each instant of time, by an

    intelligent decision maker scheme (IDMS), which is playing

    the so important role in realizing the finalized control action

    for the system. In such a case, as soon as each model could

    be identified as the best model, the adaptive algorithm is

    implemented on the both chosen model and the correspond-

    ing predictive control schemes. In conclusion, for having a

    good tracking performance, the predictive control action is

    instantly updated and is also applied to the system, at each

    instant of time. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of

    A.H. Mazinan ()

    Islamic Azad University (IAU), South Tehran Branch, Tehran,


    e-mail: [email protected]

    N. Sadati

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University

    of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

    e-mail: [email protected]

    N. Sadati

    Electrical Engineering Department, Sharif University

    of Technology, Tehran, Iran

    e-mail: [email protected]

    the proposed approach, simulations are carried out and the

    results are compared with those obtained using a nonlinearGPC (NLGPC) scheme as a benchmark approach realized

    based on the Wiener model of the system. In agreement with

    these results, the validity of the proposed control scheme can

    tangibly be verified.

    Keywords Fuzzy adaptive predictive control scheme

    Nonlinear generalized predictive control scheme Multiple

    models strategy Intelligent decision maker scheme

    Tubular heat exchanger system

    1 Introduction

    The linear model based predictive control (LMBPC) scheme

    has been extensively used in many control areas and acad-

    emic centers, since it has a good performance, as long as

    we are using an explicit linear model of the system. In most

    applications of the LMBPC family, such as linear model al-

    gorithmic control (LMAC), linear dynamic matrix control

    (LDMC), linear generalized predictive control (LGPC) and

    other related techniques, the process is represented over its

    operating environment by using an explicit linear model [1

    10]. In this paper, the LGPC scheme is used for controlling

    an industrial tubular heat exchanger system. This controlleris realized based on the explicit use of process model to pre-

    dict the controlled variables over a specified range of time

    horizon. In this scheme, an optimal control is obtained by

    optimizing an objective function that minimizes the con-

    trol effort and the error between the predicted output and

    the set point, during the prediction and control horizon. As

    we know, the LGPC method is realized based on a single

    fixed linear model or slowly adaptive model of the system.

    Here, it assumes that the operating environment is either

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    128 A.H. Mazinan, N. Sadati

    time invariant or slowly time variant in the span of time.

    In this case, the LGPC method based on the linear mod-

    els are well behaved for the linear processes, but when the

    operating environment region is extended, the nonlinearity

    of the process cannot be ignored. In practical applications

    such as the tubular heat exchanger system, due to the co-

    efficients variation, the system needs to operate in multiple

    operating environments, which may change abruptly from

    one to another [11]. An appropriate strategy to improve the

    LGPC scheme, while we are having a nonlinear system is

    to use the multiple models control strategy, if the models

    are approximately available for different operating environ-

    ments. In fact, the main idea of multiple models control ap-

    proach is to determine the best model, so to activate the cor-

    responding controller. The multiple models control strategy

    has been mentioned by several researchers such as Madani,

    Guerci, Ning, Wang, Gang and others [1226]. In the con-

    trol strategy proposed, the best model identification mecha-

    nism and the finalized control action generation are realized

    by a new intelligent decision maker scheme (IDMS), where

    the identification mechanism presented is realized in associ-

    ation with the both fuzzy-based adaptive Kalman filter and

    fuzzy-based weight generation approaches and also the fi-

    nalized control action generation is realized based on the

    soft switching technique. In line with this strategy, as soon

    as the best model of the system is quite identified by the

    proposed IDSM, the adaptive algorithm is implemented on

    the chosen model and the corresponding LGPC controller.

    Hereinafter, for having a good tracking performance, both

    in desired set point variation and in system coefficients vari-

    ation, the finalized LGPC control action is applied to the

    system, at each instant of time. In fact, the system with wide

    and rapid variation in coefficients could easily be controlled

    in the strategy proposed. The remainder of this paper is or-

    ganized as follows. The tubular heat exchanger system mod-

    eling is presented in Sect. 2. The proposed multiple models

    control strategy and the nonlinear GPC approach are pre-

    sented in Sects. 3 and 4, respectively. The simulation results

    and the concluding remarks are finally given in Sects. 5 and

    6, respectively.

    2 Tubular heat exchanger system modeling

    The heat exchanger system is a process that is used tochange the temperature distribution of two materials, when

    they are in direct or indirect contacts [2732]. It has both the

    inner and the shell tubes with concurrent reactions. The fluid

    flows through the inner tube and its temperature is varied by

    another fluid which flows concurrently around it. The tem-

    perature and the flow rate of the fluid not only change with

    respect to time but also change along the axial direction, as

    shown in Fig. 1. In order to model the heat exchanger sys-

    tem, the following parameters are now defined : section

    Fig. 1 Diagram of a tubular heat exchanger system

    area of the tube (m2), : fluid density (kg/m3), v: fluid ve-

    locity (m/s), x: incremental element in tube (m), Tx : tem-

    perature of x (K), d: internal diameter of the tube (m), U:

    overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K), Cp : specific heat

    capacity (J/kgK).

