municipal recycling coordinators' meeting...municipal recycling coordinators'...

MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING September 13,2013 AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program Totals - Oren Solon 3. 2013 Ocean County Document Shredding Program - Oren Solon 4. 2Dl2Recycling Tonnage Reports/Missing Tonnage Report - Mary Jerkowicz 5. Municipalities' Recycling BrochuresAiterature - Mary Jerkowicz 6. Fall Master Composter Training Course - Mary Jerkowicz 7. Mixed Rigid Plastics Presentation & China's Green Fence Policy - Joe Raymond 8. MOPAC Rendering, Cooking oiVgrease recycler - Allen DuBolino 9. Ocean County Health Deparhnent - Enforcement - Matt Csik 10. 2013 Ocean County Recycling Directory Distribution - Mary Jerkowicz 11. Comments

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Page 1: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program


September 13,2013


1. Welcome

2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal ProgramTotals - Oren Solon

3. 2013 Ocean County Document Shredding Program - Oren Solon

4. 2Dl2Recycling Tonnage Reports/Missing Tonnage Report - MaryJerkowicz

5. Municipalities' Recycling BrochuresAiterature - Mary Jerkowicz

6. Fall Master Composter Training Course - Mary Jerkowicz

7. Mixed Rigid Plastics Presentation & China's Green Fence Policy -Joe Raymond

8. MOPAC Rendering, Cooking oiVgrease recycler - Allen DuBolino

9. Ocean County Health Deparhnent - Enforcement - Matt Csik

10. 2013 Ocean County Recycling Directory Distribution - Mary Jerkowicz


Page 2: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program


TOWN FIRST SECOND THIRD FOARTHBarnegatBarnegat LightBay HeadBeach HavenBeachwoodBerkeley x x x xBrick x x xEagleswoodHarvey CedarsIsland HeiehtsJackson x x X xLaceyLakehurst x x xLakewood x X x xLavallette x xLittle Ees HarborLong BeachManchesterMantolokineOceanOcean Gate x xPine Beach XPlumstedPt. Pleasant BoroughPt. Pleasant BeachSeaside HeightsSeaside Park x x XShip BottomSouth Toms RiverStaffordSurf City x X XToms RiverTuckerton

X INDICATES MISSING FORMld Qtr. dae Apfil 15lo Qtr. due July 153'o Qtr. due oct 15f Qtr. due January 15

Due to tonnoge dsto not available from commercial/pfivate houlen until ofrer lhe end of the yeor, you can olways lile an amended 4tQuarle? between Jonuary If and Morch Io.

apdated 9/12/2013

Page 3: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program

Prepared by Ocean CountyDepartment of Solid Waste Managernent


,d: :.' l

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s.w. 121

Page 4: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program




Master CompostersGmw Green CommunitiesJust as comPost buildshealthy soils Master Compostersbuild healthy communities. Anintegral component of this train-ing program is communityoutreach. Master Composterswork in a variety of waysio teachothers about composting andnatural gardening. Participantsnourish local communities bybuilding relationships with comm-unity gardens, and teachingchildren about composting.



Each applicant must complete an application andbe sponsored by a group as this ensures theprogam the opportunity to establish an outreachnetwork. Many types of goups can sponsor anapplicant, including garden clubs,municipalities,environmental commissions, recycling comm-ittees, retirement communities or service clubs.The course is limited to 20 persons on a firstcome first served basis.

You can download an application from ourwebsite at or if youwould like us to send you an application pleasecontact Mary Jerkowicz, Program Monitor forthe Department of Solid Waste Management at

732-506-5047. You can also e':mail us atocrecycles @ co.ocean.nj,us

If you have a gardening background and are not

afraid to speak to small groups, the Ocean County

Department of Solid Waste Management offers the

Ocean County Master Composter Training Program

to Ocean County residents. These trainedindividuals provide residents of Ocean County withinfomration on how to manage the organic portion

of their household solid waste. This program isoffered annually, subject to demand in the sprhg orfall of each year.

The premise of this program is for the Counry toffain volunteers, who will then agree to provide atotal of 24 hours of outreach, education and

service to promote the benefits of home com-posting.

The training program is held at the Ocean County

Recycling Education Center at the County'sNorthern Recycling Center in LakewoodTownship. The program is provided free ofcharge to Ocean County residents and taxpayers.

The non-resident fee is $75.00 per person.

Page 5: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program




Address NJ (ziP)




Hobbies/lnterests T-shirt size

Training will take place at the Ocean Counly Recycling Education Center over two days: Saturday, October

26, 2013 (9:00 am to 3:00 pm) and Saturday, November 2nd (9:00 am to 3:00 pm ).

After you complete your Master Composter taining, you are responsible for completing a total of 24 hoursof outreach. There is no time frame for completion of this outreach.

*Non-residents must pty afee of $75.00 and must conplete their oufieach commilment in Ocean Counl!.*

Why do you feel you should be considered for this program? (Continue on separate sheet if necessary.)

How did you learn of our program?

Please include:

l. Letter of support from sponsoring organization explaining why your participation would benefitthis program and how the sponsor will assist you with Master Composter outreach efforts. If youarc a Moster Gardener, a tetter of support from a sponsoring organization other ihan the Ocean

County Master Gardeners is encouraged, but not required-

2. A list of experience you have had with any of the following:

Public Speaking Teaching (list grades or groups) Conposting and/or Gardening

Please return completed application by October 11' 2013 toz

Ocean County Department of Solid Waste ManagementP.O. Box 2191

129 Ilooper AvenueToms River, New Jersey 08754-2191

Attention: Mary E. Jerkowicz, Program Monitor

Page 6: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program


The Ocean County Master Composter Training Program is being offered this Fall to traina knowledgeable core of citizens who can provide the residents of Ocean County withinformation on managing the organic waste they generate from their homes. Trainedvolunteers aglee to provide a total of 24 hours of outreach, education and service to promotethe benelits of home composting.

This l2-hour training program is provided free of charge to Ocean County residents andtaxpayers. I(on-resldents , Pag a lee of $75.OO and must o'tso corrytlete thelroutredch colnmitlment ln Ocea;n Countg. The course is limited to tutentV persons on a firstcome. first served basis.

Volunteers should be familiar with gardening and composting, and have experience withspeaking to small groups. Each applicanL is encouraged to be sponsored by a group ororganization as this ensures the opportunity to establish an outreach network for the program.Many types of groups carr sponsor ari applicalt. Some examples are garden clubs,municipalities, and environmental commissions, recycling committees, retirement communitiesor service clubs.

The two-day Ocean County Master Composter Training Program will be held at theOcean County Rerycling Education Center at tJre County's Northem Recycling Center,Lakewood Township, on Sla;f;.ffdolg October 26th (9:OO am to 3:OO prn) and Sadtd'agNovember 2nd (9:OO am to 3:OO pn). Light refreshments in the morning and lunch will beprovided by the Count5r for both days. Upon completion of the twelve-hour training program,volunteers will be given a Master Composter T-shirt, a compost bin, a composting referencebook, a pitch fork, thermometer, and a name badge that identifres the volunteer as an OceanCounty Master Composter.

