mundane astrology


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Post on 29-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Mundane astrology

The eclipses are powerful because they involve the Sun and the Moon (luminaries) and Rahu (north node of the moon) and Ketu (south node of the moon). These are the most important planets in astrology, and determine our daily and yearly activities. The Sun is our soul and source of light and the Moon is our mind (Manus) and emotions. They represent the yin/yang, male female, day and night.

With this in mind I want to make some major predictions based on the eclipse patterns. The solar eclipse degree occurred at 5 degrees Cancer 26 minutes. It is when another planet crosses this degree that can cause events to occur. It remains like a landmine that can be activated once a planet crosses this mark. The exact day transiting Mars crossed over an eclipse degree in 2001 was September 11th, 2001. Transiting Mars will cross over this current eclipse degree October 15th, 2009 and before that Ketu will be crossing over this degree the first week of September. Then on top of that, transiting Mars will conjunct transiting Ketu on October 10th. Mars conjunct Ketu means “Injury”. Plain and simple Mars was conjunct Keu in Sagittarius in the nakshatra Mula on September 11th 2001. Mula is one of the most destructive nakshatras, and is a major reason why that was such a volatile time. Mars will be conjunct Ketu in October in Cancer in the nakshatra Punarvasu. Mars is debilitated in Cancer meaning it will be a difficult and dangerous time. Ketu and Rahu rule epidemics and can indicate some severe outbreaks in the swine flu or other dangerous viruses. Being in a water sign (Cancer) can mean these problems are transmitted from fluids or the water supplies. Punarvasu is a more positive nakshatra and means the return of the light which can shed the light on matters that have been in the dark. I suspect there will be intense fighting, war and attacks prevalent during this time.

Once again Jupiter is back in Capricorn until the end of the year (Dec 19th), indicating a drop again in the world’s economy. 2009 is one the worst years I have seen in terms of the financial markets. It tempers the people with extreme fear, depression and financial ruin. Jupiter is retrograde till October 12th where it will turn direct at 23 degrees Capricorn. The degree Jupiter will go stationary direct is a very powerful and fortunate degree. If you have any planets at this degree of 23 Capricorn, or 23 Taurus or Virgo Jupiter will conjunct the degree in Capricorn and trine the Taurus and Virgo degree. You will experience a wind fall of luck or fortune. I give it a one to two degree orb. It will pertain to the houses the planets reside in or rule.

While Jupiter is retrograde between now and Oct 12th there is a return of all the troubles experienced earlier in the year pertaining to financial problems, relationship issues, and losses. The fact that Jupiter is debilitated with Rahu further complicates the problems. Jupiter rules knowledge, wisdom and spirituality which means there seems to be a loss in these areas as well. There is not much concern for spiritual growth during these difficult financial times. I believe Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius 2010 will change this lack of wisdom. And since Aquarius rules astrology there will be a revival in this ancient Divine knowledge.