    The dynamics of the heat exchanger system is described

    by the partial differential equations (PDEs). Thus, it is truly

    used as an infinite dimensional system. In this case, the tem-

    perature distribution of an incremental element x, along x,

    based on the principle of conservation of energy, at the time

    t, could be given as


    t= Cpv(Tx Tx+x) + UdxT (2.1)

    where CpxTt

    denotes the accumulation of energy in

    x, CpvTx denotes the convection flow of the energy

    into x, CpvTx+x also denotes the convection flow of

    the energy out ofx and finally UdxT represents the

    heat transfer to x. It should be assumed that for modeling

    the tubular heat exchanger system, the fluid velocity varia-

    tion should be negligible, i.e., to be independent of x. Also

    the fluid temperature of the shell tube should be constant.

    Now, by assuming x x , the obtained PDEs describing

    the system could be written as


    t= Cpv


    x+ UdT (2.2)

    In such a case, by using Tt and Ts as the temperature para-

    meters in the inner tube and the shell tube, respectively, we

    can have the following


    = vtTtx

    + atTs atTt; at =U d

    ttCpt( 1



    = vsTsx

    + as Tt as Ts ; as =U d

    s s Cps( 1



    Also by defining Tt and Ts as the outlet and the inlet of thesystem and assuming s =

    t, we can deduce the following



    s + at

    vtTt(x,s) =


    vtTs (x,s) (2.4)

    Hence, the outlet temperatures in terms of the inlet temper-

    atures and the x, could be deduced as

    Tt(x,s) = exp


    vt(s + at)



    s + atTs (x,s) (2.5)

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    An intelligent multiple models based predictive control scheme with its application to industrial tubular heat 129

    The system modeling results should uniformly be divided

    into small incremental elements, while the boundary condi-

    tions are given at x = kN; k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n. Therefore, the

    system temperature could be represented as

    Tt k = Tt(kN, s), T sk = Ts (kN,s) (2.6)

    where Ttk and Tsk are given as the temperatures at the

    kth point of the inner tube and the shell tube, respectively.Hence, using (2.5) and (2.6), the outlet temperature at kth

    point of the inner tube could now be given as

    Tt k = exp


    vt(s + at)



    s + atTsk (2.7)

    Now, the system transfer function could also be written as




    s + at

    1 exp


    vt(s + at)


    Moreover, the obtained results could be expressed in terms

    of the valve pressure, i.e., TtkPv

    , by using

    KvPv U d


    (Tsk Ttk )dx = CsTsk


    Also by using (2.8) at x = kN, we could deduce the follow-


    Tsk Ttk

    = Tsk


    s + at+


    s + atexp


    vt(s + at)


    Here, Tsk is defined as constant temperature with respect to

    x, i.e.,

    Ts0 = Ts1 = = Tsk = ct e (2.11)

    Hereinafter, by using (2.9), (2.10) and (2.11), we could have

    the following


    U d

    kN s

    s + at+


    (s + at)2

    1 exp


    vt(s + at)

    + sCs

    = KvPv


    As a consequence, the tubular heat exchanger modeling

    could be resulted using (2.8) and (2.12) as

    Tt k



    aa1t s2 + (a + kN a1t )s +



    where Kv, ,P v and Cs are the valve gain, the compressed

    steam temperature of the shell tube, the valve pressure and

    finally the shell tube capacitance, respectively. Also (s), k1and a are given as 1 exp( kN

    vt(s + at)),

    kvU d

    and CsU d



    3 The proposed multiple models strategy

    The multiple models control strategy presented here is an

    approach for controlling the complex systems, where the

    system parameters may abruptly change in the span of a

    specified variation, at each instant of time. In fact, the con-

    trol strategy operates in multiple operating environments,

    which may change from one to another. Here, the system

    behavior is either nonlinear or linear time variant, and a lin-

    ear fixed model may not really lead to the expected perfor-

    mance. In accordance with Fig. 2, a good approach for de-

    signing the linear controllers to deal with the complex sys-

    tems is to use multiple models control strategy. To realize

    the strategy presented, some models which cover the differ-

    ent operating environments of the system must first be iden-

    tified and an appropriate controller must also be designed

    for each one of them.

    It should be noted that the multiple models strategy pre-

    sented is described to define some models corresponding to

    different operating environments of the system, to design thelocal controllers corresponding to each one of the predefined

    models, to identify the best model of the system, to select the

    appropriate control action and finally to generate the final-

    ized control action for the system, at each interval of time.

    To introduce the achieved specification of the proposed mul-

    tiple model control strategy, we can say that the wide range

    of system coefficients variation could be covered. In this

    way, the weight generation mechanism is realized based on

    the novel fuzzy-based approach to generate accurate weights

    Fig. 2 The scheme of the proposed multiple models strategy

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    An intelligent multiple models based predictive control scheme with its application to industrial tubular heat 131

    Realizing the best model identification mechanism, us-

    ing the fuzzy-based adaptive Kalman filter and the fuzzy-

    based weight generator approaches.