As a Master Composter, volunteers are required to complete a total of 24 hours of serviceand community outreach. There is no time frame for completion of this outreach. They areencouraged to tailor their outreach activities to their individual strengths and preferences.Examples of activities are: conducting backyard composting education programs at theCounty's Recycling Education Center and Composting Demonstration Site for local schools,community groups and organizations, conducting tours of the Count5r's Baclryard CompostingDemonstration Site, participating in a Speakers' Bureau for home composting, and staffingbooths at a fair or garden show. In general, being an a<ivocate lbr home composting.

Sandra Blain-Snow, an Ocean County Master Composter and Master Gardener, and amember of the Island Heights Garden Club, is the instructor for the Master Composter TrainingProgram.

Ocean County's Composting Program at its Northern Recycling Center producesthousands of tons of compost and wood chips annually. Through the Master ComposterTraining Program, the County's goal is to provide more education to the public about thebenefits of using the Count5r's compost and wood chip products. These products are availableto County residents and municipalities free of charge.

For additional informatiory please contact Mary E. Jerlcowiu, Program Monitor, OceanCountg Departtnent of Solid Waste Managenent, at 732-5065047.

Page 7: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program

County ol 0cean






Copy Tlo:

Municipal Recycling Coordinators

Ernest fkuhMein, Jr., Director, Solid Waste Management

September 6,2013

Incoming Material Quality

Arthur Burns, Superintendent, Recycling OperationsMary JerkowicziP rogram MonitorJoseph Raymond, Manager, Waste ManagementOren Solon, Principal Planner

Hello everyone, hope you all had a great summer. Over the course of thissummer, the County and Waste Management, our contract operator forprocessing recyclables, have experienced some issues with the marketability ofthe County's recyclables. These issues are primarily the result of "China,s GreenFence Initiative," which I am sure many of you are aware of, but for those of youwho are not, China has instituted a strict policy relating to the importation ofrecyclables and the quality thereof. This has caused issues with markets notonly in China, but also markets right here in the United States.

Quality is the key as a result of these changing markets. Where once irwas acceptable to have small fractions of plastic wrap in newspaper bales,markets will no longer tolerate contaminants to a degree that they once would.As you all know our goal is to separate recyclables into their individua,commodities, not to separate trash from recyclables. Marketability as you wellcan imagine, has a direct impact on the value of our recyclables and the amountof revenue the County is able to share with its municipalities. As such, I amasking that each of you go back and revisit the message you send to yourresidents and businesses within your municipality with respect to what can andcannot be put out to the curb as single stream recyclables. Please concentrateupon the fact that recyclables must be loose and not contained within a plasticbag. These plastic bags are not only a market issue, but create sorting efficiencyproblems when they wrap around the star screens in the processing equipment.Additionally, items such as bowling balls, basketballs, sneakers, tires, gardenhose, and rigid plastics are clearly not able to be processed through this systemand should not be collected as part of the curbside Single Stream Program. Aseparate Rigid Plastics Recyclables Program has been set up to address the


Page 8: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program

Page2To: MunicipalRecyclingCoordinatorsDate: September 6, 2013

increased occurrence of this material being placed in the curbside recyclablecontainer.

At the next Municipal Recycling Coordinators' Meeting on September 13,2013, Joe Raymond, from Waste Management, will discuss these issues and theproblems associated with them. Education and enforcement are critical toproviding a better incoming material quality, ensuring the economic viability ofOcean County's Recyclables Processing System and continuing to share in therevenue derived from its operation.


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Purchasing Specification Sheet

High Density Polyethylene Bulky Rigids BalesPost-Consumer, Injection gradeExamples may include: carts, crates, buckets, baskets, lawn furniture, etc.


A Bulky Rigids bale should contain injection grade HDPE, typicallyfound to be wide mouthed containers and-/or oversized items. Metalsuch as axels and bolts should be removed.

Bales may measure 3x4x5', 4x6x4' or other standard size and should

be secured with 10-12 gauge galvanized baling wire or other non-

conoding strapping. Bales should not be stored outside, unocoveredany longer than four weeks prior to shipment. Cardboard may be used

to prevent exposure and maintain bale integrity.

Any items that previously contained hazardous material, residue

and/or medical waste will be rejected.


> More than 4Vo of bale weight of plvstic not of the specified type: i.e.,

PET, PVC, LDPE, PB PS, or Other (may be marked as #7); film or

fiber, HDPE blow mold grade (frac melt) or HMW (drums).

> More than 2Vo of any other material that is not plastic: i.e., metal,styrofoam, paper, cardboard, wood, rubber, liquid. paint or otherresiduals, etc.

> Excessive amount of debris (sand, rocks, dirt, etc.) or moisture

> Heavy baler residue. grease or grime

> Any plastic that has detoriated frorn sun or weather exposure


All scrap materials purchased are for recycling. For more information, please visit

KWR-Purchasinq SDec-HDPE EULKY RIGIDS Bales-20130312TMB

KW Plastics Recycling Division

279 Pike County Lake Rd Troy, AL 36081 1334.566.1563 | 800.633.E744


All prices are FOB selling point unless otherwise

agreed. Base price per pound is determined by

freight expense, material quality and a truck load

weight of ,10000 pounds (see freight charges). Alltrucks ale weighed empty and full on scales

calibrated to l0 lb. accuracy. KW weights govem

settlement. Price reductions/ freight charge may



Material purchased not meeting quality standards

so as to rend€r the material difficulJ to process or

completely unmanageable will be subject lo price

adjustments or rejection. If a load or partial load is

rejected due to non-conformity to specifications,

the material supplier shall be responsible for any

and all additional costs resulting from the rejection

of such load including, but not limited to inbound/

outbound shipping, demurrage, additional labor

charges, landfill fees and other associated costs.

Arrangements to pick-up or retum rejected material

must be made in a timely manner to avoid

additional demurrage charges.


NET WEIGHT35,000 lbs +


base price

34,999 - 30000 lbs. base price -$.01/lb.

29,999 - 25 pOO lbs. base price -$.0 l5llb.24,999 - 20 POO lbs. base price -$.0 25llb.19,999 lbs. - below total freight*Estimates. Charges may vary based on actual freight costs.