    Selecting the models and the corresponding controllers

    status in the fixed or the adaptive situations.

    Generating the finalized control action, using the soft

    switching technique.

    stabling the system performance under both the system

    coefficients and the desired set point variations.

    As it can be seen from the proposed multiple models con-

    trol strategy, the IDMS has the several inputs and outputs,

    where the desired set point, the finalized control action; u,

    cmp and finally ccp; p = 1, 2, . . . , r are used as the output

    signals of the IDMS. Also ymp and ucp; p = 1, 2, . . . , r are

    used as the input signals of the IDMS in association with

    the proposed control strategy. Based on these input-output

    signals, all the mentioned tasks must appropriately be im-

    plemented through the IDMS, where the details of them are

    now given in the best model identification mechanism and

    the finalized control action generation sections as follows.

    3.2 The best model identification mechanism

    The best model identification mechanism is realized to iden-

    tify the best model of the system, at each instant of time,

    when we are suddenly encountered with both the system co-

    efficients and the desired set point variations. In fact, the

    main idea of the proposed mechanism is to identify both

    the best model of the system (BM) and the deviated models

    from the best model of the system (DFBM), as long as the

    wide range of variation in the system coefficients and in the

    desired set point could be taken place. The mechanism pro-

    posed here, as a subsystem of the intelligent decision maker

    scheme (IDMS), has the so important role in this control

    strategy. The closed loop stability of the strategy may un-

    acceptably be changed with system coefficients variations,

    provided that the best model identification mechanism can-

    not work correctly with respect to time. Meanwhile, as long

    as these parameters are rapidly changed in a wide range of

    variation, the applicability of the best model identification

    mechanism may actually be deteriorated. It means that the

    closed loop stability cannot truly be accepted, in such a case.

    In the mechanism presented, the controller weight parame-ters; wp,k , p = 1, 2, . . . , r , k = 1, 2, . . . , should accu-

    rately be varied to appropriate value, i.e., weight parameters

    must be adapted to the ones, as soon as the corresponding

    model state estimation error; ep,k , is close to the acceptable

    minimum values. Hereinafter, as soon as each one of the

    models of the system could be identified as the best cho-

    sen model, the corresponding output of the selector system,

    i.e., cmp ; p = 1, 2, . . . , r can cause to change the chosen

    model from fixed to adaptive parameters. In addition, c cp;

    p = 1, 2, . . . , r can cause to change the corresponding con-

    troller from fixed to adaptive parameters.

    To demonstrate the proposed mechanism in details, the

    fuzzy-based adaptive Kalman filter (FAKF) and also fuzzy-

    based weight generators (FWG) must first be organized.

    In this way, FAKF#p ; p = 1, 2, . . . , r is used to obtain the

    model states estimation error; ep,k , p = 1, 2, . . . , r , where

    FWG is also used to generate the appropriate controller

    weight signals of the corresponding ep,k . In fact, to realize

    the proposed approach, the FAKF and the FWG must ap-

    propriately be realized, when the statistical behavior of the

    system inputs and outputs could exactly be known. Now,

    the best model identification mechanism can briefly be de-

    scribed as follows

    ep,k Min wp,k 1; i.e.,

    F /A Model#p BM(adaptive model).

    ep,k Max wp,k 0; i.e.,

    F /A Model#p DFBM (fixed model).


    Realization of the best model identification mechanism

    based on the FAKF and the FWG is now described in the

    proceeding sections.

    3.2.1 The fuzzy-based adaptive Kalman filter approach

    The fuzzy-based adaptive Kalman filter; FAKF, has been

    used to estimate the model states, as long as the linear model

    state spaces, i.e., Ap, Bp and Cp; p = 1, 2, . . . , r could be

    given. In association with this matter, the linear single input-

    single output model of the system can be described as

    xk+1 = Ak+1,kxk + Bkuk + wkyk = Ckxk + vk


    where xk is given as the system state vector, yk is given as

    the scalar measurement, Ak+1,k is given as the system state

    matrix, Ck is given as the measurement vector, wk (o,Q)

    is given as the process Gaussian white noise, vk (o,R) is

    also given as the measurement Gaussian white noise and fi-

    nally R and Q are given as the scalar measurement noise

    covariance and the system noise covariance matrix, respec-

    tively. Now, the adaptive Kalman filter approach could be

    described as

    xk = xk,k1 + Kkek

    Pk,k1 = Ak,k1Pk1ATk,k1 + Qk

    Kk = Pk,k1CTk (CkPk,k1C

    Tk + Rk)