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HDPE: (#2) Post-Consumer BulkyRigids BalesPurchasingSpecifications

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. 5 Gallon Bucket

. Soda Crates

. Baskets

. Lawn Furniture

. Carts

. Garbage Cans

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Wheels and AxialRemoved

5 Gallon Buckets Roll-Out Carts

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Coco Cola Crates Pepsi Crates

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Baskets Lawn Furniture

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Drain Pipes

Flower Pots

. Chemical Bottles

. Coolers

Milk Jugs

Detergent Bottles

Garbage Bags


Tool Boxes

Water Hoses. Wheels. 55 Gallon Drums

News Print



Fiber Glass

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Drain Pipes Flower Pots

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Not a recycled itembecause of insulation

Chemical Bottles Coolers

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Milk Jugs Detergent Bottles

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Garbage Bags

hilnPill Bottles

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Computer Monitors Radios

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Tool Boxes Water Hoses

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Wheels 55 Gallon Drums

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Newspapers Cardboard

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Styrofoam Fiber Glass

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Thank you for your time.

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Date Code Abated Date

Name of Business Address Insp. Mun. Insp. c/Nc NOV PA Ref.? Date Follow Up

Ella's Motel 18th St. & Central Ave 7122 Barnegat Light JR L

Gulf Express 1801 Central Ave 7122 Barnegat Iight JR NC extension

Cassidy's Fish Market 1801 Bawiew Ave 7122 Barnegat Light JR cBarnegat Light Yacht Basin 18th 5t. & Bawiew Ave 7122 Barnegat Light JR

Lighthouse Marina 6th St. & Bawiew Ave 7122 Barnegat Light JR L

Barnegat Light Liquors 608 Broadway 7123 Barnegat Light JR L

Poppy's lce Cream 7th & Broadwav 7123 Barnegat Light JR

Kubel's Bar 28 W 7th St 7123 Barnegat Light JR L

Mustache Biil's Diner 8th Street 7123 Barnegat Light JR L

North Shore lnn 806 Central Ave 7 /23 Barnegat Light IR

Barnegat Light State Park Broadway 8129 Barnegat Light JR NC

J McLauglins 89 Bridge Ave u14 Bay Head JR

Bayhead Cheese Shop 91 Bridge Ave 8lt4 Bay Head JR cMuellers Bakery 80 Bridge Ave 8lt4 Bay Head JR

7tL 1001 N. Bay Ave 8/20 Beach Haven JR NC

Fantasy lsland Amusements Park 320 7th St. 8l20 Beach Haven JR NC

Hand's Outdoor Living Center 1412 LonE Beach Blvd 8/2t Beach Haven JR cMurphy's Market Place 9 South Bav Ave 8/2t Beach Haven JR cSilversun Shoppe 210 North Bay Ave 8/2r Beach Haven JRNCYTwo Sisters lce Cream Stop 229 Atlantic Citv Blvd 6/4 Beachwood JRNCYClancy's News 256 Atlantic City Blvd 7126 Beachwood JR NC

Sawyers Liquor 333 Atlantic Citv Blvd 7126 Beachwood JR NC

Carpet Land 300 Atlantic Citv Blvd'JLO

Beachwood JR

The Pub at Beachwood 244 Atlantic CiWBlvd 7/26 Beachwood JR cMayo Park Bayside Ave 8/r Beachwood JR cK&BAutoTech l1Van Buren Ave.. P. B. tltO Berkeley RW NC t/t0/13Bay Shore Reality 293Rt.9,Bawille LlL0 Berkeley RW NC L/t0/t3NJ Outboards 105 Atlantic City Blvd. Bayville Ll70 Berkeley RW NCY Llt0lL3Mid - State Appraisals 293 Rt.9, Bayville Llt0 Berkeley RW NCY L/to/L3Mountain Millwork 1014 Rt.9, Bayville 2/7 Berkeley RW

Vip Cleaners 950Rt.9, Bawille 2/7 Berkeley RW cAlways Something Special Flo. 950 Rt.9, Bawille 2/7 Berkeley RW

Dirty Dog 6roomers 950Rt.9, Bawille 2/7 Berkeley RW

Diesel's Subs & Wrao 950 Rt.9, Bayville U7 Berkeley RW NC 4l2sl13Bay Village Plaza, U-c 107 U nion Hill Rd.,Manalapan 2/7 Berkeley RW NC

Coastal Food Market 941 Rt. 9, BaWille 2/14 Berkeley RW NC 5/2r/13Yesterdavs Family Restaurant 938 Rt. 9. Bawille 2l14 Berkeley RW

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Public Storage 939 Rt. 9 2/L4 Berkeley RW NC 4/25/13K & K Building PO Box 206, Beachwood 2174 Berkeley RW NC 4/2slt3The Learning Experience 839 Rt.9, Bayville 2lt4 RW L

Nail Care 242 Rt 9 South 4/30 JR NC Y

Subway 242 Rt 9 South #5 4/30 Berkeley JR NC

Good Taste 242 Rt 9 South #2 4/30 Berkeley JR cWawa 220 Rt 9 Berkeley JR cCB Huntingtons 140 Rt 9 4130 Berkeley JR cBlackBeards Cave 136 Rt 9 4l3O Berkeley _l!


cBayville Storage 820 Rt. 9, Bayville 4l30 Berkeley cE&LExtremeAutomotive 821 Rt. 9, Bayville 4/30 Eerkeley RW NC

Bawille Preschool & Nursery 800 Rt.9, Suite 5, Bayville 4/30 Berkeley RW NC

R. Pacholec, D.M.D. 800 Rt. 9, Suite 1, Bawille 4/30 Berkeley RW NC

Pro Body Fitness 792Rt.9,BaWille RW NC

Shaddy Rest Restaurant 796Rt.9,Bawille 4/30 Serkeley RW L

Mc Donalds f3836 417 Hwy 9 513 Berkeley JR NC

Walgreens 400 Atlantic Blvd 516 Berkeley JR cDollar General 370 Atlantic City Blvd s/6 Berkeley JR cPanda Buffet 370 Atlantic City Blvd sl6 Berkeley JR cGot 5un Tanning l37O Atlantic city Blvd Berkeley JR

Spirits Unlimited 54 Atlantic City blvd sl6 Berkeley IR cRite Aid 333 Atlantic City Blvd sl6 Berkeley JR cManhattan Bagels 333 Atlantic City Blvd 516 JR NC

Coldwell Banker 333 Atlantic City Blvd JR NC

Dollar Tree 333 Atlantic City Blvd JR NC

Liquor Outlet 333 Atlantic City Blvd s/6 Berkeley JR NC

Baywick Plaza 333 Atlantic Citv Blvd s/6 Berkeley JR NC

Burger 25 456 Rt. 9, Bawille s/7 Berkeley RW NC

Extra Space Storage 470Rt.9,Bawille 5/7 Berkeley RW NC

Los Aztecas Mexican Restaurant 500 Rt. 9, Bawille 517 Berkeley RW NC

Berkelev Laundromat 500 Rt. 9, Bawille s/7 RW NC

Lee Nails 500 Rt. 9, Bawille s/7 RW

New 6reat Wall 500 Rt. 9, Bawille s17 Berkeley RW cNoble's Smoke Shoo 629 Rt. 9, Lanoka Harbor s/2r Berkeley RW cCWR Electronics 18 Butler Ave., Bawille sl2t Berkeley RW NC

Dairy queen 493 Rt 9 6ls Berkeley JR NC

Paws at Play 495 Rt 9 6/s Berkeley IR NC

Shoprite 431 Atlantic City Blvd 6/s Berkeley JR cAirSolutionsH&C 242 Rt 9, Suite 7 6/t3 Berkeley JR cMad Mason Detailing 242 Rt 9, Suite 6 6lr3 Berkeley JR cFire Pit Grill 242 Atlantic Citv Blvd 6l13 Berkeley IR c

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Mill Creek Park Chelsea Ave 7/18 Berkeley JR L

Youngz Nails 340 Rt 9 8/29 Berkeley JR cVinnie's Pizza 337 Herbertsville Rd., Brick rlE Brick RW NC LlLs/13Pet - Aslum 285 Herbertsville Rd., Brick urs Brick RW NC u15lL3Hair We Are 381 Herbertsville Rd.. Brick uL5 Brick RW NC uLslL3Farro's Tees 2 354 Herbert$ville Rd., Brick uts Brick RW NC t/Ls/L3Drum Point Arms Apartment 407 Brick Blvd 4/25 Brick JR cPasquales Pizza 395 Brick Blvd 4125 Brick JR c7tL 375 Brick Blvd 4125 Brick IR cParadise Pools & SDa 339 Brick Blvd 4/2s Brick JR cChina Star 399 Brick Blvd 4l2s Brick JR cChase Bank 499 Rt 70 4129 Brick JR

Houlihans 491 Rt 70 4/29 Brick JR cStaples 495 Rt 70 4129 Brick JR

furning Point 505 Rt 70 4129 Brick JR L

AAA lnsurance 521 Rt 70 4/29 Brick IR cQdoba 519 Rt 70 4/29 Brick JR L

Tommy's Coal Fired pizza bar 515 Rt 70 4/29 Brick JR L

Petco 509 Rt 70 4129 Brick JR LAdvanced Auto Parts 15 Brick Blvd s/30 Brick JR NC

Robert carbone Heating & Air 755 Mantoloking Rd 614 Brick JR NC

A Beautiful Dog Pet Salon 770 Mantoloking Rd 6/4 Brick JR NC

Famous Dave's Barbeque 950 Cedarbridge Ave 8le Brick JR NC

Subway #24977 966 Cedarbridge Ave 819 Brick JR NC Y

Kiddie Academy 920 Cedarbridge Ave 8le Brick JR L

New Era Car Wash 923 Cedarbridge Ave 8le Brick JR NC

Used To Be's 287 Rt. 35 N.. Brick 8hs Brick RW

Trader's Cove Marina 40 Mantoloking Rd., Brick 8/rs Brick RW

Shore Storage 195 Mantoloking Rd., Brick 8/1s Brick RW NC

Brickhouse Bar & Grille 979 Cedar Bridge Ave 8/t9 Brick JR L

Verizon 481 Rt. 70, Brick 8/27 Brick RW NC

Houlihan's Restaurant 491 Rt. 70, Brick 8/27 Brick RW NC

Smashburger Brick 8/27 Brick RW NC

country sudser car wash 1045 Cedar Bridge Rd., Brick 8129 Brick RWCRicciardi Brothers 500 Brick Blvd.. Brick 8/29 Brick RW NC

Atlantic Shore Surgical Ass. 478 Brick Blvd., Brick 8/29 Brick RW NC

Encore Dental 185 Drum Point Rd.. Brick e/3 Brick RW

A&SDeli 245 Drum Point Rd., Brick o/2 Brick RW

Shore Cycling Sports 607 Mantoloking Rd., Brick 9/3 Brick RW NC

Ace Laundromat 1906 Rt. 35, Ortley Beach tl8 Toms River RW NC Ll8/13Bakin Bagels 1904 Rt.35, Ortlev Beach tl8 Toms River RW NC Ll8/L3

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Corinne Jewelers 917 N. Main St., Toms River !ro Toms River RW NC tlL0/13Learning Experience 90 Bav Lea Rd., Toms River ur0 Toms River RW NC LlLo/13Broadway Health Care 231 Warner St., Toms River L/77 Toms River RW cCarwash & Beyond 1436 Hwy 9 South 4/t8 Toms River JR NCYCherry's lce Cream 1580 Rt 9 south 4/78 Toms River IR NC

Dunkin Donuts 2 Rt 37 West Toms River JR NC

Calico Cleaners 1216 Rt 166 4lt9 Toms River JR C

Shoprite #604 2 Rt 37 West 4/L9 Toms River JR cEmeral Apartments 940 Presidential Blvd 4/19 Toms River JR cTang Dynasty 1226 Rt 166 4/19 Toms River JR cParty Fair 2 Rt 37 West 4l19 Toms River JR NC

Eye DRX 2G Rt 37 West 4/t9 Toms River IR cScrubs Laudromat 1210 Rt 166 4/19 Toms River JR NC

Wawa 94 Rt 70 4123 Toms River JR L

Tacos Sacra t0 Rt 37 s/t Toms River JR cManhattan Bagels 14 Rt 37 </t Toms River JR cLube Xpress 931 Rt 155 slL Toms River JR NC

Pier 1 lmports 621 Bay Ave 5lr Toms River JR NC

Loews Theatres 635 Bay Ave 5/t Toms River JR NC

Manforti Chiropractic 541 [akehurst Rd Toms River JR cMiracle Pub 201 Rt 37 West Toqs lrvqr _

Toms River



cFive Below 1 Rt 37 West s/3 cSuperA&PFoodMarket 4030 Rt 35 5/23 Toms River JR L

Spirits Unlimited 4030 Rt 35 s/23 Toms River JR cToms River Veterans Rec North Bay Ave 5123 Toms River JR cHess Gas t879 Ave ,130 Toms River JR NC

Shell Gas 13s0 Rt 9 5130 Toms River JR NC

Community Foot Center 17 lakehurst Rd sl30 Toms River JR

Ocean ChiroDractic 490 Lakehurst Rd 5130 Toms River JR cWendvs Restaurant 232 Rt 70 Toms River JR NC

Candor Inc.. Used Cars 1745 Rt. 37 East. Toms River 7/t8 Toms River RW NC

Atlantic Plumbing Supply 2810 Rt. 37 East. Toms River 7 /23 Toms River RW cCaffe Italia Restaurant 2414 Rt. 37 East, Toms River 7 /23 Toms River RW NC Y

Ocean View Inn 2122 R1.37 East, Toms River 7123 Toms River RW NC

lchiban Jaoanese Steakhouse 1201 Hooper Ave, Unit 10954 8/7 Toms River JR NC

Lube lt Fill 1012 Cox cro Rd 8le Toms River JR cWells Fargo Bank 1256 lndian Head 8lt3 Toms River JR cIndian Head Plaza Rt. 9 & Rt. 571. Toms River 8lt3 Toms River RW NC