    Pk = (I KkCk)Pk,k1


    To realize the approach presented, at the kth instant of time,

    the posterior covariance matrix; Pk,k1, and the prior co-

    variance matrix; Pk , must instantly be obtained. In fact, the

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    132 A.H. Mazinan, N. Sadati

    system states as the output of the approach should be esti-

    mated using the Kalman gain; Kk , and the following model

    states estimation error

    ek = yk yk (3.9)

    where Qk and Rk must be adapted using a fuzzy-based sys-

    tem. The parameters mentioned could accurately be varied

    to the appropriate values, so that the state estimation errors

    could be close to the desired values. To realize the FAKF,

    the fuzzy-based system presented determines the value of,

    where Qk and Rk must be followed as

    Rk = R2(k+1), Qk = Q

    2(k+1) (3.10)

    In this way, Q and R are given as the constant matrices

    and also must be chosen either equal or greater than one.

    Now, for having high accuracy in the fuzzy-based system,

    the fuzzy set parameters are initially obtained from the GA

    algorithm [4855]. The obtained fuzzy sets are also shown

    in Fig. 3, where Z, S, M and L denote the zero, the small, the

    medium and finally the large fuzzy sets, respectively. Also

    the rules of the fuzzy-based Kalman filter is tabulated in Ta-

    ble 1.

    Fig. 3 The fuzzy sets of FAKF scheme

    Table 1 The fuzzy rule based of Kalman filter



    Z S L

    Z S Z Z

    S Z L M

    L L M Z

    In the same way, the error estimation covariance matrix;

    Pe , and the error estimation mean value; Me , could be de-

    fined asPe = CkPk,k1C

    Tk + Rk

    Me =1



    ei eTi


    where Ne denotes the size of the mean value window.

    3.2.2 The fuzzy-based weight generator approach

    The fuzzy-based weight generator (FWG) approach pre-

    sented here is used to generate the appropriate weight sig-

    nals; wp,k , p = 1, 2, . . . , r , as long as we are encountered

    with variation in the system coefficients and also in the de-

    sired set point, abruptly. Based on this approach, the FWG

    must be positioned in sequence with the FAKF. It means

    that the FWG is realized based on the their input data;

    ep,k , p = 1, 2, . . . , r , that are generated of FAKF. To pre-

    vent the random weight variation, the stability of the pro-

    posed FGW could relatively be guaranteed by using the fol-

    lowing performance index

    Jp,k = e2p,k(t ) +

    kj =0

    exp((k j))e2p,j ;

    0; , > 0 (3.12)

    Here, ep,k denotes the pth model state estimation error, at

    the kth instant of time. The above performance index aims

    to use the model states estimation errors, using the past to

    the present time. In other words, while disturbance takes

    place abruptly in the system, the performance index could

    reject the noisy data from ep,k , where the past data are used

    in this approach. In such a case, the performance index pa-

    rameters are given as; , and , where and are the

    weighting factors on the instantaneous measures and the

    long term accuracy, respectively. In addition, is a forget-

    ting factor, which assures the boundedness of the criterion

    for the bounded ep,k . Also in order to prevent the rapid un-

    wanted changes in the mechanism presented, it is better to

    apply the achieved weights in the minimum time delay to

    the control strategy. Also an effective way to increase the

    weight generation accuracy is to apply the weights average

    in periods of time to this control strategy. In such a case,

    the unwanted changes have no effect on the system perfor-

    mance. Now, the approach presented here is realized based

    on a novel fuzzy-based algorithm, given by

    Defining the some performance indexes, i.e., Jp,k ; p =

    1, 2, . . . , r, k = 1, 2, . . . , .

    Determining the minimum value of performance indexes

    and also the maximum acceptable value of performance

    indexes, i.e., Jmin and Jmax , respectively.

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    An intelligent multiple models based predictive control scheme with its application to industrial tubular heat 133

    Defining the acceptable, the conditionally acceptable and

    the unacceptable fuzzy sets, i.e., AFS, CAFS and UAFS,

    respectively, for each one of the performance indexes.

    If the performance indexes, i.e., Jp,k is obtained in the

    AFS, the corresponding model; F /A Model#p, p =

    1, 2, . . . , r , should now be identified as the best chosen

    model of the system and the algorithm stopped, otherwise

    the rest of the algorithm must be followed.

    Defining the some decision maker parameters; (p) =

    Jp,k Jmin; p = 1, 2, . . . , r .

    Defining the fuzzy sets corresponding to the acceptable

    decision and the unacceptable decision; ADFS, UDFS, re-

    spectively, for each one of the decision maker parameters;


    Identifying the best predefined model of the system;

    F /AModel#p; p = 1, 2, . . . , r in the following fuzzy rule

    based system

    IF Jp,k is AFS THEN F /A Model#p BM

    IF Jp,k is CAFS AND (p) is ADFS

    THEN F /A Model#p BM

    IF Jp,k is CAFS AND (p) is UDFS

    THEN F /A Model#p DBFM

    IF Jp,k is UAFS THEN F /A Model#p DFBM

    Defining the fuzzy sets corresponding to low value and

    high value; LVFS, HVFS, respectively, to generate the

    controller weights parameters.