Bostons Restaurant & Bar 1356 Fischer Blvd 8122 Toms River JR cDunkin Donuts #336718 911 Fischer Blvd 8122 Toms River JR cBrave New World 1272 Hooper Ave 8/22 Toms River JR NC

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Hill Top Nursery School 1917 Rt 37 West 8123 Toms River JR cSingin Oil 1215 Rt 166 8/30 Toms River JR NC

Sea Pirate Campground Rt. 9, West Creek 5/30 Eagleswood RW

West Creek Outboard, LIC Rt. 9 & Thomas Rd., West Creek s/30 Eagleswood RW

Tips Hardware 218 Rt. 9, West Creek s/30 Eagleswood RW cD&SMarineService 460 Dock Road. West Creek 5l30 Eagleswood RW cWest Creek Bait & Tackle 387 Rt. 9 , West Creek sl30 Eagleswood RW L

Eagles Nest Airport 100 Airport Rd., West Creek 6/t8 Eagleswood RW cElite Fitness 7805 B Long Beach Blvd 7124 Harvey Cedars JR

Harvey Cedars Marina 6318 Long Beach Blvd 7 /24 Harvey Cedars JR cHarvey Cedars Pizza Shack 7806 long Beach Blvd 7124 Harvey Cedars IR NC 8/281t3Harvev Cedars lce Cream Parlour 8007 Long Beach Blvd 7124 Harvey Cedars JR NC 8128113

6iglio Awning l-[C 7802 Long Beach Blvd 7124 Harvey Cedars JR NC 8/28/t3Oasis Grill 8001 long Beach Blvd 8/28 Harvey Cedars JR cBada Bing 214 West End Ave, lsland Heights 7/2 lsland Heights RW NC

lsland Heights Exxon 1677 Rt.37 E., lsland Heights 7/2 lsland Heights RW NC

Brake-O-Rama 1693 Rt.37 E., lsland Heights 712 lsland Heights RW NC

O'Donnell, Stanton & fusociates 1705 Rt.37 E., lsland Heights 712 lsland Heights RW cPied PiDer Swim School 1777 Rt. 37 East,lsland Heights 7/9 lsland Heights RW cMartin Agency L72t Rt. 37 East, lsland Heights 7/e lsland Heights RW

MAB Paints L727 Rt.17 East,lsland Heights 7le lsland Heights RW cMona lisa Pizza T0T lackson Mills Rd Ll2 Jackson CA cBuy Rite Liqour 707 Jackson Mills Rd u2 Jackson CA cJer Z Nails 707 Jackson Mills Rd 1/2 Jackson CA cSolo Bella 426 Chandler Rd 1/3 Jackon CA cLina's Pizza 440 Chandler Rd tl3 Jackon CA cRistorante Mangia E Bevi 440 Chandler Rd Ll7 Jackson CA cMinit Stop Grocery & Deli 440 Chandler Rd t/7 Jackson CA cKrauszers 740 Brewers Bridge Rd u7 Jackson CA cArt Pro Nails 740 Brewers Bridge Rd r17 Jackson CA cClassic Cleaners 740 Brewers Bridge Rd t/7 lackon CA cRaskos Bagels & Waffles 740 Brewers Bridge Rd Ll7 Jackson CA cAlways & Forever Engraving 426 Chandler Rd r/7 Jackson CA ccvs 890 Bennets Mills Rd r/8 Jackson CA cWawa 1120 E Veterans Hwy 4/23 lackon JR cRite Aid 23 South Hope Chapel Rd 4123 Jackson IR cChapel Hills Shops 305 Whitesville Rd 4123 Jackson JR NC

G & L Nails 305 Whitesville Rd 4123 Jackson JR NC

Rosalia's Pizzeria 305 Whitesville Rd 4/23 lackson JR NC

Bruno's BarbershoD 305 Whitesville Rd 4/23 Jack5on JR NC Y

Allstate Insurance 305 Whitesville Rd 4/23 Jackson JR NC

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Buyrite 10 South Hope Chapel Rd 4/23 Jackson JR NCYNeil Brooks Plumbing & Heating 14 South Hope Chapel Rd 4/23 Jackson JR NC

McDonalds #31959 1135 E Veterans Hwy 4/23 Jackson JR NC

Sunoco 521 Monmouth Rd 4/24 Jackson JR NC

Los Pinos 571 Monmouth Rd 4/24 Jackson JR NC

Venice's Pizzeria 569 Monmouth Rd 4/24 ' Jackson JR NC

Chicken Holiday 569 Monmouth Rd 4124 lackson JR NC

McGinns Pub 571 Monmouth Rd 4 Jackson JR NC

Glorys Market 1s8c cedar swamp nd 4 Jackson JR cJava Moon Caf6 1022 Anderson Rd 4/24 Jackson JR cQuick Check 5 Leesville Rd 4/30 Jackson JR NC

One Stop Shop 580 Toms River Rd s/t Jackson IR NC

Mr T's Convenient Store 81 Casseviile Rd 5lt Jackson IR NC

Carlone Pizza Co 81 Casseviile Rd Jackson JR NC

Cherry on Top 1015 lacey Rd., Forked River U22 RW NC 4/23/13Tony's Work Clothes 1015 l-acey Rd., Forked River rl22 RW cJr's l-iquors 1000 Lacey Rd., Forked River t/22 Lacey RW cl-acey l-iquors 349 Rt. 9, Lanoka Harbor tl22 Lacey RW cFlecks Paint Spot 901 lacey Rd., Forked River rl24 Lacey RW NC 4/23113

Lacey Diagnostic lmaging Center 833 f-acey Rd., Forked River l/24 Lacey RW NC 4/23/t3Jannone Family Practice 801 Lacey Rd., Forked River L/24 RW NC 4/23113

Family Dollar 800 Lacey Rd., Forked River L/24 RW NC 4123/t3Conca D'oro 785 lacey Rd., Forked River u24 Lacey RW NC N

Hudson City Savings Bank 782 Lacey Rd., Forked River Ll24 Lacey RW cQuilting Posslbilities 918 tacey Rd., Forked River t/29 Lacey RW c N

Lacey Hair & Nails Salon 918 l-acey Rd., Forked River r/29 RW c N

Bagel Hut 918 Lacey Rd., Forked River tl29 RW NC 4123/L3

Fusion Salon 15 Manchester Ave., F. River

15 Manchester Ave., F. River

Ll29 RW c N

Battaglia Chiropractic RW c N

Oakfield Plaza 15 Manchester Ave., F. River u29 Lacey RW NC 4/23113

Auto Pa rts Warehouse 747 lacey Rd.,Forked River u3r Lacey RW cOcean First Bank 900 lacey Rd., Forked River L/3r Lacey RW cHean Building '731 Lacey Rd., Forked River rl31 Lacey RW NC 4123/t3Yo Go Factory 702 Rt.9, l-anoka Harbor 2/s Lacey RW cSupercuts 704 Rt. 9, Lanoka Harbor 215 Lacey RW cFevola's 706Rt. 9, lanoka Harbor 215 Lacey RW c5un Cleaners 708 Rt. 9, Lanoka Harbor 2ls Lacey RW cLCN Nails 710 Rt. 9, Lanoka Harbor 2ls Lacey RW NC 4/2s/t3Rising 5un Surf Shop 712 Rt. 9, Lanoka Harbor 2ls Lacey RW cLaurel Blvd. Associates, LLC 1260 Stelton Rd.,Piscataway 2/s Lacey RW NC 4/2s/t3Press Comm 505 N. Main 5t., Forked River vzr Lacey RW NC

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The Education Academy 505 N. Main St., Forked River slzr Lacey f,W

Integrity Pool & Spa 629 Rt. 9, Lanoka Harbor 5/2L Lacey RW cHarvest Buffet & Grill 501 S. Main St., Forked River 6l13 Lacey RW cCar Quest 699 Challenger Way, F. R. 6/t3 Lacey RW NC 7l30lL3Plastics for Chemicals 710 Old Shore Rd.. F. R. 6/13 [acey RW c,ohnson Screens 708 Challenger Way, F. R. 6/t3 Lacey RW cl-acey Self Storage 703 Old Shore Rd.. Forked River 6/t3 Lacey RW NC 7 /30113Caporalepet Supplies Challenger Way, Forked River 7l3o Lacey RW cl-ovely Laundries 111 Union Ave., Lakehurst rl8 Lakehu rst BW NC u8/13Italys Best Ristorante Lakehurst Center. Rt 70 5lL4 Lakehu rst JR

6oodyear Rt 70. Lakehurst Circle sl14 Lakehu rst JR NC

Dollar General 684 Rt 70 s/!4 Lakehu rst JR NC

Great Wok 562 Rt 701900 Hwy 70

s/14 Lakehu rst JR NC

Value City Furniture s/8 Lakewood JR L

Bra & Girdle Factory 1900 Hwy 70 5/8 Lakewood JR

Modell's Sporting Goods 1900 Hwy 70 5/8 Lakewood JR NC

Maaco Auto Painting 1299 State Hwy 88 5/8 Lakewood JR L

LOL Bar & Grill 1380 Rt 88 5/8 Lakewood JR

Hong Kong Garden 1091 River Ave slto Lakewood JR NC

Close Out Connection 1091 River Ave 5/lO Lakewood JR NC

Dunkin Donuts 1091 River Ave Slro Lakewood JR NC

Camping RV Sales 1359 River Ave sl L0 Lakewood JR NC

Advanced Auto Pa rts 1400 River Ave 5/70 lakewood JR NC

Human Touch Car Wash 1509 River Ave s/to Lakewood JR NC

Fleet Petroleum 1505 River Ave s/to Lakewood JR NC

Citizens l-egal Resource 1072 Madison Ave 5/10 Lakewood JR

First Energy Park 2 Stadium Way 7/t9 [akewood JR

Holy Family RC Church 1139 E County Line Rd 8/t3 Lakewood JRCCalvary Academy 1133 E. County line Rd 8/13 Lakewood IR cHoly Famiry RC Church 1141 E. County Line Rd 8/t3 Lakewood JR cDominic's Pizza 605 E County Line Rd 8/L3 Lakewood IR

Rite Liquors 605 E County Line Rd 8/L3 Lakewood JR

Wawa #743 605 E Countv line Rd 8/L3 Lakewood JR

Four Seasons Auto Soa 1367 Rt 70 8l L9 Lakewood JR

New Hamoshire Commons 90 Corbin Ct. 8/23 Lakewood JR NC

Oak Manor Condos 985 Jessica Ct. 8/23 Lakewood IR cLavallette Elementarv School 105 Brooklvn Ave 8/L4 Lavallette JR

Freedom Fields County Park 874 Co. Rt. 539 L/L4 Little Egg Harbor KG c N N N

TallTimbers PO Box 1733 2/6 Little Egg Harbor KG c N N N

The Sanctuarv at Osborne lsland Bay Ha.bor Blvd. 2/6 Little Egg Harbor KG c N N N

Pirates Cove at the Bay Southwinds Dr. 2/6 Little Egg Harbor KG c N N N

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1 Mariners Point West

698 w. Main St. IEH s/t6 Little Ess Harbor

698 W. Main 5t. LEHEdward Dattilo s/16 Little Egg Harbor

Atlantic Physical Therapy 691 Rt. 9, LEH 5l!6 Little Ecc Harbor RW

chi 691 Rt. 9, LEH s/L65lt6

Little Ess Harbor RW

Rita'S ltalian lce 695 Rt. 9, LEH Little Ess Harbor RW

The Pine Cone 607 Rt. 9, LEH Little Ess Harbor RW

Farms 606 W. Main St., LEH l-ittle EsP Harbor

L&MDeli Cumberland Farms Little Ecc Harbor

Rite Shrubs 64Rt$gq!635 Rt 9 South

slzt Little Ecs Harbor

s Restaurant s/21 Little Ess Harbor IR

Familv Medicine Center 279 Mathistown Rd., [.E.H.

240 Mathistown Rd.. l-.E.H.


Little Ess Harbor RW


El Rancho 240 Mathistown Rd.. L.E.H.

Brothers ProDerties 240 Mathistown Rd., L.E.H. wf5123

little Harbor

Brother's Restaurant 200 Mathistown Rd., t.E.H.

Cleaners 200 Mathistown Rd., t.E.H.

Dollar 200 Mathistown Rd., L.E.H.

Plaza 200 Mathistown Rd., L.E.H.

Beach Blvd 7 /L77 /177 /r7

Sea Horse MotelSubs Up Deli Beach Blvd

M &T 2494 Ridgeway Blvd., Man.

Wine Centers of New Jersey 3875 Ridgeway Blvd., Man.

NJ Self 2341 Rt.70. Manchester

2100 Rt.70, Manchester

2100 Rt.70. Manchester

5123 little Egg Harbor RW I NC Y

5123 Little Egg Harbor RW










Iltj Manchester

tlLT Manchester



2100 Rt.79, Manchester

1201 Rt. 70

1180 Rt.70 UZz

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O.C. Library Whiting Reading Ctr. 450 lacey Rd. #5 r/30 Manchester KG N N N

Whiting Hearing Aid Center 450 lacev Rd. #2 rl30 Manchester KG L N N N

H & R Block 450 Lacey Rd. #3 t/30 Manchester KG c N N N

Communitv Medical Center Lab 108 Lacey Rd. 2lt Manchester KG c N N N

Opitical Connection lll 108 lacey Rd. 217 Manchester KG N N N

Ocean Eve Institute 108 l-acey Rd. 2/t Manchester KG N N N

Donovans Bar & Grill 1900 Hwy 70 5lr0 Manchester JR cWelsh Farms 1900 Hwy 70 s/ro Manchester JR