    Calculating the controller weights parameters based on

    the predefined models; F /A Model#p , in the followingfuzzy rule based system

    IF F /A Model#1 BM AND F /A Model#2 DFBM

    AND, .. . , AND

    F /A Model#r DFBM

    THEN w1,k is HVFS, w2,k is LVFS, .. . , wp,k is LVFS

    IF F /A Model#1 DFBM AND F /A Model#2 BM

    AND, .. . , AND

    F /A Model#r DFBM

    THEN w1,k is LVFS, w2,k is HVFS, .. . , wp,k is LVFS


    IF F /A Model#1 DFBM AND F /A Model#2 DFBM

    AND, .. . , AND

    F /A Model#r BM

    THEN w1,k is LVFS, w2,k is LVFS, .. . , wp,k is HVFS

    where the fuzzy sets of the performance indexes; Jp,k , and

    the decision maker parameters; (p), are given in Figs. 4 to

    5, respectively.

    Also the fuzzy sets of the controller weight parameters;

    wp,k , are given in Fig. 6.

    Regarding the proposed fuzzy-based weight generator

    approach, the best model of the system could instantly be

    identified for the system, as soon as the system coefficients

    variation is abruptly implemented on the control strategy


    3.3 The finalized control action generation

    The finalized control action generation is realized by the

    IDSM scheme, in this proposed control strategy, as men-

    tioned before. In reality, this subsystem is used to generate

    an appropriate control action for the system. In this way,

    as soon as the system coefficients are abruptly varied, the

    control action must be adapted to the appropriate value. In

    Fig. 4 The scheme of the fuzzy sets of the performance indexes

    Fig. 5 The scheme of the fuzzy sets of the decision maker parameters

    Fig. 6 The scheme of the fuzzy sets of the controller weight parame-


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    134 A.H. Mazinan, N. Sadati

    fact, the system coefficients variation must be compensated

    by an appropriate control action, at each instant of time.

    On the other hand, the success of the proposed strategy is

    quite seen in proposed appropriate control action genera-

    tion. As introduced in the multiple models strategy before,

    the F /A Cont#p; p = 1, 2, . . . , r as the local controllers are

    realized based on the concept of the LGPC scheme, in this

    paper. Here, the controller designing is realized based on

    the predefined explicit linear model of the system. In this

    case, the finalized control action could be realized by a soft

    switching technique, i.e., the linear combination of the local

    controllers, given by

    uk =


    wp,k ucp,k,


    wp,k = 1 (3.13)

    where r is given as the number of appropriate local LGPC

    controllers, wp,k is given as the appropriate weight of the

    pth local LGPC controller, at the kth instant of time, that is

    given by the best model identification mechanism, ucp,k isalso given as the pth local LGPC output and finally uk is

    given as the finalized control action. Based on this strategy,

    the control action is adapted to appropriate value and also is

    applied to the system, at the kth instant of time.

    4 Nonlinear GPC approach

    In this section, a nonlinear GPC (NLGPC) approach for con-

    trolling an industrial tubular heat exchanger system is pro-

    posed [56, 57]. As we know, the LGPC approach is a well-

    known control strategy used both in industrial and academicenvironments, for deriving the linear systems. So nonlinear

    systems cannot appropriately be controlled by this approach.

    Here, we need to modify the traditional LGPC approach in

    its present form, where it could be used for controlling the

    nonlinear systems as well. The strategy is shown in Fig. 7,

    where u(k), yLm(k) and yNm (k) denote the control action, the

    linear model output and the nonlinear model output, respec-


    For realizing the NLGPC approach, we first need to ob-

    tain linear and nonlinear parts of the Wiener model of the

    system that is shown in Fig. 8. The main purpose of realizing

    Fig. 7 The nonlinear GPC approach in controlling the heat exchanger

    the Wiener model of the system is to remove the nonlinear-

    ity of the system, when the inverse of the nonlinear function

    of the Wiener model could be used in sequence with the sys-

    tem, as shown in this strategy.

    Based on this approach, the linear part of the Wiener

    model could be used as the model of the system. Moreover,

    for designing a control strategy, control engineers normally

    need to have an initial model of the system, which would

    give them a scope about the structure of the system under

    investigation. This initial model allows them to use a sim-

    ulation platform, where control strategy could be tested be-

    fore being transferred into the real time environment. Hence

    in most cases, the structure of the model including linearity

    and nonlinearity could be known. It means the various struc-

    tures lead to the same linearity and nonlinearity effect. In

    this case, for realizing the Wiener model of the system, the

    nonlinear model output; yNm (k), could be represented, when

    the linear model output; yLm(k), is obtained. Here, by using

    the recursive least square (RLS) identification algorithm, the

    linear part of the Wiener model could be identified. In addi-tion, the nonlinear part of the Wiener model could also be

    expressed as

    yNm (k) = f (yLm(k))