Applebees 1055 Rt 70 8127 Manchester JR

Briar Hill Luxury Apartments 18 Thirtv Seven Place 8127 Manchester JR cExxon 1 Commonwealth Blvd 8/27 Manchester JR NC Y

Ahern's Seafood Market 158 Wells Mills Rd., Waretown 6l13 Ocean RW L

Waretown lake & Recreation Wells Mills Rd..Waretown 6l13 Ocean RW cWells Mills Countrv Park 905 Wells Mills Rd., Waretown 6lL3 Ocean RW cQuick Food Mart 250 Rt. 9, Barnegat 6/18 Ocean RW NC

Palak Associates 250 Rt. 9, Barnegat 6lt8 Ocean RW NC

The Brunch Spot 290 Rt. 9, Barnegat 7/?o7130

Ocean RW cLakeside square Barber Shop 290 Rt. 9, Barnegat Ocean RW

Lakeside Square l-LC 290 Rt. 9, Barnegat 7 /30 Ocean RW NC Y

All Angles 304 Rt. 9. Waretown 8/6 Ocean RW NC

Go Green Building Supply 304 Rt. 9. Waretown 816 Ocean RW L

Carolina Select Furniture 304 Rt. 9. Waretown 8/6 Ocean RW NC

Timothy J. Tuomey Park 8th & 11th Streets, Waretown 8/6 Ocean RW NC N

Waretown Car Wash Railroad Ave., Rt. 9, Waretown 8/6 Ocean RW NC

Oxford Cleaners 501 Rt.9, Waretown 8/6 Ocean RW NC

Ocean 6olf Club 360 Rt. 9, Waretown 818 Ocean RW cAliseo's ltalian Market 360 Rt. 9, Waretown 8/8 Ocean RW

Creekside Outfitters 403 Rt.9. Waretown 8/8 Ocean RW NC

Lighthouse Tavern & Restaurant 397 Rt.g. Waretown 8/8 Ocean RW L

Su noco 409 Rt. 9, Waretown 818 Ocean RW NC

Stefanie's Family Restaurant 516 Rt. 9, Waretown 8/8 Ocean RW NC

Lighthouse Plaza 397 Rt.9. Waretown 8/t3 Ocean RW NC

Blue Wave Car Wash 567 N. Main St.. Waretown 8/13 Ocean RW NC

Kristy's Restaurant 562 Rt. Waretown u13 Ocean RW cWildwood Ave Pier Beach Wildwood Ave 7/71 Ocean Gate JR cAnglesea Ave Pavilion Anglesea Ave 7 /rr Ocean Gate JR

Lindas Pizza 318 Ocean Gate Ave 7116 Ocean Gate JR NC 8120/L3

Golda's Anchor lnn 400 Ocean Gate Ave 7lr7 Ocean 6ate JR cYolanda's River House 401 Monmouth Ave 7/3r Ocean Gate JR NC

world Wine & Liquor 224 Rt 9 7125 Pine Beach JR NC

Dunkin Donuts 118 Rt 9 North 7l3r Pine Beach JR NC 8lLl73

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Lamp Post lnn

Roy Rogers #1303059

Atlantic Car Wash

urning Heads Salon

Po Po Chinese Restaurant

Wawa #798

Quick Chek

Beaver Creek Dam Park

WAWa Store

2T6ltlantic City Blvd

120 Atlantic City Blvd

128 Rt948 Jacobstown Rd

2 lacobstown Rd

I Maple Ave

7l3r Pine Beach

Pine Beach

Pine Beach




Point Pleasant Boro

7/3L Point Pleasant Boro

1/3r Point Pleasant Boro

6/12 Point Pleasant Boro

6112 Point Pleasant Boro








2809 Rt. 88

3430 BriJgeAve.

3415 Rt.35 N.

3201 Rt 88

3164 Rt 882708 Bridge Ave

219 Bridge Avs

500 Waslington Ave

500 Ocean Rd

1506 Richmond Ave













JR NCi rn f :rc'JR INc




Come & Go

Point Pleasant Exxon

Lennys Pizza

Barbara Ann's Deli Caf6

Country Farms

The Grand Car Wash

Spot Pizza Grill

Wharfside Restaurant l0l Channel Drive 7lf9 Point Pleasant Beac

Dunkins Donuts Baskin Robbins 216 Rt 35 8/26 ) Point Pleasant Beach

7fL 420 Broadway 8/26 Point Pleasant Beach


Steak Unlimited 14 Ocean Terrace g/7 Seaside

l Motel 26 Lincoln Ave 8/7 Seaside Heights

n .1st & central Ave 9l] Seaside Park

,nlimited 14 Ocean Terrace g/7 Seaside Heights

Motel 201 ocean Terrace el7 seaside nJilnts JR NC


771 920 Boulevard 8/8 Seaside Heights

Palace Inn 125 Sumner Ave 818 Seaside

.lR _ NC




CVS Pharmacy 1600 Rt 35 8/S Seaside H€ights NC

NC771 1215 NW CentralAve 816 Seaside Park



Blue Front Liquor gfZ Selentraiave 8/6 i Seaside P

Sea Palace Inn 125 sumner Ave 8/8 Seaside Heights

Bay Breeze Motel .23osumner Ave 8/8 _ Seaside Heights

Coral Sands Motel 1010 Boulevard 8/8 Seaside Heights

Bay Breeze Motel

Nino's Pizza.312 SE CentralAve 8]6 i Seaside Park

812 NE centralAve 816 Seaside Park

Park Marina J Street & NW Central Ave 8/6 Seaside Park

ite Oak Liouor Store 2OO Se C"r,tratlu" 8/7 Seaside Park

Service 808 E CentralAve 816 Seaside Park








mmer Motor Inn 1st & Central Ave


Good Donuts

Haymarket Hobbies & Toys

tlto Ship Bottom JR


Learning Experience

2120 Long Beach Blvd

19th & Blvd

2201 long Beach Elvd

19 Double Trouble Rd.,S.T.R.

399 Dover Rd..S.T. R.

7/16 Ship Bottom JR C


7/t6 Shrp qeqom7/t6 Ship Bottom

7 /16t/t0

Ship Bottom

South Toms River RW NC Lh1/73South Toms River RW NC

Page 36: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program

Midtown Pizzeria 399 Dover Rd.,5.T.R. 7/to South Toms River RW NC Llt0/t3Best Food in Town 399 Dover Rd.,S.T.R. 7/ to South Toms River RW NC rlrch3Fish Chicken & Ribs 399 Dover Rd.,5.T.R. uto South Toms River RW NC Y t/70/13All American Deli 399 Dover Rd.,S.T.R. rlLo South Toms River RW NC L/t0lt3Woodcraft Unlimited 47 Flint Rd., S. Toms River t/L5 South Toms River RW NC rlLs/13Motor Cycle Lights & Cycle 46-C Flint Rd.. S. Toms River r/t5 South Toms River RW NC uLslr3Meelheims 49 Flint Rd., S. Toms River tlLs South Toms River RW NC Ll15l13Lighthouse Point Marina I Crabbe Rd 7lL8 South Toms River JR