    = yNm (0) + 0 tanh(0 (yLm(k) y

    Lm(0))) (4.1)

    where 0 and 0 denote the nonlinear model coefficients. We

    know that the LGPC approach must be used with linear sys-

    tem and the NLGPC approach must also be used with non-

    linear system, so we have to find the Wiener model of the

    system that is shown, in this approach. Now, by having the

    obtained results, the nonlinearity of the system could be re-

    moved using the inverse of the nonlinear function; NLM1,

    as shown in the proposed strategy. As we know, a sequence

    of the future model outputs using the system modeling could

    be obtained by the following j -step ahead predictor of the

    LGPC algorithm

    yLm(k + j ) = Hj (q1)u(k 1) + Gj (q

    1)u(k + j 1)

    + Fj (q1)yLm(k); j = N1, . . . , N 2 (4.2)

    where Fj (q1), Hj (q

    1) and Gj (q1) are all given as

    Fj (q

    1) = [FN1 (q1) , . . . , F N2 (q


    Hj (q1) = [HN1 (q

    1) , . . . , H N2 (q1)]T

    Gj (q1) = [GN1 (q

    1) , . . . , GN2 (q1)]T


    Fig. 8 The Wiener model scheme of the heat exchanger

  • 8/3/2019 Multyiple Model Indutrial Tubular Het Exchanger System


    An intelligent multiple models based predictive control scheme with its application to industrial tubular heat 135

    Here, the gji (q

    1)s are denoted as the coefficients of

    Gj (q1) matrix polynomials, which correspond to the sys-

    tem step response values, given by

    Gj (q1)



    (q1) gjN11

    (q1) . . . 0


    N1+1(q1) g


    (q1) . . . 0




    (q1) gj

    N21(q1) . . . g




    Meanwhile, N2 N1 + 1 and Nu are given as the predic-

    tion horizon and the control horizon, respectively. After-

    ward, Fj (q1), Hj (q

    1) and Gj (q1) could be obtained

    using the following Diophantine equation, i.e.,

    1 = Ej (q1)A(q1)(q1) + qj Fj (q

    1) (4.5)

    where we could have

    Ej (q1)B(q1) = Gj (q

    1) + qj Hj (q1) (4.6)

    Here, A(q1) and B(q 1) could be obtained using the RLS

    identification algorithm, as the CARIMA model of the sys-

    tem, and are adapted, at each instant of time. Hereinafter, by

    using the obtained results, we could calculate a sequence,

    i.e., j = N1, . . . , N 2, of future nonlinear part of the Wiener

    model output as

    yNm (k + j ) = f (yLm(k + j ))



    m (0) + 0 tanh(0 (


    m(k + j )



    Afterward, the manipulated variable; u(k), could be ob-

    tained by optimizing the following cost function

    JNLGPC =

    N2j =N1

    ( yNm (k + j ) r(k + j ))2

    Nuj =1

    u2(k + j 1) (4.8)

    where r(k) and denote the desired set point and controlweight coefficients, respectively. In this strategy, the NL-

    GPC control action; u(k), is finally obtained by using the

    following discrete filter

    Hf(q1) =




    1 q1(4.9)

    where q1 denotes the delay term. As a consequence,

    according to Fig. 7, realization of the proposed NLGPC

    scheme could be summarized as

    Calculating a sequence of future nonlinear model outputs

    based on the proposed nonlinear function, using (4.1).

    Identifying the linear part of the Wiener model of the sys-

    tem based on the RLS identification algorithm and also

    calculating a sequence of future linear model by the GPC

    algorithm, using (4.2).

    Obtaining the NLGPC manipulated variables by optimiz-

    ing the proposed cost function, using (4.8).

    Obtaining the NLGPC control action based on the dis-

    crete filter, using (4.9).

    5 Simulation results

    To consider the applicability of the proposed approach, a

    tubular heat exchanger system, which has the many in-

    dustrial environments such as food processing, automotive,

    aerospace, metallurgy, pulp and paper, fertilizers, chemicals-

    petrochemicals and cement is considered for simulation. As

    it can be seen, the fluid of the inner tube at x = Ln = 2.5 m,

    t = 0.15 m2 and vt = 0.1 m/s has a wide variation in the

    span of time, as long as the water, steam, engine oil, min-

    eral oil, palm oil, white oil, vegetable oil, dry air, milk, liq-

    uid metal, petroleum jelly, petroleum resin and other related

    liquids could be used as the fluid of the inner tube. More-

    over, the steam is used as the fluid of the shell tube, in this

    simulation. In such a case, the inner tube fluid is used as

    an outlet of the system and the shell tube fluid is also used

    as an inlet of the system. Here, the inner tube temperature

    should be adjusted by commanded valve pressure; Pv , on the

    shell tube. Here, the tracking performance of the proposed

    scheme, called by the authors as an intelligent multiple mod-

    els based adaptive predictive control scheme (IMMBAPC),

    using both the desired set points between 0C and 44C and

    the following parameters variation, is considered [58].