Vinny's Pizza 312 Atlantic City Blvd 7lr8 South Toms River JR NC 8/30/13Lucky's Spirits 306 Rt 165 7lB South Toms River JR NC extension to 9/ l0A Taste ofthe South 314 Atlantic Citv Blvd 7 /L8 South Toms River JR NC 8130173

Hard Core Nutrition 420 N. Main St.. Manahawkin 6/18 Stafford RW L

Young Plaza 420 N. Main St., Manahawkin 6lt8 Stafford RW NC 7 /25h3Cake That 657 E. Bay Ave., Manahawkin 6/20 Stafford RW NC 7/30/t3La Bamba 657 E. Bay Ave., Manahawkin 6/20 Stafford RW NC 7130/13

Manahawkin Mart Stores 657 E. Bay Ave., Manahawkin 6/20 Stafford RW NC 7/30/L3Lackland Self Storage 309 E. Bay Ave., Manahawkin 6/20 Stafford RW NC 7lt8lL3Stafford by the Bay 312 E. Bay Ave., Manahawkin 6/20 Stafford RW

Cooper Electric Supply Co. 317 E. Bay Ave., Manahawkin 6/20 Stafford RW NC 7/78113Villaggio ltalian Restaurant 100 Mckinley Ave., Manahawkin ol zJ Stafford RW cBlake's Place 100 Mckinley Ave., Manahawkin oI2) Stafford RW cMcKinley Plaza 100 Mckinley Ave., Manahawkin ol 2> Stafford RW NC

The News Stand 25 S. Main St., Manahawkin 6l2s Stafford RW NC 8122/73

Jersey Mike'S 25 5. Main 5t., Manahawkin 6l2s Stafford RW

Strip Mall 25 S. Main St.. Manahawkin 6/25 Stafford RW NC 8/22/t3Barlow Buick 45 Rt 72, Manahawkin 6/27 Stafford RW NC 7/3o/73Driftwood Plaza 511 Rt 72. Manahawkin 6/27 Stafford RW NC

Statewide Modular 511 Rt 72, Manahawkin 6/27 Stafford RW cLester Glenn Hvundi 551 Rt. 72 East. Manahawkin 7/9 Stafford RW NC

Mill Creek Commons 591 Mill creek Rd.. Manahawkin 7 /!6 Stafford RW NC

Bacharach Rehabilitation 691 Mill Creek Rd.. Manahawkin 7 /76 Stafford RW NC 8122/L3

Prudential Prooerties 575 Rt.72 East. Manahawkin 7lt6 Stafford RW NC 8122h3Lyceum 2 685 Mill Creek Rd.. Manahawkin 7 /16 Stafford RW LSurf City Liquors 800 Long Beach Blvd 7 /2s Surf CiW JR L

Scoio's Restaurant 307 N. Long Beach Blvd 7lzs Surf City JR

The Claw Restaurant 3 N. Long Beach Blvd 7/25 Surf City JR L

Surf City 5 & 10 511 Long Beach Blvd Surf City JR L

How You Brewin Internet Caf€ 8 N. Long Beach Blvd 7 /2s Su rf City JR NC 8/28/t3West Marine 424 E. Main St. !/14 Tuckerton KG N N N

AT&T Wireless 424 E. Main St. u14 Tu€kerton K6 c N N N

Cuticles Nails and Soa 424 E. Main 5t. tlt4 Tuckerton KG N N N

Page 37: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program

Jersev Mikes Subs 424 E. Main St. 7/14 Tuckerton KG NC

Dynasty Diner 117 E Main St 5/16 Tuckerton JR NC

Dunkin Donuts 109 E Main St 5/t6 Tuckerton JR NC

Ocean East Buffet 100 E Main St s/t6 Tuckerton JR NC

Wawa 20 E Main St s/16 Tuckerton JR

Tuckerton Fitness 46 Great Bav Blvd s/16 Tuckerton JR

Kohr lce Cream 682 Rt 9 sl2t Tuckerton JR L

Village on the Green 500 E Main St 5/2r Tuckerton JR

Tuckerton Car Wash 424 E Main St s/2t Tuckerton JR NC

Spirits Unlimited 580 N. Main St. glt Barnegat JR

Schiano's Ristorante 580 N. Main 5t. 8/r Barnegat JRCFoo Ho Kitchen 584 N. Main St. qlt Barnegat JR cBarnegat Food Mart 215. Main St 8/28 Barnegat JR NCYBig Lots 9 Old Main Shore Rd 8/29 Barnegat JR NCYDominos Pizza 21 S. Main St negal Barnegat JR NC

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GREASE ts the word -at least when it comes to recycling.

Ocean County has recently started a used cooking oil and cookinggrease recycling program with collection at the county's tworegional recycling facilities in Lakewood and Stafford Townships,

"When cooking grease is thrown down the drain it solidifies andbuilds up in local sewerage and septic systems," said Freeholder DeputyDirector James F, Lacey. "Over time this waste can clog pipes and .threaten backups into homes." ,:

Lacey,whois|iaisontothecounty'srecyc|ingprogram,saidtheprogram is available only to residents and not businesses, Each house-holii may drop otf up to Sgallons of grease and oil per day. The discarded Igrease and oil will be recycled into bio-fuels and contaminant-free feed ;" 'ior animals,

A 300-gallon tank has been installed at both recycling centers,There is N0 FEE to drop otf the waste.

ACCEPTABLE 0lLS INCLUDE cooking pan grease lett over from bacon, roasts, fish,chicken and so forth along with cooking oil from household deep fryers and turkey fryers.

While M0T0R 0lL lS NOT ACCEPTED as part of this new program, additionalreceptacles remain available at both recycling centers for automotive waste.

Ocean County Northern Recycling Center, 601 New Hampshire Avenue, LakewoodOcean County Southern Recycling Center, 379 Haywood Road, Manahawkin

For more information on this program and other county recycling programs go tothe Department of Solid Waste Management at

Ocean County Board of Chosen FreeholdersJames F. Lacey, Liaison

John C. Bartlett, Jr. . John P. Kelly.6gnt P. Little. Joseph H. Vicari

Ocean County Department of Solid Waste ManagementErnest J. Kuhlwein. Jr.. Director

l-800-55-RECYCLE [email protected]€d and ltinlcd b! thc Oean CountJ ltintinp & CraphicAns Deparhcnl fru€bolde.Jobr P Kcll!. Liaisrn

Page 39: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program

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September 13,2013

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1.5 Credits

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Page 40: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program

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September 13,2013

Nomc (Print) Signotut"c lrtunicipalityPlease {C.RP.'s

1.5 Crcdits

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Page 41: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program
Page 42: MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETING...MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS' MEETINGSeptember 13,2013AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. 2013 Ocean County Household l{azardous Waste Disposal Program



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