    t(k) = t + t(k), Cpt(k) = C


    + Cpt (k),

    Ut(k) = Ut + Ut(k)

    t t(k) t, Cpt Cpt (k) Cpt ,

    Ut Ut(k) Ut

    t = 711 kg/m3, Cpt = 0.14 kJ/kg K,

    Ut = 7.90 W/m2 K


    To overcome the system coefficients variation, we need to

    define several system operating environments and to iden-

    tify the corresponding models. For the number of models in

    the multiple models control strategy presented, it is better

    to define the least operating environments, while the sys-

    tem performance is not ignored. Here, due to the results

    obtained from experiments, the optimal number of models

    was obtained to be three (p = 3) for these simulations. By

    using this result, the system operating environments, i.e.,

  • 8/3/2019 Multyiple Model Indutrial Tubular Het Exchanger System


    136 A.H. Mazinan, N. Sadati

    EV#p; p = 1, 2, 3, will cover the whole of the system co-

    efficients variation, given below:

    EV#1, i.e., M#1 :

    t(k) = t = 0

    Cpt (k) = Cpt = 0

    Ut(k) = Ut = 0


    EV#2, i.e., M#2 :

    t(k) =

    t+t2 = 208

    Cpt (k) =Cpt +Cpt

    2= 2.02

    Ut(k) =Ut+Ut

    2= 2000


    EV#3, i.e., M#3 :

    t(k) = t = 416

    Cpt (k) = Cpt = 4.04

    Ut(k) = Ut = 4000


    where t, Cpt and Ut are given in 0C and t, Cpt and

    Ut are also given in 100C, respectively. Now, using the

    RLS identification method, the following CARIMA models

    of the system corresponding to different system operating

    environments; EVs, could be obtained, where the results of

    the identification process are now tabulated by Table 2.

    Ai (q1)yi (k) = Bi (q1)u(k 1) + e(k)(q1)

    ; i = 1, 2, 3

    Ai (q1) = 1 + ai1q1 + + aipq

    p; p = 4

    Bi (q1) = bi0 + bi1q

    1 + + bipqm; q = 4


    Here, yi

    (k), u(k) and e(k) denote the ith model outputvariable, the control action variable and finally the random

    sequence number, respectively. Also (q1) is taken as

    1 q1.

    Table 2 The coefficients of the CARIMA models

    k j akj bkj

    1 1 0.9933 0.2506E03

    1 2 0.4343 0.3519E03

    1 3 0.0069 0.5283E03

    1 4 0.4219 0.1830E03

    2 1 0.9947 0.2469E03

    2 2 0.4327 0.3426E03

    2 3 0.0083 0.5208E03

    2 4 0.4204 0.1738E03

    3 1 0.9960 0.2434E03

    3 2 0.4313 0.3336E03

    3 3 0.0097 0.5135E03

    3 4 0.4189 0.1637E03

    Now, to validate the models, the ith model error; ei (k),

    with respect to the system output; y(k), are expressed as

    ei (k) = y(k) yi (k); i = 1, 2, 3 (5.6)

    The results, as tabulated by Table 3 can verify the validity

    of the chosen models. Also the LGPC prediction horizon

    and the control horizon are given as; N2 N1 + 1 = 3 and

    Nu = 3, respectively.These control parameters are obtained based on the sys-

    tem performance with respect to the recursive computational

    operation of the predictive controller. In this way, the sys-

    tem performance could be improved, provided that these pa-

    rameters are appropriately chosen. Here, Fig. 9 shows the

    tracking performance of the proposed IMMBAPC, while

    Fig. 10 represents the performance of the nonlinear GPC

    (NLGPC). These results are obtained, when we are sud-

    denly encountered with both the system operating environ-

    ment and the desired set point variations, at several points of


    In these simulations, the system coefficients are abruptlyvaried at several points of time, i.e., at 9, 23, 38, 45, 60,

    67, 76, 82, 90, 112, 126, 134 s and finally at 186 s, respec-

    Table 3 The models validation

    Model error M#1 M#2 M#3e2 (V ) 3.82E03 7.41E03 5.12E03|e| (V ) 5.14E02 9.89E02 6.46E02

    Fig. 9 The scheme of IMMBAPC tracking performance

    Fig. 10 The scheme of NLGPC tracking performance

  • 8/3/2019 Multyiple Model Indutrial Tubular Het Exchanger System


    An intelligent multiple models based predictive control scheme with its application to industrial tubular heat 137

    tively, while the desired set point is varied at 0 and 112 s,

    respectively. In accordance with Fig. 11, F /A Model#1,

    F /A Model#2 and F /A Model#3 are identified as the best

    chosen model several times, by the intelligent decision

    maker scheme (IDSM) presented in this control strategy.

    Here, the models behavior have the important roll in the

    performance of the IDSM. Hereinafter, F /A Cont#p; p =

    1, 2, 3 are used as the dominant adaptive predictive con-

    troller, at the corresponding time, i.e., when the F /AModel#p;

    p = 1, 2, 3 are identified as the best chosen model of the sys-


    As it can be seen from Fig. 11, the F /A Model#p ;

    p = 1, 2, 3 are identified as the best chosen model of the

    system, as long as theses models could be relatively close to

    system behavior that is abruptly influenced by variation in

    the system coefficients and also in the desired set point. In

    line with these results, F /A Model#1 is identified as the best

    chosen model of the system from 1 to 2 s, from 24 to 27 s,

    from 46 to 49 s, from 68 to 72 s, from 82 to 86 s, from 113

    to 116 s, from 118 to 126 s, from 130 to 134 s, from 140 to118 s and finally from 192 to 200 s, respectively. In this case,

    F /A Model#2 is also identified as the best chosen model of

    the system from 6 to 7 s, from 10 to 11 s, at 40 s, from 62 to

    Fig. 11 The scheme of IMMBAPC weight signals

    63 s, at 77 s, at 92 s and finally at 127 s, respectively. In ad-

    dition, F /A Model#3 is identified as the best chosen model

    of the system from 3 to 5 s, at 9, at 39, at 61, at 76 and finally

    at 90 s, respectively. In the IMMBAPC approach presented,

    the local control actions are shown in Fig. 12, where these

    signals are represented after multiplication of corresponding

    weights. Furthermore, the finalized control action is shown

    in Fig. 13, where this signal is obtained by proposed IDSM,

    in this control strategy.

    It should be noted that the proposed IDMS enable to gen-

    erate the accurate weights and the accurate control action

    Fig. 12 The scheme of IMMBAPC control action signals

    Fig. 13 The scheme of IMMBAPC finalized control action signal

  • 8/3/2019 Multyiple Model Indutrial Tubular Het Exchanger System


    138 A.H. Mazinan, N. Sadati

    signals, as long as the system coefficients are suddenly var-

    ied, at each instant of time. Consequently, the simulation re-

    sults are compared with those obtained using the nonlinear

    LGPC (NLGPC) scheme, where for realizing this scheme

    the linear and the nonlinear parts of the Wiener model of the

    system are organized as

    yLm(k) = yLm(0) +


    ap(k)yLm(k p)



    bp(k)u(k p)

    yNm (k) = yNm (0) + 0 tanh(0 (y

    Lm(k) y



    Here, yLm(0), yNm (0), 0, 0 and n are given as 0.7, 0.5,

    1.6, 0.5 and 4.0, respectively. In addition, both ap(k) and

    bp(k) must be obtained using the RLS algorithm, at each in-

    stant of time. By using both the IMMBAPC and the NLGPC

    schemes in several simulations, with the same conditions,

    the performance improvement of the IMMBAPC scheme is

    easily observed. In these cases, the NLGPC scheme does not

    perform well, when changes in the system coefficients and

    in the desired set point are suddenly taken place. In fact, it

    is shown that the IMMBAPC approach could track appropri-

    ately the desired step points in the control strategy presented.

    6 Conclusion

    A novel multiple models strategy using the well-known lin-

    ear generalized predictive control (LGPC) scheme is pro-

    posed to control an industrial tubular heat exchanger system.

    In the approach presented here, the best model identifica-

    tion mechanism and also the finalized control action gener-

    ation are realized by an intelligent decision maker scheme

    (IDSM). In line with this strategy, the best model identifica-

    tion mechanism is organized in agreement with the fuzzy-

    based adaptive Kalman filter and the fuzzy-based weight

    generator approaches. The applicability of the strategy pre-

    sented is summarized in controlling the system with rapid

    and wide range of variation in the coefficients and also in the

    desired set point. Here, the control strategy is implemented

    on the system and the results are compared with those ob-

    tained using a nonlinear GPC (NLGPC) scheme realized

    based on the Wiener model of the system. The achieved re-

    sults can verify the validity of the proposed control strategy.

    As it can be seen from these simulation results, the multiple

    models control strategy presented outperforms the NLGPC

    scheme in an satisfactory manner.


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    140 A.H. Mazinan, N. Sadati

    A.H. Mazinan was born on May 4,

    1969, in Tehran, Iran. He received

    the B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engi-

    neering from the Islamic Azad Uni-

    versity (IAU), Karaj Branch, Iran, in

    1992, the M.Sc. degree in Control

    Engineering from the IAU, South

    Tehran Branch, Iran, in 1995 and

    finally the Ph.D. degree in Control

    Engineering from the IAU, Science

    and Research Branch, Iran, in 2009,

    respectively. He is now with Electri-

    cal Engineering Department of the

    IAU, South Tehran Branch as a fac-

    ulty member, since 1996. His current research activities include pre-

    dictive control, estimation theory, fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic

    algorithm and their applications in multiple modeling and in hybrid

    control systems.

    N. Sadati